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Let’s Talk about It

Leonardo da Vinci was a Renaissance artist and engineer, known for paintings like "The Last Supper" and "Mona
Lisa,” and for inventions like a flying machine.

Da Vinci was born in a farmhouse outside the village of Anchiano in Tuscany, Italy (about 18
miles west of Florence) on April 15, 1452.
Born out of wedlock to respected Florentine notary Ser Piero and a young peasant woman named
Caterina, da Vinci was raised by his father and his stepmother.
At the age of five, he moved to his father’s estate in nearby Vinci (the town from which his surname
derives), where he lived with his uncle and grandparents.
Before we proceed to our lesson, focus first in this link
for us to understand the topic.

7 De Vincian Principles Those seven principles are:

 Curiosity (Curiosita): An insatiable curious approach to life and an unrelenting quest for
continuous learning. After all, have you ever met a successful person who does not claim to
be a veracious learner?
 Demonstration (Dimonstrazione): A commitment to test knowledge through experience, persistence
and a willingness to learn from past mistakes. This is pretty much the scientific method applied to
everyday life. Thinking back to our WD 40 example in an earlier discussion, it wasn’t the first
effort that worked, it was the 40th.
 Sensation (Sensazione): Continual refinement of the senses as the means to enliven experience. To
be innovative we must be aware of what is going on around us. One of the important business
topics that it relates to that is active listening. Far too often in business we only listen passively
and as a result miss vital information that could serve as the inspiration for some new idea.
 Sfumato: The literal translation for this term is going up in smoke. It is about our willingness to
embrace ambiguity, paradox and uncertainty. As the old saying goes, the only two things that
are certain in business are uncertainty and change.
 Art and Science (Arte/Scienza): Developing a balance between logic and imagination. After all,
imagination without logic is day dreaming, and logic without imagination is boring. Other terms
for this are balancing between art and science as well as whole brain thinking.
 Corporality (Corporalita): This is about maintaining a healthy body as well as a healthy mind. Have
you ever seen a really unhealthy person who was creative? While there are a few exceptions here
and there, they are very rare. One of the core concepts of da Vinci’s approach is keeping our bodies
fit being a function of keeping our minds fit. Fit minds lead to more innovative and creative
 Connection (Connessione): This is the simple recognition of the interconnectedness of all things
and phenomena. As we talked about early on, it isn’t always just an issue of communication.

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