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Step-By-Step Guide To $10.

000+/Month With IPGA


This Guide will NOT make sense if you haven’t watched the full YouTube video
that is connected to it. Watch it fully before reading.

The world of online business has changed. SMMA is far too saturated. Dropshipping isn’t
profitable or cool.. It’s destructive.. Closing & sales is boring.

To get rich today – the concept is simple:

→ Scale your impact, and your income will scale equally.

Education is impact – actually, good education is the most

important component in creating a thriving economy and

So in other words: If you could help create more

education – you’d be scaling your positive impact
exponentially – and would therefore make you a lot of
money as a result.

BUT, you should not be creating your own courses & education if you’re not an
expert/professional – that would not create a positive impact – only destruction.

HOWEVER, There are millions of experts and professionals out there with valuable knowledge
and expertise that want to start a profitable online course – but they have no idea where to start.

They need IPGA’s that can help them through every step of the process.

So if you wanna scale to $10-$20-$30k+/month in 2024 – IPGA is undoubtedly the only

right thing for you to start.

It’s HIGH in demand and LOW in supply – so people are willing to pay well very generously
for it – as seen in the screenshot above. Over $30k processed in just 3 client payments (and
these were ONLY setup fees) – the profit-share is even better.
Stop doing advanced outreach like
automated emails & ads when starting.

It’s expensive, time-consuming, and entirely


You don’t need it. IPGA is more in demand

than anything else. Simply focus on getting your
first 1-3+ good IPGA clients and put your
everything into building the course and scaling
them – that’s the fastest route to $10-30k+/m

One of our members just found & signed another client.. In his local sauna..

Here’s what you need to build an IPGA:

1. Comprehensive understanding of the IPGA business model and how to run it.
2. PLUS a comprehensive understanding of the online education business model.
→ How to create, launch, manage & scale online courses.
→ Yes, this service is harder than other online businesses. It’s not some cookie-cutter,
robot work – which none of you should be aiming to do. It's real work that creates real
impact by working with real clients – and thus makes real money.
3. You need a fully setup IPGA – website, business card, and IPGA contract templates.

Once you have that – it’s time to start signing clients.

→ And thankfully that’s the easiest part of doing IPGA – because again:
→ Everyone needs it – but nobody is doing it.
How to get IPGA clients and reach $10-$30k/month quickly.

First and foremost – why should the clients work with you?

Because as a IPGA masterclass member:

→ You’ve studied at – you’ve studied all the processes of someone that has
succeeded tremendously in this industry (me, Sander) – and you have my full support.
→ Once you’ve graduated the course, you become a Certified COET Expert Partner.
→ This is a huge authority when talking to clients.
→ Finally, they’ll work with you because they really need the service – and there’s so few
offering it. There aren’t many alternatives.

With that in mind – how do we find and contact the clients?

→ Let me break it down step-by-step:

Outreach Method 1: Your Own Existing Network

STEP 1: Reach out to any prospect in your PERSONAL network:

“Hi (name) – how are you doing? – I know you’ve been working with (XYZ) for years now and
that you’re incredibly passionate about it.

I was wondering if you have ever considered creating an online course about it so more people
could benefit from your expertise?

It wouldn’t just be impactful – but also ridiculously profitable.

Let me know if you’d been keen - then we should hop on a call 🙂”

STEP 2: Speak about your IPGA to everyone you meet IRL, friends, family, network.

→ So many professionals need this - which means that if you

tell enough people about how you can help – someone will
eventually meet somebody that needs your help.

→ Always have a business card on you – so you can make

sure to give it when you meet the right people.
Outreach Method 2: Social Media Outreach

STEP 1: Instagram & other social media BIO – customize to your liking:
💼Specialized in helping professionals turn their expertise into scalable online education
📚Certified COET Expert Partner (ONLY IPGA Masterclass Students can write this)
💬Send a message for info

BONUS: Add yourself as a COET graduate/alumni under your “education” on LinkedIn.

→ ALLOWED ONLY FOR IPGA Masterclass Students!


STEP 2: Customize and post this text on all your social media:
Dear friends, family & network.

Have you ever considered creating an online course? Then read this.

I’ve spent the last significant period studying everything there is to know about creating online education and course
businesses at - Center for Online Education & Transition.

As a result, I can now proudly call myself a Certified COET Expert Partner – meaning I’m fully-equipped to help any
professional in any industry, turn their expertise and knowledge into a scalable online course/education business.

I can assist and guide in the process of

- Creating vision, structure, curriculum, material - and the actual course itself.
- I can set-up and run all back-end processes for you, including:
- Course & community hosting, website & sales, general management, and more.
- Finally, I can help you scale with our cutting-edge marketing strategies.

So if you or anyone you know have any type of expertise, whether it be in business, academia, art, sport, design,
construction or even fishing – it could be anything – then I’m certain that I can help you turn that into an incredibly
impactful (and very profitable) online course/education business.

I’d love to talk if you’re interested.

Take a look: Our old SMMA students can’t believe the demand they’re experiencing:

STEP 3: Lead-sourcing on LinkedIn

1. LinkedIn:
→ Connect with 10-25+ suggested contacts every day.
→ Go through each of your accepted connections’ profiles.
→ Look for people with skills that could be interesting to create a course on.
→ Send them the following message:
I’m curious – have you ever considered creating an online course?

To respect your time, let me keep it short: I can assist in every aspect of creating, launching & scaling online
courses / education. From start to finish.

So.. what I’m trying to say is.. if we combined your expertise in (XYZ) with my tech & marketing skills – we could turn
it into a ridiculously impactful & profitable online course business.

Essentially, we’d scale your impact – and thus income – exponentially.

Why me? Well, I’ve recently become a Certified Partner at – in other words, I have the leading education,
tech and skills when it comes to online edu.

If anything, perhaps I could explain a bit better on a call?

I’d love the opportunity. Let me know.

Thank you.



$30-$50k+/month in 2024

IPGA Masterclass - Late Black Friday /

Early Christmas Launch Offer!

Full lifetime access to the IPGA

Masterclass for $499 instead of $1499

Expiring soon!

Click here to join:

→ FULL access to the IPGA Masterclass.
→ AND FULL access to the Course Creator Masterclass.
→ You get both courses included.
→ Everything needed to start and scale to $10-$30-$50k+/month in 2024
Click here to join:

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