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4C Picture description

Picture description Student A

A Describe the photo to your partner. You have one minute.

B Answer your partner’s questions.

C Listen to your partner describing a photo. After one minute, say ‘Stop!’

D Ask your partner the questions.

1 Are the people enjoying themselves?
2 What do you think of the Day of the Dead festival?

Picture description Student B

A Listen to your partner describing a photo. After one minute, say ‘Stop!’

B Ask your partner the questions.

1 How are the children feeling?
2 Do you think trick or treating is a good idea?

C Describe the photo to your partner. You have one minute.

D Answer your partner’s questions.

Solutions 2nd edition Elementary © Oxford University Press • Photocopiable

4C Picture description

Aims To give students practice in describing a photo

Time 10 minutes
Materials Student A handout for half the class and Student B
for the rest; each pair needs a stopwatch or watch with a
second hand
• Give half the class a copy of Student A handout and the rest
Student B. Give students time to read through the tasks on
their handout and make sure everything is clear.
• Divide the class into A/B pairs and tell them to complete
tasks A−D.
• Circulate and monitor the students as they complete the
tasks, making a note of some good examples of language
and any common errors, particularly with present continuous
forms and phrases to describe location.
• Give the class feedback on the good examples of language
you noted down and elicit corrections for the errors.
• To give students further practice, tell the A/B pairs to swap
handouts and repeat the tasks.

Solutions 2nd edition Elementary © Oxford University Press

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