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Falcon Eye: Urban Monitoring Drone

An ICT Project Concept Paper

In Partial Fulfillment of the Final Term Requirements for Empowerment


Owen Anthony M. Ajero

Jeremy D. Dacut
Miguel Tristan Sebastian Y. Ebao
Aisha C. Memon

November 23, 2022

I. Problem

Rapid urbanization, climate change, and population are common issues society deals
with around the world. However, it is bustling cities in places like Manila, Cebu, and Davao- all
of which are situated in the Philippines, that constantly face the challenges of severe traffic
congestion stemming from the increasing number of vehicles on the road, resulting in prolonged
travel times, environmental concerns, and economic implications such as car accidents, falling
lamp posts, and hanging wires. Recognizing the urgency of addressing these issues, there is a
critical need for the implementation of effective monitoring and warning systems. Such systems
would not only help alleviate traffic congestion but also enhance environmental sustainability
and contribute to more resilient and adaptive urban development in the face of evolving
nationwide challenges.

II. Introduction

In the face of rapid urbanization, climate change, and population growth, cities
worldwide grapple with the challenges of severe traffic congestion, environmental threats, and
economic ramifications. Urban centers like Manila, Cebu, and Davao in the Philippines suffer
this problem the most, where rising in vehicle numbers leads to prolonged travel times,
environmental degradation, and various economic implications such as accidents and
infrastructure damage. Recognizing the pressing need for innovative solutions, effective
monitoring and warning systems become necessary to navigate these complex urban challenges.

Enter the Falcon Eye, a cutting-edge urban monitoring drone designed to revolutionize the way
cities address these issues. This drone provides real-time data on traffic flow, environmental
conditions, and potential hazards, offering a comprehensive solution to the multifaceted
challenges of modern urban living. Beyond its technical capabilities, the Falcon Eye embodies an
innovative approach to resilient and adaptive urban development, offering a beacon of hope in
the face of evolving challenges.

III. Purpose

The Falcon Eye is an urban monitoring drone designed to address challenges in urban
centers. It provides real-time data on traffic, environment, and potential hazards. The drone
promotes transparency and citizen engagement by updating the public through social media and
integrated speakers. Investing in Falcon Eye allows government agencies to efficiently monitor
and manage urban environments, showcasing their commitment to smart governance and
sustainable development.

IV. Description

The Falcon Eye is a drone which monitors and assesses urban areas through a
lens/camera while in the air by using its built-in propellers which are used to move and elevate
the drone. The information of the patterns, which were obtained through the lens of the drone,
will be sent to the owner/server which can be used to inquire solutions for the problem. The
drone is also equipped with an alarm system, this alarm is set off when floods, rains and
typhoons are about to occur, this is done by the monitoring of weather patterns and news
outlets(it is able to get this information as it is connected to a server). All of these are powered
through a battery with a very long lasting life which is recharged through a charger.

V. Support

The Falcon Eye will be paid for by commission from the government of at least 5 million
pesos to start the production of a functionable prototype, since the project is funded by the
government and can’t be bought by civilians it is expected that the project would cost up to 2 to
3 digits in millions.

VI. Contact Information

Owen Anthony Ajero:

Email: owenajero@gmail.com
Phone Number: (+63) 995 159 5261

email: jeremy_dacut@yahoo.com

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