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Hydraulic analysis of complex piping systems

( Losses in pipes, pipes in parallel and pipes in series)

Dr. Mohsin Siddique

S teady F low Through Pipes
⦁ Laminar Flow:
flow in layers
Re<2000 (pipe flow)
⦁ Turbulent Flow:
flow layers mixing with each
Re >4000 (pipe flow)

S teady F low Through Pipes
⦁ Reynold’s Number(R or Re): It is ratio of inertial forces (Fi) to
viscous forces (Fv) of flowing fluid
Mass.  Volume . Velocity Where ;
Fi Time Time V is avg.velocity of flow in pipe
Re = = =
Fv Shear Stress. Area Shear Stress. Area ν is kinematic viscosity
 Q.V =  AV .V =  AV .V = VL = VL L is characteristic/representative
 .A  du .A  V .A   linear dimension of pipe.It is
dy L diameter of pipe (circular conduits)
VD = VD or hydraulic radius (non-circular
Re = conduits).
 
⦁ For laminar flow:Re<=2000
Values of critical
⦁ For transitional flow:2000<Re<4000 Reynolds no.
⦁ For Turbulent flow:Re>= 4000

Note: For non-circular section, we need to use hydraulic radius (Rh) instead
3 of diameter (D ) for the linear dimension (L).
S teady F low Through Pipes
⦁ Hydraulic Radius (Rh) or Hydraulic Area A
D iam eter:It is the ratio of area of flow Rh = =
wetted perimeter P
to wetted perimeter of a channel or pipe.

For Circular Pipe For Rectangular pipe

Rh = A = (( / 4 )D )= D
2 B
P D 4 Rh = =
P B + 2D
D = 4Rh

Re =
4VRh By replacing D with Rh, Reynolds’number formulae
  can be used for non-circular sections as well.

Note:hydraulic Radius gives us indication for most economical section.More
the Rh more economical will be the section.
Head Loss in Pipes
⦁ Total Head Loss=Major Losses+ Minor Losses

⦁ M ajor Loss:D ue to pipe friction

⦁ Minor Loss: Due to pipe fittings, bents and valves etc

Head Loss in Pipes due to F ric tion
The head loss due to friction in a
given length of pipe is proportional
to mean velocity of flow (V) as long
as the flow in laminar.i.e.,
H f V

But with increasing velocity,as the

flow become turbulent the head
loss also varies and become
proportion to Vn

H f V
W here n ranges from 1.75 to 2 Log-log plot for flow in uniform pipe (n=2.0 for
rough wall pipe;n=1.75 for smooth wall pipe)

Frictional Head Loss in Conduits of Constant
⦁ Consider stead flow in a conduit of uniform cross-section A.The pressure
at section 1 & 2 are P1 & P2 respectively.The distance between the sections
is L.For equilibrium in stead flow,
 F = ma = 0
P= perimeter of conduit
 o = Avg.shear stress
between pipe boundary
and liquid

 z2 − z1 
  = sin 
 L 
Figure: Schematic diagram of conduit

P1 A −W sin  −  o PL − P2 A = 0
z −z 
7 P1 A − P2 A − AL  2 1  − o PL = 0
 L 
Frictional Head Loss in Conduits of Constant

z −z  Rem em ber !! For pipe flow

P1 A − P2 A − AL  2 1  − o PL = 0
 L 
P1 v12 P2 v22
D ividing the equation by A + z1 + = + z2 + + hL
 2g  2g
 PL
− − (z2 − z1 )− o
P1 P2
  A For stead flow in pipe of
uniform diameter v1=v2
 P  P   PL
 z1 + 1  −  z 2 + 2  = o = hL = h f
      A
 P1  P 
 + z1  −  2 + z 2  = hL
Therefore,head loss due to friction,h,can
f    
be written as;
 PL  o L A
hf = o = Q Rh =
A Rh P
This is general equation and can be applied to any shape conduit having
either Laminar or turbulent flow.
Determ ining S hear S tress

⦁ For smooth-walled pipes/conduits,the average shear stress at the

wall is
 o = f (Rh , ,  ,V , )
⦁ Using Rayleigh'sTheorem of dimensional analysis, the above relation
can be written as;
 o = k Rh a . b . c .V n )
⦁ Rewriting above equation in terms of dimension (FLT),we get
 a  FT  b  FT 2  c n   o = force / area =
L L2
= K  (L)  2   4  
 
 L   L  T   Rh = length = L
 
V = L /T
FL−2 = K (L )a (FTL−2 ) (FT 2 L−4 ) (L / T )n
b c
)  = M / L3 = (F / a )/ L3 = FT 2 / L4
 = N.s / m 2 = FTL−2
Determ ining S hear S tress
( ( )(
FL−2 = K (L )a FTL−2 FT 2 L−4 (L / T )n
⦁ According to dimensional homogeneity,the dimension must be equal on
either side of the equation,i.e.,
F : 1 = b + c → (i) Solving three equations,we get
L : − 2 = a − 2b − 4c + n → (ii)
a = n − 2;b = 2 − n;c = n −1
T : 0 = b + 2c − n → (iii)
⦁ Substituting values back in above equation
( ) ( )
 R V 
 o = k Rh a . b . c .V n = k Rh n−2 . 2−n . n−1.V n = k h  V 2
  
 o = k (Re )n−2 V 2

⦁ Setting k(Re )n−2 = C f / 2 we get C f = f (Re)

o = Cf  W here,C f is the coefficient of friction
Determ ining S hear S tress
⦁ Now substituting the equation of avg.shear stress in equation of head loss,

C f V 2 L C fV 2L
hf = =  o = C f V 2 / 2
2Rh 2gRh
 oL
hf =
⦁ For circular pipe flows,Rh=D/4 Rh
4C f V 2 L L V2
hf = = 4C f
2g4D D 2g
L V2
hf = f Q f = 4C f
D 2g
⦁ W here,f is a friction factor.i.e.,

⦁ The above equation is known as pipe friction equation and as Darcy-

Weisbach equation and is used for calculation of pipe-friction head
loss for circular pipes flowing full (laminar or turbulent)
Friction Factor for Laminar and
Turbulent F lows in C irc ular Pipes
⦁ Smooth and Rough Pipe
⦁ A smooth pipe is the one which behaves as e  v
smooth pipe i.e.(frictionless).
Smooth pipe
⦁ It is quite possible that a pipe may behave e  v
as smooth at a certain flow condition while
at some other condition it may behave Rough pipe
rough. Turbulent flow near boundary

⦁ Mathematically;
e= Roughness height
⦁ Smooth Pipe e  v  v = Thickness of viscous sub-layer
⦁ Rough Pipe e  14 v 14.14 14.14D
v = =
⦁ Transitional mode  v  e  14 v V f Re f

Friction Factor for Laminar and Turbulent Flows in
Circular Pipes
⦁ For laminar flow Re  2000 f =

⦁ For turbulent flow Re  4000

Von-karman Eq.for fully rough flow
From Nikuradse experiments 1 3.7
= 2 log
1 Re f for smooth f e/ D
= 2 log
f 2.51 pipe flow
C olebrook Eq.for turbulent flow in all pipes
C olebrook Eq.for smooth pipe flow
1 Re
= 1.8 log e/ D 
1 2.51 
f 6.9 = −2log +
 
f  3.7 Re f 
Blacius Eq.for smooth pipe flow
3000  Re  105
Halaand Eq.For turbulent flow in all pipes
 y
1/ 7
0.316 u
= 
f = 0.25   e / D 1.11 6.9 
Re u max  ro  1
= −1.8log  + 
  3.7  
Seventh-root law f  Re 
Friction Factor for Laminar and Turbulent Flows
in Circular Pipes
⦁ The Moody chart or Moody diagram is a graph in non-
dimensional form that relates the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, Reynolds
number and relative roughness for fully developed flow in a circular pipe.
⦁ The Moody chart is universally valid for all steady, fully developed,
incompressible pipe flows.

Friction Factor for Laminar and Turbulent Flows
in Circular Pipes
⦁ For laminar flow For non-laminar flow
1  e / D 2.51 
64 = −2log +  C olebrook eq.
f = f 
 3.7 Re f 


Friction Factor for Laminar and
Turbulent F lows in C irc ular Pipes
⦁ The friction factor can be determined by its Reynolds number (Re) and the
Relative roughness (e/D) of the Pipe.( where: e = absolute roughness and D
= diameter of pipe)

⦁ Absolute roughness

Problem Types
⦁ Type 1:D etermine f and hf,
⦁ Type 2:D etermine Q
⦁ Type 3:D etermine D

⦁ Find friction factor for the following pipe
⦁ e=0.002 ft
⦁ D=1ft
⦁ KinematicViscosity,ν=14.1x10-6ft2/s
⦁ Velocity of flow,V=0.141ft/s

⦁ Solution:
⦁ e/D=0.002/1=0.002
⦁ R=VD/ ν =1x0.141/(14.1x10-6)=10000
1  e/D 2.51 
= −2 log + 
 
⦁ From Moody’s D iagram;f=0.034
f  3.7 Re f 
f = _

Problem -Type 1

⦁ Pipe dia,D = 3 inch & L=100m

⦁ Re=50,000 ʋ=1.059x10-5ft2/s

⦁ (a): Laminar flow:

⦁ f=64/Re=64/50,000=0.00128

VD V (3 /12)
Re =  50000 =  V = 2.12 ft / s
 1.059 10 −5

fLV 2 0.00128(100)(2.12 2 )
H Lf = = = 0.0357 ft
2gD 2(32.2)(3 /12)

Problem -Type 1

⦁ Pipe dia,D = 3 inch & L=100m

⦁ Re=50,000 ʋ=1.059x10-5ft2/s

⦁ (b): Turbulent flow in smooth pipe:i.e.: e=0

 e/ D   
= −2 log +
2.51  = −2 log 0 + 2.51 
   
f  3.7 Re f   3.7 50000 f 
f = 0.0209

fLV 2 0.0209(100)(2.12 2 )
H Lf = = = 0.582 ft
2gD 2(32.2)(3 /12)

Problem -Type 1

⦁ Pipe dia,D = 3 inch & L=100m

⦁ Re=50,000 ʋ=1.059x10-5ft2/s

⦁ (c): Turbulent flow in rough pipe:i.e.: e/D=0.05

 e/ D   
= −2 log +
2.51  = −2 log 0.05 + 2.51 
   
f  3.7 Re f   3.7 50000 f 
f = 0.0720

fLV 2 0.0720(100)(2.12 2 )
H Lf = = = 2.01 ft
2gD 2(32.2)(3 /12)

Problem -Type 1


L = 1000m; D = 0.25m; e = 0.0005m

Q = 0.051m 3 / s;  = 1.30610 −6 m 2 / s

( )
R = VD / = (1.0390.25)/ 1.30610−6 = 2 105
e / D = 0.0005 / 0.25 = 0.002
QV = Q / A = 1.039m / s
From Moody's Diagram
f = 0.0245
fLV 2
hL = = 5.39m
Problem -Type 2

hL = fLV 2 / 2gD

Problem -Type 2
⦁ For laminar flow For non-laminar flow
1  e / D 2.51 
64 = −2log +  C olebrook eq.
f = f 
 3.7 Re f 


Problem -Type 3


1  e/ D 2.51 
= −2log  + 
 
f  3.7 Re f 
flV 2
hLf =



⦁ Each type of loss can be quantified using a loss coefficient (K).
Losses are proportional to velocity of flow and geometry of device.

Hm = K

⦁ W here,H m is minor loss and K is minor loss coefficient.The value of

K is typically provided for various types/devices

⦁ NOTE: If L > 1000D minor losses become significantly less

than that of major losses and hence can be neglected.

C ategories of Minor Losses
⦁ These can be categorized as
⦁ 1.Head loss due to contraction in pipe
⦁ 1.1 Sudden C ontraction
⦁ 1.2 Gradual C ontraction

⦁ 2.Entrance loss
⦁ 3.Head loss due to enlargement of pipe
⦁ 3.1 Sudden Enlargement
⦁ 3.2 Gradual Enlargement
⦁ 4.Exit loss
⦁ 5.Head loss due to pipe fittings
⦁ 6.Head loss due to bends and elbows

Minor Losses
⦁ Head loss due to contraction of pipe (Sudden contraction)
⦁ A sudden contraction (Figure) in pipe usually causes a marked drop
in pressure in the pipe because of both the increase in velocity and
the loss of energy of turbulence.
Head loss due to sudden contraction is

V2 2
Hm = Kc

W here,kc is sudden contraction

coefficient and it value depends
up ratio of D 2/D 1 and velocity
(V2) in smaller pipe

Minor Losses
⦁ Head loss due to contraction of pipe (Gradual C ontraction)
⦁ Head loss from pipe contraction may be greatly reduced by
introducing a gradual pipe transition known as a confusor as shown
Head loss due to gradual
contraction is

V2 2
H m = Kc '

Where, kc’ is gradual contraction

coefficient and it value depends
up ratio of D 2/D 1 and velocity
(V2) in smaller pipe

Minor Losses
⦁ Entrance loss
⦁ The general equation for an entrance head loss is also expressed in
terms of velocity head of the pipe: V2
H m = Ke
⦁ The approximate values for the entrance loss coefficient (Ke)
for different entrance conditions are given below

Minor Losses
⦁ head loss due to enlargement of pipe (Sudden Enlargement)
⦁ The behavior of the energy grade line and the hydraulic grade line in
the vicinity of a sudden pipe expansion is shown in Figure

The magnitude of the head

loss may be expressed as

Hm =
V1 −V2 )


Minor Losses
⦁ head loss due to enlargement of pipe (Gradual Enlargement)
⦁ The head loss resulting from pipe expansions may be greatly
reduced by introducing a gradual pipe transition known as a diffusor

The magnitude of the head

loss may be expressed as

Hm = Ke
(V1 −V2 )


The values of Ke’ vary with the diffuser angle (α).

Minor Losses
⦁ Exit Loss
⦁ A submerged pipe discharging into a large reservoir (Figure ) is a
special case of head loss from expansion.

Exit (discharge) head loss is

expressed as

H m = Kd
(V )


where the exit (discharge) loss

coefficient Kd=1.0.
Minor Losses
⦁ Head loss due to fittings valves
⦁ Fittings are installed in pipelines to control flow. As with other losses in
pipes, the head loss through fittings may also be expressed in terms of
velocity head in the pipe: V2
Hm = K f

Minor Losses
⦁ Head loss due to bends
⦁ The head loss produced at a bend was found to be dependent of the
ratio the radius of curvature of the bend (R) to the diameter of the
pipe (D ).The loss of head due to a bend may be expressed in terms
of the velocity head as

H m = Kb

⦁ For smooth pipe bend of 900, the values of Kb for various values of
R/D are listed in following table.

Minor Losses

Numerical Problems

Numerical Problems

Pipes in S eries
⦁ If a pipeline is made up of lengths
of different diameters,as shown in
figure,conditions must satisfy the
continuity and energy equations;

If Q is given, the problem is straight forward. Total head loss can be estimated by
adding the contributions from various sections as;

4Q LV 2 Friction coefficient f,can be constant values given

V= , h = f , R = VD in problem or variable estimated from material
D2 L
2gD  and flow properties. i.e.e/D,V,R and f
If head loss is given and discharge is required then either of the two
methods namely equivalent velocity head method or equivalent length
method many be used.;
Pipes in S eries
(1).Equivalent velocity head method
If Q is not given:
(2).Equivalent length method

⦁ (1). Equivalent-velocity-head method: In this method a more

accurate approach of Darcy Weisbach is applied to estimate Q.
hL = hL1 + hL2 + hL3 + ...
⦁ Above equation considering minor losses becomes as;
 L1  V12  L2  V2 2  L3  V32
hL =  f1 +K +  f2 +K +  f3 +K + ...
 D1  2g  D2  2g  D 3  2g
⦁ Now using continuity equation,we can write

Q1 = Q2 = Q2 
 D 2V =  D 2V =  D 2V  D 2V = D 2V = D 2V
1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 3
4 4 4
D 2V = D 2V , D12V1 = D32V3
1 1 2 2

⦁ From above,all velocities can be expressed in terms of chosen velocity (V).

Pipes in S eries
⦁ (2). Equivalent length method: In this method, all pipes are
expressed in terms of equivalent lengths to one given pipe size

⦁ By equivalent length is meant a length, Le, of pipe of a certain

diameter, De, and friction factor, fe, which for the same flow will give
same head loss as the pipe under consideration of length, L,
diameter,D,and friction factor,f

f  De 
f De V 2 / 2g
Le = L =L  
fe D Ve / 2g fe  D 

Pipes in S eries
⦁ Problem: Suppose in the Figure the pipes 1,2,3 are 300m of 30cm
diameter, 150m of 20cm diameter and 250m of 25cm diameter, respectively,
of new cast iron and are conveying 15oC water.If h=10m, find the rate of
flow fromA to B.


From moody diagram,we

Pipes in S eries

f  De 
f De V 2 / 2g
Le = L = L  
fe D Ve 2 / 2g fe  D 

Pipes in Parallel
⦁ In the case of flow through two or
more parallel pipes,as shown in fig,the
continuity and energy equations
establish the following relations which
must be satisfied.

⦁ According to Darcy-Weisbach equation,the head loss including minor

losses can be written as;

 L V 2 V=
hL =  f +K  L 
 D  2g f +K
 D 
Pipes in Parallel
⦁ According to continuity equation
Q = AV = A = C hL
 L 
f +K
 D 
⦁ Where, C is constant for given pipe.Now according to governing equation
for pipe flow,we can write as;
Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 +...
Q = C1 hL + C2 hL + C2 hL +..

Q = (C1 + C2 + C3 + ...) hL

⦁ Above equations enable us to find a first estimate of hL and the distribution

of flows and velocities in pipes. Using these, we can next make
improvements to the values of f and if necessary repeat them until we
finally make a correct determination of hL and distribution of flows.
Pipes in Parallel

⦁ Find the flow rates in each pipe ?

Pipes in Parallel

Energy eq.

Head loss Eq.for

parallel pipes

Pipes in Parallel

⦁ Suppose in the Figure the pipes 1,2,3 are 150m of 80mm diameter,60m of
50mm diameter and 120m of 60mm diameter,respectively,of new wrough
iron pipe (e=0.000046m). If hL=6m, find the rate of flow from A to B. Take
kinematic viscosity as 4.26x10-5m2/s

⦁ Answer: 1.5L/s

⦁ In fig.pipe 1 is 500ft of 2-in,pipe 2 is 350ft of 3-in,and pipe 3 is 750ft of 4-
in diameter, all of smooth brass (e=0.0005ft). Crude oil (s=0.855 and
kinematic viscosity of 7.6x10-5ft2/s) is flow at 0.7 cfs.Find the head loss
fromA to B and the flow in each pipe.

⦁ Answer:


Thank you
⦁ Questions….


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