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his section describes the necessary updates to When you get to the middle of the room, you can see the lid
play the adventure with the rules of Dungeons & of the sarcophagus coming up. A withered hand wrapped in
Dragons 5th Edition. The updates follow the same yellowed bandages slowly emerges and grabs the edge of the
sarcophagus. A creature completely wrapped in linen band-
order and have the same title as the parts in the original
ages lifts up and begins to rigidly advance towards you! Its
adventure. If a reference to a part of the adventure is ab-
face can be seen only just under the bandages and you can
sent, then it means that it does not require any modifica- see the features of a dried up corpse with the orbits lit by an
tion and can be used in its original form. evil light.

The text appearing in this way is intended to be read or para- The characters have awakened a mummy from its
phrased to the characters when they arrive at a certain place hundred-year sleep and the creature attacks to defend
or certain events occur, as described in the text. its own burial place.
The canoptic vases contain the internal organs of the

deceased, now reduced to dried objects. No items are
The text that appears in these boxes contains additions
kept in the sarcophagus. If there was a treasure in this
to the adventure and game recommendations for the
place, it has been stolen for a long time.

Starting the Adventure
Whether the characters started the adventure coming from

outside Ravenloft, or were already in the Land of Mists,
they find themselves on the road reaching Mudar from the
Variant: Alternative Adventure Start
To increase the sense of bewilderment of the characters,
you can start the adventure on the way to Mudar but far
enough to not immediately be in sight of the village.
While unknowingly advancing towards the village, the
characters spot about a hundred meters north of the

road the remains of some columns that seem to emerge

from the sand.
If characters decide to investigate, they will find the
remains of an ancient temple. Only eight stone columns
with hieroglyphs survive from the building. But some
ruined stairs allow to go down to a double stone door
engraved with images of humanoid figures with animal
heads. Dulcimae and his brothers refuse to go down and

make superstitious gestures towards the gates. Dulcimae

says something about "letting the dead rest".
The doors are locked, but can be forced with a DC 13
Strenght check. If the roll succeeds, the doors yield and
open in an underground chamber thirty feet wide and
fifty feet long. At the end of the room there is a painted
wooden sarcophagus surrounded by small canoptic
vases with the upper part shaped like a human or animal
If the characters enter the room to explore and reach
up to half its length, read the following:

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Har'Akir Events
he domain is a very simple place. There are two his module is partially event driven which means
roads, a village with a spring, a canyon ridden that certain events take place regardless of where
cliff, and a lot of sun and sand. the PCs are or what they are doing. As soon as
they step into Har’Akir, Senmet and Isu begin plotting how
to best get rid of the PCs while forwarding their own evil
Desert Survival designs.
Due to the extreme heat of the desert, the Extreme Heat
rules apply during the day (p. 110 of the Dungeon Master’s

Guide). First Talk with Isu
In addition, characters travelling in the hottest hours of If the statue of Set comes alive to defend Isu, use the
the day, must pass a DC 10 Constitution saving throw for statistics of a stone golem.
every three hours spent in the sun or suffer a level of

exhaustion. Characters wearing medium or heavy armor,
however, must perform a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
First Night
The Vistani are attacked by 12 desert zombies. Remember
every hour 15 or suffer a level of exhaustion.
that Senmet does not consider the characters a real threat
and that Isu’s control over him is not as strong as hoped by
Desert Encounters the priestess. Senmet does not want his desert zombies to
Whenever the characters venture into the desert, roll 1d6 kill the characters: he intends to capture as many brothers
on the encounters table. If the adventurers stay in the of Dulcimae will be possible.
desert for several hours, roll every eight hours.

Desert Encounters
4 lions
1d6 newcomers
e Second Day
The reading of the cards of Dulcimae takes place on this
day. If you want to change the opening times of the Tomb
3 1 poisonous snake
4 1d4 desert zombies
5 1 giant scorpion
6 half buried dead villager
7–10 no encounter

Horror Opportunity: No Random


Using a random encounter table can ruin the
atmosphere of a good horror adventure. If you don’t
want to use the table, it's recommended that you only
use 2, 4 and 6 results when you think it is appropriate to
enhance the terrifying atmosphere of the adventure.

NPCs from Mudar

To represent Abu Ratep and Hassan Basras, as well as any
other average inhabitant of Mudar, the statistics of a
commoner are suitable.

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of Anhktepot, just replace the threes, the fours and the orders and take away the Vistani.
fives cards with numbers of your choice or add other The direct encounter with Senmet is not suitable for all
numbered cards to increase the variety of possibilities. To gaming groups: some may feel put in difficulty without
keep the original order of reading, make sure that the reason against an invincible opponent. We recommend
number of cards in the deck is always a multiple of six. to use of this variant only with groups that particularly
love the narrative part of the game and who do not care
that each encounter is balanced.
Variant: Second Day
As an alternative to playing cards, you can use the
Tarokka Deck in an equivalent way by replacing the cards Third Night
as follows to form the deck: The characters are led by the ghost of Dulcimae to

King – Darklord (only 1 card instead of 4) confront Isu Rehkotep. Recognizing the bandanna of
Queen – Tempter (only 1 card instead of 4) Dulcimae tied to the wrist of Isu requires a DC 10 Wisdom
Jack – Horseman (only 1 card instead of 4) (Insight) check.
Three, Four, Five, Six – corresponding cards of Isu keeps to herself her staff of the adder and has

Swords, Stars, Coins, and Glyphs seeds previously cast the spells shield of faith and guardian of
Ace – Mists (only 1 card instead of 4) faith (it replaces the scorpion sentinel spell indicated in the
Also, if you want to keep the original reading method by text). Isu's guardian of faith has the appearance of a warrior
placing the cards in rows of six, you can add these cards with the head of a donkey and armed with a scimitar.
to the reading: If Isu is killed, she casts bestow curse as a last action as
Innocent: “This card represents an innocent involved indicated in the adventure before dying.
without fault. Evil intends to involve it in his plans by
bringing it to his side.” Variant: Third Night
Marionette: “Those who want to manipulate are

hands of those who believe they have it.” e

actually manipulated. The power in this story is not in the

Ghost: ”Salvation lies in the knowledge of a buried

past. Knowing what has happened will shed light on the
As an alternative to how this encounter is presented in
the original adventure, you can make the fight more
challenging with some changes.
The characters surprise Isu as indicated by the
adventure in the Main Hall of the Temple of Mudar. Isu
present.” does not stop to face the characters but immediately
Donjon: “This card indicates an underground place, a escapes to reach the Temple of Set in the basement.
burial place. Finding the place where evil is buried will Being Isu able to benefit from the effects of the
lead to its defeat.” sinkhole of evil present in that room, the difficulty of the
During the reading, the seeds of Clubs, Diamonds, encounter is greater for the characters. This option is
Hearts, and Spades are respectively corresponding to the suitable for large game groups with five or more
characters or for a particularly lethal Ravenloft campaign.

seeds of the Tarokka Deck Glyph, Coins, Stars, and


Fourth Day
Fifteen or twenty-five villagers (as indicated in the
Second Night adventure) attack the characters as an angry mob. They
The enemies of this attack are 16 desert zombies. Senmet
use the statistics of a commoner. They’re armed with
wants to take the Vistani, his aim is not to kill the
daggers and clubs, but they don’t wear armor.


Variant: Second Night Fourth Night

In this variant, Senmet himself leads the second attack Dulcimae attacks the characters: she has now been
to kidnap Dulcimae and his brothers. Senmet is transformed into a mummy. With her there are 4 desert
extremely more powerful than the characters and could zombies that obey her orders.
easily destroy them.
But the powerful mummy intends to humiliate the
adventurers by showing all its power. Senmet will use
Fifth Night
powerful but never lethal attacks against the characters, Senmet himself leads the attack at the command of 12
limiting himself to make the characters unconscious and desert zombies. Senmet’s power would be more than
causing havoc while the desert zombies carry out his enough to eliminate all the characters, but the mummy
does not consider the adventurers a real threat. He lets the

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