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9. LISTEN and choose the correct answer to each question.

1. a. In the morning. b. At school.

2. a. The Amish. b. A small hat.
3. a. With her family. b. In Puebla.
4. a. In France. b. Marie.
5. a. In September b. Because traffic is terrible this morning.
6. a. Every day for lunch. b. With Nancy.
7. a. At the coffee shop. b. A sandwich.
8. a. I walk. b. At 7:00 a.m.

A. Read the story about Jeremy Stubbs. Underline the verbs in each sentence.

Jeremy Stubbs lives in Tacoma, Washington. He teaches math at a highschool.

On weekends, he likes to go on hikes. In fact, he goes on a hike
every weekend, 52 times a year!
In the winter, Jeremy sometimes climbs a mountain trail in snowshoes (1) and carries
his skis (2). Then, he has a fast trip back down the mountain on the skis!
Jeremy sometimes goes on hikes alone, but other teachers and students usually
go with him. Sometimes, he writes and posts photos on his blog, "52 Hikes 52 weekends."

1. People use snowshoes to walk on top of deep snow.

2. People use skis to move quickly across snow, especially downhill.

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