300 Essential Words (Final) - 1

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Word Synonym Common Noun/Adjecti Examples

collocations ve/Adverb
(Video 1) Changes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zDKcIOJoaoLPuYFpEEM34zdeTI1F4JQW/view?usp=sharing
Acclimatize Adjust Acclimatize to acclimatization Allow time for your body to acclimatize to the high
get used altitude.
adapt Take a few days to acclimatize to the new time zone.
conform I’m sure that we will acclimatize very quickly to the new
economic situation.
Merge Amalgamate Merge with merger The bank of America merged with Merrill Lynch.
Unite Merge into Modern and traditional architectural elements merge in a
Combine merge together clever way.
Restore Rebuild restore confidence restoration The army was brought in to restore order.
bring back restore order The death penalty was restored.
re-establish restore peace The new government restored confidence in the
put back restore democracy economy.
Amend Correct amend a plan Amendment The president agreed to amend the constitution.
Alter amend a law Parliament may amend the proposed tax bill.
change amend legislation We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions.
modify amend the
enhance constitution
Deviate Depart deviate from deviation They stopped you as soon as you deviated from the
Veer deviate significantly script.
differ deviate markedly Sub-Saharan Africa has wage levels that deviate
diverge deviate slightly significantly from international norms.
vary Galileo’s ideas deviated markedly from those of his time.
Misrepresent Distort the truth distortion The media distorts reality by showing people as well as all
Alter Distort reality good or all bad.
Warp Distort competition There are allegations that the government distorted
Pervert Distort something by scientific findings to justify its policies.
(Video 2) Changes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zDKcIOJoaoLPuYFpEEM34zdeTI1F4JQW/view?usp=sharing

Manipulate Exploit manipulate the result manipulatio The media is trying to manipulate the election.
Handle manipulate n The robot is manipulated by using a joystick.
mold information
control manipulate the
shape situation
influence manipulate by
Refine Make refine a skill refinement Medical techniques are constantly being refined.
Improve refine a technique Botanists are refining these classifications.
Hone refine a method You can refine your search by adding filters.

Transition Shift transition from Transitionin The transition to a democracy was difficult.
Change something transition g Young people need more support in the transition from
changeover to something school life to work.
transformation transition period In Beethoven’s symphony, there is a beautiful transition
path make transition between the second and third movements.
Enlarge Grow enlarge something Enlargement We use silicone implants to enlarge the breasts.
Boost greatly enlarged The glands in your neck may enlarge.
make bigger slightly enlarged The European Union enlarged to 25 countries in 2004.
extend enlarge by
Diminish Shrink diminish pain Diminution Federalism is designed to diminish the power of central
Lessen diminish in size Diminishme government.
lower diminish in nt Hospitals are facing problems because of diminishing
reduce importance (rarely used funding.
decrease rapidly diminish nouns) This could lead to diminished support for the war.
deteriorate Weaken condition deteriorates deterioratio There are fears that the situation may deteriorate into
Worsen rapidly deteriorate n full-scale war.
Degenerate health deteriorates His health rapidly deteriorated overnight.
fall apart deteriorating situation The condition of the roads deteriorated because of the
decline floods.
Eradicate Eliminate eradicate from eradication Doctors are fighting to eradicate malaria from Africa.
Destroy eradicate by Government policies sought to eradicate child poverty.
wipe out eradicate disease The headteacger wanted to eradicate lateness.
exterminate eradicate poverty
(Video 3) Environment: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TK3wqiE2LO0g2EH5OiZaNyqz3Xjg3zOF/view?usp=sharing
biodiversity variety of biodiversity of The environmental program encourages farmers to
animal/plant life something preserve biodiversity.
range of conserve We must preserve and protect the great biodiversity of
animal/plant life biodiversity the oceans.
protect biodiversity
ecosystem Environment a marine ecosystem Kenya’s ecosystems include rainforest, deserts and
network a balanced ecosystem savannah.
association a fragile ecosystem Over-fishing has destabilized marine ecosystems.
organization damages the The success of Apple’s ecosystem depends on hardware-
ecosystem software integration.
fossil fuel non-renewable burn fossil fuels By using less energy, we’ll burn fewer fossil fuels and
energy consume fossil fuels emit fewer greenhouse gases.
non-renewables use fossil fuels The fossil fuel companies, including the big oil companies,
dirty fossil fuels are amongst the richest in the world.
The government wants to cut back on fossil fuel
Landfill Tip landfill site The environmental costs of landfill can be very high.
rubbish dump landfill tax The rubbish in modern landfills does not rot.
waste dump landfill waste An 11-acre landfill site in Massachusetts, now hosts a
dumping ground landfill gas 9,620-panel, 2.2-megawatt solar plant.
garbage dump
disposal area
Refuse Trash collect refuse The council makes a weekly collection of refuse.
Rubbish domestic refuse Vast amounts of unwanted domestic refuse are left by
junk industrial refuse the sides of roads.
waste refuse disposal Old TVs and washing machines are examples of domestic
garbage refuse.
Unspoiled Unblemished unspoiled beauty The village is quiet and unspoiled.
Untouched unspoiled nature We want to preserve the unspoiled coastline of Wales.
Natural unspoiled The valley was unspoiled by modern life.
Clean countryside
Pristine relatively unspoiled
green belt within the green Planning regulations within the green belt are severely
belt in the green restricted.
belt Fields and parks make up much of the city’s green belt, an
green belt policy area of natural beauty.
green belt program
(Video 4) Government: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VjPTBuivoYieKUlR8M39GtzVDhNxWjoY/view?usp=sharing

autonomy self-rule autonomy from autonomous Catalonia demanded autonomy from Spain.
self-government something The rebels stepped up their demands for autonomy.
self- autonomy of Each of the managers enjoys considerable autonomy in
determination someone/thing their decision making.
sovereignty autonomy in doing
independence something
freedom considerable
constitution Legislation amend the unconstitutio The transitional authority will draft a draft constitution.
charter constitution nal The constitution protects civil liberties and freedom of
code adopt the speech.
constitution ratify
the constitution
a new constitution
Coup (coup Revolution coup d’état military They were imprisoned for their role in the coup.
d’etat) Overthrow coup Rebel generals staged a coup to oust the democratically
plot coup attempt elected government.
attempted coup
Dictator Despot brutal dictator dictatorship The country descended into anarchy when its dictator
Autocrat benign dictator was overthrown.
tyrant ousts the dictator This brutal dictator has blood on his hands.
former dictator Popular protests eventually forced the dictator to flee the
Monarch sovereign absolute monarch monarchist Australia is an independent country but still has the
king constitutional British monarch as head of state.
emperor monarch His attempts to rule as an absolute monarch provoked a
empress reigning monarch rebellion.
queen ruling monarch
legislature Parliament state legislature legislation The proposals before the legislature included laws against
Chamber elected legislature drug trafficking.
law-making body the legislature The legislature passed a bill to permit a referendum on
house approves the constitution.
the legislature The USA has a bicameral legislature.
Regime military new regime The Fascist regime of Germany collapsed at the end of
government previous regime the war.
government military regime He was imprisoned and tortured under the military
dictatorship authoritarian regime.
administration regime The new regime immediately imprisoned opponents and
stopped freedom of speech.
(Video 5) Animals: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RleS2LzCfp58S_eJeccHSDMN9KF11ADo/view?usp=sharing
amphibian Frog amphibian swims amphibious Alligators did not evolve from amphibians.
salamander amphibian lives The pond teemed with all manner of amphibious animals.
toad amphibious animal Amphibians feature prominently in ancient legends.
amphibious creature
carnivore meat eater carnivores and carnivorous The researchers conclude that carnivores should not be
beast of prey herbivores kept in captivity.
predator carnivorous animal An herbivore and a carnivore may share the same habitat
carnivorous but their feeding patterns keep them separate.
mammal Lions are the great carnivores of the African savannah.
carnivorous species
herbivore Grazers carnivore and herbivorous The stomach of a herbivore has several chambers.
plant eater herbivore The teeth of herbivores are quite different to those of
browsers herbivorous carnivores.
vegetarian creature Elephants are herbivorous animals.
herbivorous animal
herbivorous species
omnivore omnivorous It was a tree-dwelling omnivore that resembled a cat.
These teeth replace those of herbivores and omnivores.
Human beings are an example of an omnivorous
predator predator and prey predatory The mites were in turn eaten by other arachnid
a natural predator predators.
a predator attacks Farmers are using natural predators to protect their
escape a predator crops.
The predatory behavior of foxes is extremely
prey Quarry prey on preyed Electric eels stun their prey with huge electrical
hunted prey upon discharges.
victim the prey of These animals are the prey of hyenas.
game something bird of They prey on small insects.
Parasite a malarial parasite parasitic He tested positive for intestinal parasites.
a microscopic The infection is caused by a tiny parasite which can affect
parasite humans and pets.
a parasite infects Global warming may cause the spread of tropical parasitic
carry a parasite diseases.
(Video 6) Family: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RleS2LzCfp58S_eJeccHSDMN9KF11ADo/view?usp=sharing

infant Baby infant mortality She found and took care of the infant.
Kid infant school The infant mortality rate in developed countries has
Young child infant care been dramatically reduced.
newborn infant His infant daughter delighted his grandparents.
adolescent Young person adolescent girl adolescence nearly 1% of adolescent girls suffer from anorexia.
Teenager adolescent boy Adolescents are often faced with an identity crisis as they
Juvenile adolescent behavior grow up.
Young adult The city had a high rate of adolescent pregnancy.
maternal Protective maternal instinct she had few maternal instincts. Her feelings towards him
Sympathetic maternal urge were
Loving maternal affection almost maternal.
Caring maternal devotion She had a very maternal approach to the children in her
affectionate class.

paternal Vigilant paternal instincts Paternal instincts are those behaviors which a father
Fatherly paternal behavior performs unconsciously.
Loving paternal pride His feelings towards his employees were almost paternal.
Concerned paternal devotion He reasserted his paternal authority over his family.

sibling sibling rivalry There was an intense rivalry between these siblings.
older sibling 30% went back to live with a sibling or parent after the
younger sibling war.
between siblings I had 3 much older siblings as I grew up.
marital status how well off you are in old age is largely determined by
race, sex and marital status.
It is possible that his marital status has hindered his
rabbinic career.
Please enter your marital status and provide any relevant

upbringing Nurturing strict upbringing He was a naval war hero with a privileged upbringing.
Childhood sheltered upbringing His political ideas were colored by his upbringing as the
Training privileged son of a peasant farmer.
Preparation upbringing She enjoyed an idyllic upbringing in the countryside.
Background unconventional
(Video 7) Geography: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DEFbizq26e4DGSlbamT9F9CsaeW7mFDK/view?usp=sharing

hemisphere northern hemisphere in the southern hemisphere, the height of summer is in

southern hemisphere January.
western hemisphere Countries in the western hemisphere are predominantly
eastern hemisphere democratic.
If you live in the far north of the northern hemisphere,
you can glimpse the Northern Lights.

equator cross the equator equatorial the space station orbits 22,000 miles above the Earth’s
straddle the equator equator.
south of the equator Sarawak Island straddles the equator.
north of the equator In equatorial countries, it is usually hot all year round.

longitude latitude and longitude longitudinal Warsaw is at a longitude of 21 degrees east of

longitudinal position Greenwich.
latitude and longitude Determining longitude exactly has been a problem for the
safety of shipping.
He measured the latitude and longitude and marked it on
the admiralty map.

latitude high latitudes latitudes Warsaw is at a latitude of 52 degrees north of the

low latitudes equator.
at a latitude In the middle to high latitudes, rainfall has risen steadily
latitude and longitude in the last 20-30 years.
Vitamin D deficiency is commonplace at northern

tide Current high tide tidal The island is inaccessible by foot at high tide.
Wave low tide The police report that exceptionally high
Flow strong tide tides have damaged local beaches.
rising tide Some scientists have suggested that strong tides can
cause earthquakes.

crater Bowl A volcanic crater Experts calculate that a 3km asteroid could create a
Hole deep crater crater 60km wide.
Depression shallow crater An ancient volcanic crater provides the perfectly shaped
Hollow leave a crater circle of Simpson Harbor.
Pit The bomb gouged out a crater 10 meters across.
summit Top the summit of The first man to reach the summit of Mount Everest was
Highest point something Sir Edmund Hillary.
Pinnacle reach the summit He reached the summit at about noon.
peak climb to the summit The expedition climbed to the summit of the mountain.
at the summit
(Video 8) Geography: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1voZRK_1UJ0RDeUJZaf3w3r1jbLIAQ6WV/view?usp=sharing
temperate Restrained temperate climate The Nile Valley retains a temperate climate throughout
Moderate temperate zone the year.
Balmy temperate region Agricultural crops thrive in temperate climates.
Warm temperate rainforest His report to the president was far more temperate and
Mild balanced than his earlier effort.

Arid Dry arid desert Botanists have cultivated crops that can withstand arid
Parched arid land conditions.
Bone-dry arid conditions Farming is difficult in the arid parts of the country.
Dusty arid landscape His history lectures were arid.
Marine Salt water marine environment Coral reefs are excellent breeding grounds for marine life.
Aquatic marine life Jacques Cousteau spent his life researching marine
Deep sea marine biology biology.
Maritime marine ecosystem Sea Life Centers have raised awareness of the marine
Coastal environment.
terrestrial Earthbound terrestrial Human beings are a terrestrial life form.
Global environment Although Mercury is very hot by terrestrial
Terrene extra terrestrial standards, it is cool by comparison to the Sun.
Terrestrial TV channels send their signals over land,
rather than by satellite.
glacier Ice pack glacier melts Scientists report that Alaska’s glaciers are melting faster
Ice glacier retreats than expected.
snow glacier moves During the Ice Age, northern Europe was covered under
Antarctic glacier an enormous glacier.
The glacier moves down the valley at a speed of 1 metre
a day.

Fauna Animal life flora and fauna the flora and fauna of the African Savannah is very
Wildlife native fauna diverse.
Animal marine fauna Brackish waters generally support only a small range of
kingdom diverse fauna faunas.
They worked hard to protect the fauna of the
Appalachian forests.

Flora Verdure flora and fauna A wide variety of flora exists in the Amazon jungle.
Plant life rich flora The purpose of the expedition was to study the flora and
Vegetation diverse flora fauna of the island.
Crops native flora
(Video 9) Health: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CZwkUTUeplC_Jxd7AuMDNsmqPzYQFT44/view?usp=sharing
Therapy Treatment in therapy therapeutic Many people in therapy begin to remember what
Remedy undergo therapy happened to them in childhood.
counselling receive therapy Speech problems can often be solved by a speech therapy
cure need therapy program.
After breaking her leg, she needed several weeks of
therapy to rebuild her muscles.
Transplant Replace a heart transplant transplantation Heart transplants are very common nowadays.
Graft an organ transplant Hundreds of people are awaiting liver transplant
Transfer undergoes a operations.
move transplant There was a scandal over the sale of human organs for
receive a transplant transplant.

Immune Unaffected immune system immunization The blood test will show whether you are immune to the
safe from immune response disease.
exempt immune from Most adults are immune to rubella.
resistant immune to After living in the war zone for a year, he became
immune to the sight of death.
Vaccine give a vaccine Vaccinate Anti-malarial vaccines are now undergoing trials.
inject a vaccine Seven million doses of vaccine are given to British
new vaccine children every year.
vaccine against Elderly people are often given a vaccine against flu.
Antibiotic Drug prescribe antibiotic antibiotics Approximately 60% of antibiotics are used to treat
Medicine administer antibiotic respiratory infections.
powerful antibiotic A 10-day course of oral antibiotics is the usual treatment
course of antibiotics for tonsillitis.
Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem that threatens
the entire globe.
Dose Amount a dose of something dosage The recommended dose for patients is 300mg.
Shot recommended dose
Measurement high dose
Quantity low dose
Remedy Fix remedy for remedies Natural herbal remedies often help overcome winter
drug something infections.
relief a remedy for pain There are many over-the-counter remedies for the
Medicine a natural remedy common cold.
Antidote a cough remedy The remedy of our economic ills lies in the hands of the
panacea government.
(Video 10) Healthcare: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wdb3tEH-xYQwWeMr9Febh7Mgq0nLe4-P/view?usp=sharing
Immunize Inoculate immunize against immunization We require that every student is immunized against
Protect immunize against flu hepatitis.
vaccinate immunize a child The monkeys had been immunized with a vaccine.
flu immunization All parents should have their children immunized.
Pathology forensic pathology pathologist Anatomy, physiology and pathology are studied on
social pathology medical courses.
molecular pathology A sample was sent to a pathology laboratory for analysis.
pathology laboratory The physician reviewed the pathology of selected disease
Pharmaceutical Drugs pharmaceutical Roche are a Swiss pharmaceutical company.
medicine industry The pharmaceutical industry is the second largest in the
pharmaceutical world.
company The firm has supplied pharmaceuticals to Africa for many
pharmaceutical years.
Physiotherapy undergo physiotherapy physiother After his leg heals, he will need several weeks of intensive
receive physiotherapy apist physiotherapy.
need physiotherapy An alternative is to visit a physiotherapy clinic.
physiotherapy clinic If you experience joint pain, you can undergo a course of
Practitioner Doctor a general practitioner If in doubt, consult a medical practitioner.
Specialist a medical practitioner To become a qualified practitioner takes several years.
Consultant consults a practitioner If you feel chest pain, visit a medical practitioner
visit a practitioner immediately.
Psychiatry study psychiatry psychiatrist Psychiatry is a relatively new profession in medicine.
teaches psychiatry She is a consultant in child and adolescent psychiatry.
practice psychiatry He practices psychiatry at the local hospital.
child psychiatry
Anesthetic (US) pain killer general anesthetic Anesthetic The operation is carried out under general anesthetic.
Anaesthetic soporific local anesthetic anesthetist 73% of women had an epidural anesthetic during labor.
(British English) shot under anesthetic The dentist will usually give you a local anesthetic during
gas administer an dental surgery.
(Video 11) Illness: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vTtdRJImbuusyYS6bxqxcFrqtnI1ymS6/view?usp=sharing
Acute Severe acute pain She was admitted to hospital with acute arthritis.
Sudden acute symptoms After drinking contaminated water, he developed an
sharp acute illness acute case of dysentery.
intense acute infection She was rushed to hospital after feeling acute chest
Chronic Protracted chronic pain chronically He is suffering from chronic back pain.
Constant chronic stress She suffered for years with chronic depression.
incurable chronic disorder The condition is often chronic.
persistent chronic illness
Addict drug addict addiction The research is designed to find out why drug addicts
heroin addict often relapse.
become addicted He was both an alcoholic and a cocaine addict.
former addict They were both recovering addicts and supported each
Allergy Sensitivity allergy to something allergic Food allergies can result in a wide variety of symptoms.
Reaction develop an allergy An allergy to cats is a common cause of asthma.
aversion a severe allergy It is important to protect infants against allergies.
hypersensitivity allergic reaction
Syndrome Problem cause a syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome affects more women than men.
Ailment acquire a syndrome The syndrome is more likely to affect those with lower
Malady suffer from a levels of immunity.
Sickness syndrome The exact cause of Asperger’s Syndrome is not known.
disorder diagnose a
Epidemic widespread an epidemic of A severe flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.
disease something A killer epidemic of yellow fever is affecting central Africa.
pandemic flu epidemic A report warns that the AIDS epidemic is not yet at its
plague deadly epidemic peak.
epidemic sweeps
Trauma Shock severe trauma Horse riding accidents often involve head trauma.
Injury head trauma An ambulance is vital for getting trauma patients to
Blow a trauma patient hospital quickly.
Damage a trauma surgeon Because of the car accident, she suffered severe neck and
Wound head trauma.
(Video 12) Law: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rDM2AlWcyaQ74A0sXgJwsmtfspEggYlF/view?usp=sharing
Advocate Lawyer Strong advocate He was a strong advocate for free speech.
Solicitor Leading advocate He worked as an advocate in the criminal court.
Attorney Advocate for He was a leading advocate for women’s rights.
Defender Advocate of

Abide by Accept Abide by a decision You must abide by school rules.

Acknowledge Abide by a law The police make sure that people abide by the law.
Tolerate Abide by an Employees must abide by terms of their employment
Consent agreement contract.
defer Abide by the rules
Enforce Apply Enforce by Enforces Until now, the government has only enforced the ban on
Carry out Enforce the law Enforcing American ships.
Invoke The police enforce Enforced The measures are being enforced by the army.
Impose Strictly enforce enforcement A strict monetary policy was enforced.
invoke Resort to Invoke a law/ a rule/ Invokes The judge invoked an international law that protects
Enforce the constitution/ Invoked refugees.
Apply legislation invoking The NATO ambassador invoked the mutual defense
Use clause.
Effect The president invoked the power given him by the
Jurisdiction Area of Within the Sanctioned The FBI has no jurisdiction in Europe.
authority. jurisdiction British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank
District. outside the account.
Territory. jurisdiction The crime took place within the jurisdiction of the
Administration. Have jurisdiction Bangkok court of law.
Power. Jurisdiction over
Litigate Drag into court. Litigate a case/ a Litigates The cost of litigating personal injury claims is becoming
Prosecute. claim/ an issue/ a Litigated expensive.
Sue. matter Litigation The chance of similar cases being litigated in India seems
Institute unlikely.
proceedings. The settlement ends more than 4 years of litigation
between the 2 companies.

Prosecute Arraign -Prosecute a Prosecutes The police have decided not to prosecute because of a
Litigate criminal/ a suspect/ Prosecution lack of evidence.
Try someone for Prosecuted Photographs taken by roadside camera are enough to
Sue -successfully prosecute motorists for speeding.
indict prosecute He is being prosecuted for a string of offenses.
(Video 13) Law: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n1jwHQ7pZ3FV-mSdcEjyCFoicRhacyJQ/view?usp=sharing
Clause Paragraph a clause in He has a clause in his contract which entitles him to a
Section something percentage of the profits.
Provision a breach of a clause The complaint alleged a breach of clause 4 of the code.
article contain a clause This clause stipulates the health and welfare benefits of
include a clause employees.
Comply Obey comply with compliance The commander said that the army would comply with
observe something the terms of the ceasefire.
adhere to comply with laws Some beaches have failed to comply with European
comply with directives on bathing water.
regulations You must fully comply with the requirements of the
fully comply agreement.

Exempt not liable exempt from College students were exempt from military service.
absolved exempt from tax Any income gained from this source is exempt from tax.
excused potentially exempt Basic necessities, such as children’s clothing and food, are
immune currently exempt exempt from sales tax.
Ratify Sign ratify a treaty ratification The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to
Approve ratify an agreement ratify the treaty.
Confirm formally ratify Russia formally ratified the Kyoto Protocol on Thursday.
Endorse officially ratify The two companies formally ratified the merger.
Sanction Ratify sanction a law sanctioned The president may now be ready to sanction the use of
Approve sanction the use of force.
Allow officially sanction He decided to sanction an increase in public borrowing.
Certify legally sanction They argued that an invasion could only take place with
authorize the sanction of the United Nations.
Uphold Endorse uphold the law upholding Our policy has been to uphold the law.
Back uphold a ruling The court upheld the judge’s original decision.
Stand by uphold a sentence The judges unanimously upheld the appeal.
maintain unanimously uphold
Violate Disregard violate the law violation They went to prison because they violated the law.
Breach violate a rule They violated the ceasefire agreement.
break in violation There are allegations of human rights violations.
contravene a violation of the
Disobey law
(Video 14) Political beliefs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hnrr8XyIC0KoC8hxRw0E63FNic2sGbp4/view?usp=sharing
Advocate Push advocate by advocate advocated The prime minister advocates fewer government controls
advance for advocate reform on business.
Support strongly advocate The education policy advocated by the opposition will
campaign for reduce the amount of testing done in schools.
recommend I am going to advocate for the rights of refugees.

Dogma Ideology religious dogma dogmatic Their religious dogma has blinded them to the people’s
Creed political dogma suffering.
Belief challenge dogma Her political dogma made her ignore the real needs of the
doctrine outdated dogma country.
tenet accept dogma He wants to free the country from the grip of dogmatic
gospel question dogma beliefs.
propaganda Indoctrination racist propaganda The separatists adopted an aggressive propaganda
Disinformation election propaganda campaign against its rivals.
Misinformation political propaganda He made a series of pro-fascist propaganda movies in the
brainwashing propaganda machine 1930s.
hype Republican propaganda is designed to encourage fear
and hatred.
Ideology Philosophy political ideology ideological The president embraced the ideology of the free market.
Values dominant ideology American conservatives are often divided by powerful
belief embraces an ideology political ideologies.
Doctrine reject an ideology The fascist ideology devastated Europe.
Liberal Progressive liberal democracy liberalism The country transitioned successfully from a dictatorship
Reformist liberal education to a liberal democracy.
social democrat liberal values Liberal economic policies encourage more free trade and
radical socially liberal less protectionism.
libertarian Autonomous civil libertarian libertarianis He was a libertarian politician and advocated the right to
individualistic libertarian party m carry guns.
free will libertarian views Libertarians argue that people have the right to live as
self-ruling libertarian policies they choose.
Pluralism Diversity political pluralism pluralist The country was gradually shifting towards political
inclusivity religious pluralism pluralism.
social pluralism Reform in Arab countries is centered around the need to
pluralist society create a pluralist society.
(Video 15) Social issues: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10Wc9S4GFCitM3awQ0UfL9dEsk_RZuXTk/view?usp=sharing
civil rights civil rights abuse They introduced new laws guaranteeing civil rights.
civil rights violation The police were accused of violating her civil rights.
grant civil rights Martin Luther King led the campaign for civil rights in the
promote civil rights southern states.
Secular non-religious secular state secularism He spoke about preserving the country as a secular state.
material secular society There is a need for greater secular education.
civil secular authority Turkey is one of the most successful secular states of the
temporal increasingly secular Middle East.
Ethics Morals ethics of ethical Its members are bound by a rigid code of ethics.
beliefs medical ethics Doctors claimed that such an action was a violation of
principles work ethics medical ethics.
right and wrong ethics committee Corporate ethics have reached a low point.
Feminism women’s radical feminism Feminism has still to change the lives of the majority of
liberation feminism challenges women.
women’s lib feminism teaches She was a champion of radical feminism.
feminism influences Proponents of feminism have challenged traditional
gender roles.
Humanitarian Benevolent humanitarian relief The air bombing campaign was criticized on humanitarian
Charitable humanitarian aid grounds.
humane humanitarian The UN and Red Crescent orchestrated humanitarian aid.
philanthropic grounds Philanthropists and humanitarians head the Australian
altruistic humanitarian crisis honors list, issued today.
Refugee asylum seeker resettle refugees About 100 refugees have escaped from a detention
displaced refugee camp camp.
person help refugees’ Thousands of refugees crossed Europe after the war.
émigré refugee from The refugee crisis has dominated TV coverage.
Catastrophe Tragedy major catastrophe catastrophic War between the two countries would be a catastrophe.
Disaster environmental The world is facing an environmental catastrophe.
devastation catastrophe The hurricane had a catastrophic impact on the economy
cataclysm avert a catastrophe of the coast.
calamity catastrophic
(Video 16) Texts: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bcQWH01KZMHb6-aAdWIHhsUHySeoo4BI/view?usp=sharing
Abstract Summary an abstract of Many scientists only have time to read the abstracts of
Outline something academic papers.
synopsis an abstract of a Some library indexes also contain abstracts or summaries
précis paper of articles.
read an abstract The abstract of many papers often tells you everything
write an abstract you need to know.
bibliography reading list compile a bibliographies Readers interested in further readings should check the
list of books bibliography bibliography at the back of the book.
further reading refer to the I have included an extensive bibliography at the rear of
bibliography the book.
consult the Please refer to the bibliography for references contained
bibliography in the paper.
an extensive
Commentary Exposition a commentary about commentator Mr. Barnes will be writing a weekly commentary about
Analysis a commentary on life in Poland.
review an informative It is an insightful commentary about life in China.
explanation commentary He is a top political commentator from Moscow.
description a detailed
critique commentary

Footnote add a footnote She has added several footnotes to the document.
refer to the footnote You can add footnotes to the page by selecting the footer
a footnote in a book option.
Paper Research present a paper He recently published a paper in the journal.
Thesis publish a paper This controversial paper suggests that many cases are
Essay an academic paper self-inflicted.
study a paper on She will present a paper on her research into the lifestyle
Article of the gibbon tomorrow at 1.30.
Periodical Journal educational The university library contains an extensive collection of
publication periodical periodicals.
magazine popular periodical This important periodical is published six times annually.
periodical article He has published several papers on this subject in a
edit a periodical variety of popular periodicals.
Précis Summary Précis of something A précis of the manuscript was sent to the magazine.
Outline précis of a book The power of this story cannot be judged from a précis of
synopsis a brief précis the plot.
an inaccurate précis He wrote a précis of the book for The Times newspaper.
(Video 17) Biology: https://drive.google.com/file/d/157mm0t1mlr0agHyEovUTjyqeQUVF84Dk/view?usp=sharing

decay rot decaying vegetation decayed Many insects enjoy a diet of rotting and decaying
deteriorate decaying flesh vegetation
decompose tooth decay The bodies buried in ash started to decay.
process of decay The old theatre was left to decay.

dormant asleep dormant for dormant The dormant volcano St Helens suddenly erupted in 1980.
inactive dormant state The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.
latent lie dormant The UN is reactivating peace talks that have been
sluggish remain dormant dormant for two decades.
exhale breathe out exhale through exhalation You should inhale through your nose and exhale through
let out exhale from your mouth.
give off exhale slowly Carbon dioxide is exhaled through your mouth.
emit exhale air She slowly exhaled the cigarette smoke.
inhale breathe in inhale deeply inhalation He took a long, slow breath, inhaling deeply.
sniff inhale slowly He was treated for the effects of inhaling smoke.
suck in inhale air She inhaled the scent of the flowers.
smell inhale smoke
fertilize Inseminate fertilize plants fertilization Certain varieties of plant cannot be fertilized with their
pollinate fertilize something own pollen.
enrich with A certain sperm count is needed in order to fertilize the
germinate artificially fertilize egg.
successfully The land was fertilized for seed planting.
reproduce Breed animals reproduce reproduction We are reproducing ourselves at an excessive rate.
replicate plants reproduce Genes are copied and swapped during sexual
clone reproduce a species reproduction.
recreate sexual reproduction In this society, women are defined by their ability to
Suppress Stop suppress the suppression The growth of cancerous cells can be suppressed through
Contain immune system radiation.
Inhibit suppress the There is evidence that UV light can suppress the immune
cut off appetite system.
treatment A doctor must learn to suppress his feelings.
drugs suppress
(Video 18) Business: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jCLUKLKDcDtgxoUH-s2tuvBhhUGuxih_/view?usp=sharing

audit Review an accountant audits auditor Each year they audit our accounts and check if they are
Investigation audit accounts accurate.
check audit a company They plan to audit the company.
analysis company audit The bank found out the problem when they carried out
inspection an internal audit.
compensate pay back compensate compensation When the bank collapsed, the government compensated
make up for someone customers for their losses.
reimburse compensate for a She promised to compensate her victims for the trauma
repay loss they suffered.
fully compensated The court ordered him to pay £300 compensation.
reimburse Compensate reimburse someone reimbursement Participants will have their travel expenses reimbursed.
repay for The funds will reimburse policyholders in the event of insurer
refund reimburse costs failure.
She is demanding reimbursement for her medical expenses.
pay back reimburse expenses
seek reimbursement
revenue Earnings generate revenue Last year, we enjoyed a massive increase in revenue.
Income boost revenue The government increased revenue by raising taxes.
proceeds raise revenue Fishing is the town’s main source of revenue.
funds extra revenue
turnover Revenue a turnover of The company had a turnover of $1.2 billion in 2015.
Earnings annual turnover Total turnover rose by 13%.
income high turnover The manager admitted that staff turnover was high.
staff turnover
creditor Bank creditor banks creditors The company said that it would repay all its creditors.
Lender owe creditor It will be the second bailout of Greece and its creditor
loan shark repay creditor banks.
banker persuade creditor You must pay back your creditors within 30 days.
Debtor borrower debtor owes Debtors Debtors must manage their finances carefully.
debtor repays If you are a debtor, we can give you financial advice.
debtor country In Europe, economic decisions often pit creditor nations
debtor nation against debtor nations.
(Video 19) Business: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R8uZr1o3lwsMj9_wOsWG8SjXKQw3nOQv/view?usp=sharing
enterprise project a commercial enterprising Small enterprises are flourishing under current
business enterprise government policies.
firm a profitable It’s one of Hungary’s most successful enterprises.
activity enterprise Their enterprise, energy, and thrift made them natural
company private enterprise leaders in the community.
undertaking state enterprise
entrepreneur Solopreneur a successful entrepreneurship The two entrepreneurs set up their company two years
Businessman entrepreneur ago.
business owner a budding The government is providing financial incentives for
proprietor entrepreneur entrepreneurs to innovate.
businesswoman an entrepreneur Bill Fish, the Californian entrepreneur, founded a new
founds Internet search engine in 2006.
an entrepreneur
found Establish founded by foundation Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg.
Begin founded in The business, founded in 1923, recently suffered severe
initiate found a business financial setbacks.
form found an He founded the company in 2007.
start organization
franchise a fast-food franchised They won the franchise to run the railway system.
franchise The franchise holders were unhappy with the policies of
franchise holder the parent company.
franchise owner She bought a franchise to run a Starbucks coffee shop in
run a franchise the new shopping Centre.

merge Unite merge with Merging The Bank of America merged with Merrill Lynch.
Amalgamate merge into Unmerge Modern and traditional architectural elements merge in a
blend merge together (opposite) clever way.
restructure Reorganize Restructure the restructured The president called on educators to help him restructure
reconstruct company the American education system.
reshuffle Restructure the Many banks were forced to restructure after the banking
reform collapse of 2008.
radically restructure
They made every effort to restructure their company.
Subsidiary subordinate a subsidiary of subsidiaries British Asia Airways is a subsidiary of British Airways.
a subsidiary of a It’s one of 10 subsidiaries of Cossack Holdings.
company subsidiary CNPC agreed to buy a 10% holding in Vankorneft, a
company subsidiary of Rosneft.
(Video 20) Compare and contrast:
Complement supplement complemented by complementary There will be a written test to complement the practical
accompany perfectly test.
augment complement Their academic program is complemented by a wide
enhance complement range of sporting and cultural activities.
add to something
Converse on the other the converse of conversely Your job affects where you live. And the converse is true:
hand something where you live, affects what job you will have.
opposite the converse is true If taxes are high, savings will be low. Conversely, if taxes
are low, savings will be high.
They may reduce the activity of certain hormones or,
conversely, they may cause excessive hormonal activity.
Differentiate Distinguish differentiate differentiatio A baby can differentiate between a smile and a frown.
point out between things n A child may not be able to differentiate between his
differences differentiate imagination and the real world.
something from Their brand was not differentiated enough from the
differentiated competition.
differentiating factor
Diverse Varied ethnically diverse Diversity The country has a diverse range of habitats.
Distinct culturally diverse diversified Society is now much more diverse than ever before.
Assorted diverse background The program is enjoyed by a very diverse audience.
differing diverse group
Mirror Embody closely mirror mirrored The story mirrors many of my own experiences.
Resemble exactly mirror The debate over immigration often mirrors the debate
seem like perfectly mirror over assimilation.
echo almost mirror
Resemble be similar to closely resemble resemblance Some commercially produced venison resembles beef in
look like strongly resemble flavor.
be like a resemblance It is true that both therapies do closely resemble each
act like between other.
echo bear a resemblance There was a remarkable resemblance between the two
Synonymous the same as synonymous with Paris is synonymous with elegance, luxury, style…and
equates with synonymous with love.
interrelated quality synonymous In politics, power and popularity are rarely synonymous.
identified with with wealth Champagne is synonymous with celebration
identical be synonymous
(Video 21) History: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kymo8HMZqwYQot1XQQhqLn2ddOTm6xh8/view?usp=sharing
Archive Collection an archive of archivist The archives of the museum are filled with interesting
Repository something an documents and artefacts.
records office archive of We now have an online archive of records which can be
library documents accessed by the public.
a digital archive a The city archives contain birth, marriage and death
vast archive certificates.

Artefact Antique historical artefact artefacts The museum holds more than 1,000 artefacts from
relic cultural artefact Ancient Rome.
heirloom priceless artefact He was an illegal trader in ancient artefacts.
collect artefacts It was a priceless historical artefact.
Excavate Dig excavate a site excavation A new expedition is again excavating the site of the
Unearth excavate a grave ancient Viking settlement.
uncover excavate remains Archaeologists excavated the skeletal remains of an early
excavate a skeleton human in Indonesia.
They excavated the site of a dried-up river and found
many interesting artefacts.
heritage History cultural heritage Historic buildings are part of our unique heritage.
Culture historical heritage The concert celebrates the rich heritage of Russian folk
Traditions a heritage site music.
Legacy/ancestr preserves the It is important to protect our heritage for future
y heritage generations.
Primitive Basic primitive tribe His book is a study of the primitive societies of the Pacific
Backward primitive tribesman islands.
undeveloped primitive society He has studied the health of many primitive tribes of
primitive culture Central America.

Millennium 1000 years celebrate the millennia Many Japanese companies are unsure whether they will
millennium survive the new millennium.
approach the There were parties all over the world as people
millennium celebrated the new millennium.
a new millennium
the third millennium
Renaissance Renaissance art You can view many great Renaissance masterpieces in the
Renaissance art gallery.
masterpiece Science took a new and different turn during the
Renaissance Renaissance.
architecture Renaissance art is typified by a particular style of
Renaissance studies painting.
(Video 22) Linguistics: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AeqAudk3g2OVum-WrMu1O0CqlIHsq1u2/view?usp=sharing

analogy comparison analogy with analogous The term ‘social capital’ was coined by analogy with the
resemblance analogy between conventional use of the word to mean financial assets.
parallel draw analogy good You can make an analogy between the courses of the
similarity analogy planets and two trains traveling in the same direction.
nuance Subtlety subtle nuance We can use our eyes and facial expressions to
hint nuance of language communicate every subtle nuance of emotion there is.
understand a If you read the Koran in translation, you miss the nuances
nuance appreciate a of the original language.
coin Create coin a phrase coin a coined She coined the term ‘virtual reality’ and pioneered its
come up with word early development.
invent coined by first Simone de Beauvoir first coined the phrase ‘women’s
coined liberation’ in her book, The Second Sex.
connotation Association negative connotations In Norse mythology, Hell is the realm of the dead, but the
Overtone connotation sexual name doesn’t carry the negative connotations which
undertone connotation Christianity later placed on it.
meaning connotation of a ‘Urchin’, with its connotation of mischievousness, may
word connotation of not be a particularly apt word.
a term
figurative Metaphorical figurative language figuratively Most poems are written in figurative language.
Fanciful figurative sense It’s an event that will change your life in both the literal
figure of figurative and the figurative sense.
speech description
descriptive figurative image
literal Exact literal translation literally People there are fighting, in a literal sense, for their lives.
actual literal interpretation The concert ended with a bang in the most literal sense.
authentic literal sense A literal translation of the word is ‘walls.
untarnished literal meaning
Metaphor Analogy metaphor for metaphorical The writer’s use of metaphor is very fitting for the topic.
symbol something a perfect If you want to explore music as a metaphor for society,
allegory metaphor this book is the place to start.
image a visual metaphor a He goes further, extending the metaphor beyond the
fitting metaphor game itself to the business of the NFL.
(Video 23) Materials: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pgna-3PnUvQbLOfM1GkI_JQqGyitlrKO/view?usp=sharing

Dense Compressed dense forest densely Where Bucharest now stands, there was once a large,
Heavy dense population dense forest.
overcrowded dense crowd Singapore is an area of dense population.
thick dense foliage Small mammals such as mice like to live in dense
Porous Absorbent porous rock The local limestone is highly porous.
Permeable porous surface Rough porous surfaces will soak up paint more quickly
penetrable porous material than smooth, sealed surfaces.
highly porous The porous rock in the area leads to the creation of many
small streams.
permeable Porous permeable to A number of products have been developed which are
absorbent something permeable to air and water.
sponge like permeable to water Permeable membranes are thought to have tiny pores
permeable which allow the rapid flow of water.
membrane The rainfall quickly soaked into the permeable rock.
permeable material
Fiber Thread carbon fiber fibers If you look at paper under a microscope you will see the
Strand muscle fiber man- fibers.
tissue made fiber There is a variety of colored fiber in the cloth.
contain fibers Experts warn that inhaling just one asbestos fiber can
cause cancer.
constituent Element constituent of Caffeine is the active constituent of coffee.
Ingredient something The main constituents were lemon juice and syrup.
Part a major constituent These constraints force its constituent minerals to change
component an active constituent their atomic structure.
constituent part
Raw Natural raw materials We import raw materials and export mainly
Untreated raw sewage manufactured goods.
Basic/Crude raw sugar In the port are two ships carrying raw sugar from Cuba.
unprocessed raw cotton The raw sewage from the pipes had leaked into the river.
Debris Junk debris from Rescue workers routed traffic around the debris from the
Waste something explosions.
Rubble clear debris A number of people were killed by flying debris.
Wreckage floating debris Road sweepers cleared the street of debris.
Rubbish debris is scattered
(Video 24) Math: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ONtL0KKLH8kpgDURILmZr0cRCNBURTMn/view?usp=sharing

constant constant of The constants of nature are certain numbers that

a fundamental describe the laws of physics.
constant Two significant constants have been found in a number of
a universal constant research studies.
a mathematical The most widely known constant is the speed of light.
deduct Subtract deduct from deduction The company deducted this payment from his
Withdraw deduct from a salary compensation.
remove tax deduction Up to 5% of marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes.
automatically Taxes will be automatically deducted at the end of the
deducted month.
integer whole number choose an integer integers Prime numbers are positive integers that can only be
digit positive integer divided by themselves and one.
negative integer They asked patients to score the degree of discomfort on
integer scale a 0-6 integer scale.
Choose an integer between 1 and 9.
fraction Portion fraction of fractions Only a fraction of the work was completed on time.
Part something A quarter, or 1 over 4, is a fraction.
Chunk small fraction Multiply the fraction by a whole number.
tiny fraction
represents a fraction
median Central median income The median sentence for hard drugs offenses increased
Average median age median from 150 days in 1982 to 240 in 1986.
Midpoint price median Pessimists point out that the median price for new homes
middle number has slipped.
The median age for retirement has increased to 67.
mean average mean score Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the
mean average mean.
mean age The mean score for 16-year old’s is 87%.
mean concentration What is the mean age of entrants into the army?

Theorem Axiom mathematical This was the central mathematical theorem underpinning
Rule theorem his entire theory.
law prove theorem The theorem is hard to prove.
It can take years of effort to prove some theorems.
(Video 25) Opinion: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m69VyTOJ4EpJw_rTYVM6Ha0G-oZg1Iqg/view?usp=sharing
assertion Contention make an assertion assertions The is concrete evidence to support assertions that the
Statement repeat an assertion economy is contracting.
pronouncemen challenge an She challenges the assertion that participation in
t assertion refute an organized sport teaches children teamwork.
allegation assertion He made a confident assertion that the company would
argument grow next year.
conjecture Supposition a matter of That was merely conjecture, not fact.
Surmise conjecture Ozone creation is a very large-scale natural process and
Hunch conjecture about the importance of human attempts to reduce it are a
Hypothesis something matter of conjecture.
guesswork fuel conjecture
spark conjecture
contention Hypothesis support contention This evidence supports the contention that the outbreak
Argument accept contention of violence was prearranged.
Idea/ position someone’s There is sufficient evidence to support this contention.
assertion contention dispute They hold the contention that no student should be
opinion contention compelled to pay for tuition fees.
stance Position take a stance The Congress has agreed to reconsider its stance on the
Posture maintain a stance war.
Viewpoint a neutral stance The Swiss frequently maintain a neutral stance in
attitude an aggressive stance international affairs.
His stance towards the news story is similar to mine.
sceptic Questioner a born sceptic Skepticism He was a born sceptic.
Critic silences the sceptics septic She now has to convince sceptics that he has a serious
cynic persuade the plan.
Dissenter sceptics skeptical Anyone who is skeptical of global warming and its
dissident about consequences simply need to look at the evidence
Speculation Opinion speculation about Speculations The prime minister has dismissed speculation about his
belief make a speculation speculate plans to resign.
Guess fuel speculation I have published my speculations about the future in my
Hypothesis dismiss speculation latest book, The World In 2100.
Thought There are speculations that he might have died from a
prediction blow to the head.
(Video 26) Positive qualities: https://drive.google.com/file/d/155879e1l1jXNpcpyFuRdC931so5DZIKz/view?usp=sharing
compelling Strong compelling All the evidence makes a suicide verdict the most
irresistible argument compelling answer to the mystery of his death.
compelling reason The evidence was so compelling that the government was
compelling evidence forced to make the change.
compelling data He made a very compelling argument for the dismissal of
the case.
constructive Effective constructive constructively Serbia has praised what they call a constructive approach
Positive criticism to peace talks.
Usable constructive talks After their meeting, both men described their talks as
productive constructive role open and constructive.
useful constructive She received a lot of constructive criticism after her
practical comment performance.

credible trustworthy credible to someone Incredibility Her claims seem very credible.
believable appear credible credibility To maintain a credible threat, we must maintain the
conceivable sound credible alliance.
honest/plausible scarcely credible His story was scarcely credible.
Ground Revolutionary groundbreaking She published her groundbreaking book on psychology in
-breaking Original research 1986.
radical groundbreaking Their groundbreaking research will have a major impact
cutting edge discovery on the way we treat disease.
innovative groundbreaking Alexander Fleming’s groundbreaking discovery of
trailblazing work penicillin changed the world.
integrity Honesty the integrity of I have always regarded him as a man of considerable
Sincerity someone question integrity.
Virtue someone’s integrity The game relies on the integrity of the individual to abide
principle personal integrity by the rules.
artistic integrity Most politicians today lack integrity.

optimum Perfect optimum level optimal To maintain optimum health, exercise three times a day.
Ideal optimum size They are the regions which enjoy optimum conditions for
most favorable optimum condition farming.
peak optimum state He reached his optimum fitness level just in time for the
maximum Olympics.
Rigorous uncompromising rigorous testing rigorously The government is going to introduce more rigorous
thorough rigorous scrutiny testing of children.
tough rigorous analysis The pathology department uses a rigorous system of
meticulous rigorous blood analysis.
strict examination The soldiers underwent rigorous training before being
sent into the war zone.
(Video 27) Negative quality: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jOk0TSXmBGrBsAl3-YfwDr2_3cOrBA4A/view?usp=sharing
abnormal Strange abnormal bleeding abnormality Abnormal heart rhythms should be checked by a doctor.
Aberrant abnormal behavior Nothing abnormal was detected.
Irregular abnormal heartbeat The child had an abnormal fear of strangers.
Unusual abnormal cells
adverse Negative adverse conditions Adversity A high dosage of vitamins may lead to adverse side
disadvantageou adverse weather adversely effects.
s adverse publicity Despite the adverse conditions, the bridge was finished in
unfavorable adverse effect just eight months.
Because of the adverse weather, they had to abandon the
football match.
deficient faulty deficient in deficiency A poor diet is deficient in vitamins and minerals.
inadequate something The proposal was deficient in several ways.
insufficient deficient in an area Sleep deficiency can have serious health consequences.
weak/lacking seriously deficient
impaired morally deficient
deprived Underprivilege deprived area deprivation They are among the most seriously deprived children in
d deprived the country.
impoverished neighborhood There are many problems associated with life in deprived
destitute deprived childhood inner-city areas.
poor deprived upbringing In this deprived neighborhood, he was one of the few
young men with a job.
negligent Neglectful negligent in Negligence The jury determined that the airline was negligent in
remiss something negligent training the crew.
careless act The council had acted in a negligent manner.
criminally negligent The claims were made against a negligent third party for
grossly negligent personal injury.
Short-coming Imperfection shortcoming of shortcomings Marriages usually break down as a result of the
Failing something highlight shortcomings of both partners.
Defect/ Flaw shortcoming His book is entertaining, but it has its shortcomings.
deficiency serious shortcoming Manchester United’s defense displayed some serious
weakness glaring shortcoming shortcomings.
Volatile Erratic volatile market volatility There have been riots before and the situation is volatile.
Unstable volatile atmosphere The international oil markets have been highly volatile
Unsettled highly volatile since the early 1970s.
Fickle increasingly volatile Armed soldiers guard the streets in this volatile
unpredictable atmosphere.
(Video 28) Research methods: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-
Collate Assemble collate information collation She has spent years collating the data on which her study
Gather collate data collate is based.
collect figures collate They have begun to collate their own statistics on racial
statistics abuse.
The organization has collated a great deal of information
on reading difficulties.
Correlate tie in correlates with correlation Obesity correlates with an increased risk of diabetes.
equate something The political views of spouses correlate more closely than
link correlates to their heights.
compare strongly correlate The loss of respect for British science is correlated to
interact closely correlate reduced funding.
Empirical evidence-based empirical evidence empirically There is no empirical evidence to support the existence of
observational empirical data god.
factual empirical study She published a series of empirical studies.
experimental empirical finding Empirical findings confirm the existence of black holes.
hypothesis Proposition test a hypothesis hypothetical Work will now begin to test the hypothesis that flies are
theory/ thesis support a hypothesis affected by WIFI signals.
Conjecture/Ide confirm a hypothesis Different hypotheses have been put forward to explain
a propose a why these foods are more likely to cause health
Assumption hypothesis problems.
Theory Proposition the theory of theoretical There are conflicting theories as how children best learn
Law something to read.
Idea develop a theory Einstein’s theory of relativity explains much of our
Rule according to the understanding of the universe.
Argument theory In theory, mapping the human genome may lead to
philosophy in theory thousands of cures for disease.
qualitative case study qualitative qualitatively There are qualitative differences in the way children and
interview difference adults think.
observation qualitative study High quality research may contain a combination of
action research qualitative research qualitative and quantitative data.
focus group qualitative data Her qualitative research includes interviews and
Quantitative Statistical quantitative study quantitatively She made use of quantitative data of migration patterns.
Numerical quantitative data Their quantitative research included the statistical
measurable quantitative analysis of currency fluctuations.
research Quantitative studies have shown no measurable impact
quantitative analysis on the economic effects of a ban on smoking.
(Video 29) Social issues: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mj4TjIT3kRxHkqzAxHilH0irVNS1c9RQ/view?usp=sharing

Inequality Inequity social inequality People are raising concerns about increasing social
Disparity inequality in inequality.
injustice something Our policies aim to reduce inequality.
inequality between There is still significant inequality between the sexes in
things many European countries.
tackle inequality
deprived Underprivilege deprived area deprivation They are probably the most severely deprived children in
d deprived the country.
disadvantaged neighborhood There are considerable problems associated with life in a
destitute deprived childhood deprived area.
needy deprived upbringing He endured a deprived childhood but ultimately found
success and happiness.
elite Establishment governing elite elitism The country was ruled by a wealthy elite.
oligarchy political elite The governing elite are often out of touch with ordinary
ruling class an elite rule people.
challenges the elite The debate is dominated by an intellectual elite.
redistribute Reorganize redistribute wealth redistribution Wealth was redistributed more equally after the
Move redistribute land revolution.
shift redistribute income Taxes can be used to redistribute income.
redistribute power The communists embarked on a program of land
privilege Benefit grant privilege privileged The Russian Federation has issued a decree removing
entitlement enjoy privilege special privileges for government officials.
right abuse privilege Members of parliament enjoy special rights and
advantage special privilege privileges.
Member nations of the EU have mutual trading privileges.
Under- Poor underprivileged This charity helps underprivileged children learn to read.
privileged Disadvantaged child Government cuts had a great impact on underprivileged
Needy underprivileged families.
impoverished family The inner city was a ghetto for the underprivileged.
the underprivileged
Multi-cultural Diverse multicultural society Multi- There are many advantages for children growing up in a
multiracial multicultural culturalism multicultural society.
inclusive community The school curriculum takes a multicultural perspective.
ethnically multicultural Many neighborhoods in large cities contain multicultural
diverse approach communities.
(Video 30) Upward trends: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BtJ5MmwEYltjm_Z8yNDxVMjvgxkDNPRl/view?usp=sharing
Rise go up rise in numbers rose Between 1999 and 2000 there was a modest rise.
increase dramatic rise There was a dramatic rise between 2010 and 2011.
climb sudden rise
modest rise
Increase go up increase slightly Increasing Between 1999 and 2000 there was a slight increase.
climb increase increased Numbers increased dramatically between 2010 and 2011.
rise dramatically
small increase
sudden increase
Soar shoot up numbers soar Soaring Between 2010 and 2011 numbers soared.
ascend prices soar Soared Between 2010 and 2011 numbers soared to just over 80.
rocket soar upwards
soar to
Leap Surge suddenly leapt Leaped Between 2010 and 2011 numbers leapt to just over 80.
Rocket sudden leap Between 2010 and 2011 numbers leapt from just under
soar leap up 30 to just over 80.
leap from…to
Rocket Surge prices rocket rocketing Between 2010 and 2011 numbers rocketed to just over
Leapt numbers rocketed 80.
soar suddenly rocketed Numbers rocketed from 2010 to 2011.
climb Increase climb rapidly climbing Between 2010 and 2011, numbers climbed rapidly to just
Grow climb steeply over 80.
go up climb slowly
rise climb steadily
Peak highest point reached a peak peaked Numbers reached a peak of about 85 in 2011.
maximum reaching a peak …reaching a peak of approximately 85 in 2011.
greatest point peaked at Numbers peaked at almost 85 in 2011.
top rise to a peak
(Video 31) Downward trends: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aTjXEm1eZ3Ri4ws02jKFByDdTfdV_Zif/view?usp=sharing
Fall Drop dramatic fall felling Between 1998 and 1999, numbers fell by approximately
decrease slight fall 15.
decline fall by There was a rapid fall in numbers between 2003 and
fall from…to 2004.
Decrease depreciate slight decrease decreasing Between 1998 and 1999, numbers decreased by
depreciation significant decrease approximately 15.
go down/ fall decreased slightly There was a steady decrease in numbers between 2011
decline/ drop decrease in and 2015.
Plunge Plummet/ sink prices plunged plunging Between 2003 and 2004, numbers plunged.
Dive numbers plunged
Tumble/drop suddenly plunged
Plummet nose-dive prices plummeted plummeting Between 2003 and 2004, numbers plummeted.
tumble/ plunge numbers
collapse/crash plummeted
Decline Decrease steady decline declining Between 2011 and 2015, there was a steady decline.
Fall rapid decline Numbers declined slightly between 1998 and 1999.
go down declined slightly
drop declined significantly
Drop go down slight drop Dropped There was a slight drop in numbers between 2008 and
decline sudden drop 2009.
decrease dropped significantly Numbers dropped from just over 80 to just under 70
fall dropped quickly between 1998 and 1999.
Dip Drop slight dip dipping There was a slight dip in numbers in 2007.
fall small dip Numbers dipped below 70 in 1999 before recovering.
significant dip
dip below
(Video 32) Trends: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DF1u23390sDTqqhbdSVrrz01kQs-QawZ/view?usp=sharing
Dramatic Sudden dramatic rise dramatically Between 2003 and 2004, prices fell dramatically.
rapid dramatic fall There was a dramatic rise in prices from 2010 to 2011.
huge rose dramatically
fell dramatically
Steady Constant steady decline steadily The number of animals remained steady between 2000
Regular steady increase and 2003.
even rose steadily Profits declined steadily between 2011 and 2015.
stable fell steadily
sharp Sudden sharp decline sharply There was a sharp decline between 2003 and 2004.
Steep sharp increase The number of birds grew sharply between 2010 and
acute grew sharply 2011.
dropped sharply
rapid Quick rapid growth rapidly From 2003 to 2004, there was a rapid decline in costs.
Fast rapid decrease Costs increased rapidly between 2010 and 2011.
Brisk rose rapidly 90

swift grew rapidly


1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

steep Rapid steep increase steeply There was a steep decline in the number of jobs from
Sharp steep decline 2003 to 2004.
precipitous rose steeply The number of jobs rose steeply between 2010 and 2011.
fell steeply
modest Limited a modest rise There was a modest decrease in the number of students
Moderate a modest increase between 1998 and 1999.
small a modest rise There was modest growth in the number of students
modest growth from 2015 to 2016.
Sudden Unusual sudden rise suddenly There was a sudden but modest increase in numbers
immediate sudden fall from 2015 to 2016.
rapid sudden increase Numbers soared suddenly between 2010 and 2011.
sudden decrease
(Video 33) More trends: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bbtr-GJpvodV8ok03rtYQCUQhMxu3A4H/view?usp=sharing
Fluctuate Hover fluctuate wildly fluctuation From 2004 to 2010, numbers fluctuated between 25 and
shifted fluctuate widely 40.
fluctuate around From 2004 to 2010, numbers fluctuated around the 30
fluctuate between mark.
remain steady stayed the Remained/ing Between 2000 and 2003, numbers remained steady.
same steady
Stabilize remain steady stabilize at Stabilization Between 2004 and 2009, numbers fluctuated, before
is sustained stabilize around Stabilized briefly stabilizing until 2010.
is maintained briefly stabilize Between 2000 and 2004, numbers stabilized around the
fixed suddenly stabilize 75 mark.
Stagnate Languish stagnated suddenly stagnation After a precipitous decline in 2004, growth stagnated for
Stall a period of another 6 years.
stand still stagnation There was a period of stagnation between 2004 and
Overall in general the overall trend Overall, numbers in this period declined by approximately
general the overall picture 25.
generally the overall pattern The overall trend is one of two periods at a high level,
speaking with a low period in between.
Upward move upwards Between 2015 and 2016, there was a slight upward trend.
upward trend
upward movement
upward direction
Downward move downwards From 2011 to 2015, there was a prolonged downward
downward trend spell.
downward There was a sharp downward movement between 2003
movement and 2004.
downward direction
(Video 34) Cause and effect: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CDhrbC-DbuBKFOjsAfNTNL5w5uqisg7j/view?usp=sharing
Attribute Credit attribute success to attributed Women tend to attribute their success to luck.
Blame attribute an increase The increased death rate was attributed to a severe
connect to outbreak of influenza.
trace partly attribute She attributed his bad temper to ill health.
associate directly attribute
chain reaction chain reaction of A gas canister exploded and started a chain reaction of
events chain explosions.
reaction occurs The factory closure led to a chain reaction of job losses in
set off a chain the local economy.
reaction trigger a Splitting an atom starts a chain reaction in which more
chain reaction and more atoms are split.
Interrelate Affect interrelate with interrelations The body and mind are interrelated.
Link interrelate closely hip Social skills are in part about how we interrelate with
connect other people.
All the cells of your body are closely interrelated.
Derive Received derived from derivative Aspirin is derived from salicylic acid.
Gets derive authority The word Easter is derived from Eostre, the pagan
Acquire derive enjoyment goddess of spring.
obtain derive pleasure He derives a lot of fun from playing football.
Initiate Trigger initiate a process initiation They wanted to initiate a debate on economics.
Start initiate an action Peace talks were initiated by the president in May.
commence initiate proceeding Such ideas may initiate educational reform.
launch initiate by
set up
Interdependent Interconnected interdependent In our globalized world, countries are increasingly
Reciprocal world interdependent.
complementary interdependent Happiness is derived from a variety of interdependent
mutually economy factors.
dependent interdependent Computers on the Internet are not just interconnected,
relationships they are also interdependent.
Repercussion side effect serious It was an event which was to have painful repercussions.
backlash repercussions Members of congress were warned of the repercussions
fallout potential if they voted for war.
reverberation repercussions This seemingly minor virus was to have serious
negative effect have repercussions repercussions for her health for years.
fear repercussions
(Video 35) Time: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11eYHDJ4qlkwPoefELP7jFkLhijaCigbW/view?usp=sharing
Consecutive Sequential consecutive years consecutively This is the third consecutive year that Barcelona have
one after consecutive days won La Liga.
another consecutive 5,6,7,8 and 9 are consecutive numbers.
successive numbers Photographs taken at the same time on consecutive days
consecutive defeats can be quite different from one another.

Successive Consecutive third successive successively This is the third successive year that Barcelona have won
one after successive La Liga.
another governments Greece was suffering from the failure of successive
sequential successive defeats governments to curb the debt.
successive years Smith was the winner for the third successive year.

Penultimate second to last penultimate round The murder took place during the penultimate scene of
last but one penultimate stage the play.
penultimate phase Juventus clinched the title in the penultimate game of the
penultimate chapter season.
He gave his speech on the penultimate day of the
Intermittent Infrequent Intermittent rain intermittently After three hours of intermittent rain, the day’s tennis
Occasional intermittent pain was abandoned.
Patchy/ fitful intermittent Essential maintenance work may lead to intermittent
Periodic problem power outages.
sporadic intermittent fault To learn more about intermittent fasting, read The Fast
Periodic Annually periodic reviews periodically Periodic checks are taken to ensure that high standards
Regular/ periodic updates are maintained.
weekly periodic reports Her grandfather was suffering from periodic bouts of
Recurrent periodic payments illness.
Repeated We will issue updates to the app periodically.
at fixed
Concurrent at the same concurrent with concurrently He will be serving three concurrent life sentences.
time concurrent They launched concurrent attacks by land, sea and air.
coincident sentences More than 40 parties were being held concurrently in the
simultaneous concurrent events city.
Coincide Concurrent coincide with coincidence Although his mental illness had coincided with his military
Coexist broadly coincide service, it had not been caused by it.
correspond frequently coincide The start of the solar and lunar years coincides every 13
go along with rarely coincide years.
Their opinions often coincide.
(Video 36) Scientific processes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o2-7J8Wq-
Accelerate Stimulate accelerate to Acceleration Growth will accelerate to 3% next year.
step accelerate by decelerate The government will accelerate its privatization
up/quicken accelerate programme.
advance CCTV showed the car accelerating to 200kph.
accelerate the process
Activate Trigger activate by Activation Security cameras can be activated by movement.
Start activate a system Deactivation I have a voice-activated computer. Heat activates
Initiate activate an alarm enzymes.
activate automatically
condense condense into condensation Water vapor condenses to form clouds.
condense out of As air rises, it becomes cooler and the moisture
Conduct Transport conduct heat conductivity Water conducts heat faster than air. The molecule did
Carry/ send conduct electricity not conduct electricity.
Handle conduct business The scientist is conducting research into a cure for cancer.
carry out conduct research
Contaminate Pollute contaminate water Contaminatio A chemical spill contaminated the river.
poison contaminate the sea n The river was contaminated by a chemical spill.
infect contaminated by Thousands of people fell ill because of contaminated
harm contaminated with water.
Contract Shrink expand and contract contraction Blood is expelled from the heart when it contracts.
get smaller muscles contract Metal contracts when it cools.
decrease contract The Greek economy contracted by 2% last year.
decline/narrow rhythmically
contract rapidly

Deplete Reduce/use up deplete resources Depletion Some chemicals deplete the ozone layer.
Consume/ deplete reserves Things like stress, illness and environmental pollution
drain deplete funds deplete your energy levels.
Diminish/empt deplete the ozone The Russian central bank’s reserves were rapidly depleted
y layer during the recent currency crisis.
(Video 37) Scientific processes:
Dissolve break up dissolve in dissolve dissolution Salt and sugar dissolve in water.
liquify rapidly dissolve Shake the vial gently to dissolve the mixture.
slowly We’ll dissolve our partnership immediately.
dissolve completely
Evaporate dry out evaporate into evaporation Moisture is drawn to the surface of the fabric and
dissipate evaporate into the evaporates.
vaporize air evaporate quickly Sea water evaporates into the air to form clouds.
disappear water evaporates The warm, morning sun evaporated the dew on the grass.
Filter Strain/ clean filter water Filtration First, filter the water to clean it.
Refine/sift filter out filter The liver filters toxins from the body.
purify through Use a water filter before drinking.
Extract Remove/pull extract from extraction The dentist extracted my tooth.
Derive extract something The police questioned him for hours. They wanted to
glean from extract information from him.
Elicit extract information Citric acid can be extracted from oranges and lemons.
Draw out extract oil
Harness make use of harness support harnessing We use solar panels to harness the power of the sun.
tame harness knowledge Turkey plans to harness the waters of the Euphrates river
exploit harness energy to make hydro-electric power.
control harness effectively We want to harness international support to achieve our
utilize aims.
Synthesize Combine synthesize in Synthesis After extensive research, Albert Hoffman succeeded in
bring together synthesize protein synthesizing acid.
make synthesize Vitamins cannot be synthesized by the human body.
make whole molecules It was their aim to synthesize these factors into a
synthesize ideas comprehensive view of life.
Dilute Weaken dilute something Dilution If you give orange juice to your baby, always dilute it with
water down with something water.
tamper dilute with The chemicals seeping from the contaminated land,
lessen dilute by quickly diluted in the water.
dilute solution Their ideas tend to dilute the significance of the
(Video 38) Education: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10VBoDACZKhMIg-eK5P3849C04MlKcFWA/view?usp=sharing
Curriculum educational curriculum reform curricula There should be a broader curriculum in place for
program school curriculum students aged 16 to 18.
syllabus national curriculum Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the
broadens the school curriculum.
curriculum The curriculum was meagre, the teaching poor and
discipline cruel.
Syllabus Curriculum teach a syllabus syllabi The GCSE History syllabus is very extensive.
course outline follow a syllabus The teacher will follow the syllabus outlined in the
programme of Maths syllabus coursebook.
study Science syllabus The course syllabus outlines everything you need to know
for the IELTS exam.
Scholar Academic an influential scholar scholarly The library attracts thousands of scholars and
Student a leading scholar researchers.
Researcher scholars’ study He is an influential Islamic scholar.
Expert scholarly work Classical Athens was famous for its great scholars, Plato
Pupil and Socrates.
Literate well-informed literate population Literature 25% of the adult population are not fully literate.
learned highly literate illiterate A literate population is vital for economic growth.
cultured barely literate He did not become literate until he was an adult.
knowledgeable financially literate
Vocational Specialized vocational training This course is designed to provide vocational training in
professional vocational skills engineering.
hands-on vocational Vocational courses are more likely to receive funding
qualification than arts courses.
vocational course At the age of 18 I started attending vocational college.
Apprentice Pupil apprentice to apprenticed She’s an apprentice to an experienced engineer.
Novice young apprentice The government is planning to fund more
become an apprenticeships.
apprentice He started work as an apprentice for Rolls Royce.
work as an
Pedagogy teaching school pedagogy pedagogical Our pedagogy emphasizes student- centered learning.
methods educational Our pedagogical approach emphasizes student-centered
educational pedagogy learning.
techniques pedagogical
teaching approach
approach pedagogical
(Video 39) Art: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R5pptR1IwySeqCttAKtPleARyevNG733/view?usp=sharing

Aesthetic Artistic Aesthetic quality aesthetically We chose this furniture for its aesthetic appeal.
pleasing aesthetic value The bridge is aesthetically appealing.
artful Aesthetically Monet’s paintings are aesthetically pleasing.
creative pleasing aesthetic
Depict Portray depict in depiction The painting depicts the Battle of Waterloo.
Show depict as St Nicholas is often depicted as Father Christmas.
characterize depict a scene The government tried to depict the protesters as violent.
describe depict life
Genre Style literary genre Horror movies are a consistently popular genre.
Type artistic genre The uniformity of Facebook games is probably a sign of
Family invent genre genres the genre’s infancy.
Brand spawn genre Unlike other recent books in its genre, Unspeakable
Kind Things is markedly uninterested in converting its readers.
Icon Symbol religious icon iconic The painting of Mary is a famous religious icon.
Idol cultural icon David Beckham is as much a fashion icon as a football
legend sporting icon player.
iconic status J.K. Rowling is an icon for young female writers.
Vivid Colorful vivid memory vividly His poems are full of vivid imagery.
Intense vivid picture Her paintings are characterized by vivid colors.
Detailed vivid imagination To tell that story requires a vivid summary of day-to-day
brilliant vivid color events.
portrait Characterizatio portrait of portraits He was asked to paint a portrait of the Queen.
n paint a portrait A self-portrait is a painting that you make of yourself.
Painting portrait gallery His biography provides a fascinating portrait of the 19th-
Depiction self portrait century politician, Gladstone.
Sculpture Shape carve a sculpture The park was full of sculptures of animals and people.
Carve unveil a sculpture sculptor The museum contains a collection of Ancient Greek
chisel make a sculpture sculptures.
fashion sculpture by The college offers courses in sculpture and painting.
(Video 40) Economics: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zqS7o9WSbkG3EAoMmOLrUPfwLJZ3GUk7/view?usp=sharing
Boom Upsurge boom and bust boomed There was an economic boom in China during the 1990s.
Expansion boom years The real estate market was booming.
Soar the baby boom Government policy saw a cycle of boom and bust.
upturn economic boom
Slump Recession economic slump The collapse in the banking sector led to an economic
Bust sales slump housing slump.
decrease slump Net profits slumped by 41%.
downturn slump in There was a significant slump in the housing market.
GDP GDP per capita The GDP per capita of Poland is $13,500.
Gross Domestic annual GDP 8.4% of Thailand’s GDP comes from agriculture.
Product increase in GDP South Korea’s GDP increased by 3% in 2013.
decline in GDP
Surplus Excess budget surplus The government’s policies created a large surplus.
Unused economic surplus An increase in tax revenues generated a budget surplus.
left over increasing surplus The eminent professor has a surplus of knowledge and
decreasing surplus wisdom.

Deficit Shortfall deficit reduction They’re finally ready to cut the budget deficit next year.
arrears reduces the deficit The Greek government ran a budget deficit of 3 billion
shortage budget deficit euros last year.
lack attention deficit There is a balance of payment deficit.
Macroeconomic Macroeconomic macroeconomic Greater macroeconomic stability is a major aim of
policies s government policy.
macroeconomic Macroeconomic policy failed to establish a stable rate of
management low inflation.
macroeconomic Macroeconomic data suggests that there will not be
stability enough young people entering the workforce in the next
macroeconomic 10 years.

Microeconomic microeconomic microeconomics The microeconomics module of the economics course is

policies always popular with students.
microeconomic Microeconomics is concerned with the efficient supply of
management particular products.
microeconomic His study into the success of the iPhone was a model
theory example of microeconomic research
(Video 41) Thought processes:
Anticipate wait for anticipate a decline anticipation Banks anticipate further rate cuts over the next 3 months.
await anticipate a I anticipated rain, so I took an umbrella.
expect slowdown Police anticipate that rivalry between drug gangs will lead
predict anticipate a rise to war.
forecast widely anticipated
Appreciate Understand appreciate the appreciation Many governments don’t appreciate the importance of
Acknowledge importance free speech.
recognize appreciate the It is essential to appreciate the side effects of using
seriousness antibiotics.
much appreciate I greatly appreciate your help.
fully appreciate
Comprehend Understand fully comprehend comprehension He can’t comprehend the implications of the new policy.
Appreciate scarcely Patients may not have enough information to
Realize comprehend comprehend their illness.
grasp comprehend the We fully comprehend the seriousness of the situation.
comprehend the
Conceive come up with conceive of conception The government was unable to conceive the idea that
believe something they were wrong.
realize conceive that JK Rowling conceived the idea of Harry Potter when she
accept something was on a train.
perceive can’t conceive of She cannot conceive of herself being anything else but a
create something doctor.
conceive an idea
Envisage Visualize envisage the envisaged He envisages a better future for the country.
Envision creation envisage The peace plan envisaged the creation of an independent
Consider the possibility Palestinian state.
Imagine originally envisage I cannot envisage a stronger EU without making it more
Picture/ see previously envisage democratic.
Infer Guess/ deduce infer the meaning inference I inferred from what she said that you have not been
Assume/ infer the existence well.
reckon infer from Astronomers can infer the mass of a star by its
Speculate something movement.
conclude reasonably infer We can infer from his behavior that he does not like you.
Recall Remember recall a conversation recollection I suddenly recalled where I left my phone.
think of recall with People often recall with sadness how life used to be
remind happiness simpler.
fondly recall Her recall of detail is amazing.
correctly recall
(Video 24) Chemistry: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NeKPCxjPiHUHfDW2pOJKddfr2Q4cCT9T/view?usp=sharing
Agent chemical agent White bread contains a chemical agent that bleaches the
biological agent flour.
bleaching agent He found that this chemical agent can produce birth
clotting agent defects.
The agent reacted with body tissue with serious effects.
Atom split the atom atomic A methane molecule is composed of one carbon atom
carbon atom an attached to four hydrogen atoms.
atom bomb He was the scientist who was first to split the atom.
an atom contains There are substantial fears about their capacity to spread
atomic weapons.
Molecule an organic molecule molecular At high temperatures, the strands of the DNA molecule
a water molecule start to come apart.
a molecule of Molecules are made up of atoms that are held together
something by chemical bonds.
bind a molecule A water molecule is made up of 2 atoms of hydrogen and
one oxygen atom.
Compound organic compound Organic compounds contain carbon in their molecules.
synthetic compound Gasoline is essentially a compound of carbon and
chemical compound hydrogen.
a compound of
Soluble soluble in something Sugar is soluble in water.
soluble substance Some are soluble in water, as shown by the discoloration
something is soluble of the substances on which they grow.
Insoluble insoluble in Carotenes are insoluble in water and soluble in oil.
something insoluble A mask of pure, insoluble collagen fiber is placed over the
substance skin.
something is
Crystal a crystal of crystallization The symmetrical shape of an ice crystal is due to
something depositional growth.
a silicone crystal This process is used to grow single crystals to be used as
grow a crystal semiconductors.
form a crystal
(Video 43) Engineering: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CmF320ji_yB92mst7-9TeXmk_2uCOuUX/view?usp=sharing
Analogue analogue signal The analogue signals from a video tape are converted
analogue into digital code.
transmission Digital TV is a more efficient way of delivering signals
analogue recording than analogue transmissions.
analogue technology
Automate Mechanize automate a process automation Unskilled jobs are going to be automated.
robotize automate a system They decided to automate many of the manual processes.
make fully automated It was a self-service, fully automated program.
automatic partly automated

Hydraulic hydraulic pump hydraulics The boat has no fewer than 5 hydraulic pumps.
hydraulic system Below 500m, depth does not appear to be related to
hydraulic pressure hydraulic conductivity.
hydraulic brake Hydraulic pressure is involved in lowering the landing
gear and in controlling the airplane.
Hydroelectric hydroelectric power hydroelectricity Engineers say the river has huge potential for developing
hydroelectric power hydroelectric power.
station The region contains many factories powered by a
hydroelectric project hydroelectric dam.
hydroelectric dam We made big things like steel for ships and tractors and
turbines for hydroelectric plants.
Laser laser beam Therapies currently under investigation include laser
laser surgery surgery.
aims a laser Researchers found that a tunable laser beam might be
use a laser useful in surgery.
The air force started to use laser-guided bombs.
Prototype Model a prototype of He has built a prototype of a machine called the wave
precursor something rotor.
mock-up prototype of a They launched a prototype of their solar- powered car.
device He quietly built a prototype of the machine in his garage.
build a prototype
a working prototype
Optical Visual optical fiber Volcanic dust in the atmosphere creates interesting
optical telescope optical effects.
optical zoom An optical zoom on a camera physically adjusts the lens
optical illusion to magnify a distant object.
Then came an all-optical experiment using an optical fiber
to transmit data.

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