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Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter includes the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data obtained using

test scores and survey forms collected and distributed to the Senior High School students of

Theresian School of Cavite.

Problem 1: What is the level of problem-solving skills in real life of grade 11 STEM students?

Table 1

Frequency and Distribution Table of the Students’ Level of Problem-Solving in Real Life

Ratings of the Problem-solving Skills of Students

Interpretation Frequency Percentage
Low 2 2%
Average 114 98%
High 0 0%
Total 116 100%
Note: These are the ranges, 16-36 (Low), 37-58 (Average), 59-80 (High)

Table 1 shows the gathered data from the adopted quiz by Dr. Min Basadur’s Simplexity

Thinking and the ratings of the problem-solving skills of the STEM 11 students. There are 121

students, and out of the 121 respondents, there are 116 responded properly, and the five students

who did not respond properly were called the outliers, so the total of all respondents is 116. There

are 114 out of 116 students, a percentage of 98%, who have average ratings, which says that their

problem-solving is a little “hit-and-miss”. And there are 2 out of 116 students, a percentage of 2%,

who have low ratings, which says that they tend to view problems as negatives, instead of seeing

them as opportunities.
Problem 2: What is the level of problem-solving skills in Mathematics of grade 11 STEM students?

Table 2

Frequency and Distribution Table of the Students’ Problem-Solving Skills in Mathematics

Test-scores Mathematical Problem-solving Skills of Students

Interpretation Frequency Percentage
Low 88 74%
Average 18 16%
High 10 9%
Total 116 100%

Table 2 shows the ratings of the problem-solving skills of the STEM 11 students. There are

121 students, and out of the 121 respondents, there are 116 responded properly, and the five

students who did not respond properly were called the outliers, so the total of all respondents is

116. There are 18 out of 116 students, a percentage of 16%, who have average scores on their tests.

88 out of 116 students, a percentage of 74%, who obtained low scores. And there are 10 out of 116

students, a percentage of 9%, who have high scores on their tests.

Problem 3: Is there a significant relationship between the problem-solving skills in real life and

problem-solving skills in Mathematics of grade 11 STEM students of Theresian School of Cavite

S.Y. 2023-2024?

Table 3

Relation Between Problem-Solving Skills in Real Life and Problem-Solving Skills in Mathematics

Pearson Product-Moment Coefficient Test

Variables R-value Description P-value Decision
Problem-Solving Skills 0.036 Weak 0.699 Accept Ho
Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills Positive
Table 3 shows the correlation between problem-solving skills and mathematical problem-

solving skills computed using Pearson’s Correlation formula through the Statistical Package for

the Social Sciences (SPSS) program. The data shows a weak positive correlation (r=-0.036) with

a computed p-value of (0.699) which is greater than the alpha level (0.05); hence the researchers

fail to reject the null hypothesis which statistically implies that there is no significant relationship

between the variables. In other words, students having average problem-solving skills do not

correlate with them having low mathematical problem-solving skills.

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