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Mutation Research 585 (2005) 1–13

Cytotoxicity and gene induction by some essential oils in the

yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
F. Bakkali a,b , S. Averbeck b , D. Averbeck b,∗ , A. Zhiri c , M. Idaomar a
a Université Abdelmalek Essaadi, BCM, Département de Biologie, BP 2121 Tétouan, Morocco
b Institut Curie-Section de Recherche, UMR2027 CNRS/I.C., Bât. 110, Centre Universitaire d’Orsay, F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France
c S.A. PRANARÔM International, Ghislenghien, Belgium

Received 23 August 2004; received in revised form 25 January 2005; accepted 14 March 2005
Available online 21 June 2005


In order to get an insight into the possible genotoxicity of essential oils (EOs) used in traditional pharmacological applications
we tested five different oils extracted from the medicinal plants Origanum compactum, Coriandrum sativum, Artemisia herba
alba, Cinnamomum camphora (Ravintsara aromatica) and Helichrysum italicum (Calendula officinalis) for genotoxic effects
using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Clear cytotoxic effects were observed in the diploid yeast strain D7, with the cells
being more sensitive to EOs in exponential than in stationary growth phase. The cytotoxicity decreased in the following order:
Origanum compactum > Coriandrum sativum > Artemisia herba alba > Cinnamomum camphora > Helichrysum italicum. In the
same order, all EOs, except that derived from Helichrysum italicum, clearly induced cytoplasmic petite mutations indicating
damage to mitochondrial DNA. However, no nuclear genetic events such as point mutations or mitotic intragenic or intergenic
recombination were induced.
The capacity of EOs to induce nuclear DNA damage-responsive genes was tested using suitable Lac-Z fusion strains for
RNR3 and RAD51, which are genes involved in DNA metabolism and DNA repair, respectively. At equitoxic doses, all EOs
demonstrated significant gene induction, approximately the same as that caused by hydrogen peroxide, but much lower than that
caused by methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). EOs affect mitochondrial structure and function and can stimulate the transcriptional
expression of DNA damage-responsive genes. The induction of mitochondrial damage by EOs appears to be closely linked to
overall cellular cytotoxicity and appears to mask the occurrence of nuclear genetic events. EO-induced cytotoxicity involves
oxidative stress, as is evident from the protection observed in the presence of ROS inhibitors such as glutathione, catalase or the
iron-chelating agent deferoxamine.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Essential oils; Origanum compactum; Coriandrum sativum; Artemisia herba alba; Cinnamomum camphora; Helichrysum italicum;
Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Cytotoxicity; Gene expression; Cytoplasmic petite mutations; RNR3; RAD51; Anti-radical effects

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 169867188; fax: +33 169869429.

E-mail addresses: (F. Bakkali), (D. Averbeck),
(A. Zhiri), (M. Idaomar).

1383-5718/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 F. Bakkali et al. / Mutation Research 585 (2005) 1–13

1. Introduction yeast Sacharomyces cerevisiae, which is frequently

employed in genotoxic risk assessment including stud-
Essential oils (EOs) extracted from medicinal plants ies at the mitochondrial and nuclear DNA level [8–11].
are widely used in aromatherapy and in traditional We investigate here the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects
medicine, as well as in the food and perfume industry in diploid yeast (D7) and the induction of two DNA
and in agriculture. One can find them applied in AIDS damage-responsive genes, the ribonucleotide reductase
and cancer therapy, as condiments and as conserving gene RNR3 involved in the synthesis of DNA precur-
or flavoring agents in food and drinks, as insecticides sors [12,13] and the DNA repair gene RAD51 involved
(aerosols) in agriculture, as perfumes in cosmetics, as in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks by homolo-
disinfectants in toothpaste and in household prepa- gous recombination [14–16] in haploid Lac-Z fusion
rations. In this respect, their antiviral, antibacterial, strains after treatments with the five EOs extracted
antifungal, antioxidant, cytotoxic and anticarcinogenic from Origanum compactum, Coriandrum sativum,
properties are of special importance. In addition, they Artemisia herba alba, Cinnamomum camphora (Rav-
can also influence the central nervous system affect- intsara aromatica) and Helichrysum italicum (Cal-
ing humoral and cognitive functions and can exert endula officinalis). The RNR3 gene is known to be
antispasmodic effects. EOs from five medicinal plants induced in the presence of different types of DNA
are the focus of this paper: Origanum compactum damage including oxidative damage [12,13]. Also the
known for its antibacterial, antifungic, antimalaria, RAD51 gene is a DNA damage-inducible gene [14–16].
anti-infectious and antihypotensive properties [1,2]; Using inhibitors of oxygen radical-mediated reac-
Coriandrum sativum known for its antiradical, antibac- tions such as reduced glutathione (GSH) [17–20], cata-
terial, antispasmodic and expectorant properties [3]; lase [20] and deferoxamine (DFO) [17] we demonstrate
Artemisia herba alba known for its antibacterial, anti- that the cytotoxic action of EOs from Origanum com-
helminthic, antidiabetic and antihypotensive properties pactum, Coriandrum sativum, Artemisia herba alba
[2]; Cinnamomum camphora (Ravintsara aromatica) and Cinnamomum camphora involves the production
known for its anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic prop- of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and/or hydrogen per-
erties [4–6]; Helichrysum italicum (Calendula offici- oxide.
nalis) known for its antimutagenic effects [5,7]. EOs
can be classified as complex mixtures generally con-
2. Materials and methods
taining more than 20 different compounds belonging to
different chemical classes. Indeed, the composition of 2.1. Essential oils (EOs) and reference compounds
EOs depends on the plant species, developmental state,
environmental growth conditions (season, climate, We used five essential oils chemotyped by PRA-
soil) and on the part of the plant used for extraction. NARÔM (B-7822 Ghislenghien, Belgium): Origanum
The genotoxicity of EOs has not yet been much compactum of Moroco (extracted from flower head),
explored. Because of their complex chemical com- Coriandrum sativum of Russia (extracted from fruits),
position, the evaluation of their toxicity and possible Artemisia herba alba of Moroco (extracted from flower
genotoxic effects is indeed a difficult matter. Since they head), Cinnamomum camphora (Ravintsara aromat-
are usually employed as extracted complete entities of ica) of Madagascar (extracted from leaves), Helichry-
oily consistency and not as compounds reconstituted sum italicum of France (extracted from flower head).
from pure ingredients, EOs have to be considered as According to the chart of PRANARÔM, each EO was
substances acting as a whole and should be tested as extracted under the same conditions from the same part
such. Many known genotoxicity test systems, such as of the plants, which were grown on the same soil, in
those with bacteria and mammalian cells, are likely to the same climate and season so that its composition was
be affected by oily conditions because of insufficient quite reproducible. Throughout the paper we designate
oxygen supply on the tester plates. the EOs by the name of the plant from which they were
The present study was undertaken to estimate the extracted. Table 1 gives the list of main chemical con-
cytotoxic and possible genotoxic activities of five stituents of the EOs derived from the plant extracts as
EOs in a typical unicellular eukaryotic system, the determined by gas chromatographic analysis [6,7].
F. Bakkali et al. / Mutation Research 585 (2005) 1–13 3

Table 1
Main ingredients of five essential oils (EOs) from Origanum compactum, Coriandrum sativum, Artemisia herba alba, Cinnamomum camphora
(Ravintsara aromatica) and Helichrysum italicum (Calendula officinalis)
Ingredients Essential oils

Origanum Coriandrum Artemisia herba Cinnamomum Helichrysum

compactum (%) sativum (%) alba (%) camphora (%) italicum (%)
1,8-Cineole 3.26 50.20
Alpha curcumene 3.21
Alpha pinene 5.31 5.19
Alpha terpinene 2.59
Alpha terpineol 9.89
Alpha thuyone 36.67
Beta caryophyllene 2.85
Beta pinene 2.70
Beta thuyone 20.61
Camphene 3.01
Camphor 5.93 24.61
Carvacrol 30.53
Epi-gamma-eudesmol 3.25
Gamma terpinene 18.2 3.41
Geranyl acetate 4.43
Isoitalicene 2.98
Italicene 8.28
Italidione I, II, III 10.46
Limonene 2.29 3.84 4.75
Linalol 68.39
Nerol 2.61
Neryl acetate 33.90
Neryl propionate 6.47
p-Cymene 7.89 2.27
Sabinene 6.45
Terpinene-4-ol 2.65
Thymol 27.5
Viridiflorol 2.75
Not determined 10.44 7.97 11.84 16.33 24.09

In the study of gene induction, we included hydro- DBY747 (MAT a RAD+ his3-11, leu2-3, 112 trpl-
gen peroxide (H2 O2 solution, 30%, w/w) (CAS 7722- 289, ura3-52, carrying the RNR3–lacZ fusion) kindly
84-1, Sigma–Aldrich, USA) and methyl methanesul- provided by Dr. Wei Xiao (Department of Microbi-
fonate (MMS) (CAS 66-27-3, Sigma–Aldrich, USA) ology and Immunology, University of Saskatchewan,
as DNA-damaging agents [21,22]. Saskatoon, Canada, SK S7N 5E5) [12].
Antiradical effects were studied using inhibitors FF1082 (MATa RAD+ leu2, trpl, ura3, his7,
of oxygen radical-mediated reactions such as defer- lysl, ura3+-51LACZ LEU2, carrying the RAD51–lacZ
oxamine mesylate salt (DFO) (CAS 138-14-7, fusion) kindly provided by Dr. Francis Fabre (DSV,
Sigma–Aldrich, USA) or reduced l-glutathione (GSH) CEA, Fontenay aux Roses, France).
(CAS 70-18-8, Sigma–Aldrich, USA) and catalase For the detection of cytotoxic effects, the induc-
(product ref. C100, Sigma–Aldrich, USA). tion of cytoplasmic petite mutations, ILV+ point muta-
tions, TRP+ mitotic gene convertants and mitotic
2.2. Yeast strains crossing-over involving the Ade2 gene, we used
the known diploid yeast tester strain D7 (a/␣,
For gene expression analysis, we used the following Ade2-40/Ade2-119, Trp5- 12/Trp5-27, Ilv1-92/Ilv1-92)
haploid strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: [9].
4 F. Bakkali et al. / Mutation Research 585 (2005) 1–13

2.3. Growth media compounds H2 O2 or MMS at a given incubation time

or to a given concentration of EOs at different incu-
The complete growth medium (YEPD) contained bation times, at room temperature, were determined
2% d-glucose (Sigma–Aldrich), 1% bacto yeast extract as previously described [8,23,24]. Clonogenic survival
(Difco), 2% bacto peptone (Difco), 2.6% bacto agar was determined, and among the surviving colonies
(Difco). cytoplasmic petite mutants were detected either by
The minimum medium complemented or not with replication on glycerol medium or by the triphenyl
the appropriate amino acids was composed of 2% d- tetrazolium chloride overlay technique [25]. Mitotic
glucose, 3.2% bacto agar complemented with 0.67% intergenic recombinants involving the ade2 locus were
of bacto yeast nitrogen base without aminoacids and detected by accumulation of a red pigment (imidazole)
5 mg adenine/L medium, 60 mg isoleucine/L for the in purine metabolism on complete growth medium.
detection of TRP+ gene convertants (intragenic recom- Mitotic gene convertants (TRP+ ) and gene revertants
binants), 10 mg tryptophan/L for the detection of ILV+ (ILV+ ) were detected by their growth on the appro-
revertants. priate selective media. Experiments were performed at
least in triplicate with stationary phase cells and with
2.4. Treatments with essential oils (EOs) or with exponential phase cells.
H2 O2 or MMS as reference compounds
2.6. Detection of reactive oxygen species using
Cells of the strain D7 were grown in YEPD at inhibitors
30 ◦ C up to exponential (2 × 107 cells/mL) or station-
ary phase of growth (2 × 108 cells/mL). Cells in expo- The involvement of radical-mediated reactions in
nential phase or stationary phase were sedimented and the cytotoxic effects of four EOs (Origanum com-
resuspended in distilled water. Generally, cell suspen- pactum, Coriandrum sativum, Artemisia herba alba,
sions of 2 × 107 cells/mL were treated with EOs or Cinnamomum camphora) was determined using l mM
the reference compounds at the desired concentrations DFO or 1 mM GSH during 1 h pre-incubation of cells
for a given time as indicated in the figure legends. before treating with EOs for 30 min. One thousand units
First, EOs were carefully diluted in absolute ethanol per millilitre of catalase were added at the same time as
(Merck) at different concentrations, and identical vol- the EOs. For the control experiments with EOs alone
umes were added to the aqueous cell suspensions in and the experiments with catalase, cells were also pre-
small flasks to give the chosen concentrations of EOs incubated for 1 h to obtain conditions comparable to
at a given same final concentration of ethanol (1.25%). those used for the experiments with DFO or GSH. Yeast
Pipetman filter tips (ART) were used to avoid cross- cells (D7) were exposed in stationary growth phase to
contamination between different EO preparations con- Origanum compactum and Coriandrum sativum and
taining some volatile molecules. The flasks containing in exponential growth phase to Artemisia herba alba
the cell suspensions with EOs were agitated at con- and Cinnamomum camphora because these latter EOs
trolled room temperature and at constant low speed showed too little cytotoxicity to cells in the stationary
(200 rpm in a New Brunswick agitator) just sufficient to growth phase. Results presented are based on at least
keep the oil/ethanol mixture in the aqueous cell suspen- three independent experiments.
sion well mixed. After 30 min incubation, cell aliquots
were diluted and spread onto YEPD solid medium and 2.7. Test of gene expression in RNR3–lacZ and
selective minimal media to select for recombinants or RAD51–lacZ fusion strains
revertants. Colonies were counted after 6 days of post-
treatment incubation at 30 ◦ C. Gene induction was analysed by determining
the ␤-galactosidase activity in the RNR3–lacZ and
2.5. Detection of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects RAD51–lacZ fusion strains using o-nitro-phenyl-␤-d-
galactopyranoside (ONPG) as a colorimetric substrate
Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects after exposures to and measuring spectrophotometrically the optical den-
different concentrations of EOs or of the reference sity at 420 nm [26,27].
F. Bakkali et al. / Mutation Research 585 (2005) 1–13 5

Briefly, yeast cells were grown in YEPD up to expo- growth phase at different EO concentrations for 30 min.
nential phase (1.1–1.3 × 107 cells/mL), sedimented and In most cases, shouldered survival curves are obtained.
resuspended in distilled water. Aliquots were exposed Stationary phase cells are clearly more sensitive to
to the EOs or to the reference compounds at different Origanum (LD50 = 0.45 ␮L/mL) and Coriandrum
concentrations under the same conditions as above, for (LD50 = 1.6 ␮L/mL) than to Artemisia, Cinnamomum
30 min at room temperature. Cells were centrifuged, and Helichrysum (LD50 > 8 ␮L/mL). The cytotoxic
resuspended in YEPD and then incubated for the indi- effectiveness decreases in the following order: Ori-
cated times at 30 ◦ C. After this post-treatment incu- ganum > Coriandrum  Cinnamomum > Artemisia >
bation, cells were collected by centrifugation, resus- Helichrysum.
pended in a buffer with mercaptoethanol and per- A different pattern is seen for cells treated
meabilized by chloroform and SDS. The activity of in the exponential phase of growth. Cells are
␤-galactosidase was determined by means of ONPG clearly more sensitive, especially to Artemisia and
[12,28] and expressed as previously described [26,27]. Cinnamonum so that the cytotoxic effectiveness
The results reported are from at least three independent decreases in a slightly different order: Origanum >
experiments. Coriandrum > Artemisia > Cinnamomum  Helichry-
sum than in stationary phase.
The results suggest that the cytotoxic effects of EOs
3. Results are facilitated by the less thicker cell wall at budding
sites of exponential phase cells and may be mediated
3.1. Cytotoxic effects of EOs by effects on the cell membranes.

After treatment of diploid yeast cells (D7) with EOs 3.2. Induction of cytoplasmic petite mutations
extracted from Origanum, Coriandrum, Artemisia,
Cinnamomum, Helichrysum, we observed an inhibi- Yeast has the advantage that mitochondrial dam-
tion of cellular growth depending on the concentration age can be easily assessed by detection of cytoplas-
of the EOs. To quantify the cytotoxic effects involved, mic petite mutations among the surviving cells. Fig. 2
we measured the clonogenic survival after treatment shows the results obtained as a function of the EO con-
of the cells with the five EOs. Fig. 1 shows the results centration. The induction of cytoplasmic petite muta-
obtained for cells treated in exponential and stationary tions follows the same order as that for cytotoxicity:

Fig. 1. Survival curves obtained for diploid yeast cells (D7) in the stationary phase (a) and the exponential phase (b), after treatment with
five EOs from Origanum compactum (ORI) (, 䊉); Coriandrum sativum (COR) (, ); Artemisia herba alba (ART) (♦, ); Cinnamomum
camphora (CIN) (Ravintsara aromatica) (, ); and Helichrysum italicum (HEL) (, ) at different concentrations. Data are presented with
standard deviations.
6 F. Bakkali et al. / Mutation Research 585 (2005) 1–13

nential phase of growth (data not shown). These types

of events were also not induced when cells were treated
at given concentrations for different incubation times,
at least for the three EOs tested (Origanum, Artemisia,
Cinnamomum) (data not shown). Genotoxicity (induc-
tion of mutations and mitotic recombinants) was also
not observed in cells that grew in liquid medium in
the presence of EOs from Origanum, Coriandrum,
Artemisia and were harvested at the end of growth (data
not shown). Also, there was no induction of CAN®
mutants after exposures of the haploid wild type strain
BY4741 to the EO of Origanum.
Taking MMS and H2 O2 as reference compounds
and in line with previous work [26–28], MMS effec-
tively induced point mutations and mitotic intra- and
Fig. 2. Induction of cytoplasmic petites in diploid yeast cells (D7)
in stationary (broken lines) and exponential phase (solid lines) after intergenic recombination, but only a few cytoplas-
treatment with five EOs from Origanum compactum (ORI) (, 䊉); mic petites. H2 O2 induced strong lethality, just a few
Coriandrum sativum (COR) (, ); Artemisia herba alba (ART) (♦, nuclear genetic events and no cytoplasmic petite muta-
); Cinnamomum camphora (CIN) (Ravintsara aromatica) (, ); tions.
and Helichrysum italicum (HEL) (, ) at different concentrations.
Thus, in contrast to MMS and H2 O2 , the five EOs
Data are presented with standard deviations.
are unable to induce significant nuclear genetic events
in yeast. Induction of cytotoxicity appears to be pre-
Origanum being the most active and Helichrysum being dominant.
nearly inactive. Also, cells treated in the exponential
phase are clearly more sensitive to the induction of 3.4. Modification of the expression of DNA
cytoplasmic petites than cells treated in the station- damage-responsive genes after treatments with
ary phase of growth. The differential effect of the two EOs
growth phases is slightly less pronounced in the case
of Coriandrum. Changes in gene expression can be taken as a very
Also, when compared at equitoxic levels clearly sensitive measure of genotoxic insult. We tested the
more cytoplasmic petite mutations are induced by EOs effects of EOs on the induction of two typical damage-
such as Artemisia, Cinnamomum and Coriandrum in inducible genes RNR3 and RAD51 using appropriate
exponential phase cells than in stationary phase cells LacZ fusion strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cere-
(data not shown). Most cytoplasmic petites form non- visiae. Gene induction was monitored by measuring
sectored colonies suggesting that treatments with EOs ␤-galactosidase activity.
damage already the mitochondria of mother cells, and We first studied the induction of the gene RNR3,
the damage is directly transmitted to daughter cells. which encodes a subunit of ribonucleotide reductase,
an important enzyme involved in the synthesis of
3.3. Induction of point mutations and mitotic precursors for DNA replication and repair [13].
recombination Fig. 3a–e shows the results obtained for the kinetics of
induction of the RNR3 gene in the haploid RNR3–LacZ
Using the diploid yeast strain D7, several important fusion strain using different concentrations of EOs
genotoxic endpoints such as induction of point muta- from Origanum (a), Coriandrum (b), Artemisia (c),
tions and mitotic intragenic recombination (gene con- Cinnamomum (d) and Helichrysum (e) giving rise to
version) and intergenic recombination (crossing-over) comparable levels of cytotoxicity. With the exception
can be detected simultaneously. Exposure to the five of Helichrysum, gene induction is starting 4 h after
EOs did not provide evidence for any induction of this treatment, and maximum gene induction occurs
type of genetic events in cells in the stationary or expo- approximately at the same time of post-treatment
F. Bakkali et al. / Mutation Research 585 (2005) 1–13 7

Fig. 3. Induction of the RNR3 gene in the haploid RNR3–LacZ fusion yeast strain by five EOs. (a) Origanum compactum at different concentrations
giving rise to () 61.9 ± 2.7%; () 23.2 ± 3%; (♦) 2.3 ± 0.3% survival. (b) Coriandrum sativum at different concentrations giving rise to ()
75.1 ± 3.5%; () 54.5 ± 1.5%; (♦) 19.2 ± 8.2% survival. (c) Artemisia herba alba at different concentrations giving rise to () 79.1 ± 2.6%; ()
47.3 ± 11.3%; (♦) 11.3 ± 4% survival. (d) Cinnamomum camphora at different concentrations giving rise to () 72.6 ± 3.6%; () 40 ± 9.5%;
(♦) 13.9 ± 3.6% survival. (e) Helichrysum italicum at different concentrations giving rise to () 65.6 ± 5.5%; () 39.5 ± 5.7%; (♦) 17.1 ± 2.4%
survival. Data are presented with standard deviations.

incubation, i.e. at 10–12 h after treatment in our to 6% (data not shown). At comparable cytotoxic lev-
experimental conditions. In the case of Helichrysum, els, gene induction occurs for both agents a few hours
the start of induction is clearly delayed up to 10 h earlier than for EOs (Fig. 4b). H2 O2 reaches induction
depending on survival levels. For all EOs, gene levels close to that of the most effective EOs (Cinnamo-
induction is clearly concentration-dependent. At mum and Coriandrum). MMS, a DNA double-strand
comparable cytotoxic levels (Fig. 4a), the inducing break-inducing agent, is strikingly more effective (two
capacity is greatest for Cinnamomum and lowest to three-fold). The comparable responses for some EOs
for Helichrysum and follows the order Cinnamo- and H2 O2 suggest that in both cases oxidative radical-
mum > Origanum > Coriandrum > Artemisia > Helich- mediated DNA lesions rather than DNA double-strand
rysum. breaks are initiating RNR3 gene induction.
For comparison, we also included in this study two In order to check whether the gene RAD51, a
known DNA-damaging agents, the methylating agent DNA damage-inducible gene involved in double-strand
MMS and the oxidizing agent H2 O2 . Gene induction break repair and homologous recombination would
was found to be concentration-dependent with a shift of also respond to treatments by EOs, we tested its induc-
maximum induction from 5 to 10 h post-treatment incu- tion in a LacZ fusion strain after treatments with Orig-
bation for survival levels from approximately 70 down anum and Cinnamomum (Fig. 5a and b). In contrast to
8 F. Bakkali et al. / Mutation Research 585 (2005) 1–13

Fig. 4. Induction of the RNR3 gene in the haploid RNR3–LacZ fusion strain by the five EOs from Origanum compactum (ORI), Coriandrum
sativum (COR), Artemisia herba alba (ART), Cinnamomum camphora (CIN) (Ravintsara aromatica) and Helichrysum italicum (HEL) at quasi-
equitoxic concentrations: ORI (23.2% survival), COR (19.2% survival), ART (11.3% survival), CIN (13.9% survival), HEL (17.1% survival)
(a); and by MMS (21.4% survival) and H2 O2 (14.9% survival) together with the five EOs for better comparison (b). Data are presented without
standard deviations for better clarity.

the results obtained with the RNR3–LacZ fusion strain, mic effects of EOs we checked the possible contribu-
after treatment with the two EOs the peaks of induc- tion of radical-mediated reactions. For this, we used
tion for RAD51 are shifted from 8 to 12 h dependent on three inhibiting agents: (1) the iron-chelating agent
the survival level (from 64.8 down to 6.2%). The max- DFO, an efficient inhibitor of Fenton reactions and
ima of induction are clearly much lower for RAD51 production of hydroxyl radicals; (2) GSH, an efficient
(Fig. 5a and b) than for RNR3 (Fig. 3a and d) but still scavenger of ROS such as O2 •− ; and (3) catalase, a
significant for the two EOs used. At comparable sur- hydrogen peroxide deactivating enzyme. The activity
vival levels (Fig. 5c) RAD51 induction by the two EOs of these inhibitors is partially overlapping. As shown
is approximately seven-fold lower than that caused by in Fig. 6, the inhibitors protect in a rather specific man-
MMS and H2 O2 . ner against the cytotoxic effects of EOs (Origanum,
As for RNR3 (Fig. 4b), RAD51 gene induction peaks Coriandrum, Artemisia and Cinnamomum). The EO
occur approximately at the same time (8–10 h after from Helichrysum was not included because of its rel-
treatment) for the two EOs tested, whereas the peaks atively weak cytotoxicity. GSH and, to a lesser extent,
of induction are reached 2–3 h earlier after treatments DFO protected against treatment with the EO from
with MMS and H2 O2 (Fig. 5c). In contrast to the results Origanum, whereas catalase had no effect. DFO and
obtained on the induction of RNR3 (Fig. 4b), the max- catalase protected efficiently against treatment with the
imal responses for RAD51 are comparable for MMS EO from Coriandrum, whereas GSH increased cyto-
and H2 O2 (Fig. 5c) suggesting that induction of these toxicity. DFO protected against treatment with the EO
two DNA damage-inducible genes involves different from Artemisia, whereas GSH and catalase were inef-
signals for gene induction. fective. Catalase efficiently protected against treatment
with the EO from Cinnamomum, and DFO was less
3.5. The effects of ROS inhibitors such as effective, whereas GSH increased cytotoxicity. The
deferoxamine (DFO), reduced glutathione GSH results show that part of the oxygen radical-mediated
and catalase reactions produced by EO treatments can be inhib-
ited. Thus, depending on the EO used, reactive oxygen
In order to get further insight into the possible species produced appear to contribute to the observed
mechanisms involved in the cytotoxic and cytoplas- cytotoxicity.
F. Bakkali et al. / Mutation Research 585 (2005) 1–13 9

Fig. 5. Induction of the RAD51 gene in the haploid RAD51–LacZ fusion yeast strain by two EOs. (a) Origanum compactum at different
concentrations giving rise to () 64.8 ± 7.5%; () 26.3 ± 8.8%; (♦) 5.5 ± 2.3% survival. (b) Cinnamomum camphora (Ravintsara aromatica)
at different concentrations giving rise to () 61.0 ± 3.4%; () 18.9 ± 5.7%; (♦) 1.16 ± 0.44% survival. (c) Induction of the RAD51 gene by
Origanum compactum (ORI), Cinnamomum camphora (CIN) (Ravintsara aromatica), MMS and H2 O2 at quasi-equitoxic concentrations: ORI
(26.3% survival) (), CIN (18.9% survival) (), MMS (24.2% survival) () and H2 O2 (21.3% survival) (). Data are presented with standard
deviations in (a) and (b) and without in (c) for better clarity.

4. Discussion All five EOs induced cytotoxic effects that were

stronger in exponential than in stationary phase cells.
The five EOs used in this study are complex mix- The more fragile cell wall structure of budding cells
tures extracted from Origanum compactum, Corian- in the exponential growth phase appears to facilitate
drum sativum, Artemisia herba alba, Cinnamomum penetration of EOs. Treatment of yeast cells in the
camphora and Helichrysum italicum, which are part exponential phase with the four most active EOs (Ori-
of traditional human pharmacopeia. EOs are usually ganum compactum, Coriandrum sativum, Artemisia
employed as whole entities. In the present study, we herba alba, Cinnamomum camphora) gave rise to
attempted to get further insight into their possible cyto- shouldered survival curves. The steep final slopes of the
toxic and genotoxic effects in eukaryotic cells taking curves indicate strong cytotoxicity, possibly involving
the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system. damage to cellular membranes.
10 F. Bakkali et al. / Mutation Research 585 (2005) 1–13

Fig. 6. Modifications of cytotoxic effects of four EOs: (䊉) (a) Origanum compactum (ORI); (b) Coriandrum sativum (COR); (c) Artemisia
herba alba (ART); and (d) Cinnamomum camphora (CIN) (Ravintsara aromatica) in the presence of 1 mM reduced glutathione (GSH) (♦);
l mM deferoxamine (DFO) (); or 1000 units/mL catalase (). Data are presented with standard deviations.

Treatment with EOs damages cell walls and mito- of sectored colonies [11] suggested that EOs produce
chondria, which could also be observed by microscopic dysfunction of mitochondria in the treated mother cells.
analysis (data not shown). Damage to yeast mitochondria may, at least in part, be
The cytotoxicity of the five EOs was accompa- linked to programmed cell death or apoptosis [29–31].
nied by the induction of cytoplasmic petite mutations, We found yeast cells lacking mitochondria to be more
indicating mitochondrial damage and impairment of sensitive to EOs than cells with mitochondria (data not
oxidative metabolism [11]. Origanum was the most shown).
active EO, Helichrysum was the least active. More Absence of induction of genotoxic damage in
cytoplasmic petites were induced in exponential than nuclear DNA, i.e. absence of the induction of point
in stationary phase cells, probably also due to easier mutations, mitotic gene conversion and mitotic inter-
penetration of EOs in exponential cells. The absence genic recombination (crossing-over) in the diploid
F. Bakkali et al. / Mutation Research 585 (2005) 1–13 11

tester strain D7 suggested that either the EOs do not Since treatments by EOs caused a variety of cellular
reach nuclear DNA and cause cell death by solely dam- responses including cytotoxicity, induction of mito-
aging cellular membranes, or that they cause damage chondrial damage and gene induction, but no nuclear
to cellular organelles such as mitochondria, involving genetic effects, we asked the question whether these
oxidative stress that may lead to cytotoxicity. effects could be due to cellular stress responses induced
In an attempt to better understand the cellular by EOs. Mitochondria are cellular organelles of energy
responses after treatment with EOs we also studied production, but at the same time they are important
gene induction. In fact, not only bacteria but also sources of free radicals and oxidative stress including
eukaryotic cells such as yeast and mammalian cells ROS such as superoxide radicals (O2 •− ), hydroxyl rad-
respond sensitively to external stress from exposures to icals (OH• ) and the termination product hydrogen per-
various genotoxic agents by the transcription of a large oxide (H2 O2 ) [34,35]. H2 O2 can be also produced by
number of genes [32,33]. Many genes are inducible oxidative enzymes in peroxisomes and easily permeate
by agents that induce damage to nuclear DNA. Using membranes [33]. Exogenous stress disrupts the equilib-
RNR3- and RAD51–LacZ fusion strains of Saccha- rium between the production of such reactive species
romyces cerevisiae we confirm here that the genes and the cellular defense [34,35]. When mitochondria
RNR3 [12,13] and RAD51 [14–16] can be induced by are affected, loss of membrane potential, cytochrome
DNA-damaging agents such as MMS and H2 O2 pro- C release and cell death by apoptosis can occur [34].
ducing DNA double-strand breaks and oxidative dam- Here, we tested the induction of oxidative stress by
age, respectively. Furthermore, we show that EOs are EOs using suitable inhibitors such as GSH, DFO and
also able to induce these two genes, which play impor- catalase. Reduced glutathione easily reacts with hydro-
tant roles in DNA metabolism and repair. Interestingly, gen peroxide and superoxide radicals (O2 •− ), leading
at comparable cytotoxic levels, RNR3 induction by to less reactive oxidized glutathione or thiol radicals
some EOs was close to that of H2 O2 although much [17–20]. Deferoxamine inhibits the Fenton reaction,
weaker than that of MMS, and in comparison to MMS i.e. the production of hydroxyl radicals via the reac-
and H2 O2 , the peak of induction by EOs was delayed by tion of Fe2+ iron with hydrogen superoxide [17], and
a few hours. These findings indicate that with EOs the catalase inactivates hydrogen peroxide [17,20].
signal of induction may be comparable in amplitude but Indeed, we were able to demonstrate that ROS and
may be produced rather delayed when compared with hydrogen peroxide are involved in the biological effects
that of H2 O2 . These results suggest that treatments with of EOs. GSH and DFO, but not catalase, protected
EOs may trigger gene induction via a similar type of against the EO of Origanum suggesting that this EO
damage. However, slightly different cellular compart- produces hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anions but
ments may be affected. Oxidative damage produced not H2 O2 . DFO and catalase, but not GSH, protected
by treatments with H2 O2 can induce the RNR3 gene against the EO of Coriandrum suggesting that this
[12] and can also cause cytotoxic and weak muta- EO produces H2 O2 and hydroxyl radicals, but prob-
genic and recombinogenic effects in diploid yeast (D7) ably not much O2 •− . DFO protected against the EO of
[22,24]. Artemisia, but not GSH and catalase, suggesting that
Comparison of RAD51 induction by two EOs (Orig- this EO mainly produces hydroxyl radicals. Catalase
anum and Cinnamomum) with that produced by MMS and DFO, but not GSH, protected against the EO of Cin-
and H2 O2 revealed that the induction of the RAD51 namomum, suggesting that this EO produces mainly
gene by EOs was even weaker than that of the RNR3 H2 O2 . The fact that addition of GSH increased cytotox-
gene and was also delayed when compared with that icity for Coriandrum and Cinnamomum may suggest
produced by MMS and H2 O2 . However, in contrast to that GSH oxidized by H2 O2 reacted further in the pres-
RNR3 induction, the maximal RAD51 induction lev- ence of oxygen giving rise to reactive oxygen species
els for these latter agents were comparable indicating including sulphur peroxyl radicals, sulphinyl radicals
that the pathways for gene induction differ for the two and O2 •− radicals [18]. Since the EOs and also the
genes and are not identical. From this, it appears that inhibitors may differently affect various cellular com-
MMS and H2 O2 induce the two genes more directly partments, these results are likely to reflect the different
and earlier than EOs. interactions at various sites.
12 F. Bakkali et al. / Mutation Research 585 (2005) 1–13

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