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Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study shows the Independent- Dependent framework for
assessing the challenges and coping mechanisms of the Grade 10 Students of Birbira High School in the
reimplementation of the face-to-face learning modality in this school year 2022-2023.

Independent variable(s): Dependent variable(s):

The challenges faced by the grade 10 The coping mechanisms used by the
students in the face-to-face learning grade 10 students to address challenges
modality in this School Year 2022-2023. to the reimplementation of face-to-face
learning modality in this School Year

Figure 1

Paradigm of the study

Independent variables of this study refers to the challenges faced by the grade 10 students of Birbira
High School in the reimplementation of face-to-face classes.

Dependent variables refers to the coping mechanisms used by grade 10 students and their perceptions
of feasibility to the distance learning and face-to-face learning modality.


Grade 10 students from different socio-economic backgrounds, academic performance levels,

will use different coping mechanisms to address challenges in the learning modality for SY 2022-2023

Data collection methods

Self-administered questionnaires will be used as the main method of data collection for this study. The
questionnaire will consist of both open-ended and closed-ended questions and will measure the coping
mechanisms used by grade 10 students in terms of financial, social, and behavioral adjustments, as well
as their perceptions of feasibility of face-to-face and distance learning modality. The questionnaires will
be distributed to participants in the school and they will be asked to complete and return the
questionnaires within a specific time frame.

Data analysis methods

Descriptive statistics such as means, standard deviations, and frequencies will be used to summarize and
describe the data collected from the questionnaires. This will include measures of central tendency,
such as the mean, median, and mode, as well as measures of spread, such as the standard deviation.

Correlational analysis will be used to explore the relationships between the variables being studied. This
will include calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient to measure the strength and direction of the
relationship between the coping mechanisms and the perceptions of feasibility of face-to-face and
distance learning modality.

Results and conclusion

The study will provide an understanding of the coping mechanisms used by grade 10 students
to address challenges in the learning modality for SY 2022-2023 and how these mechanisms vary by
socio-economic background, academic performance levels. This can help educators, administrators, and
policymakers develop strategies and interventions to support students in this new learning modality.

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