01-X-Twitter Hook Goldmine

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X/Twitter Hook Goldmine

Want to jump right in? Access the X/Twitter Hook Goldmine here.
Starting at a blank page sucks. When the ideas aren’t flowing, we all need a little
When you strip a hook down to its foundations, you’re able to see how each part
contributes to the whole.
Study enough of them and you’ll start to see the patterns you learned in this course.
Open loops
Emotional zingers
Targeted phrasing

Once you understand what makes a hook powerful, you can recreate it in your image.
This is how you strategically grab attention without losing yourself or resorting to
The X/Twitter Hook Goldmine includes:
50 annotated hooks
Powerhouse creators like Amanda Natividad, Wes Kao, and Mushtaq Bilal
Screenshots and links to each original post so you can dig deeper into their top
Review, write, review, iterate, repeat.

X/Twitter-specific tips
On X/Twitter, the entire first tweet in a thread shows on both desktop and mobile. If

you’re writing a long-form tweet, the first part the size of a tweet (280 characters)
This is different from LinkedIn where only the first line shows on mobile.
This doesn’t mean your first line is less important, but it doesn’t need to do all the
heavy lifting.
Big points of note:
The algorithm changes frequently: It’s just how it is right now. Best you can do
is to accept the ebb and flow. Water off a duck’s back!

Experiment like mad: X/Twitter posts have a short shelf life (12-24 hours). It’s the
perfect place to experiment with new ideas and formats. You’ll get instant
feedback from your audience. And then, they’ll move on and forget. Take risks
There are more creators than businesspeople: X/Twitter is a playground for big
creators. They’re hard to miss so you will notice them. It’s less obvious on
LinkedIn. That doesn’t mean if your audience is businesspeople you can’t find
them on X, but it’s harder.
Most of all, X is a place to have fun. You can tweet multiple times a day and get super
creative. Enjoy it.

Access the X/Twitter Hook Goldmine here.

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