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Journal Errors And Malpractice Lawsuits In Radiology: What

The Radiologist Needs To Know

Explain the resolution of ethical problems to handle the case (code of

ethics, concept of values, culture)

To fulfill one of the assignments of the Diagnostic Imaging course

Lecturer : Dr. Rr. Sri Endang Pujiastuti, SKM, MN



Journal Errors And Malpractice Lawsuits In Radiology:
What The Radiologist Needs To Know
Journal Ethics And Forensic Radiology
Yard 120:779–784
Year June 27, 2015
Writer Francesco Paolo Busardo

1. A. Journal Errors And Malpractice Lawsuits In Radiology: What The

Radiologist Needs To Know.

2. B. Here is one case from an international journal that addresses ethical


In a recent study in radiology, a patient experienced a misdiagnosis

that resulted in a delay in the necessary treatment. The radiologist in

charge of the case did not report his guilt to the patient and his family. The

patient and his family were dissatisfied with the handling of the case and

decided to file a malpractice lawsuit against the radiologist. This case

shows the importance of clear and transparent communication between

radiologists and patients, as well as the importance of disclosing errors

that occur to patients.

1. C. In the journal, some ethical principles of concern are:

1) The principle of clear and transparent communication between

radiologists and patients (Busardò et al., 2015). The radiologist

responsible for the misdiagnosis should report the error to the patient

and his family so that they can understand the situation clearly.
2) The principle of providing correct and coherent information to patients

(Busardò et al., 2015). Patients and their families have the right to

accurate information about their health condition, including errors that

occur in the diagnosis.

3) The principle of revealing errors that occur to patients (Busardò et al.,

2015). The radiologist who made the mistake should admit his mistake

to the patient and his family, and provide an adequate explanation of

the steps to be taken to correct the mistake.

1. D. Resolution of ethical issues to handle the case related to the code of

ethics. the concept of values and culture.

Related Code of Ethics:

In the journal, it does not specifically discuss solving ethical problems

to handle the case by referring to a specific code of ethics. However, some

ethical principles that can be applied in the resolution of this case are:

1) The principle of clear and transparent communication between

radiologist and patient. The radiologist must provide correct and

coherent information to the patient and his family (Busardò et al., 2015).

This is in accordance with the code of medical ethics which emphasizes

the importance of honest and open communication between doctors

and patients.

2) The principle of disclosure of errors to patients. Radiologists who make

mistakes should admit their mistakes to patients and their families

(Busardò et al., 2015). This is in accordance with the code of medical

ethics which emphasizes the importance of honesty and integrity in

medical practice.

3) The principle of providing correct and coherent information to the

patient. Patients and their families have the right to accurate information

about their health conditions, including errors that occur in diagnosis

(Busardò et al., 2015). This is in accordance with the medical code of

ethics which emphasizes the importance of patient autonomy and their

right to complete information.

4) Although this journal does not specifically refer to a specific code of

ethics, the resolution of ethical issues in this case can refer to general

principles in the medical code of ethics that emphasize honest

communication, disclosure of errors, and providing correct information

to patients.

Related Value Concept:

In solving ethical problems to handle the case, related to the concept

of value, some things that can be done are:

Prioritizing the principles of honesty and integrity. Radiologists must

admit mistakes made to patients and their families honestly and not hide

important information (Busardò et al., 2015). This is in keeping with ethical

values that emphasize the importance of honesty and integrity in medical


Respect patient autonomy. Patients have the right to obtain correct

and complete information about their health condition, including errors that
occur in the diagnosis (Busardò et al., 2015). This is consistent with ethical

values that emphasize the importance of respecting patients' autonomy

and giving them the freedom to make decisions related to their health care.

Prioritizing the interests and well-being of patients. In the resolution

of these cases, radiologists must prioritize the interests and well-being of

patients by providing correct and coherent information, as well as taking

steps to correct errors that occur (Busardò et al., 2015). This is consistent

with ethical values that emphasize the importance of prioritizing patient

interests over personal or institutional interests.

In this case, solving ethical issues related to the concept of value

involves principles such as honesty, integrity, respecting patient autonomy,

and prioritizing patient interests. This is in keeping with the ethical values

underlying medical practice which aims to provide dignified care and

respect the rights of patients.

Related Culture:

In the journal, it does not specifically discuss solving ethical problems

to handle cases related to culture. However, it is important to consider

cultural factors in solving ethical issues in medical practice. Some of the

things that can be done in a cultural context are:

Understand the cultural values of the patient. Radiologists must

understand and respect the cultural values of patients in providing

information and health care (Bazzocchi, 2012). This is consistent with

ethical principles that emphasize the importance of respecting cultural

diversity and patient values.

Use appropriate language and consider the cultural context.

Radiologists must use language that is easily understood by patients and

their families, and consider the cultural context in providing information

(Bazzocchi, 2012). This is in accordance with ethical principles that

emphasize the importance of effective communication and sensitive to

patient culture.

Respect the patient's cultural beliefs and practices. Radiologists must

respect patients' cultural beliefs and practices in providing health care

(Bazzocchi, 2012). This is consistent with ethical principles that emphasize

the importance of respecting patients' autonomy and their freedom in

choosing health practices that are appropriate to their culture.

In resolving culturally related ethical issues, it is important to

understand and respect the patient's cultural values, use appropriate

language, and respect the patient's cultural beliefs and practices. This will

help ensure that the case is handled with cultural sensitivity and respects

the patient's rights.

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