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fterature case study

City centre kolkata group 4

gopika s - 15

mamegha 19
meenu s-21
meghana murali -22
melenda thomas -23
navya b - 25
nitha rasheed - 27
sreya kishore - 35
project information location
The signature architecture of the legendary Charles Correa City
Cenfre Salt Lake is an island property, measuring around 6.5 acres
site plann
with a road on all four sides.

ldentified by its inclusiveness, its uniqueness and its

captures the true spirit of Kolkata and its passion for 'adda'.
A comprehensive retail mix. The integration of market and
community. public spaces
completion year 2004
residential spaces
site area 6.5 acre
builtup area 50,400 sq.m india west bengdl DC block, sector-1
salt lake city open spaces

Orientation commercial spaces

The building is oriented in 2nd avenue vegetation

northeast southwest
direction because
predominant winddirection
Is from south side.
The kundspace is provided
on the longer axis of the
site fo have maximum
exposure to the road side.

wind analysis
20 %
The prevailing winds will create
a soothing atmospheric effect
when it will pass thrOugh open
kund placed at the entrance
on south west side .Open
planning provides benefit of
unintemupted wind movement
in the site.

climate analysis
Altitude: 16

3 r Ave

Kolkata has a tropical

climate. Since the site and
Surounding space is denselyY
Os sfafion
packed and continuous cenfre metro 1 Exit for vehicular movement from
vehicular movement will elevated the residential space.
increase the pollution and C i f y

fhere will be an increase in 12 Service entry

urban heat island effect. 3 r dA v e
Service exit

Seperate vehicular entry provided for

Rainfall analysis residential space in the site 7 m wide

Vehicular entry 7 m wide

There is precipitation almost throughOut the year .To ensure that the
water doesn't collect in the mall space , there are level difference
6Open courtyard spaces visitors entry
created in the sife so that the water runs off fo the lowest poinf in
round floor shops opening like a proportion of street similar to streets of The mall is relatively new insert in the context that shape the
verandah, similar to the indian kolkata cOvered with transparent city.Being a closed bOx is against every tradition
markets. polycarbonate sheefs.some
ofurbanism,especially of the market places in india.
connection with the sky through the
permeable layer.
fusing the bazaar and mall
proportion of the street 1:1.5
keeps fhe street shaded opening of the small vendors the concept of an indian 'bazaar is that of a highly
maximum time of the day personalized seller customer interaction in setting of variety
around the shops like indian
open fo sky street enhances the markef space. of goods and services all placed together mostly along a
experience narrow street.
they are mostly charecterised by their organic nature and
relation with city planning and surrounding road geometrics and nieghbourhood humanised scale.
the western concept of malls on the other handis that of a
The centre being located in the highly grid planned part of the The Salt Lake City Center is connected to the Bypass by a major road. The
large human scape space planned and designed
city,tries to break the geometry by not following the grid,but at Bypass then links with the rest of the city.
exclusively to cater to a dedicated user group
the same time,the project has understood the proportions of approach road is wider compared to other three roads because the city centre represents a harmonius presence of both.
the market spaces of kolkata and has tried to bring them back approach road has metroline running to i t which is 9.5 m wide and in the
in the project. centre of the road,to its both side lies 7 m wide roads
the street charector is full of pedestrian movement since the both entry and
salt lake city is planned and developed as a satellite city of the exit to the metro is through staircase connecting the street.
metropolitan city of kolkata.Satellite cities are adjacent to the
traffic pattern analysis pollution study and analysis
major cifies and are developed fo inhouse fhe residence for
Amusement park Heavy traffic movement around the site due The plot behind the site contains series of commercial
Administrative to the metro rail immediate to the site. shops and parking space for the mall. thus the vehicular
Mixed use
the metro placed at the centre of the site movement of the site and that behind the site will overlap
decreases the overall width of the roads and and cause excess noise pollution.
Eastern metropolitan
Residential the speed of the vehicles.
DYpass Main road
-Salt lake infernal road
Saif lake major road
circulation pattern connectivity to public

Salt ake city cenfre Connectivity to central

-satde Mee Reus
buisness district,7.2 km
east to the site.

sector 5 Railwaystation 9.8 km

The presence of mefro

Narkeldanga Metro station 2 km rallway stafion on the
main road
Nicco park approach road reduces
Bus station 10.9 km the road width resulting in
high traffic movement
Beleghafaroad Intersection containing and noise pollufion
commercial shops, vehicular
and human traffic produces
more nOise.

group 4
literature casestudy S6A
influence from the past visual elements concept
The city centre was designed such that it fits in inherent lifestyle of the catchment area and further enhance it
The buildings do not have elaborate The two most important site elementsinside the
facades but simple filat brick walls City Center are the fountain at the center of the
f was designed torecreate the essence of it and was very crucial aspects of its user's lifestyle, 'adda' (a
hangout spacein local language) and 'kund. This was done to seamlessly integrate retail with community
main plaza and the curio shop at the entrance
with square windows. and create a rich urban realm that attracts footfall for reasons more than just that of retail. It was conceived
Colonnaded facades have been plaza facing south. a s microcosm offthe whole metrcpolis, such that it caters to multiple land uses and diverse income profiles.
used in the ground level facing the The fountain serves as a point of attraction and
street similar to the
buildings in the clty.
many colonial peopleuse the
sitting area.
ledge around the fountain as

The curio shop has been designed as a horse

drawn tram, which was a common mode of

form analysis
transport in Calcutta at one time.

form evolution

ne rormevolves Out of
CUboidal mass that stands

The advertisement signage on the a site of 6.5 acres.
The plaza surrounded by buildings buildings attracts attention. Of all the
buildings, the ofice tower of BlockA and
on all three sides is bulf n a the residential building have a
COurtyrd style, which Is common fo
many old buildings in fhe city. There dominating view and can be seen from a
is also a resemblance of the plaza distance.
wifh the streef square since all the
he repetitive element within the building. Signage has been introduced to guide A void is created at the to
spine leads to the main plaza with a eatures is the accommodate d plaza
of BlockThere three pergolas, people through site and is also an
small water body af the center. two at the A, andare
one at the roof of important visual the
element. area
Block E
with a centra'kund ' at

The spaces are then

Subfracfed from fhe masS
and adjusted fO varyin9
heights depending upon
its function and use.

Each Spaces are then

Connecfed via passage
ways covered by pargolas.

group 4
literature casestudy S6a
Built in Charles Corea's signature style, City Centre Salt Lake is simple, elegant and understated with a very
sfrong geomefry. The celebrafion fhaf is a part of an enferfainmenf experience is provided by fhe judiciOUS Use
or bright colours on some Surface. Ihe framework is sirmple, so fhat fhe shop they Contain can have fheir own
entertainment zone
VISIbilify and prominence. A fair amount of greenery IS included fhroUghout the complex fo provIde warmth
and infimacy.

The shopping spine, which is a winding narow

ane witfh shops on both sides evokes a Similar
Lorem Ipsum
experience of the old lanes of Calcutta
marketplaces. Ihe sfreet experience has
become even more pronounced with fhe
Outdoor vendors within the City Center.

structural components
Columns are placed in grid pattern with centre
fo cenfre disfance of 8M. In cerfain areas ihe
distance is reduced because of architectural
old lanes of calcutta
floor height& impact
Floor to floor height is 3.8M. The increase in floor
height creates a sense of grander. Also fhe shopping spine
increase in height doesn't create suffocafion.
The air Cycle keeps changing soon because
fhe space Is more and even height of fhe floor
is more.

building facade
The building facade is simple with not much
onamenfation. Stepped ferrace planning
gives a sense of traditional Indian architecture.
material study
Commonly used materials such as concrete
andsteel are mostly used. Material of thhe
color palatfe
pavemenf of mall resemble fhat of a sfreet and
is cOvered by polycarbonate sheet.

Openings on southwest and southeast

direction is created fo facilitate funnel effect
between blocks.

pergolas as an
kund(fountain) at the
archifecfural element cenire creating an leisuree

public plaza

literature casestudy group 4

zoning The spatial distribution varies with respecit to the context
The space is created to form the node for and
and developer's intent.
holding experiencing commercial,
Cultural and social activities.
The open mall concept of city center mall enables the mall to interact with the
SUrrounding. Semi-open
corridors creafe the fransifion befween inside and oufside of
mal. The mall is divided into blocks for better cognition. Concept of conventional
Indian markefplace is replicafed. if is in a way a hybrid befween a Convenfion
centre or a Cultural hub and a Commercial centre at a much reduced scale.

spatial analysis
Clustered organization relies on physical proximity to relate its space to one another.

ground floor zoning third floor zoning

Arangement of spaces in rigid geometry.

Repetitive, cellular space having similar functions and share

SUch as shape or orientation.
a common visual trait

first floor zoning fourth floor zoning

Nodal points act as the hinges
that facilitate the interrelations of .
different fypes of uses of the
cineplex same facility and aid in smooth
transition from one charactered
Space to other.
entertainment zone

public plaza
convention centre
built space
anchor store internal circulation

services nodal points

office covered pathway

shopping plaza
Nafure of integration between bUilf and open spaceS, With fhe surrounding
second floor zoningg dine zone environmentThe activities are linked together by means of linking elements, which not
only satisfies the function of activity, but also provides visual connectivity and creates
The clustered spaces are given specific functions based on the ease of the public and privacy of the officials.
Ihe anchor sfores, fhe refail sfores, fhe cineplexes and the public plazas are easily accessible byfhe public and group 4
mainly placed on the ground, first and second floors. The least used public spaces such as the offices, the literature case study S6a
convention centerS are placed on the third and fourth floors.
circulation pattern The movement inside the building is characterized by the similar aspect for it inside an
indian bázaar. All the floors are connecfed by vertical passages. The horizonfal
ground floor plan passages of the ground and the first floor connect the whole spaces in each floor. The
third floor plan rest of fne floors
isolatedly placed wihout
any connection with the whole blocks.
nere dre bridges to connec certain bloCKs. Ine painway IS Covered with roor pergola.
Convinency in the movement of the users is successfully acheived through the planning.

spatial analysis
proximity of spaces

enfrance cOuriyard
gf anchor store
retail store
gt service
ff anchor store
ff cineplex
first floor plan fourth floor plan
f dine zone
sf office
sf anchor store
sf public plaza
sf cineplex
tf office
tf dine zone
tf public
ff convention centre
ff entertainment zone adjacent
ff office not adjacent
ff service not related

second floor plan

vertical zoning

roof pergola

anchor store The spaces divided on the basis

services of the cOunt of Users and the
ease for accesS to respective
horizontal circulation
dine zone points.
public plaza
retail shops
vertical circulation

convention centre

group 4
literature case study S6a
plan analysis






literature casestudy S6A
plan analysis






liferature casesfudy group4

plan analysis
Offices- 10,080 sqmm
Retail space - 25,704 sqm

Function hall -370-600 sqm

Eatery-7560 sqm
The ground floor is largely covered with commercial shops and malls,since the public movement
will be high in the ground floor.
In the first floor ,there is addition if food court as large space in the first floor is again covered with placing the food cOurt in first floor the human movement and traffic can be reduced in
fhe ground floor
In second floor, the mariage hall,entertainment zone and the office space is given.this will make
SUre that the movement of public visiting the shops for purchase is kept different from the public
coming for office Use or for marriage

Ground floor
The ground floor is largely covered with commercial shops and malls,since the public movement
will be high in the ground floor.
Main movement in the gf is public coming for purchase

First floor
O cineplex.-17.83%

Coming to the first floor,major portion of the floor plan is occupied with mall and shops .there is an
addition of restaurant since the first floor majorly consist of shops and complex .the visitors can
have access fo restaurant when shopping
The reason for providing restaurant in first floor and not in ground floor because of the floating
BLOCKSs crowd in fhe gf.placing restaurant in fhe ground floor will increase the rush and crowd in ground
Placement of restaurant in the first floor will distribute the crowd into two floors.

FOURTH FLOOR Second floor

Marriage hall-10.07%
Entertainment -8.47%
Food court-9.09%
Major portion of the floor plan is ocCupied with office space.the zoning and circulation is semi
private.fhe marriage hall ,office space will be accessible for those who come to use that
particular space.
Hence the movementin second floor will be restricted to those people only.

literature casestudy
Oit has 100000 sqft of outdoor plaza and 4 acre of land
scaped park and no boundaries to seperate it from street.

Othe natural vegetation is scattered and scarce as the SUr-

rounding spaces are developed,the buit form takes up large
portion of spaces leaving very little space for natural vegetation planters
growth.since the vegetation is scarce the effect on microcli-
mate of the site will be minimum.also there will be increase in Olandscaping elements suTounding court
the urban heat island effect. balance the open space hierarchy[visually)
Osmall heighted plantes do not restict the vision.
Oan empty land east to the site has good percentage of veg-
etation and presence of waterbodies.
Public Space:
Oopen spaces are merged with whole composition. activities sur-
rounding focused with the open spaces in between kund at entrance.
17 The Kund
OOn entering, the architect decides to Central element ofthe mall.
multiple experiences to
The Kund acts as a common space for meeting, events, and displays.
the user by placing a kund and taking the user upwards through a flight
of steps to create a sense of ghat, which traditionally has been ameet- Play with levels create a unique gathering and seating zone.
Statistically placed at the major entrance of the mall to increase public inflow.
2 ing place for people in Kolkata.

Othe site has around 30 trees most of which are placed in parking to
Eatery stores placed around the kund providing view towards the kund area.

provide shade.

Othe landscaping of the site can be increased and planned well since
the planning of the site is open clustered planning providing great
scope to try different landscaping in the site.

Oalso since the city experiancing varying precipitation throughout the

yearplanting more trees and leaving the ground open without any tiles
or pavement laid, the rainwater can penetrated into the site and can
help increase the ground water. Corridor
Grand coridor with provision for seating and
Oit can be a natural source of rainwater harvesting. gathering at ground floor.
Plantation along to corridorto enhance the
Othe site doesnot have much contour levels. thus it become easy to quality of space.
plan and place the building as it would not require much leveling the Corridor at 1st floor creates a bridge over the
site topography is not disturbed much. ground floor corridor providing view to the
public space
zoning distribution entry and exit points

no. of parking : 4-wheeler: 2500

the portion represents the vehicular parking for residential
2-wheeler: 100 exit for the vehicular movement service entry and exit
spaces. fhere are fotal of 28 car parking provisions. approach road width: 23 meters from the residential space

hearby parking space




*************** **********

the portion represents the vehicular parking

seperate vehicular entry provided for vehicular entryY
for commercial spaces .there are total of 105 movement and circulation analysis:
residential space in the site 7m wide 7m widee
Car parking provisions.

vehicular movement analysis: entry and exit to the site:

site level parking
Oa 7 m wide vehicular enty into the site is provided for one vehicular entry/exit for commercial space
the commercial zone. Oone vehicular entry/ exit for residential space
on site parking facilities will reduces the traffic arising from parking
Oa 7 m wide vehicular entry and a seperate exit is Oone service entry/exit provided
the vehicles on the road. also seperate parking for residential and
provided for residential zone
commercial space will ensure an uninterupted vehicular
movement. maximum no of vehicles

besides the car parking facility provided within the

service vehicle movement analysSis complexX, there is additional parking space available
on fhe periphery. parking is handled by a professiondl
Oseperate entry and exit is provided for the commercial group appointed and controlled by city centre
space. management.
Oback side of the site ensures uninterrupted flow of vehicular and
Time(24 hours)
he number of vehicles in otficebuildinparking lotson weekdays
h e number of vehicles in shopping mall parking lots on weekdays

literature case study 4

utilities and services
city centre new town provides a host of useful mall services
Ambu electricity
facilities for the physically challenged: for the convenience distribution boards at every block with separate metered
of senior guests and for the differently-abled have ramps, connections is provided for each shop/ stall and also separate
metered connection for common ared with 33kv wbse - 400 v
exclusive toilets, elevators and wheelchairs.
security :a round the clock security along with a closed transformer 2000kv x 3 substations. common spaces consumes
30% of total consumption.
hvac system
service Core and its integration hvac load at the mall shares 20% of total load.
screw chiller: both water cooled and air cooled, placed at roof
escalator fop above a bloCk.

staircase water supply and sanitation

emergency/ service sfaircase
water storage tank and capacity fire+general: 4.5 lakh litres.
Overhead tank size and capacity - 12000 litres at each block

lift sewage load and management

at salt lake city centre, correa has kept the air conditioned spaces directly connected to corporation drain. no stp is provided for the
services area:- 54,000 sft. deeper inside so that what greets the visitor is always the embrace mall. no provision of rain water harvesting system is provided in the
of open space and penetrable built form which pulls you in mall.
number of lifts/elevators:- 16
Some services like air conditioning, ows tanks are provided at the fire fighting and security
total lift/elevator capacity:- 128 terrace water tank of size 2 lakh litres is provided for firefighting with
sprinkler and hydrant assembly. manual vigilance with cctv
no. of escalators:-6 obstructed servicing in staggered blocking planning Support is operated for the security management in the hall

daylighting and vetilation storm water management

integration of service cores
open planning with noon spaces and terraces between the blocks the level difference created in the site will not let the water get
is a source of natural light and ventilation.since it is mall,reliance on collected.the water runs off from the highest part to the lowest
light and ventilation is more compared to natural light and point.
af each fypology a staircase or moree a service and artificial
emergency staircase or more liffs are provided.
water supply and drainage and solid waste management not
one benefit at providing different service core for each
typology is that it ensures fhat fhe movement related to if is OOO
restricted within that boundary.
J OOO since the service entry and exit is provided at the back side of the
site.the water supply and drainage will also be provided there.

instead of providing all the service cores at one location, for also the solid waste generated from the mall wll be taken fo the
each typology and depending upon the space occupied by back side and will be treated or transported from there to another
that typology, service cores like staircase,lift etc are provided. place for disposal.

and moreover since the planning of the blocks is open and for number of underground water storage tanks
clustered planning with seperate blocks, seperate service capacity :2.5 lakhs (2nos) and 4.5 lakh litrs (2 nos)
cores are essential for it.

literature case study grp 4


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