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CHAPTER CONCEPT OF FOOD AND NUTRITION DEFINITION, FUNCTIONS, CLASSIFICATIONS, NUTRIENTS, NUTRITION AND HEALTH CONCEPT OF FOOD AND NUTRITION Introduction Food and nutrition are the modes of getting fuel, which provides energy for our bodies. We need a good supply of nutrients for our bodies on an everyday basis. Food gives us essential nutrients to live and helps in the healthy functioning of the body. Water is a very vital component of nutrition. Fats, proteins, and’ carbohydrates are all required in large quantities. The effective management of food consumption and nutrition both leads to good health. Food is made up of macronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, and ' fat. This component of diet provides calories for energy and has a definite role in maintaining health. Food also contains micronutrients like vitamins and” minerals, Phytochemicals not only give calories but_also serve a variety of important functions so that body operates in the optimum way. MEANING AND DEFINITION OF FOOD Food—The primary need of human life is food. The meaning of food is explained in the Chambers dictionary as ‘What one feeds on; what when digested, nourishes the body’. Food is what drives growth. On the basis of the above knowledge, we can define food as—All those substances that can be absorbed and digested by the body and which are helpful in the growth and development_ of a person’s body is called food.) rae ~T According to Sudha Narayanan, Food is that substance (solid or liquid) whieh cessary for survival, maintenance of health, maintaining cordial’ relations wi ily and society, for emotional gratification, to strengthen the feeling of security and love. Food is also necessary for balancing the physical, mental and emotional capabilities of a man. 1. According to Shubhangini ashi, “Food is the basic necessity of life, most people enjoy_eating foods that nourish their body. 2. In Chamber’s Twenty-First Century Dictionary_food means a_ substance taken in by a living organism that provides it with energy and materials _ for growth, maintenance and repair of tissues-y——~ 8. According to Sumati Mudambi and Shalini Rao, “Food is that which nourishes the body. Only those substances which when eaten or drunk and absorbed by the body, produce energy, promote growth, repair tissues and regulate these processes are considered as food. 4 SBPD Publishing — 5 Ste, \ Therefore, food can also be defined a: solid’an uid f¢ ~ when eaten or drunk by us, are easily digestes by ehslbed es e a eat, promotes growth, repairs tissues and nouri bY ang NUTRITION Nutrition is the biochemical and Physiological proces: by which an o i Food its life. It includes ingestion, gestion, abso uses food to support its life. It_in oon “Hon, absorption assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism and excretion.) ” "Nutrition is the relationship behween maa aud food and includes Physi cay social, psychological and biological aspects as well. ‘ = “The aisociaueal processes by which the food is used by the body atten) digestion, nutrition and storage, it is called ‘nutrition’. Definitions ine 1, According to D-F. Turner, “Nutrition is the combination of Processes by which the living organism receives and utilizes the materials necessary for the maintenance of its functions, growth and renewal of its component.” 2. According to Robbins WD, “Nutrition is the science in which the nutritional elements of food and other substances present in them, their actions, interactions and mutual balance are related to the conditions of health and disease. Apart from this, nutrition is also related to food according to social, economic, cultural and psychological needs, 3. According to S. Mudambi and Shalini Rao, “The study of various nutrients, their function, food sources and their effect 0 n human well-being is called ‘Nutrition’.” 8 2 NUTRITIONAL STATUS Nutritional status is the condition of the body which is influenced by the diet, the Tevels of nutrients in the | body and the abili ty of those levels to maintain. Is to maintain y measuring weight and height; x mass index, the ratio of weight ) to height? (im), Body fat" may-also be “estimated by measuring skinfolr “ness and muscle diameter.) 7 Weight and height for age are compared with standard data for adequately Tourished children. The increase in the circumference of dre wea and the development of bones may also be measured, Status with reg at ect to individual vitamins and minerals is normally determined by laboratory tests, either measuring the blood and urine concentrations of the nutrients and their metabolites or by testing for specific metabolic responses, Nutritional surveillance involves Ne the routine collection which inform us about the nature and causes of nutritionally ri i Initially, these were diseases arising from nutritional defic, osteoporosis but they now incl verteni Ean z -. obesity: cancers, coronary heart ait 6S {The amount of food that’a'person\ _that person for a day/ Concept of Food and Nutrition... Health Balanced Diet Ina family there may be infants, young children, adolescents, adults, and elderly all living under one roof. It is always a big challenge to provide a good nutritious dict for each of the members, particularly when their needs, preferences vary. So what should be the guiding factor to ensure balanced meals that meet the needs of all members? Is there a Standard or a Reference that would serve as a goal for Good Nutrition ? The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) are the levels of intake of- I nutrients that on the basis of Scientific knowledge are judged to the nutrient requirement of nearly all (97 to _ healthy i in a particular life stage and gender group.) Please note further that RDA's do not apply to people who are sufferi from disease which influence the nutrient intake) They only apply to healthy people. RDA's help us plan balancettdiets which include a variety of foods derived from diverse food groups which help meet the nutrient requirements. Healthy Eating Food Pyramid * Eat Most—Grains * Bat More—Vegetables and fruits * Eat Moderately—Meat, fish, egg and alternatives (including dry beans) and milk and alternatives * Bat Less—Fatil, salt and sugar * Drink adequate amount of fluid (including water, tea, clear soup, etc) every day NUTRIENTS Food contains many complex chemical substances, which are necess for the growth of the repais_of tissue wear at r,_ Protection. diseases and to regulate body temperature.!These chemical tances are necessary in proper quantity to manage various types of activities in the body SBPD Publishing House and to maintain health. Most food contains more than one Autrieny has protein, fat ete, These aro called nutrients. = “ “Those Chemical Substances which are essential for differe ent acti, body and maintain health are called nutrients,” a) Nutrients are divided into the following 6 parts (1) Carbohydrates—Mostly energy providing nutrients (2) Fats—Provide energy (8) Proteins—Body building foods (4) Mineral Salts—Proper growth of body (5) Vitamins—Protect body against disease Ie (6) Water (7) Fiber Water does not contain any nutrition, but water is necessary fy biological functions of the body. Each nutrient performs specifie arse 2 keep the body healthy. All nutrients work together to contribute to good heat? Diseases that occur due to lack of nutrients over a long period of time deficiency diseases. bes SOURCES OF NUTRIENTS ‘Nutrient Sources Complex carbohydrate & Fibre | Wholemeal bread, Wholegrain cereals, Baked bean, Pasta, Potatoes, Peas, Other starchy vegetables Protein Lean meat, Chicken, Fish, Cheese, Mill, Eggs, Bread, Nuts, Legumes Fat Oils, Butter, Margarine, Cream, Meat, Cheese, Pasty, Biscuits, Nuts Preformed Vitamin A Butter margarine, Cream, Cheese, Eggs, Meat Beta-carotene (converts to Carrots, Spinach, Pumpkin, Broccoli, Tomatoes, Vitamin A) Apricots Vitamin D Fatty/eanned fish, Butter, Margarine, Cream, Cheese, Eggs Vitamin E Polyunsaturated oils, Polyunsaturated margarine, Nuts, Olive oil, Fatty fish and small amounts in wholegrain cereals and Green vegetables Vitamin K Green vegetables, Cheese, Butter, Pork, Eggs. Thiamin Wholegrain cereals, Pork, Bread, Nuts, Peas Riboflavin Milk, Meat, Begs, Cheese, Wholegrain, Cereals, Nuts Mushrooms Niacin Fish, Meat, Peanuts, Wholegrain cereals, Nuts, Mushrooms . Pantothenic acid Eggs, Wholegrain cereals, Peanuts, Fish, Meat, Vegetables nas Vitamin BG Wholegrain cereals, Meat, Fish, Peanuts, Batt Folic acid Green vegetables, Wholegrain cereals, Wholem bread, Nuts Vitamin B12 Meat, Fish, Eggs, Cheese, Milk, Oysters Biotin Eggs, Cheese, Milk, Fish, Wholegrain Cereals Vitamin C Oranges, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Broccoli, bees” Brussels Sprouts, Strawberries E Calcium Cheese, Milk, Yoghurt, Canned fish, Nuts, S89" Phosphorus Meat, Fish, Poultry, Bags, Milk, Cheese, Nuts, Cereals bread Tron Meat, Poultry, Wholegrain cereals, Wholemeal bread, Eggs Sodium Table salt, Meat, milk, Cheese, Seafood, Spinach, Celery Potassium Potatoes, Bananas, Oranges, Apricots, Other fruit and Vegetables, Meat, Fish, Nuts Iodine Sea foods, Mill and Cereals and Vegetables from areas with high iodine content in the soil, Todised table salt Zine Oysters, Meat, Fish, Poultry, Eggs, Wholegrain cereals, Peanuts. CLASSIFICATION OF FOOD Our body is always in need of nutrient rich food items. Food items are all the things which we eat in the form of food. For example, different types of cereals, pulses, spices, vegetables, fruits, ghee, milk etc. In all these food items, each nutritious element is in different quantity. Therefore, a single food item cannot be a balanced diet for anyone. For a balanced diet, many food items have to be taken together, then the food is balanced. In order to organize a balanced diet for human beings thousands of food items have been divided into different food groups. Each type of food provides one or more nutrients. There are many food items included in each category. ‘The classification of food has been done on the following basis: (1) CLASSIFICATION OF FOOD ON THE BASIS OF NUTRIENTS Food performs the three main functions in the body : Body-building providing energy and providing protection. Almost every food item contains some or the other specific nutrients which are helpful in completing the above functions. The following five components are necessary for the growth, development, functioning and health of the body. (1) Carbohydrates, (2) Fats, (3) Proteins, (4) Vitamins, (5) Mineral salts. On the basis of the above nutrients, the food items are divided into the following categories— 1. Foods containing carbs—There are two nutrients under carbs (i) sugar, (ii) starch. Sugary food items include sugar, jaggery, honey, sweets, marmalade and jam-jelly ete. and starchy foods include rice, sago, wheat, maize, jowar, millet, rye, potato, yam, sweet potato ete. 2. Fat-rich food items—Ghee, fat, butter, cream, vegetable oil, groundnut, oilseeds, dry fruits etc. come under the food items containing fat. 3. Protein-rich foods—We get proteins from animals and plants. Protein- rich food is found in all types of meat, fish, liver, eggs, milk, milk products, pulses, soybeans, nuts, groundnuts, ete. 4. Foods containing mineral salts—Meat, fish, eggs, liver, milk are found in all cereals, pulses, green leafy vegetables, etc., under the category of food items containing mineral salts. 5. Vitamin-rich foods—Almost all green vegetables and other foods have some or the other vitamin. But milk and its products, meat, fish, liver, egg, green vegetables, etc., contain vitamins are found in a very large quantity. (2) CLASSIFICATION OF FOOD ACCORDING TO FUNCTION ‘The types of food has been classi SBPD Publishing House follows (A) Body building food clements—The food clements that yy 1 | Ork to the body are called the body building elements. Protein is the main gq buy | of the body building food. tear. Every organ such as bones, muscles, teeth, skin, hair, blood proteins. Minerals are the second building block after protein. Amon, |. Protein helps us to grow and repair Our wear ot mate | Se elon, mong thy calcium, phosphorus, iron and iodine are prominent. Calcium and phe ety | are helpful in the formation of teeth and bones. lodine also pr major gland of the body. ‘oduces thy ha i | Vs ‘lement plays an important role in the formation of the body. Vari. | intracellular fluids and extracellular fds are formed from water. Ther also a large amount of water in the blood. a Energizing or energy-providing substances—Energy ig for che body. Diflrene bodily functions require different amounts of Carbohydrate is the essentig | a ener; | main food providing energy in the bo dy. Sugar starch are the two forms of carbohydrates available in the body. °° S°8*" and Garbohydrate—It gives energy to the body. One gram of carbohydrate provides 4.2 calories of energy. Carbs are available in two forms (a) Sugars—Sugar, Honey, Jaggery ete, (b) Starch—Various grains such barley, millet ete. Apart as wheat flour, semolina, maida, maiz, from this, starch content is found in sweet Potato, potato, raw fruit and banana. Fat—I gram of fat provides 9 calories of ene: food items like oil, ghee, butter, nuts and should take more amount of fat in their diet, Protein—Most of the energy is su food items and is digestible. Protein also serv: calories of energy are obtained in one gram of pi is repair and regulation o} protein utilization and metabolism, This allo function properly. We get protein from mill its and peanuts ete. ergy. We can get fat from other cream etc. Hard working people ipplied from carbs as it is found in more es as a source of energy. Four rotein, Main function of protein ‘body's tissues. Carbohydrates and fats also helpin ws the protein to perform itsmain Ik, curd, cheese, meat, fish, eggs, pulses, soybeans, (C) Regulatory or protective food elements—Along with energy giving elements and buildi ilding elements, our body als: ‘0 needs protective elements. We ‘on properly. Protective elements are necessary to incre? the immunity power of the body. Vitamins, minerals, __ Vi water and proteins are the main protective elements Vitamins regulate variou: especially keeps the skin ania 's body functions and keep organs healthy. Vitam: speciz in ang a e¥es healthy. Vitamins keep the nervous s¥8%; digestive system, skin and guns healthy. Due to lack of vitamins, the growth shepody is affected and various types of diseases aaah co tees cee and anemia ete can be develope Mineral salts mainta function of salt is to control the activities of blood transport, ip and clotting of blood. Water also controls the flurde at the hedy and helS excretion. d. * The in the acid-base and water balance in the od oa Concept of Food and Nutrition. TRACE ELEMENTS ‘Trace elements (or trace metals) are minerals present in living ti in small amounts. Trace clements refer to any chemical clement tist ie preeua in the human body in very small amounts, usually less than 0.1% by volume. Some of them are known lo be nutritionally essential, others might not be very essential. All trace elements can be toxic if consumed at sufficiently high levels for long enough periods. Nutritionally essential trace elements include iron, copper, cobalt, zine, selenium, chromium, iodine, and molybdenum, Iron plays 7 ae role in transporting oxygen throughout the body through the lood. Nutritionally essential trace elements are required for an individual's nutrition. These elements contribute to vital bodily functions, including metabolic function, tissue repair, growth, and development. Because the human body cannot naturally synthesize these elements, it is essential that people consume them through their diet or by using supplements. Excessive consumption of these elements can have potentially toxic effects. Functions of food l i} Physiological Psychological Social | Dei) Energy giving Body building Protective and (carbohydrate, (protein) Regulatory protein and fat) (vitamins and minerals) Fig 2. Functions of food CONCEPT OF HEALTH Health literally means, “that state of the body and mind in which it can perform all functions properly.” According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is the simple protection of the body from diseases”. Health is not merely the absence of disease and infirmity, but refers to being healthy in a complete physical, mental and social state. ‘Types of Health Although, there are many types of health, these three types of health are among the ones approved by WHO : 1. Physical health—It means all the organs and cells of the body are functioning according to their expected capacity keeping in perfect harmony with the body. 2. Mental health—The correct harmony of man with the urban world i.e. the condition in which man can maintain harmony with himself and with the people and environment around him. 3. Social health—To place oneself in society, to recognize society as a larger form of one’s family and to create such an environment for living. Apart from these three main types, there are other types of health like— (1) Spiritual aspect, (2) Emotional aspect. Relation of Food and Health Health depends a lot on nutrition and food is an important factor in maintaining good health. Our body is formed by the food we consume, so to SBPD Publishing House clarify the relationship between food and health, itis true that he are two sides of the same coin, Health depends on nutrition and mute ad ay on food. 7 ‘To understand this statement, it is necessary to know thi different dimensions of health, which are as follows: 1, Physical health—Nutrients perform certain functions in for the growth of the body and to keep it physically acti following : (® Building the body—The body is made up of small cells and each made up of proteins, mineral salts, water and other substances, These ele, build and grow the body. From infancy to adolescence, food items are ne° tae large quantities, because at this stage there is a lot of constructive work tit body. Only a fully developed body is called a healthy body, the Gi) Providing energy—Energy is produced in the body this energy helps in carrying out physical activities, (ii) To keep the functional organs of the body functioni, smoothly—The repair of body parts is done by nutritious elements, et walle the functioning ofthe organs is also maintained by nutritious elements ed (a) Control of heartbeat. % (b) Helping in contraction and expansion of muscles. (c) Control of body temperature. (d) Control over the removal of bodily toxins, (e) Control over the balance of water. (®) Balance of body pH. (© Control over coagulation of blood. In this way, nutritious elements are helpful in keeping the person healthy by performing the above mentioned tasks. 2. Mental health—a balanced diet fulfills the physical needs. Sometimes emotional satisfaction is also found by consuming food. When a person takes food in a new environment, he does not feel complete satisfaction and comfort due to the new environment and taste may also change. These foods provide physical nourishment to the body but not mental nourishment, Unless a person is satisfied and happy, he will not be able to show signs of good mental health. 3. Social health—Man is a social animal and in order to maintain good. harmony in the society, it is necessary that he should exchange his desires with the people in the society. Food is the medium for expressing desires: feelings, love, cooperation, friendship ete. On some social festivals for. example, on the occasion of marriage, birthday etc. the person exhibits feelings happiness, love and cooperation ete. through food. Through these social activities @ person gets a special place in the society, due to which the person remains socially healthy. ay tis clear from the above description that food is important in makiné* person physically, mentally and socially healthy, but it is also necet es keep in mind that if there is a mentally disturbed, anxious person, then he¢ not take food properly. In this way it is clear that health has a very ‘0° relationship with nutrition and nutrition with food, 1 © effect of, oo On : th ive, which areal e cellig through food ang Health @) Concept of Food and Nutrition. Long Answer Type Questions 1. Define food? State what is included in what we call food? 2. What is nutrient? Do all foods contain the same nutrients? 3. How has Robbins described nutrition? 4. 5, . Explain types of nutrition? . Why should we eat balanced diet? 6. What is concept of health? Short Answer Type Questions 1, What is balanced diet? . What is deficiency disease? . Describe the function of nutrients? What are the types of health? . Explain the relationship between food and health? 6. What is obesity? Objective Type Questions 1. A substance needed by the body for growth, energy, repair and maintenance is called— (a) Nutrient (b) Carbohydrate (0) Calorie (a) Fatty acid 2. About half of your diet should be made up of — (a) Grains and vegetables (b) Fruits and mill () Milk and cheese (d) Fats and Sugars (Ans. 1. (a), 2. (a) OR tS wn uthen) LCKA JA 0 delenit da IAI haceen yx0bb ap v5 vitamin 2. [CHAPTER | MEAL PLANNING ee Food, clothing and shelter are the three basic needs of human beings. Without this human life is not possible. If a person does not get a house and clothes, then he can live for some time, but cannot survive without food. Food is needed not by one person but by all the members of the family. Diet is important to keep the body healthy. A balanced diet is essential for good health. A diet consisting of a mixture of different foods is called a balanced diet. People of each age have different dietary needs. Diet should be organized according to gender. The housewife has to take many decisions in order to have a balanced diet for all the members of the family. How to cook food, in what quantity to be cooked, all these things should be taken care of by the housewife. Dietetics is _ the practical application of the principles of nutrition, including food for health and disease, dietary components, specific chemical compounds; for example, yitamins, minerals and amino acids. - MEANING AND DEFINITION OF DIET PLANNING To inclade the quantity of food items of the seven food groups in the diet in such a way that all the members of the family get all the nutritious elements in sufficient quantity is called diet planning. Meal—One specific thing you eat eg dinner is a meal, lunch is a meal, fish and chips is a meal etc. Diet—Refers to everything you regularly eat. Diet can also be used to describe a weight loss food plan. PRINCIPLES OF MEAL PLANNING Food requirements of each member of the family are not same. Their nutritional requirements are different. Children eat less food than adults. If someone has’ diabetes, he does not eat sweets. A laborer eats more than a mental worker. Therefore, planning of meals should be done wisely. So that all the family members can get proper nutrition. Some principles of diet planning are as follows : 1, Family friendly food—No two families have the same nutritional requirements, due to the difference in the number of family members, age and food preferences. In addition, the number of meals eaten in a day varies in a family, If the main diet is taken twice, most of the nutritional needs should be met in those two meals. The quantity of each meal can be reduced somewhat in three meals. The diet should be organized keeping in mind all the members of the family. The diet can be made to suit everyone. For example, the water of lentils can be removed and used for soup. By reducing the amount of salt in lentils, it can be given to the patient of high blood pressure. Lentils without tempering can be given to the sick person and some members can also take tempered lentils as a diet. - 3 SBPD Publishing House | 'sychosis and Nutrition—If a person does not get proper namie | he can become mentally weak or sick. Due to lack of proper nutrition, a pen™ | loses his mental concentration and mental balance. Malnourished people. often more aware of themselves due to physical inequalities; for example, att | person or a very lean person suffers from the feeling of social disdain, in whigy | the feeling of loneliness prevails. Due to which such people have symptoms |i’. non-cooperation, irritability, impatience ete. Various surveys on children hays | found instability of thought, lack of concentration and impatience j, malnourished children. Substantial improvement in behavior was observed making necessary changes in the diet of such children. With good nutrition, | person feels self-confident, alert and secure. He finds himself capable of adjusting | to different people and situations; for example, not getting angry, not Betting too excited and being happy ete. | 8. Nutritional Requirements—Only proper nutrition maintains a Person's good health, When the child is young, he should be given more amount of protein, because during this time his physical development is more rapid, children should be given a diet rich in protein; for example, milk, egg, soybean _ etc. Pregnant women and lactating mothers also have higher protein | requirements. A person needs more protein. for a quick recovery after the operation. The calorie requirement of adolescents and adolescent girls is very high. Sportsmen and laborers have to work hard, so they need food that gives more energy. Nutritional requirements change when a person becomes ill. 4. Nutrition and mental strength—For a person to be mentally healthy, he should get enough nutrients. Our nervous stability, intelligence, memory power, receptive power, speech power, etc. depend on nutrients. Malnourished children lack these mental abilities. It has been proved from many experiments that the mental achievement of young children in school is affected by nutrition; for example, in the state of hunger, he does not feel like studying. Children born by malnourished mothers during pregnancy have less mental capacity than normal children. After weaning from breast milk, if the child does not get enough nutrition, the multiplication activity of their fibers decreases, due to which mental functions are not able to increase. 5. Food served in an attractive manner—A properly organized diet should also look good. Beautifully served food increases appetite. Food sold in public places has more emphasis on decoration, which in turn attracts more customers. The wise mother and housewife makes every effort to serve well- equipped food. Due to her efforts, the health of every member of the family remains good. 6, Innovative diet—Everyone cannot eat the same food every day, he needs different types of food on different days, There must be variety in the diet, Only then the members will eat from the heart. Innovation can be brought in food by using different colours, textures and aromas and different types of cooking methods. Some of the main reasons are : (i) Novelty in color scheme—In order to bring novelty in the diet, attractiv¢ colors should be mixed, as it increases the appetite of the person eve? more. Conversely, if all the food items are of the same colour, the foo looks dull; for example, if the diet consists of washed urad lentils, plait curd, plain rice, onion and radish salad, then the diet will not look attract? even though it is nutritious. On the contrary, if the diet includes whol urad, onion garnished with green coriander, tomato, carrot and a ae salad, curd raita, mint chutney and pulao, then it will look attracti¥® because it has a beautiful combination of colors. Such a diet incre appetite. Meal Planning Gr) (i) Use of Cooking Methods—Many types of cooking methods are popular in India. By using these methods, changes can be brought in the texture, taste and aroma of foods. In addition to traditional cooking methods, such as frying, boiling, roasting, baking, ee, the use of fermentation and ‘ermination can bring innovation to the food. Ne Faking potato raita, ko‘tas, cutlets, halwa ete. eee ae (ii) Selection of food items from different food groups—Food group means a group of foods having similar nutrients. Substances from the same food group are neither tasty nor balanced; for example, in the morning breakfast, a person should take milk, cheese sandwich and mille pudding. On the contrary, if that person chooses from different. groups and takes a vegetable sandwich with milk and some fruit, then both his taste and nutritional value will increase due to the variation in the food. (iv) Novelty in texture—Novelty can be brought in by changing the texture of food. If all the food items in the diet are the same then it will not look good. Some substances in the food item should be solid or hard that can be chewed raw; for example, salads and fruits. Some food items should be crunchy; for example—papad, chips etc. Some foods should be bland; such as- custard pudding, lentils etc. (v) Novelty in taste and aroma—If the food is tasty then more saliva starts secreting in the mouth of the eater. The taste of food brings novelty to the food. If all the dishes of the food are more pungent, then the taste of the food will not be known. On the contrary, undigested food does not taste delicious. There should also be a proper combination of different fragrances for a good diet plan. When different foods are used together, the aroma of one food enhances the aroma of the other; Like - bread and butter, mint chutney with pakodas, coconut chutney with idli ete. 7. According to the budget of the family—It is difficult to get a balanced lict for all the family members. Food items are very expensive, so the diet hould be organized according to the budget of the family. Some major uggestions should be followed in this regard : @ First class protein is found in the diet made from milk, meat and meat products and all of them are very expensive. To overcome this, other options should also be looked at; for example, foods made from soybeans can be given in place of meat and chicken. This will reduce the cost. (i) Iron elements are obtained from green vegetables. It is often seen that people eat the root part of radish and throw away the green leaves. If radish leaves are cooked and eaten, then iron elements will also be available from them. The cost will also be less. 4ti) Lemon, orange etc. are expensive sources of Vitamin-C, in their place, Amla, Guava, can be obtained at a low price. iv) Seasonal diets are cheaper than convenient food. Seasonal foods are not only tasty, but also cost-effective and are better in nutritional value than other foods. 8. Saving time, power and money—Every person wants to organize & 2t keeping in mind the saving of time, power and money. This work can be complished by the following measures : : (The kitchen should be well organized so that there is no fatigue while working, the items should be arranged in order and near the place of work. ii)A large pack of any food item is cheaper, but a larger pack should be bought only when there is a provision to keep it safe. SBPD Pubi ing House (iii) Shop when the market is less crowded. Gv) When buying food items, compare the prices of two to three shops or by, from wholesale shops where the price has to be paid less. Goods can jy expensive if you shop at the last minute. (v) Take the decision, what is to be cooked in a day or a week? For this, all the materials can be brought from the market at once by preparing a ligy of the necessary items, so that the rent, labor and time of going to th, market again and again does not have to be spent. | (vi) Incorporate useful tools to save time and labor. ; 9. Use of leftover: food material—The food items which are left after the meal should be mixed to make new types of dishes. In this way food graing can be put to good use. If the lentils prepared from the food are left, parathas can be made by adding green coriander, green chilies, finely chopped onions by kneading them in the flour. In this way the leftover food can also be used and savings can be made. 10. Satiety—Most of the people like satiating food. Foods containing fats and proteins have more satiety properties than carbs. Due to this, the person doesn’t always feel hungry. NUTRITIVE VALUE FOR DIFFERENT GROUPS It is very important for a person to get adequate amount of nutrition in daily life. The following table gives the recommended daily intake of nutrients for men : Low Labor | Moderate Labor | High Labor Total Energy Calories 2425 2875 3800 Protein (in grams) 60 60 60 Fat (in grams) 20 20 20 Calcium (in mg) 400 400 400 Iron (in mg) 28 28 28 Retinol (ug) 600 600 600 Carotene (ig) 2400 2400 2400 ‘Thiamine (mg) 12 14 16 Riboflabin (mg) 14 16 19 Niacin (mg) 16 18 21 Ascorbic Acid (mg) 40 40 40 Folic Acid (ug) 100 100 100 Vitamin B,,, (4) min. Gram 1 1 1 Proposed daily intake of nutrients for women Low | Moderate | High | Pregnant | Lactation| 0-6 labor | _ labor | labor |_ women months Total energy (kg) calories | 1875 | 2225 | 2925] +300 | +550 Protein (grams) 50 50 50 +15 425 Fat (grams) 20 20 20 30 45 Calcium (mg) 400 | 400 400} 1000 | 1000 Iron Elements (mg) 30 30 30 38 30 Retinol (ug) 600 | 600 600 600 250 Carotene (11g) 2400 | 2400 | 2400] 2400 | 3800 Thiamine (mg) 0.9 11 12 0.2 0.3 Riboflavin (mg) 1d 1.8 1.5 0.2 0.5: 5869 Meal Planning Gs) Niacin (mg) 12 14 16 2 a “Ascorbic Acid (mg) 40 40 40 40 80 Folic Acid (1g) 100 | 100 100 400 450 Vitamin B,, (i) min.gram | 1 1 1 1 1 Recommended daily intake of nutrients for infant and child Nutrients Jota 0-6 months | 6-12 months | 1-3 years | 4-6 years |7-9 Years ‘Total Energy Calories 108/kg. g9e/k | 1240 1690 | 1950 Protein (in grams) 2.05/kg, 165g 22 30 ‘41 Fat (in grams) => = 25 25 25 Calcium (mg) 500 500 4010 400 400 Iron content (mg) - - 12 ws] 16 Retinol (ug) 350 350 400 400 600 Carotene (ug) 1200 1200 1600 1600 2400 ‘Thiamine (mg) 155pgm/1kg 55yg/min. 0.6 09 10 Riboflavin (mg) 65ug/1 kg 60mg 0.7 1.0 12 Niacin (mg) 1710ugm/kg_ | 650ue/1(ke) 8 u| 2 Ascorbic Acid (mg) 25 25 40 60 Folic Acid (ug) 25 25. 30 60 ‘Vitamins (\1),min.gram 0.2 0.2 | 0.2-1.0 0.2-1.0 Nutrients Available in Foods Nutrients in Food Classes Main Nutrients Proposed by ICMR Food Group L Cereals, Grains and Products: Rice, Wheat, Ragi, Bajra, Maize, Jowar, Barley, Rice flakes, Wheat Flour. IL Pulses and Legumes: Bengal gram, Black gram, Green gram, Red gram, Lentil (whole as well as Main Nutrients Energy, protein, Invisible fat Vitamin B1, Vitamin-B2, Folic Acid, Iron, Fibre. Energy, Protein, Invisible fat, Vitamin — B1, Vitamin — 2, Folie Acid, Calcium, Iron, Fibre. dhals) Cowpea, Peas, Rajmah, Soyabeans, Beans IIL Milk and Meat Products: Protein, Fat, Vitamin -B12, Calcium. Milk: Protein, Fat, Vitamin -B2 Milk, Curd, Skimmed milk,Cheese Meat: Chicken, Liver, Fish, Egg, Meat. IV. Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits: Mango, Guava, Tomato Ripe, Papaya, Orange. Sweet Lime, Watermelon. Vegetables (Green Leafy) : Amaranth, Spinach, Drumstick leaves, Coriander leaves, Mustard leaves, fenugreek leaves Other Vegetable: Carrots, Brinjal, Ladies fingers, Capsicum, Beans, Onion, Drumstick, Cauliflower. Carotenoids, Vitamin -C, Fibre. Invisible Fats, Carotenoids, Vitamin ~ Bg, Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Fibre. Carotenoids, Folic Acid, Calcium, Fibre SBPD Publishing House seg Fats and Sugars: Energy, Fat, Essential Fatty Acids Fats: Butter, Ghee, Hydrogenated oils, Cooking oils like Groundnut, Mustard, Coconut, | Sugars: Energy Sugar, Jaggery SAMPLE BALANCED MEAL PLAN ‘Meal Timing Food Items Household Measures Breakfast Vegetable poha Tbowl 5 Milk 1 glass Paneer/egg/sprouts Lserving/1 thsp Mid Morning Fruit 1 Lunch Salad 1 Plate Chapati or Rice 3 ladle Dal/Sambhar L bow! Cauliflower potato 1 bow! Curd 1 bowl Mint Coriander Chutney 1 tbsp Evening ‘Tea/Milke leup Sprouts/Upma/roasted gram | 1 bowl/25 g Dinner ‘Tomato Soup/Rasam leup Chapati of rice flour + | 8 ladle Masoor dal Lbow! Green vegetables Lbow! Sweet dish Lbowl FACTORS AFFECTING THE PLANNING OF DIET It is not easy for all the members of the family to get food according to their choice. Even after being familiar with all the principles of diet planning, the housewife is unable to select food ingredients according to all the family members. The reason for this is that many factors affect the diet planning, which is described as follows : 1. Age—Infants and children require more nutritious elements than adolescents and adults. The main reason for this is that the speed of their physical development is faster than that of adolescent and adult individuals. If we see this sequence of physical growth, then till 0-5 years physical growth is rapid, after that the pace of development of the body slows down a bit, increases again in adolescence. It stops in adulthood and old age. Due to the growth of children’s bodies, the body building speed is rapid. Therefore, the need for body building elements like protein and mineral salts is more. For energy storage it newly formed cells, more energy-producing elements suck as fats and carbs are necessary. Vitamins are necessary for the protection of the body. In adulthood, the body does not grow, but the wear and tear in the body is rebuilt. Therefore, with increasing age, the body becomes relaxed. Diseases are easily transmitted, so in old age, more protective elements are needed. 2. Gender—There is not only a physical difference between a man and woman, but there is also a difference-in their size, weight and activity. It has been observed that the growth of boys and girls ic the same till the age of 10-11 gaerer | GROWTH OF CHILD AND PRENATAL NUTRITION Nutrition is important before and during pregnancy and is one of the most jafluential non-genetic factors in foetal development. In developing countries, ty 200 million children under five years fail to reach their potential in p ; nore ive and social development due to: « Poverty « Poor Health Nutrition and Care Deficit. Other factors that compromise overall development during pregnancy and sher birth are parent's behaviour, dietary deficiencies, chronic infections, cccusive breastfeeding and inadequate feeding practices. According to UNICEF, third of children younger than 5 years in developing ‘countries have growth retardation or stunting. Stunting is a result of chronic malnutrition and is caused by poor nutrition ‘and infection. Stuntingis also associated with lethargy, lower levels of play and poor attention. FACTORS AFFECTING THE GROWTH OF CHILD The first 1,000 days refers to a child's life from the moment they are conceived until they have reached 2 years of age (24 months). This is a time then their brain, body and immune system grows and develops significantly. Research shows that a pregnant mother’s health, nutrition and stress levels can influence the future of her baby. After the baby is born, their own physical environment, nutrition and relationships can have @ lifelong impact on their health and wellbeing. In their first 1,000 days, babies need : * Healthy Food * Loving Relationships * Safety and Security * Time to Play 1 A Healthy Enviro Your baby’s brain in th ey baby’s brain develops more quickly during time of life, The way the brain moulds an Sontribute {ll grow into. to the sort of person the baby will grow into. anata mney and in early childhood will help The rig ¥ ae “ ight diet (nutrition) during pregnal 1 ‘hebaby in A ayaieal dares Rd emotions will develop properly. ament; including in the Womb e first 1,000 days the first 1,000 days than at any dd adapts to its environment Boo | Being hungry or exposed to stress or abuse during this time can ha lifelong effect on a child’s development. ince the brain is closely linkeq tone rest of the body, an unsafe or unhealthy environment in the first 1,000 days oe affect a child's physical health in later life too. n 2. Good Nutrition in the first 1,000 days Receiving good nutrition in the womb and through early life ig ssentig] for a child’s future health. Research has shown that what a mother eats, her Weight and her lifestyle habits can influence how the baby’s metabolism immune Tsiem and organs develop. Poor nutrition during pregnancy and early life can lead to obesity, heart disease and stroke later. Tron, iodine, and zine are most, important for a child. Any deficiency of these nutrients during the fiat 1,000 days can cause irreversible damage. iro, 8ive your baby the best possible start in life, it's important to eat a healthy diet while you're pregnant and to breastfeed for at least 6 months if possible. Once your baby starts solids, you can help them develop healthy. eating habits for life. Both low and high birth weights may lead to physiological and/or metabolic adaptations in vital organs, and may result in disruptions in normal growttr and Susceptibility to infections, lower cognitive performance, and increased risk sf adiposity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and hypertension happen hare in low-birth-weight children in the long term. Higher birth weight hes been shown to be associated with higher obesity, diabetes, and cancer rel adult life. Therefore, prevention of both low and high birth weights through nutrition and health intervention is important during pregnancy. 3. Effects of stress and trauma in the first 1,000 days Research has shown that if a mother is under a lot of stress while pregnant this can affect the baby’s nervous system and growth, This can lead te benith problems later in life, including heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. Stress caused by violence in the home can affect babies. Parents who are experiencing family (domestic) violence may not be able to form a loving attachment with their baby. Of course, often stress and trauma are unavoidable. It’s not your fault and help is available. If you are experiencing a very stressful situation when you're Pregnant or have a young child, speak to your doctor or child health nuree. 4. Safety and security in the first 1,000 days Loving, secure relationships are vital for a child's development. It’s through their relationships that babies learn to think, understand, communicate, show emotions and behave. Relationships affect how they see the world and how theY fit into society. Playing, singing, reading and talking to your baby are all important wayst® help them to feel safe and loved Growth of Child and Prenatal Nutrition 133 stress on parents caused by financial hardship can the level of care their baby needs, If you are experiencing poverty, there are thi baby build resilience in the first 1,000 days ee Ask for help and accepting practical Le: nant obey and accepting p support, Learn about government-funded Manage your own stress by avoiding fighting or using drugs or alcohol to cope. Make your baby feel secure and loved. Do fun, low-cost activities together as a family, 6. Breastfeeding Another important issue in the first 1000 days that i ition i x mn ys that is related to nutrition is breastfeeding. Exclusive breastfeeding ‘is recommended for the first 6 months of life and then continued breastfeeding along with appropriat lement: foods for up to age 2. ~etilbtnamsio para 7. Complementary Feeding Complementary feeding practices are important to prevent obesity later in life, Six months of age is the optimal time to begin adequate complementary feeding. Early repeated exposure to a wide variety of healthy foods and repeated exposure to the same food for up to eight times may facilitate the acceptance of new foods; especially vegetables, Infants that maintain daily variety in their diet accept new flavors more easily than infants that follow a monotonous diet. This underlines the importance of introducing a variety of foods in early childhood. Repeated early exposure to different foods could affect children’s food preferences later in life. 8. Hygiene Another important thing to ensure during the 1,000 days is hygiene. It is important that the mother prevents infections because if she gets ill, the child will also be impacted. Handwashing with soap is the most cost-effective way to ensure hygiene and prevention of infections. As many as two million children die every year globally due to diarrhoea caused because of lack of hygiene and half of these deaths can be avoided simply by hand washing. 9. Immunisation The mother must be vaccinated during pregnancy so that any kind of infections are not transmitted to the child. The child must be vaccinated after birth to prevent deadly diseases like smallpox, tetanus, diarrhoea, respiratory pneumonia and others. 10. Epigenetics Epigenetic modifications of the expression of genes occur through several mechanisms including DNA. A range of environmental stressors have epigenetic effects that are associated with diseases. Some of these stressors include tobacco consumptions, smoke-related diseases, air pollution effects on immunity and inflammatory responses, endocrine disrupting compounds and others. | prevent them from providing igs you can do to help your Nutritional Phase Risk Factor | Higher maternal pre-pregnancy BMI Prenatal Excess maternal Gestational Weight Gain (0-280 days) Maternal Diabetes Mellitus (gestational or Type 1) Genetic predisposition What constitutes a healthy diet during pregnancy? |“ yA balanced and varied diet, as recommended by the’, pregnant women. i "0d fo, ©. Follow the food guide pyramid in adequate amoun' baby. to get all the essential nap. de feensure the best possible start ¢e°% — You, Vegetables Consume 3.5 portions of Vegetables (1 portion = 100g) i Green Leafy Vegetables Consume 1 portion Other Vegetables Consume 2 portions Roots & Tubers Consume 1/2 portion WHAT IS 1 PORTION ? Fruits (Consume 2 portions of Fruits (1 portion = 100g) WHAT IS 1 PORTION? Nutrients 7 Pay special attention to these nutrients in your diet during, pregnane!’ Per day 82g, Protein Sources = sand Growth of Child and Prenatal Nutrition 139 | 7 py Cab bebp Wishui' sdk its growth and development | Ai 3° x mulation by the baby is required for its growth and developm iteiD + Incorporate your protein foods in all the meals. Per day 1200 mg Calcium. Why do you need ? Formation & Development of baby’s bones Sources : Milk and milk products, Ragi, Kabuli chana, Soya beans, Amaranth, Til ‘eds and Sunflower seeds Per day 35mg Iron Mhy do you need ? ae mation of blood, iron stores in the baby and to take care of blood loss Ted eelivery, . : b Tron bioavailability is poor from plant foods. To help your body age 702 from plant foods consume amla, guava and citrus fruits wl Teh in Vitamin ©. ibean hinder * Limit intake of beverages like tea & coffee during meal, it can iron absorption. Growth of Child and Prenatal Nutrition 141 Eggs Fish Milk Unit Requirement and risk factors during pregnancy REQUIREMENT FOR CHILD GROWTH During pregnancy, your eating habits affect your baby. Your baby depends on good nutrition for growth & development. Making healthy food choices and having a balanced diet during pregnancy will help prepare your baby for lifelong health. How many extra calories do need ? It is actually a myth that you need to “eat for two” during pregnancy. You do need extra calories, but a gradual increase in calories as your baby develops will be just right. First Trimester No extra calories needed Second Trimester | -300 ~ 350 extra calories/day What if 'm having twins or triplets? Aim for an additional 300 calories per day for each fetus. Pregnant women with twins require about 2,500 — 2,800 calories/ day. Weight gain for twins ird Trimester va ealories/day Third Ti __| 450 extra calories/day BMI] Weight gals Daily calories should be around 2,200 — 2,500 185.040 | s75aih calories/day 25-29.9 31-50 1b, These extra calories should come from nutritious = 30 25.42 Ib foods, such as lean meats, low-fat dairy products, fruits, vegetables & whole ereiee Weight gain and calorie needs for triplets and higher should be| calculated by a health professional. Always consult Registered Diefi- tion, Nutritionist or doctor for your| specific pregnancy needs. How much weight should I expect to gain? Weight gain during pregnancy is important for the development and growth of your baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, uterus, breasts, blood supply and fat stores. Normal weight gain is between 0-4 Pounds during the first tiimester and 2 1 pound per week during the second & third trimesters. Remember pregnancy is not the right Ideal weight gain during pregnaney depends on your pre-pregnancy BMI: time to diet or lose weight as it could BMI Prevent your baby from getting = 185 essential nutrients. 18.5-24.9, 25-35 Ib. 25-29.9 15-25 1b. 230 11-20 1b. SBPD Publishing House ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS PROTEIN IRON Protein helps your baby’s Iron males: haemoglobin, a tissue develop and also protein in red blood cells that develops & rep: brings oxygen to your tissues, breast and uterine tissue, muscles and blood during pregnancy. DHA DHAis needed for your baby’s brain development and growth. Italso helps you stay pregnant ong enough. VITAMIN C Vitamin C is needed for wound healing and helps develop your baby’s teeth and bon« The amount of blood in your body increases during pregnancy, 50 iron is needed to make your baby’s blood supply. FAT Fat gives energy and helps make your baby’s organs & placenta. Poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) help with your baby’s brain, nervous system, and retina development. CALCIUM Calcium helps develop your baby’s bones, muscles, heart| needed for fluid control. IODINE Iodine helps develop your baby’s brain and nervous system. Enough iodine will help your baby move, think and feel. FOLIC ACID Folic acid is needed for your baby’s brain and spine. Folic acid also helps make blood during pregnancy. Enough folic acid is important in preventing neural tube defects (NTDs), a major birth defect of baby’s brain or spine. 70% of all NTDs can be avoided with enough folic acid. Daily Nutrient Requirements Protein __75-100 g/day Folic Acid _ 60 meg/day Iron 27 mg/day Vitamin D 600 U/day VitaminC 85 mg/day DHA 200 mg/day and nerve function. It is also| 4 Growth of Child and Prenatal Nutrition 143) COMMON FOOD SOURCES ji Lean meat, fish, oggs, dairy, Protei Jegumes, nuts, seeds, " Folic Green leafy vegetables, avocado, Acid lesumes, Ientils, beans, orange juice, fortified bread and corcal. Iron Lean meat, seafood, clams, beef, cereal, broad, pasta, leafy green vegetables, beans, nuts, dried fruits, Calcium Milk, cheese, yogurt, broccoli, kale, tofu, nuts. Vitamin D Salmon, — mackerel, tuna, mushrooms, eggs, vitamin D fortified milk and cereal. Vitamin © Fruits, vegetables, especially red and yellow peppers, broccoli, cabbage, strawberries, brussel sprouts, citrus. Iodine Fish, milk, cheese, yogurt, iodized salt, fortified cereal and bread. DHA Herring, salmon, trout, halibut, DHA fortified orange juice, milk and eges. Fat Sources of PUFAs; oily fish like salmon, trout and herring, nuts, seeds, flaxseed, vegetable oil. Should I still take a prenatal vitamin if I eat these foods ? Even if you eat a balanced diet, you can still miss out on essential nutrients. Aprenatal vitamin, ideally started 3 months before you get pregnant, is recommended to make sure you get all the nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy. Some medical professionals recommend women still take prenatal vitamins while breastfeeding. | Exercise Questions [{eorsesemmmamenra Lng Answer Type Questions Sg Auswer Type Questions Describe the factors affecting the growth of the fhild. 2. Write an article on the nutritional requirement of « pregnant woman. . 5. What kind of diet should be given to pregnant women and what necessary precautions should be taken? : y *. Explain the demand for nutritional elements in pregnancy and the required quantity with the help of a table. Set Answer Type Questions s aloe nutrition, ; ine te any three internal changes that take place in p 7 iy * Prepare a diet chart for a day fora highly active pregnant woman of low income Objective Type Questions 1 10. SBPD Publishing House ‘At what age do children reach early childhood ? (a) 1-4 years (b) 1-6 years (c) 1-10 years (d) 1-12 years How many calories are required per day in early childhood ? (a) 1000 (b) 1100 (© 1200 (d) 1300 . Deficiency of which nutrient in the food causes anemia ? (a) Iron salt (b) Caleium (Protein (@) Iodine __ Atwhat rate does the physical growth of boys increase as compared to that of girls (a) Very slow (b) Normal 2 (0) Fast (a) Slow . What is most essential for the growth and development of children : (a) Protein (b) Fruit (©) Fish (d) Fat . For the supply of iron, a pregnant woman should be given : (a) Spinach (b) Meat (© Liver (d) All these |. What should be eaten for the supply of vitamin-C : (a) Amla (b) Tomato (c) Lemon : (d) All these . The adverse effect of consunting more energy for a pregnant woman is: (a) Measles (b) Pneumonia (c) Obesity (d) Cough |. What are the physical changes that occur during pregnancy ? (a) Changes in hormones (b) Changes in transport system (c) Changes in metabolism (d) All these When a baby is born, how much protein is there in his body? (a) 200 grams (b) 300 grams 4 400 grams (d) 500 grams 8. 1. (a), 2. (d), 8. (a), 4. (©), 5. (a), 6. (A), 7. (A), 8. (c), 9 (a), 10. (1 SYLLABUS FOOD, NUTRITION AND HYGIENE Unit Topics t of Food and Nutrition 2 (a Detain of Food, Nutrients, Nutrition, Health, balanced Diet. I ) Types of Nutrition-Optimum Nutrition, under Nutrition, Over Nutrition, (©) Meal planning-Concept and factors Planning, (@)_Food groups and functions of food. affecting Meal ‘Nutrients: Macro and Micro RDA, Sources, Functions, Deficiency and excess of (a) Carbohydrate (b) Fats © Protein 1 | @ Minerals Major : Calcium, Trace : Iron, Todi (©) Vitamins Water soluble vitamin: Fat soluble vitamins © Water (® Dietary Fibre Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium ine, Fluorine, Zine is: Vitamin B, C : Vitamin A, D, E, K 1000 days Nutrition (@) Concept, Requirement, Factors affecting growth of child, TI | () Prenatal Nutrition (0-280 Days) : Additional Nutrients? Requirement and risk factors during pregnancy. (© Breast/Formula Feeding (Birth-6 montheot age) Complementary and Early Diet (6 months years of age) Community Health Concept. (@) Causes of common di, and Nutritioy Diabetes Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Obesity Constipation Diarrhea Typhoid National and International Program and Policies for improving Dietary Nutritio; (©) Immunity Boosting Food, iseases prevalent in the society n requirement in the following : ) ishing House supp Publishing F FOOD ACCORDING TO FUNCTORS fed 08 block after protein. Among these elo fre prominent. Calcium and phospet ng bones. lodine also produces thyece’® ate Yo Ipstances—Energy ise Teneo different amounts of ener! the main fod providing energy in the body. Sugar g Carbohydrate se earbonyrates available i the body. aa ‘ae thet forms proves 2 calories of energy. Carbs are available in two forms {a Sugars—Sugar, Honey, Jaggery te ; (Gy Starch_Various grins such as wheat flour, semotina, maida, maize, ange Stet eke Apart from this, starch content is found in sweet potaig ‘roten-Nost ofthe ener is supplied from ears a foo ems andi igetible. Protein alo serve asa su Caries of energy are obtained in one gram of prot SSroairand putin of bodys ase, Carbohydrates and fat also lpia protein utilization and metabolism. This allows the protein to perform its main Foneion property. eget protein rom ilk, curd, cheese, meat, ich, egg, pulse, soyb dry fruits and peanuts ete. ae oe (© Regulatory or protective food elements—Along with ener givin slenents and bling elements, our bay alo needs protactive element, WE fry seal gta eer fam the ener ging fond hi our boty ae entolied bythe protective tht thera faction propery roetve cements ae neces the immunity power ef the buy. vg Zain eae aera ine regulate vero body fon ‘especiall id are the main prot ind Keep organs hei jn the body. Th of blood transport, heartb fluids of the body and helps “TRACE ELEMENTS traceelement or trace meta small. tr rt ei diet or by these elements can have potent Physiological Peyehological Social Energy giving Body building Protective and (carbohydrate, (protein) Regulatory protein and fat) (vitamins and minerals) Fig2. Funetions of food (WHO), health isthe simple protection ofthe body from diseases”. Heal ‘merely'the absence of diseare and infirmity, but refers to being healthy in a complete physical, mental and socials ‘Types of Health are many types of health, these three types of health are ‘by WHO Tt means all the organs and calls of the body are to their expected capacity keeping in perfect harmony Ith—The correct harmony of man with the urban world i ch man can maintain harmony with himself and with the depends a lot on nutrition and food is an important factor in 1g good health. Our body is formed by the food we consume, s0 to _ anadoupafP a adaescence food items are meena bul and grove the Body. From inf et lot of constructive work ing because at iy incalled a healthy body. eye produced inthe body through fod ang vial activities, organs of the body funett done by nutritious elements as wel maintained by nutritious elements y—En ) Providing ener#sy this energy helps in carrying out apa aca Solr cupid by performing the above mentioned tasks. tne dt tt pts Sone etn icone muda aca fara mene Own \d expansion of muscles. the society, with the people in the soci that food is important in making @ ly healthy, but it is also necessary to turbed, anxious person, then he docs is clear that health has’ a very close on with food, person physi ‘keepin mind relationship with nutrition and m tr Objective Type Qu Concept of Food and Nutrition. in what we eal food? the same nutrients? 2 43, Deseribe the function 4, What are the types of 5. Explain the relationship between food and health? 1. A gubstance needed by the bidy for growth, ener, called — (@) Nutrient (Calorie and maintenance is (0) Carbohydrate (b) Fruits and elle (4) Fats and Sugars CED DIETAND FACTORS BASCTING THE BALANCED DIET _ en se only to satisfy hunger, but sl80 to conte ood i zane grand potet the body from disease, yt fonctning of body Prope erptin that balanced diet means expen gone ot hat iat toe : fe ae ur drtcan be consumed every day even with cheap diets, Bat ig i Shave mnowledge about diet, proper knowledge of thedsote Carbohydrates are high nthe eet other ution element ike prt necussry for health, freshness, vigor, activity ‘balanced diet can be defined as allows: “Balanced diet stat fod in whieh al the nutritious elements are present inproper quantity and proportion according tothe physical demand, ager egal ‘and activity, ete.” au 2 Sa A baianced diet should contain sufficient amount. of calories, fat, protein, sand water. Both excess and deficiency of nulsients are remain the same, but ss a epaepa emai te CHARACTERISTICS, OF BALANCED | ‘DIET = *shouldneode the amounts of mutrients according to indivi Br ts pation aes are ngeter, she ‘should contain all the nutrients in proper proportion. body should be high in the diot. rom all the food groups. tis low in highly processed foods. ‘Avbalanced dict typically contains 50-60% carbohydrates, 12-20% protein and 30% fat. FACTORS AFFECTING THE BALANCED DIET ‘The nutritional requirements of a balanced diet varies from person to person. A diet can be the ideal dict fora person, But the same diet may be less re than the requirement of another person. The dietary requirements of uals of different ages, genders and body sizes are different. Generally, a lanced dit is affected by the following factors: 1. Gender (Sex)—There is a natural difference in the physical structure of women and men since birth. Also theres adifferenceii size, weight, activity ete, Due to these reasons, there isa difference in the food demands of both. research that the growth of boys and » the demand for nutrients also varies greatly. In adulthood, the body weight of a man, length, body area, size, activity, etc. is more than that of woman. For this reason, men require more nutrients ‘than women, ‘Till now itis believed that women need more iron. But itis clear from the chart given by ICMR in 1993 that men also need more iron salts, because scientists believe that the main function of iron salts is to receive oxygen and ‘oxygen is required according to the area of the body. When the size and weight. ‘of the male is more, they need more oxygen. Therefore, they also need more iron salts, 2. Age—Infants and children require more nutritious elements than adolescents and adults, mainly because of the rapid pace of their physical evelopment compared to adolescents and adults. we look at the sequence of the age of 0-5, the physical growth is at a fast pace, ofthe body slows down and it incr ¢hood and old age. Due to the grow ig speed is rapid. Therefore body buildin as protein, mineral salts are required. The more energy-producin such as fats and carbs are necessary for energy storage in newly formed cells, In adulthood, the body does: bat the wear and tear in the body has to be rebuilt, Therefore body bui comes weaker. Diseases are easily transmitted. ‘thore is a greater need for protective elements, ty—The demand for nutritious elements depends on the person. On the basis of physical exertion, the activity is divided into the following three parts ace Worker Gi Moderate Tee THore(Fe HY TT ea pare gan mee res pie po aly mental wonkon ih uy, vrentary Worker—PErms 00 Joctors, MANAEETS, Professor, nd do nat do damestie work gregory. THEY require loss energy” ers and they come UOT active person. ethan 30 eat fais lent in the body als depend, and for mute vity ofthe body decreases. Butin some wes and the demand for seme Gheeandot = | 30. a0 30 30 3030 see a nmcedstess cnet degguyendsuser_* | 3030 | 2030, 3030 Bs vanes he DMB nceawstg Fan tho state of disease. But the OW and tear in the cells and tissues ofthe Non Vesetaron example in fever) and there is ody building and protective elements ‘Table: Pre-school child 1 to years re thereisa ‘in the nature of food, such as semi-liquid or iet is Boy 16-18 Years ate atin of the disease determines tg —_ ie ational v0 | 20 ‘reiimate and Season—People living in eold regions need more energy 50 | 40 naa an a oc, femuneincold went, hey need prt | than one ig an od temperature. Energy is required fr hi eee von ing incall eins ned more fat andears a8 compare ay nein nwa rons ho ned less ener aed in some specil conditions Ike | SiS rene ating, ator sngery, the demand fr niin Zee he body incase frm th normal ate =| = ‘Pregnancy Period The development ofthe felus takes place ely ‘ |_so |_so from the food taken by the mother during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the ‘Table : Balanced dict food items for an adult male tnterand ber sus are nourished, Hence ho demand for nutrients incre Feat Seimay | Medeor | fey Fawn doe noteat blanco det during pregnancy, then the baby oan) wee water |e, ‘womb does not develop properly. Weight of the child decreases due to lack of Voget- | Non Veget_ | Non | Veget-| Non Bie. There, dmand fer ution neeases during prgane. selon [sega |e | vege) Sots | ep i) Lactation Period—After birth, the baby is nourished by the mother’s acen scien rian 2 vey dy 0-100 mi of miki rodead inthe breast of heal sone tee [eaten leet agra bes mother. Therefore, nutritious elements are needed to make milk. In case of 100 | 100 xs | 125 | as | 125 tuberculosis, accident, lack of blood in the bodys 1s | 75 100 | 100 100 | 100 in nti dias ee ora tlaned i, th fod hud eon : 1s | 15 | 100 | 100 | 109 | 100 rine ented et the fod should contin carbohydrates, proteins fit eae a 02) 90 ole tan nutrition of the body can be dong ee ProPortion and quantity so that Prop 600 | 400 600 | 400 | 00 | 400 ne em | SS | fo | | spr HDI Female, Pregnant yw Fawr ony Balanced Diet und Fact tors A ine Balanced Diet_(iE) ‘Moderate é e [5 Worker (al eflecona person ithe toes not ake a balanced diet? Weakness of physical strength thy estas Loss of weight Which of the following is a protective nut Calories (b) Water Minerals and Vitamins (a) Fats hese tenis Grevn eal ‘other vegetables oot ana wer ves nal element? vegetables (b) Machines (a) None of these "To give energy to the body ‘To provide protection to the body All these Groun oo 9. How many litres of milk does mother's body produce during Lactation? ee) (a vatitre () litre —a (©) 19 litre (€)2 litre Questions 10. What is a balanced diet for each person? Long Answer T3PE- TT a9 What isthe difference between an adequate gi, (a) Loss danced it (oDifforent effecting a balanced diet (Ams. 1. (4), 2. (b), 8. (8), 4. (5. 7 i lanning a balanced de? | ni te a ye bapa ind whl planning Nae tennant of od ems rosie tad an great ed adlt women thr notoon nd (ath Shot Answer Tpe Questions Hw des ge alfetbalancod det? 2 Ho dns padre balanced dit? 4 Witethe recommended dally intake of nutrients fora child of roa Whsyecs ofa, 4. We the nlionl neds of child of four to fve years 1. The diet in 7 7 ‘a person has the ability to meet the daily needs (oyBalanced diet at (a) Liquid diet portant function of food is also (a)Causing disease oducing carbs rst allt are Calorie cha (o Minerals and Vitamins Controlling body temperate? None of these fmachine, whose various parts are {ike fuel is needed to keep the parts ofthe machine f ths body neods foo to function smoothly. Energy is spent due fo the functioning ‘needs tobe destroyed, as well as the growth and uous, therefore itis natural for humans science, IFthe growth and development {S stunted due to lack of proper nutrition during the early growth period, thea zo such opportunity is ikelyto come in ie when this defect ean be removed, MEANING AND DEFINITIONS OF NUTRITION ‘The meaning of nutrition is the complex chemical processes by whieh the ‘human body absorbs (by digestion) essential substances from the food consumed (by absorption) and uses it (metabolism its growth and development an eaten by man performs these three fu development ofthe body is also rition means the digestion, ary thatthe food should be ful of nutritious elemen's person remains good. Due to lack of energy in the dit ks, Apart from this, food also plays a role in grow lack of inhibitory ability, nutritional deficieney- sy, bary-berry ete, can be overcome by adequate very linportant for the food to befall of on remains good. Depending on the type ‘of food se consume, conditions of good nutrition, insufficient nutrition and of processes by which the c2seary forthe maintenance, components.” the nutrients and other substances ther swords we can say that “Nutrition is the synergy of various body by which living being absorb substances that are necessary ious functions ofthe body." It controls the body’s growth and repair ‘offphysical wear and tear.” On this bas collective processes of performing various function of fod are called nutrition. ‘TYPES OF NUTRITION [Nutrition is the relationship between man and his wellness and'includes | psyebiological and biological aspects. Nutrition science and food Complement each other, They eannot be separated, The food consumed by man foutishes the body along with pacifving the hunger ofthe stomach, it depends ofthat person's body his physical and mental condition, his physical activity et. Ifa person gets proper a\ fector deal nutrition. Ifa person 2. Malnutrition I. Good Nut : i ‘Good Nutrition isthe condition where any human being can maintain his ody a ttn wath the food he consumes and receives nutritious elements of ‘wage Fomembo, ino one i perfeek Nutrition and ite Types eeu ml fe ha senso sdontify gaps in your dig) tie ional utr tention to nga eeu Thecefare ‘Table 2 presents some of the y marr of the commonly occurring sigas and symptoms of nutsitional deprivation with ter elted body partaystem which cam be used adequate nutrition ‘the benefits of adew adequate nutrition ¢ Adega nu ined Sea tok, some eancra and esteopr abe ok pn retort nigh Hl! Presse 2 Aa neha rau oles 8A ttn helen taping hes 4 Adee tim ence fhe ais Baht from in se atstn sellin ieesing te ener ve TL, Malnutrition disease and recover } 1 al the food ele euized aus to which growth and development stops or if Be re fal ete on body’ functioning, then itis called malnutrition sae eet conditions arise in the environment which keep the consume ‘sir using sultable and adequate foe 3 8 nutritious elements ofthe food, the tmnunt of some nutritous nore than the demand ofthe body and ie amount of some nutritious elements iless than the requirement. ‘Exampleif the amount of earbs and fat ia the food is more than the be capa *Spongy” and bleed easily; recesion of SBS. requirement, the weight ofthe human body becomes more than the requirement a el i TeEMTng ths age which i harmfl for him. Due to lack of vitality aad ‘mineral salts, there is a decrease in body building work and immut 4 oe nner even if there are loments es duets improper sheorption metal sSthebody. They arc extol oute he bedy alongwith the weless sbstanes ‘Apart fom ti thete are some other reasons de to which the condition | otro ares When fds taken in insufient quantity and qualia | the pot requirement cannot be met by food, then itis called slated! Nala imaltutition Thsis the eae ppasite of goed nutrition. ‘According to dietian Emily Wonder, “Malnutrition means disorder _-Mosslarand vernutrition) or defiien thstetal Ean wail or run| eo! edt pan person connot got upar walk propery prolonged bioehem in detect TACT OF CALORES| Peano) ANON PROTEINS GENCY OF TINE) ) Pera eaenas Wasting Un, Vitamin A, Todi) Orerweight Obesity Poor Schoo Performance ‘Impaired Cognition Repeated Infection Reduced Eemnomie productivity Fig, 1: Matnutetion Non-communiable diseases (Giabetes, hypertension) Malnutrition Consequences Fig. 2 Consequences of malnuisiion obesity Overweight Anemia, permanent Low birth ‘weight Stunting Wasting Nutrition and its Types 1. Inadequate food—For ‘consuined than the requirement of the available in it are also 2. Improper food. 1 are nutritionally inappropriate for ‘hebody, which hinders the functioning and development ofthe body and controls the digestive system, such substances can also be the cause of malnutrition. 8.Food unsuitable for physieal condition, age and nature—Different food is useful in different age, sex, different stages of life cycle. Proper food provides proper nutr 5, Unhealthy environment—Lack of clean air, lack of sunlight and lack of cleanliness can also be the reason for malnutrition. 6. Insomnia and lack of sleep—Sleep makes a person stress free and healthy, Nutritious food also does not show its usefulness in the absence of sleep. ‘7.Tgnorance—Ignorance i one of the main causes of malnutrition in our country India and other underdeveloped and developing countries, Not taking food containing vitamins, minerals and salts in food isa sign of ignorance. The jmon man has a belief that nutritious food can be obtained only by expensive ing habits are helpful in causing ing at frequent intervals or late (i Taking yuently at shor i food (v) Consumption of aleabel or excessive tea, coffee, tobacco. Liver diseases obstruct the digestion of nutritious elements such as i and proteins. ‘Certain drugs and genetic defects also affect metabolism. (Gi) Food cooked ignorantly destroys its nutritional value even though adequate nutrition is available. at nat Up ithtes, the conition of undernutrition arises due tothe excretion symptoms of snemia due to deficiency of iron mineral are manifested ‘menstrual bleeding. ‘Sometimes some mental health issues business and family problems, failure {in examination or other ork aro some of the reasons that make the person ‘worried, as n result he shows neglect towards food and the situation of ailyfood Guido. ens and Sayabea ef and Fish Sa tctanece come under the third =mQ NUTRIENTS : MACRO AND MICRO- PROTEIN ee ‘What are Nutrients ? ‘Nutrients are substances needed by the body to carry ou its basi functions. Most nutrients should be obtained from the diet, as the human body does not fesiae or manufacture them. Nutrients have the following three basic the body, ‘There are six groups of nutrients needed by the body to function and ‘are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, nnd in same pant food) or which axe found in processed foods) are possibly harmful Maeronut ‘Nutrients that are required in vast amounts are called macronutrients ‘There are three types of macronutrients + Carbohydrates + Lipids + Proteins Tcronutrients are mostly carbon-based compounds that can be sally processed ino cellular energy through changes in their chemical cae tie chemical energy is transformed into cellular energy known as ATP, ‘whieh is used by the body to carry out basic functions. Tuantily of energy a person consumes on an everyday basis originates Pea the 3 macronutrients, Food enorgy is measured in kilocalories. je = 1000 calories vise a macronutrient; it isso because the body needs it in 1 dalike the other macronutrients, it doesnot consist of carbon. or yield energy. ESSENTIAL CONSTITUENTS OF FOOD Protein ‘Protein was frst discovered in 1838 AD. In a Duteh resident, a chemist jing beings are ‘lements present in bers, and a small amount its simplest unit amino aéids f protein. Many. form proteins. ecules are very large. Their molecular weight ranges from ._Proteins are the main constituent of all the body cells and aler part of muscles and other tissues. [Amino (NF), ‘Atotal of 28 amino found in the food substance, and more than amino acids in the protein are joined by peptide linkage to form a protein kage leis — Ho+aN~ iN 7 1k (Peptide Linkage HN—CO) CLASSIFICATION OF PROTEIN ACCORDING TO AMINO ACID med by the combination of a number ‘amino acids, ‘amino acid. Hence, cysteine and ‘in proteine and are ‘Amino acids can be ‘Table—Nutritional Classification of amino acids Essential ‘Seni essentiol ‘Non essential Histidine ‘Arginine Glutamieadid Lysine ‘Tyrosine Asparticacid ‘Tryptophan Cystine Alanine Phenylalanine Glycine Proline ‘Methionine Serine Hydroxyprotine Threonine Cysteine sppp Publishing House aes a sie deoprotln® con ee! Primary Secondary uote Proteins Sewers |_ciyenpoteins ivcopatens | Congulated LPreoteoses Ccallagens albarine Proteins tes | es wilco eee erating PsP Poyenie cnramoprotsis | ytaproteins pep Metlloproteins Protamines Classification of proteins (Bs Proteins are classified into tw follows = ins are of animal origin (e.g) ope 5e proteins is much superar mil, me to thove of incomplete proteins. ‘COMPLETE VS. INCOMPLETE PROTEINS py all 9 essential amino acids. Proteins: Tncomplete Proteins Animal-Based Plant-Based “+ Vegetables Grains > Legumes/Beans Complementary Proteins: > Graine+Legumes/Vegetables ‘Complementary pr laeroand Micro Protein combined in the tame Pr dt fut deficient in meth tach oer. Rice Kheer Sil and rice are Food sources of proteins ‘Animal sources poultry and they in ysine, ‘il complement vegetable proteins CLASSIFICATION OF PROTEIN ACO} RDING TO MERITS. AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF and gets solidified by heat, Such tuberin of potat when combined with another ‘non-protein component, ther gated protein. Examples of this are the following : faemoglobin—found inthe blood by the name of haemoglobin. ps) Derived Protein—Dus to the breakdown ‘and combined nthe digestive proces, two types of derived protein are formed before the formation of aminoacids. They are primary and secondary derived proteins. () Some proteins are soluble in water. seston ret anc. pre mn of the body's wear and tear—Justay onstruction OFS he same way protein is needa, of ae tsa continuous Functioning oth, tear ens pte body can occur during x called fibrinogen is found i ‘ooeurs due to injury, cut op, is complex process Fbinogen to fibrin. body, because protein maint ontolling the activities inside and control the osmotic pressure in our body camoti pressure isthe pressure that controls osmosis. Osmoti pressure sth pressure exerted by osmosis on the cell membrane of cells. Osm process in which theres alow of les enceat towards the more concentrated matter, (a) Manufacture of enzymes—These remade of proteins and pa form enzymes. Enzymes perform various funetions in the bod; em ete Eoxymes produced only drogen rch compaun Nutrients: Macroand Micro-Protein 8: In providing energyin the absence of carbs and fats, proven also serves to provide energy. One gram of protein provides 4 calories of eneray. Whenever there is not enough ‘diet, then only protein provides energy. When protein is used in excess, it accu body inthe form offat and when these are used to provide energy ‘which is the main work, becomes secondary. 9, In milk production—Mother's milk is the first food of a newborn baby. Mother's milks the best for the proper nutrition ofthe baby. Protein is essential forthe production of breast milk Since mother’s milk contains 1.2% protein. Therefore, the lactating mother shold consume more amount of protein. EFFECT OF PROTEIN DEFICIENCY Protein is very essential fr physical growth and development. Protein is the body’s constructive element and makes new cells, fibers and tissues and perform its function properly in the absence ‘Most ofthe victims of protein deficiency ae children of 1-5 years. Protein- calorie malnutrition orcurs due to lack of both protein and energy. The following three diseases mainly our in children due to deficiency of protein. 1. Kwashiorkor 2. Marasmus 8. Marasmie Kwashiorkor 1. Kwashiorkor—Kiwashiorkor was discovered by Sisley Wiliam in 1935. It means “the disease that occurs to the frst child after the birth of the soeond child.” The following symptoms are soen in children suffering from, ork: jrowth retardation—Both growth and development of the child stops. (3) Wasting of Musclos—The muscles ofthe body start getting destroyed. Its offect is more on the muscles of the arms hands and legs. The arms, hands ‘and legs become thin end weak. secames dry rug a A growth tops a ae any coe etal ane ee ca ae rack and the surface of to hehands and fet bang vole, cna pe cis face becomes round " cin the formation of some re pefetency—Prosin has ale isthe a ee en tency af iam, hee a burning sensation fai Doe oe he longue, de a which the whole mouth net Swope eu ‘Thi eae ocars due to dfcency of oth protein an cee ecefeimnth, spare fom mothers mie, other fod tens cre, Afr th fe Beier, but ithe cildren donot get ther, there alow appetite. Due toi ftopeand the stomach contracts, The weight and heigl ‘Dwarism occurs in th i (2) Digestive system is affected —In this disease, loose watery diarrhet iy Swelling occurs in the body due tla gin the legs, then there is swelling inthe body ‘TREATMENT OF KWASHIORKOR AND MARASMUS ‘Treatment of kwashiorkor and marasmus is possible through food. Foo! should contain energy and inelements as’ Rese antes Wiican pater should ot be use i er mene ewe in Tod. Rip rite, porridge For example, vegetable soup, mo iui mpl tabi np, oglu, juices of grown leafy ; shouldbe given, sed; For example, - Porridge, Khichd should bee sine (@) More caloric foods should in the event DAIL’ REQUIREMENT OF PROTEIN ‘The demand fr prtsin shigh in infants children, adleseents, pre sd lactating mothers, Te demand or prt also nace: ie ee Indian Medical Research Commi ICMR) in: d the daily requirement of protein 504158 504252758 50+ 15 = 68 grams eee sor a a HE art utd be used together £0 sin sould bes provided substance akon Fam carbs, 80-85% that thore is supply of sand daily, 60% shou (3) ofthe calories mm protein. fos faa 010 ein various 00 ee ood grein’ “soe Food grits per 100) 1 in the mouth—Digestion of proteins does not take place" the mouth, digestion bogins in the stomach and small intestine. the stomach—In this, the digestion of proteins tas mm. The food reached here is of alkaline medium. He ‘There are two digestive enzymes stinto cord Nutrients: Hs Macro and Miero-Protein epsin reacts on curd ees and other pra epertides, pepsinogens and pope, 8 Fel ods to conver them into peptide + Pepsinogen + Peptones no stegtion nthe duodenum tre a ye bile wat igested prot lere alkaline medium is produce ae me ue om gs iseed by ypan and cymes Undigested Protein TepitCormetypsa, py, + SEACH, Porpepies ul Digested Protein 4, Digestion in Small Intesti call tedine when die nstne—The above eypptide comes tothe converts protein into its simples form, amino aad PNET Polypeptides Eres, Amino Acids ‘ABSORPTION OF PROTEIN Absorption of digested proteins oeurs m ‘Amino Acids perform the function of absorption of “METABOLISM OF PROTEIN ‘Amino acids ar transported tothe liver through the lod. Here th ait i converted to ree, Some parti sythesed in plans, he remaining proteins are carved by Se ody. Body cell and tess use aio a () Some il new ells an issues of body. These amin ais form new el, ee (© Thereis a eonstant breakdown inthe cells ofthe body. These cells re also repaired and rebut by protein. (2) Some amino acids for example, methionine, cystine and alanine are aamne sted inte glnos, part of which converted into energy and the aaarng pr toed in the sles in he form of lyopen (4) Some amin aid are used in the synthesis ofhormones and enzymes. {B) Pavia of some aio acids suchas leucine make fatty acids, Some of Farts of some jure used to provide energy. The remaining part ges stored as ( Amino acids that cannot be synthesized in excess of the requirement panne erted into aitrgen, Tis faction is exerted out ofthe body through urino inthe frm of ree. \GNIFICANCE OF PROTEIN .ediotIf the body gts calories from carbs ‘nd fa, thon protein i building work. 2 Digestibility of protein—What wil be the digestibility of protein it depos ew atuegon is sorbed inthe protein. ses ale made from sugar beet ne molecule offructose ENCAL COMPOSITION Carbohydrates are the combination of carbon, oxy) and hydrogen that aces no min clipe ay euecmmetite: Sema ann mr CLASSIFICATION generat, earehyctes aro dvied in three groups aeording tothe sugar group found inthe. ce accharides or Simple Sugars) Mono sacharies onoaceharide es rm of pubsancs that ca be are the carbohydrates which are the ‘Mfesaaiy the body. They ae sweet in flavour and sl er. The mone- si ay Prandin food are called hexoses, which axe to two grou aahe ‘contain an aldehyde group, for example Glucose + Galactose > Lactose Woe ) fructose, Lactose is soluble in water, but it takes once fund in these sugars. Examples of this are | thmother sugars, ‘butittakes longer to settle. Iisslightly sweeter sud ostecharides— Polysaccharides are comet totter names of glucose are dexdros, grape sugar | yHharegenerallyinsolublein water andar nao and com sugar. ee iner ited blood sugar, because it converts from the body is dificult and sometimes ncomage weet in taste. Tei digestion sae putsate subslanees into glucose by the blood to give strength / energy a 4h ‘Starch—Plants store carbohydrates in the f arehydrale mbt is bund in honey, sugarcane, sugar beet, maize ee. | 7 feteneray when neaded, 65-85% starch sfoundinc of starch, from which ‘Thesounal amount gucrse in the blood is 80-100 mg per 100 m.m. When the in cereals, 19.35% in seede se and one molecule of wate Glucose + Galactose ~> Lact F (i) fructase and (i) sorbose. roup of complox carbohydrates aan of plucse in th blood erases are aniyose 20% and 2) The possi of iabetes neeases. 00 mae uf ae Bahcpe Glucose convers to fat and increases body weight, heating the starch in water to fora (@) The excess amount of glucose is converted into glycogen and stored in the liver and muscles. Provides energy when needed by converting it into glycogen. 2, Galactose (Galactose) items like other sugars. Galact is formed after the digestion of milk. lensation of several molecules (4, 0 stot ga Hlulose—As an element containing on each fruit and sud. Calle 40 the body, From this : {0,)—This sugar isnot found freely in fed ound in mill asa component of sugar and SBPD Publishing House “ed The diet gots balk the condensate “Spartfrom these, there are dextrin, polysaccharides. ates. ‘chemical Formulas of Carbohi “1 Monosaccharides CjH04 3 non con « k ‘e,0H I \ HO on OH B 2 oH “Cue rato cro. 10, HL # ‘oH 1 oH Calactos? 2. Disuetiardes CHO, 1 HOH 1 CHOH 9 a k ‘8. Polysaccharides Ge OO setae (Chacse + Choose) ne gHoH 4 CHOH ay H OH : OH OH bn On Starch (units fGiucose) cee OS | pees Lactose Starthes i= = = = ‘SOURCES OF CARBOHYDRATES aes meetin, | | ee [PS 994 950 790 509 re ‘Carbohydrate may be: + Refined + Unrefined mre fiber am Refined means that the fod wo been band ihaple oF refined sk of obes carbohydrates tends to increase the risk yHYDRATES FUNCTIONS OF CARBOHYDRATT a cnorp strength—Tne main functor energy! provided by one gram ot "Most ofthe body on emerson ee aya abd pend Sa Pisces» carbohydrates is to Supply he ie carbohydrate i taken of giucoe is relic rata ee stearate (Biccpsteamoant ofginnecin the andr et cgen i atred nr rman eiesoh puns yom coe Teen nate iaelmnitoe smn em tothe bedy. Atthis time, carbs and fats, due to whi consumes mare oust cal evr rv gets converted into fa and js¢—Peristaltic movement comes i the dgeit Sufeionsquatty nee, Callas aso blood increases, whict leads to diseases called acidosis and ketosis. 16 formation of 7 ion of many B licose is converted ins im the stomach, istose and retains the amount of gi ance is to ‘ose in the blood—The main intain the normal amount of lucose in the bloat -mPonent of nucleic acids ‘Tomake galactosides in the brain tienes ‘To digest food ane to make Navouring ‘To provide satisfaction/satiation trons food (i) To produce vitamins by fermenting basic, EFFECTS OF DEFICIENCY OF CARBOHYDRATE ‘The amount of carbs inthe daily dict arts to provid ‘protein, which isto build musels placa of energy producer becomes main’ Dac at the body stops. The following efects are ox A) Loss of weight Feeling tired and weak Physical development is stunted Nervousness and irvt (©) Decreased body activity (©) Internal body development of organsis stunted as proteins are not used for construction purposes frinkiing of the skin fanifestations of malnutrition tances in the normal functioning ofthe nervous system ders related tothe digestive system, EFFECTS OF EXCESS OF CARBOHYDRATE (D Excess of carbs in the daily diet leads to obesity. Obesity reduces the gheray of the body, The working capacity is reduced, Fat people yet ‘red quickly, Obesity leads to diseases like heart disease, disketes Gee (®) Consumption of more carbs in food leads t : Excess glucose gets converted into glyeogen and stored ia the lives Excess glucose gets converted int fat, which leads to sbesity, (©) The food is not digested due to the consumption of more eatbs in the diet and due to indigestion vomiting, diarrhea also occur ® Eating too much of sugar, jaggery, sweets or chocolate Jeads to tooth lecay. ©) Consus ty in nature ;ption of excessive carbs leads to the formation of more glucose. of storing glucose in the blood is only 80 ml /100 ta. lucose either gets converted into glycogen and goes to or in the absence of glycogen, it starts coming out with urine, which isa symptom of diabetes. as fas to work more duo to the © ‘eased from the “slots of Langerhans Digestion fas ‘ inten Digestion of ony ip star ae te pen we ce he fo tea duet whi he ot Puls aici starch ey Det ood reaches the stom ° te Gast jee, come oan Hy Jivochlorie ‘acid (HCL), which me tod ac es pure. HCL a is etme rho ede cri, as nd start conver Hem : “_HGL_ giaecharde (begins to form) Taare ice Search HCL, Dextrin Gari Juee” - leased from the duodenum: “The following three types of hormones are released fo skin uo whic, Serta and Paconzmin hormones reach the paces oe oe glee whic ae clled amylapin. Amylase mpl lovers starch int Starch AnUTASe, Malone intestineis alkaline andes ‘Theintestnaljvcentheiteumf the small intestine isalkaline an many enzymes. From these, maltase, lactase and suerase acton maltose, lac Tad Furs eapectvelyand convert them into monosaccharides. 0 to 96% of carbs ae digested inthe smal intestine. Digestion ofa astollows (a) Maltase—It acts on maltose and convert it into glucose Maliowe_Maloze Glucose (2) Lactaso—I acts on lactose and converts it into glucose and gale Lactase Lactose, Glucose + Galactose Carbohydrate ‘cts on sucrose and converts itinto glucose and jucrose _Sucrase Sucrose _ Sucre. Glucose + Fructose F(@) Suerase—This enzyme fructose sts apne satan aheea a Siegen Somer Scum omete es converted into glycogen Tis our body. one Stabilize the amount of glucose in 8. Glycogenalysis—This process bre: ‘This process takes place in the Ih aks down glycogen to form glucose. ~ glucose in the blood decreases, iver. This process occurs when the level of 4, Gluconeogenesis—By this process, the amino acd and fa ‘ 8 By a fat glucose is 5. Kreb’s Cycle—This lea rats Gye ads toxation of pyruvic acid formed by Pyruvc Acid Ostia, 09, 4 This cycle is also 1e Citric c orm itis ele i also called the Citric Acid Cycle, beause the fst produt Hexose Monophosphate Shunt: Thisisan {gles process, which leads to oxidation of gucoteant the eae wee Oxidatia HO and energy. DAILY DEMAND OF CARBOHYDRATE, A healthy adult person should take 400—500 grams of carbs in his dail er ly ‘det. 60-70% ofthe total body energy demand comes from carte, ander of nergy fr Age, ge 1a wee aloe fil the fat is not Pro wi tio form soap which Stponfcatin takes BAC® if Ser oap ismade) ive vitamins ‘stots Fata the ability to dissolve 10. tabed in the Presence F FATS are also absorbe FUNCTIONS OF FATS ns in the bevy ed from fat. Usually ¢ sprandI. These vitaring ving functions ia the seem lot of ene)

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