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Capital injections occur in case a company or an organization suffers financial

A. discomfort B. anxiety C. dejection D. distress
2. Because of cutbacks in council spending, plan for the new stadium had to
A. stockpiled B. overthrow C. shelved D. disrupted
3. Don’t waste your time telling Jim a joke. He is totally ______ of a sense of humour.
A. deficient B. missing C. devoid D. lacking
4. His happy-go-lucky attitude means that on the field he exhibits a ______ disregard
for the rules.
A. required B. glaring C. permissible D. flagrant
5. It’s no wonder the children felt disappointed because first their parents promised to
take them to Disneyland and then they ______.
A. played down B. drew out C. came off D. went back
6. I suppose he could _____ have reached the summit on his own, but I doubt it.
A. conceivably B. credibly C. imaginatively D. believably
7. Having to rewrite a report that you thought was pretty good can be rather ______.
A. back-breaking B. soul-destroying C. mind-blowing D. slow-moving
8. My brother’s been a_____of strength through all the problems I’ve had.
A. tower B. heap C. mountain D. show
9. They made_____ preparations in anticipation of the arrival of their celebrity guests.
A. degenerate B. decadent C. elaborate D. strenuous
10. The room was _____ decorated in gold and silver; it was quite simply over the
A. ostentatiously B. tantalizingly C. tactfully D. benevolently
11. It was a(n)_____location with an intoxicating sense of romance, something akin to
what one might find described in a fairytale.
A. chivalrous B. peculiar C. enchanting D. extravagant
12. He is too _____ a gambler to resist placing a bet on the final game.
A. instant B. compulsive C. spontaneous D. continuous
13. People were going to ________ despite accusations.
A. touch it with a barge pole. B. use their wherewithal
C. get their snouts in the trough. D. be at sixes and sevens.
14. _____he delivers the report, it will be sent to the headquarters.
A. On the point B. At once C. Immediately D. Soon enough
15. My teacher’s encouraging words gave me _____ to undertake the demanding task
once again.
A. a point B. an incentive C. a resolution D. a target
16. Your instructions seem to carry little _____ with the pupils who ignore them all
the time.
A. load B. weight C. force D. power
17. Getting everything ready by tomorrow _____working at night. I’m afraid nobody
will agree to stay after hours.
A. obliges B. implements C. entails D. indicates
18. "I'm_____to listen to your pathetic excuses," she said.
A. sick and tired B. in no mood C. having enough D. sick to death
19. Both the favourite and then the second favourite pulled out. Naturally, we thought
we were _____ a chance .
A. in with B. up for C. in for D. up with
20. I’m _____ too keen on visiting the Parkers again so soon.
A. that B. none C. such D. very

21. My mother _____ when she found out that I’d forgotten to do the washing-up
A. stood her ground B. hit the ceiling
C. felt off color D. made my blood boil
22. Only during the early 20th century _____ in the United State.
A. liquor was prohibited then B. that liquor was prohibited

C. was liquor prohibited D. when liquor was prohibited

23. _____ a scholarship, I entered the frightening and unknown territory of private
A. to award B. to be awarded
C. having awarded D. having been awarded
24. Jane was full of _____ towards her stepmother.
A. retribution B. resentment C. reprisal D. vengeance
25. I caught the last bus by the skin of my _____.
A. teeth B. leg C. neck D. mouth
26. It is the _____ of stupidity to go walking in the mountains in this weather.
A. height B. depth C. source D. matter
27. In my view, the changes to the education system have been to good _____.
A. influence B. outcome C. upshot D. effect
28. Poor management brought the company to the _____ of collapse.
A brink B. rim C. fringe D. brim
9. The plumber agreed that he had made a mistake and promised to put it _____ the
next day.
A. correct B. proper C. sound D. right
10. I can’t understand why you have to make such a _____ about something so
A. mess B. stir C. fuss D. bother
11. The judge looked at the _____ and reminded him that he had to tell the whole
A. bystander B. witness C. onlooker D. viewer
12. I was disappointed that the restaurant had _____ flowers on the table.
A. false B. untrue C. artificial D. forged
13. As she is so heavily overlooked, there is a _____ possibility that she will have
a nervous breakdown.
A. distinctive B. distinct C. little D. manifest
14. _____ to the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were
A. Akin B. Prior C. In addition D. With reference
15. The truant was _____ from school for unbecoming behaviour.
A. dispelled B. repelled C. expelled D. compelled
16. Of course he can lift that! He is as ______ as a horse.
A. tough B. big C. heavy D. strong
17. Fearing for his life, he _____ the mugger for mercy.
A. pleaded B. petitioned C. urged D. begged
18. I am not convinced that financial advisers always act in their clients’ best
A. advantage B. interest C. intention D. result
19. The case against the bank robbers was _____ for lack of evidence.
A. discarded B. dismissed C. refused D. eliminated
20. Five readers _____ the correct solution to our recent competition.
A. communicated B. qualified C. submitted D. subscribed

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