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Shopping list for Ellie (nb our breakfast is included at the Welldiggers).

Baking pots 8 (for Christmas eve)

Salad stuff for Christmas eve- (iceberg lettuce? Plus tomatoes, red onion, cucumber, red
Stuff for salad dressing including PROPER salt (table salt or fine sea salt)
I will bring some mince pies and jam tarts

Fruit inc some grapes, etc for after Christmas eve dins?
Cheese plus some cheese biscuits?

Sprouts 2 kg
2 x 2.5 kg bags King Edwards or Desiree or Maris Piper -
1 kg parsnips
Couple sticks celery and a couple of carrots for the giblet stock
Milk for bread sauce and brandy sauce
Sm dble cream
Ice cream for children and philistines who don’t like Christmas Pud?
Small cheap brandy for the brandy sauce
Brown sugar
BREAD for sandwiches. Not sourdough (too hard and doesn’t make good sarnies). Just some
nice wholemeal sliced?? Or white??

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