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Modularity: Implications for Imitation, Innovation, and Sustained Advantage

Article in Academy of Management Review · October 2006

DOI: 10.5465/AMR.2006.22528166

317 1,059

2 authors, including:

Frits Pil
University of Pittsburgh


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姝 Academy of Management Review
2006, Vol. 31, No. 4, 995–1011.


University of Pittsburgh

Modular design practices provide a lens on the link among product architecture,
imitation, and the dynamic capabilities that sustain long-term performance. Looking
at closed product systems, we propose that simplified links between design and
performance outcomes in modular environments facilitate imitation. The same reduc-
tion in complexity drives development of dynamic capabilities. These take the form of
more rapid and reliable search processes for incremental and radical innovations.
The scope and timing of a firm’s modular strategy influence the development of these
capabilities, which are critical to sustainable modular performance advantages.

Modularity is receiving increasing attention distinctive competencies to build—they will find

as a means of managing complexity and de- it difficult to establish appropriate strategic
signing flexible organizational and technologi- goals for the firm (Andrews, 1971). Scholars are
cal systems (Baldwin & Clark, 2000; Ethiraj & beginning to grapple with these issues, but we
Levinthal, 2004; Thomke & Reinertsen, 1998). In- are far from offering managers a clear answer.
terest in modular organizations and products is Barney (1995), for example, argues that dura-
fueled by the need to understand how firms can ble advantages are attainable in dynamic envi-
better compete in dynamic environments (Eisen- ronments but that, to reveal them, researchers
hardt & Martin, 2000; Levinthal, 1997; Teece, need to examine a firm’s position across a series
Pisano, & Shuen, 1997). Continuous technologi- of individual innovations. Eisenhardt (2002),
cal change, fickle customers, and frequent shifts however, maintains that while sustainable com-
in the competitive landscape are characteristic petitive advantages may still be possible, man-
of many industries (D’Aveni, 1994), and, regard- agers should not plan for them; in an unpredict-
less of how the degree of turbulence compares able world, counting on anything other than
with times past (McNamara & Vaaler, 2003), we small, ephemeral victories could leave their firm
need to understand how firms succeed in these exposed.
contexts. The emerging portrait of an effective compet-
Frequent change challenges two concepts itor is an agile firm that responds quickly to
central to strategic management: sustained unanticipated threats and opportunities. To en-
competitive advantage and distinctive compe- able this kind of flexibility, organizational and
tencies. If markets are perpetually shifting, how strategy scholars advocate the use of modular
can a firm hope to build resources and capabil- design principles at multiple levels (Levinthal,
ities that sustain competitive advantage? More- 1997; Sanchez & Mahoney, 1996). Modular corpo-
over, reliable organizational action requires sta- rate strategies, comprised of loosely coupled
bility in objectives and capabilities (Hannan & simple rules, can be reconfigured as environ-
Freeman, 1984). If managers cannot discern ments shift (Galunic & Eisenhardt, 2001). Modu-
which activities their firm should commit to and lar business unit competencies can be quickly
which it should avoid—that is, what kinds of leveraged into other markets as opportunities
change (Galunic & Eisenhardt, 2001).
We thank Lee Fleming, Jan Rivkin, Mari Sako, and Nazli Modularity in product design allows a firm to
Wasti for comments on earlier drafts of this paper. We also exploit technological opportunities and to react
benefited from the thoughtful comments of three anonymous to evolving market opportunities through recom-
AMR reviewers and former associate editor P. Devereaux
Jennings. This research was supported by the International
bination, modular innovation, and outsourcing
Motor Vehicle Program and the National Science Foundation (Thomke & Reinertsen, 1998). Recombination to
(award #0228343). increase product variety, or to leverage modules
996 Academy of Management Review October

in new markets, enables a firm to satisfy diverse factor in understanding the returns to those in-
and fluid customer preferences, and it mini- vestments. We focus on closed product systems
mizes the need to predict which product at- because we wish to separate the effects of com-
tributes will be most valued (Pil & Holweg, 2004; mon interface standards, which define open sys-
Sanchez, 1995; Sanderson & Uzumeri, 1995). tems, from functional and physical decoupling,
Through modular innovation, a firm can exploit which define product design modularity (Ger-
technological opportunities to improve specific shenson et al., 2003; Takeishi & Fujimoto, 2001).
product functions that emerge late in the design In this paper we examine the dilemma firms
cycle (Garud & Kumaraswamy, 1995; Thomke, face regarding modularity. On the one hand,
1997). And by outsourcing modules, a firm can modularity leads to greater imitation, undermin-
leverage the design capabilities of loosely cou- ing the sustained market performance of a firm.
pled networks of suppliers, shifting among them
On the other hand, modularity allows for better
as conditions change (Takeishi & Fujimoto, 2001;
adaptation to different customer segments and
Utterback, 1994).
facilitates specific types of innovation. We pro-
In addition to enhancing fitness in dynamic
pose that, under certain conditions, the innova-
environments, these adaptive strategies may
contribute to a firm’s competitive advantage. For tion advantages of modularity substantially out-
example, modular innovation may be used to weigh the imitation impact on sustained
differentiate a firm’s products (Iansiti & Khanna, performance.
1995). By leveraging core modules across several We begin by defining modular capability in
products, a firm can reduce the costs of differen- terms of two elements: (1) the problem-solving
tiating through superior module design processes used to improve the product’s design
(Sanchez & Mahoney, 1996). A firm may also out- and (2) the resulting performance criteria. The
source noncore modules in order to manage links between product design parameters and
costs and focus on modules that are integral to performance outcomes are more transparent in
its competitive advantage (Venkatesan, 1992). modular architectures; this facilitates imitation.
Although the flexibility resulting from modu- We propose that the risks associated with re-
larity may be instrumental in maintaining envi- duced imitation barriers can be offset by (1) the
ronmental fitness, it is not clear whether or how impact of product heterogeneity and associated
modular capabilities contribute to sustainable capabilities, (2) the nature of innovation in a
advantages. Can a firm gain sustainable ad- modular design environment, and (3) firm-level
vantage by adapting more quickly or picking decisions that augment the innovation advan-
opportunities more effectively than its rivals? tages associated with modularity.
Are a firm’s modular capabilities or the compe- With respect to product, we propose that, in
tencies used to leverage them—its architectural closed systems, heterogeneity in firms’ product
capabilities—a more persistent source of ad- architectures and associated modular capabili-
vantage? We investigate these issues in the ties reduces imitation risk. With respect to inno-
context of modular product design.
vation, we theorize that modularity results in
In contrast to previous research on product
more rapid and reliable incremental perfor-
modularity, we focus on single-product perfor-
mance improvements, and it increases the like-
mance advantages in closed systems (Gershen-
lihood of radical component innovation. These
son, Prasad, & Zhang, 2003). Whereas scholars
have largely studied the benefits of design mod- enhance durability by enabling a firm to main-
ularity for product portfolios, we believe atten- tain performance advantages vis-à-vis rivals
tion to individual products is useful for isolating with less modular designs. At the firm level, we
how modularity affects the persistence of a per- suggest that lead time and the scope with
formance advantage. Moreover, modular princi- which modular functions are applied augment
ples are used to simplify the design problems the innovation advantages associated with
associated with delivering specific product modular design. We conclude by discussing
functions, and firms invest substantial re- the implications of our theory for some central
sources to support innovation at this level (Ul- themes in the strategy and modularity litera-
rich & Eppinger, 1999). The durability of func- ture and by offering suggestions for further
tional performance advantages is an important research.
2006 Pil and Cohen 997

THE NATURE OF MODULARITY ements, and sensitivity of functional require-

ments and performance to changes in design
Modular systems are composed of elements,
parameters (El-Haik & Yang, 1999). These prob-
or “modules,” that independently perform dis-
lem-solving advantages are gained within mod-
tinctive functions (Gershenson et al., 2003; Si-
ules and form a key element of a firm’s modular
mon, 1962). Modular elements can evolve auton-
omously, without altering the overall structure
Exceptional performance on modular perfor-
of the system. Consequently, modular systems
mance criteria is achieved through superior
are often more robust to changes in their envi-
module design. For example, Sanderson and
ronment than systems composed of tightly cou-
pled elements (Levinthal, 1997; Orton & Weick, Uzumeri (1995) describe how a performance cri-
1990). This property has attracted the attention of terion—stable tape speed—in tape players was
management scholars seeking to understand or- directly controlled by Sony via a servo system,
ganizational fitness for dynamic environments rather than earlier systems involving a series of
(Galunic & Eisenhardt, 2001; Schilling, 2000). interactions including a flywheel connected via
In a product system a module is a component a belt to the motor. A firm must protect its mod-
or group of components (i.e., subassemblies or ule design from imitation to sustain its modular
subsystems) designed to deliver a unique func- performance advantages and/or to improve it
tion, necessary for the product to operate as faster than other firms. We compare the persis-
desired, and independent of other modules’ tence of advantages on performance criteria
functions. Independent modules do not ex- that are implemented by varying degrees of
change information, energy, or material to per- modularity to suggest how modularity affects
form their function, nor do they require spatial the dynamics of imitation and innovation.
coordination (Pimmler & Eppinger, 1994; Firms use varying levels of modularity to
Sanchez, 1999). Product architecture consists of manage a particular function, for several rea-
three elements: a set of functions, a map of func- sons. One of these is that they rely on modular
tions to modules, and interface specifications design principles to support different goals. For
that explain how modules relate to one another instance, a major objective of using modular
(Baldwin & Clark, 2000; Ulrich, 1995). For a mod- design in software has been to facilitate updat-
ular product, the goal is to cluster components ing product functions in order to rapidly respond
according to similar functional impact and to to evolving user needs and to facilitate reuse
reduce dependencies between components as- (Fichman & Kemerer, 1993). In the aircraft sector,
signed to different clusters (Gershenson et al., modular design provides a means of involving
2003). Products exhibit varying degrees of mod- lead users in product design (Sanchez & Ma-
ularity according to what proportion of their honey, 1996). Modular principles have also dif-
components reside in modules and how inde- fused more widely in industries such as per-
pendent those modules’ functions are from one sonal computing and bicycles, where competition
another (Gershenson, Prasad, & Zhang, 2004). focuses on increasing product variety and lower-
The most modular architecture embodies one-to- ing costs (Takeishi & Fujimoto, 2001; Utterback,
one mapping between functions and modules 1994). Baldwin and Clark suggest that modularity
(Ulrich, 1995). is easier and more likely for products based on
Product architectures shape the information electricity than for mechanical systems because of
filters, problem-solving strategies, communica- the unidimensional flow of electrons (1997a). The
tion channels, and coordinating routines that one-dimensional nature of electricity flow con-
make up a firm’s capabilities for innovation trasts with multidimensional surfaces that must
(Henderson & Clark, 1990; Sanchez & Mahoney, be coordinated for mechanical systems, such as
1996). Each of these affects a firm’s ability to cars and airplanes, and that therefore require
search for new solutions to design problems in more complex interfaces.
order to influence product performance. Modular Even across competing firms, heterogeneity
architectures facilitate search by reducing three may exist in how modular design practices are
facets of design complexity associated with used. In some firms the degree and approach to
managing specific product functions: size of the modularity may still be an emergent property of
design problem, interdependence among its el- product development efforts, rather than an ob-
998 Academy of Management Review October

jective, guiding, systematic, upfront design (Ul- modular design principles (Gershenson et al.,
rich, 1995). Competitors within an industry may 2004).
seek competitive advantage in different product
dimensions and, hence, choose to modularize
different functions. For example, in the notebook
computer industry, some firms can choose to
emphasize display resolution—a change that Modularity, through both imitation and inno-
can be managed relatively easily because it vation, can have important implications for per-
involves modular design changes—whereas formance. In this section we develop proposi-
others can focus on display size—a design tions on how the use of modular design
change that is harder to manage in a modular principles and certain product and firm differ-
fashion (Hoetker, 2006). ences may affect the durability of product per-
Finally, even if firms emphasize the same formance advantages. The propositions we de-
product function, they may modularize its de- velop are diagrammed in Figure 1.
sign to varying degrees. Although modularity
has been an important concept in the product
Modularity and Imitation
design literature for some time (cf. Alexander,
1964; Parnas, 1972; Suh, 1984), the “science” be- Superior product performance has an impor-
hind these principles, which would, for example, tant influence on firm outcomes in many indus-
provide guidance as to how much modularity is tries, but such product performance advantages
optimal and how best to achieve it, is only be- are often difficult to sustain (Mansfield,
ginning to develop (Ethiraj & Levinthal, 2004). Schwartz, & Wagner, 1981). Competitors typi-
There are many approaches and little consen- cally have information about their rivals’ prod-
sus on the ideal techniques for implementing uct development efforts within six to eighteen

Modularity of Product Design and Durability of Performance—Key Propositions
2006 Pil and Cohen 999

months, and patents are ineffective in most in- a design makes its performance more vulnera-
dustries (Levin et al., 1987). Changes in patent ble to small variations (Rivkin, 2000). Interde-
law have resulted in more rapid release of pendence among multiple elements that affect a
patent application information (Graham & Mow- given performance dimension means that the
ery, 2003), and firms may use the information performance landscape for that dimension has
thus released by their competitors as part of the many local optima, making imitation more dif-
patenting process, to inform their own search for ficult (Fleming & Sorenson, 2001; Kauffman,
solutions and to find ways to invent around pat- 1993). Since there may be little correlation be-
ents (Cohen, 1995). tween the similarity of designs and their perfor-
Although imitation of new and improved prod- mance, firms will find it extremely difficult to
ucts cannot be prevented, it can be delayed or learn incrementally from each other. At the
made difficult through various strategic inter- same time, more information is required to de-
ventions (McGaughey, 2002). From a design per- scribe the design and functioning of a complex
spective, more complex designs take longer to product, and, because this information is harder
understand and imitate for a number of reasons to obtain, it is more likely to be incomplete
(Lippman & Rumelt, 1982; Winter, 1987). The (Sorenson, Rivkin, & Fleming, 2003). Hence, the
structural complexity embedded in a product odds of exactly replicating the performance of a
may hinder reverse engineering. In particular, design decline with its complexity.
products that embody many dependencies be- Reverse engineering, competitive intelli-
tween components and rely on multiple compo- gence, and partial design imitation should each
nents and subsystems to implement a given be more effective when the relationships be-
function will take longer to decipher. The map- tween product architecture and performance
ping of functions to components cannot be di- outcomes are simpler (Baldwin & Clark, 2000;
rectly observed, and one approach is to glean McEvily & Chakravarthy, 2002; Ulrich & Tung,
these through experimentation with a product. 1991). The enhanced transparency between the
The more relationships exist between each inputs and outputs in the functional structure
product function and the components or sub- with modular designs means that rivals do not
systems that make up the product, the greater need to understand as much of a firm’s design or
the number of experiments required to reveal design process to copy it or to learn from it in
them (Rivkin, 2000). order to enhance their own product performance
Knowledge diffuses between companies (El-Haik & Yang, 1999). If the modular perfor-
through informal conversation among peers, mance criteria are valuable to customers, com-
suppliers, and customers, as well as via em- petitors have an incentive to replicate them, and
ployee turnover (Appleyard, 1996). Diffusion is because imitation is easier, the performance ad-
slower when performance knowledge is frag- vantages derived from modular product designs
mented in organizations, such as those develop- are less durable. These arguments suggest the
ing complex products. Functional requirements following.
are mapped to multiple subsystems and compo-
Proposition 1: Modularity will be pos-
nents, and, as a consequence, many different
itively related to the speed of product
types of technological expertise may influence
design imitation and, hence, nega-
each function. At the organizational level, com-
tively related to the durability of prod-
plex knowledge tends to be more tacit, since
uct performance advantages.
each designer is able to explain less about how
a product performs (Nelson & Winter, 1982). Although modularity is associated with a sim-
Moreover, integral designs require more design pler, more transparent architecture, implement-
coordination, and resulting performance criteria ing modular principles is not easy. As discussed
are based on knowledge that is socially and earlier, a product’s architecture consists of a set
procedurally complex. As a result, competitive of functions, a map linking functions to the mod-
intelligence is unlikely to generate complete ules that implement them, and interface speci-
knowledge of how complex products attain per- fications that determine how the modules come
formance advantages. together as an integrated whole. Techniques ex-
The liabilities of incomplete knowledge are ist to assist managers and engineers in making
compounded by the fact that interdependence in these choices, but none is sufficient to predict
1000 Academy of Management Review October

what an optimal modular architecture would other modules. The range selected delimits a
look like (Ethiraj & Levinthal, 2004). Creative and firm’s opportunities to engage in component in-
analytical tools, such as analogies and product novation and affects the performance of individ-
matrices to plot various relationships, can help ual modules (Thomke & Reinertsen, 1998). Vari-
to conceptualize alternative functional decom- ation in functional mapping also generates
positions and their implementation (Gershen- heterogeneity in the modularity of certain per-
son et. al., 2004; Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995). These formance criteria and, hence, the fluidity of the
tools guide a firm’s efforts to learn about its underlying designs. Architectural choices can
architectural choices by structuring its knowl- lock a firm into tradeoffs among performance
edge of relevant technologies and performance criteria by limiting its ability to exploit certain
outcomes. However, a great deal of experimen- kinds of technological opportunities while fa-
tation and trial and error are still likely to pre- voring others.
cede acceptance of a modular architecture Experience shapes engineers’ knowledge of
(Baldwin & Clark, 2000). the performance potential embodied in alterna-
Product design always involves uncertainty, tive technologies and their expectations for how
but modular design is especially difficult be- technologies will evolve (Henderson, 1995). This
cause a firm is locked into its architectural knowledge, in conjunction with a firm’s idiosyn-
choices for a substantial period of time (Ulrich, cratic performance goals, influences the archi-
1995). Decisions that delimit the boundaries of tectural choices, functional mapping, and inter-
product modules and define their interfaces face specifications a firm makes. Architectural
cannot be continuously updated as a firm learns variation will therefore be greater among prod-
more about their performance, yet the costs of
ucts comprising many technologies, in which
poorly specifying the architecture can be high
competitors possess heterogeneous competence
(Ethiraj & Levinthal, 2004). To manage uncer-
(Brusoni & Prencipe, 2001; Pavitt, 1998). If custom-
tainty and the potential costs, firms are encour-
ers also value functions differently, competitors
aged to apply modular design principles to
may have unique approaches to the perfor-
products they understand relatively well (Bald-
mance criteria they maximize via their architec-
win & Clark, 2000). Although the basic concepts
tural choices.
that shape the design of such products may be
The automobile industry is characterized by
common knowledge,1 the design of lower-level
diverse technologies and customers. For exam-
components can change radically in their com-
position and functional responsibilities and can ple, firms can select between two fundamentally
differ greatly across firms (Christensen, Suarez, different technological approaches for door cas-
& Utterback, 1998; Iansiti & Khanna, 1995). sette subsystems (also known as “door inners”
To allow for innovation, a product’s architec- or “door plugs”), with different implications for
ture needs to embody flexible interface specifi- the customer. The first is based on a pressed
cations. In modular products, interfaces are metal carrier; this carrier enhances ease of re-
specified as a range of values that certain de- pair and provides good water sealing properties
sign parameters can take on—for example, and good side-impact crash protection. The sec-
physical dimensions and tolerances of the mod- ond is based on a molded plastic carrier; the
ule—without disrupting the performance of plastic provides better integration opportuni-
ties, reducing module assembly time, weight,
and, in the longer term, cost. However, the plas-
Established products, for example, acquire a “normal tic carrier– based door cassettes do not provide
configuration”—that is, agreement about the broad func- the same degree of rigidity and crash protection.
tions in a product and which subsystems implement them
The fact that there are technological tradeoffs
(Vincenti, 1990). For example, in an automobile the engine is
responsible for propulsion, while the body protects passen- and diverse customer preferences means there
gers from weather. “Operational principles” may also be is no best choice. Consequently, firms choose
common knowledge; this is a general understanding of how unique sets of tradeoffs, appeal to different cus-
a device achieves its special purpose or how to affect its tomer groups, and develop distinctive compe-
performance (Vincenti, 1990). Examples include (1) increas-
ing the number of integrated circuits on a semiconductor to
tencies according to the particular combination
raise processing speed and (2) inhibiting renin secretion to of technology and performance criteria they em-
reduce blood pressure. phasize.
2006 Pil and Cohen 1001

Direct imitation is not possible when a firm’s Modularity and speed. In simplifying product
product embodies a different functional map- design, modularity reduces the information-
ping and/or set of interface specifications. Fur- processing burden associated with performance
ther, since these parameters constrain and improvement, enhancing the speed with which
channel performance improvement efforts, com- firms can search the solution space. The solu-
petitors will find it harder to develop substitute tion space for modular criteria is made concep-
solutions for the criteria a firm excels in. If com- tually simpler in three ways. First, the target
petitors have committed resources to support design involves fewer dependencies between
different customer needs, they may be unwilling components and subsystems and, as a result,
to make the same performance tradeoffs inher- entails significantly less complexity. This re-
ent in a firm’s design strategy. Since modular duces the number of design alternatives that
architectures are frozen over several design cy- developers must consider in order to select the
cles and there are increasing returns to exploi- best means of improving performance. With
tation, modularity may magnify initial differ- fewer functions mapped to each component or
ences in firms’ capabilities (March, 1991; subsystem, the number and diversity of perfor-
Schilling, 2000). Further, when competitors fol- mance criteria decrease and the task of evalu-
low distinctive technical approaches, they may ating alternative solutions is simplified.
lack the absorptive capacity to rapidly adopt an A second factor that facilitates finding supe-
innovation in a different technical domain, even rior solutions in a modular environment is that
if modularity facilitates its identification (Cohen modular components tend to be clustered ac-
& Levinthal, 1990; Lane & Lubatkin, 1998). cording to technological similarities, such as re-
Variation in how firms modularize a product liance on common materials or scientific princi-
criterion thus arises from uncertainty in at least ples (Gershenson et al., 2003). This enables more
three areas: (1) how to decompose a product into shared knowledge for those designing the sub-
functions, (2) how best to implement those func- system, accelerating joint problem solving.
tions, and (3) how to integrate them. Uncertainty Since each component or subsystem maintains
leads to choice based on heterogeneous experi- a consistent functional focus, developers may
ence and idiosyncratic expectations, which lock acquire cumulative experience with certain
firms into unique architectures for substantial kinds of problems faster. This enables them to
time periods. Heterogeneity in modular architec- search for and evaluate alternative solutions
tures will limit firms’ abilities to replicate each more quickly.
other’s modular solutions. A third factor enhancing the speed with which
designers evaluate the solution space is that
Proposition 2: Product heterogeneity modular product development generally entails
negatively moderates the relationship hierarchical decoupling (Sanchez & Mahoney,
between modularity and imitation. 1996). Engineers can work more closely with oth-
ers in their unit, and development activities are
less likely to be delayed because of conflicts
Modularity and Innovation
between groups with different performance pri-
The best antidote to performance erosion orities (Ulrich & Tung, 1991). As a result of the
through imitation may be to search the solution factors simplifying the solution space for supe-
space faster than competitors (Kogut & Zander, rior modular criteria, we expect the following.
1992). Modularity can accelerate search within a
Proposition 3: Modularity will be pos-
problem domain, enabling a firm to devise suc-
itively related to the speed of incre-
cessively better solutions, by (1) simplifying the
mental product performance improve-
conceptual domain of the solution space, (2)
maintaining stability in the boundaries of the
solution space over time, and (3) decoupling the Modularity and reliability. The design inter-
solution space from other elements of the prod- face parameters that sustain modular design
uct system. These structural characteristics of practices are established for several genera-
modular design processes enable firms to solve tions or for the life of the product. This has an
problems faster, more reliably, and using more important advantage for problem solving: it con-
radical solutions, respectively. strains the solution space and allows for more
1002 Academy of Management Review October

cumulative learning. More of what developers As a result, decoupling reduces the risks and
learn with each design cycle can form the foun- coordination costs associated with experimen-
dation for subsequent improvements, because tation and permits continuous innovation, in-
key parameters of the solution space remain cluding radical technological change, at the
unchanged. component level (Garud & Kumaraswamy, 1995;
In contrast, when design strategies are not Sanchez, 1995). Firms can incorporate compo-
modular and there are interdependent effects on nents that exploit novel technology at a lower
performance outcomes, a small change in de- cost, since the effects of change are localized
sign can have dramatic and unpredictable con- (Garud, 1997; Sanchez & Mahoney, 1996).
sequences for performance. This reduces the Component or subassembly teams work au-
value of a firm’s prior experience in making tonomously to improve distinct functional re-
further design changes (Ethiraj & Levinthal, quirements. As long as the interface parameters
2004; Fleming & Sorenson, 2001; Levinthal, 1997). do not change, development teams can experi-
Knowledge of interdependent outcomes accu- ment with and dramatically alter their own
mulates slowly, and small changes in design module design strategies without requiring
parameters can suddenly make a firm’s extant modifications to other components or subassem-
understanding obsolete. Further, in interdepen- blies (Fichman & Kemerer, 1993; Ulrich, 1995).
dent systems, changes made by one develop- The upfront specification of interfaces between
ment group alter the parameters others have to modules results in embedded coordination—
work within. Each group must constantly adapt coordination that is achieved through product
to constraints that are imposed by other groups’ design parameters, rather than through formal
actions (Levinthal & Warglien, 1999). reporting relationships or direct communication
Modular design approaches result in more (Sanchez & Mahoney, 1996). Information re-
stable, predictable outcomes (Levinthal & War- quired for cross-module coordination is visible
glien, 1999; Orton & Weick, 1990). The physical to all, but intramodule design decisions are hid-
decoupling of components and subsystems im- den (Baldwin & Clark, 2000). Consequently, we
proves the predictability of design changes. En- expect the following.
gineers may also be more certain of what they
Proposition 5: Modularity will be pos-
learn, because the outcomes of their design
itively related to the likelihood of rad-
changes are not affected by parameters under
ical innovation at the component and
the control or influence of other development
subsystem level.
teams—that is, by changes made to satisfy other
functional requirements. Superior search and sustainable advantage.
The preceding propositions explain the kinds of
Proposition 4: Modularity will be pos- innovation advantages a firm may gain through
itively related to the reliability of in- modular product design. We next relate those
cremental product performance im- benefits to the durability of modular perfor-
provement. mance advantages. In order to build these links,
we use the concept of a landscape or topogra-
Modularity and radical innovation. Modular- phy of solutions to the search for superior mod-
ity permits decoupling intramodule design de- ular performance (e.g., Fleming & Sorenson,
cisions and changes from the rest of the product, 2001; Kauffman, 1993; Levinthal, 1997; Rivkin,
promoting greater flexibility in how firms 2000). A landscape offers a visual depiction of
achieve performance objectives (Brown & Eisen- the solution space that a firm and its competi-
hardt, 1998; Sanchez, 1995). This flexibility man- tors must search in order to develop superior
ifests itself not just in how changes are made to product designs. The degree of interdependence
the functional parameters embodied in a com- between design choices that affect a given func-
ponent but also in how modules are integrated tional performance outcome determines the rug-
and combined. In particular, the overall perfor- gedness of the landscape (i.e., the effect that a
mance of modular systems is more robust, be- particular choice has on performance depends
cause changes in any one part of the system are on how a number of other decisions are made).
less likely to affect other parts of the system The greater the interdependence, the more rug-
(Orton & Weick, 1990). ged the landscape, in the sense that it is popu-
2006 Pil and Cohen 1003

lated by a larger number of functional perfor- CONTINGENCIES

mance peaks of varying heights.
We assume that competitors begin searching
this topography at the same time. While initial Firms adopt modular design principles at dif-
design decisions are informed by prior experi- ferent times, and first movers may gain experi-
ence, firms do not know the “true” shape of the ence advantages that are difficult to overcome.
entire landscape, so their starting points are However, late adopters may avoid some of the
subject to some degree of chance. There are trial and error required to debug the product
three main differences in potential starting po- design process and move down the learning
sitions, with respect to the performance of the curve associated with specific performance cri-
firms’ designs: (1) a firm begins on a peak with a teria (Argote, 1999; Ethiraj & Levinthal, 2004). In
the context of modular product design, for exam-
different initial performance level than its com-
ple, competitors may reverse engineer a firm’s
petitors, (2) a firm begins on a peak that offers a
products to discern how the firm allocated func-
different rate of ascent or rate of performance
tions to components and how the components
improvement than that of its competitors, (3) a
were designed in order to affect specific perfor-
firm begins on a peak with a different summit or mance criteria (Ulrich & Tung, 1991). A rival
possible maximum level of performance than its might choose to replicate (some of) these choices
competitors. rather than experiment with alternative de-
Our starting point is to focus on a firm that has signs, particularly if the focal firm has attained
gained a functional performance advantage, so superior product performance. Late movers may
by design and good fortune it starts at a higher thereby achieve a higher initial level of product
initial level of performance. We propose how performance compared to that attained by early
modularity affects the firm’s ability to sustain adopters (Argote, 1999). Since considerable up-
that relative position through innovation. Given front effort is required to design products ac-
our arguments for Proposition 3, the firm should cording to the principles of modularity, the sav-
be able to more quickly scale the peak repre- ings in time and effort could be substantial
senting its initial component/subsystem design (Baldwin & Clark, 2000).
than its competitors with less modular designs Imitation is rarely perfect, however, and rep-
by making incremental changes to that design. licating a firm’s product design may be insuffi-
Proposition 4 suggests that a firm searching a cient to overcome the advantages associated
landscape defined by more modular design will with being among the first to adopt modular
also be able to jump to a higher performance design principles. Late movers lack the stocks of
peak more reliably, as a result of changes at the technological knowledge that early movers ac-
component or subassembly level, because the cumulate, as well as their organizational expe-
outcomes from those changes will be more pre- rience; these are subject to asset mass efficien-
cies and time compression diseconomies, which
dictable. Our reasoning for Proposition 5 indi-
may sustain early mover advantages (Dierickx
cates that a firm can more easily reconfigure the
& Cool, 1989; Pil & MacDuffie, 1996).
entire landscape by making radical innovations
Asset mass efficiencies refer to the dynamic
at the component level or by fundamentally al-
whereby accumulating a critical mass of expe-
tering a component choice (e.g., replacing a CD rience makes it easier to acquire more knowl-
unit with a combined CD/DVD unit in a com- edge in related domains (Cohen & Levinthal,
puter). Each of these innovation advantages 1990; Dierickx & Cool, 1989). Learning is charac-
suggests that enhanced search under modular- terized by asset mass efficiencies because it is
ity has positive implications for sustainable an associative process; new experiences that
modular performance advantages: can be mapped onto preexisting categories are
easier to comprehend and use (Bower & Hilgard,
Proposition 6: The innovation advan- 1981). Engineers, for example, come to under-
tages gained through modular design stand a product in terms of its architecture and
will be positively related to the dura- components. As a result, they tend to organize
bility of a firm’s modular performance stocks of technical solutions and heuristics for
advantages. manipulating certain functions and perfor-
1004 Academy of Management Review October

mance criteria according to the structure of the practices to accommodate modular design
products and components they have worked (Baldwin & Clark, 1997b). Since there is no
with (Laudan, 1984; Vincenti, 1990). Through ex- widely accepted method for designing modular
perience, developers become increasingly profi- architectures, part of the initial learning process
cient at solving problems using the conceptual involves discovering how best to adjust devel-
domain and set of technical constraints defined opment practices in order to undertake and sus-
by a specific approach to designing a product’s tain these design efforts (Sanchez, 1995; Sanchez
architecture. & Mahoney, 1996). Lead time in utilizing modular
Experience with particular modular product design principles enables a firm to identify how
architectures enhances problem solving in sev- its organization needs to change, as well as to
eral ways. Engineers can recombine elements of develop and gain proficiency in both the formal
prior solutions and rely on analogical reasoning and informal processes associated with modu-
to generate new design alternatives, accelerat- lar design (Brusoni & Prencipe, 2001; O’Sullivan,
ing the rate at which incremental performance 2001).
improvements are made (Clark, 1985; Usher, Organizational capabilities are crucial in
1954). They can better select among design al- helping a firm to exploit emerging development
ternatives, because they understand how the opportunities and to commercialize new prod-
constraints embodied in the product architec- ucts ahead of others. Moreover, organizational
ture affect certain technological approaches; change is susceptible to time compression dis-
this increases the reliability of a firm’s perfor- economies; efforts to accelerate learning (e.g.,
mance improvement across design cycles (Flem- by modifying too many activities at once) are
ing & Sorenson, 2001). likely to produce mistakes and a lesser depth of
Experience with modular design also facili- understanding (Dierickx & Cool, 1989). Hence,
tates radical innovation. Firms accumulate early mover advantages will be difficult to over-
broad, system-level knowledge in the process of come. Based on these observations, we propose
designing modular architectures, and this facil- the following.
itates the absorption of scientific and technolog-
ical discoveries and may enable radical compo- Proposition 7: Experience using mod-
nent innovation2 (Baldwin & Clark, 2000; Cohen ular design principles positively mod-
& Levinthal, 1990; Ethiraj & Levinthal, 2004; Ian- erates the relationship between mod-
siti & Clark, 1994). In addition, much of the ularity and innovation.
knowledge underlying effective decision mak-
ing becomes tacit with experience, in the sense
that individuals no longer consciously attend to
it (Nelson & Winter, 1982; Polanyi, 1996). This Firms can apply modular design principles
frees cognitive resources and creates slack in across several products, and in much of the lit-
the development process, enabling a firm to erature scholars have examined the benefits of
solve more taxing problems, such as those that leveraging modular components for cost advan-
require the generation or exploitation of new tages and product variety. To enable these ben-
knowledge. efits, a firm standardizes interface parameters
Finally, technology and organizational struc- for modular components and subsystems across
tures must be aligned in order to enable effec- products or product families (Jiao & Tseng, 2000;
tive and efficient collective outcomes (Jelinek, Kogut & Kulatilaka, 1994; Meyer, Tertzakian, &
1977). Indeed, studies suggest that firms may Utterback, 1997). Meyer and Lehnerd (1997), for
need to substantially modify their development example, show how the modularization of Black
and Decker’s basic motor platform made it pos-
sible for the company to enhance its complete
For example, a theory relating chemical composition to line of power tools. Sanderson and Uzumeri
the conductivity of certain kinds of metals may create op- (1995) similarly describe how Sony leveraged
portunities to redesign a particular set of components. Broad
modular components, such as a superflat motor
knowledge of how the functionality embodied in those com-
ponents is affected by fixed interface parameters can help a and “chewing gum battery” (a rechargeable
firm assess whether and how it can exploit the performance NiCd battery), to generate almost 250 variations
potential of a new material. of its Walkman in the 1980s. This enabled it to
2006 Pil and Cohen 1005

service market niches at low cost—niches that ner, reducing the risks of undertaking these
many of its competitors like Panasonic, Toshiba, projects. For example, a platform component or
and Aiwa could not adequately target. subsystem can be shifted to products serving
The scope of application on which such prod- different market segments over time so as to
uct elements are utilized determines how effectively defray the costs of radical R&D. AT
quickly a firm acquires experience with modu- Cross and Pentel leverage key modules from
lar design, as well as the diversity of knowledge one market niche to the next, and EMC Corp
it accumulates about modular performance cri- utilizes modularity to offer step-up functionality
teria (Ulrich, 1995). Barriers to performance im- of its mainframe storage product to customers.
provement often reside in the application envi- Moreover, broad functional experience may
ronment—for instance, in ambient conditions or be helpful in informing radical innovation initi-
the way a product is used with other technolo- atives and increasing the odds of improved per-
gies or procedures—making knowledge of the formance. Diverse application knowledge is in-
application context critical for improving prod- strumental in resolving performance tradeoffs
uct functionality (Rosenberg, 1982). Leveraging a in design, and although modular functions are
functional element on a broader scope expands designed within the constraints of standard in-
the range of learning opportunities with respect terface parameters, the process of developing
to design alternatives and their performance po- platform specifications generates broad techno-
tential. At the same time, a firm acquires deeper logical knowledge that may also increase the
knowledge of the technologies used to deliver efficacy of radical component innovation.
that function.
This combination of technological specializa- Proposition 8: A firm’s scope in deploy-
tion and application breadth has been associ- ing modular design principles will
ated with continuous performance improvement positively moderate the relationship
(Iansiti, 1997). The more products embody a par- between modularity and innovation.
ticular function and a common approach to de-
livering it, the faster a firm will accumulate
knowledge about barriers to functional perfor-
mance and how to overcome them. Subjecting a We proposed that modularity may facilitate
component to a broad range of contexts also imitation with negative consequences for the
increases the adaptability or transferability of a durability of modular performance advantages
firm’s design knowledge and, hence, its ability (see Figure 1 for a summary of our propositions).
to improve performance with each development However, firms modularize their products in
cycle, even when technologies and customer unique ways, especially when customer prefer-
preferences change (Argote, 1999; Bower & Hil- ences and technologies are complex. The result-
gard, 1981). By exposing product development ing heterogeneity in modular capabilities limits
processes to a broader range of contingencies, a imitation and may enable firms to “capture” dis-
firm will likely make the design processes them- tinct customer segments by offering consistently
selves more reliable. better performance on specific functional crite-
Scope may also increase a firm’s proficiency ria. We further argued that superior modular
with radical component innovation, enabling it performance can endure, because firms modu-
to periodically gain larger performance im- larize their products to varying degrees and
provements and to increase the gap between its greater modularity provides innovation advan-
products and those of competitors. In this way, tages that can sustain superior performance. We
scope is also related to product heterogeneity, proposed that these advantages are augmented
as discussed earlier. Radical component inno- by experience with modular design and the
vation is costly and produces less predictable scope of a firm’s modular capabilities.
performance advantages than do incremental Our arguments are consistent with some re-
changes to design (Christensen, 1992; Iansiti & search on modular capabilities. Eisenhardt and
Khanna 1995). A firm that uses a modular func- Martin (2000) suggest that dynamic capabilities,
tion on a broader scope may be able to exploit which are similar to architectural capabilities
the knowledge accumulated through radical but reside at the corporate level, are relatively
component innovation in a more flexible man- homogeneous across firms and that durable ad-
1006 Academy of Management Review October

vantages reside in the resources (modules) they is important to explore the various tools firms
are used to combine. Roy, McEvily, and Soren- use to consolidate their advantages and how
son (2004) have found evidence that modular altered intellectual asset flows associated with
capabilities enable firms in the machine tool modularity shift the relative importance of the
industry to develop superior product innova- mechanisms firms employ to capture the value
tions and survive radical technological change. of their intellectual assets (McGaughey, 2002).
Other authors have suggested that architec-
tural capabilities provide more enduring advan-
Modularity in Different Activities
tages (Christensen, 1992; Henderson, 1992). Since
they span technological boundaries and, poten- We have focused our theory development on
tially, also organizational boundaries, these ca- modularity in design in closed technological
pabilities tend to be more idiosyncratic and dif- systems. It is important that, in future research,
ficult to copy (Takeishi, 2002). Moreover, there is scholars consider modularity in design in rela-
evidence that interdependence among the deci- tion to modularity in production, as well as mod-
sions that make up a firm’s competitive strategy ularity in use (Baldwin & Clark, 2000). While
(Rivkin, 2000), practices that underlie a capabil- modularity in design facilitates modular pro-
ity (Pil & MacDuffie, 1996), and the assets, re- duction and use, production and customer needs
sources, and capabilities that support a firm’s are often the initial stimuli for modularity in
distinctive competence (Thompke & Kuem- design. Sako and Murray (1999) argue that, in the
merele, 2002) does prevent imitation. computer sector, customer pull drove the shift
Future research could begin to resolve these toward modularity, while in the auto sector, pro-
views by clarifying how their level of analysis duction-related issues such as flexibility and
affects their conclusions. Architectural capabil- labor benefits were important drivers (see also
ities at the corporate level may differ substan- Takeishi & Fujimoto, 2001).
tially from product-level capabilities (Galunic & A focus on modularity in design ultimately cen-
Eisenhardt, 2001; Henderson & Clark, 1990). In ters on functional performance outcomes (Ger-
addition, the complementary roles of architec- shenson et al., 2003). Expanding the theoretical
tural and modular capabilities need to be exam- framework to consider production expands that
ined, since they jointly affect a firm’s innovation scope because an added dimension, structural co-
capabilities (Sanchez & Mahoney, 1996). Atten- hesiveness—the ability to handle the component
tion to contextual and firm-level differences will as one unit—is also important (Takeishi & Fuji-
be important in untangling their effects. Below moto, 2001). This paper also highlights a critical
are some potential avenues for future research. boundary condition for research on modularity—
the difference between open and closed techno-
logical systems. Let us turn to the implications of
Intellectual Property in Modular Systems
that boundary condition.
To delineate the boundary conditions of our
theory, additional work is needed on the role of
Open Versus Closed Technology Systems
property rights in sustaining modular and archi-
tectural performance advantages. For example, We have explored the benefits of modular de-
if information about modular design practices is sign in closed systems in which component in-
easier for competitors to acquire, firms may terface standards are proprietary. In much of the
patent more aggressively in the presence of literature, scholars have investigated modular-
modularity, even if patenting results in the re- ity in open systems, where component interfaces
lease of sensitive information (Rivkin, 2000). are standardized across companies (Schilling &
Firms have increased their use of patenting in Steensma, 2001; Takeishi & Fujimoto, 2001). In
order to force cross-licensing agreements and to open systems, such as personal computers, bi-
block or avoid being blocked from certain tech- cycles, and stereo equipment, firms that out-
nologies, especially in complex products (Co- source components can switch easily among
hen, Nelson, & Walsh, 2000). suppliers, and customers who wish to assemble
The use of modular design might facilitate a product on their own can purchase compo-
these uses of intellectual property by clarifying nents from different companies (Langlois & Rob-
the boundaries of a firm’s functional solutions. It ertson, 1992; Schilling, 2000).
2006 Pil and Cohen 1007

Variation in the use of modular design among without necessarily resulting in open systems or
open systems component suppliers would enable more outsourcing. In the case of the automotive
some of them to gain the innovation benefits de- sector, for example, Takeishi and Fujimoto (2001)
scribed in Propositions 3 through 5. However, ri- surveyed 153 first-tier suppliers and found no
valry may be more intense, and performance ad- evidence that modularity was resulting in shifts
vantages less persistent, as common standards toward an open system. Furthermore, firms in
reduce entry barriers (Baldwin & Clark, 1997a,b; closed industries shifting toward outsourced
Langlois & Robertson, 1992). Hence, architectural modules feel it is critical to maintain some de-
capabilities may become relatively more impor- sign knowledge of the modular content in-
tant in open systems. In markets where customers house, to integrate the outsourced modules into
assemble their own products, such as stereos, the the remainder of the product (Takeishi, 2002).
locus of sustainable advantage may shift from The choices firms make on this front are partic-
individual product positions to product platforms ularly intriguing, since they shed light on the
or families and the architectural capabilities efficiency with which organizations can collab-
needed to configure and develop them (Meyer & orate on design, development, and production
Lehnerd, 1997; Sanderson & Uzumeri, 1995). In mar- (Langlois, 2002).
kets where firms assemble the end product, such
as bicycles, persistent advantage may reside in
Modularity and the Task and Knowledge
the ability to coordinate and integrate design ca-
Boundaries of the Firm
pabilities that reside within loosely coupled net-
works of suppliers (Baldwin & Clark, 1997b; Fine, A reported advantage of hierarchies is their
1998). ability to combine and transfer certain types of
Modularity may impact opportunities for knowledge more efficiently than the market can
value creation, along industry value chains and (Kogut & Zander, 1992). Tacit knowledge, such as
at the business and corporate level, differently that required to integrate elements of complex
in open and closed systems (Galunic & Eisen- products, can be particularly difficult to commu-
hardt, 2001; Langlois & Robertson, 1992). How- nicate (Hansen, 1999). By reducing the tacitness
ever, the definition of open and closed systems of architectural knowledge, modular design
must be distinguished from modularity, per se, practices enable separate organizations to coor-
in order to encourage these comparisons. Fuji- dinate activities that would otherwise be car-
moto (2000) argues that the extensive research ried out within the firm (Garud & Kumara-
examining modularity as it affects cross-firm swamy, 1995).
task distribution stems from an equating of However, as Brusoni and Prencipe (2001) note,
closed and open systems with integral and mod- efficient task boundaries may differ from the
ular architectures. Modular designs and design knowledge boundaries that sustain a firm. In par-
practices often coincide with open systems. ticular, firms require a much broader knowledge
However, Fujimoto points out that they are also base to manage development across organization-
prevalent with closed systems, where firms re- al boundaries than is needed for their own devel-
tain control over both the interface specifica- opment activities (Takeishi, 2002). To elaborate
tions (visible design rules) and the modules modularity’s implications for a theory of the firm, it
(hidden information). Examples include main- would be useful to examine the drivers of and
frame computers and machine tools. In the case relationships between these two borders. The in-
of closed architectures, it is still possible to have fluence of modularity on agency is likely to be an
what Takeishi and Fujimoto (2001) term modu- important factor shaping outsourcing arrange-
larization in interfirm systems. Brusoni and ments and the task borders of the firm. As we
Prencipe (2001), for example, describe organiza- discussed, modularity creates clearer links be-
tional “coordinators” that manage a series of tween design effort and outcomes. The account-
collaborative arrangements with suppliers to ability dimension of modularity is one of the fac-
create closed architecture aircraft engines. tors that facilitate outsourcing. Given the
Products traditionally designed with function- pervasive role of agency relationships within and
ally and structurally interdependent parts, such across organizations (Eisenhardt, 1989; Sharma,
as automobiles and portable consumer electron- 1997), the information benefits of modular ap-
ics, may shift in the direction of modularity, proaches, with respect to reducing agency in es-
1008 Academy of Management Review October

tablishment of firms’ task boundaries, as well as also need to be better understood. Architectural
intrafirm management of agency, provide a valu- innovation involves remapping functions to
able direction for future inquiry. components, and changes to architectural pa-
While agency may influence firm task bound- rameters may stimulate radical component in-
aries, it is less clear what drives a firm’s knowl- novation.3 Although architectural innovation is
edge boundaries. Modular design clarifies the less frequent in modular products, if firms ac-
functional domain (e.g., superior graphics or quire deeper and broader system-level knowl-
sound fidelity) of a firm’s capabilities and al- edge by applying modular design principles,
lows for the evolution of scientific and techno- they may perform better when architectures
logical competencies that support those func- evolve (Sanchez & Mahoney, 1996).
tions. However, the ability to assimilate new Exploring how much modularity is “enough”
technologies is also constrained by the current also opens the question of industry influences
product architecture. Hence, product functional- on levels of modularity, the importance of initial
ity and past technologies shape the trajectory design choices, environmental contingencies
along which a firm accumulates new knowl- such as volatility, and causal relationships to
edge. Firms that configure design and develop- value-chain architecture. Empirically exploring
ment tasks so as to foster an efficient balance the link between modularity and the durability
between the exploitation of existing knowledge of exceptional performance advantages pro-
and the extension/renewal of this knowledge vides a useful starting point for examining the
through exploration ought to have an advan- broader implications of modularity for dynamic
tage. Knowledge flows across organizational capabilities, task versus knowledge boundaries,
boundaries can be instrumental in maintaining organizational strategy, industry dynamics, and
such a balance, which suggests a complemen- market structure.
tary relationship between a firm’s task and
knowledge boundaries. Further investigation
along these lines might push the knowledge- REFERENCES
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Frits K. Pil ( is an associate professor at the Katz Graduate School of

Business and a research scientist at the Learning Research Development Center at the
University of Pittsburgh. He received his Ph.D. from the Wharton School, University of
Pennsylvania. His current work examines the tensions between imitation and inno-
vation, the interplay between local and systemic performance improvement efforts,
and the interaction between forms of capital across different levels of analysis.

Susan K. Cohen (, formerly Susan McEvily, is an associate pro-

fessor at the Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh. She received
her Ph.D. in strategic management from the University of Minnesota. She has inves-
tigated how characteristics of technological capabilities influence the persistence of
performance advantage, incumbents’ abilities to adapt to discontinuous change, and
the benefits of alliance networks and modular product design for innovation.
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