Anshika Mangla STR (00419301720)

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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement

For the award of the degree of
BATCH 2020-2023

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mrs.Parul Gaba Anshika Mangla
Associate Professor) 00419301720


Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Narela Delhi-110040

This is to certify that ANSHIKA MANGLA has accomplished the project

“Customer Satisfaction Towards Mutual Funds And Bonds Of
InsploreConsultancy” under the guidelines and supervision.
She has submitted this project in the partial fulfillment of the award of degree of
B.B.A. form Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.
The work has not submitted anywhere else for the award of degree. All sources
of information have been duly mentioned.

Under the Guidance of

Mrs. Parul Gaba
(Associate professor)

I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to especially Mrs.Parul

Gaba who gave me this opportunity to work with this prestigious research on
“Our Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards Mutual Funds Of Insplore
Consultancy” as a Summer Training Report. She motivated me to perform well
and helped me to understand my roles and responsibilities. I feel grateful to her
for being my mentor. It has been pleasant and immensely valuable learning
experience for me.
I would like thank to all my dear friends for their kind cooperation, advice and
encouragement during the long and arduous task of preparing this report and
carrying out the project.
At last but not the least, I would like to acknowledge my dear family members
whose blessings, inspiration and encouragement have resulted in the successful
completion of the project.

Enrollment no.: 00419301720

I hereby declare that the project titled “Customer Satisfaction Towards Mutual
Funds And Bonds Of Insplore Consultancy” submitted by me to kasturi ram
college of higher education for the fulfillment of the requirement for the award
of the degree of B.B.A. is a record of bonafide project carried out by me under
the guidance of Mrs. Parul Gaba.
I further declared that the work reported in this project has not been submitted
and will not be submitted either in part or in full for the award of any other
degree or diploma in this institute or any other institute or university.

Enrollment no.: 00419301720

S.No. Topic Page no .

1. Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Objectives

1.3 Research Methodology

1.4 Limitations

2. Chapter 2

2.1 Introduction of company

2.2 Company profile

3. Chapter-3

3.1 Data interpretation and analysis

4. Chapter-4

4.1 Conclusion

4.2 Findings

4.3 Recommendations
4.4 Bibliography

4.5 Annexure
The constant connectivity. The steadfast march of technology. The "know
everything" environment. It's all changing the way you, me, and your customers
perceive a company or brand. In some cases, our perception is influenced by
word of mouth — recommendations from friends, online reviews, tweets, and
Facebook rants. In other cases, it's our own experiences — both online and off
— that shape the way we think about a brand. ustomer perception refers to the
customer's opinion of your business or products. It summarizes how customers
feel about your brand including every direct or indirect experience they've had
with your company. By monitoring customer perception, your businesses can
spot common user pain points and improve the customer journey.

Measuring customer perception requires you to gather a variety of qualitative

and quantitative customer data. You'll need to look at resources like product
usage reports, NPS surveys, and customer interviews to get an accurate view of
customer perception. If you don't have this data, consider adopting customer
feedback tools to help you collect this information from your customer base.
Why Customer Perception Matters
According to a recent survey, 1 in 3 customers will leave a brand they love after
just one bad experience. In other words, we're not far from a world where your
customers' perception of both your brand and quality of service could take
precedence over traditional competitive advantages like pricing, features, or
And if you're not currently investing in your customer experience and
perception, you're at risk of falling behind. Many businesses are already taking
stock of their support and services efforts, with 50% of customer-care leaders
rating “investing in new technologies” as one of their top priorities over the next
five years.
It is not easy to recognize and satisfy the consumers’ needs, expectations and
habits, and knowing the doesn’t guarantee success on the market, because
consumer behaviour is not rational. Among the methods, which can verify the
consumer satisfaction of purchase or service, there is not one universalmethod
which would enable to express this issue in a comprehensive manner.
The idea of the customer satisfaction is understood differently. At its base there
is a concept of needs and their fulfilling. Various understanding of the needs
and emotional states associated with them leads to an alternating treatment of
satisfaction, and to a different approach to its measurement. Atpresent, science
can’t unequivocally answer, what is the customer satisfaction and what factors
determineit. This makes the existence of several methods of measuring
satisfaction based on arbitrary approaches to their authors. For the purposes of
quality management systems, there are some tries to standardize the approach to
measuring satisfaction, but these regulations in nature are very general.Chapter
reviews and organizes the approach to the understanding of customer
satisfaction,including the normative approach, identifies factors determining the
satisfaction and pays attention to theAuthors’ study, why pointed their own
satisfaction factors.

Customer satisfaction is defined as a measurement that determines how happy
customers are with a company’s products, services, and capabilities. Customer
satisfaction information, including surveys and ratings, can help a company
determine how to best improve or changes its products and services.

An organization’s main focus must be to satisfy its customers. This applies to

industrial firms, retail and wholesale businesses, government bodies, service
companies, nonprofit organizations, and every subgroup within an organization.

Organizations should not assume they know what the customer wants. Instead,
it is important to understand the voice of the customer, using tools such as
customer surveys, focus groups, and polling. Using these tools, organizations
can gain detailed insights as to what their customers want and better tailor their
services or products to meet or exceed customer expectations.

A state of satisfaction or dissatisfaction is a subjective feeling and is a results of

specific experiences of individual perceptions and emotions. This satisfaction or
dissatisfaction reflects a feeling connected with the completed or fulfilled
expectations in relation to a particular product or service. The satisfaction felt
by the client, is associated with the experience of his positive impressions, and
conversely will be linked to dissatisfaction with the lack of positive incentives.
Reviews of products or services available on the market are very diverse and
they are rather subjective in nature. The same we could say about customer
satisfaction, which is a personal feeling, and it is affected by various factors.
From an analytical point of view, there are three kinds of satisfaction:

1. Partial or global satisfaction

2. Current or accumulated satisfaction

3. Independent or comparative satisfaction.

The partial satisfaction refers to a specific element of the product or service. It

can include aesthetics of making the product, durability, safe operation, service.
However the global satisfaction is the sum of partial satisfactions because it
relates to all services. In order to distinguish these kinds of satisfaction, extent
and duration of the study and a reference to the competition should be taken into
account. The current satisfaction is an assessment of the current level of
satisfaction with the service or product that is used in a certain time and space.
The accumulated satisfaction is the result of cumulative ubiquitous experiences
of the customers in a limited time for any product, service or business. The
independent satisfaction is based on the evaluation of customer satisfaction with
the offer of a specific firm. The relative satisfaction compares the various
competing companies. The level of customer satisfaction is the result of the
characteristics of the product or service and the company’s communications and
customer experience, and the requirements of the product. The client
requirements are related to the subjective perception of the product or service by
the customer. The higher requirements in relation to the actual characteristics of
the product offered by the company, the lower satisfaction is. Conversely, some
features of offers only participate in preventing customer dissatisfaction, and
some of them shape it. The matter of customer satisfaction is very important for
every organization. The final evaluation of tenders carries twofold
consequences related to its satisfaction or dissatisfaction. It is due to positive or
negative differences between the purchase and the expectations connected with
it. This influences further customer behaviour on a market.
All decisions, made by the consumer, are affected by any factors, including
economic ones, such as: incomes, price, savings, loans, the impact of marketing
instruments, and non-economic factors, such as: demographic, social or
psychological ones. Recognizing and satisfying customer’s needs, expectations,
preferences and behaviour is not easy and – what is more – knowing it does not
guaranteesuccess on the market. The reason of this is the fact, that consumer
behaviour is not rational. Consumers, who make a purchases of a certain good,
usually have already clarified requirements referring to itsquality, purpose or
use. They do not pay for the product in a physical sense, but they pay for value
orwhat they expect from the product. Expectation have a different scope and
sometimes they could be veryoverstated or quite modest. That’s why taking a
decision by the consumer is preceded by initiating anddefining the customer’s
specific needs. The existence of many companies on the market is conditioned
with a number of satisfied customerCustomers are the key factor of the
existence and company development on the market. It is obvious then,that
firms, which want to face the competition, need to provide valuable and unique
terms to theircustomers, that will satisfy their needs. This satisfaction includes
not only the feelings of associated withthe purchasing process, but also the
atmosphere before and after the execution of purchases.If the company brings
itself closer for clients, it easier fulfils their needs and desires for in a long
period of time. Therefore, a crucial factor of building a long-term success of the
company is on going satisfying client’s needs. Customer satisfaction is often
associated with the customer gratification. Product or services, that are a source
of satisfaction, provide the desirable value to their customers, at least in a
sufficient degree. Standard ISO 10004 specifies, that: “Satisfaction is a
judgement, an opinion expressed by the customer. The degree of satisfaction
reflects the gap between the customer’s vision of the expected product, and the
customer’s perception of the delivered product”.

Before a company or a marketer can delight the customer, it must have an in-
depth knowledge of the customer’s expectations so that not only are they able to
meet but exceed the expectation, to delight the customer.
For this, knowledge of the core elements of the products and services are
essential. The core elements of a product are its shape, quality, price, packaging,
brand name differentiation etc. while the core elements of services are
reliability, fulfillers and responsiveness to specific needs assurance and
acceptability etc. from the service provided.
In the case of a product (tangible), the customer should be provided with what
he expects and the core elements which remain almost the same. However,
services being intangible and their characteristics which are intangible,
inseparability, perishability etc. must be kept in mind.
The core elements given above can be manipulated to exceed the expectations
of the customer as the human touch is also involved and this can give
unexpected positive elements to delight the customer and have a competitive
edge as well.
 A customer expects essential benefits.
 A customer expects performance and not blank promises.
 A customer expects competency.

Mutual Funds And Investment Bonds

A customer normally looks for the following services −
 A customer wants consistency, which is the capacity to perform the
promised services, reliably and accurately.
 A customer wants tangibility or the form of physical facilities, equipment,
workforce and other materials.
 A customer wants reaction – the reaction to an inquiry or to a call.
Working towards Enhancing Customer Satisfaction
To generate delight is not an easy job. Companies are varying with each other
for competitive advantage.
A customer gets more satisfaction when he least expects it. In predicting the
effects on product evaluation and customer satisfaction of disparity between
expectations and actual or objective product performance; at least four
psychological theories the company also delivers at the doorstep of the
consumer which generates unparalleled value and satisfaction. For this, one
must −
 Attempt continuously to provide additional customer value in every
 Try to provide surprise benefits.
 Constantly express the expectations that the customer has around your
 Treat the customer exclusively.
 Look for expectations and performance gaps in order to identify
opportunities to delight.
Customer Expectation and Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction may be defined as the product’s performance according to
buyer’s expectations.

Consumers form expectations about the value of marketing offers and make
buying decisions based on three expectations.
Customer satisfaction depends on the products actual performance relative to a
buyer’s expectations. But, how do buyers form their expectations and
expectations are based on the customer’s past buying experience.
Marketers must be careful to set the right level of expectations. If they set
expectations too low they may satisfy those who buy, but fail to attract enough
Consumer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and
services supplied by a company meet or surpass consumer expectation.
Take a look at the following illustration. It shows the major components of
Customer Expectations −

Organizations are increasingly concerned in retaining existing customers while

targeting non-customers. Measuring customer satisfaction provides an
indication of how successful the organization is at providing products and/or
services to the market place.
All decisions, made by the consumer, are affected by any factors, including
economic ones, such as: incomes, price, savings, loans, the impact of marketing
instruments, and non-economic factors, such as: demographic, social or
psychological ones. Recognizing and satisfying customer’s needs,expectations,
preferences and behaviour is not easy and – what is more – knowing it does not
guarantee success on the market. The reason of this the fact, that consumer
behaviour is not rational. Consumers, who make a purchases of a certain good,
usually have already clarified requirements referring to its quality, purpose or
use. They do not pay for the product in a physical sense, but they pay for value
or what they expect from the product. Expectation have a different scope and
sometimes they could be very overstated or quite modest. That’s why taking a
decision by the consumer is preceded by initiating and defining the customer’s
specific needs.The consumer need means a demand for specific goods and
services. According to J. Senyszyn:“Consumer need is a state of
indispensability of products possession or use, being a result of achieved level
of development of the human environment and his requirements as a bio-
psycho-social structure”.All the consumption needs refer to with the products of
human labour. Another definition says, that the need is a potential or actual
condition of the absence of something, what is necessary to keep a person alive
and allows him for individual development, gaining and maintain a certain
social status, etc. needs provide a discomfort associated with the lack of
satisfaction caused by shortage of tangible or intangible values in the certain
situation. There are few fundamental human needs – but human desires have
unlimited character. Although people have limited resources, so they choose the
products which provide good value for money.


A competitive environment also has a positive effect on customers. Businesses
often offer high-quality goods at an affordable price to win the attention of
consumers. Besides, companies have to bring out their products through
innovations. However, competition can sometimes complicate the existence of a
business. Let's take two companies within one location, for example. If one of
them sets low prices and discounts, it will be difficult for the second company
to compete.

Now that you know how a competitive environment influences your business
and customers, it's time to proceed to the types of competition that define the
relations between and among sellers and customers.
our competitors can directly affect your business and the decisions you make.
Let's imagine two online clothing stores that pose a threat to each other in terms
of business development and profit. One of them decides to conduct a flash
sale before Christmas and provide their customers with 40% off sitewide. The
other store will also need to come up with a great offer to attract leads and
customers, raise sales, sell unpopular products and, as a result, gain revenue.
Customers are the fundamental asset of every business. Customer satisfaction is
the primary catalyst that pushes a company forward, ensuring repeat business.
However, companies cannot plan their service strategies based on vague data or
few interactions. One
ne can only trust quantitative data. Nonetheless, thorough
survey work and a few measuring parameters have to be employed to
understand the standards of customer service. These metrics help in improving
customer value while reducing the churn rate.

The purpose of measuring customer satisfaction is:

 identification of criteria which play a key role in evaluating the product or
service by customers,

 research the perception of a product or service by customers,

 assessing the fulfilment of customer satisfaction with a cooperation with the
 research the level of customer satisfaction with a cooperation with the
 comparing the level of customer satisfaction with products of the
 understanding the main factors of customer satisfaction, affecting positively
and negatively on the
level of satisfaction,
 determining customer’s expectations connected with attributes of a product or
 identifying the most important customer service elements,
 determining the degree of importance of individual factors influencing the
customer service.

1. Customer Feedback Through Surveys:

Surveys are an essential method of measuring the quality of customer service. It
is better to ask your customers directly what they think of your service, rather
than just self-calculations. Initiate different types of surveys on various
channels, mostly after the service is provided. Surveys can be hosted in 3
different ways:

a) In-App Surveys:
Customers often tend to ignore such surveys unless they are caught in the
action. The best way to get honest feedback is while they are availing of your
services on your app. Initiate a post-purchase or post-service survey. The
response rate is definitely higher and the feedback is most likely to be honest.

However, these surveys should not hinder the customer experience when
availing the service. The survey should be short and precise and smoothly
integrated with the application.

b) Post-Call Surveys:
The best feedback is received as soon as the interaction gets over. CSAT
surveys can be initiated as soon as the call gets over. The caller can provide
feedback by just pressing a key, which is automatically rolled up to the
supervisor in the CSAT report.

c) These surveys are for long-time customers who have made repeat purchases.
Email them a form-based study with insightful questions. Keep those questions
relevant to the customer’s goal, for better engagement. The answers are often
lengthy; hence the response rate might be low. But let’s not get demotivated!
Send out those surveys Whatever feedback

Sometimes customers tend to provide feedback without any nudge from your
end. This can be for various reasons. Either they had a bad experience or an
extremely good experience and they want to let you know. However, an
automated response often repels them from further engagement.
Thus, ensure a personalized response or arrange a phone call to understand the
customer’s expectations. Furthermore, positive feedback can be recorded as
success stories to encourage other customers.

2. Customer Satisfaction Score:

The customer satisfaction score or the CSAT score is a universal metric used to
rate a customer's recent interaction with the customer service team. The
parameter ranges from 1-5, where the lowest number denotes highly unsatisfied,
and the highest number indicates highly satisfied. The more positive feedback
results in a higher CSAT score.

The CSAT is an elementary method of understanding the quality of your service

as it does not indicate any essential factors from the interaction that took place.
More than often, customers vaguely choose either of the options cause the
service was indifferent. However, CSAT should not be eliminated as it is still an
essential indicator. Furthermore, other methods must be employed for a detailed
understanding of the customer's expectations.

3. Net Promoter Score:

According to a study in 2020, 64% of customers are more likely to recommend
a brand to their friends or families if it offers simpler experiences and
communications. The net promoter score or the NPS revolves around this point.
NPS was introduced to fill in the gaps which CSAT couldn’t. NPS determines
how likely a customer will recommend a particular product/service to their
friends. The scale ranges from 1-10 where 1 denotes ‘not at all likely’ and 10

NPS is determined upon the basis of an emotionally motivated question. Thus,

the response rate is higher and often unsatisfied customers never miss an
opportunity to answer these surveys. Perhaps, utilize this opportunity to retain
certain customers and make an impact on them with unquestionable customer

4. Customer Effort Score:

The customer effort score, or CES, is a customer-centric approach for
understanding the quality of customer service. Here the customer is asked about
the amount of effort he or she had to put to avail the customer service for
getting an issue resolved. Alternatively, it is asked if the organization had made
it easier for the customer to interact with the customer support team. The scale
ranges from 1 to 5, where 1 denotes fewer hardships, and 5 denotes excessive
hassle.The CES is an appropriate parameter to segment customers in the future
such that your team can shift their efforts more towards unhappy customers.
Most organizations also add a text box after the customer effort survey so that
the customers can elaborate on the issue, aiding the
organization to improve specifically on those fronts. However, it must be
remembered that all of these surveys, alone do not provide any stagnant idea.
All the surveys together can converge into a bigger picture which is much
clearer than any standalone factor.

5. Web-Analytics:
Analytics is a data-driven metric that works without any direct involvement of
the customer. Web-analytics crawls your website traffic actively, reads the sales
funnel, understands the customer behaviour, and predicts future conversions. In-
built attribution models give better insights of touchpoints, most frequently
visited FAQs, and more. These insights, if compiled and utilized smartly, can
result in a successful customer service strategy that can be a crucial
differentiator in this economy.

6. Social Media Metrics:

Customers are more vocal on the social media, today. They flaunt their
purchases online while dissing the brands who dissatisfy them. Social media is a
two-way sword. Keeping that in mind, it can be used to understand what the
customers are saying about your product. Most social media platforms
comewith a business account facility that provide an analytics dashboard.
Observe your audience and focus on their comments, on their recommendations.
Customer support teams can gather these data and formulate strategies to
improve the satisfaction/engagement levels for better social media presence.

Customer service metrics are the fodder for every business. It is an imperative
factor that enables the process of improvement. Methods for
measuring customer satisfaction might vary across industries; however, the
above-stated pointers are the most successful parameters that are used to guide a
support team. You cannot improve what you don't know. Thus, measuring
customer satisfaction must be a prevalent practice at businesses of all sizes,
irrespective of industry.C-Zentrix is a company that understands the importance
of this practice and pushes a symbiotic support system for businesses across the
world. Customer satisfaction information (both positive and negative) can help
guide the organization to address issues related to meeting stated customer’s
requirements. It can also help the organization to understand and address the
customer’s expectations, or issues related to the customer’s perception of the
delivered product or the organization, and thereby enhance customer
1. To study about the customer awareness and perception of customers towards
2. To study about the mutual funds and investment bonds INSPLORE
3. To study on products provide by INSPLORE CONSULTANCY.
4. To examine the various factors of customer awareness and their satisfaction.

Research methodology in a research study is considered as an important

element, and thereforedetermining the method of research methodology is
a very important section in the study. Researchmethodology is useful to
establish the structure of research, such as strategy, approach, research
philosophy, and components of the methodology.Research Design
Research design is the framework of research methods and techniques
chosen by a researcher. The designallows researchers to done in on
research methods that are suitable for the subject matter and set up their
studies up for success.A research design is a step-by-step approach used
by a researcher to conduct a scientific study. It includesvarious methods
and techniques to conduct research so that a research problem can be
handled efficiently.Research design can be referred to as a framework of
research methodology and techniques which havebeen selected by the
researcher. It is a research design that enables the researcher to select
such researchmethods that are most suitable for performing research on a
particular subject. It is an overall strategywhich the researcher utilizes for
integrating the different components of the study in a logical manner. It
is very much important to ensure that the problem has been properly
addressed. Research design is alsoconsidered an asset of research
methodology in which the researcher utilizes the collection and analysis

Types of Research:
1. Quantitative Research: It is employed for measuring the quantity or
amount of a particular
phenomenon by the use of statistical tools.
2. Qualitative Research: It is a non-quantitative type of analysis which is
aimed at finding out the
quality of a particular phenomenon.
3. Descriptive Research: It is a fact finding investigation which is aimed
at describing thecharacteristics of individual, situation or a group (or)
describing the state of affairs as it exists atpresent.
4. Analytical Research: It is primarily concerned with testing hypothesis
and specifying andinterpreting relationships, by analyzing the facts or
information already available.
5. Applied Research: It is also known as action research is carried out to
find solution to a real lifeproblem requiring an action or policy decision.
6. Fundamental Research: It is also known as basic or pure research is
undertaken for the sake ofknowledge without any intention to apply it in
practice. It is undertaken out of intellectualcuriosity and is not necessarily
7. Conceptual Research: It is generally used by philosophers and thinkers
to develop new conceptsor reinterpret existing ones.
8. Empirical Research: It is a data based research which depends on
experience or observation alone. It is aimed at coming up with
conclusions without due regard for system and theory.

Types of Data:
 Primary Data
 Secondary Data
 Sources of Data:

 Primary Data:
Raw data, also known as primary data, is data e.g., numbers, instrument
readings, figures, etc. collected from a source. In the context of
examinations, the raw data might be describes as a raw score.If a scientist
sets up a computerized thermometer which records the temperature of a
chemicalmixture in a test tube every minute, the list of temperature
readings for every minute, as printedout on a spreadsheet or viewed on a
computer screen is “raw data”. Raw data has not beensubjected to
processing, “cleaning” by researchers to remove outliers, obvious
instrument readingerrors or data entry errors, or any analysis e.g.,
determining central tendency aspects such as theaverage or median result.
As well, raw data has not been subject to any other manipulation be
asoftware program or a human researcher, analyst or technician. It is also
referred to as primarydata. Raw data is a relative term, because even once
raw data has been “cleaned” and processedby one team of researchers,
another team may consider this processed data to be “raw data”
foranother stage of research. Raw data can be inputted to a computer
program or used in manualprocedures such as analyzing statistics from a
survey. The term “raw data” can refer to the binary
data on electronic storage devices, such as hard disk drives also referred
to as low-level data.

 Secondary Data:
Secondary data refers to data that is collected by someone other than the
user. Common sourcesof secondary data for social science includes
censuses, information collected by governmentdepartments,
organizational records and data that was originally collected for other
researchpurposes. Primary data, by contrast, are collected by the
investigator conducting the research.Secondary data analysis can save
time that would otherwise be spent collecting data and,particularly in the
case of quantitative data, can provide higher-quality databases that would
beunfeasible for any individual researcher to collect on their own. In
addition, analysts of social andeconomic change consider secondary data
essential, since it is impossible to conduct a newsurvey that can
adequately capture past change and/or developments. However,
secondary dataanalysis can be less useful in marketing research, as data
may be outdated or inaccurate.

 Method used for Data Collection

Primary Data: Questionnaire

 Selection of Sample Design

Sample Size: 50

Location: Delhi NCR

 Sampling Technique Used
Simple Random Sampling

 Simple Random Sampling:

It is a technique where every item in the population has an even chance

and likelihood of beingselected. Here, the selection of items entirely
depends on luck or probability; therefore, thissampling technique is also
sometimes known as method of chance. It is a fundamental sampling
method and can easily be a component of a more complex sampling
method. The main attribute of this sampling method is that every sample
has the same probability of being chosen. The sample size in this
sampling method should ideally be more than a few hundred so
thatsimple random sampling can be applied appropriately. They say that
this method is theoreticallysimple to understand but difficult to
implement practically. Working with large sample size isn’tan easy task,
and it can sometimes be a challenge to finding a realistic sampling frame.

Every research has its limitations. These limitations can appear due to
constraints on methodology or research design. Some of such limitations
encountered by me in our study are:
 Lack of information needed to access the creditability of data
 Lack of prior research studies on topic
 Time consuming
 It occurs high cost
 Data may be outdated
 Data may be inaccurate
 Mismatching units of measurement
 Sample size is limited
 Ignorance of people
 Official data – may change over a period, making difficult for
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similar to a share market. The key difference is that a stock market helps you
trade financial instruments like bonds, mutual funds, derivatives as well as
shares of companies. A share market only allows trading of shares.

A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investorsand invests
the money in securities such as stocks, bonds, andshort-term debt. The
combined holdings of the mutual fund are knownas its portfolio. Investors buy
shares in mutual funds.

Real estate is always a booming market and with the current market conditions,
it is the safest and the most reliable form of investment. The real estate sector is
majorly divided into two categories, residential real estate and commercial real
estate. Residential real estate is all single and family type buildings while
commercial real estate is anything lent to run a business. Apartments, flats,
duplexes all come under residential properties. Hotels, godowns, startups make
up for Commercial real estate. Each property comes with a different set of
opportunities and challenges each property comes with a different set of
opportunities and challenges. Commercial investments promise a good return on
investment while residential investment has fewer complications, especially for

Insurance is a legal agreement between two parties i.e. the insurancecompany
(insurer) and the individual (insured). In this, the insurancecompany promises to
make good the losses of the insured on happening of the insured contingency.
The contingency is the event which causes a loss.General Insurance. Following
are the various types of general insurance inIndia: Health Insurance. Motor
Insurance. Home Insurance. Life Insurance. Following are several types of life
insurance available in India:Term insurance. Term insurance with return of

A bank is a financial institution licensed to receive deposits and make
loans.Banks may also provide financial services such as wealth management,
currency exchange, and safe deposit boxes. There are several different kinds of
banks including retail banks, commercial or corporate banks, and investment
banks. This deep-rooted financial philosophy has made Fixed Deposits (FDs)
and Recurring Deposits (RDs) as the ideal investment options for many risk-
averse investors in our nation. Both FD and RD are fixed-income investments.
Their interest rates are fixed at the beginning of the tenure and remain the same
throughout the investment period. Moreover, interest rates are not affected by
market fluctuations. The returns or maturity proceeds of both the investment
options are guaranteed by the bank and other such financial institutions.

Provident Fund Organisation is the statutory body under the Government of
India's Ministry of Labour and Employment, which is responsible for regulation
and management of provident funds in India.Public Provident Fund (PPF) was
introduced in India in 1968 with the objective to mobilise small savings in the
form of investment, coupled with a return on it. It can also be called a savings-
cum-tax savings investment vehicle that enables one to build a retirement
corpus while saving on annual taxes. Employees' Provident Fund and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 aims to provide akind of social security to
the industrial workers. The Act mainly provides retirement or old age benefits,
such as Provident Fund, Superannuation Pension, Invalidation Pension, Family
Pension and Deposit-Linked Insurance.GPF or General Provident Fund is a
savings scheme available to government employees. EPF or Employees'
Provident Fund is a savings scheme available to employees incompanies with
more than 20 workers. PPF or Public Provident Fund is available to everyone –
whether employed, self-employed or unemployed.

Gold is an asset that not only adds value to an investment portfolio but alsohelps
in its diversification. Financial experts suggest that an investment portfolio
should have at least 10%-20% of assets invested in gold. The main reason for
this is that the yellow metal acts as a perfect hedge against inflation and
currency risk. Investing in gold can be done by purchasing gold coins, gold
biscuits or even Sovereign Gold Bonds and Gold ETF.Gold is the most
favoured form of investment if it is in tangible form. It canbe bought in the form
of jewellery, gold coins, gold biscuits and bars. The purchase of physical gold is
usually kept highly confidential, unlike the purchase of digital gold.

India Post is a statutory body under the ownership of the Department of Post,
part of the Ministry of Communications of the Government of India. Generally
known as the Post Office, it is the most widely distributed postal system in the
world. t is involved in delivering mail (post), remitting money by money orders,
accepting deposits under Small Savings Schemes, providing life insurance
coverage under Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and Rural Postal Life Insurance
(RPLI) and providing retail services like bill collection, sale of forms, etc. The
DoP also acts as an agent for the Indian government in discharging other
services for citizens such as old age pension payments and Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) wage
disbursement with 154,965 post offices (as on31.03.2017), India Post has the
most widely distributed postal network in the world.
India First Life Insurance Company is a joint venture of India's public sector
banks (Bank of Baroda (65%) and Union Bank of India (9%), and UK's
financial and investment company, Legal & General (26%). The company has
paid-up share capital of ₹ 663 crore.It was incorporated in November 2009 and
is headquartered in Mumbai. It recorded more than INR 2 billion in turnover in
just four and a half months since the insurance company became operational.
India First Life Insurance was incorporated by Bank of Baroda, Andhra Bank
(now Union Bank of India), and Legal & General in 2009. Legal & General
later sold its stake to Carmel Point Investment India Private Limited, a
corporation incorporated under the laws of Mauritius andowned by private
equity funds managed by Warburg Pincus LLC. The India First Life Guaranteed
Pension Plan is designed to create the assurance of a guaranteed income for as
long as you live. The policy brings along a variety of options for you to choose
from; you can protect your loved ones financially not just from adverse effects
of death but also from 20 critical illnesses.



 Plan do not pay a tax on their capital gains or losses.

 Plan do not pay tax on their net income i.e., income minus expenses.
 The dividend that the unit-holder receives is exempt from the tax for both
equity and debtschemes.

Why Invest in a plan?

 Professional Management: Even under the best of market conditions, it takes
an astute, experienced investor to choose investments correctly, and a further
commitment of time continually monitor these investments.

 Diversification: Successful investors know that diversifying their investments

can help reducethe adverse impact of a single investment. Mutual funds
introduce diversify action to your investment portfolio automatically by holding
a wide variety of securities.

 Variety: Within the broad categories of stock, bond, and money market
funds, you can chooseamong a variety of investment approaches.

 Low Costs: Mutual funds usually hold dozens or even hundreds of securities
like stocks andbonds. The primary way you pay for this service is through a fee
that is based on the total value of your account.

 Liquidity: Liquidity is the ability to readily access your money in an

investment. Mutual fundshares are liquid investments that can be sold on any
business day. Mutual funds are required by law to buy, or redeem, shares each
business day.

 Convenience: You can purchase or sell fund shares directly from a fund or
through a broker,financial planner, bank or insurance agent, by mail, over the
telephone, and increasingly by personal computer.


1.Performance Ranking:
More than the recent or performance of any scheme its ranking among peers
should be looked at.To find out the ranking you need to check out the quartile
ranking which will show how the fundhas performed quarter on quarter among
its peer group. In quartile ranking each quartile comprises of 25 percent of peer
group schemes.

2. Ratio Analysis:
Risk and return ratios like Standard deviation, Sharpe ratio, etc. Along with
these ratios, one also should check out the ALPHA of the fund. Alpha tells us
what extra or less the fund manager has ggenerated
enerated out of a given portfolio in
comparison to benchmark.

3. Total Expense Ratio:

Expense ratio is very important parameter to be looked at while selecting any
mutual fund scheme. All fund management and distribution related expenses are
borne by the scheme.
cheme. This means high expense ratio will affect the fund’s
returns. Though mutual fund’s total expense ratio has been capped be SEBI, still
lower the better unless we get some extraordinary return by paying higher
expenses for fund management.

4. Fund Manager
ager Tenure and Experience:
Fund manager plays a important role in the fund’s performance. Though it is a
process oriented approach but still fund manager is the ultimate decision maker
and his experience and view point counts a lot. You should know who is the
fund manager of the scheme and what is his past track record.
2.2) Company Profile
INSPLORE is the choice of Multinationals and leading Indian Businesses
because it is the preferred talent acquisition partner for them. Our Experts are
helping the talent seeker and the Job Seeker to find each other: We Inspire Your
We, as an expert in financial advisory, realise the need of every customer who is
looking for financial independence and help them to reach that level of financial
freedom. We understand how the perception regarding the value of money
changes as per different individuals’ desires. We extend a helping hand to
customers by assisting them in making crucial financial decisions and managing
their wealth effectively to ensure that our customers stay stress free and get rid
of their financial worries.
We believe in timely adaptation with the dynamic environment in order to deal
with any challenges ahead with utmost enthusiasm because we understand the
importance of taking the right action at the right time to cope with the dynamic

India First Life has the privilege of an illustrious parentage which includes two
of India’s most trusted PSUs – Bank of Baroda and Union Bank of India. In a
first of its kind deal, a private equity fund has taken an interest in a life
insurance company having bought stake in the company- Carmel Point
Investments India Private Limited, a body corporate incorporated under the
laws of Mauritius and owned by private equity funds managed by Warburg
Pincus LLC, New York, United States.
India First Life is an exceptional company with an extraordinary growth story
and a promising future. Moreover, they deliver results, while always keeping
our customer at the centre of their approach; not once compromising on
integrity and honesty.

India First Life Guaranteed Pension Plan is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating,

Individual, Savings Deferred Annuity Plan which not only provides a shorter
pay commitment (5, 6,7,8,9 or 10 years), but also gives you the benefit of a
lifetime of assured annuity income. You get to choose from 5 different annuity
options as you safeguard your retirement years with yearly, half yearly,
quarterly or monthly annuity. The return of purchase price options ensure that
you and your loved ones are taken care of in case of death or even in diagnosis
of critical illnesses. You can choose to buy the annuity just for your retirement
years under the single life or even choose to protect your loved ones with the
joint life option in the policy. The India First Life Guaranteed Pension Plan is
designed to create the assurance of a guaranteed income for as long as you live.
The policy brings along a variety of options for you to choose from; you can
protect your loved ones financially not just from adverse effects of death but
also from 20 critical illnesses.


Compliance services
 Accounting services

 Taxation services

 Training & development services

 Recruitment services

 Consulting services

 Insurance services

 Mutual funds

 Retirement planning
 Wealth advisory services

 Compliance services: The goal of compliance service is to reduce an

organization’s compliance burden by outsourcing compliance management
tasks to a third-party that has the resources required to meet regulatory
requirements in a more cost-effective manner. Compliance officers are
responsible for ensuring that all corporate processes and procedures comply
with the law. And not only the law – a Compliance Officer is also responsible
for ensuring that company operations comply with internal standards too.

 Accounting services: Accounting services means the measurement,

processing and communication of financial information about economic
entities. It include tax preparation and consultation, tracking expenses and
revenues, and so much more. Accounting is about producingaccurate financial
records and maintaining efficient recordkeeping practices. They help
inpreparing and maintaining important financial reports. Preparing tax returns
and ensuring that taxes are paid properly on time. They also help in evaluating
financial operations to recommend best practices, identify issues and strategize
solutions, and help organizations run efficiently.

 Taxation services: It helps you to plan your taxes, comply with tax rules and
regulations, fileyour tax returns, reduce your tax liability and generally ensure
that you are fully prepared whenever tax season rolls around. Even if your tax
situation is straightforward, hiring a professional will save you the time and
stress of doing your taxes.

 Training and development services: Training and development services

initiatives areeducational activities within an organization that are designed to
improve the job performance of an individual or group. These programs
typically involve advancing a worker’s knowledge and skills sets and instilling
greater motivation to enhance job performance. It helps companies gain and
retain top talent, increase job satisfaction and morale, improve productivity and
earn more profit. Training and development specialists help create, plan, and
run training programs for businesses and organizations. To do this, they must
first assess the need of an organization. Then they develop custom training
programs that may take place online, in classrooms, or in training facilities.

 Recruitment services: Recruitment is the process of actively seeking out,

finding and hiringcandidates for a specific position or job. Recruitment agencies
are external firms that find suitable candidates for employers. They are tasked
by employers to find candidates for vacant positions within their organizations
to save time and money. The goal of recruitment services are to create a wide
pool of qualified candidates from which one has to choose the most qualified
individual for the job. This approach draws big groups of individuals and
encourages them to apply for open opportunities in a company.

 Consulting services: Consulting services means the provision of expertise or

strategic advice thatis presented for consideration and decision-making. They
generally bring formal frameworks or methodologies to identify problems or
suggest more effective or efficient ways of performing tasks. It cover all
functional areas such as instruction, curriculum, and administration. Businesses
need consultancy services in order to obtain an external analysis of how their
operations are working, and where specific problems lie that can be fixed in
order to maximize the organization’s productivity.

 Insurance services: Insurance is a legal agreement between two parties – the

insurer and theinsured, also known as insurance coverage or insurance policy.
The insurer provides financial coverage for the losses of the insured that he/she
may bear under certain circumstances. Insurance services means any renewal,
discontinuance or replacement of any insurance or reinsurance by, or handling
self-insurance programs, insurance claims or other insurance administrative

 Mutual funds: A mutual fund is a pool of money managed by a professional

Fund Manager. It isa trust that collects money from a number of investors who
share a common investment objective and invests the same in equities, bonds,
money market instruments and/or other securities. An asset management
company (AMC) makes these investments on behalf of the investors. Investing
in mutual fund reduces paperwork and helps you to avoid many problems such
as bad deliveries, delayed payments and unnecessary follow up with brokers
and companies. Mutual funds save your time and make investing easy and
convenient. Mutual funds are largely a safe investment, seen as being a good a
way for investors to diversify with minimal risk.

 Retirement planning: Retirement planning means preparing today for your

future life so thatyou continue to meet all your goals and dreams independently.
This include setting your retirement goals, estimating the amount of money you
will need, and investing to grow your retirement savings. A retirement plan has
lots of benefits for you, your business and your employees. Retirement plans
allow you to invest now for financial security when you and your employees
retire. As a bonus, you and your employees get significant tax advantages and
other incentives. It is important because it can help you avoid running out of
money in retirement. Your plan can help you calculate the rate of return you
need on your investments, how much risk you should take, and how much
income you can safely withdraw from your portfolio.

 Wealth advisory services: Wealth advisory services consist of a team of

qualified professional that provide advice on how to manage money and assets
efficiently. It can include a whole host of individuals such as certified financial
planners, wealth managers, investment advisors, and certifies public
accountants. A wealth management advisor utilizes the diverse financial
disciplines such as financial and accounting, tax services, investment advice,
legal or estate planning, and retirement planning to manage an affluent client’s
wealth as bundle of services. It helps to develops findings, conclusions, and
recommendations for client consideration and decision-making. It also helps to
reduce financial stress and guide you
1) Are you aware about Investments?
a) Yes [ ]
b) No [ ]

2) Do you have any past investment?

a) Yes [ ]
b) No [ ]

3) Do you have investment plans?

a) Yes [ ]
b) No [ ]

4) Preferable period of investment?

a) Short term [ ]
b) Long term [ ]
5) Mention your experience of investment in any investment?
a) Less than 2 years [ ]
b) 2-4 years [ ]
c) 4-8 years [ ]
d) More than 8 years [ ]

6) What are the reasons for investing in Mutual funds of INSPLORE?

a) High return [ ]
b) Low cost [ ]
c) Safety [ ]
d) Tax exemption [ ]

7) What is your level of satisfaction towards investment in mutual funds of

a) Low [ ]
b) Medium [ ]
c) High [ ]

8) Do you face any problems while investing in mutual funds of INSPLORE?

a) Lack of information in advertisements [ ]
b) No clear idea about public issue [ ]
c) Insufficient agents and brokers [ ]
d) Others [ ]

9) What is the most suitable reasons for investing in mutual fund of INSPLORE
according to you ?
a) High return [ ]
b) Low cost [ ]
c) Safety [ ]
d) Tax exemption [ ]

10) Your level of satisfaction with the policies of investment and returns criteria
a) 0%-25%
b) 25%-50%
1) Are you aware about Investments?

OPTIONS % of the respondents

Yes 90%
No 10%

0% 10%

2nd Qtr


The above table shows that 90% respondents said that they are aware of
investments and rest 10% said they ar
aree not aware about investments.
2) Do you have any past investment?

OPTIONS % of the respondents

Yes 70%
No 30%


30% YES


The above table shows that 80% respondents said that they have investments
and rest 20% said they don’t have any investments.
3) Do you have investment plans?

OPTIONS % of the respondents

Yes 70%
No 30%



30% YES


The above table shows that 70% respondents said that they have investments
plans and rest 30% said they don’t have any investment plans.
4) Preferable period of investment

OPTIONS % of the respondents

Short term 70%
Long term 30%




The above table shows that 70% respondents said that they prefer short term
investments plans and rest 30% said they prefer long term investment plans.
5) Mention your experience of investme
investment in any investment?
a)1-2 years 46%
b)2-4 years 24%
c)4-8 years 20%
d)More than 8 years 10%



1st Qtr
46% 2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtr

The above table shows that responden
ts said that their experience in investment
from time period 1-22 year is 46%,
2-4 year is 24%,4-88 year is 20% and more than 8 years is 10%.
6) What are the reasons
ns ffor
or investing in mutual fund of INSPLORE?

OPTIONS % of the respondents

High Return 1%
Low cost 22%
Safety 26%
Tax Exemption 51%


less than 2 years

51% 2-4 years

4-8 years
26% more than 8 years

The above table shows that 1% respondents said that their reason for investment
is high returns,22% said low cost,26% said safety and 51% said tax exemption.
7) What is your level of satisfaction to
wards investment in mutual funds OF

OPTIONS % of the respondents

Low 10%
Medium 60%
High 30%

0% 10%

1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtr

The above table shows that 10% respondents said that they are low
satisfied,60% they are medium satisfied and30 % said they are highly ssatisfied.
8) Do you face any problems while investing in mutual funds of INSPLORE?

OPTIONS % of the respondents

Lack of information in advertisements 46%

No clear idea about public issue 24%

Insufficient agents and brokers 20%
Others 10%



1st Qtr
46% 2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtr

The above table shows that 46% respondents said that they face problem in
investment due to lack of information,24% face issues because they have no
clear idea about public issues 20 % said they face problems because of
insufficient agent and brokers and 10% face issues due to some other reason.
9) What is the most suitable reasons for investing in INSPLORE according to
you ?

OPTIONS % of the respondents

High 40%
Low 30%
Liquidity 20%
Safety 10%


1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr

33% 4th Qtr

The above table shows that 40 40% respondents
ondents said that their reason for
investment is high returns,30% said low cost,20% said safety and 10
10% said tax
10) Your level of satisfaction with the policies of investment and returns criteria

OPTIONS % of the respondents

0%-25% 46%

25%-50% 24%
50%-75% 20%
75%-100% 10%



1st Qtr
46% 2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtr

The above table shows that 46% of respondents level of satisfaction from
policies of investment and returns criteria is between 0%
25%,from 25%-50%
only 24% respondents satisfied,from50%
satisfied,from50%-75% only 20% respondents agree and
from 75%-100%
100% only 10% respondents satisfied.

Conclusion INSPLORE CONSULTANCY has a very good market share in

state of India for their internship and paid course. The company is offering
good services, which is reflected on the satisfaction of the customer. Majority
of the college students are satisfied with their intern and paid courses.
Finding based on the data gathered by administering schedules to customer the
following observation are made:
1. INSPLORE CONSULTANCY has very excellent percentage of customer
satisfaction according to the data analysis.
2. Most of the people are satisfied with its low cost of paid course.
3. Large no. of student paid for their paid course every year.
4. If we took the satisfaction level of INSPLORE CONSULTANCY User of its
faculty, cheap cost of paid course.
5. It was a great opportunity to learn many new things.

Recommendation INSPLORE CONSULTANCY Company has to implement

good customer relationship management strategy that enhances marketing
strategy level the company can undertake R&D improve the existing feature
which field help increase in marketing strategies the company should promote
about the entire feature offered by it as majority other customer give opinion
that they are satisfied is the factor, service, and design of the product of the
company should take not only maintain the existing standard but also enhance

 Bibliography
 payment. Com
 Data from Insplore consultancy ltd .from India

Ques.1 How did the investment bond in terms of quality?

 Miserably
 Somewhat satisfactory
 Satisfactory
 Delightful
Ques.2 How did the investment bond perform in terms of purchase experience?
 Miserably
 Somewhat satisfactory
 Satisfactory
 Delightful
Ques.3 How did the bond perform in terms of value?
 Miserably
 Somewhat satisfactory
 Satisfactory
 Delightful
Ques.4 How is the investment bond perform in terms of after sales service?
 Miserably
 Somewhat satisfactory
 Satisfactory
 Delightful
Ques.5 Overall, how satisfied were you with the bond?
 Not at all satisfied
 Somewhat satisfactory
 Satisfactory
 Delightful

Ques.6 Based on your experience with investment, how likely are you to buy
the bond again?
 Definitely will
 Probably will
 Might or might not
 Probably will not
 Definitely will not
Ques.7 Overall, the quality of company’s sales organization service is?
 Poor
 Fair
 Good
 Very good
 Excellent
Ques.8 Based on your experience with this investment , how likely you are to
try other bonds of the company?
 Definitely will
 Probably will
 Might or might not
 Probably will not
 Definitely will not
Ques.9 Based on your experience with this bond, how likely you are to
recommend the investment to your friends and family?
 Definitely will
 Probably will
 Might or might not
 Probably will not
 Definitely will not

Ques.10 Based on your experience with this investment, how likely will you
rank your overall satisfaction with the purchase investment? (1 means least
satisfied and 10 means most)
 1-2
 3-4
 5-6
 7-8
 9-10

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