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Department of Physics

J.S.S. Academy of Technical Education, Noida

Session-2023-24 (ODD Sem), (BAS 101)

Unit-1 (Quantum Mechanics)

C101.1- Implement the particle nature of waves and wave nature of particles with reference
to quantum mechanics.

Conceptual Questions

1. What is black body?

2. Explain Stefan’s Law.
3. What is Black body radiation spectrum? Write a note on the energy
distribution of radiations in the black body radiation spectrum.
4. Explain Rayleigh Jeans’ and Wein’s displacement law?
5. What are the basic postulates of quantum theory of radiations?
6. What do you mean by wave particle duality?
7. Explain Duality of matter waves Or State and explain de-Broglie hypothesis.
8. What are matter waves? Mention the properties of Matter waves.
9. What do you understand by wave packet?
10. What is group velocity?
11. What is the phase or wave group velocities?
12. Define wave function. Give physical significance of the wave function.
13. What is normalized wave function?
14. What is Compton’s effect?
15. Compton effect is not observed in visible light, why?

Numerical Problems
1. Calculate de-Broglie wavelength of an alpha-particle accelerated through potential of
200V. (Ans: λ=0.00716 Å)

2. Calculate the kinetic energy of an electron if its de-Broglie wavelength equals the
wavelength of sodium light (5893 Å). (Ans: K=4.35x10-6 eV)
3. Show that de-broglie wavelength for a material particle of rest mass m 0 and charge q
accelerated from rest through a potential difference of V volts relativistically is given

4. The de-Broglie wavelength associated with an electron is 10-12m. Find its group
velocity and phase velocity. (Ans: vg=0.925c and vp=1.08c)
5. If the particle is in the lowest energy state of one-dimensional box, then calculate the
probability of finding the particle in the region 0 < x < L/4.
6. An electron is confined to move between two rigid walls separated by 1nm. Find the de-
Broglie wavelength representing the first two allowed states of the electron and the
corresponding energies.

7. Find the probability that a particle trapped in a box L wide can be found between 0.45L and
0.55L for the ground state.

8. A particle is moving in 1D box of width 50Å. Calculate the probability of finding the particle
within an interval of 10Å at the centers of the box when it is in its state of least energy.

9. A beam of gamma radiation having photon energy of 510KeV is incident on an Al

foil. Find wavelength of radiation at 900 and also the energy and direction of the
emission of the corresponding electron.

10. When X-ray of energy 100 keV strikes a target, they are scattered at an angle 30 O.
Find the energy of the recoil electron.

Long Questions

1. Show that the phase velocity of de-Broglie waves is greater than the velocity
of light, but the group velocity is equal to the velocity of the particle with
which the waves are associated.
2. Describe Davisson and Germer’s experiment to show the existence of matter
3. Distinguish between the phase (wave) velocity and group velocity and show
that for a wave packet vph*vg=c2
4. Write the assumptions of Plank’s law. Derive the expression for planks
radiation law
5. Derive time dependent and time independent Schrodinger wave equations.
6. Find an expression for the energy state of a particle in a one-dimensional box
and solve it to find out the Eigen values and Eigen functions.
7. Describe Compton effect and derive an expression for the Compton shift. Why
are both the modified and the unmodified lines simultaneously present for
non-zero scattering angles.

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