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(A1 Seviye Dil Bilgisi Konuları)


There is /There are

have got/has got


Imperatives (e.g. Be careful. Don’t make noise. etc.)

Basic prepositions of place (in, on, under, between, behind, near, next to, in front of, etc.)

Basic prepositions of time (at, in, on)

Countable and uncountable nouns (apple, chair, house, dog, cat; milk, water, etc.)

singular/plural (book-books, egg-eggs, etc.)


How much /how many

Common adjectives (long, cold, heavy, old, etc.)

Personal pronouns (I, he, she, etc.)

Possessive adjectives (my, his, her, itsetc.)

Colours (blue, red, etc.)

Time words (days, months etc.)

Possessive s (Sue’s bicycle, my father’s car, etc.)

any/some/many/much/ a few/ a little





Question words (What , who, when, why, etc.)

Telling time (three o’clock, etc.)

would like

Present simple (Daily routines)



Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, never)

Present continuous

Going to future


Past simple (did, studied, played, went, had, bought etc.)


comparatives and superlatives (tall-taller-tallest, etc.)

as + adjective +as (as old as, as beautiful as, etc.)


(A2 Seviye Dil Bilgisi Konuları)

to be (am/is/are/was/were/been)


There + be

have got/has got

can/could (ability/permission)

must/have to/need to /needn’t

should/ought to

would like to

would prefer to

possessive of and ’s
countable and uncountable nouns

singular and plural nouns

a/an/the (basic use)

prepositions of place (under, across, opposite, at, along etc.)

prepositions of time (at, in, on etc.)

prepositions after common verbs and adjectives (listen to, angry with, etc.)

gerund and infinitive (simple use e.g. want + to, decide + to; enjoy +-ing, suggest+-ingetc.)

phrasal verbs (very common e.g. give up, take off, turn down, go on, switch off etc.)

imperative and let’s

question words (what, where, why, how, when, how far, how fast, what size etc.)

quantity words (many, much, any, some, no, a little, a few, a lot of)




adverbs (simple use)

common linking words (and, or, so, because, therefore, but, however etc.)

personal pronouns (he, him, they, them; himself, herself etc.)

possessive adjective and pronouns (my, mine, her, hers, etc.)

present simple

adverbs of frequency (always, usually etc.)

common non-continuous verbs (look, taste, smell, sound etc.)

Making suggestions (Let’s, shall we etc.)

going to future tense

present continuous tense

present continuous for future

past simple tense

used to

past continuous tense

past simple and continuous with when and while

present perfect simple tense

present perfect with since, for, just, yet, already, how long, before, ever, never, been

Future simple (will/won’t)

If clauses (Type 0 and 1)

comparative / superlative and as …as


(B1 Seviye Dil Bilgisi Konuları)

Present simple

Present continuous

Past simple

Past continuous

Present perfect simple

Present perfect continuous

Past perfect simple

Near future tense (be going to)

Future simple (will/won’t)

Future continuous (will + be + -ing)

Necessity and advice: must/have to/should/ought to/ need to/needn’t

Deduction: must/can’t

Possibility: may/might/could
Request /Permission etc.: can I, may I, could I; can you, could you, will you, would you, do
you mind, would you mind, be allowed to, would like etc.

Offers: shall I, Let me, I’ll, can I etc.

ability: can, could, be able to, manage to

used to / be used to

adjective and adverbs

Comparatives, superlatives, as…as forms with adjectives and adverbs

both, either, neither

question tags

Intensifiers: so/such/too/enough

If clauses (Type 0, 1 and 2)

Passive forms (Present simple and past simple passives)

Connecting words (and, or, because, so, therefore, but, however, although, though, as if,
that’s why etc.)

Relative clauses (who, which, that, whose, where)

Noun clauses

Indirect questions

So do I/ neither do I etc.

Personal pronouns (extended use)

Indefinite pronouns (somebody etc.)

Quantity words (any, some, many, much, plenty of, a few, few etc.)

Preposition of place and movement

Preposition of time

Prepositions with certain adjectives, nouns and verbs

Common phrasal verbs


(B2 Seviye Dil Bilgisi Konuları)

Present simple

Present continuous

Past simple

Past continuous

Present perfect simple

Present perfect continuous

Past perfect simple

Past perfect continuous

Near future tense (be going to)

Future simple (will/won’t)

Future continuous (will + be + -ing)

Future perfect simple

Future perfect continuous

Necessity and advice: must/have to/should/ought to/ need to/needn’t

Deduction: must/can’t

Possibility: may/might/could

Request /Permission etc.: can I, may I, could I; can you, could you, will you, would you, do
you mind, would you mind, be allowed to, would like etc.

Offers: shall I, Let me, I’ll, can I etc.

ability: can, could, be able to, manage to

used to, be used to, would

Modal perfect forms: should have, must have, can’t have, might have, needn’t have etc.

adjective and adverbs

Comparatives, superlatives, as…as forms with adjectives and adverbs

both ..and, neither …nor, not only …but also, either … or

question tags

Intensifiers: so/such/too/enough

If clauses (Type 0, 1, 2, 3and mixed)

Wish clauses

Passive voice

Causatives (have + something + done etc.)

Connecting words for contrast, reason, result, manner etc. (and, or, because, so, therefore,
but, however, although, though, as if, that’s why etc.)

Relative clauses (who, which, that, whose, where; defining / non-defining, correlative,
reduction, preposition+relative pronouns,etc.)

Noun clauses (with that, if/whether, question words)

Indirect questions

Reported speech

So do I/ neither do I etc. and other inversion types

Personal pronouns (extended use)

Indefinite pronouns (somebody, anybodyetc.)

Quantity words (any, some, many, much, plenty of, a few, few, either, all, noneetc.)

Preposition of place and movement

Preposition of time

Prepositions with certain adjectives, nouns and verbs

Types of phrasal verbs


(C1/C2 Seviyesi Dil Bilgisi Konuları)

Extended use of previous grammar points (especially passive voice, relative clauses, noun
clauses, adverbial clauses, if clauses, causatives etc.)

Participle clauses

Inversion (with negative adverbs, as, if clauses etc.)

Cleft sentences (It is Jack that brokethe window, etc.) and emphasizing

Subjunctives (He suggests that my father stop smoking, etc.)

Reduction (In relative clauses, noun clauses, if clauses etc.)

Linking words (extended)

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