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Chapter 201 Space Tearing Device

“Congratulations, Colonel Fang Heng. We will send another seven members of the Dark
Knights to follow your orders. However, you will need to maintain their daily
expenses. If the mercenary dies, you will have to pay a pension.”

“Do you need them?”

“Of course!”

Another seven top-tier mercenaries for free!

Fang Heng was very satisfied with the generosity of the Dark Knights.

“Okay, they will report to your shelter in 12 hours.”

After earning a large number of honor points, Fang Heng was ready to spend some of
it. “Colonel Barker, I want to see what good stuff you have here.” “Of course.”
Barker nodded and whispered, “I have a very good item. There are only three of them
in the entire Dark Knights. I think you will be interested in them.”

Only three of them?!

Fang Heng’s eyes lit up.

“What good item?”

Barker took out a few blueprints from his backpack.

(Blueprints-Large-scale space tearing device.]

Type: Special construction blueprints (one-time consumable).

Description: You can use the blueprint to construct large-scale space tearing
devices via construction.

Construction requirement 1: This special construction can only be built in the

player’s shelter, and the player’s shelter’s level is higher than Level 20.

Construction requirement 2: Building must be higher than 30.

Construction requirement 3: Construction materials (details of the required

materials can be seen here).

Description of the building: Meteorite Company’s epoch-making scientific research

product can tear through space to achieve the goal of instant teleportation. A
large-scale space tearing device can be equipped with three additional small-scale
space tearing points. (Activating teleportation requires a lot of energy). “This…”

Looking at the description of the building, Fang Heng almost blurted out.

“A teleportation passage!?”

Barker nodded. “Yes, you can also understand it that way.”

Fang Heng’s heart was burning with passion.

It was a teleportation passage!

The teleportation passage in the game was a very high-level thing. Players could
use the teleportation passage within the Dark Knights to teleport between various
contact points. Unfortunately, the average player had no access to the Dark

At the later stages of the game, the apocalypse merchant camp could also open the
teleportation passage after a series of upgrades.

However, at that time, most of the apocalypse merchant camps would be occupied by
large player guilds or gaming companies.

Ordinary players would also not be able to experience it…

Fang Heng did not expect that the player’s shelter could also be used to build
teleportation points!

From the looks of it, the Federation probably already had teleportation points
among the other older servers.

However, self-built teleportation points were extremely rare in the game.

Furthermore, the Federation had intentionally concealed it so that ordinary players
were oblivious to it.

“Not bad, right? Are you interested?”

Colonel Barker continued to promote the blueprints to Fang Heng.

“There are only three blueprints. I will only sell them to people I trust.”

“In addition, your current construction level might not be able to reach the
required construction level. But it doesn’t matter. I can provide you with manpower
and construction materials for free. I can help you complete the construction of
the space tearing device as soon as possible.”

Fang Heng was even more surprised. He turned to look at Barker.

Free construction?

There was such a good thing?

“Haha, you don’t have to look at me like that. There are conditions.”

“You need to allow the Dark Knights to use your space tearing device as an exit in
an emergency. Of course, the Dark Knights will also give you the right to

“What do you mean by an exit?”

“Generally speaking, the space tearing device that has not been modified can
establish three subordinate teleportation points. The subordinate teleportation
points can achieve two-way teleportation between the space tearing device.”

“In addition, after recording the coordinates, teleportation is possible between

two space tearing devices. Currently, our Dark Knights have already established
eighteen space tearing devices.”

Fang Heng understood.

To put it bluntly, it was mutual teleportation!

And it was only limited to emergencies.

This was not a big problem.

Fang Heng looked at the exchange price again. 100,000 honor points!

This price was frighteningly high.

Once he bought it, most of the profits from this mission in Pine City would be

Should he buy it?

Fang Heng lowered his head to consider the practicality of the teleportation
device. With it, he could carry out long-distance teleportation in the shelter in
the future.

He had to buy it!

If he didn’t buy it now, he would need it later in the game. After all, with the
expansion of the shelter, he would need to collect resources from all over the
world in the future. Travelling was too time-consuming.

Buy it early and enjoy the benefits earlier!


Fang Heng suddenly thought of something. If he could build a teleportation point in

Pine City… Then the goal of moving the nemesis home would be perfectly achieved!


There were also armoured vehicles!

There were several armoured vehicles in the Meteorite Company’s weapons factory!

Fang Heng was very tempted to obtain them.

It would be difficult to transport these armoured vehicles back by helicopter.

Now that there was a space teleportation passage…

An armoured vehicle was worth 10,000 to 20,000 honor points!

During this period, the zombie clones had also collected a large number of survival
materials in Pine City.

It was too much of a pity to leave them there for nothing

These materials could also be transported back to the shelter through the
teleportation passage. Wait! There was also the Meteorite Company’s laboratory!

There were many high-level laboratory equipments in the laboratory. Perhaps they
could dismantle them and move them back to the shelter…

The more Fang Heng thought about it, the more he felt that the plan was feasible.

He pulled at his fingers and calculated in his heart.

Going back and forth like this…

In terms of value, it was equivalent to buying a space teleportation passage for


There was even profit to be made?!

“Okay, I’ll buy it!”

“Haha! Smart choice! We can rush to your shelter to carry out rescue operations in
the future.”

Barker patted Fang Heng on the shoulder and seemed to be very happy about this.

(Hint: You have consumed 100,000 Dark Knights’ honor points. You have obtained
blueprint-large-scale space tearing device*1.]

“The engineers of the Dark Knights will soon head over to help you complete the
construction of the main space teleportation passage.”

“Thank you, Barker.”

Fang Heng roughly browsed through the other exchangeable items.

In addition to the space teleportation device, the Dark Knights also provided
various high-level weapons and items.

There were even a few skill books.

[Skill book-Firefighter), (Survival manual-How to starve for 30 days], [Skill book-

Home repair manual], [Skill book-cooking review)…

Unfortunately, most of the skill books were useless.

Except for one.

(Skill book-Lucky player]

Skill description: When receiving a fatal attack, there is a 20% chance that the
damage will be nullified (this effect can only be triggered once within 12 hours).

Skill level: B

Value: 10,000 honor points

A B-level skill book was not very practical.

But the price was very high!

It was always good to have more skills! After thinking about it, Fang Heng chose to


What if it had a miraculous effect?

After all, it was a life-saving item.

(Hint: You have learned a skill-Lucky player.]

Although he had spent some money, Fang Heng felt as if he had not bought anything.
He only had 24,300 honor points left.

He had to save it first. In the future, he might have to hire a large number of
Dark Knights mercenary groups to fight. Fang Heng closed the purchase list and
prepared to teleport back to the teleportation point near the shelter.

“Oh right, Fang Heng, there’s something I think you might be interested in.”

Chapter 202 Trends

“Oh right, Fang Heng, there’s something else that I think you might be interested

“Hmm? What is it?”

“It’s related to Liu Keyi, the ‘spy’ that you mentioned to me last time.”

She was from the anti-federal organization!

Fang Heng instantly raised his guard. “What’s wrong with her?”

“It’s Lucia. After she left Pine City last time, she’s been clamouring to go to
Pine City to conduct a second investigation.”

Barker looked a little distressed as well. He glanced at Fang Heng unconsciously.


Fang Heng thought of Lucia again…

Her figure and appearance were top-notch.


She was a boorish person.

Why was she rushing to Pine City?

Barker continued, “I had no choice. I could only find something for her to do. I
told her that there was another very important matter that could only be handled by

Fang Heng quickly realized what Barker meant.

“Don’t tell me you’re asking her to investigate Liu Keyi?”

Fang Heng’s heart was filled with joy.

No way! Asking a boorish person like Lucia to do an investigation?

He thought, “You’re something! You know how to use people well! Colonel Barker!”

“Yes, from the beginning when we entered Pine City, we were attacked by the
nemesis. Later on, the nemesis resurrected in advance and there was the sudden
outbreak of the mutated spiders…”
Colonel Barker analyzed seriously, “Everything that we encountered might have been
an accident, but when we put it all together, there are a lot of suspicious points
in the entire process.”

“I have the same thoughts as you. There might be some people with ulterior motives
in the Dark Knights. They might not want us to get information from Pine City.”

Fang Heng’s expression was strange.

“Then what happened after that? How’s Lucia’s investigation going?” “Don’t look at
me with that expression. Lucia is still very professional. She tried to find Liu
Keyi’s location and followed her.”

“Just her? Are you sure?” Fang Heng was very doubtful about this as he thought to

Barker smiled.

“You ought to believe me. Lucia found something. Liu Keyi is currently in close
contact with a group of survivors. All the signs indicate that these people might
be former employees of the Meteorite Company.” n.)0𝑽𝑒𝓵𝗯In

“Meteorite Company?!”

Fang Heng suddenly became very curious.

The people from the anti-federal organization had been in contact with the NPCs of
the Meteorite Company?

Good heavens.

The villains outside the game had gotten together with the villains in the game?

Powerful people working together?

What would they do if they got together?

Fang Heng started to mumble in his heart.

It seemed to be very interesting…

“If you’re interested, you can ask Lucia about it when she comes back. You were the
one who found out about Liu Keyi’s problem first, and you were also the one who
proposed to investigate her in secret.”

“We will give you priority to complete this task, but if you are not free…”

“I’ll take it.”

Fang Heng nodded. “I need to go back to the shelter to deal with some things. I’ll
be back soon.”

“Hurry back.” Barker winked at Fang Heng. “I’ll contact Lucia. She’ll be happy to
hear that you’re back.”

At Fang Heng’s shelter. In the basement’s secret research laboratory.

Li Bo stood to the side.

His face was filled with shock.

He watched Fang Heng place all the items he had collected during his trip to Pine
City on the experimental table.

Hunter’s live sample*3.

The nemesis’s live sample*24.

A bottle containing unknown creature*2.

Live sample of zombie (Tyrant vine fusion form)*1.

Live sample of Lucia*3.

Research data of G-virus*1.

Live sample of mutated spider*3.

Research data of special T-virus*1.

Fusion and modified T-virus*3.

Unknown potion*1.

Research data of G-virus blocker…

Li Bo’s expression gradually became wooden.

Every item that Fang Heng took out had extremely high research value!

If it was before the apocalypse, every item could be sold at a high price on the
black market!

These were all obtained by Fang Heng alone from Pine City?

What exactly did he do in Pine City?

Could it be that he ransacked the entire Pine City’s Meteorite Company laboratory?!

“That’s about it.”

Fang Heng took out all the research-related items he had collected from Pine City.

The entire experimental table was almost filled up with the items.

(Hint: You have submitted a large number of research materials. Your research level
in the shelter has been upgraded to Level 29.]

(Hint: Your research team’s research-T-virus research, G-virus research, Licker

research has achieved a huge breakthrough.)

(Hint: Your team will receive a huge research bonus when conducting the above

(Hint: You have obtained a new research direction-G-virus human body enhanced
research, Hunter research, zombie fusion research, unknown life form research…]

(Hint: Your friendship with Qiu Yaokang has greatly increased ].

(Hint: Qiu Yaokang’s loyalty has increased to the max.)

Row after row of new research directions gave Fang Heng a headache.

What a pity.

Fang Heng regretted that he didn’t get the most valuable live sample of Tier 5
mutated mother spider.

Qiu Yaokang was expressionless as he held a pen and paper to record.

No one noticed that his right hand couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

Qiu Yaokang maintained his cold expression on the surface, but he was also
extremely excited in his heart.

He originally had high expectations for Fang Heng, but the harvest this time still
exceeded Qiu Yaokang’s expectations by too much.

With these materials, his research would have a breakthrough!

His name, Qiu Yaokang, would be recorded in the annals of history!

“Cough, cough.”

After recording all the research materials, Qiu Yaokang suppressed the excitement
in his heart and coughed lightly.

“Fang Heng, you’re very powerful. The experimental research items you provided can
greatly increase our research efficiency, but I still need more.”

Li Bo stole a glance at Qiu Yaokang, thinking to himself that the two of them were

Just a sentence of ‘very powerful’ was enough?

Fang Heng almost brought back the nemesis, alright?!

Li Bo decided not to participate in the conversation between the two crazy big
brothers. He quietly ran to the side to find some water to drink to calm his
excited mood.

“It’s nothing. It’s not worth mentioning.” Fang Heng waved his hand. “With the
modified T-virus, can the Licker’s transformation be carried out? And the Tyrant
form, can it be modified?”

“It’s a bit difficult.”

Qiu Yaokang calmly replied.

“The laboratory lacks the research conditions, the research materials and most
importantly, the research manpower.”

“In addition, Fang Heng, I can only focus on one research at a time. What do you
want me to study first? Licker or the Tyrant form?”

Qiu Yaokang was a little distressed. Fang Heng had brought back too many
experimental materials this time! Almost every single one was enough for him to
study for some time.

Qiu Yaokang had too many choices in front of him. For a moment, he was so confused
that he didn’t know which to choose first.

It was truly a blissful pain.

“Uh… you have to give me a duration, right?”


Qiu Yaokang nodded. He glanced at the record book in his hand and thought for a

Chapter 203 Construction Team

“The research on the Tyrant form is the most complicated. If we want to develop a
high success rate of the Tyrant’s fusion form, we first need to overcome the
research and development of various Tyrant form viruses.”

“It won’t be so fast. Based on the current results, an optimistic estimate is that
it will take at least seven to nine months.” n-)O𝑣𝚎𝓵𝒷In

“So long?”

Fang Heng frowned.

“Of course, the Tyrant form research is equivalent to a fresh start. If you can
provide me with enough research personel to help me and increase the level of the
research room, I can reduce the time by at least three-quarters.”

Fang Heng raised his hand in surrender. “Don’t think about it. I won’t be able to
provide you with those for the time being.”


Qiu Yaokang nodded calmly. He could understand Fang Heng’s current predicament.

After all, it was too difficult to find a few reliable researchers in this

He continued to look at the record sheet.

“In addition, you brought back a lot of special virus bodies and live samples. If I
do in-depth research on them, I can develop a higher-level human attribute
modification potion.”

“The research will be divided into many stages. To obtain the research results, you
will need to complete Tier 1, and an optimistic estimate would be around 5-12

Attribute enhancement potion!

That’s good stuff!

Fang Heng’s eyes lit up.

“Wait a minute, you seem to have forgotten about the Licker, right?”
“I haven’t forgotten, the Licker’s research is the fastest.”

“The secret laboratory here was originally built to nurture the Licker. Now that we
have the modified T-virus to create the Licker, the results will be available in 24
hours and we can conduct a Phase 1 clinical trial.” “Pfft!!”

Li Bo had just poured a glass of water. When he heard the conversation between the
two, he spat out the water that he had just drunk.

Crazy! 24 hours?

Big Brother is going to go without sleep for 24 hours again?

Qiu Yaokang glanced at Li Bo who was standing at the side indifferently and turned
his head to Fang Heng again.

Fang Heng was greatly surprised and directly ignored Li Bo.

After 24 hours, he would be able to obtain the modified Licker!

As expected of an S-level character! Impressive!

“Qiu Yaokang! You’re really a genius!”

“Yes, I am indeed, but don’t be too happy.”

Qiu Yaokang looked at the excited Fang Heng and ‘poured a bucket of cold water’ on

“The estimated live experiment is based on the modified T-virus you obtained. The
modified T-virus that you obtained is limited, so we will not be carrying out too
many tests during Phase 1.”

“Uh… What do you mean?”

Fang Heng expressed that he did not understand.

Li Bo wiped his mouth and said, “Mr Qiu means that even if the follow-up clinical
experiment succeeds, we will only be able to mass-produce Lickers after we
successfully develop the modified T-virus.” “How long will it take?”

“It depends on when you provide me with more researchers and better experimental


Fang Heng sighed.

He felt a sense of bitterness. Experimental personnel… Fang Heng also wanted

experimental personnel, but where could he get them? However, after the
teleportation passage was completed, the first thing he had to do was to move the
Meteorite Company’s advanced laboratory back to the shelter.

It could at least increase the research efficiency.

“Oh right, there’s one more thing.” Qiu Yaokang said as he picked up the unknown
potion that Fang Heng had just brought back. “I’ve made a general observation. This
potion of yours is very strange. It’s not an ordinary virus.”
“After the clinical trial of the Licker is over tomorrow, it will be further
studied and tested. We still need more time to analyze it before we can come to a

After leaving the laboratory, Fang Heng went to visit the sterile ward that was
under construction.

The blueprints of the sterile ward were personally made by Qiu Yaokang, and the
materials were obtained by Liao Bufan.

The remaining NPC architects who built the ward were hired by Mo Jiawei from the
Dark Knights.

Liao Bufan reported the work to Fang Heng.

In general, the construction of the sterile ward was in good condition.

If everything went smoothly, it would be completed tomorrow!

“In addition, we have already thoroughly explored the forest area during this
period of time. Except for the three nail households, everything else has been
taken care of.”

“The three holdouts ain’t cooperating. Mo Jiawei offered them twice the price to
leave, but in the end, they still couldn’t come to an agreement.”

“Yeah, I’ll go find trouble with them in two


Fang Heng nodded to show that he understood.

As the saying goes, “To shoot the bird which takes the lead.”

When the teleportation passage was completed and the Licker’s experimental product
was completed, they would be the first to be treated as experimental products to
test the strength of the Lickers.

This was still a game.

Since they could not reach an agreement, then they would have to resort to using
their fists.

“And Boss, there’s a problem. We’re running out of materials here.”


Fang Heng turned his head, his face full of surprise.

Since when did his shelter run out of materials?

“Boss, we signed the blood moon project with the Federation. It’s expected that the
first batch of players will move into the shelter tomorrow.”

“We’ll pay for all three meals a day. You’re not here during this time, so there’s
no income from food in the shelter.”

“I’ve estimated that, including the people from the Federation, the food in the
shelter will last for another two or three days.”
“The food will be replenished soon.”

Fang Heng felt that this was not a big problem.

Once the teleportation passage was completed, the food would be replenished

However, Liao Bufan did remind him.

The shelter would be accepting a batch of outsiders, so they needed to increase the

Fang Heng and Liao Bufan discussed it briefly. All players on the Federation asylum
list will move into prison Building No. 1 after entering the shelter.

Building No. 3 was a restricted area and none was allowed to enter without
authorization. If the Dark Knights found any intruders, they would open fire.

Liao Bufan nodded and agreed, “Okay, Boss. I’ll go and communicate with the
mercenaries later.”

Fang Heng touched his chin again.

“Oh right, Liao Bufan, do they pay for food?” “Food?”

Liao Bufan blinked his eyes and looked at Fang Heng in surprise.

“They probably don’t pay for food, right?” Fang Heng felt that he had made a
mistake. When he was negotiating with the Federation, he had forgotten to mention
food expenses…

As the two of them were discussing, an elderly NPC steward knocked on the door.

Brian was over 50 years old. Before the apocalypse, he had been a hotel supervisor.

After joining the shelter, Brian began to take charge of the daily management of
the shelter.

“Mr Fang Heng, David from the Dark Knights is here to visit. He’s waiting in the
reception room.”


The construction team came so quickly!?

Fang Heng was delighted. “I’ll be there right away.”

In the reception room, Fang Heng met his old friend David.

David had always looked travel-worn.

This time, David also brought two authentic combat teams of the Dark Knights and an
elite construction team.

David bowed to Fang Heng and said loudly, “Colonel Fang Heng, David and the
Engineering Team 3 of the Dark Knights are reporting to you!”

Fang Heng was almost unnerved.

He then realized that after going to Pine City, his military rank had been upgraded
to a higher level than David’s…

“David, don’t be so formal. Sit down and talk. You’re making me very
uncomfortable.” “I didn’t even have time to congratulate you.”

David sat down and looked at Fang Heng. No matter how he looked at it, he felt

That was the talent he had discovered!

Chapter 204 Game Upgraded

“Fang Heng, the spatial rift device is a secret technology that the Dark Knights
spent a lot of effort to obtain from the Meteorite Company. It’s very precious.”

“With the blueprint, it’s not difficult to build it. If everything goes smoothly,
it can be completed in a few hours. However, there will still be a period to adjust
and stabilize the teleportation passage.”

“We might stay here for a while longer and during this time, we’ll have to trouble

“It’s no trouble! Stay as long as you want!”

The blood moon was coming soon, and now he had two more teams from the Dark Knights
to help him defend the shelter.

That would be great!

Fang Heng was in a good mood. “In addition, the space required to build the space
tearing device is very large.” When David came, he had already roughly checked the
terrain inside the prison.

“Where do you want to set it? Generally speaking, we would choose the prison
square, which is more convenient.”

“No, I intend to build it in the basement. What do you think?”

“That requires an extremely large space in the basement. Before that, I need to do
some field measurements.”

“Also, I heard that the blood moon is coming soon. I found that your prison
structure is still a little flawed. It will take a lot of time to stabilize the
passage. During this time, my construction team can also help you reinforce the

“That’s great! David!”

“But you have to take care of the food and provide the reinforcement materials.”
David winked at Fang Heng. “I heard from the soldiers of the Dark Knights that the
grilled meat here is very good.”

“No problem, I’ll cook it myself.”

With more than 50 recipes in his hands, Fang Heng’s culinary skills were now at
Level 10.
Half an hour later.

A large-scale metal instrument filled with the feeling of futuristic technology

appeared in the centre of the basement.

The centre of the instrument was made up of many metal rings. Even though the
meteorite was not electrified, the metal rings were still rotating at a constant
speed under the effect of the magnetic field.

A few engineers from the Dark Knights were surrounding the instrument for final

(Hint: You have completed the construction of a large-scale space tearing device.]

(Hint: Your shelter level has been upgraded to Level 57.)

(Hint: Your shelter’s attractiveness has increased significantly.] (Hint: All NPCs
in your shelter’s loyalty has increased significantly.)

Fang Heng was shocked.

He noticed that there was a detailed description of the space tearing device in the
attribute panel of the shelter, and he immediately opened it to check.

(Large-scale space tearing device)

Level: 1.

Maximum additional small space tearing point:

Currently in normal operation, additional small-scale space tearing point: 0.

Current status: Normal. (Description: Meteorite Company’s epoch-making research

product. It can open a passage through space tearing to achieve instant

Fang Heng scanned through the description of the space tearing device, and his
doubts deepened.

It was too strange!

After completing the construction of the large-scale space tearing device, his
shelter level had increased by 30 levels!

Shelter level was a comprehensive rating. The space teleportation passage was
indeed very strong, but why could it have such a high hidden score?

Just as he was puzzled, another hint appeared in Fang Heng’s vision.

(Hint: Player’s shelter level has been detected to be above Level 30. Player has
reached the hidden advancement condition. Player can choose to quit the simple
apocalypse game and choose a higher level world to play the game.]

[Important hint: Player can only choose one game world to play as the main world.
After choosing an advanced game, you will be deemed to have chosen the main world

Fang Heng was stunned.

It’s out!

Advancement hint!

The Zombie Apocalypse was one of the three major elementary games.

Players could experience the elementary game for some time and receive a hint that
they had successfully advanced.

There were many ways to level up.

Sometimes, they would suddenly receive a special item, kill a creature, complete a
mission, level up a skill, meet an NPC and so on…

And then there was Server 3.

A long time ago, Server 3 of the Wasteland Game World suddenly received
instructions to clear the main storyline mission.

All the players in Server 3 had successfully levelled up and they could choose
whether or not to enter the high-level game.

Fang Heng closed the game log.

Go to a high-level game and fight to the death? Don’t even think about it!

In the future, he might choose to enter a higher-level game.

But it definitely wouldn’t be now.

The Zombie Apocalypse was his base game. The benefits he could get were far from
reaching the peak.

There was no need to go outside now.

He could take his time.

Maybe he could stay here forever.

“Fang Heng, are you satisfied? Meteorite Company’s products are indeed amazing.”

Fang Heng came back to his senses.

“Of course! David! Your buildings are so amazing! But how do I activate this

“Well, this is more troublesome. Activating it requires a lot of energy. The

conversion rate of ordinary energy is very low. Before the apocalypse, the power
supply of the entire city will probably be enough to meet the need to open the
passage…” David said as he took out a fingernail-sized square crystal from his
pocket. Fang Heng raised his eyebrows. He felt that this thing was an anomaly.
“This is a high-level energy crystal, a product of the Meteorite Company. Even
though it looks small, it’s enough to maintain the space passage open for about 1-2
hours.” “High-level energy crystals are very rare. We can give you three for free.
If you still want them in the future, you’ll have to think of a way yourself. You
can also buy them from the Dark Knights using honor points.” “Uh… David…”

Fang Heng took out a few blue square crystals from his pocket.
They were the size of a fist and were several times bigger than the ones that David
took out.

“You’re talking about this?”

“You, you have one?”

David was also surprised.

He took the crystals from Fang Heng’s hand and looked at them in detail. “I’ve
never seen crystals of this size. Where did you get them?”

“I found it in the secret research room of the Meteorite Company.” “Oh, no wonder
then. High-level energy crystals are products of the Meteorite Company. The one you
have should be a new product of a higher level.”

David nodded and continued to explain.

“The crystal in your hand is highly concentrated with energy. The energy it
provides is even greater. I estimate that it can keep the space passage open for at
least three to four days.”

“Let me demonstrate how to assemble the energy.”

David said as he threw the small energy crystal in his hand towards the space
tearing device. n𝓸𝒱𝑒-𝗅𝗯)In


The large-scale space tearing device was instantly activated. The rotation speed of
the metal rings slowly increased.

The blue crystal that was thrown in mid-air was pulled by the magnetic field and
slowly floated upwards, finally hovering in the centre of the metal rings.

The entire space tearing device emitted a weak blue light.

“It’s done. Isn’t it very simple?”

Fang Heng nodded.

“David, Can I now build an additional small-scale tearing point?”

Chapter 205 Enhanced Teleportation Device

“Absolutely. However, Fang Heng, to establish an additional small-scale tearing
point, you still need a high-level construction skill.” “No problem!”

Fang Heng clenched his fists and was secretly excited.

He would immediately take a helicopter back to Pine City.

If everything went smoothly, he could open the passage between the shelter and Pine
City tonight.

Resources from Pine City could be transported through the passage!

“David, I’ll set up a branch teleportation point on the other side. I’ll try to
connect the passage tonight.”

David frowned.

“I’m afraid that’s impossible.”

“Why? Isn’t the tearing device easy to build?”

“It’s not the problem of building it, it’s the location.”

David explained patiently.

“The space tearing device uses spatial coordinates for determining the tearing
positioning. Other than the continuous consumption of a large amount of energy when
opening the passage, it will take some time to locate the location after building
the tearing device for the first time.”

“Is it very troublesome? How long will it take?”

David thought for a moment.

“It’s very difficult to determine the positioning time, spatial fluctuations and
the energy required to trigger the teleportation passage. It will take at least a
month. During that time, the positioning must be…”

So long…

Fang Heng’s good mood instantly vanished.

He suddenly felt like he had been tricked by Colonel Barker.

He would only be able to use the passage after a month?

The grass had grown on the grave!

“But there are ways to advance it. If you can find high-energy evolution crystals
to level up the space tearing device, the positioning time can be greatly reduced.”
“Unfortunately, high-energy evolution crystals are very rare. Even our Dark Knights
have never seen them. I’ve only seen it on the original design of the space tearing
device…” “Wait, you’re talking about high-energy evolution crystals?”

Fang Heng was stunned for a moment.

He took out a light purple crystal core from his backpack.

[Item: High-energy evolution crystal.]

This crystal was dropped after the death of Tier 5 mutated mother spider.

“David, are you talking about this?”

“You actually have one?”

Looking at the light purple crystal in Fang Heng’s palm, David was shocked again.

His mouth was half-open as he looked at Fang Heng in surprise.

Why did Fang Heng have everything?

Not only did he have the high-level energy crystal from before, he even had the
high-energy evolution crystal?

Without waiting for David to ask, Fang Heng took the initiative to explain, “I got
it in Pine City.”

David did not care too much about the origin of the crystal, and his mood also
became excited.

“That’s great! With the high-energy evolution crystal, we can modify and level up
the space tearing device. At that time, we can greatly enhance the positioning
ability of the space tearing device.”

“The normal positioning can be completed in a very short time. The estimated
positioning time is less than two days…”

David said excitedly.

“This way, in the future, our Dark Knights can use your space tearing device to
carry out special missions. If there is a similar incident in Pine City, we can
provide funds to build a teleportation point for the space tearing device…”

“Fang Heng! You’ve helped us a lot again!”

(Hint: Player, do you wish to use high-energy evolution crystals to enhance the
space tearing device by Tier 1?]

Current level: Level 1.

Enhanced effect 1: Expand the teleportation range and permanently shorten the
positioning time of the branch tearing device.

Enhanced effect 2: The positioning efficiency of the branch tearing device

increased sharply in the first three times (5 minutes).

Enhanced requirement: High-energy evolution crystal*1, 50,000 survival points.

Seeing the game hint, Fang Heng hesitated for a moment.

The high-energy evolution crystal was very valuable.

That was a crystal that only a Tier 5 zombie corpse had a chance of dropping!

It was priceless!

However, Fang Heng did not need it at the moment.

It was a waste of space to keep it in the backpack. It was better to use it as soon
as possible and see its true ability!


He could not wait for half a month.

Fang Heng looked at the engineering team of the Dark Knights, who were eager to
try, and chose to level up.

(Hint: Your large-scale space tearing device has been upgraded to Level 2.]
(Hint: You have successfully established a Tier 2 large-scale space tearing device.
You have received 20,000 Dark Knights’ honor points.]

Eh? There was actually such a good thing?

Besides enhancing his teleportation passage, he could also obtain additional Dark
Knights’ honor points?

On second thought, it seemed to make sense.

Previously, he had promised the Dark Knights that under special circumstances, they
would be allowed to use his own teleportation passage.

David looked at Fang Heng, his tone slightly excited. “That’s great, Fang Heng. The
modification will take half an hour. In addition, I hope that we can quickly build
a small-scale space tearing device for testing.” “No problem. I’ll set off now.”

With the senior engineer Victor, the construction of the branch teleportation point
would not be a problem at all! After getting the blueprint of the additional
teleportation point from David, Fang Heng returned to Pine City ahead of schedule.

If everything went smoothly, he would be able to return to the shelter through the
teleportation passage tonight!

Mo Jiawei felt very tired.

But it was also very satisfying.

Ever since Fang Heng left in the helicopter early in the morning, he had been
dragged over by Victor to help him design and modify the exoskeleton enhanced

At first, Mo Jiawei wanted to refuse.

But soon, he saw a hint in the game that he had learned the mechanical mastery

Then, the skill experience points soared…

He couldn’t help it, Victor had given too much..

Mo Jiawei really couldn’t refuse.

If he were an ordinary player, he would be able to make a name for himself in the
game just by relying on his high-level mechanical mastery skills.

Mo Jiawei was very familiar with the market.

In the black market, the price of recruiting a player with high-level mechanical
mastery to work for a day was around a hundred thousand.

Mo Jiawei finally understood why God was so strong.

He decided to give it his all.

Although he could not catch up with God, he could not be too weak.

One day, he really wanted to say this to a support player.

“Huh? Advanced mechanical mastery? Isn’t this the basic operation of a support


Kill them all!

Mo Jiawei gave it his all. He drank more than ten bottles of Pulse to quickly
recover his vitality. He was tormented until three or four o’clock in the

He only went offline to rest when his vitality couldn’t even be recovered by
drinking Pulse.

At eleven o’clock in the evening, when Pulse’s punishment state disappeared, Mo

Jiawei went online again and prepared to stay up all night to fight again.

However, Mo Jiawei didn’t expect that when he went online, he didn’t find Victor.
Instead, he found rows of zombies on the first floor.

The zombies carried materials in their hands and slowly walked past him.

A quarter of the materials in the hall had disappeared.

Mo Jiawei was confused.

What was going on.. What were these zombies doing?

Moving? With suspicion, Mo Jiawei followed the zombie team all the way to the first
basement of the hospital.

Then, he saw the teleportation tear in the center of the first basement.

Looking at the light blue portal, Mo Jiawei was shocked beyond words.


The zombie clones were lining up to bring materials through the blue portal.

Back and forth..

Space teleportation passage!?

Mo Jiawei turned around and looked at Fang Heng, who was talking and laughing with

Chapter 206 Transformation of the Licker

Oh my god, the God went back and even managed to get a teleportation portal?


Wasn’t it very difficult to open the teleportation passage?

Why could the God complete it in such a short time?

Mo Jiawei knew a lot about the teleportation passage. He had heard from his family
that his company had originally intended to buy the passage in Server 6, but was
ultimately rejected because the investment was too substantial.

Later, due to certain matters, they completely withdrew from the investment in
Server 6.

The biggest difficulty for game guilds in establishing a passage to Server 6 wasn’t
the construction time and cost.

It was the blueprints and energy.

The blueprints for each server were limited, which meant that there was a lot of
competition, so it was very difficult to obtain the blueprints.

As for energy…

The energy used to open the passage was too rare!

Even if he could buy the passage, wouldn’t it end up being a toy if he couldn’t get
the energy to operate it? But why did the God seem to have no lack of energy at
all… The space passage had been open all this time? Could it be…

Mo Jiawei looked carefully at Fang Heng.

Could it be that the God had used a cheat again?

Victor was in a very good mood at the moment.

He had just gone to Fang Heng’s shelter to check on the sterile ward that was about
to be completed.

With this passage, the safety of Angel’s transfer would greatly increase!

“Fang Heng, I’ll prepare to evacuate now. I hope I can be of help by staying in
your shelter. It would be best if you can move my mechanical laboratory there.”

“Of course. From now on, you’ll be the chief construction engineer of my shelter.”

Fang Heng said as he walked forward and patted Mo Jiawei’s back, who was in a daze.

“Let’s go. I’ll show you my shelter!”

Mo Jiawei was shocked.

God’s shelter?!

3:30 in the morning.

In the shelter’s research room.

Looking at the Licker who was soaked in the container, Mo Jiawei, who was wearing a
chemical protective suit, rolled his throat unconsciously.

Why did God’s shelter look more terrifying than the Meteorite Company?

“We can begin the test now.”

Qiu Yaokang’s eyes were bloodshot and his tone was heavy. He glanced at Mo Jiawei,
then continued to look at the experimental test list in his hand.
“Now, we are going to carry out the clinical test of Tier 1 Licker modification. We
do not consider the effect of fusion with plant-parasitic zombies. We need to use
primitive ordinary zombies to carry out the modification test.”

“Roger that!”

Li Bo’s voice was heard through the loudspeaker in the corner of the laboratory.


The door of the cultivation pod opened.

Li Bo said, “Mr Qiu, the preparations for the Tier 1 test have been completed. We
can officially begin.”

Qiu Yaokang looked at Fang Heng.

“Alright, let’s begin.”

Fang Heng knew that the research on evolutionary transformation would not be fast.
He did not expect to reach the sky in one step.

He would take it slow.

Step by step, he would modify the Licker, a creature with a powerful output
ability, and then consider the effect of fusion.

He controlled a normal zombie clone that hadn’t evolved into a vine zombie to step
forward and walk into the cultivation pod.


The cabin door slowly closed.

Qiu Yaokang pressed the red button on the experimental device. The pale yellow
liquid was injected into the entire cultivation pod until the entire corpse was
immersed in it.

Fang Heng saw a game hint appearing in his retina.

(Hint: Your zombie life form is changing…]

(Hint: Current evolvable modification detected, direction-Licker modification.]

(Hint: Current evolvable modification success rate: 89.72%.]

[Hint: Your zombie clone is undergoing evolution. You can spend 500 survival points
to complete this evolution immediately.]

(Hint: Player, do you wish to undergo evolution? If the transformation fails, the
clone will die (it can still be revived).]

“Speed up the transformation!”

“Gulp, gulp, gulp…”

A series of bubbles emerged from the cultivation pod.

The zombie’s skin that was soaked in the solution quickly festered, and its limbs
rapidly mutated.

(Hint: You have spent 500 survival points to complete the evolution and
transformation. The current zombie transformation is successful.]

(Hint: Player can spend 8000 survival points and a complete evolution crystal*5 for
permanent evolution effect.]

Well, it was time to pay the ‘protection fee’ again!

Fang Heng first opened the corpse to check its attribute.

Zombie clone (Licker).

Description: A zombie clone modified by the Licker. It possesses powerful close

combat ability and is an extremely outstanding hunter. Skill description 1: An
outstanding hunter. Additional 30 points of agility, 20 points of strength, 5
points of physique and fast movement ability.

Skill description 2: Licker has lost the function and purpose of the ‘human hand’.
Forelimbs have mutated into claws. Sharp claws will have additional armour-
piercing, tearing, bleeding and infection effects.]

(Due to the evolution of the Licker’s sharp claws, it is unable to perform

operations such as maintenance, mining, gathering, etc.)

Skill description 3: The Licker can climb. Through auditory perception, it can
identify the location of its prey. It can move normally in a dark environment.
Additional 10 points of perception attribute.

Fang Heng roughly read the skill description and immediately chose to permanently
solidify the Licker’s transformation and evolution.

(Hint: Your Licker’s transformation has been permanently solidified.]

Compared to other zombies, the strongest point of a Licker was its ability to run!

The speed of a Licker’s pursuit was not inferior to an ordinary player!

Fang Heng still remembered the first time he saw a Licker in prison.

If it wasn’t for the federal team using flashbang to hinder the Licker’s pursuit,
the entire team would have been caught up by the Licker or even wiped out.

Running was something that even a Tyrant couldn’t do.

There were also the four effects of the sharp claws of the Licker: Armour-piercing,
tearing, bleeding and infection.

This would greatly enhance its ability to kill players.

It was a pity that after completing the evolution of the Licker, the zombie corpse
could not perform tasks such as maintenance and collection.

It was a little troublesome.

Fang Heng lowered his head and pondered

In this way, his zombie army would be temporarily divided into two parts.
One part was the main battle force formed by a large number of Tyrants and Lickers,
and the other part was the logistics force that mainly focused on collecting
resources. In the future, the goal was to completely transform all of them into the
Tyrant fusion form that could work and fight…

In short, at this stage, it was necessary to build a proper combat army.


The nutrient solution in the cultivation pod was drained.

The cabin door slowly opened.

The Licker slowly climbed to Fang Heng’s side and quietly waited for Fang Heng’s
latest order. “Gulp…”

Witnessing the Licker’s successful transformation, Mo Jiawei carefully swallowed

his saliva.

That was the player’s nightmare!

The Licker!

It was fast and had a high-level attack. Ordinary players would die if they
encountered it.

Countless players had lost their lives at the hands of the Licker.

At this moment, it was as obedient as a house cat, quietly crouching at Fang Heng’s

This scene made Mo Jiawei feel even more strange.

What made Mo Jiawei feel chills in his heart was that he saw Qiu Yaokang walking
towards the Licker. n.(0𝐕𝗲𝓁𝗯1n

Qiu Yaokang squatted down and used the pen in his hand as a measuring tool to carry
out the simplest preliminary measurement of the Licker.

Mo Jiawei even saw Qiu Yaokang poking the Licker’s head with one end of the pen.

Chapter 207 Control Authority

What the hell! Is he really not afraid of death?

Mo Jiawei was sweating for Qiu Yaokang.

Oh my god! That’s a Licker!

He felt that Qiu Yaokang’s actions were more like… Teasing a cat?

Mo Jiawei’s worldview was once again greatly impacted.

What is this place? And who are these people?

“The Licker’s indicators are all perfect. There’s no anomaly found.”

After roughly checking, Qiu Yaokang drew a line on the last item on the cardboard
data sheet and stood up.

His tone was as calm as ever.

“Fang Heng, what new discoveries have you made? How’s the Licker’s situation?”

Fang Heng was still considering the Licker’s follow-up use and was a little absent-

He came back to his senses and reached out to pat the Licker beside his feet. He
nodded and said, “Not bad, it’s perfect.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty much what I expected. The first clinical trial was a perfect
success. If we slightly adjust the proportion of some of the potions, we can
increase the conversion success rate of the Licker by about 7% again.”

Fang Heng thought that Qiu Yaokang was really a genius. With this calculation, the
conversion success rate was almost 97%.

As long as it was not too unfortunate, it was almost possible to succeed.

“When can we mass produce it?”

“Anytime.” Qiu Yaokang said and looked at Fang Heng. “The premise is that you find
enough Lickers to modify the T-virus, or when we can develop the modified T-virus

“I brought a lot of that stuff from Pine City, right?” “Yeah, I kept some for the
follow-up experiments. There’s not much that can be used after that. At most, I can
complete 11 more transformations.”

Fang Heng calculated with his fingers.

Including the proliferator, if things went smoothly, he could probably get 48


It was enough!

It was enough to form a temporary Licker team!

The combat power of this group of hunters was so strong that it was explosive!

Although the Licker’s HP was not as high as the vine zombie’s, it still inherited
its own attribute.

Fang Heng’s physique was now high and he also had the 100% HP bonus of the
vampires. When his HP was below 80% , he could still use the skill to strengthen
the body and recover his full HP.

At least, if he fought a normal Licker one-on-one…

He would definitely win!

Fang Heng nodded and said, “Then let’s begin.”

Mo Jiawei stood at the side and listened to the two Gods’ discussion. He was so
scared that he did not dare to say anything from the beginning to the end.
His mind was blank.

Oh my god…

What were these two Gods talking about?

Mo Jiawei’s heart started to beat again.

Mass-produce Lickers?

Now, the strange and uneasy feeling in Mo Jiawei’s heart became more and more

No matter how he looked at it, he felt that something was very wrong..

“D*mn, are these two the final bosses of this world?”

“Are they discussing how to destroy this apocalyptic world?” “Bang! Bang! Bang!”

In the next moment, the doors of the cultivation pod in the laboratory opened one
by one.

One by one, zombies staggered into the cultivation pods…

“Fang Heng!”

After leaving the secret laboratory, Fang Heng had just walked to the corner when
he suddenly heard someone calling his name.

Hearing that joyful voice, Fang Heng was stunned.


Mo Jiawei was also stunned. “Why did she appear in Fang Heng’s shelter?” “Fang
Heng!” Lucia ran over quickly and gave Fang Heng a big hug

“Lucia? Why are you here?”

When Lucia heard Fang Heng’s words, her originally good mood instantly turned sour.

She ran all the way here, but Fang Heng’s reaction was very cold.

“Hmph! Can’t I be here? I begged Teacher David for a long time before he brought me
here. Don’t you want to see me?”

“No, I’m just a little surprised.”

Fang Heng looked at Lucia carefully.

David, who was following behind Lucia, nodded at Fang Heng and explained to Fang

“Just now, we were testing the stability of the space passage. There was an anomaly
in Colonel Barker’s communication location. He sent an emergency transmission
request, so I opened the passage.” “Yes, there’s an important matter. It’s very

Lucia became serious at this time.

She leaned over and whispered into Fang Heng’s ear, “Fang Heng, Liu Keyi has
encountered some problems. I suggest that we go over and take a look now.” “Now?”

“Yes, the sooner the better.”

Fang Heng raised his eyebrows.

The next second, a hint of a mission was triggered.

(Hint: You have triggered a mission-Lucia’s discovery.]

Mission name: Lucia’s discovery.

Mission difficulty: SSS.

Mission description: Lucia discovered an anomaly while following a suspicious

member of the Dark Knights.

Mission requirements: Please follow Lucia and help her explore the truth.

Time limit: 3 hours.

Fang Heng quickly glanced at the mission hint.

It was the most difficult SSS-level mission.

And the time was so tight?

And it was a mission related to the anti-federal organization.

Fang Heng was 100% curious.

Just nice, he could try the new Licker.

After thinking for a short while, Fang Heng nodded and said, “Okay, time is tight.
Let’s go now.”

Fang Heng took two steps forward and stopped.

He turned to look at Lucia. “Lucia? What’s Wrong?” “Well…”

Lucia raised her head and pointed at the ceiling

The twelve Lickerd who had just completed their transformation were lying on the
high ceiling, following Fang Heng.

Due to the light, ordinary people would not be able to detect their existence.
“Fang Heng, are you controlling them too?”

Lucia looked at the Lickers in the air, her eyes glowing red

Then, she slowly lowered her head and looked at Fang Heng.

“Fang Heng, I suddenly have a strange feeling. Can I try to control them?”


The next second, Fang Heng was shocked.

(Hint: Your zombie clone (Licker) is being controlled…]

(Hint: Detected that your team member, Lucia, has a related skill and is trying to
control the creature.]

(Hint: Detected that Lucia is a member of your team. You can allow Lucia to assist
you in controlling the zombie clone.)

Fang Heng suddenly turned his head to look at Lucia.

Lucia was trying to open her palm to the Licker on the ceiling

The Licker didn’t move at all.

Fang Heng frowned. He let go of the control authority of the Licker to Lucia.
(Hint: Your team member, Lucia, has gained control rights of part of your zombie
clone (Licker).]

“Chi! Chi! Chi!”

The Licker immediately made a move. It quickly climbed along the wall to Lucia’s

What was going on?

Fang Heng also felt that it was strange. There was actually someone who could
control his zombie clone?

Licker obediently lay beside Lucia.

“How did you do it?”

It was the first time Lucia had encountered such a situation.

“I’m not too sure. I used to have a similar feeling, which was that I could control
zombies. But today, the feeling of being able to control zombies is particularly
strong, and it’s also very easy to control.”

“Did you have this ability in the past?”

“Not really. Ever since I returned from Pine City, I’ve gradually had this feeling.
I feel that I can control a part of the zombies.”

Chapter 208 Infected zone

Lucia was still in the trial stage of her ability, so she continued to explain.

“I’ve tested it a few times before but failed halfway every time. This is the first
time I’ve succeeded.”

Fang Heng had a rough guess in his heart.

Perhaps Lucia had awakened the ability to control zombies after returning from Pine

However, this ability had just been awakened, so it was not strong yet. She could
not fully control it.

So, Lucia could only use his strength to control his zombies?
Fang Heng was not sure if his guess was right.

Who cares!

It was fine. Anyway, he had the highest level control authority of the Licker, so
he could cut off the connection between the Licker and Lucia at any time.

It didn’t seem to be a problem to assign some control authority of the Licker to


After all, the way he controlled the zombie was mostly using those three commands:
“A, go over!”

“Run quickly!”

“Gather materials!”

It was too tiring to control the zombie clone in detail, and it consumed too much

Now that he had Lucia to help him control the Licker, it was even better!

“Lucia, can you help me control a part of it?” “Okay.”

Lucia was secretly happy. It seemed that she and Fang Heng had a common language,
so they could control the same batch of zombies.

Mo Jiawei stood behind the two of them.

He silently watched Fang Heng and Lucia discuss how to control the Licker.

He had mixed feelings.

“That’s a Licker… is it really okay for you all to do that?”

David stood beside Mo Jiawei and whispered, “Aren’t they a good match?”

They were indeed a good match.

They raised Licker as pets…

If it was in a movie, these two would be the villains behind the scenes.

Fang Heng waved at Mo Jiawei. “I’m going to finish the mission. I’ll leave the
matter of the space passage to you for now.”

Mo Jiawei looked at Lucia by the side and nodded silently.

Going out to complete a mission with a female NPC in the middle of the night?

No matter how he looked at it, it felt a little strange.

In the morning, 4:30 am.

A motorcycle was driving on the main road.

Behind the motorcycle, twelve Lickers were sticking close to the ground, chasing
after the motorcycle and crawling at a fast speed. After obtaining the ability of
vampires, Fang Heng also had a weakened version of night vision.

Although the night would still affect Fang Heng’s vision, at least he would be able
to see beyond two or three meters, unlike before.

In addition, Qiu Yaokang provided anti-infection potions that greatly reduced the
risk of infection.

In short, Fang Heng wouldn’t die from staying in the wild at night for a short
period of time.

Lucia had been modified by the G-virus body, so it was easy for her to move at

Lucia drove her motorcycle while telling Fang Heng about the information she had
received in the past two days.

“Fang Heng, your analysis is correct. Ever since I left Pine City, I have been
tracking Liu Keyi.”

“A few days ago, I noticed that Liu Keyi was acting sneakily. She entered the Fan
City area through the teleportation passage of the Dark Knights.”

“Fan City? The infected zone?!”

Fang Heng immediately thought of that dangerous place.

Not long ago, Fang Heng had seen some information about Fan City while he was
collecting information.

Fan City was originally a small town. After the Zombie Apocalypse, it had become an
infected zone.

The infected zone was filled with virus bodies.

Once an ordinary player entered the infected zone, their infection index would

Other than that, the interior of the infected zone was filled with highly mutated

It was an extremely dangerous place.

“Yeah, I followed Liu Keyi all the way.” n𝓸𝒱ℯ-𝓵𝒷)1n

“She didn’t enter the infected zone in the real sense. Instead, she entered an
abandoned military base at the periphery of the infected zone.’

“I conducted a rough investigation of that place and discovered that the abandoned
military base had been occupied by a group of survivors. Their defense was very
strong, and they had set up a perimeter with guards.”

“At first, I thought that they might be a group of ordinary survivors and was
prepared to continue observing.”

“But not long ago, I found traces of the Meteorite Company’s activities there. I’m
sure that the people of the Meteorite Company are also inside.”

“Just this afternoon, I saw Bragg.” Fang Heng asked curiously, “Who is Bragg?” “He
is one of the high-ranking officials of the Meteorite Company, the Chief Engineer
of the Meteorite Company. He once participated in the research and construction of
the Meteorite Company’s building. He also contributed to the research and
development of the space tearing device.” A higher-up of the Meteorite Company? The
Chief Engineer? From the sound of it, he did not sound any weaker than Victor.

He might also be an S-level big shot!

Not bad, not bad.

At that time, he had kept Liu Keyi as bait to fish for a bigger fish. He did not
expect that there would be good news so soon.

“After I found Bragg, I immediately returned to the Dark Knights to report. The
Dark Knights are still making plans and evaluating this operation.”

“The main purpose of our visit this time is to investigate.”

“Of course, if there’s an emergency, we can react on our own.”

“Fang Heng, this afternoon at dusk, Liu Keyi came to the military base again. After
staying in there for nearly ten minutes, she quickly left.”

Lucia’s eyes gradually became excited.

“I have a feeling that something is wrong with her.”


Lucia’s expression and tone…

Fang Heng thought that she couldn’t be expecting to encounter some kind of

Half an hour later, the motorcycle stopped at the periphery of the infected zone.

(Hint: You have entered the periphery of the infected zone. You will continue to be
at risk of infection.]

(Hint: Your physique has been detected to be greater than 15 points. You are immune
to the negative state-infection risk effect.]

“Fang Heng, it’s over there.”

Lucia lowered her voice.

She pointed at a building not far away.

It was an abandoned military base.

It looked like the exterior of the building had been damaged to a large extent.
Part of the building was exposed. Fang Heng could vaguely see a faint flame moving
inside the building.

There should be someone patrolling.

Lucia skillfully led Fang Heng to hide behind a protruding rock.

She pointed at the military base and pointed out five positions in succession.
“There are guards at these positions. Let’s take care of them directly. Shall we
break in and take a look?”

“Hmm… let’s wait and see…”

Fang Heng deliberated in his heart.

He was not sure whether these people were foes or friends.

The people of the Meteorite Company were not necessarily villains.

Li Bo and Victor in his shelter were also members of the Meteorite Company in the

Theoretically, since Liu Keyi could try to communicate with them, they should be
able to as well.

Fang Heng said that he was not here to fight but to get benefits.

Thinking of this, Fang Heng took out a high-power telescope from his backpack and
looked in the direction of the military base.


Fang Heng was surprised. A player?

Through a certain window, Fang Heng recognized the female player in the room at a

Deng Xin?!

Fang Heng and Deng Xin had met once before in the tool shop.

Back then, Deng Xin had accepted Old Black’s mission and went to the tool shop to
look for the G-virus.

She was not very lucky and was caught by Fang Heng.

He didn’t expect to meet her again.

It seemed that Deng Xin’s luck had always been bad…

Look at this little unlucky fellow.

Fang Heng grinned.

It seemed that the other guards were also players.

Chapter 209 The Butcher Zombie

Lucia asked in a low voice, “Fang Heng, do you know her?”

“Yeah, we’ve met once before.”

While speaking, Fang Heng took out a mask from his backpack and put it on his face.
He thought for a while, then raised his head to quickly observe the positions of
the five guards. “Think of a way to get rid of these guards. Let’s sneak in and
take a look!”

Three of the five guards on the building covered each other’s positions.

They needed to kill them at the same time to prevent them from giving away any

“I’ll take care of those two. You take care of the last one. We’ll attack together
on three.”


Fang Heng and Lucia focused on controlling the Licker at the same time.

“Chi, chi, chi…”

Under the cover of the night, the twelve Lickers quickly dashed toward the
abandoned military base.

They climbed up the wall quickly, hidden in the shadows of the wall.

The Lickers moved swiftly, trying not to make any noise as they quietly approached
the three players.

Originally, it was very difficult for Fang Heng to distract himself and control the
Lickers to attack at the same time.

Now with Lucia’s help, he could save a lot of energy.

The three guards did not notice that they were being targeted by the Lickers who
were hiding in the dark.

Fang Heng softly counted down to three.

“Three, two, one!” “Do it!” Chi Chi Chi!

The Lickers burst out from the shadows one after another and threw the three
players to the ground.

The sharp claws directly cut their throats.

After all, the player’s level was not even 5 yet.

Their throats were hit by a vital attack, and before they could even make a sound,
they were instantly killed.


Lickers were so useful!

Fang Heng was secretly thrilled.

If it was a vine zombie, it would be even more troublesome.

There were only two guards left. Without wasting time, Lucia directly switched to
the sniper rifle and prepared to kill them one by one. She was more comfortable
with this. n𝔒𝗏𝑒.𝓵𝔅.In
Focus and aim.

Lucia gently pulled the trigger.


Fang Heng gently moved the sniper rifle away from Lucia.


Lucia put down the sniper rifle and looked surprised.

A shadow suddenly appeared behind the guard.

That was…

A Tier 3 mutated zombie-the butcher zombie!

The butcher zombie was also known as the Giant Axe Zombie by the players.

Two extra deformed heads were growing on its shoulders.

It looked very terrifying, but its actual function was unknown.

Among Tier 3 creatures, the butcher zombie was probably the bulkiest one, focusing
on enhanced attack and defense.

Its biggest feature was that it held a giant axe and a ‘black armour’.

The heavy and giant axe not only kill most players in an instant but with one swing
of the axe, the player’s building could also be destroyed!

The butcher zombie could even secrete a special mucus substance under its skin.

This substance formed a black armour after condensing, providing the butcher zombie
with a powerful defensive ability.

The player who was carrying out the guarding mission also heard the sound of
footsteps coming from behind.

He turned around vigilantly.

“Who is it…”

Seeing that it was the butcher zombie, the player was so scared that his face
turned pale. He immediately took out his pistol and attacked it continuously.
“Bang! Bang! Bang!!” The butcher zombie moved a little slowly, but ordinary pistol
bullets could not penetrate its outer layer of ‘black armour’!


The huge battle axe fell from above.

The player was hacked to death by the axe.


The butcher zombie let out a roar. For a moment, the entire military base fell into
Outside the military base, Fang Heng’s eyes lit


The butcher zombie!

Good stuff!

That guy was a good toolman for dismantling shelters!

With a single swing of the axe, even reinforced concrete would have a big hole in
it. He had to catch one and bring it back for research study!

Fang Heng turned to look at Lucia. “Come, let’s go in and take a look.” “Okay!”

In front of the window, Deng Xin was still not sleepy. She was wiping the shotgun
in her hand.

This shotgun was the reward for accepting this mission.

She had to persevere for another two days. When the mission was completed, her team
would be rewarded with a large sum of survival points.

This mission seemed simple, but she felt a little uneasy tonight.

Why was it suddenly so noisy outside?

“Dong Dong Dong…” Deng Xin was about to go out to take a look when someone suddenly
knocked on the door from outside.

Deng Xin carried her shotgun and walked to the door.

At the door, a player anxiously said, “Deng Xin, I don’t know what’s going on down
there. There’s a zombie invading the building. It’s a Tier 3 mutated zombie, the
butcher zombie. Quickly wake up your team and retreat.” “Butcher zombie?” Deng Xin
was shocked, “What about the research room down there?”

“What do you mean, what do you care about the research room? Run! They are not
guaranteeing our lives.”

The player gritted his teeth and said, “Run! Gather on the sixth floor. There’s
hope if we can hold on until dawn!”

After saying that, he quickly ran upstairs.

What was going on? Why would a Tier 3 mutated zombie suddenly appear? Deng Xin’s
heart was in a mess. Just as she was about to turn back to her room to wake her
teammates, she suddenly felt a chill on her neck.

Deng Xin’s pupils suddenly contracted and her heart beat violently!

A cold feeling rushed from her back to her head.

Looking down, a bloody claw was already on her neck.

Deng Xin slowly turned her head stiffly.

At that moment, Deng Xin’s heart shook violently again.

It was the Licker!

Fang Heng stood out from behind the Licker.

“Long time no see. Can you tell me what the mission you received was?”.

Looking at the familiar mask, a bitter smile appeared on Deng Xin’s face.


How could she be so unlucky! It was him again! Deng Xin had seen Fang Heng’s
strength before. Having already suffered a loss against Fang Heng once, she
couldn’t bring herself to resist and directly threw away the shotgun in her hand.
“What do you want to know? I’ll tell you everything. I only want to stay alive.”

“A smart choice. You also know that I’ve always been very trustworthy. As long as
we work together, I promise to let you go.”

Fang Heng nodded and motioned for the Licker to move its sharp claws away. “What’s
going on here? How did you get here?”

Deng Xin heaved a sigh of relief and explained,

“About five days ago, my team received a mission from Old Black and rushed here.”

“The objective of the mission is to assist the NPCs here to guard this abandoned
military base, provide them with protection and think of ways to help them obtain
sufficient food and materials.”

Fang Heng thought for a moment, “Then do you know Liu Keyi?” “Liu Keyi is also
under the employer. She came here later today, but she left very soon. I don’t know
anything else.”

Fang Heng and Lucia looked at each other again.

“Who are those NPCs? Where are they?”

“They’re all in the basement. Below the abandoned military base is one of the
secret experimental bases left behind by the Meteorite Company. Most of the NPCs
are employees of the Meteorite Company.”

Deng Xin told him everything she knew.

“After the time leak of the biochemical virus, they’ve been staying here to
investigate. Liu Keyi didn’t let us have too much contact with them. I don’t know
anything else.”

“You have been to the basement, right?” Fang Heng looked at Deng Xin. “Bring me
there to take a look.”

Chapter 210 Deceased

“You still want to go to the basement? Didn’t you hear? There are a lot of Tier 3
mutated zombies down there…” As Deng Xin spoke, she suddenly had a bad feeling

She noticed that Lucia had raised her automatic rifle and aimed it behind her.
Deng Xin turned to look.

A butcher zombie slowly walked up the stairs.

Its movement speed was faster than ordinary zombies.

Lucia aimed the sniper rifle at the middle head of the butcher zombie.

She gently pulled the trigger.

“Bang!” The middle head of the butcher zombie consciously dodged to the side. Its
movement was very slow so the butcher zombie couldn’t dodge the bullet that was
moving at high speed.

The bullet entered the head of the butcher zombie.

Blood splashed out from the head.

After being attacked, the butcher zombie didn’t have any reaction and continued to
walk towards the room.

Fang Heng’s heart skipped a beat.

This was probably the effect of having three heads?

If an ordinary zombie was hit in the vital parts, it would have a stun effect!

Even if a Tyrant was hit in the vital parts, it would still have a short stun

However, the butcher zombie was completely immune to the stun effect.

A Tier 3 creature.

It was indeed strong!

Would a Tier 2 modified Licker be able to fight it?

Fang Heng narrowed his eyes and immediately ordered the Licker behind him to


“Chi, chi, chi…”

The Lickers beside Fang Heng quickly chased after the butcher zombie and climbed

A large number of Lickers quickly surrounded the butcher zombie.


A Licker jumped up and took the lead to attack.

The sharpened claws completely countered the ‘armour’ of the butcher zombie,
leaving a deep cut on its chest!

The ‘black armour’ that was hard for a pistol bullet to break through was torn
apart by the Licker’s sharp claws!

One strike back!

The Lickers were natural predators. They surrounded the butcher zombie and formed a
circle around it, rapidly moving around to find a suitable angle of attack.

Compared to them, the butcher zombie was too clumsy!

It raised the battle axe in its hand and swung it forward.


The thick battle axe made a sound as it tore through the air.

Unfortunately, it only swept through the air.

The Lickers quickly avoided it with agility.


The huge battle axe landed heavily on the ground, creating a shallow hole in the
cement ground!

However, this attack was still dodged by the Lickers.

After a few attacks, the butcher zombie could not even touch the Lickers.

After understanding the attack pattern of the butcher zombie, the Lickers attacked,
again and again, leaving deep wounds on the body of the butcher zombie.

In a short moment, the butcher zombie was torn into pieces. (Hint: You have killed
the butcher zombie. You have received 18 survival points, complete evolution

Fang Heng observed the entire battle and gave the Lickers a thumbs up in his heart.

Tier 2 versus Tier 3.

They completely crushed their opponent!

Even if it was a one-on-one battle, as long as they were given enough time, Fang
Heng believed that the Licker would rely on its own strength to kill the butcher

On one hand, it was due to its individual combat style and how it restrained its

The Licker’s agile combat style was perfect for restraining the thick and
cumbersome butcher zombie.

Its sharp claws were also perfect to counter the butcher zombie’s ‘black armour’.

On the other hand, it had the attribute suppression!

The Licker had inherited half of Fang Heng’s attribute value, so its overall
attribute was much stronger than that of an ordinary Licker!

Fang Heng had a new evaluation of the Licker’s fighting ability.

Deng Xin, who was watching from the side, was trembling in fear, her body
unconsciously trembling slightly. These Lickers’ combat ability was too terrifying!

Even a Tier 3 mutated zombie couldn’t last two minutes against them!

And the player who could control these Lickers… Under that terrifying mask… Who
could it be?

Fang Heng turned to look at Deng Xin

“Can we go now?”

Deng Xin was still afraid. But she didn’t have a choice.

Deng Xin forced herself to take a deep breath.

“Okay, I’ll take you there.”

She could only pray that the masked man in front of her was strong enough to keep
her alive.

Deng Xin led Fang Heng to the basement.

During this time, other players kept passing by them.

They were a little curious about the masked Fang Heng.

But they were only curious.

At this time, everyone was trying to protect themselves, so they didn’t have the
time to care about Fang Heng. With the help of the powerful Lickers, they killed
two butcher zombies in a row and arrived at the entrance of the underground

The entrance was split into two halves.

It was the handiwork of the butcher zombies. “I’ve been here a few times before. I
only know that the people of the Meteorite Company are doing some research here. I
don’t know the details of the research.” Fang Heng said coldly, “Well, do you know

“Bragg is the person in charge here. He has always avoided meeting outsiders.”

“Take us to him.”

“His office is in the second basement. I don’t know if he’s there now.”

The underground passage had also fallen into chaos.

The three of them quickly passed through the passage. Fang Heng could hear the
sound of gunfire from afar.

From time to time, zombies would appear. Most of them were shot in the head by
Lucia’s sniper rifle.

Soon, Fang Heng was led by Deng Xin to one of the rooms in the second basement.

Deng Xin tried to push the door open.

The door was locked.

“Let me do it.”

Fang Heng walked forward, switched to a shotgun and fired at the door lock.


Wood chips flew everywhere.

Fang Heng kicked at the door again and forced it open.

The door was wide open.

Fang Heng had a bad feeling when he saw the scene in the room clearly.

A man in leather armour fell on a chair, facing everyone.

There was a large pool of blood on his chest.

Was he dead?

“It’s Bragg!”

Lucia recognized Bragg. She quickly walked forward and checked the wound on Bragg’s

“He’s been dead for some time. He was shot. It was a fatal shot to the heart.”

Lucia turned around and mouthed to Fang Heng. “Liu Keyi?”

That’s right!

Fang Heng had the same thought.

Bragg was most likely shot by Liu Keyi. n𝗼𝑣𝑬-𝔩𝗯)In

It was the same in Pine City. Liu Keyi’s mission was to kill.

Coincidentally, Bragg was also a great architect from the Meteorite Company.

Could there be a connection between the two?

Fang Heng stroked his chin and thought carefully.

What did the anti-federal organization want to do? It seemed that they had been
trying to kill the Meteorite Company’s great architect?

Could it be that these people knew some secrets?

Fang Heng was going to ask Victor when he went back.

Perhaps Victor didn’t even know that he owned some classified information.

Fang Heng was about to thoroughly search the room to see if there was any missing
information when gunshots came from outside.

Then, a young NPC wearing a black combat uniform barged in from outside the room.
When he saw the dead Bragg, he was first stunned, then raised his muzzle and aimed
it at Fang Heng, who was the closest.

Deng Xin immediately shouted.

“Captain Qin, we didn’t do it. Bragg was already dead before we came here!”

Chapter 211 Quarantine Zone Plan

Qin Shaofeng frowned when he heard this. He re-examined the corpse on the chair.

He realized that Deng Xin wasn’t lying. Bragg had been dead for some time.

However, Qin Shaofeng still didn’t completely let down his guard.

He continued to stare at Fang Heng.

“I’ve never seen you before. Who are you?”

“Watch your back!” Lucia gave a light shout and pointed her muzzle at Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng sensed something and immediately squatted down.

“Bang! Bang!” Two gunshots were heard and the two spider zombies behind Qin
Shaofeng fell into a pool of blood.

Qin Shaofeng slowly stood up and nodded at Lucia.

“Thank you. I’m Qin Shaofeng, the captain of the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group.”

Crimson Blood Mercenary Group…

This name sounded very familiar to Fang Heng, and he couldn’t remember it at the

“What about you?”

“We’re from the Dark Knights. Previously, we investigated that there was a member
of the Dark Knights named Liu Keyi whose behavior was strange. After following her
for a period of time, we found that she secretly came here.”

“Today, we followed her here to investigate.” “Liu Keyi?”

Qin Shaofeng frowned and thought for a while.

He said, “About two hours ago, our people noticed that there was an anomaly in the
secret research valve, so we immediately sent people to carry out emergency

“After we went there, we found that the sealed entrance had been destroyed. A large
number of dangerous mutated zombies that were originally inside the quarantine zone
had left through the entrance.”

“Not long ago, I just got confirmation that the valve control system and the sealed
door had been destroyed.”

While speaking, Qin Shaofeng looked at Deng Xin.

“You are in charge of the periphery security. There was no anomaly today?”

Hearing that, Deng Xin subconsciously glanced at Fang Heng, who was still wearing a

The biggest anomaly was the two of them!

However, they came here after the crisis broke out.

The incident in the research room should have nothing to do with them. Could it be
Liu Keyi?

Deng Xin thought of her.

“Liu Keyi came here once at dusk and left before dark. At that time, I thought it
was a little strange. After all, it will be dark soon.”

“Are you really from the Dark Knights?”.

Lucia took out a well-made badge and handed it to them. “This is the badge of the
Dark Knights.”

Qin Shaofeng held the badge in his hand and carefully observed it for a moment.
Then, he punched the wall at the side.

“Damn it! I was tricked by her!”

Slowly withdrawing his fist, Qin Shaofeng looked at Fang Heng and Lucia.

“I’ve heard about your Dark Knights. I need your help now.” A game hint appeared at
the bottom right corner of Deng Xin’s and Fang Heng’s retina.

(Hint: Player has triggered a team mission-Crisis in the infected zone.)

(Warning: This mission is almost impossible to complete, the player need to choose
carefully.] Mission description: You have found a secret research institute of the
Meteorite Company in an abandoned place. After some exploration, you have learned
that there is a crisis here.

Mission difficulty: SSS.

Mission requirements: Assist Qin Shaofeng to save the research institute that was
on the verge of destruction.

Fang Heng glanced at the mission hint and was surprised for a moment.

He was actually given a warning by the King of Gods?

Fang Heng had accepted many SSS-level missions, but this was the first time he had
received a warning that the mission difficulty was too high.

He had to give it a try!

Fang Heng glanced at Deng Xin beside him, then slowly removed the mask on his face.

“Since we’re working together, it’s necessary for me to formally introduce myself.
I’m the Colonel of the Dark Knights, Fang Heng, and this is Lieutenant Lucia.”

Deng Xin was shocked.

She did not expect such a young face to be behind this mask.

Moreover, he was at the military rank of Colonel in the Dark Knights?!

After the initial shock, Deng Xin felt bitter in her heart.

An SSS-level mission!

If she had a choice, she would turn away and run. n.-O𝗏𝔢𝓵𝔅1n

Deng Xin was very self-aware.

She had the ability to accept such a mission, but she did not have the ability to
complete it.

She might even have to risk her life.

A hint of surprise flashed in Qin Shaofeng’s eyes. He picked up the submachine gun

“Colonel Fang Heng, the situation is urgent. Let’s walk and talk at the same time.”

As Qin Shaofeng spoke, he took the lead and walked out of the room.

Just as he stepped out of the door, Qin Shaofeng’s expression suddenly changed. A
layer of sweat instantly appeared on his forehead! It was the Licker! More than ten
Lickers were hiding outside the room.

They stared at Qin Shaofeng like tigers eyeing their prey.

Qin Shaofeng instantly felt a heavy burden weighing down on his body!

The pressure was extremely great.

He raised his submachine gun, not daring to make the slightest move.

“These Lickers belong to a special project that our Dark Knights are working on.
They are very quiet.”

Fang Heng said and snapped his fingers.

The Lickers received the order and slowly moved away from Qin Shaofeng, climbing up
the wall to the ceiling.

Hearing what Fang Heng said, Deng Xin seemed to have understood something.

No wonder!

No wonder Fang Heng had the powerful ability to control zombies.

It turned out that it was the strength provided by the Dark Knights. “It’s the
latest research of the Dark Knights… Thank you, follow me.”

Qin Shaofeng nodded and led the group to the fourth basement.

Along the way, Qin Shaofeng introduced the situation of the secret research site to
Fang Heng and the others.

“This was originally the Meteorite Company’s secret research area. Mr Bragg was the
supervisor here.”

“Our Crimson Blood Mercenary Group was entrusted by the Meteorite Company to be
responsible for the daily safety of the underground secret quarantine zone. At the
same time, we were also responsible for the security work to prevent foreign spies
from infiltrating the research institute to gather Intelligence.” Qin Shaofeng
sighed heavily as he spoke.

“No one expected that one day, the apocalypse crisis would suddenly erupt.”

Fang Heng’s curiosity grew.

“You said quarantine zone? What’s that?” “Meteorite Company’s ‘Quarantine Zone

“As far as I know, it’s basically a huge quarantine experimental zone built 100
meters underground. The experimental zone simulates the daily environment of the
outside world, and a high dose of a new type of virus is injected into it.”

“In the beginning, the purpose of building the quarantine zone was to simulate the
apocalyptic environment for virus experiments.”

Qin Shaofeng laughed at himself and said, “No one expected that the apocalypse
crisis would break out before the experiment was carried


“After the apocalypse crisis broke out, we decided to stay here to prevent the high
concentration of virus and mutated zombies from leaking out of the quarantine zone.
We waited quietly for the rescue team to arrive.”

“But as time went by, the rescue team didn’t arrive. Instead, part of the pipeline
in the quarantine zone had a problem and the highly toxic gases leaked out.”

“Some of the highly toxic gases had caused the formation of the infected zone in
the outside world.”

“Later, we found a way to repair the damaged pipes, but many researchers also paid
the price with their lives.”

“If all the viruses in the quarantine zone were to leak out, then all of us humans
would really be finished. The air we breathe would be filled with highly
concentrated virus bodies, and no one would be able to survive.”

Hearing Qin Shaofeng’s description, Fang Heng quickly recalled something.

The Crimson Blood Mercenary Group was a mercenary group in the background of the
apocalypse game. Their strength was not bad.

However, from Qin Shaofeng’s description, it seemed that the Meteorite Company
chose to protect this place for the sake of the survival of all humans.

Chapter 212 Licker’s Debut

“Not long ago, we found that the emergency exit and the control system leading to
the quarantine zone were all destroyed. Apart from that, even the communication
system inside the research institute was disabled.”
“The emergency exit was destroyed and many mutated zombies rushed out of the
quarantine zone. Now, the most important thing is to find a way to repair the
safety valve and control the zombie corpses inside.”

Qin Shaofeng was very anxious. He strode toward the command centre in the fourth

“The operator of the command centre activated the emergency leakage plan as soon as
they found the anomaly, and released a special gas in the whole area.”

“This gas can neutralize the high concentration of virus gases leaked from the
quarantine zone, but it’s very expensive to create, so the stock is limited. It can
only last for 12 hours at most.”

“And Liu Keyi.”

At the thought of Liu Keyi, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes were full of anger and he clenched
his fists so tightly that blue veins could be seen protruding on the surface of his

“She lied to us. She told us that the Dark Knights want to cooperate with us and
guard this dangerous area with us.”

“She cheated us of our trust.”

“Today, I saw Liu Keyi and wanted to talk to her, but then she went to the
basement. She’s the one who did all of this!” “If I ever see her again, I will tear
her apart!”

Lucia’s mood became heavier.

She looked at Fang Heng worriedly.

They had to repair the damaged emergency exit as soon as possible within 12 hours!

Otherwise, if the high concentration virus gases were to leak out…

Fang Heng instantly understood the whole situation.

Liu Keyi killed Bragg and also thought of a way to destroy the quarantine zone’s
control system and safety valve. She had contributed to the destruction of this

However, Fang Heng was still very curious.

Why did the anti-federal organization want to destroy the world?

Why did they want to destroy Server 8?

What benefits would it bring them?

While he was thinking, Qin Shaofeng had already brought a few people to the fourth
basement. n𝔒𝗏𝖾(𝐿𝔟.In

The sound of gunfire kept ringing out.

At the fork in the road ahead, Fang Heng saw a few members of the mercenary group
wearing black combat uniforms trying their best to defend the passage. A dark horde
of zombies surged out from the other end of the passage.

The members of the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group couldn’t hold on any longer. They
used their submachine guns to suppress the zombies while slowly retreating toward
the passage where Fang Heng and the others were at.

“Quick! Go help them!”

Seeing that his companions were in danger, Qin Shaofeng raised his submachine gun
and stepped forward to support his team. Then, he fired at the dark horde of
zombies at the end of the passage.

There were too many zombies!

Fang Heng’s eyes flickered. He stepped forward and pressed on Qin Shaofeng’s
shoulder, “Step back, I’ll do it!”

Qin Shaofeng was stunned.

Then, he heard a sizzling sound.

The Lickers that were attached to the ceiling quickly climbed toward the dark group
of zombies in front of them.

Lickers were natural predators!

They flew past the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group and charged into the zombie horde
to start a crazy slaughter!

With Fang Heng’s strength attribute, the Lickers’ attack power had increased once

Their sharp claws could easily cut through the bodies of ordinary zombies.

Only a Tier 1 mutated zombie could barely withstand two or three of their attacks.
Fang Heng’s game log immediately flooded the screen.

(Hint: Your Licker clone has killed an ordinary zombie. You have obtained 3
survival points, evolution crystal fragments*1.]

(Hint: Your Licker clone has killed a Tier 1 mutated zombie. You have gained 10
survival points.]

(Hint: Your Licker clone has killed a Tier 2 mutated zombie…]

The members of the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group who were fighting against the
zombie horse were also stunned.

They saw a group of Lickers rushing toward them. They thought that they would die
here today.

Who would have thought that the Lickers would attack the zombie horde?

The members of the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group were leaning against the wall, not
daring to move. They did not even dare to breathe, afraid that the Lickers would
suddenly turn around and attack them.

Deng Xin followed behind Lucia. Her scalp had turned numb.
It was completely different from killing the Tier 3 butcher zombie just now. The
visual effect of this kind of direct killing was even more shocking to hear! The
Lickers worked together to achieve an overwhelming crushing effect!

They charged into the zombie horde and began to slaughter wildly. Even ordinary
Tier 1 zombies were completely unable to withstand the powerful damage output of
these Lickers.

The Lickers fought their way through the passage, sending flesh and blood flying

Fang Heng glanced at the game hint and pursed his lips.

Not bad!

As expected of the Lickers who were born to slaughter.

Even a Tyrant wouldn’t be able to kill so efficiently.

The ‘protection fee’ paid to the King of Gods was worth it!

“Quick! Retreat!”

Qin Shaofeng shouted, commanding the injured Crimson Blood Mercenary Group members
to retreat to the safe passage.

Only then did the members of the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group realize that these
Lickers were controlled by humans.

They still carefully returned. “Captain Qin.” “How’s the situation over there?”

He Chai, the team captain, panted heavily. “It’s bad. We can’t defend Area A
anymore. The team suffered heavy casualties. We had no choice but to abandon Area A
and start retreating.”

Hearing this terrible news, Qin Shaofeng clenched his fists.

What should they do!

The situation was getting worse very quickly!

“Area A can’t be defended anymore. A large number of zombies have invaded the
underground research institute. There might be zombies everywhere in the passage.”

“If we don’t block the entrance in time, the command centre will fall.”

“Once the control panel of the command centre is damaged, or the backup power
supply of the third basement is destroyed by the zombies… the entire quarantine
zone will completely lose control. At that time, it will be over!”

Fang Heng stood beside Qin Shaofeng and said, “Don’t worry. It’s not that bad. The
Lickers we control can still buy you some time.”

The Crimson Blood Mercenary Group had never seen anyone who could control a Licker.

They all turned to look at Fang Heng.

“This is Fang Heng and this is Lucia. They are all friends from the Dark Knights.”
“Thank you.”

(Hint: Your friendship with the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group has increased.]

Qin Shaofeng looked at the members of the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group. “The
Commander is now in Area F. You guys go to Area F immediately to provide support.
Report the situation in Area A to the Commander. The rest of the wounded follow me


Qin Shaofeng then said to Fang Heng, “Fang Heng, I’ll have to trouble you with this
passage.” “Okay.”

Fang Heng stayed behind to control the four Lickers to guard the passage entrance
and summon the rest of the Lickers back to his side.

“Let’s go to the main control room first!”

After taking a detour on the fourth basement, Fang Heng followed Qin Shaofeng into
the command centre.

A large number of research personnel and engineers were gathered in front of the

They were arguing about something. The situation was bad. The emergency exit of the
quarantine zone had been destroyed and a large number of zombies were pouring out
of the passage. Qin Shaofeng’s arrival gave everyone hope.

A researcher asked first, “Qin Shaofeng, where’s Mr Bragg?”

Qin Shaofeng shook his head.

“He’s dead. He was murdered.”

The entire command centre fell into a dead silence.

Chapter 213 Support

A big beardy researcher pushed through the crowd and walked to Qin Shaofeng.
“Captain Qin, all seven emergency exits: A, B, D, E, F, H and I, have all been
damaged to different degrees.”

“The biggest problem now is the Exit F. a large number of Tier 3 mutated butcher
zombies are pouring out of Exit F, and most of the passage has been occupied by the
zombies. We have to think of a way to deal with them.”

Qin Shaofeng clenched his teeth and didn’t say a word.

Someone said in a low voice, “There’s nothing we can do… That’s a Tier 3 mutated

“We can’t defend it. With our current abilities, we can’t defend against such a
large number of zombies. We’d better run.” “Run? Run to where?”

“If the quarantine zone is destroyed, the virus will leak out and form a larger
infected zone… even the whole world will…”

At this time, the group was leaderless. The commander of the Crimson Blood
Mercenary Group, Ni Tongming, was leading his men to kill zombies outside, but
couldn’t make it back in time…

The command centre was in a state of panic.

Fang Heng raised his head and looked at the big screen in the command centre. The
screen showed the locations and damages of several passage openings in the
underground research institute in real-time.

There were a total of 12 passage openings leading to the quarantine zone. Three of
them were seriously damaged, four of them were destroyed and the remaining ones
were all issuing yellow warnings.

Almost all of them represented danger.

Deng Xin also saw the screen. Her heart sank to the bottom.

She quickly analyzed all the possible ways to complete the mission.

However, she couldn’t find any!

This SSS-level mission was not something she could complete.

Not to mention her, no one else could do it!

Deng Xin whispered, “Fang Heng, there’s no chance. Even with the help of the
Lickers, we can’t stop such a large number of zombies.” “Not to mention that we
only have 12 hours. Even without the threat of the zombie horde, we will need more
than 12 hours to repair the broken emergency exits.”

“We’d better evacuate now. We can still complete part of the mission if we leave
with a few high-level NPCs.”

Fang Heng listened to Deng Xin quietly.

He didn’t answer her. He just raised his head and looked at the map on the big
screen. Most of the zombies in Area F were Tier 3 mutated creatures?

Another chance to farm monsters?

Originally, all the Tier 3 mutated creatures in City S had been killed. Now, he had
found them again!

In the quarantine zone!

To others, it might be hell, but to Fang Heng, this place might be heaven!

The mission wasn’t important. What was important was how to get an endless stream
of Tier 3 mutated zombies to farm monsters and level up!

Fang Heng’s brain was working rapidly.

Obviously, due to the high concentration of virus gases in the quarantine zone, he
could not farm monsters in peace!

If he wanted to farm monsters, he had to protect the entire underground research

institute that was on the verge of collapse!

Deng Xin was right. This mission had three major difficulties.
The first difficulty was the threat from the large zombie horde.

The second difficulty was the time limit of the high concentration of poisonous

The third difficulty was to repair the damaged emergency exits.

To ordinary players, everyone would die

If the situation was completely turned around.. There was only one way!

After thinking for a short while, Fang Heng came up with an idea.

“Calm down and listen to me.”

Fang Heng tried to calm down the panicking crowd.

However, his voice was completely covered by the noisy debate in the laboratory.

Fang Heng had a slight headache. Well, the first step of the plan had met with

He was rather helpless in the situation in front of him.

Seeing this, Lucia raised the automatic rifle, aimed at the ceiling and pressed the

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!” A series of gunshots made the researchers in the room
instantly quiet down.

They all cast frightened gazes at Lucia.

Fang Heng took half a step forward and walked to Lucia’s side, his gaze sweeping
across everyone in the room.

“Which one of you has a high-level construction skill?”

Qin Shaofeng was stunned when he heard this and turned his head to look at Fang
Heng. The rest of the people also fell silent and looked at Fang Heng and Qin
Shaofeng. Who was this guy?

Qin Shaofeng explained to everyone, “This is Colonel Fang Heng of the Dark

The researchers started discussing in low voices again.


“So young? It must be fake, right?”

“Did the Dark Knights send reinforcements?”

“It can’t be fake.”

It was indeed rare to see a Colonel.

But seeing that Fang Heng was so young, everyone still had some doubts about him.
“We are here to prevent the virus in the quarantine zone from leaking out. My goal
is the same as yours.” Fang Heng’s gaze swept across everyone again. “Who has the
construction skill? This is very important.”


The crowd looked at each other. Just as someone was about to answer, the door of
the main control room was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Two members of the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group rushed in with a wounded man on
their backs.

“Get out of the way!”

The researchers in the command centre hurriedly cleared out an experimental table
and placed the wounded man on it.

Then, a few more wounded men were escorted into the command centre.

Suddenly, a researcher thought of something and shouted, “Are you all crazy? Why
did you bring them back after being attacked by zombies?”

Everyone’s expressions changed and they took a few steps back.

Qin Shaofeng also looked at the leader and asked, “What happened?”

“It wasn’t a zombie attack. It was a secondary collapse caused by an explosion!

When we were repairing the emergency exit, we encountered a secondary collapse!”
Zeng Qing was furious and couldn’t help but fly into a rage, “D*mn it! This
incident wasn’t an accident at all! Someone used a highly concentrated bomb to
destroy the emergency exit!”

“But the wound will be infected by the zombie virus even if it’s exposed to the

“It’s okay, it’s not a big problem.”

Fang Heng walked to the side of the wounded people and checked their condition.

He noticed that the faces of the wounded were pale, and sweat was dripping down
their faces.

“This time, I brought the vaccine specially made by the Dark Knights. After the
injection, it can resist the infection. At least for a short time, there won’t be
any problems.”

Fang Heng took out the anti-infection vaccine from his backpack and walked to the
side of the wounded and injected them one by one.

“Fang Heng, thank you so much.”

At this time, the entire control room was exceptionally quiet.

(Hint: Due to your treatment, the favorability rating of the research institute’s
staff and the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group has increased slightly.)

Fang Heng finished injecting the wounded, then looked around again. “Their
condition is stable now. There is no risk of them becoming infected with the zombie


Hearing that, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

“But, the danger isn’t over yet. I’ll try my best to bring everyone here to survive
and solve the crisis.”

“Or, you can stay here and argue until 12 hours later.”

Fang Heng’s eyes swept across every researcher in the control room.

“No, it won’t take 12 hours at all. This place will soon be occupied by zombies and
completely fall.”

Chapter 214 Temporary Command Authority

The entire command centre fell into silence once again.

“Fang Heng.”Qin Shaofeng walked to Fang Heng’s side. “You have a way to help us,


Fang Heng nodded, his tone filled with confidence.

“Yes, but I need you to listen to my commands for the time being.”

The next moment, Fang Heng and Deng Xin received a similar game hint.

(Hint: The research institute staff is evaluating your (Fang Heng) proposal. They
are evaluating the player’s favorability rating, reputation, charm, identity,
mission evaluation and so on…]

(Hint: Evaluation completed. The research institute staff and the Crimson Blood
Mercenary Group trust You (Fang Heng).] (Hint: You (Fang Heng) have obtained the
temporary command authority of the team.]

Deng Xin looked at Fang Heng in surprise.

What kind of operation was this?

Fang Heng could obtain the command authority of the entire team? This kind of game
method had completely exceeded Deng Xin’s understanding of this game.

In the past, the NPCs were the main players in the game, and the players would just
be in the background…

There was this kind of gameplay in this game…

“It’s done!”

Seeing the game hint, Fang Heng was a little excited.

The first step of the plan was also the most difficult.

But it was achieved!

“Thank you for your trust.”

Fang Heng nodded to everyone. “Time is tight, so let’s cut the crap. Whoever has
learned the construction skill, the higher the level, the better.”

A white and thin young man walked out of the crowd first.

“I’m Yang Tian, Mr Bragg’s disciple. I’ve learned construction from him for a
while.” The other staff members of the secret research institute also stood out.

“I know how to do it too.”

“I’ve learned construction for a while, so I can help.”

Seeing four or five people standing out from the crowd, Fang Heng was slightly

Fortunately, there were NPC survivors who could build the teleportation passage.

To avoid such trouble in the future, he would find an opportunity to learn

construction skills himself when he was free.


Fang Heng looked at Qin Shaofeng.

“I need you to lead the mercenary group and do everything you can to stall for
time.” “Give up on the repair of the emergency exits in the quarantine one. Give up
on guarding the entrances and exits. Conserve your strength. Everyone, retreat.”

“We need to stop the zombie horde from controlling the power supply and the central
control of the shelter. We need to send out another team and think of a way to lure
the zombies out.”

“Try your best to hold on for one hour! In one hour, I’ll find someone to come and
rescue you.”


The situation was urgent. Since Qin Shaofeng had chosen to trust Fang Heng, he
didn’t hesitate anymore. He nodded solemnly and commanded the remaining Crimson
Blood Mercenary Group that could fight. “Let’s go! Follow me to Area F!”

Fang Heng looked at Deng Xin again. n--O𝒱𝖊𝑙𝒷1n

“Follow them. If you encounter a situation, use the survival radio to contact us.”

Deng Xin was stunned for a moment. Then, she saw Fang Heng’s friend request from
the survival radio.

“Okay! I got it!”

For some reason, Fang Heng gave Deng Xin a strange feeling

It seemed that he had everything under his control.

And he could turn the tables!

“I’ll go now!”
With that, Deng Xin hurriedly left the main control room with Qin Shaofeng’s team.
Yang Tian and the others followed behind Fang Heng

“Colonel Fang Heng, what should we do next?”

Fang Heng’s gaze quickly swept across the hall of the main control room.

“It’s almost enough…”

Fang Heng muttered to himself in a low voice and quickly took out a blueprint from
his backpack.

“Take a look at this.”

This is…

A construction blueprint?

Yang Tian and the others were stunned for a moment. Then, they all came closer and
carefully studied the blueprint provided by Fang Heng. “Hiss… space tearing

Yang Tian raised his head and looked at Fang Heng with a surprised expression.

He had such a thing?

Space tearing device was the top-secret of their Meteorite Company. “Let’s see if
the building materials are sufficient. What else is missing?”

One of the architects quickly studied it and raised his head to answer.

“Materials are available, but the building materials are temporarily stored in the
storage room in the third basement. If we go there now to retrieve them…”

“There’s more.” Yang Tian had come into contact with the space tearing device
before. He looked at Fang Heng and said, “Colonel Fang Heng, it’s too late to build
the space tearing device now, right? It will take a long time to locate the
coordinates of the passage…”

As he spoke, Yang Tian slowly stopped. He also realized something. “Yes, the main
space tearing device in my shelter has been modified. It can quickly locate the

Fang Heng looked at everyone again.

“Any other questions?” Yang Tian and the other three architects exchanged glances.

They shook their heads at the same time.

“Alright, let’s move out. Yang Tian, follow me. The rest of you stay here and wait
for orders. Clear out a construction area in advance.”

“Lucia, you stay here and guard.”

“Alright, leave this to me.”

Fang Heng drank another can of coffee as he spoke. He began to throw the materials
in his backpack out one by one.
Even though he had not slept for an entire night, his mind was abnormally excited.

Everything was gradually on the right track.

The number and intensity of the mutated zombies in the quarantine zone were too
high! It was not realistic to rely on the 12 Lickers and the remaining members of
the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group to defend this place!

Moreover, most of the engineers in the entire research institute were already dead
or injured. The repair progress would be too slow.

It was also courting death to repair the damaged entrances and exits of the
quarantine zone.

It was already the best outcome to be able to escape with everyone.

The only way to change all of this was to build a teleportation passage!

Once the teleportation passage was completed, a large number of zombies in the
shelter could enter the research base through the passage to provide

Not only the zombie team but also the Dark Knights!

Coincidentally, David was in their shelter with two teams of Dark Knights.

Coincidentally, David came with an engineering team!

It was a godsend!

With the engineering team and the Dark Knights, it was possible to repair the
passage openings.

First, he used the zombie team to control the situation. Then, with his
relationship with David, he asked the Dark Knights to help repair the damaged
safety valve!

Once the plan succeeded…

Not only could he complete the mission, but he could also leave a back door here
and slowly farm the Tier 3 mutated zombies!

Yang Tian did not know what Fang Heng was thinking. He hurriedly led Fang Heng and
the remaining eight Lickers to the third basement. “Colonel Fang Heng, it’s over

Coming to the storage room in the third basement, Yang Tian opened the emergency
exit and walked in. He began to search for materials in the storage room.

Fang Heng had a big backpack skill, and his physique attribute also added weight-
bearing attributes.

Previously, he had emptied his backpack in the command centre to move the materials

As he was moving the materials, Fang Heng scanned a few messages on his retina.
(Hint: Your zombie clone (Licker modified body) is currently exposed to a high
concentration virus body and its HP will continue to decrease (as time goes by, the
rate of HP reduction will gradually increase).]

(Hint: Mutation is probable after being exposed to a highly concentrated virus body
for a long period. You can spend 5000 survival points to accelerate the mutation.
Positive mutation success rate: 0.0001%. If the mutation fails, the zombie clone
will die (it can still be resurrected).]

Chapter 215 Establishing a Passage

Fang Heng frowned and flipped through the game log.

The Licker that had been following the passage had already entered the quarantine

Affected by the high concentration of poisonous gas in the quarantine zone, the
Licker also began to lose HP.

Fang Heng did not expect that the high concentration of virus in the quarantine
zone would even affect a zombie corpse.

Fang Heng wasn’t interested in the 0.0001% positive evolution probability.

This was troublesome.

Fang Heng shook his head.

In short, he had to think of a way to complete the construction of the space

tearing device!

He immediately controlled the four Lickers to return along the passage, leaving the
quarantine zone and blocking the intersection again.

Fang Heng brought Yang Tian back and forth to the third basement a few times. Soon,
the materials needed to build the small space tearing device were ready.

Due to the lack of construction skills, Fang Heng could only watch the NPCs build
from the side.

While the NPCs were constructing, Fang Heng went offline at the last minute and
immediately contacted Mo Jiawei.

Mo Jiawei had just slept for more than an hour when he was woken up by Fang Heng
from his sleep.

“Big Brother, what are you talking about?” Hearing Fang Heng’s description on the
phone, Mo Jiawei quivered and suddenly stood up from the bed.

He was not sleepy at all. “Okay! I’ll go online and contact Mr David right away!”

“Okay! Okay, I’ll go and make preparations.”


After hanging up the phone, Mo Jiawei shouted in his heart.

D*mn it.

It was so late at night, and the God went on a mission with Lucia…
And it was a big mission!

Mo Jiawei did not think anymore and hurriedly got up and went online. When he
returned to the shelter, Mo Jiawei immediately went to the basement to look for

He was in a hurry and just as he entered the basement, he bumped into Qiu Yaokang
who happened to be walking towards him around the corner.

Qiu Yaokang had just completed the follow-up records of the Licker transformation
project and was ready to go back to his room to sleep.

He looked at Mo Jiawei coldly.

“Why are you so anxious? What’s the matter?”

“Uh… The boss found the quarantine zone.”

“What did you say? Quarantine zone?! Is it Meteorite Company’s ‘Quarantine Zone

Qiu Yaokang’s blood-red eyes suddenly shone with a strange light. “Let’s go! Bring
me there to have a look!”

“No. 1 has been confirmed dead seven hours ago. Congratulations, the plan has taken
another big step forward.”

In a small hotel, Old Black dialled a familiar cell phone number.

“No. 4 is also under our control, but No. 2 is more troublesome…”

“I’ve received news that the Federation has found traces of No. 2 and is trying to
recruit him.”

“Yeah, we need to give them more trouble.”

“It may not be enough to simply expand the infected zone.”

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Old Black chuckled gloomily.

“Hehe, alright, but that’ll cost extra…”

More and more zombies poured out of the quarantine zone.

Qin Shaofeng led his two combat teams to defend the main passage entrance.
According to Fang Heng’s plan, the team had given up on all the passages in the
quarantine zone. Instead, they were defending the main passage leading to the
generator room and the command centre.

Abandoning the soldiers to protect the commander.

The other two combat teams were trying to lure a large number of zombies away from
the research institute.

Although this had greatly reduced the pressure on the combat teams, there were
still too many zombies.

The zombies pouring out from the other end of the passage seemed to be endless!
The team was about to run out of bullets.

Qin Shaofeng clenched his teeth.

He remembered what Fang Heng had told him, that they should try their best to hold
on for an hour!

Forty-seven minutes had passed.

The combat teams began to retreat.

Qin Shaofeng had already thought of the worst-case scenario. At worst, he would
just blow up the entire passage!

That way, he could temporarily block the passage.

The negative effect of doing so was also very great. The zombie horde would also
surge out of other passages.

The explosion would even cause some of the circuits to be damaged. The subsequent
repairs would be even more troublesome.

At this point, they had no choice but to resort to this kind of expedient measure.

Qin Shaofeng threw the last hand grenade at the passage in front of him to delay
the zombie horde.

“Quick! Set the explosives!”

Qin Shaofeng was about to give the order to destroy the passage when his face
suddenly changed.

He heard the sound of chaotic footsteps coming from behind the passage.

Were the reinforcements here?!

However, in the next second, Qin Shaofeng turned around to check. His face was

It wasn’t the reinforcements, but a dense zombie horde!

“Why did the zombie horde attack from the other side?”

“Could it be that the rear has been breached?”

“Let’s fight it out with them!”

A member of the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group raised his gun and was about to shoot
when Qin Shaofeng suddenly realized something. He held down his submachine gun.

“Wait! Look!”

What was that?

At the front of the zombie horde, a man in a Dark Knight uniform was leading the
way with guns in his hands.

“Captain Qin Shaofeng! I’m Yuan Lixin, a member of the elite Dark Knights. Colonel
Fang Heng asked me to come and pick you up!” While he was talking, he had already
handed the communicator to Qin Shaofeng and walked away quickly.

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…” After a series of electrical sounds, Fang Heng’s voice sounded
from the other end of the communicator.

“Shaofeng? Are you safe?” “Still managing. If you had come a few minutes later, you
would never have seen me



“Hey, that won’t do. There are less than seven hours left. You still have a lot of
work to do. Hurry back to the command centre and gather. Don’t even think about
slacking off.”

On the other side, Fang Heng hung up.

In less than ten minutes, another row of messages appeared in the game log.

(Hint: You have built a small-scale space tearing device inside the secret research

(Hint: You have convinced David to agree to your plan. Your friendship with David
has increased.]

(Hint: You have led the Dark Knights to assist the secret research institute. Your
friendship with the members of the research institute has increased. Your
friendship with the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group has increased.]

(Hint: Your zombie clone has killed a Tier 1 mutated zombie. You have obtained
survival points*4.]

(Hint: You have successfully rescued Qin Shaofeng’s Team 3. Your friendship with
the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group has increased.] (Hint: Your shelter member, Qiu
Yaokang, has guided the research personnel of the secret research institute. Qiu
Yaokang has gained the admiration of the researchers. You have obtained the
favorability rating of the research personnel.]

(Hint: You have successfully rescued the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group’s Team 8…]

“Eh? Seems like someone got mixed into this…”

“Qiu Yaokang?”

“Why is he here too?”

Fang Heng was currently blocking the entrance of Area C with the Crimson Blood
Mercenary Group’s commander, Huo Lin, and trying to repair the damaged gate of Area

“Forget it, just come if he wants to…”

He was a little confused, but he didn’t have time to think about it. He turned off
the game hint and focused on what was in front of him.

After completing the construction of the small-scale teleportation passage, Fang

Heng immediately split the Dark Knights into several teams, each carrying a
communication device and a batch of zombie clones to gather the scattered teams of
the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group.

He immediately led the Lickers and the elite Dark Knights teams to support the
Crimson Blood Mercenary Group’s commander, Huo Lin.

The engineering team led by David also followed behind the team.

There were less than seven hours left until the gas used to neutralize the poison
gas was exhausted.

Next was the second step of the plan.

Repair works!

They needed to finish repairing all the damaged emergency exits within seven hours.

Time was very tight!

Chapter 216 Charisma?

“David, how’s the construction?”

“Not good. The emergency exit of the quarantine zone is made of high-density alloy.
There are also mechanical controls operating inside. Apart from requiring a large
number of expensive maintenance materials, the maintenance is also very difficult.”

Fang Heng asked in a deep voice, “How much longer?”

David raised his head and looked at the inside of the emergency exit. He looked at
the combat team fighting against the zombie horde inside the passage. He shook his
head and said, “Under ideal conditions, even if we don’t get disturbed and have
enough materials, it will take at least four hours.”

“The materials prepared in advance are not enough. I need to go back and collect
the materials.”

Four hours for a door, and it was still the least damaged Area C.

Fang Heng’s heart sank.


There was no time at all!

Even the small team of Dark Knights could not complete the repair of the safety
valve in seven hours.

What should he do?

Fang Heng thought quickly.

At this time, the sound of electricity came from the communication device. “Buzz…
God? God, can you hear me?” “Yes, what’s the matter?”

On the other end of the communication device, looking at the scene in the command
room, Mo Jiawei could not help but swallow his saliva.

“God, uh, this… I’m not too sure, it’s Big Brother Qiu… If It’s convenient, why
don’t you come back and take a look for yourself…”

Qiu Yaokang?

Fang Heng had a terrible headache.

Whatever! He still had to go back and get the materials, so he went back to take a
look first.

“God, I swear, I tried to stop him, but I couldn’t.” “You know Mr Qiu’s temper
better than I do…”

In the command centre, Mo Jiawei complained to Fang Heng.

When he was looking for David, he coincidentally bumped into Qiu Yaokang, who was
about to go back to his room to rest.

Qiu Yaokang immediately teleported here when he learned that Fang Heng had
discovered the quarantine zone.

He couldn’t even stop him.

Later on.

Qiu Yaokang tested the state of the secret research institute on the spot and
resolutely ordered for people to transport some of the experimental equipment in
the shelter through the teleportation passage. “Big Brother Qiu said that he wants
to directly conduct research related to the infected zone here.”

Mo Jiawei felt bitter in his heart.

After teleporting here, he also triggered the SSS-level mission.

He thought to himself, at this time, Qiu Yaokang, this God, was still thinking
about his research…

And this group of researchers was also the same.

They were all like possessed, with just a few words, they were all bewitched by Qiu

Mo Jiawei sighed heavily and pointed to the other side. “God, look…”

Those arrogant and noisy researchers followed behind Qiu Yaokang and watched him
operate the machine obediently.

The way they looked at Qiu Yaokang was full of admiration.

Fang Heng’s mouth was also wide open.

A game hint flashed across the lower right corner of his retina.

(Hint: Due to your performance, the researchers of the secret research institute
approves of you.]

(Hint: The researcher of the secret research institute is impressed by your shelter
member, Qiu Yaokang’s charisma.]

(Hint: Your shelter’s attractiveness has passed the test.)

(Hint: Researcher*9 is willing to join your shelter (click here to see the details
of the research personnel’s attribute).]

Qiu Yaokang?


Are you sure Qiu Yaokang has this thing?

Fang Heng was stunned for a while.

From the moment he opened the teleportation passage and received David’s Dark
Knights team, he had only run out for less than half an hour…

In such a short time, Qiu Yaokang had completely gained the approval of this group
of research personnel? How did Qiu Yaokang do it?

Fang Heng silently clicked on the details of the research personel.

Most of these new researchers who joined the shelter were researchers who rated
around Level B.

One of them even reached Level A+, only one grade lower than Li Bo.

They all had high-level research skills!

It was a win-win situation!

Even if the mission failed, these NPC researchers would already be under him and
would greatly increase the efficiency of the shelter’s research!

At least there was a guarantee.


Fang Heng still looked at Qiu Yaokang with confusion.

What method did he use to trick these researchers?

At this time, Qiu Yaokang was teaching his new subordinates, who he had just been
‘tricked’, to learn the new experimental equipment.

Seeing Fang Heng walk over, Qiu Yaokang turned to Fang Heng and nodded, indicating
for his subordinates to work.

“Fang Heng, the newcomers you found are not bad. At least they are not as afraid of
death as Li Bo.”

“Also, for us, we must not give up on this secret research institute. The virus
mutation in the quarantine zone has very high research value.”

“Its value is immeasurable!”

Qiu Yaokang’s tone was very calm, but when he spoke, his eyes were shining.

He felt that Fang Heng’s luck was simply too good!

The Chosen One was impressive!

He could find whatever he wanted!

He had just learned a lot of important information related to the quarantine zone
from these researchers!

This information was priceless! “Using the high concentration of virus in the
quarantine zone, we can start the research on fusion bodies. If things go smoothly,
the transformation of zombie fusion bodies can also be put on the agenda as soon as
possible, greatly shortening the research process.”

“The quarantine zone is actually so useful?”

Fang Heng rubbed his swollen temples.

However, he had a headache. It was basically impossible to completely restore the

quarantine zone.

“Alright, the premise is that we can think of a way to defend this place. We are
now in a very big trouble.” “What?”

“The high concentration of the virus in the quarantine zone has been leaked, and
there are only seven more doses of the backup potion used to neutralize the virus.”

“The time is too short. We have no way to complete the repair of the damaged
emergency exits in seven hours.”

Qiu Yaokang was very calm. He reached out and pressed a few buttons on the
experimental instrument.

“Fang Heng, why do we have to limit the repair to seven hours?”


Fang Heng raised his eyebrows.

He instantly understood Qiu Yaokang’s meaning “You want us to temporarily

evacuate?” “Yes, the virus cannot be spread through the space tearing device. The
teleportation passage can also ensure the safety of our evacuation.”

“When we have collected enough information, I’m confident that we can develop a new
potion as soon as possible to improve the human body’s resistance to the virus.
Together with the special protective suit, it won’t be a problem to resist the
high-concentration virus in a short time.”

“As for the potion to neutralize the high-concentration virus gas, I have the
ability to develop it.”

While speaking, Qiu Yaokang turned his head and glanced at the space teleportation
passage that was being opened.

“In order to do that, I need to set up an experimental observation station within

seven hours to obtain more experimental data for testing.”

“As for you, Fang Heng, after the evacuation, I need to use your zombies to travel
back and forth here to collect the information.”

Fang Heng thought about the feasibility of Qiu Yaokang’s plan.

It was feasible!

To others, this was almost a dead end.

But to Fang Heng, he had an endless number of zombie clones.

This gave him more room to maneuver.

Fang Heng instantly had an improvement plan.

After the NPCs temporarily evacuated through the teleportation passage, he could
think of ways to learn building maintenance skills on his own!

Even if the zombie clone would be affected by the high concentration of poison gas
and its HP would still be reduced, however, the vine zombie had the advantages of
high HP and unlimited rebirth!

He would let the zombie clone that was exposed to the high concentration of the
virus slowly repair the damaged safety valve. As long as he was willing to spend
more time, he would be able to complete the repair of the safety valve.

“Fang Heng, this is our chance.”

Qiu Yaokang’s eyes were filled with unconcealable excitement. “Once we gather
enough information and complete the relevant experiments, the fusion and mutation
will become controllable. We will also be able to find a way to resist the zombie
virus, and the antidote to the ordinary zombie virus will be developed very

“Alright, let’s do it according to your plan!”

As Fang Heng spoke, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said, “Attention all units,
please return to the command centre immediately…”

Chapter 217 Loot a Burning House

As usual, Liao Bufan got up, washed up, ate breakfast and went to work.

He had just arrived at the company when he received an emergency notice from the

Seeing the notice, Liao Bufan realized the importance of the matter and quickly
went online to look for Fang Heng.

Then, he saw a large-scale space tearing device next to the basement of the

Under the guidance of the elite Dark Knights, Liao Bufan went through the space
passage to the command centre of the secret research institute.

Seeing such a huge command centre, Liao Bufan was stunned.

What was going on?

What was this place?

It wasn’t like this yesterday.

In just one night…

Big Brother started to diversify and build a second base?

Liao Bufan walked to Fang Heng, who was busy in the crowd. “B… Boss, what are you
doing?” “Yes, Liao Bufan, you’re here. This is a newly built space tearing device
in our shelter. It can open a space passage.”

“This was originally the Meteorite Company’s secret research institute. I just
received a new mission. During this period, I will focus on the tasks related to
the research institute.”

Fang Heng was distracted by the game log and long-range zombie control to block the

The situation was not bad. The zombie clones blocked all the entrances and exits.

“For the next two days, the shelter will be temporarily handed to you as usual. If
you encounter any trouble, contact me immediately.”


Liao Bufan took a little time to sort out his thoughts.

After talking for a long time, he still opened a branch base?

“Is there anything important?”

Liao Bufan came back to his senses. “Yes, Boss, there is an emergency. The work
studio just received an emergency notice from the Federation.”

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

“It’s the blood moon project. The Federation’s blood moon project is in trouble.”

Blood moon project!

Fang Heng slapped his forehead.

He had almost forgotten about the blood moon project!

The people on the Federation’s list were about to arrive at the shelter.

Liao Bufan continued to explain.

“The Federation has obtained the latest intelligence. The anti-federal organization
will launch an attack on some of the player shelters participating in the blood
moon project.”

“The operation has already begun half an hour ago. Many player guilds have already
been attacked, and some guilds have suffered heavy losses.”

“The Federation wants us to be on high alert and be prepared to defend against the

Liao Bufan silently sighed in his heart.

He felt that these people from the anti-federal organization had gone mad.
Why did they have to cause trouble before the blood moon?

Wasn’t this indiscriminate destruction?

Hearing this, Fang Heng lightly nodded his head.

The timing of the anti-federal organization’s attack was very ingenious.

It happened to be a few days before the blood moon tide.

They didn’t need to destroy the player’s shelter. They just needed to deal enough
damage to it.

By then, the player’s shelter would naturally be cleaned up by the zombies during
the blood moon.

However, Fang Heng didn’t panic at all.

His shelter’s defense was very strong and the anti-federation people would die if
they came.


Fang Heng’s eyes suddenly lit up.

He stood still as if he had discovered a new world.

That’s right!

Blood moon! The anti-federal organization was so sneaky, he could also use this
tactic too!

At this time, almost all the player shelters were trying to reinforce their
residences, hoping to tide through the blood moon safely. Who would be willing to
start a war at this critical juncture?

It was the busiest time for the other players. It was also the best time for him to
completely eliminate the group of holdouts and expand his territory!

Liao Bufan continued on the side, “The Federation wants us to remain vigilant. If
necessary, they will provide us with various materials and support.”

Mo Jiawei nodded when he heard that. n𝑜𝓋𝞮(𝑙𝑩-In

“Yeah, I also heard from a few friends that the anti-federal organization’s people
are quite ruthless this time. Several unions were attacked by mercenary groups and
suffered great losses. It’s hard to even protect themselves in the blood moon, let
alone participate in the blood moon project.”

“This time, the people of the Federation will have a headache.”

“God, I think Chen Yu will call you later, and he wants to put more people in the
shelter.” Liao Bufan smiled and said, “That’s good, Boss. Then we have to ask for a
lot. The fleece of the Federation has to be pulled hard.”

“Well…” Fang Heng pondered for a moment and said in a deep voice, “Liao Bufan, you
mentioned the situation of the holdouts in the forest before.”

“Ah? The holdouts?”

Liao Bufan was confused by Fang Heng’s sudden thinking.

“Are they all right? They haven’t done anything special recently. They are all
strengthening the shelter and preparing to pass the blood moon.”

“What do you think will happen if we attack their base when the blood moon is

Liao Bufan’s eyelids twitched and thought, “Boss is so ruthless?”

“Well… if Boss sends out a zombie team, they will probably flatten the shelter…
with the shelter gone, those people probably won’t be able to escape the blood

“That’s right! Move or die.”

Fang Heng snapped his fingers.

Mo Jiawei’s eyes lit up.

He thought to himself, “I’m familiar with this! Loot a burning house!”

He had also participated in the negotiations with those holdouts. He hated the
fickleness of these people, so he volunteered. “Great! God! Your plan is wonderful!
I can help you! We have to communicate first before fighting. Otherwise, it will
affect our reputation. I’m familiar with this job!”

Fang Heng looked at Mo Jiawei.

Mo Jiawei alone was not enough. Mo Jiawei was qualified to negotiate, but he was
not competent enough to fight alone.

Fang Heng still had to deal with the zombie horde in the secret research institute
and find a way to repair the damaged safety valve.

It was too troublesome to control it remotely.

Seeing Fang Heng in a dilemma, Lucia suggested, “Fang Heng, do you need my help?”

Fang Heng turned to look at Lucia.

That’s right! There’s Lucia!

She was the First Lieutenant of the Dark Knights. It was no problem for her to lead
a small team of Dark Knights in battle!

More importantly, she could also help control the zombie clones!

Lucia was good at everything except her personality, which was a little reckless.

Well, he still had Mo Jiawei to work together with her!

Compared to Lucia, Mo Jiawei’s personality was still quite steady. If they were to
collaborate, there should be no problem.

“Good! Lucia, you and Mo Jiawei work together. During the period before the blood
moon, I need you to think of all ways to expand your influence. Start from the few
holdouts in the forest.”


Fang Heng was excited. “If everything goes smoothly, after clearing the forest,
we’ll continue to expand with the prison as the center and bring the entire area
under our control.”

Anyway, because of the blood moon and the anti-federation matter, the players in
the game were in a panic.

Why not take this opportunity to seize the land and resources?


Listening to Fang Heng’s plan, Mo Jiawei was also inexplicably excited.


They were starting to seize the land and move towards regional hegemony!

They were a big step ahead of the Federation!

This was the disposition that a God should have!

Chapter 218 Test Mission

(Hint: Your zombie clone has killed a Tier 2 mutated zombie. Obtained survival
points +12.)

(Hint: You have saved the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group’s Team 4. Your friendship
with the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group has increased.]

(Hint: You have used a healing spray to successfully heal the secret research
institute’s surveyor, Terry. Your friendship with the research institute’s staff
has increased…]

Half an hour later, the zombie team sent out by Fang Heng had sealed off all the
main entrances of the secret research institute.

The Crimson Blood Mercenary Group, which had been scattered to guard the entrances,
gradually returned to the command centre to gather.

Space passage, high-level shelter, Dark Knights team…

Mysterious high-level researcher…

And the zombie team that they saw in the passage earlier!

Seeing Fang Heng reveal his trump cards, Deng Xin was shocked by Fang Heng’s

She couldn’t think of going against Fang Heng anymore.

Fang Heng told Huo Lin, the commander of the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group, about
the revised plan.

“So I hope you can join my shelter during this time. Of course, I hope you can join
us permanently.”
Fang Heng thought for a moment and added, “Yes, and for the peace of this world.”

After listening to Fang Heng’s story, the commander of the Crimson Blood Mercenary
Group, Huo Lin, and the deputy commander, Qin Shaofeng, looked at each other.

(Hint: You want the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group to join your shelter. In the
process of judging…)

(Hint: Considering reputation, friendship, shelter’s attractiveness…]

(Hint: Judgment failed.] “Fang Heng, thank you for your help, but I’m sorry.” After
a simple exchange of glances, Huo Lin rejected Fang Heng’s invitation.

“Before the apocalypse, our Crimson Blood Mercenary Group was hired by the
Meteorite Company to protect the staff of the research institute. After the
outbreak of the apocalypse, we chose to stay here to prevent the virus in the
quarantine zone from leaking out.”

“Now that Bragg is dead and the quarantine zone is about to fall, there is no need
for us to stay here. We can rely on our abilities to survive the apocalypse.” “No,
it’s not falling. It’s just a temporary evacuation. I promise that we will take
back the shelter and seal the quarantine zone again. After that, the quarantine
zone will still need your protection.”

Fang Heng thought for a moment and tried to persuade them based on the best story
he had seen in previous strategies. “For the sake of this world, I need your

Huo Lin lowered his head again and fell into deep thought.

“Fang Heng, I don’t know if I should believe you. How about this? I’ll give you 10
days. If you can regain control of the quarantine zone in 10 days, then I’m willing
to join your shelter.”

“Of course, you also have to protect the lives of the original workers.”

Fang Heng turned his head and looked at Qiu Yaokang

Qiu Yaokang nodded. “That’s enough. 10 days is enough for me to replicate the
special gas used to neutralize the high-concentration virus. The prerequisite is
that I need enough gas to make the raw materials.”

Fang Heng happily agreed. “Alright, we have a


(Hint: Player’s current mission-Infected zone crisis status-partially completed.]

(Hint: Based on your performance in the mission, you have obtained 35,000 survival
points. Your favorability rating with the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group has

(Hint: You have triggered the follow-up mission-Crimson Blood Mercenary Group’s

Mission name: Crimson Blood Mercenary Group’s test.

Mission difficulty: SSS.

Mission requirements: Repair the damaged safety valve in the infected zone within
10 days and disperse the high concentration of poisonous gas in the infected zone.

Mission difficulty: SSS.

Mission reward: Survival points, Crimson Blood Mercenary Group and some staff of
the secret research institute.

Huo Lin nodded and said, “I’ll have to trouble you for this time.”

“If you’re ready, start moving immediately,” Qiu Yaokang urged from the side. “I
need to leave as much detoxifying gas as possible as a sample for analysis.”


Huo Lin immediately arranged for the research institute staff to start preparing
for evacuation.

Fang Heng then shifted his gaze to Deng Xin at the side.

Facing Fang Heng’s gaze, Deng Xin’s expression changed slightly.

She wouldn’t be silenced, right?

It wasn’t worth it to die here for no reason!

Deng Xin decided to struggle for the last time.

“Fang Heng, I promise you that everything I see and hear here will be kept

“Sign the contract, confidentiality clause, anything is fine!” Fang Heng took two
steps forward.

He sized up Deng Xin and then sent her an invitation.

“Why don’t you consider joining my studio? You can work online, and the pay is
three times that of an ordinary A-list gaming company.”

Deng Xin was stunned.


She suddenly felt like she had gone from Hell to Heaven.

“Okay! Boss! I’m willing!”

Without thinking, Deng Xin directly imitated Liao Bufan’s way of addressing him as

She was afraid that Fang Heng would regret it!

Money was not the key. The key was future development!

Even an idiot could see how great the potential of Fang Heng’s shelter was!

Not to mention that she had just gotten a mission reward thanks to Fang Heng. It
was just an unfinished SSS-level mission, and she had already gotten 6000 survival
points! It was a huge sum of money in the early stages of the game! Working with
this new boss would be better than taking jobs in the black market!

“Hmm… very good…”

Fang Heng nodded and stroked his chin. “I think you have the potential to be a spy.
I have a very important mission for you.”

Deng Xin: ???

(Hint: You have learned a skill-building maintenance mastery Level 1.] Skill:
Building maintenance mastery.

Skill description 1: You can repair most of the buildings (when you repair the
buildings that you have mastered, you can obtain additional maintenance progress
and reduce the difficulty of maintenance).

Skill description 2: Level up the skill can obtain an additional maintenance

success rate, reduce maintenance consumption and maintenance time (the highest
skill can be upgraded to Level 50). “Done!”

After slapping the skill book on his head, Fang Heng let out a sigh of relief.

In the early stages of the game, it was very troublesome to get a specific skill

Fortunately, building maintenance skills were not very popular. Mo Jiawei spent a
little effort to get it from the black market.

But even so, it still cost Fang Heng close to 10 million Federation coins.

After that, the skill book travelled back and forth in the game through the Dark
Knights’ teleportation passage. By the time it reached Fang Heng’s hands, it was
almost night.

After learning the skill, Fang Heng immediately opened the teleportation passage.

Fang Heng sat in front of the bonfire and opened the game log to remotely control
the zombie team.

Currently, the zombie team was divided into three groups by Fang Heng.

In the afternoon, Lucia had already led a group of Lickers and a small team of Dark
Knights from the shelter to carry out the expansion plan and eliminate the

Of the remaining two groups, one group was led by Tyrant into the secret research
institute that was full of high-concentration viruses to carry out the maintenance

The other group of reserves were sent by Fang Heng to cut down the trees.

Chapter 219 6 Alloy

(Hint: Your zombie clone is exposed to a high concentration of the virus, and its
HP will continue to decrease (as time goes by, the rate of HP reduction will
gradually increase).]

Due to the effects of the poisonous gas, the zombies that entered the secret
research institute began to slowly lose HP.

This caused quite a bit of trouble for Fang Heng’s maintenance plan.

There was good news as well.

At this time, the high-tier zombies that were densely packed in the secret research
institute rarely took the initiative to attack their ‘own kind’.

Fang Heng could relax his hands and feet, and boldly repair the safety valve
without being interrupted by attacks.

After the zombie team found the safety valve at Point C, Fang Heng’s game log began
to flood the screen again.

(Hint: Your zombie clone is using S alloy to repair the safety valve.]

(Hint: You have consumed 8 alloy*6. This repair has increased the gate’s integrity
by 0.7.)

(Hint: Your zombie clone’s HP has decreased…]

Fang Heng calmed himself down and waited for half an hour.

The zombie clone’s HP had decreased by about 30%.

Fang Heng made a slight calculation.

Without considering the use of the HP recovery skill, the zombie clone would
probably only last for an hour in the secret research room.

After coming to this conclusion, Fang Heng began to formulate a hack plan.

With a 50-minute limit, the zombies entered the secret research institute to repair
the gate in batches. After coming out, they would rest for another 20 minutes to
recover HP…

And so on and so forth.

“It’s done! Hack slowly!”

Fang Heng was extremely tired. He rubbed his sore eyes and quickly went offline
after arranging the hack.

He had already stayed in the game for two days and one night without going offline.
He had to rely on his coffee to survive. It was only because Fang Heng’s physique
attribute was higher than that of an ordinary player. Otherwise, he would not have
been able to hold on and fall asleep.

After going offline, Fang Heng walked out of the game cabin and directly pounced on
the big bed.

Not long after he laid down, in a daze, Fang Heng received another call from Mo

“Hello? God? Are you asleep?”.

“Yes, I just laid down. What’s the matter?”

“We’ve run into a bit of trouble. Regarding the player’s shelter, if we encounter
those who put up resistance, we will directly destroy them, no question about it.
But what if we run into someone who’s willing to surrender?”

After exiting the game, fatigue doubled. Fang Heng was already very sleepy, and his
consciousness was a bit hazy.

“What’s our original plan? Give them some resources to move away?”

“God, resources aren’t enough…”

Mo Jiawei smiled bitterly. “Without a shelter, they won’t be able to survive the
blood moon with just resources.”

“They’ll definitely fight us to the death. There’s no need to give them resources.
Besides, it’s not good for our work studio’s reputation.”

“So Lucia suggested that if we meet anyone who is willing to surrender to us, we
can bring them back to the shelter first to ensure their safety. Then, we can send
them away after the blood moon passes…”


Fang Heng forced his drowsy brain to think for a moment.

That was fine.

There was no problem.

Ever since Building No. 2 and Building No. 3 of the shelter had been cleaned up,
the prison’s space had tripled.

Anyway, the prison was big enough and there were enough prison cells…

It was just like bringing them back to prison.

Moreover, the first blood moon was not strong. Now, in addition to the Dark
Knights, there were also Tyrants guarding the shelter.

Oh right, there was also the automatic turret built by Victor…

“Okay, then we’ll do as you say, but remember our principles.”

“After cleaning up, we must burn down their shelter to prevent them from playing
games with us again. We’ll go back and rebuild the shelter after the blood moon.”

“Okay, I will remember that.”

Fang Heng was about to hang up the phone when he suddenly remembered a detail that
was almost overlooked.


“Ah? What?” “It’s okay to stay in our shelter temporarily, but do they pay rent? Do
they pay for food?” Fang Heng felt that he was too careless. He suffered a loss the
last time as a result of the Federation’s blood moon project as they did not pay
for food. He definitely couldn’t suffer another loss due to this group of people!
“This… they probably won’t pay, right?” “Then let them pay for their meals.”
Fang Heng yawned as he spoke.

“It’s fine if they don’t pay. Let them move logs outside every day to pay off their

Coincidentally, there was also a group of zombies that would chop down trees
outside at night. A large number of logs were left in the wild, but no one picked
them up. n𝔬𝑽ℯ)𝑳𝗯)1n


Relying on Liu Yi and the other workers, the efficiency of picking up logs was too

It would be a waste not to use them!

“Alright, God, we’ll do as you say!”

The next morning, at the Federation’s temporary resource collection point outside
Hope Town.

Looking at the large military truck parked outside the resource point, all the
players inside the resource point cast envious gazes.

you’ve been prompted? You’re in charge of the daily operation of the entire
temporary resource point?” “That’s because the superiors trust me. Oh right, why do
you suddenly need so many ore materials?”

“It’s all because of the blood moon project. You’ve stuffed so many people into my
prison. Can’t you expand the prison and raise the prison’s defense level?”

Fang Heng spread his hands. “Otherwise, how can I resist the blood moon zombie

Chen Yu was embarrassed and scratched his head.

No wonder Fang Heng wanted so many high-tier ores. He must have obtained some
special defensive blueprint.

“I’m sorry. The anti-federation faction’s attack was too sudden. I really can’t
find anyone else in the area who has the ability to accommodate so many players…”

“It’s fine, it’s fine.”

Fang Heng generously waved his hand. “You guys have also provided us with resources
for free. We’re even now.”

Repairing the safety valve in the quarantine zone required a special 8 alloy.

Fang Heng had been hacking the whole of last night and woke up this morning to take
a look.

D*mn it, all the alloy metals had been used up!

The safety valve in Area C had only been repaired to 87% . However, his maintenance
skill level had also been raised to Level 8.

He should be able to save more on the subsequent use of materials.

The problem was that the current & alloy required several kinds of ores as raw
materials and making them was very troublesome.

Some of the ore resources could not be found in the forest area.

Therefore, Fang Heng could only take advantage of the blood moon project as an
exchange and ask the Federation for a large batch of rare ores.

In addition, Mo Jiawei also purchased another batch at a high price.

“The agreed second group of blood moon project personnel will arrive at the prison
shelter in batches this afternoon. When the time comes, I’ll have to trouble you to
provide protection for them.”

“No problem. Leave it to me. I’ll guarantee that they’ll survive the blood moon

Fang Heng yawned again as he spoke.

He had only slept for eight hours last night.

He was not completely awake!

Chen Yu looked at the truck that was loaded with the ores and said, “Fang Heng, you
want a lot of ores. I’m afraid that one truck won’t be able to hold it, right?”

“It’s okay. I’ve brought a few more trucks. They are a bit slow. I think we’ll have
to wait a little longer.”

“There are more trucks?”

Chen Yu was surprised.

A military transport truck was already very precious. In their entire temporary
resource point, they only had two normal transport trucks that they had just
applied for.

When did Fang Heng’s shelter become so rich?

Chen Yu scratched his head and said, “That’s good. There are a few players on the
blood moon project list that are already on my side. If it’s convenient, can you
pick them up together?”


Fang Heng readily agreed.

Chapter 220 I Knew It Was Him

As the two of them were talking, an ear-piercing alarm suddenly sounded from within
the Federation Temporary Resource Point.

Chen Yu’s expression changed slightly. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s possible that the investigators have discovered some danger and triggered the
alarm. I’ll go over and take a look.”

Chen Yu explained and quickly walked towards the hall of the Temporary Resource
Fang Heng immediately followed him.

“Who sounded the alarm?”

On the second floor of the hall, a Federation soldier handed the binoculars to Chen
Yu. “Captain Chen, look over there!”

Chen Yu took the binoculars and looked in the direction the soldier pointed.

What was that?

Armoured vehicles?!

About five armoured vehicles were heading towards the Temporary Resource Point

Chen Yu was so shocked that he broke out in a cold sweat. Was it someone from the
anti-federation faction?!



Offensive players aside, these people were already attacking the Federation

How much did they invest in these five armoured vehicles?

Was it necessary? Were the people from the anti-federal organisation crazy?

Or was it because of some special strategic significance of Server 8?

For a moment, several terrifying thoughts appeared in Chen Yu’s mind.

D*mn it!

Chen Yu, who had just become the leader of the Temporary Resource Point, was a
little flustered.

The armoured vehicles could be carrying rocket launchers!

And the damage caused by the rocket launcher to the Resource Point building would
be extremely huge!

“Quick, report to the superiors!”

“Cough, cough.”

Fang Heng coughed lightly and patted Chen Yu’s shoulder.

“Don’t be nervous, Chen Yu. They’re my people.”


Chen Yu turned his head and looked at Fang Heng with a strange look. He asked
again, “Your armoured vehicles?”

Fang Heng nodded and smiled kindly.

“Don’t look so scared. How is it? Do you feel more assured about my prison shelter?
With them, it will be safe to survive the Blood Moon.”

Chen Yu: “…”

Seeing that Fang Heng was not joking, Chen Yu could not help but open his mouth.

Although he was relieved, he was still very shocked.

Their Federation had not yet been equipped with trucks, how did Fang Heng manage to
get these armoured vehicles?

“Where did you get so many armoured vehicles?”

“Guess? I’ll give you three chances.”

Armoured vehicles…

Fang Heng…

Pine City…

By connecting the three things, Chen Yu immediately thought of the armoured

vehicles found in the factory of the Meteorite Company in Pine City! n-)O𝓋𝑒𝓵𝒷In

Some time ago, Chen Yu also participated in the mission in Pine City from the
command room.

During that mission, Fang Heng successfully repaired the armoured vehicles in the
Meteorite Company’s factory, which allowed the Dark Knights to quickly gather and
greatly increase the completion rate of the mission.

“You got them from Pine City?”

“Awesome, you got it right the first time!”

Fang Heng snapped his fingers. “Didn’t expect the scale to become so big after the
promotion, right?” “Okay, you’re making fun of me.”

Chen Yu smiled bitterly.

He still did not understand and asked, “But how did you send such a heavy armoured
vehicle back to the shelter?”.

Fang Heng pointed at his temple with his index finger. “Of course, I used my

Chen Yu frowned.

He quickly thought of Fang Heng’s decision to stay behind in Pine City

while everyone retreated.

And his disappearance during this period…

Could it be that he stayed in Pine City to think of a way to tinker with the
armoured vehicle?
Hmm… that made sense!

“Alright, Fang Heng, I admit defeat.”

Chen Yu felt that his IQ was not high enough.

He decided not to think too much. After all, it was not the first time he had met
Fang Heng. He had seen too many of Fang Heng’s tricks.

As long as he was sure that Fang Heng was not from the anti-federation
organisation, it would be fine.

“Speaking of Pine City, the Dark Knights are preparing to enter Pine City for
another exploration after the Blood Moon Tide passes. We are already researching a
special weapon to deal with the mutated spiders.”

Chen Yu patted Fang Heng’s shoulder and said in a low voice, “We heard that the
pesticide seems to have a miraculous effect on them. They are currently developing
special weapons. If there’s any news, I will immediately inform you.”


Fang Heng looked at Chen Yu and wanted to say something, but he hesitated.

Should he tell him the truth?

He had already cleared most of Pine City…

Forget it, it was better not to tell him.

“Next time we go to Pine City, let’s continue our alliance.”

Fang Heng coughed lightly.

“Cough cough, definitely next time.”

Soon, five armoured vehicles neatly stopped at the entrance of the Federation
Temporary Resource Point.

Armoured vehicles were originally used for combat, but after Victor’s modification,
each armoured vehicle had a large trailer at the back, greatly increasing the load.

The disadvantage was that it looked somewhat out of place.

Moreover, the speed was relatively slow.

Five elite Dark Knights got down from the armoured vehicles.

It couldn’t be helped. This time, Fang Heng could only personally lead the team
over. After all, other than the elite Dark Knights, it was difficult for other
players to drive the armoured vehicles for a long distance. Chen Yu silently looked
at these armoured vehicles and the elite Dark Knights mercenary, his eyes filled
with envy.

He sighed in his heart.

Sigh! Armoured vehicles!

He wanted one…
Unfortunately, his superiors would not even approve a military armoured vehicle,
let alone such a high-grade vehicle.

Chen Yu shook his head and waved his hand to signal the Federation soldiers to help
move the ores into the trailer.

While helping to move the ores, Chen Yu carefully thought about the wording and
asked, “Uh, Fang Heng, has your shelter been expanding externally recently?”.

Fang Heng was stunned and asked curiously, “How did you know?”

Chen Yu resisted the urge to ridicule Fang Heng. He thought to himself, “You’ve
created such a big commotion. It’s impossible for us not to know!”


Chen Yu sighed again.

When he first received the complaint, his first reaction was that Fang Heng had
done the whole thing

Sure enough, his guess was correct.

“What’s wrong? Why do you have a weird expression?”

“It’s like this. Recently, we received a few more reports saying that the Dark
Knights had participated in the anti-federal organization’s attack on the player’s
base. We even thought that they were implicated by the Blood Moon Project.”

Chen Yu was silent for a moment as he spoke.

He recalled how his superiors had broken into cold sweat when they heard the news.

At first, his superiors thought that the anti-federal organization might have
obtained a high military rank within the Dark Knights, so they immediately launched
an investigation.

However, strangely, Chen Yu was much calmer than his superiors when he heard the

He did not panic at all.

Dark Knights?

Chen Yu’s first reaction was that this was most likely done by Fang Heng.

This had almost become a thinking habit for Chen Yu.

Chen Yu felt that his superiors were a little impatient and that he should contact
Fang Heng first.

After a thorough investigation, the results were even more shocking to the

Counting yesterday afternoon and night, the shelters of 15 players were attacked by
the same Dark Knights’ team.

This team was made up of elite Dark Knights and a zombie team…
It was a very strange combination. Some players even swore that they saw Lickers in
that team.

The final result was that out of the 15 shelters, 7 were destroyed and 8

Chapter 221 Victor Joins the Party

After surrendering, the players’ shelter was burned down on the spot and all
players who chose to surrender were sent to the prison shelter.

The prison shelter signed a contract with the surrendering players to ensure their
safe passage to tide through the Blood Moon.

The whole process was very professional and formal.

It was said that the prison shelter could guarantee them three meals.

Not only that, they could even live in separate cells.


After hearing the news, the Federation heaved a sigh of relief.

Now, they could be sure.

This was not the work of the anti-federation forces. It was Fang Heng’s doing.

The Federation had learned from various sources that Fang Heng had not completely
revealed his talent skills on his resume.

They judged that Fang Heng’s talent skill was to control a zombie corpse and the
number of zombies that could be controlled by him should be more than one.

This also explained why Fang Heng was able to develop rapidly in the early stages
of the game.

As for the Lickers that several players saw…

They suspected that the players were so shocked by the incident that they
hallucinated about the Lickers.

Of course, the biggest possibility was that the Dark Knights were behind it.

It was recorded in the Federation’s classified information.

In the middle and later stages of other servers, it was observed that there were
superpowered people in the Dark Knights who could control the Lickers and other
zombies to fight.

The Blood Moon was about to arrive and the players were in danger.

But at this time, Fang Heng was still thinking of expanding…

It was worrisome.

Chen Yu hesitated for a moment but still tried to communicate with Fang Heng
according to the instructions of his superiors.
It was not illegal for players to fight for territory.

But they could not cause too much panic.

Stability was of utmost priority. It was a bit too much to take down 15 shelters in
less than a day.

His superiors were so scared that they had to take medicine to stabilise their

“Fang Heng, it’s normal to expand the shelter territory. Our Federation will not
interfere in matters among the players.”

“But if you have similar plans in the future, you’d better inform us to avoid any
trouble, okay?”

Fang Heng nodded his head suspiciously. He thought to himself, what the hell was
the Federation thinking?

He only destroyed a few players’ shelters, was there a need to be so wary?

“Yes, I’ll try my best.”

Chen Yu felt as if his teeth were aching.

What the hell was ‘try my best’?!

After leaving the Federation Temporary Resource Point, five armoured vehicles
loaded with ores slowly drove into the prison shelter.

One by one, the players under the protection of the Blood Moon Project got down
from the armoured vehicles.

They all looked at the prison shelter.

The thick walls and the sentry towers gave them a sense of security.

Of course, there were also armoured vehicles!

This was the first time they had encountered an armoured vehicle.

Not to mention the new server, even the old server did not have this kind of

Liao Bufan brought Liu Yi and two NPC survivors over.

He asked Liu Yi and the NPC to guide the new batch of players to enter Prison
Building No. 3 to register. Then, he moved closer to Fang Heng and reported in a
low voice.

“Boss, I’ve already arranged for people to clear out Building No. 2 and Building
No. 3. I’ve also sealed off the road leading from Building No. 2 and Building No. 3
to the basement. Elite Dark Knights are guarding it 24 hours a day.” “Not to
mention, the prison is really useful. It’s very convenient to arrange for two
people in one room.” “Well…”

Fang Heng looked at the other side of the prison square.

There were quite a number of players pointing at the ores on the armoured vehicles
and trailers. They all looked surprised.

“Who are they?”

“They are the first batch of refugees sent by the Federation for the Blood Moon
Project. Some of them are ‘prisoners of war’ brought back by Lucia.”

“I restrict all outsiders from entering Building No. 3 and they are not allowed to
leave the shelter.”

“Most of these people are offline. They go online once or twice a day to eat. Some
of them want to stay for a long time. When they go online, they wander around the
prison buildings and prison square.”

“As for those ‘prisoners of war’, I plan to let them go outside in the afternoon to
pick up logs to pay for their meals.”

Fang Heng narrowed his eyes.

Oh right, there were also ‘prisoners of war’.

He knew that among the people that the shelter took in, there would be spies from
the gaming unions and companies.

Some information about the prison shelter would be leaked.

However, Fang Heng was not worried.

What they saw was just the tip of the iceberg.

The real secrets of the shelter were hidden in the basement of Building No. 3.

If they wanted to enter that place, they had to pass through the intersection
guarded by the Dark Knights.

In addition, the entrance to the secret passage in the basement was blocked by the
Tyrant twenty-four hours a day.

If they were unlucky and entered the room where the corpse vine was planted, it
would be even more interesting… n𝕠𝗏𝐞-𝗅𝓫.In

On the premise that the secrets of the basement of the shelter were not discovered,
revealing the strong defense of the prison to the public could deter the major
gaming companies and save them some unnecessary trouble.

Fang Heng whispered, “I’ll leave them to you. Don’t let them get close to Building
No. 3.”

Liao Bufan also knew the importance of this matter. He nodded and said in a low
voice, “Yes, I understand. Leave it to me.”

Fang Heng still needed to focus on the reconstruction of the quarantine zone of the
secret research institute.

With enough ores, the next step would be ore smelting

Well, he had to make another trip to get back all the furnaces in the abandoned
Fang Heng pondered over the next step of his plan.

David and Victor walked out of Prison Building No. 3 while chatting and laughing.

When he saw Fang Heng, Victor showed a relieved smile.

“Fang Heng, thank you. Angel has been transferred to the newly built sterile ward
in the basement. She’s in good condition now.”

“Mr Qiu has brought his research team to check on Angel’s condition. He has also
promised to personally make an anti-viral treatment drug for her.”

“If you don’t mind, I will stay here forever. I’m already so old and don’t have any
other skills. I still have some experience in building and mechanical modification.
I hope I can be of some help to you.”

Fang Heng was excited. “What do you mean by ‘if you don’t mind’? You’re too polite.
It’s great that you can join my shelter!”

(Hint: You have completed the mission-Victor’s request.]

(Hint: You have obtained 3,500 survival points. Victor (click here to see the
detailed attribute) has joined your shelter.] (Hint: Victor’s current loyalty:
Max.] (Hint: Player’s current shelter can build a special building-special
mechanical research room.)

(Hint: Your shelter’s level has been increased.]

(Hint: Your shelter’s attractiveness has been increased.]


The shelter’s Chief Mechanical Engineer was finally here!

Fang Heng was a little excited and opened Victor’s character attribute to check.

Character: Victor.

Evaluation: S+

Level: 4

Strength: 6

Physique: 7

Agility: 4

Perception: 7 Intellligence: 13 Will: 7.

Current loyalty: Max


Basic Science (Level 78)

Mechanical modification (Level 77).

Mechanized construction (Level 69)

Scientific fitness (Level 12)

Rationalization of mechanical use (Level 59) Mechanical research and development

(Level 82)

Advanced buildings (Level 77) Advanced mechanical maintenance (Level 99) Advanced
building maintenance (Level 99)

Super learning (Level 70) Focus (Level 70)

Awakened talent skill: Architectural potential (Level 3)

Talent skill level: S

Talent skill description: Increases the efficiency of all team members by 20% for
construction, mechanical construction, building maintenance and mechanical
maintenance. For every 1 level increase in skill level, an additional 1% efficiency
bonus will be obtained

Chapter 222 The Prison was Extremely Good

Victor and Qiu Yaokang were both S+ level characters.

Victor also had a talent skill!

Needless to say, Victor’s support skill was very useful!

It directly increased the construction rate by 23%! It would be beneficial to the

entire team! Fang Heng looked around again. He had already enjoyed the effects of
Victor’s team skill.

Due to the inheritance effect of the zombie clone, his zombie clones had also
increased their construction speed by 23%.

The effect was immediate.



Fang Heng looked at Victor and still felt that something was not right.

In terms of strength, Victor was indeed very


Not to mention the exoskeleton enhanced mechanism that was still in the research
centre, just the automatic turrets were worth the ticket price.

Fang Heng had seen it with his own eyes when he was in Pine City.

When the time came to surround the outer wall of the shelter with a circle of
automatic turrets, the entire shelter’s defensive ability would undergo a further
qualitative change! Victor was indeed worthy of an S+ level rating.


In Fang Heng’s opinion, Victor’s strength was about the same as Qiu Yaokang’s.

As far as geniuses were concerned, Victor might still be a little lacking.

Why did the anti-federation forces have to spend so much effort to hunt down

They had no interest in Qiu Yaokang, who was at the same level.

Could it be that Victor had other secrets that had not been discovered?

Should he go and probe the Federation?

They might know something. Victor suggested to Fang Heng.

“Fang Heng, I want to set up a large-scale mechanical research room in the shelter
to facilitate my subsequent research and level up of mechanical weapons.”

“Of course, Victor. From now on, you will be the Chief Mechanical Engineer of the

“Haha, thank you for your trust. Fang Heng, I feel like this is my new home. I will
do my best to protect this place, just like how I will protect Angel.”

“Of course, this is your home. If you need any materials for the building, just
come to me. I will help you think of a way…”

Fang Heng decided to stop thinking about Victor’s matter for the time being.

After all, there was still the issue of the quarantine zone waiting for him to deal

After the quarantine zone was completed, there was still time to think of a way to
find out Victor’s secret.

Zhou Xuehai was an ordinary employee of the Foursquare Gaming Club.

A little-known gaming company.

Unfortunately, just a day ago, his gaming company’s shelter in District 8 was taken
over by a group of thugs. The girl in the lead had a hot figure, and her looks were


The more beautiful a woman was, the more dangerous she was!

She commanded a zombie team to attack the shelter, crazily destroying the shelter’s
periphery defense structure. After a short resistance, the boss of the company
surrendered and signed a protection contract with the thugs.

Zhou Xuehai was also sent to prison.

At first, Zhou Xuehai was desperate.

He felt that his life would be lost in the Blood Moon.

But after entering the prison, Zhou Xuehai felt that he had discovered a new world!

The strength of the prison’s defense was beyond his imagination.

The outermost perimeter was barbed wire, and the inner side was reinforced with two
layers of cement walls. n𝑂𝑣𝑒)𝑙𝒷(In

High-tier NPC mercenaries were guarding the sentry tower 24 hours a day.

They even used sniper rifles as their weapons…

It was too terrifying! When Zhou Xuehai first saw the armoured vehicles parked in
the prison square, he was shocked.


1 wei

The accommodations in the prison were also pretty good.

He was assigned to a double cell in the prison.

It was clean and spacious.

It was much better than the small shelter he used to live in. Three meals a day
were delivered to the door of the cell.

As he thought about it carefully, staying here would allow him to safely tide
through the Blood Moon, not only that, he was given three meals a day and was able
to eat and drink as much as he wanted. It was not bad living here…

It seemed that life was better than before?

Zhou Xuehai heard that after signing the surrender contract, his boss received a
demolition payment. More or less, the company was compensated for the investment in
the game during this period, allowing them to start over in another place.

The only trouble was that they were required to move 500 units of logs outside
every day as food expenses.

If they moved more logs, they could get extra money…

The forest outside the prison was also very strange. There were logs everywhere, so
they could pick them up at will.

At first, Zhou Xuehai was not very willing.

Only a fool would move more logs!

In order to eat, Zhou Xuehai was forced to spend more than an hour every day,
randomly picking up some logs to complete his daily mission.

But later, something was not right.

Zhou Xuehai found that there was a group of ‘fighters’ in the other prison group.
They had been picking up logs outside since dawn. They had been moving logs back
and forth for a whole day!

It was strange. The purchase price of the prison log was very low.
Had this group of fighters gone crazy?

After many inquiries, Zhou Xuehai finally came to a realization.

It turned out that one could obtain additional honey during the process of picking
up logs outside!

The prison said that they could do anything they like with the honey. However,
players could not just pick up the honey without picking up the logs. If they were
found out, they would be shot to death.

The prison also set up an area where players could pick up the logs. They sent out
several NPC squads of the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group with submachine guns to
patrol and check. At the same time, they welcomed players to supervise and report…
Zhou Xuehai instantly understood!

Honey was quite valuable! Apart from filling one’s stomach, it could also slightly
reduce the degree of infection. If one drank too much, it could also increase a
character’s attribute!

A player gave a precise calculation in the forum. After consuming a total of 20

bottles, a character’s physique attribute had increased by 0.3!

Normally, a bottle of honey could be sold for close to 10,000 yuan in the outside

According to the group of fighters, they could get 4 to 5 bottles of honey in a day
by moving the logs.

Even if they were unlucky, they could still get money from moving logs.

What were you waiting for?

Zhou Xuehai immediately joined the army of fighters and became one of them.

What made Zhou Xuehai even more surprised was that he heard a friend from the
company mention that he chatted with the guards of the prison camp while playing
basketball in the afternoon.

It was a mission that triggered the basketball game!

Win the game!

Unfortunately, those NPCs were like cheats.

Their physical fitness was too strong.

The mission was not completed in the end, but those NPCs were very happy and taught
him a D-level revolver mastery skill!

This news quickly spread throughout the prison.

The players immediately lost their composure.

D*mn it! This prison was full of treasures!

Zhou Xuehai wanted to stay here and not leave!

He didn’t have to worry about food and drink. He could even earn money to learn

Where could he find such a good place?

After moving the logs for a whole day, Zhou Xuehai dragged his tired body and went

It was tiring but worth it!

Today, he had explosive luck. He picked up a total of eight bottles of honey, which
made his colleagues from the company extremely envious.

He had received nearly half a year’s salary!

Just as he was about to take a shower and go to sleep, Zhou Xuehai’s phone rang.

“Meng Hao?”

Zhou Xuehai remembered his childhood playmate.

He had heard that Meng Hao had been doing quite well over the years. He had been
promoted to a big company and had become a C-something

This kid had been smart since he was young! “It’s been a long time since we last
had dinner together, hasn’t it? How have you been doing recently? Can you help me

After some small talk, Meng Hao cut to the chase. “Actually, there’s something I
need to talk to you about. I heard that you’re in prison, right?”

“You’re always so well-informed….”

“Mm, I need to ask you something.”

Chapter 223 Facing a Great Enemy

AEFC Gaming Company.

It used to be one of the top gaming companies in the world.

After a series of internal reforms, AEFC gained a firm foothold in the King of
Gods’ game and occupied District 3.

At this moment, the meeting room was filled with the company’s executives.

A handsome young man stood in front of the projector. “The night before last, our
shelter in the forest region was attacked. The next morning, Shelter No. 7, which
was near the Twilight Mountains region, was also attacked by the same team.”

“Unfortunately, both shelters were destroyed.”

“Please take a look. This is a part of the video captured when the shelter was

“It can be concluded that the attacker’s team is the most powerful elite Dark
Knights combat team in the Zombie Apocalypse game. They are the highest-level
mercenaries that can be hired in the game.”
“This team far exceeds us in terms of weapons, equipment and individual abilities.”

In the meeting room, the executives of various companies whispered to each other.

The scene on the screen was shocking.

The elite Dark Knights’ team wielded more power and was able to suppress their
opponents with their high-tiered weapons and long-range firepower.

The player from the shelter had just poked his head out from behind the cover and
the next second, the enemy would snipe him from afar.

What could they use to fight back?

Wooden bow?

Their entire shelter only had two pistols and more than a dozen bullets.

“Which company can form such a small team?”

“If the player can have the combat power of the Dark Knights in the early stages,
it is indeed impossible to resist their attacks.”

“The gap in terms of equipment is too big. It is not strange to lose.”

“Is there a need? The game is only in the early stages and they are already
starting to expand…”

Meng Hao controlled the video to freeze on a certain frame, zooming in on a blurry

“Everyone, please take a look at this.”

Seeing the ferocious Licker on the screen, the company’s higher-ups were once again
in an uproar.

“What is that thing?”


“Why would a Licker appear on the battlefield?”

Meng Hao nodded and said, “Yes, it’s a Licker.”

“This team of Dark Knights is not only equipped with excellent weapons, but they
can also control a small number of Lickers to assist in battle.”

“After the fall of the shelter, we immediately investigated the origin of this

“Now we can confirm that they are from the forest area prison shelter team.”

“Using the name on the Internet, we will temporarily call them ‘Prison Army’.”

As Meng Hao spoke, he switched the screen.

A personal photo of Fang Heng appeared on the screen.

In the photo, Fang Heng looked quite proud and aloof.

“This is the person behind the prison, Fang Heng.”

“Let me introduce him briefly. Player Fang Heng once joined a local professional
gaming team. Later, he was found to have some problems and was expelled from the


“Some time ago, Fang Heng joined Phoenix Sound Gaming Company. Later, due to
internal disputes, he voluntarily resigned.”

“According to the information that Phoenix Sound received, Fang Heng is an

extremely dangerous character. He has caused great losses to the gaming company.”

“After leaving the company, Fang Heng set up his own studio. I heard that his
studio has been working closely with the Federation. Not long after that, he joined
the Federation’s Blood Moon Project.”

Meng Hao’s tone gradually became heavy.

“All things considered, I believe that the prison will be the biggest competitor
our company will face in the near future!”

“In terms of military strength, if we were to fight him head-on…”

“We have no chance of winning.”

There was an uproar within the company.


An old man with a white beard who was more than a hundred years old gently knocked
on the table.

Chen Jun.

He was one of the company’s founding members and had witnessed the ups and downs of
the company. He was an authoritative figure and had a say in the entire company.

“How about cooperating with him? Have you contacted Fang Heng?”

“Mr Chen.”

Meng Hao respectfully nodded at the old man.

“We have tried to contact Fang Heng’s newly established work studio. The other
party has indicated that they will seek instructions from the boss, Fang Heng.
However, there has been no follow-up so far.”

“Nonetheless, judging from the actions of Fang Heng’s team for the past two days,
they have no intention of cooperating with external parties.” “Everywhere they go,
they negotiate first and offer compensation to ask other players to leave.”

“If the other players don’t agree, they will immediately go to war with them. They
are very resolute and decisive in their actions.”

“In addition, this team has the ability to move at night. They are advancing too
“The most critical point is that based on the rate they are expanding the prison
area, they are expected to expand to our central district, Meng City, at 11 o’clock
tomorrow night.”

The meeting room was dead silent.

Meng City.

This was the central focus of their plan!

About ten years ago, the company took control of the entire server in District 3.

They accidentally discovered a special hidden mission.

Unfortunately, for some reason, the mission could not be completed in the district.

From then on, AEFC had already started planning

Their target was District 8, which they did not know when it would open.

The AEFC Gaming Company was confident that once they completed this mission, they
had over 50% certainty that District 8 would also be theirs.

The company had been preparing for this mission for more than ten years!

Finally, just a month ago, Server 8 opened.

The gaming company immediately found the mission point, Meng City, and started a
series of shelter construction with Meng City as the centre.

Ten years ago, AEFC Company had started the layout.

Everything was going according to the original plan.

AEFC Gaming Company had already built more than twenty small shelters around Meng
City as ‘outposts’.

After that, they would accumulate strength during the first Blood Moon and start
expanding ahead of time after the third Blood Moon.

However, they did not expect that before the first Blood Moon had even started,
they were already at risk of others expanding their territory.

Amidst the silence, a middle-aged man who looked fierce suggested, “Have you ever
thought of hiring people to disrupt their momentum?”

“How about hiring a mercenary group and paying mercenaries and players to attack
this small team?”

“We’ve already tried to contact several well-known mercenary groups and player
guilds, including the Blackthorn Mercenary Group, which is the strongest in the
elementary game.” “The mission reward we offered is three times the market price.”

“In the end, only two mercenary groups accepted our offer, but they quickly
cancelled the order and paid the liquidated damages after conducting a field

“As for the Blackthorn Mercenary Group…”

Meng Hao looked at the middle-aged man and paused, then he continued, “After they
heard the contents of the mission, they said that they would not accept any
missions related to the prison. They also advised us to consider developing in
another place and not to provoke that prison.”

Everyone fell into silence again.

In terms of combat ability, the Blackthorn Mercenary Group was the best in the
elementary game.

Even they were so afraid of the prison…

“In a head-on confrontation, the success rate of winning is infinitely close to


“We have done at least twenty battle assessments and simulations. Once we are
attacked by that team, the best outcome is that the other side will be slightly
injured and our shelter will be destroyed.”

“This is a crisis. If we don’t deal with it properly, the Meng City Project will be
completely destroyed by the Prison Army, and the hidden mission that we triggered
will be exposed.”

The air in the room seemed to freeze.

No one expected that there would be a point in time where the project that their
company had been planning for more than ten years would be in a life-and-death

Chapter 224 A Ticket to the Prison

“What about the Meteorite Company? They’ve already completed the third ring for the
hidden mission. We’ve helped Tsugawa Hideharu so much. He might not just stand by
and watch.”

“You’re right. With the strength of the mansion, we can compete with the prison.”

“But if we do that, Tsugawa Hideharu’s mansion will be completely exposed under

everyone’s eyes.” “After this incident, all of the major powers will be watching
us. Therefore, the mansion can only be our last trump card. We can not reveal it
until the very last moment.”

After a moment of silence, Chen Jun looked up at Meng Hao.

“Meng Hao, since we invited you to join the company, we naturally trust your
ability. What do you think?”

“I do!”

Meng Hao’s eyes shone brightly.

“Powerful cities are often broken from the inside.”

“I’ve investigated Fang Heng. He has one biggest weakness.”

“He’s too greedy.”

“Greed is the original sin.”

A confident smile appeared on Meng Hao’s face as he quickly switched to another

“This is the plan I’ve come up with. However, it’s going to take a huge amount of
money to start it.”

Chen Jun looked at the PowerPoint contents and fell into deep thought.

This plan…

Was feasible!

Early in the morning, Mo Jiawei dragged his tired body and went online. He was so

He didn’t sleep well last night. “Sergeant Mo Jiawei, last night, our team
successfully burned down another 12 shelters.” Lucia was still full of energy. She
showed off last night’s results to Mo Jiawei.

“If we didn’t have to deal with the prisoners of war, our speed would be even

The modification of the G-virus made Lucia only need a short rest every day.

She had been working 24 hours a day for the past two days.

During the day, she led the Dark Knights and at night, she led the zombie team to

Everywhere she went was in shambles.

“12 shelters… Lucia’s efficiency has increased again…”

Mo Jiawei muttered to himself.

He had just woken up and he was still in a daze.

Lucia continued, “I’ve arranged for a team to bring the ‘prisoners of war’ back to
the prison shelter. Next, we’ll continue to move toward the West Riverside area.
There are at least 7 shelters there.”

“Okay, just do as you said.”

Mo Jiawei yawned as he spoke. The team slowly moved forward.

Mo Jiawei ate some biscuits and the feeling of drowsiness finally eased a little.
From afar, he raised his binoculars to scrutinize the area. n.)0𝑣𝓮𝓵𝑏In

According to the information he had bought from the black market, there should be a
small player’s shelter not far away.

Sure enough, he saw it!

“Eh? What’s that?”

From his position, Mo Jiawei saw a few white flags flying outside the shelter.

Putting down the binoculars, Mo Jiawei opened his mouth.

From the very beginning, most of the players in the shelter had resisted, and they
would rather die in battle than surrender.

Several battles were fought furiously.

But in the past two days, as the small team gradually pushed forward, more and more
players began to surrender.

Yesterday afternoon, almost 70% of the shelter’s teams surrendered to Lucia.

Damn it, they didn’t even see their faces today and they just raised the white

The team slowed down and approached. Outside the shelter, a player was waving the
white flag excitedly.

“Are you the Prison Army? We surrender!!”

Inside the shelter, many players poked their heads out with eager looks.

Mo Jiawei suddenly felt an indescribable feeling.

Where did the term ‘Prison Army’ come from? And why did they all look so excited?

“We surrender! We surrender!! Let’s sign the contract, we agree to surrender.”

“Since you all know, then sign the contract…”

Mo Jiawei took out the contract he had prepared beforehand and handed it over.

Faintly, he felt as if he had overlooked something very serious.

Lucia did not feel that way at all.

In fact, she was extremely excited!

Seeing that the other party was cooperating obediently, Lucia immediately signalled
her Dark Knights to set fire to their shelter. Then, she opened the map and drew a
big cross on the shelter.

“Sergeant Mo Jiawei! Let’s continue to the next shelter!”

Lucia was full of fighting spirit. She looked like she was going to expand the
prison territory to include the surrounding 28 areas. “Uh… okay…”

Mo Jiawei took the surrender contract from the other player and looked through it

There was no problem!


Mo Jiawei felt that he must have not slept well these two days and had thought too

The plan was going so smoothly, how could there be a problem!

“Hello? Director?”

“Yes, yes, Ms Dai is… a friend of yours?”

“Yes! Director! I will complete the mission!”

Chen Yu swallowed his saliva and carefully closed the phone.

Director Xu’s sister-in-law also wanted to enter the prison shelter…

This was a bit troublesome and he would have to talk to Fang Heng again later.

Just as he recorded this in his notebook, Chen Yu’s phone rang again.

Seeing the caller ID, Chen Yu’s heart pounded wildly.

“Hello? Ali? Why did you blacklist my Wechat friend last time?”

“Oh, your nephew accidentally deleted it…”

“What? You want to treat me to a meal?”

“No, no, no, I’ll treat you.” “Ah, this… your good sister… She wants to join the
shelter too?”

“Yes, yes, I understand.”

“What prison?”

“She wants to go to the prison too.”

“Okay, okay, okay, I’ll fulfil your request.”

After hanging up, Chen Yu was in a daze.

Since this afternoon, he had received five or six calls, all requesting to be
transferred to the prison. What kind of magic did the prison have? “Ring, ring,
ring…” His phone rang again.

“Hello? Class Monitor?”

“Your nephew?”

“Ah? He wants to join the prison too?”

“No, no, no, I’ll help you think of a way. But Class Monitor, how did you know
about the prison shelter?”

“Ah? It’s all been exposed in the forums?”

“Okay, okay…”

Chen Yu hung up the phone with one hand and quickly opened the largest player’s
forum with the other.

An article went viral, with more than 100,000 replies appearing in the most eye-
catching location.

“The Blood Moon is coming, I’ve found a place with good feng shui.”
Chen Yu opened the article.

What the hell?

Prison Army?

Wasn’t that part of Fang Heng’s territory?

Chen Yu’s heart skipped a beat and he started reading carefully.

“You have powerful Dark Knights on guard to protect your life and safety 24 hours a

“Three meals a day, professional chefs to serve


“Inside the prison, they even provide income for moving logs…”

“There were also free instructors? Teaching basic skills for free?”

“There was even free honey to take?”

“Honey could increase the player’s physique attribute… it also had cosmetic

“The market price was 12,000 yuan per bottle…”

Looking at the promotional poster posted on the forum, Chen Yu fell into silence.

He could tell at a glance that this article was written by a professional. The
comments below were also one-sided compliments.

There was even news about the sale of prison tickets.

The price soared to 30,000 yuan per ticket.

Chapter 225 Difficulty Level

Prison ticket?

Fang Heng had never sold prison tickets to the public before right?

Chen Yu found it even more strange.

After taking a closer look, he couldn’t help but exclaim that the player knew how
to make a living.

A few shelters were built within the attack range of the Prison Army. They guessed
that the Prison Army might come over, so they frantically recruited players.

After the Prison Army came, they surrendered.

The player guild company directly earned a huge amount of entrance fee money!

Chen Yu felt that he had learnt something new!

In the game, many players felt that their shelter would not be able to survive the
Blood Moon, but after joining the prison, it was different.

The prison could guarantee safety, and meals and allow them to earn money. There
was even a chance that they could learn skills…

Chen Yu scratched his head again.

Was this article published by Fang Heng?

Was he doing something fancy again? Chen Yu felt that something was not right.

He made a rough estimate.

Including the Blood Moon Project and the prisoners of war that Fang Heng had
accepted, there should be more than 600 people in Fang Heng’s shelter.

With so many players gathered all at once…

By then, the difficulty level of the Blood Moon would double.

For safety reasons, it was better to contact Fang Heng in case something went

In the prison shelter’s newly built temporary command room.

The big screen was projecting a real-time image of the secret research room from a
distance. The four danger areas, A, B, C and D, were already displayed with green

The entire shelter was filled with applause and cheers.

(Hint: You have completed the repair of the safety valves in Areas A, B, C and D of
the secret research room.] (Hint: Your favorability rating with the research room
staff and the Crimson Blood Mercenary Group has increased significantly.] Fang Heng
had been hiding in the basement for the past two days, diligently controlling the
zombie clones to repair the safety valves in the quarantine zone. He had finally
repaired Area C and Area D which had the greatest damage.

If everything went smoothly, he would be able to complete the repair work of the
entire secret research institute in two days.

He didn’t know how Qiu Yaokang’s research was going

After all the safety valves were repaired, he still needed to carry out the last
step, neutralizing the high concentration of virus gas from the quarantine zone.

As Fang Heng was thinking, a blood-red game hint refreshed on his retina.

(Hint: 30 hours until the Blood Moon arrives. The first Blood Moon has entered its
final countdown.]

(Hint: The number of survivors (including those who are not online) in the
environment around your shelter has exceeded 800. Based on the current number of
people, you will be attacked by an additional number of zombies during the Blood
Moon. The difficulty level is estimated to be Level 27.]

(Hint: The strength of the attacks due to the Blood Moon is related to the number
of people. You can try to reduce the number of people around the shelter.)
(Hint: I wish you good luck. Survivors, please prepare for the arrival of the Blood

What was this situation?


Difficulty level: 27?

Fang Heng was startled.

When did so many people live in the prison?

Fang Heng was in a state of shock and he immediately used his communicator to
contact Liao Bufan.

“Yes, Boss. The number is correct. Including the NPCs, there are now 852 people in
the shelter.”

Liao Bufan checked the record book and immediately reported the detailed data.

“Where did so many people come from?”

“They are all ‘prisoners of war’ brought back by Lucia. Don’t you know, Boss?”

“You know what, Boss? Lucia is really aggressive. In just three days, we have
already cleared out all six areas connected to the forest. Now, apart from us,
there are a total of seven areas that have lost half of the player’s shelters…”


He was careless!

Fang Heng secretly exclaimed in his heart.

It had only been three days!

Fang Heng had originally estimated that Mo Jiawei and Lucia could expand to two or
three areas, which was already the limit.

He didn’t expect them to be so fearless?

Blood Moon Level 27 was about the strength of the 15th Blood Moon in a super-large

Fang Heng estimated that they could still hold on at this stage.

Adding more people would be troublesome.

He immediately used the emergency communication channel to contact Mo Jiawei.

Fang Heng: To temporarily end the expansion plan. Bring Lucia back quickly.

Mo Jiawei: Roger!

Fortunately, he discovered it early and was able to stop it in time.

Fang Heng heaved a sigh of relief. After calming down and thinking carefully, Fang
Heng frowned.
Something didn’t seem right. After more than three hours, Lucia brought back a
batch of ‘prisoners of war’ who were triumphant and in high spirits.

Following behind the team was another group of players who were also in high

They looked like they were having a good time.

They did not have any sense of being ‘prisoners of war’ at all.

“Colonel Fang Heng! The expansion plan has been successfully completed! Seven
large-scale areas including the forest area have been cleared. Please give us your

Lucia could not hide the joy on her face.

Fang Heng looked at Lucia silently.

“Fang Heng, we’re back.” Mo Jiawei also took out the map to claim credit, “Fang
Heng, look, this expansion is a huge success. We’ve already taken down all eight
areas! We have also signed contracts with all the players who surrendered…”

“Ahem, thank you for your hard work, especially you, Lucia. Go back and rest

“It’s okay, I’m not tired. is the expansion over? I can continue.”

“The expansion plan ends here for the time being. Go back and rest well. We’re
going to welcome the Blood Moon soon. I need you to be fully prepared.”


Lucia’s expression turned solemn. After getting Fang Heng’s approval, she felt warm

“You should rest well too. Don’t tire yourself


After Lucia said that, she led the Dark Knights back to Building No. 3 to rest.
Liao Bufan also called Liu Yi to bring the ‘prisoners of war’ to check in at
Building No. 1.

After everyone left, Fang Heng called out to Mo Jiawei, “Come, tell me in detail
about the expansion plan for the past two days.”

Mo Jiawei was stunned.

What was going on? Why did he suddenly become so serious?

“Did I get played out?”

Half an hour later, Fang Heng saw the posts circulating on the internet and blurted

How could a game be played like this? After pulling the sheep from the Federation
for so long, now it was his turn to be pulled by the player?
Was it a loss or a gain?

Fang Heng couldn’t figure it out.

To be honest, there were too many logs collected from the forest over the past two
days. The entire shelter couldn’t hold them anymore.

Later, Victor suggested that they all be transported through the teleportation
passage and piled up in Pine City… The game guilds which surrendered had also
signed an agreement, acknowledging that the 28 areas, including the forest area,
belonged to Fang Heng’s territory. They would not appear in the area after the
Blood Moon ended.

However, the intensity of Blood Moon Level 27 had exceeded Fang Heng’s

“Fang Heng, you’re right. Someone is plotting against us behind our backs.”

Mo Jiawei hurriedly went online and passed the preliminary results of the
investigation to Fang Heng

“I’ve used my family’s connections to investigate. This article was written by a

professional writer from AEFC Gaming Company.” Fang Heng licked his lips.

As expected, his hunch was right.

Chapter 226 Conspiracy

AEFC Gaming Company. Fang Heng had some impression of the company. This was a very
famous gaming company that dominated the entire Zombie Apocalypse District 3.

Even the Federation’s influence in District 3 was far inferior to theirs.

AEFC Gaming Company was relatively low-key in District 8 and they rarely heard news
related to them.

The strange thing was… Why would AEFC Gaming Company suddenly target the prison

If it wasn’t because he had been greedy in Pine City not long ago and obtained four
Tyrant forms and completed the initial development of the Licker, Blood Moon Level
27 would definitely be child’s play for Fang Heng!

Fang Heng felt that the enemies this time were not quite the same as the ones he
had encountered before.

They knew how to play dirty!

Leaving such a strong enemy alive, he could not sleep or eat in peace.

He had to make a counter-attack as soon as possible to completely eliminate the

hidden danger.

Mo Jiawei blamed himself very much for this matter. This expansion project was led
by him. He felt that he should have discovered the problem earlier.

Otherwise, he would not have been so passive as now.

“Fang Heng, what should we do now?”

Fang Heng lowered his head and pondered.

He was thinking about how to take revenge. “What are you afraid of?”

Liao Bufan said casually and disdainfully, “At worst, we’ll just chase those free-
riders out of the shelter.”

“Don’t do it.”

Mo Jiawei shook his head repeatedly.

“Don’t do it unless it’s necessary.”

“Most of the players in the prison are innocent survivors who were tricked by AEFC
Gaming Company. They have nothing to do with them.” “Moreover, our work studio has
signed a contract with them. If we chase them out rashly, it will have a great
impact on the studio’s reputation. We will also encounter a lot of trouble with the
follow-up contract.” “I am responsible for this. I will fork out money to recruit
some mercenary groups to help protect the shelter. I will also use some of my
family’s connections to think of ways to move some of the players in the prison to
other shelters to reduce the pressure…’ “That won’t be necessary. The shelter can
still hold on and manage the difficulty level of Blood Moon Level 27.”

Fang Heng raised his head at this time.

“I’m worried about AEFC Gaming Company. Gather information about them as soon as
possible and find out the reason why they are targetting us.”

Sensing the confidence in Fang Heng, Mo Jiawei breathed a sigh of relief. He nodded
and said, “Okay, I’ll think of a way now.”

No matter what, it was a gaming company that had taken over Server 3.

It was an opponent that they had to respect.

Fang Heng was prepared to make plans before taking action. After he had
investigated the other party, he would take action against them.

More than three hours later.

Under a big tree, Fang Heng and Mo Jiawei were using binoculars to look at a small
town in the distance.

“Fang Heng, that’s the place, Meng City.”

Mo Jiawei told Fang Heng the latest information he had obtained not long ago after
spending some money. “I just did a lot of research on AEFC Company in Server 8.
It’s very strange. After the new server opened, a group of players belonging to
AEFC Company entered the game.” “It feels like they were prepared. The company
deliberately left a group of players to play passive games on the server.”

“After entering the game, they immediately gathered in Meng City. A week later,
they started to build a large-scale shelter in Meng City.”

“They’ve occupied Meng City in less than a

Fang Heng was a little surprised.

In the early stages of the game, the number and intensity of the zombie horde in
the city were very high. Ordinary players could not enter the city to explore.

Even Fang Heng found it difficult to do so.

“How did they do it?”

“Meng City was originally a tourist city. About 20 years ago, a meteorite fell on
Meng City, causing a sensation all over the country.”

“But soon, the scientific team found radioactive elements in the meteorite, and the
entire Meng City was contaminated by radioactive substances.”

“So, all the residents in Meng City immediately began to evacuate.”

“After that, Meng City was completely abandoned.”

“Therefore, in the background of the game, Meng City was also known as the Dead

The more he investigated, the more Mo Jiawei felt suspicious.

“In the beginning, there were almost no zombies in Meng City. Similarly, because
the city had been abandoned for more than twenty years, there weren’t many
resources in the city, and food was even rarer.”

“It’s strange. AEFC Company seemed to have known about Meng City beforehand. They
went straight to Meng City from the beginning.” “Moreover, it’s strange that AEFC
Company chose Meng City as their initial development point.”

“They could have made a better choice, both in the initial stage and in the middle
and later stages.”

“It would have been better to find a random spot in the surrounding area than this
d*mn place. Yet, they chose to start with hell difficulty.”

“Yeah, why…”

Fang Heng nodded in agreement.

He smelled a conspiracy.

The greedy AEFC Gaming Company. They clearly had complete control over Server 3,
and just Server 3 alone could make them a fortune. Yet, they still had to come to
look for bad luck.

“Oh right, I also found out that recently, AEFC Company has acquired a lot of
special chemical materials in their resources.”

“Chemical materials? Why do they need these things?”

Fang Heng’s doubts deepened.

In the early stages of the game, the most common materials used to develop a
shelter were food, wood, stones, steel and so on.

There was absolutely no special chemical materials.

Only Qiu Yaokang’s laboratory had a lot of things to do. Fang Heng also spent a lot
of survival points to buy a lot of special chemical materials.

“Yes. In addition, AEFC has very tight security around Meng City. They have set up
seven small-scale shelters in the surrounding area, forbidding any player from

“Meng City… seems to be a big problem.”

Fang Heng’s interest in Meng City grew.

He had originally come here to conduct a pre-war investigation.

Now, it seemed that there would be unexpected gains?

What kind of tricks did the bosses of District 3 want to play in their District 8?

“The AEFC has done a good job of keeping it a secret. I’ve spent a lot of effort,
but I still can’t figure out what they’re doing in Meng City.”

To make up for his mistakes, Mo Jiawei did his homework this time.

“I suggest we sneak into Meng City to check out the situation in detail.” As he
spoke, Mo Jiawei quickly took out a drawing from his backpack.

“Let’s follow the old plan.”

Old plan?

Fang Heng’s eyelids twitched when he saw Mo Jiawei’s drawing of Meng City’s sewer.


“Yes, Meng City is very big. There are many abandoned buildings inside. AEFC
Company’s guards are tight on the outside and loose on the inside. Some of them are
stationed on the periphery of the entrances, but the guards inside are very lax.”

“As long as we sneak into Meng City through the sewer, the follow-up investigation
will be much easier.”

“Okay, let’s sneak in and take a look.”

Fang Heng agreed immediately.

He was already very familiar with a place like the sewer.

The two quickly found the nearest entrance to the sewer, then put on a wet face
towel, drank a bottle of anti-infection potion made by Qiu Yaokang and climbed down
the iron ladder into the sewer.

Chapter 227 Laser Beam Turrets

In the sewer, the zombies that were entrenched in the area smelled the scent of
humans and stood up unsteadily.

They had come in a hurry. Fang Heng had driven a military truck here this time, so
he only brought a full Licker team and a vine zombie team.
Each team had 50 members.

Tyrant was too ostentatious and was not suitable for scouting, so Fang Heng did not
bring it along

“Chi! Chi! Chi!”

The Lickers received the order and quickly rushed into the zombie horde to kill.

Hint messages quickly refreshed in Fang Heng’s retina.

(Hint: You have killed a normal zombie*1, obtained survival points*3.)

(Hint: You have killed a weak zombie*1, obtained survival points*1.) (Hint: You
have killed a rotten zombie*1, obtained survival points…]

More than 50 Lickers completely crushed these low-level zombies.

In just a moment, the zombie horde was completely wiped out.

After experiencing the hell mode of Pine City, dealing with the underground sewer
of this abandoned small city was just like child’s play.

Fang Heng nodded at Mo Jiawei.

The two of them immediately followed the map and moved forward along the cleaned
underground sewer.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the iron ladder leading to the exit.

Fang Heng climbed up the iron ladder and tried to push the manhole cover above.

The manhole cover was sealed.

“It’s sealed, and it’s poured with cement…”

AEFC Gaming Company also did some protection work for the sewer. They strengthened
the cover of all the city’s sewer exits and even poured a layer of cement above it,
completely blocking all entrances and exits.

A troublesome opponent would go to this extent.

Fang Heng secretly nodded in his heart.

In the early stages of the game, almost no player would go into the underground
sewer to invade the city’s stronghold.

The environment of the sewer was not a place where people stayed.

However, AEFC Company still carried out the corresponding precautionary actions by
sealing all the manhole covers. n𝔬𝗏𝑒-𝗅𝔟)In

However, they did not expect that even if the manhole cover was sealed, Fang Heng
could still use a large number of zombie clones to forcefully break the manhole
cover in a short period.

Fang Heng was experienced in dealing with such situations. He immediately took out
a wooden frame from his backpack and built a simple platform on the spot.

The vine zombie clones climbed onto the wooden frame one by one and raised their
iron hammers to attack the manhole cover.

The other group of Lickers continued to wander around the sewer and slaughter.

These natural predators hunted ordinary zombies extremely quickly. In less than an
hour, the entire Meng City sewer would be cleaned up by them.

After knocking for 15 minutes, the manhole cover was completely broken. (Hint: you
have removed the manhole cover. You have obtained crushed stones*12, scrap

Fang Heng climbed up the ladder and tried to listen to the situation outside.

Noticing that it was quiet outside, Fang Heng whispered to Mo Jiawei, “I’ll go up
and take a look first.”


In the backyard of an abandoned grocery store, Fang Heng poked his head out from
under the manhole cover.

He quickly looked around the surroundings.

The small courtyard was very quiet. There were no traces of zombies at all.

The information was correct. AEFC had long occupied Meng City and cleaned up the

Mo Jiawei saw the safety signal given by Fang Heng, so he climbed up the sewer with
Fang Heng.

“I only know that AEFC’s shelter is in Meng City. It’s probably in the northwest
direction of the city. We need to look for it carefully.”

Mo Jiawei was about to walk out of the main gate when Fang Heng held him down.

“Shh, don’t talk.”

Fang Heng pulled Mo Jiawei back behind a big tree.

On the street, a seven-man team was walking around to patrol.

Fang Heng and Mo Jiawei looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other’s

It was a team from the Meteorite Company!

The members of this team were all wearing the exclusive uniforms of the Meteorite
Company, and they were also equipped with the exclusive weapons of the Meteorite

Could it be that they encountered a high-level hidden mission again? In the game
background, the Meteorite Company’s higher-ups had disappeared after the outbreak
of the zombie virus.

No one knew where they had gone.

AEFC Company had been trying to stay in Meng City since the game began. It was very
likely that they had long known that Meng City was related to the Meteorite
Company’s mission!

Seeing the Meteorite Company’s team gradually leaving, Mo Jiawei asked in a low

“AEFC Company and Meteorite Company have hooked up?”

“It’s very likely. Let’s follow them and have a


The two of them followed the Meteorite Company team from afar.

After walking past two corners, Fang Heng suddenly pulled Mo Jiawei back.


Seeing Mo Jiawei’s puzzled gaze, Fang Heng gestured with his chin to the corner not
far away.

It was a large mansion located in the city.

The building was completely white and was about four stories tall.

Behind the perimeter wall of the mansion stood four sentry towers.

There were also NPC mercenaries from the Meteorite Company guarding the sentry

“Is this the headquarters of the Meteorite Company? Should we go back and inform
the Dark Knights?”

Mo Jiawei was excited.

What a pleasant surprise!

There was a secret here.

“No rush. Let’s observe it again.”

Fang Heng looked around the surrounding terrain as he spoke. He patted Mo Jiawei’s
shoulder and called out to him in a low voice.

“Follow me.”

The two of them did not continue to approach the white mansion. Instead, they
turned around and entered an abandoned building at the side. They climbed up to the
fifth floor of the building and observed the white mansion from a high vantage

“Hey, Fang Heng, could that thing be…”

Mo Jiawei held the binoculars and carefully swallowed his saliva.

He extended his hand and pointed at a few prominent spots on the white mansion’s
high building
“Could that be the G-28 laser turret?”

That’s right! That’s it!

Mo Jiawei felt that he wouldn’t be mistaken!

When he was very young, he had seen a video.

In the video, the Federation dealt with the Blood Moon Level 97. In the end, they
relied on the powerful output of the G-28 laser turret to kill the Berserk Corpse
King and defend the shelter.

The power of the G-28 laser turret was still fresh in Mo Mo’s mind.

“What should we do?”

Mo Jiawei turned to look at Fang Heng.

The defense of the Meteorite Company was too strong!

With just these four G-28 laser turrets, even if Fang Heng could control the Tyrant
to attack, it would be very difficult for it to win against them.

Seeing the four laser turrets, Fang Heng’s breathing was also a little hurried.
Beam weapons!

D*mn it!

There were actually beam weapons!

This was one of the most powerful weapons in the later stages of the game! It was
also one of the few weapons that could deal a huge amount of damage to a Tier 5
mutated zombie!

Similarly, using a laser weapon required a huge amount of energy.

If he could think of a way to dismantle these beam weapons and move them back to
the shelter…

He was going to be rich…

Fang Heng was tempted.

His first thought was how to move the laser weapons back to the shelter.

First, he had to think of a way to invade the mansion…

Fang Heng continued to observe with his binoculars.

All the windows in the rooms on the outer wall of the mansion were completely
sealed, and the walls were reinforced with steel plates. The security was as tight
as a military fortress. “If we attack by force…”

Fang Heng thought to himself.

The best way was to use the armoured vehicles’ long-range rocket launchers to
continue bombarding the place. No, the Dark Knights definitely could not
If one of them died, they would have to pay for


Chapter 228 Plan Formulation

Considering the zombie clones, they could only use the four Tyrants and the


Their combat ability was still lacking and they would be at a disadvantage.

The Licker had the agility and was undoubtedly the best choice for this kind of

Taking advantage of the short charging time of the beam weapon, the Licker could
quickly rush over and destroy it at close range. However, the number of Lickers was
not enough!

Including the proliferator, 50 Lickers could not directly destroy the four large
laser weapons.

It would take at least hundreds of Lickers to do


The most crucial point was that if they were to attack forcefully, they had to find
a way to destroy the laser turret first.

However, in this way, the G-28 laser beam turret would not be able to be brought
home safely.

Perhaps, they could slowly grind time…

After all, the zombie clone could be resurrected an infinite number of times, but
the durability and energy consumption of the enemy’s laser weapons were limited.

As long as they were willing to spend time, even the Meteorite Company wouldn’t be
able to withstand it. n.(O𝒱𝑒𝗅𝚋In

Fang Heng was a little distressed.

He didn’t want to waste too much time here.

“Fang Heng, look over there.”

Mo Jiawei found something again and pointed to the distance.

Fang Heng pointed the telescope at the location that Mo Jiawei was pointing at.


Not far from the mansion, about 500 to 600 meters away, a player’s shelter was
built there.

Fang Heng observed the shelter through the telescope. He said, “It’s a large-scale
shelter. Its defense is very weak.”
“It must be a shelter built by AEFC.”

Mo Jiawei was resolute.

“That’s right. It’s so close to the Meteorite Company’s mansion. There must some
connection between them!” “Okay.”

Fang Heng agreed.

The defense of the periphery of the large shelter built by AEFC was very weak.

It was almost useless.

“The defense of the shelter is too weak. It can’t withstand the joint attack of
four Tyrants.”

Mo Jiawei put down his binoculars and couldn’t help but look at Fang Heng.

He didn’t know how to respond, so he could only sigh in his heart.

How weak was this considered?

He thought, “How long had the game been open? Did you think everyone could use
cheats? You are using the four Tyrants as a reference, who could withstand their

Then he asked, “Fang Heng, what should we do next?”

“It’s a bit troublesome. If we attack AEFC shelter directly, the Meteorite Company
will most likely step out to help.”

Fang Heng roughly calculated in his heart.

The shelter happened to be within the range of the G-28 which was nearby.

“This is troublesome. AEFC found such a backer. We really can’t do anything to them
for a while.”

Mo Jiawei was a little discouraged.

“Dig a tunnel!?”

Mo Jiawei had a flash of inspiration. He rolled his eyes and suggested. “Fang Heng,
why don’t we dig a tunnel into the mansion?”


Fang Heng, who was thinking about the plan, was suddenly stirred up.

His eyes lit up.

A plan was almost instantly formed and perfected in his mind.

After a moment, Fang Heng raised his head and patted Mo Jiawei’s shoulder

“Mo Jiawei, you’re also a genius!”

“Uh, probably… It’s still okay, I think…”

Mo Jiawei had just casually mentioned the plan of digging a tunnel.

He did not expect Fang Heng to be more excited than him.

“But Fang Heng, is the plan of digging a tunnel really feasible?”

Thinking about it carefully, it was not so easy to dig a secret passage

underground. Putting aside the time and effort, the noise generated during the
excavation would definitely alert the Meteorite Company.

“Of course it’s feasible, but we still need to touch up some details.”

As Fang Heng spoke, he opened the mission panel and reconsidered the entire plan.


Fang Heng muttered to himself.

Mo Jiawei was stunned.

“Ah? What? Enough?”

“Enough time.”

“There are 25 hours left until the Blood Moon. I need you to return to the shelter
and restart the expansion project with Lucia. Continue to expand the periphery of
the forest.”

“The sooner the better!”

Fang Heng lowered his head and muttered to himself.

“Well… maybe it’s not enough…”

“Oh, right. Ask Chen Yu again. See if there are any more people in the Blood Moon
Project. Or if he has anyone who wants to come to our prison. Ask him to send more

Mo Jiawei’s jaw dropped.

What was going on? Weren’t they just talking about digging a secret tunnel?

Why did it suddenly lead to the topic of restarting the expansion plan again?

Mo Jiawei felt that Fang Heng was too quick-witted and he couldn’t keep up with his

“No, no, Fang Heng. Isn’t Blood Moon Level 27 approaching the limit of the
shelter’s carrying capacity? If we continue to add people…”

“No problem. I’ll leave the expansion to you. I’ll go offline to make some
arrangements. You keep an eye on it for me for about 20 minutes.”

Then, without waiting for Mo Jiawei to react, Fang Heng went offline in a hurry.

If everything went smoothly, not only would AEFC Company learn an unforgettable
lesson, they could even pack up the beam weapons in the Meteorite Company’s

“Fang Heng, I heard about the prison. We’ve known each other for a long time. I’ll
definitely think of a way to help you when it comes to this.”

“Ah? Didn’t you want to reduce the number of people?”

“What? You want more people?”

Chen Yu rubbed his ears.

He even suspected that he was hearing things.

Affected by the anti-federation forces, various gaming companies’ shelters suffered

different degrees of damage. Each and every one of them was requesting to reduce
the number of people.

Why was Fang Heng going the other way?

Not only did he not request to reduce the number of people, he even requested more
people to join the shelter?

After repeatedly confirming with Fang Heng, Chen Yu immediately flipped through the
name list in his hands.

“There’s not enough time. Based on 20 hours, I can only transfer around 90 people

“Sure! No problem, I’ll go and apply with the leader now, but… can you ensure their
safety?” “Okay.”

Chen Yu hung up the phone.

The people on the Blood Moon Project list had all made great contributions to the
Federation, and some of them had even deeper backgrounds. Once they were in danger,
Chen Yu would definitely be held accountable.

At that time, he definitely wouldn’t be able to continue staying in the Federation.

On the contrary, if he could successfully survive this crisis and successfully

complete the Blood Moon Project…

It was a gamble!

Chen Yu chose to believe in Fang Heng as usual.

Fang Heng had done so many things in the past, he would definitely be able to do it
this time!

There were less than six hours left until the Blood Moon arrived.

AEFC Gaming Company. The top executives of the company responsible for the game’s
District 8 were gathered here.

“Dong Dong…”

Secretary Jiang Yingxue knocked on the door and pushed it open.

“Directors, managers, this is the latest information we have on the prison’s


Jiang Yingxue placed the printed documents on the table in front of each top
executive and reported to everyone at the same time.

“Director Meng’s plan is executed perfectly. The prison has been thrown into chaos.
Everything is proceeding smoothly according to the plan… the spies planted in the
prison have not reported any new findings.”

Chapter 229 Temporary Safe House

Meng Hao picked up the report and immediately looked down to read it.

“Heh, more than a thousand people!”

A company executive saw the estimated number of people in the prison on the
document and couldn’t help but laugh coldly.

“What a bunch of idiots. With a thousand people, the difficulty of Blood Moon will
reach Level 30. When that time comes, the shelter will have to face a Tier 4 Little
Corpse King. Even if they have a team of Dark Knights, they won’t be able to stop

“It seems that there are no problems with the prison. How are the preparations in
Meng City?”

“It has already been arranged. Captain Zhao is very experienced in commanding.
Blood Moon Level 5 is just a game to him.” “According to Director Meng’s plan, the
prison will not survive the Blood Moon. When the Blood Moon passes, Captain Zhao
will lead a team to occupy the prison.”


Seeing that the plan was going smoothly, everyone in the meeting room was in a good

“The biggest contributor this time is still Director Meng. He effortlessly obtained
a prison base.” Meng Hao ignored everyone’s discussion.

He looked down at the documents he had just obtained.

The more he read, the more he felt that something was strange.

Before he knew it, a layer of cold sweat had formed on his forehead.

Something was wrong!

Something was very wrong!


“What’s wrong? Director Meng, you don’t look well. Are you sick?”

Meng Hao suddenly looked up. “Something’s wrong! Something must be wrong!”

In the room, the people who were already discussing where the celebration party
would be held suddenly quieted down.

“Director Meng, Don’t be so agitated. Take your time.”

“There’s one line in the report. Just three hours ago, a player’s shelter from Area
C by the lake was attacked by the Prison Army. The owner of the shelter chose to

“This means that the prison is still expanding!”

“According to the game’s settings, announcements will be made in the first 30

hours, the first 10 hours, the first 3 hours, the first 1 hour and the last 10
minutes before the Blood Moon, indicating the current Blood Moon difficulty level.”

“It’s impossible for the prison side not to notice that their difficulty level of
the Blood Moon has increased significantly.” “But they’re still expanding! This
doesn’t make sense at all!”

An indescribable feeling of irritation rose in Meng Hao’s heart.

He knew that he must have missed something.

But he couldn’t figure out what exactly the problem was!

This feeling drove him crazy!


A District 3 supervisor asked, “Are you too nervous? You said that Fang Heng is
greedy, or that he is very confident in his shelter.”

“Yes, Director Meng. Fang Heng used to be a lone ranger. He never had experience in
controlling large-scale shelters. He may not be sensitive to the strength of the
Blood Moon…”

Meng Hao flipped through the reports he had received.

“No, that’s not right. Fang Heng is greedy, but he’s not stupid!”

“He must have realized that the number of players in the prison has already
exceeded the limits of his shelter.”

“But he’s still expanding openly. Everything doesn’t make sense!”

Everyone fell silent. “Could it be that he has a way to deal with the Blood Moon?”

“That’s impossible. Don’t joke around. From Blood Moon Level 30 onwards, there
would be the Tier 4 Little Corpse King. We’ve seen the footage secretly taken
inside the prison a few times. That kind of defense definitely won’t be able to
stop the Little Corpse King.” “Then could it be…”

Everyone began to discuss.

Hearing everyone’s unreliable guesses, Meng Hao grew more and more confused.

He was very sure that Fang Heng had some sort of plan, but he knew nothing about

This kind of unpredictability made Meng Hao extremely nervous.

(Hint: There are three hours left until the Blood Moon arrives. Overall, your
shelter estimates the strength of the Blood Moon to be Level 37.)

The difficulty increased by another 10 levels.

Starting from Level 30, the Blood Moon would spawn a Little Corpse King.

To the player’s shelter, the Little Corpse King was a nightmare that could not be

Under the enhancement of the Blood Moon, the Little Corpse King’s various
attributes were greatly enhanced, and its destructive power was even stronger than
the Nemesis.

Even the Meteorite Company’s mansion could only rely on the beam cannon to deal
with it.


Their shelter had four Tyrants guarding it.

Tyrants had enough flesh on themselves, so they could still withstand it together.

“Come, let’s drink.”

In front of the bonfire, Liao Bufan handed Fang Heng a bottle of coffee.

Fang Heng drank it in one gulp.


The alloy iron door on the left side of the room was pushed open from the outside.

Fang Heng raised his head.

David walked in with Mo Jiawei, chatting and laughing “Eh? Fang Heng, why are you
here? Aren’t you still in Meng City?”

Seeing Fang Heng and Liao Bufan in the room, Mo Jiawei was shocked.

Fang Heng stood up from the bonfire and nodded, “This is the temporary safe house
that I built not long ago.” “When the Blood Moon comes, the players of the shelter
will be temporarily placed here. Liao Bufan will be in charge of this part of the

“You’re just in time. Can you give me some advice and see how the safe house is?”


Mo Jiawei quickly looked around.

What the hell did he know about a safe house!

However, this safe house was large enough to accommodate thousands of people.

The walls and ceilings were filled with the texture of metal and looked very solid.

“You upgraded and reinforced the walls with Tier 5 metal iron?”
“No, it’s just a special alloy layer that can increase a small part of the


Mo Jiawei couldn’t help but mutter in his heart.

Was that necessary?

If they couldn’t defend the outside of the prison and waited for the zombie horde
to attack, it would be useless no matter how well the safe house was set up.

At most, it would delay the zombie horde’s attack time.

Wouldn’t they be waiting for death?


Mo Jiawei suddenly noticed that there was an iron door on the other side of the
safe house.

“What’s that door? An emergency escape passage?”

“Come, let’s take a look.”

Fang Heng beckoned Mo Jiawei to walk to the other side of the safe house.

Mo Jiawei didn’t suspect him. He walked to the door and pushed it open.

The moment the door opened, an indescribable stench assaulted him.

Mo Jiawei immediately covered his nose and hurriedly closed the door.

He was too familiar with this stench!

He recognized it almost instantly. “Sewer?”

“You dug a sewer?” Mo Jiawei turned his head and looked at Fang Heng and the others
with surprise.

He was completely dumbfounded.

He couldn’t understand the meaning of Fang Heng’s fancy operation.

What was the purpose of digging a sewer? What if the zombie horde came in through
the sewer?

“Hahaha, David, well done! I knew it! You’re the best engineer I’ve ever seen!”

Seeing Mo Jiawei’s confused expression, Fang Heng high-fived David who was beside

Victor also laughed happily.

“Not bad. If I had more time, I could have done better.”

Just yesterday, Victor made some modifications to the space tearing device
according to Fang Heng’s plan, connecting the door of the space crack to the iron
door at the entrance of the safe house.
Through special construction methods, Victor had directly covered up the traces of
the existence of the portal.

In addition, the entire passage was very dark. Ordinary players would not be able
to tell that they had already entered Meng City’s sewer area through the
teleportation passage.

Just like a while ago, Mo Jiawei had passed through the space crack without knowing


Liao Bufan sighed and put his hand on Mo Jiawei’s shoulder. “Welcome to Meng City’s
sewer, Mo Jiawei.”

Chapter 230 Spies

Mo Jiawei opened his mouth.

Only then did he react.

Meng City? This is Meng City!? That’s right!

The teleportation passage!

But when did he pass through the teleportation passage?

Mo Jiawei was even more confused. He quickly opened his character’s map panel to

However, the map was pitch black. He could not see his position at all.

“The walls are coated with a special metal coating not to increase defense but to
isolate external signals so that the players in the safe house can not identify
their position.”

As Fang Heng spoke, he tried his survival radio again.

In the safe house, the survival radio was also offline, unable to receive messages.
“Okay, verification successful.”

Fang Heng clapped his hands. “Everything is ready. In two hours, Liao Bufan, you
will bring all the players into the safe house. Time is tight. We need to complete
the transfer of the players within one hour.”

“No problem, leave it to me.”

Mo Jiawei finally understood.

He realized Fang Heng’s tactical intention.


What a way to divert trouble!

When the Blood Moon arrived, Fang Heng moved all the players who were originally in
the shelter to the underground safe house in Meng City!
The underground safe house was built underground and it was very close to AEFC
Company’s shelter.

There was a high probability that the game would assume that the underground safe
house was in cahoots with AEFC!

Coupled with the fact that the zombie horde would first attack buildings on the

At that time, the AEFC Company would take their place to attract the hatred of more
zombies from the Blood Moon Zombie Wave!

Of course, the safe house was not completely safe. Fang Heng also needed to send
people to guard the entrance of the sewer.

“That’s the general plan. When the Blood Moon arrives, a large number of zombies
will attack the AEFC Company and the Meteorite Company’s mansion. When that
happens, it will cause a lot of trouble.” “We’ll take this opportunity to sneak
into the mansion and think of a way to bring back their beam weapons.”

“Victor, I’m not good enough to dismantle such a high-level machine. When the time
comes, you’ll go with us.”

Victor nodded and said, “No problem.”

Fang Heng pursed his lips.

The AEFC Company wanted to play him out?

This would teach them a good lesson and also destroy their shelter.

After listening to Fang Heng’s plan, Mo Jiawei was inexplicably excited.

“Great! Awesome!”

This plan was so perfect!

AEFC Company would never have thought that the zombies, which were supposed to
attack the prison shelter, would attack their shelter instead!

Fang Heng clenched his fist.

Next, he would have to prepare the last step of the plan.

“Let’s go and plant the bomb.”

“Quick! Follow me. The first group of people from Prison No. 1 to 50 will line up.


In the shelter, Liao Bufan waited for an hour before the arrival of the Blood Moon,
only then did he start to organize the players to move.

Zhou Xuehai followed the long line and walked toward the basement.

He asked curiously, “Brother, what are we doing? Where are we going? Isn’t the
Blood Moon coming soon?”
“To the safe house.”

“What is the safe house?”

“I heard that it’s to increase the safety level of the Blood Moon. In case the
zombie horde breaks into the prison, all non-combat personnel will be sent to the
underground safe house in advance.” “The safety level of that place is higher.”
“That’s true. We can’t help either. The farther away from the battlefield, the
better. The prison leaders are considerate.”

“Are we going to stay in the safe house until the end of the Blood Moon?”

“I think so. Who cares? We’ll just follow them.”

Zhou Xuehai followed the team and slowly walked toward the basement.

As a spy who had been bribed by Meng Hao, he silently turned on the survival radio
to send Meng Hao the latest news.

Zhou Xuehai: Two minutes ago, everyone in the shelter began to move into the
basement of the prison.

After making a few twists and turns in the basement, Zhou Xuehai walked along a
dark pathway.

After passing through the door at the end of the pathway, he arrived at a huge
underground square.

The square was very spacious. All the floors, walls and ceilings were plated with a
layer of high-strength alloy, shining with a metallic lustre.

Many players had already sat down in groups of twos and threes, discussing
something in low voices.

It seemed that this place was very safe.

“Everyone, this Blood Moon is expected to last 7 to 12 hours. For everyone’s

safety, please stay here for the time being. I hope everyone understands.”

“I suggest that you use your sleeping bags to go offline and rest. We will ensure
everyone’s safety. If there is a crisis, we will have someone wake you up.”

The players did not have any opinions on this.

Many gutsy players had already started to go offline to rest.

They were already here.

The safe house was already the place with the highest safety level in the prison.

If the safe house was occupied by the zombies from the outside world, it didn’t
make much difference whether they went online or not.

They were all waiting to die anyway.

Zhou Xuehai looked around.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Since it was a safe house, why did Liao Bufan stay here all the time?

Didn’t he need to command the players outside to deal with the Blood Moon?


The two members of the Dark Knights also remained in the hall.

They stood on the left and right sides of the main entrance, holding automatic
rifles in their hands. Their sharp gazes constantly swept over the players.

That kind of gaze was more like surveillance.

“Something’s not right…”

Zhou Xuehai muttered softly.

He wanted to turn on the survival radio to contact Meng Hao again.

Eh? A special area?

The communication wasn’t working?

It didn’t matter. He could still contact him offline.

Zhou Xuehai thought for a moment, then pulled out his sleeping bag and went

“What about the others? Other than Liao Bufan and the two NPCs, what about the

“Nothing. Everything else is normal.”

“Are you sure you didn’t find anything else? Anything abnormal?”

“I’m sure. I’m staying in the safe room right now. If there’s anything wrong, I’ll
find it.”

Zhou Xuehai said resolutely, “Brother, let me tell you something. There’s something
wrong with that Liao Bufan. He’s here to spy on us.”

“Okay, I got it. You continue to stay online. If there’s a problem, contact me

After hanging up, Meng Hao was still in a state of extreme unease.

Everything was too normal!

According to Zhou Xuehai, Liao Bufan and two elite Dark Knights were staying in the
safe house to keep an eye on them.

This seemed very normal to Meng Hao!

The prison must have known that the players who had taken refuge had been
infiltrated by the spies of the various major powers. n𝐎𝐕𝑒(𝑙𝚋.In

Most of the manpower had been sent out to deal with the Blood Moon outside. The
internal department must also be on full alert to prevent any internal strife among
this group of players. Such surveillance was perfectly normal! If it were him, he
would do the same!

However, the more normal it was, the more uneasy Meng Hao felt.

There must be something wrong with Fang Heng’s shelter! He must be secretly
plotting something!

But what exactly was wrong?!

Meng Hao clenched his fists tightly.

How could Fang Heng resist a Blood Moon with Level 30 and above!!

Chapter 231 The Blood Moon Arrives

“Ring, ring, ring…” Meng Hao picked up the phone on his desk.


“Mr Chen.”

“Okay, I’ll be online right away.”

After putting down the phone, Meng Hao immediately turned and entered the game
cabin. He returned to AEFC’s shelter in District 8.

The atmosphere in the shelter was unusually heavy.

The Blood Moon was about to arrive and the players were making final preparations.


The owner of the shelter was Zhao Qinsi.

Zhao Qinsi was an old employee of AEFC and had done many meritorious deeds for the
company. He had a calm personality and had many years of command experience. Zhao
Qinsi was methodically carrying out the final pre-war inspection. When he saw Meng
Hao approaching, Zhao Qinsi nodded at him.

“How is it? Is there a situation?”

“Everything is going according to plan.” Meng Hao shook his head.

He hesitated for a moment, then said truthfully, “But I still feel that something
isn’t right. I feel very uneasy.” “Mm.” n--O𝓋𝞮𝑳𝑩In

Zhao Qinsi looked at Meng Hao, then nodded and gave a soft “Mm.”

Suddenly, Zhao Qinsi’s face fell.

His expression was extremely terrifying. He looked down at the log and didn’t say a

Cold sweat dripped down his face.

Seeing Zhao Qinsi’s expression, Meng Hao’s heart began to pound.

“What’s wrong?”
“What’s going on?”

Zhao Qinsi looked up. His usually calm face was now filled with shock.

“The difficulty level of the Blood Moon has increased.”


“I’ll transfer it to you. See for yourself.” Zhao Qinsi turned on his survival
radio and directly sent the message to Meng Hao.

(Hint: There are only ten minutes left until the Blood Moon arrives. Overall, your
shelter estimates the strength of the Blood Moon to be Level 33.]

(Hint: Your shelter estimates that it will not be able to resist the Blood Moon at
this strength. Please be careful.]

Meng Hao’s pupils suddenly dilated.

How could this be?

Why did the difficulty level of the Blood Moon suddenly increase so much?

Two hours ago, their difficulty was only Level


Why did it increase to Level 33 now?

It instantly increased by nearly 30 levels?

More importantly…

Once the Blood Moon reached Level 30 and above, they would be facing a Tier 4
Little Corpse King!

Instantly, countless thoughts flashed through Meng Hao’s mind.

Could it be that something strange had happened in Server 8, causing the difficulty
level of the game to increase dramatically?

Or was it because of the pupa plan? Or was it because of him?

Meng Hao couldn’t help but think of Fang Heng. His intuition told him that all of
this was Fang Heng’s doing!

But his rationality told him that it was impossible!

Fang Heng was just a player! He definitely couldn’t control the Blood Moon
difficulty level in the game!

“Meng Hao!”


“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”
Meng Hao realized that he had never been so lost.

He breathed heavily, forcing himself to calm down and think.

This had nothing to do with Fang Heng!

The AEFC Company’s shelter alone would not be able to withstand such a difficulty

The only way to survive was to seek help from the neighboring Meteorite Company.
“I’ll contact Tsugawa Hideharu. They won’t let us all die here.”

“Hurry back. Leave this place to me. Once the Blood Moon arrives, I can hold on for
ten minutes at most.”

Fang Heng and Mo Jiawei were hiding in a hidden sewer exit.

Fang Heng lifted the manhole cover and observed the status of AEFC’s shelter from

(Hint: Blood Moon Countdown… 3… 2… ]

(Hint: Blood Moon has officially arrived. This round of Blood Moon lasts for 9
hours. Good luck, player.)

The sun was hidden in the thick clouds.

A blood-red moonlight hung high in the sky.

The entire apocalyptic world was covered with a layer of strange red light.

It was coming!

The screams of zombies could be heard in the distance.

A dense zombie horde spawned around the town and swarmed toward the shelter in the
centre of the town.

There was no end in sight.

Under the cover of the Blood Moon, the zombies moved faster and were more
aggressive than before.

Fang Heng was excited. With such a large zombie horde, the difficulty level of the
Blood Moon was definitely above Level 25!

“It’s done!”

Mo Jiawei also clapped his hands excitedly.

“Let’s go, we need to move.”

Seeing the zombie horde getting closer, Fang Heng and Mo Jiawei went into the sewer

Under the sewer, the four Tyrants were standing casually.

Behind them was a row of Lickers.

At the end of the line, there was a dense crowd of vine zombies.

The vine zombie team blocked the passage leading to the temporary safe house.

Since the entrance to the underground sewer had been sealed, there was only one
passage left for the zombie horde.

In the Blood Moon, most of the zombies would first look for targets to attack
through the passage of the various defense facilities. The remaining few zombies
would choose to directly attack and destroy the building.

Once the number of zombies gathered outside the passage reached a certain number,
the zombie horde would find another way and try to destroy the entire building from
all directions.

According to the plan, Fang Heng and Mo Jiawei would immediately return to the
planned explosion point after entering the sewer.

In the outside world, a large number of zombies swarmed into Meng City.


The zombie horde surrounded the manhole cover that led to the entrance of the
sewer, directly attacking the manhole cover and the surrounding cement ground.

The remaining zombie horde headed straight for the AEFC Company’s shelter and the
Meteorite Company’s mansion.

Zhao Qinsi did not panic. He commanded the AEFC guild players to resist the wave of

AEFC Company had dug a small moat around the shelter.

The moat was not filled with water. Instead, it was filled with fuel that had just
been poured in!

The drawbridge slowly rose.

Relying on the large-scale cover behind the moat, the players fired a large number
of burning arrows at the zombie horde.


A layer of fuel spilt in the moat was ignited and started burning.

The zombie horde was not afraid of the flames and fell into the moat one after

Zhao Qinsi frowned.

The moat had cost his guild a lot of manpower and resources to be built

Dealing with the zombie horde that was below Level 10 was not a problem!

But now…

It was useless!
There were too many zombies in the zombie horde!

After the zombies died, a large number of corpses piled up under the moat.

In a few minutes, the corpses would fill up the entire moat!

Just as he expected.

The moat did not last for more than three minutes. The zombie horde that was
covered in flames stepped on the corpses of their companions and began to climb out
of the moat.

They charged into the spike traps at the outermost layer of the moat.

Players used the Molotov cocktail to smash at the zombie horde outside of the spike
trap, reducing the zombie horde’s HP as much as possible.

The durability of the spikes at the outermost periphery was decreasing at a visible

They couldn’t hold on any longer!

Even if the Meteorite Company had helped them attract a large group of zombies away
from their shelter, they wouldn’t be able to hold on!

Meng Hao stood off to the side, looking at the spike traps on the periphery that
was about to be destroyed. He clenched his fists tightly. “Let’s retreat. If we
continue, the losses will only be greater. I’ve already communicated with Tsugawa
Hideharu. We’re giving up on the shelter. We’re going to hide in the Meteorite
Company’s mansion temporarily to survive the Blood Moon.”

Zhao Qinsi stared at the zombie horde outside.

“It’s not time yet. Let’s wait a bit longer.”

It wasn’t until the first zombie horde broke through the spike barriers and was
about to rush to the front of the players that Zhao Qinsi pressed the button in his


Chapter 232 Alert

The high-intensity explosives that had been set up in the periphery of the spike
traps detonated with a bang.

A sudden huge air wave came crashing down!

Meng Hao had no idea that Zhao Qinsi had set up such a large amount of explosives
here. He was sent flying by the huge air wave. Zhao Qinsi wasn’t much better. Like
the other players, he was sent flying four to five meters away by the violent air
waves. When he landed on the ground, Meng Hao quickly stretched out his hand to
support his body and looked up.

The explosion created a huge dust cloud on the battlefield.

A crater was created on the ground, and almost all the zombies within the blast
radius were killed by the explosion.
When the dust cloud dissipated slightly, an endless horde of zombies began to swarm
toward the shelter. Zhao Qinsi took one last look at the shelter behind him.

He had built this shelter with his own hands and put in a lot of effort.

But now, he had no choice but to let go.

“Let’s retreat!”

Zhao Qinsi waved his hand and led the remaining players to retreat toward the

In the sewer.

Fang Heng and the other three waited.

The passage on the right in front of them had been excavated not long ago.

As time was tight, the passage was relatively short.

The Tyrant could only bend down and walk inside, unable to stand up straight at

The passage extended straight forward for nearly 100 meters.

The rock wall at the end was already filled with explosives.

Mo Jiawei was a little nervous, glancing at his watch from time to time.

“It’s already been seven minutes. Fang Heng, it should be about time, right?” “Wait
a little longer.”

As soon as Fang Heng finished speaking, everyone’s feet started to shake violently!

Following that, a huge explosion sounded beside their ears. Small pieces of gravel
kept falling from above their heads.

“It’s faster than I expected. Looks like they won’t be able to hold on any longer.”

Fang Heng leaned against the wall and chuckled. He immediately pressed the remote
control button in his hand.


The explosives at the end of the passage were detonated as well.

Dust instantly sprayed out of the passage.

Fang Heng waved the dust in front of him.

“Lucia, can you see clearly?” A layer of red light appeared in Lucia’s eyes.

Her eyes pierced through the flying dust.

“It’s blocked. The debris from the explosion blocked most of the passage.”

“It’s a bit troublesome.”

Fang Heng curled his lips and waved his hand.

More than twenty zombies behind him picked up their shovels and entered the passage
to dig up the debris.

Earlier on, Fang Heng was worried that if he dug too much, he would attract the
attention of the Meteorite Company, so he stopped when he was less than five meters
away from the tunnel.

The last five meters were supposed to be blown up with explosives.

After another five minutes, a small path was finally cleared.

The Tyrant bent down and walked to the crack-filled rock wall in front of it It
raised its huge fist.


One punch!

Mo Jiawei swallowed his saliva.

After this punch, he felt a slight tremor under his feet.

“Bang! Bang!”

Two more punches.

The entire wall couldn’t hold on anymore and a hole was created by the Tyrant’s


Instantly, the entire mansion was filled with a piercing alarm sound. The alarm had
been triggered?

It was a little unexpected.

In the plan, they should have sneaked into the Meteorite Company.

The internal defense system of the Meteorite Company was extremely perfect and the
alarm had been triggered at the first moment.

Mo Jiawei was a little flustered and his gaze shifted to Fang Heng. “Fang Heng,
what should we do?”

Fang Heng said in a deep voice, “Don’t worry about it. Let’s continue.”

So what if the alarm was triggered?

Facing Blood Moon Level 25, Meteorite Company would be focusing all their attention
on dealing with the zombie horde outside.

They didn’t have the energy to deal with both sides at the same time.

The only thing was that time was a little tight…

The original plan was to secretly move the beam weapons away and also to see what
atrocious things the Meteorite Company had done in the mansion.
Since they had been discovered, they needed to speed up and find a way to dismantle
the beam turret and move it back home as soon as possible.

The Tyrant accepted Fang Heng’s instructions and punched a few more times around
the hole. It forced open the hole and entered the interior of the Meteorite
Company’s mansion through the hole with great difficulty.

“Let’s hurry.”

As Fang Heng spoke, he took the lead and climbed out of the tunnel.

Behind him, a team of Lickers followed Fang Heng out of the tunnel.

Although the alarm was loud, just as Fang Heng had expected, the Meteorite Company
was in chaos. No one immediately came to investigate.


Fang Heng raised his head and looked at the corner of the corridor.

A surveillance camera was facing them.

“Fang Heng, someone is watching us.”

Lucia said as she raised her hand and shot the surveillance camera into pieces.


Faced with the noisy sirens, Mo Jiawei felt like he had no idea where to start.
“Fang Heng, where should we start from now?”

Fang Heng turned his gaze to Victor. Victor thought for a moment. “It’s best if we
can find the main control room. This will speed up the dismantling of the beam

“If not, we can only forcibly cut off the power supply and physically dismantle the
beam turret. However, this will damage some of the components, and the speed will
also be slow.”

“We don’t have time to look for them one by one. Let’s just physically dismantle
them. Let’s go to the fourth floor!”

The fourth floor!

Previously, he and Mo Jiawei had observed from outside the mansion. The four beam
turrets were probably located on the fourth floor.

The high-intensity beam weapon that Fang Heng had been thinking about was there!

The biggest purpose of infiltrating the Meteorite Company was to snatch the beam

Such a powerful weapon had to be brought back to the shelter!

Since it had been discovered, there was no need to steal it secretly. They could
just take it by force.
They could just snatch it!

“Chi! Chi! Chi…”

Under Fang Heng’s guidance, the Lickers quickly climbed along the wall and ceiling.

Two Tyrant forms walked in front, striding toward the second floor.

At this time, in the outside world.

Zhao Qinsi led the team to the garden of the Meteorite Company’s mansion.

They worked together with the Meteorite Company’s mercenary group to resist the
zombie horde that was pouring in from the outside world.

(Hint: Your shelter is under continuous attack. HP is below 3%. Please repair it in

Seeing the message in the game log, Zhao Qinsi’s heart was bleeding. However, the
imminent crisis did not give him time to digest the pain. It was less than seven to
eight minutes from the shelter to the Meteorite Company’s mansion, and his party
had suffered heavy casualties! “D*mn it, a bunch of cheapskates! They are not even
willing to give us their weapons!”

The captain of the sub-party, Han Zhu, was very angry. He cursed while continuing
to throw Molotov cocktail at the zombie horde outside the mansion.

Besides the top-tier beam weapons, the Meteorite Company also had large-calibre
automatic cannons and a large number of NPC mercenaries.

The output of the automatic cannons was high enough! The weapons of the NPCs of the
Meteorite Company were also good enough!

It was no problem for them to withstand the attacks of the zombie horde for a

However, the crisis was not over yet.

Zhao Qinsi’s mind was tense. n..0𝐕𝔢𝓛𝒃In

How should he deal with the Little Corpse King after this?

The Zombie Wave above Level 30 would spawn the Little Corpse King!

Chapter 233 Main Control Room

Meng Hao stood off to the side in silence.

He wasn’t very good at fighting.

It was at this point that the alarm in the Meteorite Company’s mansion suddenly
rang out.

“An internal alarm?”

Meng Hao stared in shock. A feeling of unease rose in his heart and he turned to
look at the mansion behind him.

“Mm, something might have happened.”

Zhao Qinsi said in a deep voice as he looked in the direction of the mansion as

At the entrance of the mansion, the captain of the Meteorite Company’s mercenary
team, Hao Te, was using a walkie-talkie to communicate with the people inside.
“It’s fine! The mansion has been invaded by zombies and the alarm has been
triggered. The danger has been resolved. Continue with your defensive work!”

An accident? Meng Hao’s intuition told him that this was definitely not an

He immediately turned to Zhao Qinsi and said, “Something’s wrong. I’ll lead a team
to take a look.”


Meng Hao and a few other players were just about to try to enter the mansion when
they were blocked by Hao Te, who was standing in front of the mansion.

“Without the approval of Mr Tsugawa Hideharu, no one is allowed to enter the


“I know there’s a problem in the mansion. Let me in. I can help.”

Hao Te stared at Meng Hao for half a second. He raised the submachine gun in his

“Mr Meng Hao, as I said, everything is under Mr Tsugawa Hideharu’s control. You
just need to settle your own stuff.”

Meng Hao clenched his fist.

Just now, a row of game hints floated across his retina.

Judgement failed!

He knew this was the reason why his favorability rating was not high enough.

Tsugawa Hideharu!

Ungrateful wretch!

AEFC had paid so many resources for the pupa project, but the favorability rating
was still not high enough for them to enter the mansion at will.

However, this also meant one thing.

Meteorite Company was definitely in trouble!

Meng Hao felt an extreme sense of powerlessness rising from the bottom of his

He had a premonition. The development of the situation had long been beyond his

He had always been able to take control of things.

From this moment on, he couldn’t even participate…

Fang Heng’s team of four hurried to the fourth floor.

In the process, Lucia shot down all the surveillance cameras along the way.

It was strange that there were too few guards.

Fang Heng anticipated that they would encounter a small amount of resistance on the
way to the fourth floor.

However, it was strange that they did not encounter any obstacles along the way,
except for the small team at the intersection.

Of course, the small team was slaughtered by the Lickers in the blink of an eye.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Heng took a glance at the game log and
observed the situation at the sewer entrance and the prison shelter.

(Hint: Elite Dark Knights of your shelter killed an ordinary zombie. You gain 3
survival points.]

(Hint: Members of your shelter…]

(Hint: Your vine zombie is being attacked by zombie dogs.]

[Hint: Your zombie uses a skill-block, but fails.]

(Hint: Your zombie is attacking, using the entanglement skill…]

The situation in the shelter was good.

It was only Blood Moon Level 4.

In addition to the high-intensity defense towers, there was also a group of Dark
Knights guarding the prison shelter.

It was easy.

As for the inside of Meng City, the zombie horde outside had already broken through
some of the manhole covers and entered the sewer.

Soon, they would rush in from all the manhole covers in Meng City.

In order to defend against the zombie horde, Fang Heng had set up three layers of
defense in the sewer.

The first layer was made up of two Tyrants.

The second layer was made up of Lickers.

The last layer was made up of a dense horde of vine zombies. Considering that the
sewer was not the zombie horde’s main target, Fang Heng estimated that they could
hold them off for at least five hours.

Fang Heng had also made up an emergency plan.

If something unexpected happened, he could detonate the bomb in the passage and
destroy the passage to buy time!
At that time, the players hiding in the safe house could take advantage of the
teleportation passage to return to the shelter.

Perfect plan!


They arrived at the fourth floor.

The pathway was empty.

Fang Heng did not know where the beam turret was built, so he used the most direct
and aggressive method.

Use force!

He will break into every room to search!

The two Tyrants strode forward and searched the rooms one by one.

The Tyran forms had a higher level of intelligence, so they could already accept
more complicated commands.


Unlike ordinary zombies, they raised their huge fists and smashed at the locked


“Bang! Bang!”

Every time they smashed at the door, the door would shake violently.

In the main control room, the six mercenary soldiers of the Meteorite Company who
were stationed there were already informed through the intercom that someone had
broken into the mansion.

Cold sweat was dripping down their foreheads as they aimed their muzzle at the


The iron door could not withstand the Tyrant’s brute force and was blasted open
after a few punches.


The moment the door was smashed open by the Tyrant, all the NPC mercenary soldiers
pulled the trigger.

A series of gunshots.

Dense bullets rained down on Tyrant’s body.

The Tyrant had no choice but to raise its hands to protect its head, which was also
its weakness.

Unfortunately, the firepower was still too weak. This kind of firepower could at
most slightly suppress Tyrant! The gunshots lasted for more than half a minute.

When the mercenary’s bullets ran out, the gunshots stopped.

Tyrant put down the fist that was blocking its head.

It didn’t feel any pain!

There was a limit to the damage caused by the submachine gun bullets on the Tyrant.
The series of attacks didn’t even break the vine armour under Tyrant’s skin.

What kind of monster was that!

The expressions of the Meteorite Company’s NPCs were as if they were seeing a
ghost! “Bang! Bang! Bang…”

Tyrant strode forward and threw a punch forward.


An NPC was hit by Tyrant’s fist. He was sent flying and smashed into the wall
behind him.

(Hint: You have killed a mercenary from the Meteorite Company. Favorability rating
with the Meteorite Company has decreased.]

(Hint: You have entered a hostile state with the Meteorite Company.]

Huh? Found it?

Fang Heng heard the sound of gunshots coming from the room in the distance and a
message flashing across his vision. He immediately brought Lucia and the other two
to clean up the mess.

Entering the room, Fang Heng quickly scanned the interior of the room.

He immediately felt pleasantly surprised.

Mo Jiawei said in surprise, “It’s the main control room?”

That’s right! They found the main control room!

There was a huge screen on the wall of the main control room.

The windows on the screen corresponded to the various cameras in the mansion.

Even the situation outside was captured by the cameras.

As for the six NPCs of the Meteorite Company who had been guarding the main control
room, they had been easily taken care of by Tyrant. They were lying on the floor in
every corner of the room.

Victor immediately walked to the control panel and tried to control it.

“Fang Heng, this is the control room, but I do not have the password. I can try to
gain the administrator’s permission to control the mansion’s internal system…”

As Victor spoke, he began to operate on the platform of the main control room.
Suddenly, his brows furrowed tightly.

“Ka… Zhi Zhi Zhi…”

Chapter 234 King of Gods’ Mission

“Ka… Creak…” “What’s wrong?”

The large screen in the main control room suddenly dimmed, and then lit up again.

An old man’s face appeared on the screen.

He looked extremely thin.

“Welcome to the residence, uninvited guests. Forgive me for being blunt, but you
don’t seem to know what manners are.” Looking at the old man on the screen, Fang
Heng was puzzled.

He seemed to have seen this person somewhere before.

Mo Jiawei muttered to himself, “How could it be him… Tsugawa Hideharu…”

That’s right!

Tsugawa Hideharu!

Fang Heng’s eyes lit up, and the memories of the original body were also awakened.

Tsugawa Hideharu!

One of the three founders of the Meteorite Company in the Zombie Apocalypse game.

It was said that he had been suffering from a lot of illnesses and had passed away
a few years before the Zombie Apocalypse. “Tsugawa Hideharu? Isn’t he already

Victor lowered his head and operated the main control platform, trying to gain
control of the platform. At the same time, he said, “Don’t be fooled by him. What
you’re seeing now is a synthetic image, not him.”

Fang Heng observed.

Indeed, Tsugawa Hideharu’s face on the screen was a little strange.

“No, I’m Tsugawa Hideharu himself.”

“In a biological sense, my body has already died, but my consciousness still exists
in this world.”

“Forget it. You won’t understand. Death is only temporary. Soon, I’ll get a new
body and be resurrected in a way you understand.”

Fang Heng narrowed his eyes.

Tsugawa Hideharu was sitting on a wooden chair.

“I admit that your ability to control zombies surprised me.”

“I recognize your strength. My pupa project also needs strong survivors like you to
join it.”

“Come, work with me. Join me. Join the pupa project, and I’ll grant you eternal

Pupa project?

Fang Heng frowned.

This was the first time he had heard such a strange name.

Mo Jiawei had a confused look on his face as well.

However, in the next second, a row of red hints appeared on Fang Heng and Mo
Jiawei’s retinas at the same time.

(Hint: Player has triggered the King of Gods’ mission-Pupa project.]

Mission name: Pupa project

Mission description: In the Meteorite Company’s secret base, you have discovered a
synthetic image of Tsugawa Hideharu.

Mission difficulty: A

Mission requirements: Try to obtain more information about the pupa project.

Mission reward: King of Gods’ points, follow-up mission information.

Fang Heng’s heart skipped a beat.

King of Gods’ mission?!

In the game, missions were divided into King of Gods’ missions and normal missions.

King of Gods’ missions were extremely rare! They were on the next level.

The biggest difference between King of Gods’ missions and normal missions was that
the mission reward for the former was King of Gods’ points, but the difficulty was
not necessarily as high as normal missions.

The vast majority of ordinary players would never be able to trigger a King of
Gods’ mission in their entire lives.

This made sense. AEFC Company had spent so much effort, so they had found a hidden
King of Gods’ mission.

No wonder even District 3 had stopped staying put and came to District 8 to steal


The screen suddenly darkened and the old man’s figure disappeared.

The screen lit up again and returned to its original state.

“The main signal source came from the second basement. The control platform there
has higher-level access.” Victor raised his head and explained to the two, “I
temporarily cut off the connection with the signal source of the second basement.”

“The access is insufficient. The control room is now semi-offline, and we can only
control a small part of the resources.”

“Fang Heng, what should we do?”

Mo Jiawei was also excited.

Good heavens!

This was a King of Gods’ mission!

It was not on the same level as a normal mission.

A normal game only focused on a single game, while a King of Gods’ mission
corresponded to the entire game world. “Hmm…”

Fang Heng rubbed his chin and started thinking

King of Gods’ missions were very rare in elementary games.

If he encountered one, he would definitely think of a way to participate in it.

However, before that, he could not leave behind the beam weapons.

Fang Heng turned his head and asked, “Victor, have you found the beam weapons? Is
there a way to dismantle them?”

“Yes, if we want to dismantle the beam weapons, we first need to gain complete
control. Right now, I can only think of a way to cut off the power supply of the
beam turrets before trying to manually connect it to the main control room to gain
access…” Victor skipped over the lengthy explanation and gave a direct conclusion.
“I need some time. As for the follow-up beam cannon, I also need time to dismantle

“Okay, you stay here and think of a way to dismantle the beam weapons. I’ll think
of a way to stall for time.”

Fang Heng turned to look at Lucia. “Lucia, I’ll leave a Tyrant form and half of the
Lickers for you to control. You must protect Victor.”


Lucia nodded solemnly.

Fang Heng patted Mo Jiawei’s shoulder. “Let’s go to the second basement to see what
Tsugawa Hideharu is up to.”

On the second basement, the alloy passage’s door was tightly shut.

Tyrant strode forward and extended its huge fist.

It threw a punch at the door.


A heavy punch landed on the metal door, leaving a slight dent on the door.
Fang Heng turned his head and looked at the surveillance camera at the corner of
the passage.

“Mr Tsugawa, don’t you want to talk to me?”

“I’m still a little interested in your pupa project. Perhaps we can negotiate for a
mutually satisfactory result?” “Crack!….”

With a soft sound, the metal door slowly opened in front of Fang Heng.

Fang Heng stuck his head out and looked at the passage behind the metal door.

The straight passage extended forward and did not seem dangerous.

For safety reasons, Fang Heng controlled the Tyrant to walk in front.

After confirming that it was safe, Fang Heng used his eyes to signal Mo Jiawei
beside him.

The two stepped into the passage.

In the next second, Tsugawa Hideharu’s voice came from the loudspeaker in the


Fang Heng stopped and looked at the surveillance camera at the side.

“What? You don’t want to work with me anymore?”

“No, I want to work with you, but you have to show your sincerity.”

“Oh? Sincerity?”

“Allowing you to enter my secret research room is already the biggest concession
and sincerity I’ve made.”

“In exchange, I need you to leave the zombie outside the safety door.”

“This is the foundation of our partnership. You can’t refuse, young man.”

Fang Heng’s brain was working rapidly.

He had two things to do now.

First, he had to figure out what the pupa project was and get more information. If
possible, he had to try his best to get some benefits.

Second, he had to buy more time for Victor, who was still on the fourth floor
dismantling the beam turret.

He had to agree to his conditions!


Fang Heng said and waved his hand, leaving the Tyrant form and the Lickers outside
the safety door.

“Young man, I don’t have any information about you in my internal database. What
should I call you?”

“I am Fang Heng and this is Mo Jiawi.”

Chapter 235 Pupa Project

“By the way, Mr Tsugawa Hideharu, I think you’ve noticed that under the influence
of the Blood Moon, the zombie horde outside is very aggressive. Soon, the Corpse
King will attack the mansion.”

“You can guess if we cause trouble in your mansion, can you keep the research room
of your mansion and continue the pupa project?”

On the loudspeaker, Tsugawa Hideharu’s voice became gloomy.

“Fang Heng, are you threatening me?”

“Hahaha, of course not. At most, it’s just a warning,” Fang Heng laughed and said
half-truthfully, “Without the protection of my zombies, what if you suddenly act on
impulse and attack me? It’s always good to leave a way out for myself.”

“If I die, the zombie team I left behind will attack the mansion at all costs.”

After saying that, Fang Heng stepped into the passage.

“Mr Tsugawa, before we work together, I have another question that I’m very curious
about. I hope I can find the answer here.”

“You can tell me, but I can’t promise that I’ll answer your question.”

Fang Heng stopped and raised his head to look at the camera not far away. “Is the
apocalypse part of the Meteorite Company’s plan?” “No, it’s not.”

After a pause, Tsugawa Hideharu continued, “To be precise, I’m not sure. At least,
the apocalypse has nothing to do with me. Its arrival has slowed down my plan.”

“I left the headquarters of the Meteorite Company eight years ago. At that time, I
had already withdrawn from the biological weapon project of the Meteorite Company.”

“Eudora and I had a huge disagreement on how to use the primogenitor virus.”

“She preferred to take risks. She used the primogenitor virus to grow in the bodies
of various creatures to obtain a more unique virus body. This kind of disorderly
mutation is very dangerous and unstable.” “But she succeeded. The T-virus and G-
virus were both created by her.”

“As for me, I prefer the primitive evolution, letting the primogenitor virus
complete its evolution. That kind of evolution is the most beautiful “So after a
quarrel, I chose to be independent and left the company. We separated and did
research in our respective fields.” Fang Heng continued to walk forward through the

He had heard about Eudora.

Eudora was one of the three founders of the Meteorite Company, just like Tsugawa

In the forum, the players believed that she was the most dangerous woman in the
apocalypse game and that she was the one who controlled the Zombie Apocalypse.
“What happened after that? Where did Eudora go after the apocalypse?”

“I’m not sure. After that, I completely lost contact with her. I’ve been staying
here to focus on perfecting my pupa project.” “Alright, what exactly is the pupa
project?” “The pupa project, to put it simply, is the eternal life project.”

“Using genetic modification technology, the primogenitor virus that has been
cultivated will be fused with the human genetic fragments. The simulated life form
will be nurtured from birth until the body grows into an adult.”

“This process is also known as remodelling.”

“We are remodelling to give birth to life. We are not modifying life like what
Eudora did.”

“After the completion of the pupa project, the various functions of the body will
be fully improved.”

“Finally, the pre-set genetic fragments and the main memory will be completely
fused into the body, and the body will be completely reborn.”

“Such a rebirth will not produce any rejection like the virus.”

“Once the pupa project is successfully implemented, I’ll be able to continuously

nurture stronger life forms and continuously replace their bodies, thus achieving
the goal of eternal life.”

Hearing what Tsugawa Hideharu said, Fang Heng frowned.

Eternal life!

It sounded very surreal.

In Fang Heng’s opinion, if he was reduced to a zombie that was neither human nor
ghost, eternal life would be meaningless.

However, Tsugawa Hideharu’s project sounded a little like cloning humans.

The reason why AEFC Company entered Server 8 was most likely to obtain the pupa

Fang Heng carefully considered Tsugawa Hideharu’s pupa project.

Something was not quite right.

Theoretically speaking, according to Tsugawa Hideharu, eternal life might indeed

exist, but there would be many problems in the actual implementation process. “Mr
Tsugawa, I have a question.” “If your original body did not die after the genetic
fragments and main memory were injected, then a second ‘you’ would appear after the
fusion of your memory. I want to know which is the real ‘you’?”

“No, the scenario you described does not exist.”


“Because of the soul.”

Fang Heng was stunned.

“Alright, that’s all for the commentary.”

“The purpose of the pupa project is to obtain eternal life. Even though I don’t
have the ability to carry out this step yet, the final implantation step is very
difficult. It’s very difficult for us to preserve and extract the latest memory and
obtain the complete basic map.”

As they spoke, Fang Heng had already walked along the long passage to the end.

There was an iron door at the end of the passage.

Fang Heng stopped in front of the iron door.


The induction door let out a soft sound before it was pulled open to both sides.

Behind the door was the laboratory of the mansion’s research centre.

It was different from the laboratory that Fang Heng had imagined.

There was only darkness in the laboratory.

A smell of rust assailed his nostrils.

The floor was covered with a layer of light purple fungus blanket.

The carpet was a jumble of dark brown spheres.


It was similar to the spider cocoon he had seen in Pine City.

The pupae here were bigger!

Wires coiled around the dark grey pupae.

One end was connected to the pupae and the other was connected to the machinery in
the main control room at the back.

The pupae maintained a fixed frequency, beating rhythmically.

This combination of technology and insects seemed to be very incompatible.

The large electronic screen in the laboratory lit up again.

The synthetic image of Tsugawa Hideharu appeared on the screen.

“Fang Heng, did you see that? The pupa project is in front of you.”

“They are breeding new bodies.”

“Fang Heng, now that you know about the pupa project, it’s time for you to give
your answer.” “Is it cooperation, or perish?” Fang Heng stared at the swarm of
pupae in the laboratory. A game hint appeared on his retina one by one.

(Hint: Mission-Pupa project completed. You have obtained 20 King of Gods’ points.]
(Hint: Player has triggered the next King of Gods’ mission, Tsugawa Hideharu’s

Mission description: You have received most of the information about the pupa
project from Tsugawa Hideharu. You need to make some choices.

Optional mission branch 1: Choose to believe in Tsugawa Hideharu and join the pupa
project. (Description: Player currently belongs to the Dark Knights’ faction. If
the player chooses this option, the player’s reputation in the Dark Knights will be
emptied and the player will enter a hostile state with the Dark Knights.)

(Description: The Dark Knights’ mercenary who has joined the player’s shelter will
remain, but loyalty will be reduced.)

Mission difficulty: S

Mission requirements: Join the pupa project, assist Tsugawa Hideharu in resisting
the current zombie wave and complete the pupa project.

Mission reward: King of Gods’ points, follow-up mission.

Optional mission branch 2: Reject Tsugawa Hideharu’s invitation.

Mission difficulty: S

Mission requirements: Reject Tsugawa Hideharu’s plan and destroy his memory carrier
in the mansion. Mission reward: King of Gods’ points, Dark Knights’ contribution,
Dark Knights’ friendship Optional mission branch 3: ??? (free choice of mission

Chapter 236 Is There Even a Need to Think about It?

Looking at the row after row of game hints that refreshed, Mo Jiawei carefully
swallowed his saliva.

Good heavens, this mission line…

Was so difficult to choose!

If he chose option 1, it was equivalent to the massive investment in the Dark

Knights’ mission line in the early stages being completely wasted.

It was too big a loss!


The most enticing thing was the pupa project.

Eternal life!

From what Tsugawa Hideharu had described, if the pupa project could be completed,
they could be resurrected an unlimited number of times!

Life was priceless!

Mo Jiawei asked in a low voice, “Fang Heng? How do we choose?”

Fang Heng felt that it was not difficult to choose at all.

“How do we choose?”

“Is there even a need to think about this?”

“Of course, we have to delay time and pretend to cooperate. We have to think of a
way to get more benefits from Tsugawa Hideharu. Then, we can destroy Tsugawa
Hideharu’s memory carrier and get the reward from the Dark Knights…”

Finally, he had to move everything that could be used in the laboratory back home!

As for the pupa project?

Without Tsugawa Hideharu, his shelter could still carry out the research!

Could Qiu Yaokang be worse than Tsugawa Hideharu?

Fang Heng was excited.

But if that was the case…

If he wanted to move the entire laboratory and research materials related to the
pupa project back to the shelter, he definitely couldn’t do it in such a short

Fang Heng lowered his head and pondered.

The previous plan also needed to be changed!

Got it!

He hoped that Victor could be more capable!

Tsugawa Hideharu urged, “Fang Heng, tell me, what is your choice?”

Fang Heng raised his head.

He quickly hid the greed in his eyes and pretended to be in a difficult position,
trying to stall for time.

“It’s a difficult choice…”

“Mr Tsugawa, I am indeed very interested in immortality, but working with you means
that I have completely fallen out with the Dark Knights.”

“Also, your project is very illusory and a little unrealistic. I don’t see the
slightest possibility of it being feasible…”

Tsugawa Hideharu interrupted unhappily, “Very illusory? No, Fang Heng, I have
already completed the first three stages of human experimentation. I can prove it
to you now.”

Fang Heng’s eyelids twitched slightly.

Could it be that there was an unexpected gain?

“Human experimentation? What are you referring to?”

“To us humans, our growth potential is far from reaching its limit. Through the
secondary breeding of the pupa project, your attribute can be further enhanced.”
“How is it? Do you want to try it? This step is very simple. There’s no need for
troublesome procedures such as memory transplant or gene transplant.”

Fang Heng glanced at the pupae in the laboratory

“Use them?”


Fang Heng frowned.

He was not afraid that Tsugawa Hideharu would tamper with the modification process.

In the elementary level apocalypse game, if a similar modification was dangerous,

the game would give a hint of the risk.

Moreover, the vast majority of the risks could be eliminated by using survival
points and evolution crystals.

For example, the original zombie gene enhancement potions developed by Qiu Yaokang
also had negative effects.

At that time, Fang Heng had eliminated the negative effects through the consumption
of survival points and evolution crystal fragments.

However, psychologically, he still felt a sense of resistance toward this

disgusting creature.

Fang Heng turned his head.

He saw Mo Jiawei’s excited expression. “Why don’t you give it a try?” “Me? Sure!”

Mo Jiawei didn’t feel burdened by this kind of modification. On the contrary, he

was very interested in it.

On the screen, Tsugawa Hideharu shook his head and said, “No, Fang Heng, he can’t
do it.”

“His physical fitness is too low. He can’t reach the minimum standard of
cultivation. The success rate of forcefully cultivating him is very low. It’s just
a waste of materials.”

“Eh, too low?”

Mo Jiawei muttered softly.

He felt that he was being targeted.

“I’m not that weak…”

“Alright, then I’ll give it a try.”

He still needed to buy time for the new plan.

Fang Heng braced himself and took a small step forward.

“What should I do?”

“It’s very simple. You just need to enter the cocoon. I’ll assist you in the
subsequent modifications. However, I can’t guarantee that the breeding and
regeneration will be 100% complete this time. There’s still a chance of failure in
the evolution.”


The top layer of the cocoon was automatically torn open, revealing a black hole. It
was very disgusting. Fang Heng took a deep breath, overcoming the psychological
barrier and preparing to step into the cocoon.

Tsugawa Hideharu interrupted, “Wait a minute.”

Fang Heng raised his head and looked at the screen.


“The cooperation is mutual. I can provide you with Tier 1 modifications for free.
Now, it’s your turn to express yourself.”

“You’re right. What do you want me to show you?”

“Before you enter the cocoon and complete the modification, I need you to fulfil
your promise and use your zombies to help the mansion defend against the zombie
horde outside.”

Fang Heng thought for a short while.

No problem.

Victor had completely cut off the communication between the fourth floor and the
underground control room.

This meant that Tsugawa Hideharu didn’t know that Victor was trying to dismantle
the beam weapons on the fourth floor.

Pretend to cooperate! Buy some time first!

Fang Heng agreed readily, “Of course, but your men outside won’t attack my Lickers,

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll communicate with the people outside. They won’t
attack your zombie team.”

“That’s good. Let us have a happy partnership. But these zombies still need my
companions to command them.”

While speaking, Fang Heng secretly winked at Mo Jiawei.

“Mo Jiawei, go to the fourth floor and find Lucia. Ask her to help lead the zombie
team to deal with the zombie horde outside.” “Okay.” Mo Jiawei received the hint in
Fang Heng’s eyes and nodded slightly.

He turned around and walked to the closed safety door.


Without any doubt, Tsugawa Hideharu opened the safety door.

Seeing that Mo Jiawei had left safely, Fang Heng looked at Tsugawa Hideharu on the

“Can we start now?”

Fang Heng said as he raised his leg, stepped into the cocoon and stood inside it.


The cocoon grew rapidly and the flesh expanded at a fast rate until it enveloped
Fang Heng. “Chi-chi-chi…”

The flesh slowly closed together.

Fang Heng felt that he was trapped in a narrow space.

The surroundings were warm and humid. He was clearly locked in a sealed space but
his breathing was not affected at all. His vision was pitch black and only the game
hint in the lower right corner of his retina kept appearing. [Hint: You are
undergoing the special modification of the pupa project’s Tier 1.)

(Hint: The success rate of this modification is 87.2%.]

(Hint: You can spend 12,800 survival points to increase the success rate of the
modification to 100%.]

(Hint: The modification takes 120 minutes. You can spend an additional 6,200
survival points to greatly reduce the modification time and complete the
modification ahead of schedule.]

(Hint: During the modification process, special information is found to be

implanted into your subconscious. There is a probability that your subconscious
will be controlled by Tsugawa Hideharu. You can spend 1,000 survival points and
evolution crystal fragments*20 to remove this negative effect.)
Chapter 237 Little Corpse King
Seeing the new hint in the game log, Fang Heng laughed coldly in his heart. Sure
enough, Tsugawa Hideharu had tampered with the pupa project’s modification.

Fang Heng muttered in his heart, “Increase the success rate of the modification and
remove all negative effects. There’s no need to speed up for now.”

(Hint: You have spent 13,800 survival points and 20 evolution crystal fragments to
remove all negative effects. Current modification success rate: 100%.]

The next step was to wait quietly.

Fang Heng found that his consciousness could still think clearly.

Even though the space inside the cocoon was small, it was still enough to make some
small movements.

Fang Heng immediately took out the survival radio from his backpack.

“Very good! It can still be used!”

Fang Heng heaved a sigh of relief.

He tried to take out his sleeping bag from his backpack again.

It can still be used!!

Fang Heng was relieved.

Originally, the success rate of this ‘small greed plan’ was less than 50%.

Now, the success rate had reached 90%.

On the other side, after leaving the laboratory in the second basement, Mo Jiawei
hurried to the fourth floor.

He was about to inform Victor of the latest progress when he received an urgent
message from Fang Heng.

Mo Jiawei turned on the survival radio to observe.

Fang Heng: Change of plan. Tell Victor to stop dismantling the turrets. First,
think of a way to cut off the power supply to the second basement so that Tsugawa
Hideharu can lose control of the mansion. As for the details, we’ll go offline and
contact him. Think of a way to go offline as soon as possible.

Outside the mansion.

Waves after waves of dense zombie hordes swarmed toward the mansion.

It was endless!

A layer of zombies lay on the ground outside the mansion.

With the help of the mansion’s cannons, Zhao Qinsi and the mercenary group of the
Meteorite Company fought back with all their might and kept throwing Molotov
cocktail bottles outside. The situation was still under control.

Suddenly, Meng Hao saw a tall shadow in the distance.

“Not good!”

Meng Hao’s face darkened. “It’s the Corpse King! The Corpse King is coming!”

“The Corpse King is coming! Be careful!”

Off in the distance, the Little Corpse King blended in with the zombie horde and
strode toward the mansion.

Tier 4 creature-Little Corpse King.

Its appearance brought great psychological pressure to the players.

Although it was only a small-sized Corpse King, the Little Corpse King was already
more than two meters tall.

Zhao Qinsi frowned. He turned his head and looked at the light cannon turret on the
fourth floor of the mansion.

At this stage of the game, ordinary players would have no chance against a Tier 4
Little Corpse King! The most they could do was reduce its HP.
If they wanted to kill the Little Corpse King, they could only rely on their beam

The light cannon turret did not disappoint Zhao Qinsi.

The muzzle of the light cannon on the fourth floor of the mansion slowly turned and
locked onto the Little Corpse King that was about to attack the mansion.


A dazzling blue light burst from the muzzle of the cannon instantly.

The blue beam of light that was difficult to detect with the naked eye flashed
before the players’ eyes.


The Little Corpse King that was striding towards the mansion let out a roar and its
body lost control and fell to the ground.

Its entire shoulder, which was connected to its right arm, was hit by the light

The diameter of the light cannon was about the same size as a bracelet.

It directly pierced through the Little Corpse King’s body, leaving a bloody hole.

Half of the Little Corpse King’s arm was temporarily disabled, hanging on the side
of its body.

Blood kept gushing out of the wound. “Good!”

“Awesome!” “Kill it! Let it go wild again!”

Seeing that the Little Corpse King was heavily injured, the players burst into
cheers and curses, and their morale was greatly boosted.

The light cannon turrets immediately entered a charged state after releasing the
laser beam.

Zhao Qinsi knew very well that the light cannon turrets could deal heavy damage,
but they consumed too much energy. Furthermore, they needed 1-2 minutes to recharge
after a single shot.

But why was only one of the four beam turrets in operation, and the other three
didn’t continue attacking?

Just as they were wondering, the front door of the mansion behind them opened.

Seeing the people walking out of the mansion, Meng Hao and Zhao Qinsi were stunned.
They turned their heads to look at each other. They could see surprise and
confusion in each other’s eyes.


She was the First Lieutenant of the Dark Knights who led the Prison Army to wipe
out seven areas in just a few days!
Why was she here?

It was no exaggeration to say that Meng Hao had watched dozens of videos of Lucia’s
game over the past two days.

However, he had never thought that he would meet Lucia here.

Why was she here?!

Lucia stood at the entrance of the mansion.

Her eyes shone with a strange, blood-red glow.

“Chi-chi-chi! Chi!”

More than ten red shadows darted out from behind Lucia.


Meng Hao’s heart raced.

He had seen Lucia controlling the Lickers dozens of times in the video.

However, this was the first time he had seen the Lickers at such a close distance.
The powerful sense of oppression from the Lickers was something he couldn’t feel in
the video!

The berserk Lickers flew toward the zombie horde outside.

Ordinary Tier 1 and Tier 2 zombies rarely took the initiative to attack the

The Lickers directly passed through the zombie horde and pounced toward the
weakened Little Corpse King!

The Little Corpse King didn’t have time to fight back and was pounced on by more
than ten Lickers.

The sharp claws of the Lickers continuously tore open large wounds on the Little
Corpse King’s body. The sharp teeth bit off chunks of flesh from the Little Corpse

Meng Hao looked at the scene in front of him.

His mind went blank.

“D*mn it!”

Meng Hao gritted his teeth and forced himself to think.

What exactly happened?

Why would Lucia, who should have been in prison, appear here?

Meng Hao felt that his mind was in complete chaos.

He turned to look at the NPCs of the Meteorite Company, hoping to get an answer
from them.
Facing Meng Hao’s gaze, Hao Te nodded and explained, “Ms Lucia is a friend of Mr
Tsugawa Hideharu. They are here to help us protect the shelter.”

What?! Friend?!

Tsugawa Hideharu and the Prison Army had joined forces?

How could this be!

This was impossible!

For a moment, Meng Hao’s expression changed several times.

He did not believe in the ‘friend’ story!

Moreover, the prison was also involved in the pupa project?!

When did this happen?!

Why didn’t they receive any information beforehand?!

Also, the difficulty level of the Blood Moon in the prison was not lower than here!

Did they give up on the prison?

If Fang Heng had already joined the pupa project…

Or was the prison also part of the pupa project?

Could it be that the Blood Moon here was also affected by the prison’s Blood Moon?

Meng Hao was completely confused.

His mind was filled with chaotic thoughts.

He didn’t even dare to think about it. “Bang! Bang! Bang!!” The sound of heavy
footsteps approaching from afar interrupted Meng Hao’s thoughts.

A tall figure walked out of the mansion from behind Lucia.

When he saw the figure clearly, Meng Hao’s face turned slightly pale. Tyrant!?

The tyrant Strode toward the Little Corpse King in the zombie horde.

Chi Chi Chi!

Realizing that the Tyrant was coming, the Lickers that were attacking the Little
Corpse King jumped away. The Tyrant raised its fist.


One punch!

It landed on the Little Corpse King’s head!

Chapter 238 Body

(Hint: Your Tyrant killed the Corpse King. You received 424 survival points. You
received Tier 2 evolution crystal*1.)
(Hint: Your Licker killed a Tier 1 mutated zombie…] (Hint: You completed the first
tier of the pupa project.]

(Hint: All your basic attributes +3.)



A hand reached out from the cocoon.

Fang Heng struggled to push the cocoon away and crawled out.

The clothes on his body had been completely corroded. Fang Heng did not feel any
discomfort during the entire process of the pupa transformation. He could even use
the simple bed function to go offline at the beginning. However, ten minutes later,
Fang Heng received a message that the simple bed had been corroded, so he had to go
online immediately. Fortunately, there was a spare in his backpack. Fang Heng took
out a set of clothes and changed into them.

Tsugawa Hideharu appeared on the monitor screen again.

“Looks like you’ve succeeded. How does the first modification feel?”

“Very good.”

Fang Heng tried to move his body and looked at the time through the game log. The
pupa project’s modification took a full two hours.

There were still three minutes before the implementation of the plan that he and Mo
Jiawei had agreed on.

“This is only the initial effect of the modification. When the modification is
gradually perfected, you can get more enhanced. There’s nothing more wonderful than
eternal life, isn’t it?”

“Indeed, it’s not bad.”

Fang Heng tried to move his body and opened the game log to observe his attributes.

Player: Fang Heng

HP: 810/810

Strength: 27.5

Agility: 22.5

Physique: 30.5

Will: 11.2

Perception: 29.7

Intelligence: 8

The initial modification effect of the pupa project could achieve the effect of +3
to all attributes.
This was already considered an extremely powerful effect.

Qiu Yaokang’s gene enhancement potion could only increase the three combat
attributes, which were strength, agility and perception, by 5 points.

As far as Fang Heng was concerned, skill books that could increase the two basic
attributes, intelligence and will, were practically non-existent.

The strengthening of all his attributes, more or less, made up for some of his

The pupa project was not bad! Fang Heng was getting more and more excited. He
touched his chin and then raised his head.

His face was serious.

“Mr Tsugawa Hideharu, I hereby extend a sincere invitation to you. I hope you can
consider joining my shelter real estate project.”

“Our goal is to build the largest and strongest shelter in the world…”

“I can promise you that I will do my best to help you complete the pupa project on
the premise of ensuring the safety of Qiu Yaokang’s experiments.” “What?”

“Don’t you understand… uh, actually, what I mean is, how about you join my shelter?
Our employee benefits are pretty good.”

There was anger in Tsugawa Hideharu’s tone. “Are you kidding me! Fang Heng!”

Fang Heng shook his head.

“I’m sorry. The time is up. I’ll decline by default.”


In the next second, the power supply of the entire underground laboratory was cut

The room suddenly went dark.

According to Fang Heng’s offline communication with Mo Jiawei, Victor immediately

stopped moving the beam turrets. Instead, he tried to cut off the connection
between the second basement and the outside world and completely seize control of
the mansion.

Fang Heng wanted to play big!

He wanted to directly move the entire research room of the pupa project away! The
problem was it would take a long time to move everything back to the shelter. There
was no time at all!

Therefore, Fang Heng made the latest plan.

As the saying goes, “The dove takes the magpie’s nest.”

He might as well directly occupy the mansion and then rely on the laser cannons in
the mansion to withstand the Blood Moon Zombie Wave!
After guarding the Blood Moon Zombie Wave, he would return to the shelter with the
experimental materials and the light cannon turrets.

Although the idea was good, the first step in the actual operation ran into

Victor found that there was a backup power source in the second basement of the
mansion’s laboratory. The best he could do was to cut off the connection between
the second basement’s laboratory and the outside world.

Fang Heng stood still on the spot and looked up at the dark screen.

Two seconds later, the backup power source was activated again and the angry face
of Tsugawa Hideharu appeared on the screen again.

“Fang Heng! Do you know what you are doing?!”

The power source was restored and Tsugawa Hideharu realized that the main control
room in the second basement was completely cut off from the outside world.

This meant that he could not contact the outside world and he could not remotely
control the mercenary of the Meteorite Company in the outside world.

“Very good, Fang Heng! You will pay for what you have done!”

On the screen, Tsugawa Hideharu’s facial features became distorted.

The entire laboratory emitted a sizzling sound.

The pupae began to squirm and expand, opening their mouths one after another.

A disgusting humanoid life form crawled out of the pupae.

Their skin had not fully grown yet, sticking together. Their bodies were covered in
wet mucus, their facial features as well.

Fang Heng took two steps back.

He did not expect that the life forms that were born from the pupae could still

This was troublesome.

The door behind them was locked tightly and he could not escape.

Fang Heng carefully observed this scene. It seemed that these humanoid life forms
did not move very fast. Most of them could not even keep standing. After emerging
from the insect pupae, they fell to the ground.

They kept trying to stand up from the ground but fell again and again.

However, there were also some who could walk upright as soon as they were born.

Step by step, they approached Fang Heng. Fang Heng quickly switched to a shotgun
and pressed the trigger on the nearest humanoid life form.


With one shot, the human-like body was blasted into a pile of minced meat.
(Hint: You have killed a special mutated body. You have gained 5 survival points.]

It looked very weak.

Fang Heng evaluated the strength of the mutant and aimed the muzzle at the other


The other mutant who was aimed at by the muzzle immediately made a dodging action,
it was consciously trying to avoid the position of the muzzle.

It even knew how to dodge?

Fang Heng’s heart jumped.

Then, a mutant suddenly rushed toward Fang Heng


The sharp weapon in the hand of the mutant made a piercing sound in the air.

Was it a knife?

No, it was not a knife.

It was a bone?

Sharp bone spikes grew out from the bottom of the mutant’s palm, measuring more
than 25 centimetres.

Fang Heng immediately moved the muzzle of the gun.


Another shot.

The mutant was blown to pieces.

The pieces of flesh and blood fell to the ground and quickly dissolved into a pool
of blood.

“Fang Heng, do you see this? They are the first batch of bodies that I prepared for

“Part of the genetic map of Mr Naz, head of security of the Meteorite Company, has
been injected into their bodies.”

“That’s why they were born with Mr Naz’s combat skills. After fusion with the
primogenitor virus, they became better at fighting.”

“The bone spur that you see is the product of the primogenitor virus’s self-

“I think this has something to do with Mr Naz’s fondness for using daggers when he
was alive. Unfortunately, I don’t like this kind of self-evolution, so this body
was abandoned by

“They’re a bit difficult to deal with, right?”

Chapter 239 Bullet Time

“Mr Tsugawa, thank you for your hint.”

Fang Heng snorted lightly in his heart.

He also realized that these mutants were learning! The mutants who were still
trying to stand on the ground had already successfully learned to walk.

The batch of mutants with the fastest learning ability could already sprint and use
bone spikes to attack at short distances!

“However, they are still a little too weak.”

“Hahaha, humans are originally weak creatures. After equipping weapons, their
combat ability will be greatly improved.”

Fang Heng reloaded the shotgun.

There were too many!

The number of humanoid lifeforms also surprised Fang Heng.

The insect pupae continued to squirm, constantly breeding new mutants from within.

Fang Heng aimed his muzzle at the pupae.


The pupae were extremely sturdy. A single shot from a shotgun would not be able to
destroy them.

Seeing Fang Heng in such a predicament, Tsugawa Hideharu let out a maniacal laugh.
“Hahahahaha! Fang Heng, stop struggling. No one can save you.”

“I’ve been working on the pupa project for more than ten years. Do you think it’s
just an eternal life project? No, it’s also the clone project.”

“There are tens of thousands of clones. Although they don’t have souls, they have
the strength and combat ability of the main body. These are all things that are
recorded in their genes.”

“Only such clones can be called biological weapons, right? Feel the evolution of
nature, Fang Heng.”

“It’s a pity. You could have been a member of this great project, but your choice


Fang Heng pursed his lips, thinking to himself that Tsugawa Hideharu was really
crazy. Wasn’t it just an intelligent program hidden in the computer…

“I understand. Now you can shut up.”

As Fang Heng spoke, he switched to the automatic rifle and aimed the muzzle at a
few cameras in the corner of the room.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!!”

After getting an additional 3 points for all his attributes for free, Fang Heng
found that the accuracy of his automatic rifle had been slightly improved.

The few cameras and loudspeakers in the room were all blown up.

Instantly, Tsugawa Hideharu’s voice disappeared.

He could no longer make sense of the situation in the laboratory through the

Fang Heng retracted his gaze and looked around at the circle of mutants.

This group of mutants had cultivated the genetic fragments of the head of security
of the Meteorite Company and incorporated some of the combat techniques he had
mastered when he was alive.

They all stood at a distance from Fang Heng and circled him carefully as if they
were looking for a suitable attack point.

Fang Heng quickly judged the current situation.

The mutants were still growing out of the pupae.

If this dragged on, he would die here.

He had to think of a way.

If he guessed correctly, the pupae that were growing the mutants should be
controlled by the main control computer.

Destroying the main control computer directly might be able to remove the control
over the mutants.

Fang Heng quickly checked his backpack.

He still had three small explosive packs for self-defense. Using them to directly
blow up the main control platform was not a problem.


Fang Heng hesitated.

It was easy to blow up the main control platform, but it would take more time to
rebuild it later.

Not to mention that there was precious information in the computer equipment.

He also hoped to bring all the relevant information back to the shelter and
continue his research on the pupa project…

The pupa project was too valuable! “Swish!!!”

Two mutants, one on the left and one on the right, pounced on Fang Heng at the same
The bone spikes in their hands drew a faint sound in the air.

At this moment, Fang Heng suddenly had a strange feeling. The flow of time in the
surroundings slowed down in an instant.

Fang Heng realized that he could more easily capture and predict the movements of
the mutants.

Their movements slowed down by nearly two times!

At the same time, a game hint appeared in the lower right corner of his retina.

(Hint: Player’s total basic combat attributes (strength, agility, physique, will,
perception) is higher than 120 points. Actual combat skill awakened-bullet time.)

Skill: Bullet time.

Skill level: — (During combat, all players have a probability of awakening this
skill after fulfilling the conditions).

Skill description: In combat, the player’s consciousness flow rate increases and
the effect of the skill is related to the player’s basic attribute (This skill is
activated passively, the activation process will consume more vitality).

Fang Heng’s eyelids twitched, he took half a step back and quickly switched to
butcher’s machete.


He swung his machete forward!

A white light flashed.

The broken limb effect was triggered!

The two mutants were cut in half by the machete.

The corpses fell to the ground and melted into a pool of blood in the blink of an

“Bullet time…”

Fang Heng lowered his head, looked at the machete in his hand and muttered to

He had not engaged in close combat for a long time.

Especially with the zombie team.

Most of the time, he controlled the zombie team and used his guns to support them.
The last time he used his machete was when he fought the zombie horde in Pine City.

During this period, his character had reached Level 16 and he had also obtained
low-level vampire skills.

In addition, he had just gotten an additional three points for all his attributes
from Tsugawa Hideharu.
Without realizing it, his attributes had increased greatly.

“So I’m this strong?”

Fang Heng narrowed his eyes.

He raised his head and looked at the mutants around him who had maintained a
certain distance from him.

If that was the case…

Fang Heng raised the machete in his hand.

He felt that he could be greedy again!

In the real world.

Office centre of the Federal Government of Sucheng.

Meeting room on the third floor.

Every time a special event like the Blood Moon happened in the game server, all the
relevant leaders of the Federation would convene a long-distance video conference
to coordinate the overall situation.

After ensuring the safety of the Temporary Resource Point in the game, Chen Yu was
the first to go offline.

What he was most worried about now was Fang Heng’s prison!

There were more than a thousand people there!

Among them, more than 200 were important figures who had joined the Federation’s
Blood Moon Project.

Nothing must go wrong!

Chen Yu pushed open the door of the large meeting room.

The smell of cigarettes assailed his nostrils, causing him to frown.

Smoke lingered in the large meeting room. Most of the people in charge of the
various regions in Sucheng were frowning, looking lifeless.

His superior, Zhang Yuekun, was sitting by the window, smoking one cigarette after
another. It seemed that the situation was not good. Chen Yu’s heart sank. He knew
the temper of his boss, Zhang Yuekun. When he was in a bad mood, anyone who went up
to him would be scolded by him.

A colleague who was familiar with Chen Yu walked over and asked in a low voice,
“Captain Chen, is the situation at your resource point okay?”

Chen Yu also replied in a low voice.

“Yes, the resources point is almost stable. Blood Moon Level 5 is not difficult,
and the frequency of zombies spawning has decreased. I went offline earlier to take
a look. Is the situation in our jurisdiction bad?”

His colleague lowered his voice, “It’s really bad. Two shelters of the Blood Moon
Project have been destroyed, and the remaining five haven’t been contacted yet. I
guess they are in trouble.”

“What about the prison? How is the prison?”

Chapter 240 Memory Carrier

“The prison is very safe. Our people contact the prison every five minutes. I heard
that the number of zombies in the prison has started to decrease. Everything is
under control.”

“Ah? Are you mistaken? The number of zombies in the prison has started to

“Um… I think so. The prison is not a big problem.”

“I just heard from a friend in the prison that they had large skewers of roasted
meat with beer for lunch. I think the chefs there are still in the mood to make
kebabs. It’s probably safe.”

The colleague couldn’t help but smile wryly.

D*mn, they were so busy and worried here. The people in the prison were already
eating kebabs and drinking beer to celebrate.

“Oh right, he even asked me if they still accept people after the end of the Blood
Moon. He’s willing to pay for it himself, so it doesn’t matter if there’s barbecued
meat or not. The main thing is that the prison environment is


Chen Yu was also stunned when he heard that.

This wasn’t right!

There were at least a thousand people in the prison, and they were at least at
Blood Moon Level 30.

In theory, the higher the level of the Blood Moon, the more difficult it would be
at the later stage.

The Corpse King should have started to respawn, but it was far from reaching the
most dangerous period.

How did it end early?

It didn’t make sense…

How did they get rid of the Corpse King? As Chen Yu felt dizzy with this latest
piece of information, the main control screen in the room suddenly switched to a
senior military officer of the Federation.

It was the head of District 8 of Zombie Apocalypse, Sun Yaobang.

Seeing Sun Yaobang, everyone in the meeting room stood up in unison.

Zhang Yuekun frowned even more. He also put out his cigarette and stood up. His
expression was indescribably solemn.
On the camera, Sun Yaobang’s expression was solemn.

“Colleagues, the latest news is that some anti-federation forces have begun to
interfere with the main storyline mission. They are expected to head to Pine City
two days later. We must also speed up and complete the main storyline operation
before them.”

“After the Blood Moon ends, we will immediately set up a special action team.”

“In addition, we have just contacted AEFC Gaming Company.”

“They have released part of the information about the pupa project to us.”

“Currently, the shelter that AEFC established in the game is suspected to be

affected by unknown interference from the outside world. The difficulty level of
the Blood Moon has increased significantly. AEFC shelter has fallen and the pupa
project is also under great threat.”

“AEFC Gaming Company believes that unknown interference from the outside world may
be related to the Dark Knights. They do not rule out the possibility that it is
related to the anti-federal organization.” “Under such circumstances, they believe
that the success rate of completing the ‘pupa project’ by themselves is extremely
low. Therefore, they have made a request to cooperate with us and are willing to
share the ‘pupa project’ with us.”

“I have already asked my superiors to evaluate the project.”

“Superiors believe that the pupa project is very important to the entire King of
Gods’ game. If we successfully obtain the pupa project, it can greatly increase the
strength of the federal team in the elementary and intermediate level games.”

“Head Captain Zhang Yuekun, Head Captain Yu Feiang, Head Captain Zhu Jue, the AEFC
shelter is located near your jurisdiction.”

“I need you to immediately mobilize all your manpower and send people to the AEFC
shelter to assist them.”

“Immediately form a team and set off. I will contact you individually for the
specific targets of the mission.”

Zhang Yuekun saluted the screen and said, “Yes!”

After the last-minute speech, the screen switched back to the main venue.

Chen Yu stood where he was, still a little confused.

Pupa project?

Although he did not know what this pupa project was, to be able to make his
superiors so concerned and even put the Blood Moon Project in second place, this
project must be something powerful.


The interference of unknown factors? The involvement of the Dark Knights?

Chen Yu’s heart stirred and he scratched his head.

He had a strange premonition.

Did the leader mean Fang Heng when he said “unknown factors”?

Why did it sound so similar?

No, Fang Heng should still be fighting against zombies in the shelter.

It couldn’t be him!


What if it was?

With the mentality of trying it out, Chen Yu immediately contacted Fang Heng’s
assistant and asked her if she knew about the pupa project.


In the second basement laboratory, Fang Heng sneezed.

Just as he thought, there was an upper limit to the number of mutants the pupae
could produce.

As long as he was patient, he could kill them one by one.

After cleaning up all the mutants, Fang Heng studied the pictures that he had just
imported from outside the game for a long time.

He really didn’t understand the complex operation of the main control machine, so
he could only activate the game recording function, and then go offline and pass it
to Mo Jiawei.

Mo Jiawei returned to the game and drew pictures for Victor based on the videos.

“It should be this…”

After countless failed attempts, Fang Heng once again entered a string of codes and
pressed the green button.

A row of small words appeared on the screen.

“System rebooting… entering manual mode…”

The room instantly darkened.

Two seconds later, the power in the entire room was activated again.

Phew! It finally succeeded!

Fang Heng felt that controlling this thing was several times more tiring than
controlling a Tyrant in battle.

After forcefully switching back to manual mode, he finally regained control from
Tsugawa Hideharu and manually controlled the second basement.

“Memory carrier…”

Fang Heng muttered softly. Following the method provided by Victor, he tried to
find the memory carrier left behind by Tsugawa Hideharu in the control room.

He couldn’t find it!

The memory carrier was not hidden in the computer in the control room.

Fang Heng turned back and looked at the two rooms behind the laboratory’s main

These two rooms were originally locked through the computer in the main control

Fang Heng manually operated the system to open the door lock and walked to the door
on the left.

In the middle of the room, a blue crystal about half a meter tall was constantly
emitting a weak light.

The crystal’s chassis was connected to more than ten wires.


What was that?

Fang Heng was puzzled. He walked forward and carefully observed it. He tried to
touch the crystal with his finger, trying to get more information from the game

(Hint: You have found a special item-soul memory carrier.)

Item-Soul memory carrier.

Type: Special item.

Description: A magic crystal carrier that can hold the soul and memory carrier. It
contains a soul memory.

Description: Your perception attribute has not reached the basic judgment. You have
not mastered the relevant skills. You are unable to obtain more information.

Description: Special item, can not be placed in the backpack.

“Eh? This is a memory carrier?”

Fang Heng was a little surprised. He originally thought that the memory carrier was
a computer program, a piece of code, but he did not expect it to be something
similar to a crystal.

The hint description stated that there was insufficient perception attribute to
obtain more information?

His perception was already 29.7, but it was still not enough to discover the secret
of the crystal?

Could this thing be very valuable?

Several thoughts flashed through Fang Heng’s mind.

Suddenly, the crystal in front of him began to shake uncontrollably.

Chapter 241 Pupa Project-reincarnation Device

Fang Heng suddenly retracted his hand.


In the next second, the memory carrier exploded into dust in front of Fang Heng.

(Hint: You have destroyed Tsugawa Hideharu’s memory carrier. According to team
contribution, you have received 50 King of Gods’ points. Please go to any contact
point of the Dark Knights to receive the remaining reward.]

Fang Heng frowned.

What was going on? This thing could not be touched by hand?

Or did Tsugawa Hideharu choose to self-destruct? “D*mn!”

Fang Heng cursed in a low voice. He felt that it was most likely the latter.

This room contained a memory carrier. Then what was in the other room?

After all, he was one of the founders of the Meteorite Company. He should have left
behind some good stuff, right?

Fang Heng adjusted his emotions and looked forward to going to the other room to
win the prize.

After exiting the small room, Fang Heng pushed open the alloy door of the other

The two rooms were the same size and the furnishings were about the same.

There was a metal container lying quietly in the middle of the room, At first
glance, it looked like a coffin box.

On the side of the coffin box, there were a few small cultivation pods filled with
various solutions.

What the hell was this?

Fang Heng slowly walked up to the coffin box and placed his hand on the box.
“Gulp…” Fang Heng could not help but swallow his saliva when he saw the game hint.

(Hint: You have found a special item: Pupa plan-reincarnation device (fusion of
special reincarnation solution materials).] Item: Pupa plan-reincarnation device.

Item level: Level 3.

Special description: This item cannot be stored in a backpack.

Description: Tsugawa Hideji exhausted his efforts and spent decades of research to
create a reincarnation device that simulated the evolution of pupa. It had been
fused with special reincarnation solution materials. Effect description 1: Binds
the player’s genetic map in advance. When the player dies, the player can choose to
consume an additional 100 King of Gods’ points, 50,000 survival points, evolution
crystal fragments*1250, complete evolution crystal fragments*250, Tier 1 evolution
crystal*25, Tier 2 evolution crystal*5, incubating and rebirth in the pupa plan-
reincarnation device (this rebirth does not consume the player’s remaining number
of rebirths).

Effect description 2: The reincarnation level at the current stage is Level 2.

After rebirth, the player can obtain an additional pupa plan Level 3 transformation
effect (The effect is +7 to all attributes, this effect is effective for the first
time and the high-level effect covers low-level effects).

Usage requirement 1: Rebirth takes 3 days (This rebirth time cannot be shortened,
during the rebirth process, the player will stay in the King of Gods’ space, cannot
enter the game but can perform offline operations). Usage requirement 2: Will only
take effect when the player’s remaining number of survivals is greater than 0, and
the player must bind to this game world server (Zombie Apocalypse, District 8).

Usage requirement 3: This device can only be used in a laboratory above Level 20.

Usage requirement 4: When this device is used, it needs to be paired with a

researcher whose level is higher than A+ level or a player*2 who has research
skills higher than Level 45.

Usage requirement 5: Player must undergo a soul transfer (After rebirth, the player
can use an additional 100 King of Gods’ points to undergo a soul transfer or other
methods to transfer the soul). Usage requirement 6: Special fusion material

Usage requirement 7: Before use, the player needs to bind his genetic fragment
(genetic fragment within 10 days required). NPC or player who has mastered Level 55
scientific research skills or above is required to extract and load the genetic

Special description 1: After rebirth, the damage to the body can be fully
recovered, but the damage to the soul can not be removed.

Special description 2: Some parts of the item can not be used multiple times. After
using it once, it will be damaged. The player can try to recover some of the
wreckage and activate the special experimental item-pupa project.

(Special description: The conditions for the pupa project include: Player’s shelter
must be at Level 70, player’s shelter scientific research at Level 60, player’s
shelter construction at Level 60.)


Rebirth was not counted in the three deaths!

After rebirth, there was an additional increase in the body’s attributes!

Other than the time required for rebirth being a little longer and the number of
points consumed being a little higher, there were almost no other negative effects.

Fang Heng’s mind was only filled with one word.


He took a few deep breaths and managed to calm himself down.

The effects were strong and there were a total of seven restrictions!
Fang Heng corresponded the usage requirements of the pupa project to himself.

Other than the fifth point, which cost him 100 King of Gods’ points, everything
else was satisfied!

In other words, he only needed to spend 200 King of Gods’ points to resurrect once
for free.

After that, when he finished retrieving the reincarnation device, his laboratory
would be able to start the research of the pupa project! This was a huge profit! He
had to move this thing back to his shelter!

Therefore, the mansion had to be defended!

Fang Heng lowered his head and pondered.

If he wanted to defend the mansion 100%, he had to make use of the people from AEFC
Company who were currently outside.

Yes! That’s right! He had to find Victor first!

Outside the mansion.

Tens of thousands of zombies were still attacking the mansion continuously.

Lucia commanded the zombie team to fight.

The way to fight was very simple. First, she used the beam weapon to severely wound
the Corpse King. Then, she used the entanglement skill of the Tyrant form to trap
and kill the weakened Corpse King.

The Lickers crazily attacked from the side.

Finally, the Tyrant hammered on the Corpse King’s head and killed the Corpse King!

Lucia didn’t quite understand Fang Heng’s request. Why did he have to let the
Tyrant use its last punch to kill the Corpse King as the ending?

However, she still followed Fang Heng’s instructions faithfully.

In the AEFC Company’s group of players, Meng Hao hurriedly went online again.

Even in such a dangerous situation, he still forcefully threw a simple bed on the
ground and went offline to contact the company’s higher-ups. “It’s passed. The
company has already decided to cooperate with the Federation and share the pupa
project. The Federation has also agreed to quickly bring reinforcements to help us
protect the mansion.”


Zhao Qinsi nodded.

After decades of planning and preparation, their original plan was to monopolize
the pupa project.

Now, they have to share it with the Federation.

It was very unpleasant, but they had no choice.

They had no choice but to make changes to the pre-set plan.

They could not wait another 30 to 40 years, waiting for the next new server to open

With the Dark Knights and possibly the prison players joining them, AEFC Company
found that they had completely lost control of this hidden mission.

Cooperating with the Federation was the best solution they could come up with.

The Federation could provide a huge amount of manpower and resources to help them
regain the right to speak in the pupa project. As the two of them were talking, the
mercenary captain, Hao Te, walked over to Meng Hao. “Mr Meng Hao, Mr Tsugawa wants
to talk to you.” This old man was finally willing to talk!?

Meng Hao’s heart stirred. He immediately took the walkie-talkie from Hao Te.

Zhao Qinsi also leaned over to listen.

Tsugawa Hideharu’s voice could be heard from the walkie-talkie.

“Meng Hao, I have some very bad news for you.”

Chapter 242 Controlling Water Temperature

“The two beam cannons in the residence have unexpectedly malfunctioned during
operation. The cannons have been damaged and they could not be used for the time

Meng Hao’s face fell.

What the hell!

The zombie wave was surging. It was already very difficult for them to deal with
this situation. If the two beam cannons went on strike…

How were they supposed to defend against the next wave of zombies!

The people from the Federation still had to deal with the low-level Blood Moon. It
would take at least two to three hours for them to arrive.

Without the two beam cannons, how were they supposed to defend?

As time passed, once the zombie horde gathered…

They might as well surrender!

“My people are already carrying out emergency repairs on the beam cannons. To
survive this period, I will provide you with some combat weapons to ensure your
combat ability to deal with the zombies outside.”

Hearing this, Meng Hao was stunned.

Finally! Tsugawa Hideharu was finally willing to provide them with weapons!

This could be considered a blessing in disguise.

With the support of high-level weapons, they could more or less hold on for some

If they were lucky, they might even be able to hold on until the Federation’s
reinforcements arrived.

Meng Hao had scolded Tsugawa Hideharu in his heart countless times, this old man
who didn’t give a single cent.

However, he still hid his emotions and replied, “Thank you for your generosity, Mr
Tsugawa. We will do our best to help you protect the safety of the mansion.”

“You’re welcome. In addition, I know that your team has some unconventional and
powerful weapons. I hope that you can use these weapons to help me protect the
mansion and the pupa project. ‘It’ is all I have.”

“As long as you can protect the mansion, I will give you compensation at the end of
the Blood Moon.”


Meng Hao’s heart pounded violently, and he exchanged a glance with Zhao Qinsi.

Zhao Qinsi suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked, “Mr Tsugawa Hideharu,
if we successfully resist the attack of the zombie horde, are you willing to
release the pupa project Level 1 to us?”

Tsugawa Hideharu was silent for a moment. He seemed to be considering the

conditions Meng Hao had proposed. Meng Hao’s breathing became heavy, and his heart
was in his throat.

Once Tsugawa Hideharu agreed, it would be equivalent to getting all the players in
the company to obtain +3 attribute modifications!

In the early stages of the game, such modification was worth thousands of gold

After thinking for a moment, Tsugawa Hideharu replied, “I promise you, but you must
provide the materials needed for the experiment and the corresponding maintenance
fees. Moreover, I cannot guarantee the success rate of the experiment.” “Alright!
Mr Tsugawa, don’t worry! We will do our best to protect the safety of the mansion.”

“I wish you all good luck. I will get someone to repair the beam turret as soon as

After hanging up, Meng Hao waved his fist fiercely.

That old fart, Tsugawa Hideharu!

He finally relented!

Last time, their company spent a lot of resources to exchange for two pupa project
Level 1 modification slots from Tsugawa Hideharu.

It seemed that this time, the mansion was at a critical juncture of life and death.

Only then would he be willing to relent.

As long as they could defend the mansion, they could officially participate in
Tsugawa Hideharu’s pupa project!
From the beginning of the Blood Moon until now, they finally had some good news.
The NPCs belonging to the Meteorite Company dragged out a few weapon boxes from the
warehouse for the players to take.

Now, the AEFC Company players had the defense weapons, as well as an even bigger


For a moment, the player’s team was full of fighting spirit. Meng Hao couldn’t help
but think that if Tsugawa Hideharu revealed the pupa project Level 1 to them, then
they would be able to make up for the loss of the shelter… He could also explain to
his boss and the board of directors.

Everything was built on the premise of protecting the mansion!

They had to protect the mansion!

Thinking of this, Meng Hao immediately turned to Zhao Qinsi and said, “Just these
ordinary weapons aren’t enough to stop the Corpse King. I’m going offline to apply
to the headquarters to obtain the King of Gods’ points to buy weapons.” “Okay.”

Zhao Qinsi was as calm as ever, but unlike before, his eyes were filled with
fighting spirit.

“Hurry up and go. I will handle the situation here.”

On the other side, Victor turned off the microphone switch, turned off the computer
simulation sound effects and made an OK gesture to Mo Jiawei.


Fang Heng high-fived Mo Jiawei, who was sitting in front of the microphone.

“Hahaha, those idiots think I’m Tsugawa Hideharu. This time, I’m sure they’ll be

Mo Jiawei was in a good mood and laughed out loud.

When he was carrying out the expansion plan, AEFC Company had secretly set him up.
A big problem had occurred and the prison had almost fallen.

Now that he had taken revenge on them, the feeling was really good!

He felt more at ease!

Victor had also overheard the conversation between Mo Jiawei, who was pretending to
be Tsugawa Hideharu, and the AEFC Company player. He felt strange and could not
help but ask, “But Fang Heng, why are we lying to them? The four beam energy
cannons are still intact and in a usable state. We are not in a hurry to dismantle
the laser beam turrets now.” “Sigh! Uncle is really naive…”

Looking at the innocent Victor, Mo Jiawei sighed and shook his head repeatedly.

He thought that Victor was not good enough. It was obvious that he was a newcomer
who had just joined Fang Heng’s team. He was not ‘sinister’ enough. Fang Heng was
in a good mood after he got the pupa project for free. He patiently explained,
“Victor, have you heard of controlling the water temperature?”
“Controlling the water temperature?” Victor looked confused. “What’s that?”

“I’ll do it.” Mo Jiawei volunteered to explain the story of boiling a frog in warm
water to Victor.

“If you put a frog into boiling water, it will jump out. But if you put it into
cold water and heat it slowly, it will not sense the danger and will eventually be

Victor frowned and thought for a while.

“Mo Jiawei, I doubt the correctness of your theory.”

“Correctness and authenticity are not important. The meaning of this story is that
we have to play with the people of AEFC slowly and control the water temperature.
Don’t scare them yet.”

Victor suddenly understood.

“I understand. You want to continue to give the AEFC team a certain amount of
pressure and not give them time to catch their breath.”

“That’s right.”

Fang Heng snapped his fingers.

“People tend to have wild thoughts when they’re not under pressure. If they sense
that something is wrong and take the initiative to attack the mansion, it will be
very troublesome. If we give them some pressure, they won’t have the time to have
wild thoughts.”

“The second point is to cheat them of their King of Gods’ points and get them to
give us what they have.”

Mo Jiawei also chuckled.

“Right, right, right. If they don’t need to deal with the zombies, they might use
these points against us. So let’s quickly cheat them now.” Cheating the enemy of
their King of Gods’ points was cool!

It was really cool to harm others and benefit oneself!

Fang Heng continued, “The third point is more important. I just received news that
AEFC Company has reached a cooperation agreement with the Federation. The
Federation will come here soon to support them.”

As he spoke, Fang Heng’s expression gradually became serious.

“I don’t want the Federation to find out that we’re related to the pupa project.
Try to delay the time for the outside world to deal with the Blood Moon.”

“We need to send all the information related to the pupa project back to the
shelter before the outside world finds out that there’s a problem inside the

“Oh right, we also need to take the beam turrets with us. Don’t forget about that.”

Victor stood up and said, “Okay, I’ll go to the second basement to start the

Mo Jiawei patted his chest and said, “Leave the beam turrets to me. I’m familiar
with controlling the temperature of the water!” “Okay.”

Fang Heng controlled the zombie team behind him and said, “Victor, I’ll help you
dismantle the machine.”

Chapter 243 Transfer

Outside the mansion.

After equipping their weapons, the morale of the AEFC Company players was greatly

After being suppressed by the zombie horde for so long, they could finally vent
their frustrations.

Meng Hao reported the situation to the company leader before he went online again.

Looking at the players who were fighting the zombie horde he had a vague feeling
that something was wrong.

He seemed to have overlooked some details.

What was it…

But before he had time to think, a small pistol was stuffed into his hand.

“How is the company?”

Meng Hao immediately stopped thinking and raised his head to answer, “A total of
1,000 points. This amount is the most points the company can raise in a short
period of time. Anything more than that will incur ‘handling fees’. The company
can’t afford it.”

“Okay, as much as the company can afford.” Meng Hao took out the flashbang and
rocket that he had just exchanged for from his backpack.

The eyes of the surrounding players lit up when they saw this.


They finally had a weapon that could suppress the Little Corpse King!

“In addition, I’ve communicated with the contact person of the Federation. Their
people have just been triggered and are on their way. They will arrive soon. At
that time, they will provide support in the periphery of Meng City to help us
reduce the number of zombies.” “Okay…”

Two hours later, at the periphery of Meng City.

Chen Yu also joined as a member of the support team to counter Meng City’s Blood
Moon Zombie Wave.

He was going to apply to his superiors for assistance in the prison.

He didn’t expect that AEFC would pull him over to be a coolie.

After the federal team arrived at the predetermined location, they immediately
formed a battlefield on the spot.

They used bows and arrows to shoot from afar, trying to reduce the number of
zombies that spawned.

Chen Yu, who was in the team, scratched his head.

He felt that something was wrong. Was that place the entrance to the sewer? Why
were so many zombies rushing toward that place?

For some reason, Chen Yu thought of Fang Heng, who often moved in the sewer.

(Hint: Your zombie has transported the package (No. 2891) to the designated
location and is returning.]

(Hint: Your zombie has completed the dismantling of the mechanical parts.]

(Hint: Your Tyrant clone has successfully killed the Little Corpse King. You have
obtained 112 survival points, Tier 2 evolution crystal*1.]

(Hint: Your zombie has completed the dismantling of the mechanical parts…] It took
Fang Heng three hours to control the zombie team to work with Victor to dismantle
the laboratory in the second basement.

The dismantled mechanical parts were packed by Victor himself and then transported
by the zombies. They were temporarily piled up at the stairway of the basement.

Victor was very patient and made a number on each box to make it easier for the
parts to be transferred back and assembled. As time was tight, brute force was
unavoidable during the dismantling process and many parts were damaged.

However, Victor promised that he could complete the repairs when he returned.

The demolition of the basement came to an end. Fang Heng and Victor rushed back to
the main control room on the fourth floor.

“How’s the situation outside?”

In the main control room, Mo Jiawei was sitting in front of the big screen,
concentrating on ‘controlling the water temperature’. “It’s a bit difficult. These
people are too powerful. Even the rocket launchers had been triggered. An hour ago,
I forcefully ‘damaged’ another light beam turret.”

“If this continues, I’m afraid the ‘water temperature’ will not be under control.”

“So powerful?”

Fang Heng was also shocked. Through the monitor screen, he observed the situation
outside the mansion.

What the heck!

The people from AEFC Company went all out?

Just like what Mo Jiawei said, AEFC spent a huge amount of money to buy high
explosive bombs, rocket launchers, flashbangs and other combat weapons.
“Fortunately, we didn’t fight them head-on… otherwise, it would have been a bit

Fang Heng muttered softly. From the looks of it, they had likely consumed at least
700 to 800 of their King of Gods’ points!

Fang Heng felt a little embarrassed. He looked at the time.

There was still nearly an hour left until the end of the Blood Moon and the
frequency of Corpse Kings spawning had obviously decreased. The strength of the
corpse wave had also begun to gradually decrease.

Victor asked, “Fang Heng, can we start dismantling the light beam turret?”

Fang Heng nodded. “Yes, start dismantling!”

“Hehe, the water temperature is rising again, right? Let me do it!”

Off to the side, Mo Jiawi skillfully turned on the voice control and the walkie-

“Put Meng Hao on the communicator.”

“Mr Meng Hao, I have some unfortunate news for you. The last beam cannon turret is
temporarily unable to operate due to overheating. I’ve already sent people to carry
out emergency repairs….”

“God d*mn!”

When he heard Tsugawa Hideharu’s voice, Meng Hao had the urge to smash the walkie-

There was only one hour left until the end of the Blood Moon and the intensity of
the zombie wave had begun to drop. It was estimated that it would be the last few
waves, so why did he drop the bomb again?

When the AEFC players heard the voice coming from the walkie-talkie, they also
began to curse.

“What bullsh*t company is this? Why are they using inferior products? They had four
beam turrets and all are spoilt? Are you kidding me?”

“When the mission is completed, I will tear down their mansion one day.”

“What kind of mission is this? They won’t let anyone live!”

The players of the company were still focused on dealing with the zombies despite
the curses.

Every time they were at the point of wiping out the zombies, they became extremely

“Stop complaining, there’s only one hour left!! Let’s make it through!”

“This should be the game’s special setting due to the difficulty level of this
mission. We can’t use the laser weapons to kill the zombies in the final hour.”

Zhao Qinsi was worried that their morale would be affected, so he casually found an
excuse to justify the situation before commanding everyone to continue fighting.
“Hold on for a little longer, the people from the Federation have already arrived
at the periphery of Meng City. They will help us reduce the number of zombies as
well so as to relieve the pressure on us. We can make it through!”

“Aro, go buy three flashbangs and 20 rocket launchers.”

“But, Captain, we don’t have any King of Gods’ points anymore.”

Meng Hao gritted his teeth. “Use mine. I’ll go buy them.”

Zhao Qinsi nodded. “After we’re done, we’ll report the expense to the company.”

As he spoke, Zhao Qinsi turned his gaze to Lucia, who was standing at the entrance
of the mansion.

Right now, Lucia had become the last hope in their hearts.

They could still hold on without the beam turret, but Lucia must not have any

Their biggest attack output was the zombie team controlled by Lucia.

Lucia’s expression was as calm as ever. As she controlled the zombie team to fight,
she did not forget to observe the AEFC Company players’ every move.

She whispered into the walkie-talkie, “Okay, I’m safe. I understand. Fang Heng, you
have to be careful too.”

(Hint: The current Blood Moon has ended. You have successfully passed the Blood
Moon. You have unlocked your mid-tier gaming qualification…)

“It’s over!” “I’m out of jail!!!”

“D*mn it, I’m suffocating…”

Applause and cheers rang out in the temporary safe house in the basement.

Most of the players had gone offline to sleep. The Blood Moon ended when they woke

It was simple.

Looking at the excited players, Liao Bufan yawned.

“It’s finally over…”

He had no way to go offline, so he quietly sat with these players for nine hours.

It was too boring!

Mo Jiawei and Fang Heng were having a good time at the mansion.

Following Fang Heng’s instructions, Liao Bufan immediately began to evacuate the
players back to the prison.

“Thank you for your support. Now, please line up and return to the prison. After we
finish cleaning up the battlefield, you can leave the prison on your own.”
The players did not want to stay in this enclosed basement any longer. They lined
up and left one by one.

Chapter 244 Twists and Turns

It took more than 20 minutes until the last player left. Mo Jiawei then asked two
elite Dark Knights to stand guard at the door and opened the other door.

Soon, the zombies lined up one by one and moved all kinds of mechanical parts and
insect pupae into the basement of the shelter through the passage.

Meanwhile, in the main command room on the fourth floor of the mansion.

The four beam turrets and the second basement had been dismantled by the zombie

Fang Heng yawned.


He gulped down a can of coffee.

He controlled the zombie team to move the materials while observing the situation
outside through the camera.

It would take some time for the zombies to move the materials, and there were only
two Corpse Kings left on the battlefield.

Although the Blood Moon had ended, the zombie team still needed some time to move
the materials.

The rest would depend on Lucia’s performance.

Fang Heng turned to look at Mo Jiawei and said, “Come, it’s your turn.”

Mo Jiawei patted his chest and fiddled with the speaker.

“No problem. Watch me.”

Outside the mansion.

The battle was still going on.

As the Blood Moon fell, the zombies stopped respawning.

However, the zombies that had respawned would not disappear. The player still
needed to clean them up.

On the field, the last two Corpse Kings’ strength had been greatly reduced due to
the end of the Blood Moon.

After eight hours of continuous fighting, the players’ were extremely exhausted.
They were almost at the critical point.

Fortunately, everything was worth it.

Meng Hao could already see a glimmer of hope.

“Look! It’s the players from the Federation!”

From afar, the players could see the Federation’s player team clearing the zombies
in the distance. They were slowly gathering toward them.

As long as they could get rid of the last two Corpse Kings, the Blood Moon would be
able to pass safely. Zhao Qinsi carried the rocket launcher and aimed at the Corpse
King. “Boom!!!”

It was a direct hit!

The Corpse King was pushed back by the rocket launcher.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Tyrant strode forward and charged at the
Corpse King

It was the best opportunity!

The Tyrant raised its fist.

Meng Hao also clenched his fist.

He could almost see the scene of the Tyrant blowing up the Corpse King’s head in
the next second.

“Eh? What’s going on?!”

Tyrant’s fist stopped right in front of the Corpse King

The fist didn’t land.

Instead, Tyrant slowly retracted its fist.

It slowly turned its head and looked at the AEFC players outside the mansion.

Then, Tyrant seemed to have fallen into a daze and stood motionlessly on the spot.

Like most players, Meng Hao couldn’t understand what was happening.

What was going on?

Why did it stop?

“Do it! Give the Corpse King a fatal blow!”

Zhao Qinsi was the first to react. He immediately turned to look at Lucia.

The other players also came back to their senses. They all looked at Lucia.

Lucia’s face was pale. She stood at the entrance of the mansion, propping up the
wall with one hand. She looked like she was trying her best to hold on.

The Captain of the Meteorite Company’s security team, Hao Te, took out his walkie-
talkie and communicated a few words.

“Quickly take her to the first floor to rest.”

Two NPCs from the Meteorite Company immediately helped Lucia into the mansion.

Hao Te turned his head and explained to the crowd, “Madam Lucia suffered a backlash
from controlling the zombies for a long time in battle. She can no longer continue
to fight.”



Meng Hao wanted to curse.

He forcibly restrained himself.

There were many twists and turns. Every time they thought they were about to
complete the mission, there would always be some special situation that would bring
them back to their original state.


He didn’t know if Lucia’s sudden accident was a special setting for the mission.

This sudden twist was too mind-blowing!

The most annoying thing was that the Tyrant and Lickers who were under Lucia’s
control stood in the middle of the battlefield.

They didn’t move at all.

Unless they were attacked by zombies, they would just stand there in a motionless

They didn’t attack or retreat.

Meng Hao’s eyes were bloodshot.

He was afraid.

He was afraid that the Tyrant form that had lost control would turn around and
attack them.

The AEFC had invested too much in this Blood Moon! They had even sacrificed their

If they failed…

Meng Hao gritted his teeth, not daring to think about it.

Even Zhao Qinsi, who was as calm as ever, was on the verge of collapse.

It was the same every time!

If the shelter had been attacked when it was Blood Moon Level 32 earlier on, this
kind of hopeless battle would have been fine. He could not even muster the will to

But now!

They were given a glimmer of hope when it seemed that they were about to succeed
and then suddenly, they were dealt with a heavy blow!

Zhao Qinsi took a deep breath and tried hard to control his emotions.
They had invested too much manpower and resources in this plan, and they had to


They could do it!

There were two Corpse Kings left and they weren’t in a good condition!

“Everyone, focus! There are only two Corpse Kings left! After this mission is over,
we will apply for rewards for everyone!”

Meng Hao also reminded the players loudly, “Don’t touch the zombie team controlled
by Lucia. be on guard against them attacking


Although the AEFC players’ hearts were filled with hatred, they had no choice but
to focus completely on fighting the remaining zombie horde and the last two Corpse

Lucia returned to the lounge of the mansion with the help of two members of the
Meteorite Company’s mercenary group.

When the NPCs left, Lucia’s sickly pale face was gone.

She was in high spirits as she walked toward the back of the storage room on the
first floor of the mansion.

Mo Jiawei and Victor were setting up a bomb at the blast hole earlier on.

When he saw Lucia, he couldn’t help but be stunned.


In the video, Lucia looked so pitiful that she could be blown down by the wind…

So it was all a disguise!

What a scary woman!

“Where’s Fang Heng? Is he not here?”

Lucia looked around in confusion, looking for Fang Heng. “Oh, he’s fine.”

Mo Jiawei waved his hand. “He’s on the fourth floor, controlling the zombie team to
dismantle the machine. He said that the surveillance equipment in the mansion is
not bad and is trying to move it back to the shelter…”

Mo Jiawei admired Fang Heng.

After all, he was a god-level player. He was thoughtful!

If the entire surveillance equipment was moved back to the prison, wouldn’t the
safety level of the shelter increase?

“I’ll go find him.”

Lucia had a bad feeling.

During this period, she and Fang Heng had been controlling the zombie team at the
same time, so they had a weak sense of each other.

She could vaguely sense that Fang Heng was also controlling the zombie team’s

The strength of that consciousness was much stronger than hers.

But just now, that consciousness seemed to have disappeared.

In the past, such a situation would only happen when Fang Heng was sleeping.

Lucia picked up her guns and returned to the surveillance hall on the fourth floor.

In the room, Fang Heng was lying on the table.

“Fang Heng? Fang Heng!” Hearing someone call his name, Fang Heng opened his eyes in
a daze.

In front of him was Lucia’s slightly anxious face.

Chapter 245 Putting up an Act?
Oh no, he actually fell asleep!

Fang Heng held his forehead.

It was so strange.

He felt extremely tired.

Could it be that he hadn’t slept for two consecutive nights?

Previously, he had suffered from similar symptoms and hadn’t slept for a long time,
so his reaction wasn’t that serious.

“Fang Heng, are you alright? Do you want to ask Mr Qiu to take a look?”

“It’s probably because I haven’t slept for too long that I accidentally fell asleep
just now.”

Fang Heng still felt dizzy.

He couldn’t help but yawn as he flipped through the game log.

There was no description of any negative effects on the game log.

He must have fallen asleep because he was too sleepy.

Fang Heng thought as he downed another can of coffee to refresh himself.

“We’re almost ready. We’re going back to the shelter now.”

Time passed, minute by minute.

The players of AEFC Company were still fighting the zombie horde.
The combat teams of the various districts of the Federation had arrived

They started to clear the zombies from the periphery of Meng City and gradually
joined the mansion in the center of Meng City.


A high-explosive grenade landed at the feet of the Corpse King.


The intense explosions at close range caused Meng Hao’s ears to ring. Finally, the
Corpse King, whose entire body was burning with flames, slowly fell to the ground.

It was over!

The AEFC Company’s players completely lost the energy to cheer. They all sat down
on the spot, so tired that they didn’t want to say a word.

The battle lasted for eight hours!

It was too tiring!

Both their stamina and energy were exhausted.

They had been tense before, but now that they had relaxed, they felt even more

Meng Hao also felt exhausted.

At last, they had survived the Blood Moon Level 32!

As long as they could get the pupa project, everything would be worth it!

Meng Hao braced himself and walked toward Hao Te, ready to find Tsugawa Hideharu.

Hao Te was holding the walkie-talkie and talking about something.

“What did Mr Tsugawa say?”

Hao Te put down the walkie-talkie and frowned. “Wait a minute. It’s probably
because of the communication interference. Our communication with Mr Tsugawa has
been affected.”

“What do you mean? You can’t get in touch with him?”

That old fart! What tricks is he up to this time?!

Meng Hao was indescribably irritated. He turned to look in the direction of the

“There’s no need to contact him. Let’s go in and find Mr Tsugawa.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you in. Mr Tsugawa has instructed that no one is to
enter the mansion.”

“What if I can’t get in touch with him? How long do you want me to wait…?”

A muffled explosion rang out from inside the mansion, interrupting Meng Hao’s

Meng Hao felt a slight tremor beneath his



It was coming from within the mansion?!

Something was wrong?!

Meng Hao felt that something was amiss.


Cold sweat broke out on his forehead and he immediately wanted to enter the mansion
to take a look.

Hao Te used his strong body to block Meng Hao’s path, his voice cold.

“Without Mr Tsugawa’s permission, no one is allowed to enter the mansion.”

With that, the Meteorite Company’s mercenary group raised their guns at Meng Hao.

Meng Hao’s face was cold.

With so many people pointing their guns at him, he was still trying his best to
suppress the anger in his heart.

The AEFC Company’s players couldn’t hold it in any longer. They raised their guns
and aimed them at the Meteorite Company’s NPCs.

The players were also filled with anger.

They had just risked their lives for so long and spent so many points just to
protect the mansion.

Now that they had withstood the Blood Moon but they weren’t even allowed to enter
the mansion?

Both sides refused to budge an inch.

Chen Yu had arrived with his team after clearing the zombie horde outside Meng

He was a little confused when he saw this.

Didn’t they agree to let them participate in the pupa project? Why did AEFC and the
Meteorite Company start fighting on their own?

“Don’t be rash…” Zhao Qinsi walked to Meng Hao’s side and whispered, “Don’t be
rash. There’s no need to be angry with a bunch of NPCs.”

As he spoke, Zhao Qinsi looked at Hao Te and said, “For safety’s sake, have your
people go in and take a look at Mr Tsugawa’s condition.”
Hao Te nodded and motioned for everyone to put down their guns. He then nodded to
his subordinates.

Two mercenary from the Meteorite Company immediately entered the mansion to

In less than five minutes, two mercenary anxiously walked out of the mansion.

“Captain Hao Te, the basement has disappeared.”

Meng Hao was shocked and asked, “What do you mean by the basement laboratory has

The mercenary didn’t know how to explain what he had seen in the mansion not long

“This… It’s gone. It’s all gone…”

Meng Hao couldn’t help but take a few steps forward. He stared at the soldier and
asked, “Where is Tsugawa Hideharu?”

“He… he disappeared too…”

“Get the f*ck out of my way!”

Meng Hao’s anger surged. With bloodshot eyes, he pushed the Meteorite Company’s
mercenary away and barged into the mansion.

In fact, he was terrified. His hands trembled uncontrollably.

Anger was his way of disguising his fear.

This time, Hao Te didn’t stop the players’ group. Instead, he followed them in.

Chen Yu frowned. He exchanged glances with the other party’s captain and followed
them into the mansion.

Everyone quickly rushed to the second basement.

It was empty.

Everything was clean.

The mercenaries of the Meteorite Company looked as if they had seen a ghost.

This was Tsugawa Hideharu’s research room.

But at this moment, there was nothing left here!

It was just an empty room!

“Where’s Tsugawa Hideharu?”

“Mr Tsugawa Hideharu has been staying here all along, including the pupa project’s
laboratory, but…”

Hao Te did not know how to explain what he was seeing either. “I don’t know what’s
going on either.”
“Search! Search the entire mansion!”

Chen Yu scratched his head.

He and the two team captains looked at each other.

What the hell was going on?

A living person just disappeared like that?

He even disappeared with the pupa project’s laboratory?

Not even a trace could be found?

Who would believe it!

After spending so much effort to come to the rescue, it ended up in nothing?

After all this time, AEFC and the Meteorite Company were putting up an act?

After detonating the tunnel entrance on the first floor of the Meteorite Company’s
mansion, Fang Heng and his team returned to the shelter through the space tearing

The zombies piled up the boxes that they had brought back, one by one, in the
shelter’s basement.

The boxes filled up three rooms to the brim.

They returned with a full load!

They struck it rich!

They made a fortune!

The full load of materials made Mo Jiawei excited.


Stealing a house in the apocalypse game turned out to be so fun!

At first, he thought that emptying the entire research room in the second basement
of the mansion was already very impressive.

He didn’t expect that there would still be plenty of time in the end. Fang Heng
also searched and tore down all the ordinary research rooms on the third floor of
the mansion.

In the end, he also tore down all the surveillance cameras in the building.

Mo Jiawei looked at Fang Heng with admiration.

This was the style of a god.

Take as many as you can.

Fang Heng yawned at the side.

Seeing so many materials, Fang Heng felt very at ease.

Next was the placement of materials.

Victor would handle the mechanical construction part and Qiu Yaokang would take
charge of the scientific research…

As he felt really sleepy, Fang Heng couldn’t help but want to take out coffee from
his backpack.

Eh? They were finished?

Chapter 246 Dreamland

“Eh, Fang Heng, Why don’t you go offline and rest for a while?”

Mo Jiawei noticed that Fang Heng’s condition didn’t seem to be normal. Previously,
when he was in the control room on the fourth floor, he had been yawning and
drinking coffee.

Previously, when he was in Pine City, Fang Heng was much more energetic.

He didn’t seem to be so tired.

Fang Heng nodded.

He also felt that his head was very dizzy and it had already affected his thinking.

“Okay, then I’ll have to trouble you. Just leave the materials to Victor and Qiu
Yaokang.” “No problem, leave it to me.”

Fang Heng took one last look at the storage room.

He didn’t have time to take stock of what he had brought back. It would be better
to wait until the next time he went online.

Thinking of this, Fang Heng finally gave the order to the Tyrant form and the
Lickers to protect the shelter.

Then, he called the rest of the zombies to go out and hack trees together. Only
then did he throw a simple bed and go offline.

In the hotel, Fang Heng opened the game cabin and climbed out with great effort.

“Why am I so tired…”

Fang Heng yawned again and turned his phone to silent mode. Then, he threw himself
on the bed and fell asleep.

On the top floor of the bell tower.

A bat was hanging upside down from the window.

Its scarlet eyes were focused on the ritual in the tower.

On the floor of the room, a few simple lines were connected to form a strange

A wooden chair was placed in the centre of the pattern.

Fang Heng sat on the wooden chair with his head lowered.

His gaze unconsciously stopped at the strange pattern on the floor.

It was so familiar…

“Fang Heng, Fang Heng…” Hearing the soft call, Fang Heng raised his head, his eyes

A circle of attendants stood at the periphery of the pattern on the floor.

The wide black robe and hood covered their faces and bodies.

One of them slowly walked toward him with a rusty knife in her hand.

When he got closer, Fang Heng saw a familiar face under the hood.

It was Xia Xi!

Fang Heng’s pupils suddenly contracted.


There was a loud sound!

Fang Heng suddenly sat up straight from the bed.

His back was already soaked with sweat.

Was it a nightmare?

Fang Heng’s heart was still pounding violently.

The nightmare just now was too clear.

The impression of the lines carved on the floor left a deep impression on Fang

When had he seen it before?

He had no recollection at all.

At this moment, Fang Heng suddenly felt that the back of his hand was a little
warm. He immediately stretched out his right hand in front of his eyes.

At this moment, Fang Heng was stunned.

A very faint mark appeared on the back of his hand.

“What the hell!”

Fang Heng tried to rub it with his hand.

The mark was not rubbed off. Instead, it became clearer.

It was the pattern he had seen on the floor in his dream!

It was as if it was carved on the back of his hand. The entire back of his hand was
burning up.


There was another heavy sound.

Fang Heng suddenly turned his head to look at the window.

He got off the bed and came to the curtains.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Heng pulled the curtains open.

Outside the window, a bat rushed towards the window.


Fang Heng stared at the bat.

It was rare to see a bat in a metropolitan city like Sucheng

It kept rushing towards the window, but it was blocked by the tempered glass every


This time, the bat’s body hit the tempered glass hard and fell.

Was it dead?

Fang Heng frowned.

It was coming for him?

Raising his hand again, Fang Heng noticed that the mark on the back of his hand had
disappeared completely.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Fang Heng frowned.

There must be something wrong with his body.

Fang Heng went back to his bed and picked up his phone.

He slept for 35 hours.

It was already three o’clock in the morning.

It was very abnormal!

Ever since he joined the game, Fang Heng’s schedule had been very irregular.

In the past, he would sleep for a day and a night, but he would never sleep halfway
like this.

There were still a lot of missed calls on his phone.

Most of them were from Chen Yu, and one of them was from Xia Xi.
Xia Xi!

The person he saw in his dream.

If he wanted to figure everything out, he had to start with Xia Xi!

She must know something.


Fang Heng instinctively felt uneasy.

This unease came from this body.

Previously, he found a strange notebook in the rented house, and it also warned him
to be careful of Xia Xi.

Not long ago, Fang Heng originally wanted to draw a clear line with this body’s
past and start a new life.

But now, the mark on the back of his hand told Fang Heng that everything was not
that simple.

What had to come, had to come.

He had to face it head-on.

Fang Heng stroked his chin as he pondered.

Before he went to look for Xia Xi, he had to investigate first.

Starting from the dream just now, as well as the ‘Ouroboros’ and ‘soul seal’
written on the notebook in the rented house.

He could first ask Mo Jiawei about the situation.

His family’s North River Heavy Industry was one of the pillar industries of the
Federation. It had a long history and deep connections.

Even though North River Heavy Industry was not very popular in the game, they knew
some secrets related to the game.

There was also Old Black.

That middleman!

With some money, he could buy some information from him.

He would go online first and asked Mo Jiawei about the situation.

At 3:30 in the morning, Fang Heng did not call Chen Yu or Xia Xi back. Instead, he
looked through WeChat.

He had deliberately not replied to Xia Xi’s messages for a long time.

However, Xia Xi would always send messages to Fang Heng from time to time, telling
him about her recent situation and asking about Fang Heng

This made Fang Heng feel even more uneasy.

In addition, Pei Anan would summarize the major events that happened in the game
and send them to Fang Heng’s phone through WeChat every day.

After a full 35 hours, many things happened in the game.

First was the prison.

Because of the Blood Moon incident, the prison was completely popular in the forum!

Mo Jiawei took advantage of its popularity to announce in the name of North River
Heavy Industry that they were cooperating with the prison’s work studio. He made a
very domineering statement about the ownership of the 28 areas, including the
forest area, and that players were not encouraged to carry out activities in these

Otherwise, the consequences would be at their own risk!

In the game, such announcements of declaring territorial occupation were rare.

It was unprecedented for Fang Heng to announce that he had taken down 28 areas in
one go.

On one hand, occupying territory would arouse the disgust of the ordinary survival

The world map was very big. If one person was so greedy and took up so many
resources, how could others play then?

On the other hand, it also had to do with the strength of the shelter itself. In
the early stages, transportation was inconvenient for elementary players, so the
areas that they could control were very small.

After the announcement was made, others would build a shelter in the areas that
were occupied and if they developed well…

It would be a slap in the face!

The second thing was the second Blood Moon.

Unfortunately, 10 hours after the end of the Blood Moon, the game released an

The second Blood Moon would begin in 12 days.

The difficulty of the next Blood Moon was not much higher, but it was rare for the
time between two Blood MoonS to be so short in the history of the game.

Now, the price of a ticket to the prison had risen to 100,000 yuan per ticket.

Prices were hanging around but there was no market.

Because Fang Heng had not been online for a while, no one sold tickets outside.

Chapter 247 Planning

The third thing was that AEFC Company had given up. After Tsugawa Hideharu and the
entire second basement laboratory had mysteriously disappeared, there had been some
friction between AEFC Company and the Federation.
In the end, AEFC paid a sum of money and settled with the Federation.

They announced that due to internal business adjustments within the company, they
would no longer participate in the competition in District 8. The players who were
originally in District 8 would be settled in an orderly


The fourth thing.

District 8’s transfer server had been activated!

Players could spend King of Gods’ points to transfer to another server.

The prerequisite was that the player had to unlock the activation of the
intermediate game.

In addition, the player had to spend 50 King of Gods’ points, 10,000 survival
points and 10 complete evolution crystals, as well as reach Level 4 or above.

The opening of the transfer server directly caused the price of the evolution
crystals in the apocalypse game to soar.

Looking at this condition, Fang Heng could not help but curl his lips.

He thought to himself that the difficulty of transferring was too high.

An ordinary player with this many resources would probably be able to do well in
District 8, so why would he transfer to another server?

However, on second thought…

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he could sell off the large number of
evolution crystals he had at hand for a higher price.

The fifth thing.

Chen Yu sent an invitation to his work studio, inviting Fang Heng to participate in
the next invasion of Pine City.

It was said that the Federation had planted spies in the anti-federal organization
to get the news.

The anti-federation forces had been making big moves recently and it seemed to be
closely related to the main storyline mission.

Fang Heng thought about it carefully.

He had already cleared Pine City, so there was no need to go there.

There was still a lot of wood piled up there.

The next step was to quickly expand the shelter’s capacity.

Right, he also needed to find an opportunity to move the nemesis over…

He would not participate in this mission, since they would not be able to find
anything anyway.
After watching all the things that had happened in the game recently, Fang Heng
washed up and entered the luxurious game cabin in the hotel.

Next, it was time to count the harvest of the Blood Moon.

This time, the Blood Moon had spawned at least 10 Little Corpse Kings.

Fang Heng had told Lucia to get their heads.

After going online and returning to the shelter, Fang Heng immediately checked the
game log. Through the Blood Moon defense battle and his combat zombie team, he was
able to obtain a total of six Tier 2 evolution crystals and 42 Tier 1 evolution

He also earned close to 20,000 survival points.

He earned big!

Fang Heng crushed 30 Tier 1 evolution crystals in his hand.

The red mist drifted away from the broken evolution crystals.


Fang Heng let out a soft exclamation.

Under the shroud of red mist, the mark on the back of his hand appeared again. The
mark greedily absorbed the strength of the red mist.

When the red mist dispersed, the mark disappeared again.

Fang Heng placed the back of his hand in front of his eyes and observed it.

He was even more convinced that the ritual he saw in the dream must be related to
the game!

(Hint: Your character level has been upgraded to Level 17.)

(Hint: You have gained an additional zombie clone*24.]

While he was pondering, the newly born zombie team crawled out of the rotating
alchemy array one by one and gathered behind Fang Heng.

Next item.

He had acquired the beam cannons and some monitoring equipment that had been
removed from the mansion.

The beam cannons had been brutally dismantled and some parts were damaged. Victor
still needed to repair them.

The monitoring equipment could only be put into use after the main control system
was installed.

The shelter still needed to build a central control room.

Well, the beam cannon was a hidden weapon. Victor would need to camouflage it to
avoid conspicuousness.
The last item, the pupa project!

Fang Heng changed his clothes and ran to the laboratory to check the situation.

At four o’clock in the morning, there was a pupa that had just been dissected in
front of the test bench.

Qiu Yaokang was working on his notebook to record all the experimental data.

Fang Heng was shocked.

He had slept for 35 hours straight. Qiu Yaokang couldn’t have been working for 35
hours straight, right!

This was the real Big Brother!

Fang Heng felt inferior and walked to Qiu Yaokang’s side. “Don’t tell me you
haven’t slept yet? Don’t be too hard on yourself. You should still pay attention to
work-life balance once in a while.”

“There’s no need. This pupa is very interesting. If I don’t complete the

preliminary analysis, I won’t be able to sleep

at all.”

Qiu Yaokang’s eyes were bloodshot, but he still looked energetic.

“Fang Heng, you came at the right time. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

“Waiting for me?”

“Yes, I heard about what happened in the Meteorite Company’s mansion from Mo

Qiu Yaokang bent down as he spoke. He took out a box from under his feet and placed
it on the experiment table on the other side.

He opened the box, revealing the live sample collector that was shining with silver

“I heard that you’ve completed the transformation of the Tier 1 pupa project. I
would like to take a few tubes of blood samples from you. This will be very useful
for my future research.”

“Ah, this…”

“It’s all for the experiment, for the sake of science. You should feel honored.”

Qiu Yaokang’s face was cold. He took out the sample collector and gestured at Fang
Heng. “Are you coming or am I?” “I’ll do it…”

He drew five tubes of blood in a row.

Fang Heng felt his legs go soft.

“Why is the colour of the sample collector not the same? Have you modified it

“Yes, after some modifications, I can take more samples at one time and increase
the extraction speed slightly.”

“Five is still too little. It’s not enough.”

Qiu Yaokang looked dissatisfied.

As he spoke, he injected Fang Heng’s blood into the sample analysis device.


Qiu Yaokang frowned when he saw the diagram on the analysis device.

Fang Heng leaned over and asked in puzzlement, “What’s wrong?”

“The composition of your blood is a little strange. There are also some strange
genes mixed into it. It’s like another form of modification.”

“Its structure is a little strange. It’s a little similar to animals like bats.”


Fang Heng was stunned. He suddenly thought of the bat that kept hitting the window
outside the hotel.

He muttered to himself, “Bat…”

“What? You thought about something?”

If he said that he had something connected to bats…


The bloodline of the low-level vampires!

Vampires had some connection with some of them.

“Uh, my ancestors have some connection with vampires. Do you think it might be
related to this?”

“Science is very rigorous, Fang Heng.”

Qiu Yaokang glanced at him, obviously thinking that he was talking nonsense.

“All in all, the pupa project is a very interesting project, worthy of research.
But still, I can’t be in two places at the moment. Our team is still lacking in
research personnel. The current pupa project is too difficult for us to make any
substantial progress.”

“I understand.”

Fang Heng spread his hands.

He knew that this was the setting of the game.

Currently, the shelter’s level was not at the stage where they could develop the
pupa project. There was no rush. They could still take their time.
Ever since the incident in Pine City ended, he had been led by the nose by all
sorts of unexpected events.

Now that the Blood Moon had finally come to an end, the holdouts in the area around
the prison had also been expelled.

Next, he could focus on repairing the emergency exits in the quarantine zone.

And also plan for the prison’s future development.

Chapter 248 Many Enemies

Currently, the development of the game could be divided into three parts.

The first was the evolution of the Licker.

The battle at the mansion had fully proved the strength of the Licker.

It had to be mass-produced!

There were no shortcuts in this area. He could only rely on luck to find a
researcher to upgrade the shelter’s scientific research level, as well as to rely
on Qiu Yaokang’s research activities.

The next step was expansion.

Twenty-eight game areas were big enough for him to develop for a while.

Resources within these areas were all mined and stored in the shelter. Then, the
shelter could be expanded a second, third and even the fourth time.

And then the last step was to…

Level up!

Thinking about it carefully, this Blood Moon was not bad. It had resulted in a lot
of evolution crystal fragments, and the shelter level had risen to Level 17.

It was still two levels away from Level 19, but the number of Tier 1 evolution
crystals that he lacked was massive.

He would start by expanding the shelter’s level!

Fang Heng opened the shelter’s attribute panel.

The second expansion of the shelter required a large amount of stone, wood and iron

He did not lack wood. As for stones, as long as he was willing to dig for them, he
could find them everywhere.

Besides obtaining iron nuggets, the iron nuggets also needed to be smelted in a

He was short of this at the moment!

He could go to the apocalypse merchant camp to buy it.

This way, he seemed to lack a lot of manpower to transport stone and wood.

He felt a throbbing headache.


“Hey, what are you doing? Didn’t you already draw blood?”

Raising his head, Fang Heng saw Qiu Yaokang holding an extremely large blood sample
collector in his hand, staring at him blankly.

His expression was indescribably strange.

“The blood sample was taken just now to study the pupa project. Now, I’m taking a
sample of your genes to prepare for rebirth later.”

“Mr Tsugawa Hideharu’s pupa project is indeed amazing.”

“Victor has already successfully assembled the pupa project’s reincarnation device
in the basement.”

“The design of the device is very exquisite. If all of it is dismantled and

studied, we will be able to obtain more information related to the pupa project.”

“However, doing so will also damage the machinery and cause it to malfunction.”

“In short, I need to take a sample of your genes in advance. I heard from Mo Jiawei
that this time, you seem to have conned quite a few people outside.”

“You have too many enemies now. If one day you were to accidentally die, I can
still use the device to keep you alive.”

Fang Heng swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Looking at the oversized sample collector, he suddenly felt as if his feet were

On the top floor of AEFC Company.

The first rays of the morning sun shone on his body. Meng Hao felt a warm fuzzy

“I heard you’re leaving.”

“Of course. I’m the scapegoat. The company suffered such a huge loss. It’s already
good enough that they didn’t send me to prison for half of my life.”

Zhao Qinsi was silent for a moment before saying, “We all know that the
responsibility for this matter doesn’t lie with you. Your plan was approved by the
board of directors.”

“Hahaha, you’re the only one who spoke up for me. That’s very nice of you.” Meng
Hao patted Zhao Qinsi’s shoulder in a friendly manner.

“Are you still holding a grudge?”

“Not really. I admit that I’m inferior, I admit my weakness.”

Meng Hao shrugged his shoulders, appearing very calm.

“What do you mean? We were set up?”

“Yes, I’ve thought it through thoroughly. Everything was set up. I was deceived.”

“I was tricked from the very beginning.”

“They used my plan and then counterattacked. They used the pupa project as bait,
causing us to suffer huge losses. In the end, they even made things difficult
between us and the Federation.”

Thinking back, Meng Hao was still a bit unwilling to accept this.

“When I think back, there was a loophole. Unfortunately, the situation was too
urgent, and I didn’t have any time to think back then.”

“What loophole?”

“A mission hint. Come to think of it, when Tsugawa Hideharu agreed to exchange the
pupa project with us, we didn’t receive any mission hint.”

“Unfortunately, we were already in a terrible situation, and there was such a big
temptation in front of us.”

Meng Hao sighed.

“I couldn’t resist the temptation!”

“It’s not entirely your fault. There are very few missions that don’t trigger a
mission hint.” Zhao Qinsi lowered his head in thought. “So, from that moment on,

“No, it was much earlier than that. Did you know that I received news yesterday
that the prison only took less than 10 minutes to clean up the battlefield?”


Zhao Qinsi raised his head, his eyes flashing with disbelief.

“You felt it too, right?”

“The prison’s Blood Moon difficulty level was much lower than we thought, and our
shelter encountered Blood Moon Level 32.”

“And we saw Lucia, who belonged to the prison side.”

“All in all, the people from the prison party set this whole thing up. As to how
they did it, I remember an anime character saying that after eliminating all the

The two said almost at the same time, “Space tearing!”

Zhao Qinsi shook his head and smiled bitterly, “So we were fooled by him from the
beginning to the end. Are you going to take revenge?”

“No, I’m not interested.”

Meng Hao shook his head.

“Never again. This kid is cheating. It’s boring to play with him.”


“Also, I’m going to District 6 of the Vampire Apocalypse. They need me there. Do
you want to come?”


After listening to Fang Heng’s story, Mo Jiawei looked at him in surprise.

He looked around and lowered his voice. “God, the friend you mentioned…”

“That’s right, it’s me. Don’t tell anyone else.”

Fang Heng admitted it openly. “Okay!”

Mo Jiawei agreed immediately. He hesitated again and asked, “God, are you related
to the anti-federation forces?”

“Of course not.”

Mo Jiawei let out a sigh of relief. “I do know some information, but it’s best not
to mention what I’d said to anyone else.”


“If I’m not wrong, you must have performed some kind of ritual.”

That’s right! It was a ritual!

Fang Heng stared at Mo Jiawei. “Tell me more.”

Mo Jiawei scratched his head, looking a little distressed.

“Well… actually, I’m not sure. According to what you said, you saw yourself being
forced to hold a ritual in your dream…”

“But as far as I know, this kind of ritual can only be performed voluntarily. It’s
very difficult to be forced to perform it.”


Fang Heng felt strange. Could it be that the original owner of this body of his
took the initiative to perform the ritual?

He asked, “What’s the purpose of the ritual?”

“To unlock it.”

Mo Jiawei sighed and said in a low voice, “The apocalypse is coming.”

Fang Heng immediately recalled what he saw in the notebook and blurted out.

“The game reflects reality?”

“As expected, you also know.”

Mo Jiawei’s face showed an expression that said it all.

“Is it all true?”

Mo Jiawei nodded and then quickly shook his head.

“I don’t know the first half of the sentence, but the second half is most likely

“The so-called ‘lock’ is the restriction set by the game.”

Chapter 249 Ritual

“In elementary games, an ordinary player is unable to project the strength of the
game into the real world. It will be sealed by the strength of the King of Gods.”

“This type of seal is known as a ‘lock’. Only after entering an intermediate or

high-level game will a very small number of players be able to come into contact
with the method to unlock the ‘lock’.”

“As the game progressed, the method to unlock the ‘lock’ was gradually grasped by
high-level players. Those high-level players began to bring the strength of the
game into the real world.”

“For various purposes, these methods to unlock the ‘lock’ gradually spread among
ordinary players.”

“It is very dangerous for ordinary people to obtain such extraordinary strength.
Therefore, the Federation has always been controlling it. Generally speaking,
ordinary people need to go through various investigations and tests by the
Federation before they are allowed to unlock the ‘lock’.”

“However, the Federation is unable to control everyone. In addition, the

Federation’s control over the game has gradually weakened over the past few years.
There are still many people in this world who can unlock the ‘lock’.”

“Currently, many organizations and even large-scale game guilds can unlock the
‘lock’ through a special ritual.”

As he spoke, Mo Jiawei lowered his voice once again.

“Our North River Heavy Industry has also mastered a method to unlock the lock. We
have also privately trained many high-level players who have unlocked the ‘lock’.
The highest among them is already able to unlock a Tier 2 lock, reaching the
strength of Tier 2 materialization.”

“By the way, the ability to map reality in the game is known as materialization. To
a certain extent, the strength of the player’s materialization also represents the
strength of the player.”

Fang Heng’s pupils constricted.



Fang Heng had long realized that he could materialize.

In the real world, his physical fitness was much higher than before.
So all of this was related to the ritual!

So, the mark on the back of his hand was just a simple ritual symbol?

But the strange thing was since he had already held the ritual long ago, why did
the mark on the back of his hand appear a few hours ago?

“Will there be side effects from the ritual?”

“I’m not sure. There are many types of rituals. It depends on the origin of your
friend’s ritual, which high-level game world it came from, and whether the ritual
has been modified.”

“Fang Heng, I have an uncle who is very familiar with this aspect. I suggest you
come to my place and ask my uncle in person.”

Fang Heng quickly did some mental calculations and nodded, “Yes, I’d like to meet
him as soon as possible.”

“No problem. My uncle is currently at home. I’ll contact him later.”


Fang Heng was a little worried.

At this stage, he had to figure out what was the ritual he had undergone.

If he was lucky and the ritual didn’t have any flaws, that would be a good thing.

Wait a minute…

What about the zombie clone?

Wasn’t his talent attribute the zombie clone!

If his game ability was brought into the real world, then why couldn’t he see a
zombie clone in the real world?

Fang Heng suddenly raised his head and asked, “The materialization you mentioned
just now, can it inherit the talents or skills in the game?”

“Yes, it can.”

Mo Jiawei nodded, “But this can only be achieved by holding a higher-level ritual.
I don’t know much about the specifics, so I need to ask my uncle.”

“I remember that my uncle mentioned before that Tier 1 materialization can unlock
the basic attribute, Tier 2 materialization can unlock the passive skills in the
game, Tier 3 or Tier 4 can unlock the talent abilities…”

Mo Jiawei tried to recall what he heard, “Oh right, there will be strong
fluctuations during the ritual. The Federation has been monitoring these

“Tier 1 is still fine where there are ways to hide the past. The higher the level
of the ritual, the stronger the fluctuations during the ritual. From Tier 2
onwards, it’s very difficult to hide.”

Listening to Mo Jiawei’s explanation, Fang Heng suddenly thought of many things.

If he could use his talent ability in the real world and summon a zombie clone… He
instantly became excited.

Alright, summoning the Tyrant was still a distant dream. First, he had to confirm
which level he was in.

Fang Heng lowered his head and opened the game log to check.

Passive skills…

Bloodline of the low-level vampires!

Night vision!

After he went back, he would find a dark corner and try to see if he could use the
night vision ability that he had inherited in the real world.

At that time, he would be able to confirm if he had mastered Tier 2


“Fang Heng, holding a ritual is a very troublesome matter. Ever since the
Federation issued the ban, many players who have advanced into high-level games are
unwilling to do so.”


“On one hand, such high-level players spend most of their time in the game.
Strength in the real world doesn’t have much attractiveness to them.”

“In addition, the ritual requires a lot of resources and energy, but there’s no
substantial increase in strength in the game.”

Mo Jiawei spread his hands. “How should I put it? I feel that if we reach their
level, our lives will be centred around the game.”

Fang Heng pondered for a moment.

He felt that Mo Jiawei’s words made sense.

If they were to stay in the real world, they would still be under the control of
the Federation, and after entering the game, as long as one’s strength reached a
certain level, even the Federation could not do anything to them.

In the real world, many fugitives chose to avoid being chased, choosing to enter
the King of Gods’ game without using the game cabin and staying in the game.

Fang Heng now spent a lot of time in the game every day.


Fang Heng raised his head and said, “But if it’s like that saying, the game
reflects reality, then it’s different.”

Mo Jiawei was stunned.

“Let’s talk about the saying that the apocalypse is coming. Is the end of the world
“I’m even less sure about that.”

Mo Jiawei smiled bitterly, “Our family is a bit polarized about this saying. Many
people don’t believe it, and they don’t want to invest too much in the game.”

“Great-grandfather believes that. He always said that the best way to avoid the
apocalypse is to enter the game. Staying in the game is safer than staying in the
real world.”

“Fang Heng, our family has been secretly developing in the Wasteland Apocalypse
District 2, District 3 and District 5 over the years. We’ve bought many gaming
companies in the open as well as in the dark, just in


“If the apocalypse comes, our family can also have a way out. Unfortunately, after
investing so much money, the effect hasn’t been very good. I’m also thinking about
whether we can develop in District 8 of the new server.”

Fang Heng was silent for a moment.

He took a deep breath and smiled bitterly. n)-O𝑣𝗲𝑙𝒷In

Alright, it’s going to be tough again.

He had originally thought that he could be idle for a while.

Originally, his goal was very simple. He just wanted to become the biggest tenant
of Server 8…

Now, facing the unknown danger, Fang Heng believed that all he could do was
constantly strengthen himself.

He wanted to build a super stable shelter with an unlimited number of enhanced

zombie teams…

Chapter 250 Blood Absorption

After a brief discussion with Mo Jiawei, Fang Heng controlled the zombie clones to
continue repairing the emergency exits of the quarantine zone.

In the past two days, the zombie horde in the quarantine zone had occupied the
entire secret research room.

Fang Heng had to send the Tyrant and the Lickers to clean up the zombie horde in
the secret research room.

Fortunately, the emergency exits had been repaired by 72%.

The remaining alloy resources were enough. It was estimated that the repair of the
emergency exits would take about two days.

Fang Heng then controlled the remaining zombie team to excavate iron ore, coal and
stones in batches.

The Lickers spread out in the forest area to hunt and clean up the newly spawned

Everything was in order.

After the zombie hack was completed, Fang Heng drove a big truck full of wooden
planks to the apocalypse merchant camp at noon.

As usual, the NPCs in the camp were familiar with the routine. They instinctively
gathered toward the truck and habitually moved the wooden planks from the truck.

Fang Heng jumped off the truck.

It had been a long time since he last came here. Who would have thought that even
the apocalypse camp had levelled up! Compared to the last time, the area of the
camp had expanded quite a bit. There were even four new large-scale warehouses in
the corner!



It seemed that Vettel had long been prepared.

Fang Heng thought to himself that he could sell him some more resources.

“Fang Heng! Hehe, the Blood Moon two days ago was really exciting. How is your

Vettel heard the noise and came out of the house with two bottles of wine, throwing
one to Fang Heng.

Fang Heng was also prepared. He took out two packs of drunkard peanuts from his
backpack and threw one pack to Vettel.

At the same time, Fang Heng’s game log began to refresh.

(Hint: You have submitted 300 wooden planks to a merchant. You have received 600
survival points.)

(Hint: You have completed the mission.]

(Hint: You have submitted 300 wooden planks to the merchant. You have received 600
survival points.]

(Hint: You have completed the mission.]

[[Hint: You have gifted the apocalypse merchant the drunkard peanuts*1.)

(Hint: You have reached the maximum friendship with the apocalypse merchant,

“Not bad. Dealing with the zombies is just a small matter. Recently, my shelter is
preparing to expand. I need a large number of furnaces, at least 100. I thought
about it, and I guess only you can help me get the goods,


“Well, it’s a bit difficult. My friends are willing to help you, but…”

Vettel laughed and said, “But you have to pay more!” n𝑂𝐯𝑒)𝓁𝗯-In

“No problem, you have to give me enough goods. A hundred is just the foundation,
the more the better.”

“I will immediately order a batch of furnaces for you. It is expected that the
goods will arrive in batches one after another in the next two days. I guarantee
that you will be satisfied.”

As Vettel spoke, he walked up and patted Fang Heng’s shoulder enthusiastically. “Oh
right, the goods you ordered last time have arrived. Do you want to go and take a

“They have arrived?”

Fang Heng’s eyes lit up. He almost forgot that the goods he ordered from Vettel
last time had arrived!

“No need to look. I trust you. Just help me load them into the truck.”

Vettel waved at the few NPC employees in the shelter.

Soon, the NPC porters took out cages from the warehouse in the camp and loaded them
onto the truck.

The cages were mostly filled with rabbits, wild boars and other animals.

Later, an NPC pulled out a cow from the warehouse at the back and put it on the

“These are the animals you wanted. It took me a lot of effort to get them.”

Vettel was very confused. “Are you planning to develop animal husbandry in the
shelter? I’m not optimistic about this project.”

“No, I have other uses for these animals.”

In the apocalypse game, it was a little troublesome to capture live animals.

Players would eat most of the animals after hunting them, and almost never raise
them. Fang Heng withdrew his gaze from the truck and made some calculations in his

He had now occupied 28 areas, including the forest area, in name. He could control
140 zombie clones.

Including the proliferators, he had a total of 560. Excluding the fact that the
zombie clone that had completed the evolution of the Licker could not carry out
harvesting operations, there were still more than 500 ‘tool-man’ units.

Now that all of them were equipped with iron harvesting tools, the harvesting
efficiency had also greatly increased.

According to this efficiency, resources would be moved to the shelter by truck in

the future.

Transportation became the biggest problem.

The zombies were too slow, so it was unrealistic to rely on them to move materials.

There was only one truck in the shelter.

Other than trucks, armoured vehicles could replace transportation, but these big
things were too conspicuous.

They burned more oil than ordinary trucks, and they were also slower. They even
needed professional elite Dark Knights to drive them.

They were not suitable as conventional transportation tools.

In the shelter, Victor, who was an S-class expert, could find a way to assemble a
truck from the garbage.

But now he was busy repairing and installing beam weapons and surveillance
equipment in the shelter. He could not spare time.

The problem of transportation had to be solved. Otherwise, it would greatly slow

down the development of the shelter.

Fang Heng raised his head and asked, “Vettel, I need a lot of transportation tools
right now. Do you have any way to get them?”

“Sigh, this is very difficult, Fang Heng. In this kind of apocalypse, our camp only
has one truck. We don’t sell them to the public. I believe the other apocalypse
camps are the same.”

Fang Heng realized that this was a pressing issue.

Did he have to buy it using the King of Gods’ points?

“But I will keep an eye on it for you. Fang Heng, if there is any news, I will
inform you immediately.”

“Thank you.”

Fang Heng did not have much hope

Originally, high-level transportation tools like trucks were only available to

players in the middle and later stages of the game.

Since there was no way to get them in the game, he could only think of getting them
from the Federation.

Chen Yu!

Chen Yu owed him a huge favor for his participation in the Blood Moon Project the
last time.

Fang Heng curled his lips and thought about plucking a wave of wool from the

Soon, the NPCs loaded all the goods they had collected onto the truck.

Fang Heng greeted Vettel and drove the truck back the way they came. Not long after
leaving the apocalypse camp, Fang Heng stopped the truck halfway.

“Chi! Chi-chi!!”

A few Lickers suddenly jumped out from the bushes on both sides.

They quickly pounced on the back of the military truck.

Their sharp claws directly cut through the metal cage containing the animals.

The situation was chaotic.

The Lickers used their sharp claws to cut open the throat of their prey and began
to eat the corpse.

Soon, Fang Heng smelled the bloody smell coming from the back of the truck.

He opened the game log to check.

(Hint: Your zombie clone killed a bull*1.)

(Hint: Your zombie clone killed a hare*1.)

(Hint: Your zombie clone absorbed the strength contained in the blood. Your skill-
low-level vampire’s skill experience points +2.]

(Hint: Your zombie clone absorbed the strength contained in the blood…]

(Hint: Your skill-low-level vampires’ bloodline level has been upgraded to Level

(Hint: You need to absorb blood with a higher strength to upgrade your skill

Fang Heng closed the game log.

It seemed that relying on the blood of animals to upgrade the bloodline of low-
level vampires to Level 3 was already the limit. If he wanted to go to the next
level, perhaps he could try human beings.

Perhaps they could absorb the blood of a player?

This method of levelling up made Fang Heng feel a little nauseous.

“I’ll try again in the future when I have the chance.”

Fang Heng muttered to himself as he drove the truck back to the shelter.

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