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ENS5106- Hydrology and Hydraulics

Project Description

This project gives students the opportunity to consolidate knowledge around open channel hydraulics
and hydrology and the ability to apply hydraulics and hydrological methods to engineering applications
in an integrated way. This project introduces students to use hydrological data from “Australian
Government Bureau of Meteorology” and “Australian Rainfall and Runoff” as well as using HEC River
Analysis System (HEC-RAS) for water engineering design. Students will conduct this project as an
individual activity. This project includes 35% of your mark for this unit.


• Estimating peak flow using IFD chart.

• Perform a steady-state flow analysis to study how the water surface profiles and hydraulic
parameters change along a river reach.
• Using geometric and hydraulic parameters such as slope, hydraulic radius, flowrate, channel
roughness and other factors to estimate water surface profiles using HEC-RAS.
• Design an optimum hydraulic cross-section.


Step 1. Download HEC-RAS from the US Army Corps of Engineers website


Fig1. US Army Corps of Engineers website

Step 2. Install the HEC-RAS 6.0 Setup Package on your personal computer. Follow the setup instructions
and click through the default configurations.
ENS5106- Hydrology and Hydraulics

Fig. 2. Download HEC-RAS

Step 3. Before using HEC-RAS for your project, you will need the following information:
• cross-section data (follow step 8)
• stream slope (follow step 5)
• flow data for AEPs of 50%, 20% and 10% (follow step 7)
• Manning’s n values: 0.05 for left over bank (LOB), main channel, right overbank (ROB)

Step 4. Go to: Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology/ Water Information/ Hydrologic

Reference Stations ( and select the given Region, Basin and
Station from drop-down lists.
ENS5106- Hydrology and Hydraulics

Fig. 3. Selecting the given station

Step 5. Find Station Facts tab and save the information.

Fig. 4. Station Facts

Step 6. Go to: Australian Rainfall and Runoff/Regional Flood Frequency Analysis (http://rffe.arr- Base on the information in Step 5, enter the Catchment Name, Catchment Outlet
ENS5106- Hydrology and Hydraulics

Latitude, Catchment Outlet Longitude, Catchment Centroid Latitude, Catchment Centroid Longitude
and Catchment Area (km²).

Use the coordinate given in the

table of Data for your station

In the Google Maps switch the map mode to

Terrain. In the search area enter the coordinate for
your station (e.g -35.3843,148.9656) to find the
location of your catchment. Based on the contour
lines and streams find the coordinates of centroid
for your catchment.

Fig. 5. Regional Flood Frequency Estimation Model

Step 7. Submit and then save the results.

ENS5106- Hydrology and Hydraulics

Fig. 6. Results of the Regional Flood Frequency Estimation Model

Step 8. You should design an optimum cross-section that caters for AEPs of 50%, 20% and 10%.

Step 9. Open HEC-RAS and create a New Project. Then enter geometric and steady flow data. Run the
model and save outputs.
Structure of your report

Your report should not exceed 25 pages and should include the following headlines:

• Introduction
The introduction to the report will be a brief statement defining a description of the
geographical position (map) and weather condition of the study area, the scope of the work
undertaken, the reason(s) for undertaking the project, and the benefits of conducting the
ENS5106- Hydrology and Hydraulics

• Hydrological Conditions

Based on the learning materials for this unit, describe the study area and hydrological
conditions for the catchment you have worked on including a map of the catchement area,
main stream length, slope (results of Step 5).

• Regional Flood Frequency Estimation

This will provide an explanation about the estimation of peak flows, the Regional Flood
Frequency Estimation (RFFE) Technique, limitations and considerations together with the
results of Step 7.

• Proposed Cross Section

Based on the information obtained from previous steps, you should run HEC-RAS for flow along
the mainstream in your catchment followed by the design of an optimum cross section for
your hydraulic model that could accommodate the flow rate for AEPs = 50%, 20%, and 10%.
First, sketch the channel cross-section showing stations and elevations. Each station position
has a corresponding elevation. Based on the available information for the mainstream along
the catchment and identify a few cross-sections for the model. Run the model for different
AEPs and report the results and discuss them. Next, you need to run the model for the
optimised channel sections. You can assume channel sections that fit into a trapezoidal shape
section and manually calculate its x and y. Figure 7 shows a typical cross-section that you need
to identify an appropriate value for x and y. The geometric elements for an optimum hydraulic
cross-section such as area, wetted perimeter, hydraulic radius, top with, hydraulic depth,
velocity, side slopes, and freeboard should be identified and reported. The proposed optimum
sections should be used in HEC-RAS and the simulated results for all AEPs to be presented in a

Fig. 7. A sample cross section

• Hydraulic Analysis Using HEC-RAS

This section of your report should provide a description of using HEC-RAS to estimate water
surface profiles. The results of your modelling should be presented in this section. The results
ENS5106- Hydrology and Hydraulics

should include the outputs from HEC-RAS which may include water surface profile for each
AEP, and profile summary table.

• Discussion of Results
The results should be compared and discussed.


When you have completed entering your data and run the model for the corresponding AEP
discharges, you should submit an electronic copy of all HEC-RAS files and your report (in a PDF format)
to the submission link.

Note that:

• This is a group activity (3-4 students per group).

• Students must submit their report and the relevant model files online along with an
appropriate cover sheet.


Your group will be assigned to a station number listed in the table below. Check Canvas under
Assignment menu

Hydrological Reference Stations

Catchment Station Station Name Latitude Longitude State Catchment
Number Number Area (km2)

1 410713 Paddy's River at Riverlea -35.3843 148.9656 ACT 224.4

2 410730 Cotter River at Gingera -35.5917 148.82125 ACT 130
3 410731 Gudgenby River at Tennent -35.574851 149.06625 ACT 671.6
4 410734 Queanbeyan River at Tinderry -35.61375 149.3498186 ACT 563.7
5 410705 Molonglo River at Burbong -35.3367 149.31625 ACTNSW 508.6
6 410761 Murrumbidgee River below Lobbs Hole Creek -35.539928 149.10125 ACTNSW 5158
7 201001 Oxley River at Eungella -28.3553 153.292 NSW 214.1
8 203005 Richmond River at Wiangaree -28.5065 152.9658 NSW 712.2
9 203010 Leycester River at Rock Valley -28.7381 153.163 NSW 177.7
10 203030 Myrtle Creek at Rappville -29.1116 152.9984 NSW 392.2
11 204002 Clarence River at Tabulam -28.89 152.56 NSW 4538
12 204007 Clarence River at Lilydale (Newbold Crossing -29.51 152.68 NSW 16953
13 204014 Mann River at Mitchell -29.6947 152.1049 NSW 888.6
14 204017 Bielsdown Creek at Dorrigo No.2 and No.3 -30.3073 152.7135 NSW 76
15 204025 Orara River at Karangi -30.2544 153.0323 NSW 135.8
16 204030 Aberfoyle River at Aberfoyle -30.2603 152.0083 NSW 208.6
17 204036 Cataract Creek at Sandy Hill (below Snake Ck) -28.9341 152.2171 NSW 236.5
18 204037 Clouds Creek at Clouds Ck -30.0938 152.6282 NSW 63.3
19 204039 Maryland River at D/S Wylie Ck -28.468 152.1978 NSW 376.7
ENS5106- Hydrology and Hydraulics

Catchment Station Station Name Latitude Longitude State Catchment

Number Number Area (km2)

20 204041 Orara River at Bawden Br -29.7242 152.8092 NSW 1807

21 204046 Timbarra River at Drake -29.0573 152.3849 NSW 1723
22 204051 Clarence River at Paddys Flat -28.7211 152.4174 NSW 3111
23 204056 Dandahra Creek at Gibraltar Range -29.4864 152.4456 NSW 109.7
24 204906 Orara River at Glenreagh -30.07 152.98 NSW 430.6
25 206009 Tia River at Tia -31.1878 151.8291 NSW 265.2
26 206014 Wollomombi River at Coninside -30.47635697 152.028857 NSW 377.4
27 206018 Apsley River at Apsley Falls -31.05125 151.76625 NSW 851.9
28 206025 Salisbury Waters River at near Dangar Falls -30.681 151.7133 NSW 647.6
29 207004 Hastings River at Ellenborough (Kindee Bridge) -31.4241 152.4697 NSW 1583
30 207013 Ellenborough River at D/S Bunnoo R Junction -31.481 152.4478 NSW 497.8
31 207014 Wilson River at Avenel -31.3326 152.7404 NSW 508
32 207015 Hastings River at Mount Seaview -31.3714 152.2442 NSW 351.7
33 208003 Gloucester River at Doon Ayre -31.8981 152.0956 NSW 1631
34 208004 Manning River at Killawarra -31.92 152.31 NSW 6642
35 208005 Nowendoc River at Rocks Crossing -31.779 152.0746 NSW 1894
36 208007 Nowendoc River at Nowendoc -31.51625 151.71625 NSW 221.1
37 208009 Barnard River at Barry -31.57995 151.31495 NSW 152.1
38 208011 Barnard River at Mackay -31.77 151.9 NSW 1821
39 208015 Landsdowne River at Landsdowne -31.7889 152.5128 NSW 98.1
40 208024 Barnard River at D/S Back R Jctn -31.56 151.34 NSW 282.3
41 208026 Myall River at Jacky Barkers -31.6417 151.7342 NSW 546.4
42 209002 Mammy Johnsons River at Crossing -32.2453 151.9778 NSW 158.1
43 209003 Karuah River at Booral -32.48 151.96 NSW 974.3
44 210011 William River at Tillegra -32.31945 151.68805 NSW 196.4
Rouchel Brook River at Rouchel Brook (The
45 210014 Vale) -32.1531 151.0474 NSW 399.7
46 210016 Goulburn River at Kerrabee -32.42 150.32 NSW 4982
47 210017 Moonan Brook River at Moonan Brook -31.9437 151.2797 NSW 105
48 210022 Allyn River at Halton -32.3078 151.5117 NSW 188.5
49 210031 Goulburn River at Sandy Hollow -32.35 150.57 NSW 6818
50 210040 Wybong Creek at Wybong -32.2708 150.6349 NSW 670.8
51 210052 Pages River at Gundy Recorder -32.0119 150.9965 NSW 1069
52 211009 Wyong River at Gracemere -33.2724 151.3593 NSW 237.6
53 211013 Ourimbah Creek at U/S Weir -33.3497 151.3428 NSW 82.3
54 211014 Wyong River at Yarramalong -33.2198 151.2734 NSW 180.4
55 212040 Kialla Creek at Pomeroy -34.6089 149.5431 NSW 92.7
56 212209 Nepean River at Maguires Crossing -34.476507 150.53375 NSW 67.4
57 212260 Kowmung River at Cedar Ford -33.94734 150.24375 NSW 713
58 215004 Corang River at Hockeys -35.1471 150.0329 NSW 165.6
59 215207 Shoalhaven river at Fossickers Flat -34.8217 150.1833 NSW 4660
60 216002 Clyde River at Brooman -35.4681 150.23625 NSW 859
ENS5106- Hydrology and Hydraulics

Catchment Station Station Name Latitude Longitude State Catchment

Number Number Area (km2)

61 216009 BuCreekenbowra River at Buckenbowra No.3 -35.714 150.0342 NSW 165.5

62 218001 Tuross River at Tuross Vale -36.26465 149.51035 NSW 90.6
63 218005 Tuross River at D/S Wadbilliga R Junction -36.1975 149.7606 NSW 918
64 218007 Wadbilliga River at Wadbilliga -36.2586 149.6914 NSW 120.2
65 218008 Tuross River at Eurobodalla -36.13 150 NSW 1607
66 219001 Rutherford Creek at Brown Mountain -36.59315 149.44185 NSW 14.4
67 219003 Bemboka River at Morans Crossing -36.6674 149.6469 NSW 313.7
Tantawangalo Creek at Tantawangalo
68 219006 Mountain Dam -36.78 149.54 NSW 83.1
69 219017 Double Creek at near Brogo -36.6 149.8094 NSW 151.9
70 219022 Tantawangalo Creek at Candelo Dam Site -36.7319 149.6842 NSW 200.1
71 220003 Pambula River at Lochiel -36.9414 149.8194 NSW 105.6
72 221002 Wallagaraugh River at Princes HWY -37.3719 149.7125 NSW 477.2
73 222004 Little Plains River at Wellesley (Rowes) -36.9969 149.0925 NSW 610.5
74 222016 Pinch River at The Barry Way -36.7936 148.4033 NSW 156.4
75 401009 Maragle Creek at Maragle -35.9266 148.1009 NSW 217.3
76 401012 Murray River at Biggara -36.31875 148.0519476 NSW 1257
77 401013 Jingellic Creek at Jingellic -35.8972 147.6917 NSW 395
78 401015 Bowna Creek at Yambla -35.91625 146.975091 NSW 290.1
79 401016 Welumba Creek at The Square -36.04 148.12 NSW 50.7
80 401017 Mannus Creek at Yarramundi -35.77 147.93 NSW 194.3
81 410024 Goodradigbee River at Wee Jasper (Kashmir) -35.1672 148.6855 NSW 990
82 410026 Yass River at Yass -34.8367 148.9103 NSW 1229
83 410033 Murrumbidgee River at Mittagang Crossing -36.17 149.09 NSW 1890
84 410038 Adjungbilly Creek at Darbalara -35.0192 148.2457 NSW 390.9
85 410044 Muttama Creek at Coolac -34.9319 148.1616 NSW 1072
86 410047 Tarcutta Creek at Old Borambola -35.1639 147.6543 NSW 1653
87 410057 Goobarragandra River at Lacmalac -35.32905 148.34845 NSW 667.9
88 410061 Adelong Creek at Batlow Road -35.33165 148.06915 NSW 146.1
89 410062 Numeralla River at Numeralla School -36.1793 149.3485 NSW 669.8
Goodradigbee River at Brindabella (No.2 and
90 410088 No.3-Cab -35.42 148.73 NSW 432.1
91 410091 Billabong Creek at Walbundrie -35.69 146.72 NSW 2808
92 410141 Micaligo Creek at Michelago -35.7053 149.1488 NSW 189.8
93 410156 Kyeamba Creek at Book Book -35.35 147.55 NSW 145.4
94 411003 Butmaroo Creek at Butmaroo -35.2567 149.5422 NSW 61.1
95 412028 Abercrombie River at Abercrombie -33.9548 149.3252 NSW 2631
96 412029 Boorowa River at Prossers Crossing -34.1441 148.8101 NSW 1552
97 412050 Crookwell River at Narrawa North -34.31125 149.167269 NSW 761.9
98 412066 Abercrombie River at Hadley No.2 -34.1128 149.5978 NSW 1630
99 416003 Tenterfield Creek at Clifton -29.02915 151.72665 NSW 552.6
100 416010 Macintyre River at Wallangra -29.2642 150.8984 NSW 2134
101 416016 Macintyre River at Inverell (Middle Ck) -29.7936 151.1263 NSW 751.2
ENS5106- Hydrology and Hydraulics

Catchment Station Station Name Latitude Longitude State Catchment

Number Number Area (km2)

102 416020 Ottleys Creek at Coolatai -29.234 150.7581 NSW 383.9

103 416023 Deepwater River at Bolivia -29.2929 151.9234 NSW 538.5
104 416032 Mole River at Donaldson -29.017 151.5986 NSW 1592
105 418005 Copes Creek at Kimberley -29.9168215 151.1143215 NSW 249.3
106 418014 Gwydir River at Yarrowyck -30.4674403 151.3624403 NSW 834.6
107 418015 Horton River at Rider (Killara) -29.83 150.35 NSW 1955
108 418017 Myall Creek at Molroy -29.7992 150.5832 NSW 865.2
109 418021 Laura Creek at Laura -30.2293 151.1857 NSW 346
110 418025 Halls Creek at Bingara -29.9361 150.5716 NSW 126.4
111 418027 Horton River at Horton Dam Site -30.2081 150.4281 NSW 204.9
112 418032 Tycannah Creek at Horseshoe Lagoon -29.6719 150.0426 NSW 872.6
113 419005 Namoi River at North Cuerindi -30.6784993 150.7784993 NSW 2532
114 419010 Macdonald River at Woolbrook -30.9669 151.3448 NSW 840.8
115 419016 CoCreekburn River at Mulla Crossing -31.0614 151.1254 NSW 896.6
116 419029 Halls Creek at Ukolan -30.7054 150.8259 NSW 362.8
117 419035 Goonoo Goonoo Creek at Timbumburi -31.2726 150.9147 NSW 456
118 419054 Swamp Oak Creek at Limbri -31.0396 151.1694 NSW 399.9
119 420003 Belar Creek at Warkton (Blackburns) -31.3861 149.2011 NSW 130.2
120 420017 Castlereagh River at Hidden Valley -31.4197 149.3103 NSW 1154
121 421018 Bell River at Newrea -32.6808 148.9478 NSW 1628
122 421026 Turon River at Sofala -33.0819 149.689 NSW 884
123 421042 Talbragar River at Elong Elong -32.0939 149.0598 NSW 3187
124 421048 Little River at Obley No.2 -32.7072 148.5511 NSW 576.2
ENS5106- Hydrology and Hydraulics

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