Adobe Scan 13 Nov 2023

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siocl< Elements
The d a nd f

< II <.00 & NO,

~) & ( JI c.:oo ~W!&S~
Position in Periodic Table and (c) SO tatements is:
Electronic Configuration of s. r he set of correct s 129 Jan, 2023 (Shir
d-Block Elements , anese ex h 'bits
➔ 7 oxidation
state in •ts
(i) M,1ng . , ancl Osmium exh1b1t +8 oxidation
(ii) Ruthenium
f The sci lhat rontams arormc num bcrs o f o nly transition
• l"fement,;. ,s I11 Sept, 2020 ( oxides. +4 oxidation state which is oxid,
( ) 37. 4-•, .,,co• 64 (h) 21. 25. 42. 72 (iii) Sc shows
(c) 9 17, 34. 38 (d) 21, 32, 53, 64 nature. . +6 ·c1at·
s oxidising nature I)! ox, ion stale

□neral Properties of
(iv) Cr show ... ) tbY(i), (ii) and (iv)

(a) (ii) and (Ill (" ("•)
... )
(c) (i) and (111
(d) 11),
. 111 and (tv)
ransition Elements der of basicity of oxides of valladitnn (c)
6. The correct or [31 Jan, 2023 (Sbifi.t,
z. Prolonged heating is avoided during the prepar(Sahtiifio'tnl)o]f z 4 >VO
~/ V203 > VO z s (b) vp3>V205>Vo
- 12 _ Giv
enous ammoruum sulphate to I10 April, 2023 . • Ass
0 Pre\ent oxidation (b) Prevent reduct10n () V2o5 >VO >Vp3 (d) vp➔ >V~03>Vo
C 24 . . -

(c Pre\ent hydrolysis (d) Prevent breaking 7 The· magne t·1c moment of a trans1hon metal comnr-.
. r""'{
· has been calculat.ed to be 3.87 BM 1k m::tal IC)} l'i
J. Highest oxidation state of Mn is exhibited in Mn:Pr The
correct tatements about Mn20 7 are (24 Jan, 2023 (Shift-
( b) Mn2-
(A) Mn is tetrahedrally surrounded by oxygen atoms ~+

(B) Mn is octabedrally surrounded'by 9xygen atoms

(d) Ti2-
(C) Contains Mn-0-Mn bridge 8. 25 rnL of silver nitrate solution ( 1 M) is added dropii
(DJ Contains Mn-Mn bond. to 25 mL of potassium iodide (1.05 M) solution. rt (a
ion(s) present in very small quantity in the solution i~ .
Choose tbe correct answer from the options given below:
I1 Feb, 2023 (Shift-I)) [11 April, 2023 (Shift-I (
._.(af AandCon/y (a) N03only (b) K+ only
(b)A and D only (
(c) Band D only (d) B and C only /_,JQ/4g+ and 1- both (d) 1- only (
4. When a solution of mixture having two inorganic salts W The standard electrode potential (M fM for V, Cr, Mn&
3+ 2+)

was treated with freshly prepared ferrous sulphate in Co are-0.26V, -0.41 V, + 1.57V and+ 1.97V, respecti,eh 13. l
acidic medwm, a dark brown ring was formed whereas The metal ions which can liberate H from a dilute ac~
on ireatment with neutral FeC~, it gave deep red colour are [29 Jan, 2023 (Shift-ij
which disappeared on bodmg and a brown red ppt was 2
(a) \12+ and Mn + (b) Cr2+ and CO2+
formed. The mixture contains fll April, 2023 (Shift-I)]
(C) \12+ and cr2+ (d) Mn2+and CO2+
, ,. I I , '"' ' " " Ill!' " I -
11 '" , <.-111c111~ nr
,~. I I II \ c c n11 C( I ,
I I I'" \1 \1 '"'"' 111•11 1101" . f1tll , 202,, (Shllt I 11 , Wh1 hh 11 I $C the r II n
ogen I known 10 I
I '" 111 Ill" '!! 111, ,c lli AI ,,,, ""'' )I below 18 Ap,..11, 101:\ ('h\11-111
1~ grea1cr
II I Ill' hr i: fll'I n\1d11 111111 ~I
11 l'f<•11H•111, !!<'I ~lll hil1 ?l'd lw111c~ nf lff.1 tow cl hi r 2, u • 4X • ( u X ts1 X
~ oxide 1011 o1.k 'u1 flT1ty lodmc Cb, On Hr
\ qu,·1111, •nh 11 1n11 n l ( 1, .
1< 1 can hhcrnt, I '', All halogcnw ( I/ On ( nnc
,!,lu ll' ,H fl 1 C l)'dtngcn ""'"
15 • Mntch the l.1§1 I with I 1
If)) ]\1 a)1 11 Cll l' l110111Cl11 of V l• II 115 ,an, 1013 (Shift-I)\
..•.4--~ 2 BM is ob 11 crvcd h c1wccn u,1-1 I..W-11
(C atfon1)
l 11 ,c the correct ans"cr from 11IC <lfll 101111
(Group rnction)
,,) iB). (C ) onl) (b) (A) given hclow: (A) f'bl,(u1 {I) H ~ p an prncn«: of d
1 I '(B). (D) onl
~Nol 1rl en
(D} on Y (d) (A) (h) y
• n only (II) (Nll 4 ) CO in prnc: c: of
(ll) AP', Pc'
c, 0 2 ◄
6 ,,·cn below arc two
1I, ' . A) d h
statcn, 'nt
c s: one is lab II d NH.OH
4s~crnon ( an t c other is labelled e c as (C, Co'•, N1·1 1
(1 I) NH.QH rn p r ~ of"-H,l.
.4ssernon (A): The first ionization cntha~ Reason (R)
o23 (Shrrr, clements is more than that of group 2 a PY of 3d scnes (D) Ba1 , Cal• (IV) H,S rn preiCnCC of~H OH
., . metals
Ce in · . llJJ )le.son (R). ,n 3d senes of elements . .
(a) (A) - (I). ( B)- ( Ill ), (C,- fll), <D) • OV)
lf.s 0"" of d--0rbitals takes place. • successive filling
IJ) In the light of the above statements h (b) (A) - (IV), (8) - (II ), (C) - (111), CD) - (I)
• ' c oose the correct
answer fro m t he options given below: (c) (A) - (III), (B) - (1 ), (C) - (IV), (DJ - (ll)

(3 l Jan, 2023 (Shift-U)] (d) (A) - (I), (8) - (Ill), (C) - (IV). (D ) - (ll )
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is th
ion Sta te explanation of(A) e correct The complex that dissolves in water lS
111 April, 2023 (Shift-1)\
(iv) (b) Both (A~ and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
(a) Feife(CN)J 3 (bl [Fe (0H )J0Ac)JO
(iv) explanation of (A)
(c) (A) is false but (R) is true
fc) ~[Co(NO 2)J (d) (~H..)1[As(Mo O JJ
dnun is ( 11. A chloride salt solution acidified with di\. HNO gi, es a
3 (Shift-I)/ (d} (A) is true but (R) is fa lse
curtly white precipitate, [A]. on addition of AgNO;- [Al
>v2 0◄ ll Gn en below are two statements: one is labelled as on treatment with NHpH gi,es a clear solution. B.
Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). · (25 Jan, 2023 (Shift-II)\
Assertion (A): Cu 1' in water is more stable than Cu+. (a) H[AgC\ 3) & [Ag(NHJ:)C\
Reason (R): Enthalpy of hydration for Cu 1+ is much less (b) H[AgC\ 3) & (NH)[Ag(OH):)
ioo is
Shift-l)J than that of Cu·. (c) AgCI & [Ag(NH,):)Cl

fn the light of the above statements, choose the correct (d) AgCl & (NH 4)[Ag(OH):l
answer fro m the options given below: 18. How many of the following metal ions have similar
(l Feb, 2023 (Shift-II)) value~ spin only magnetic moment in gaseous state'?
(a) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct
Q . [25 Ju, 1013 (Shift-I)\
explanation of (A). (Given: Atomic number: V, 23 ~ Cr, 24 ~ Fe, 26; Ni, 28)
(b) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct. y 3• . Cr3+, Fe2+, NP•
(c) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct. 1~hich of the following statements are correct'?
(d) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct --- \29 June, 1011 (Sbift-l)\
of (A).
explanation (A) The electronic configuration of Cr is lAr13d54s'.
13. In chromyl chloride, the number of d~electrons p~esent (B) The magnetic quantum number may have a negative
on chromium is same as in (Given at no. of T1 : 22, value.
V: 23, Cr : 24, Mn : 25, Fe : 26) (C) In the ground state of an atom, the Olbitals are filkd
{I (llllft,-J)I M»J9 in order of their increasing energi,s.
(a) Ti (III) (b) ~ (W The total number of are. -- ~
(c) V (IV) Jllf-11
rn.;ct a nf
\ C CO •
. ·nl(~) 1.tHll'll fron 1 th , oos" 11 ct\ ).
, 1;1 tct1 1< c fo l\ (B) - ( I
( h( )1"c rhc rm,,1 appn1prrn1 c a n"' er lrnm lhl· ,1p1uu1 -,
hdtH\ .
g'. l\l"ll 27.
rtu: nu111her
(/\I no..."H}) 1~ a,1.;

I27 .J un e, 202,
()¼ \
C\ (Al- ( tl l).(B)- 1

'"' • (Sh1 (~) cAl~( t\ l),(B)-

(a ) (A). (C) mid (D) 011I) (/,) ( ·\) nnd (B) 0111) mpl c,c' ni c ·" " ,iy, para1na1;nctil 11,,l ( ·) (/\) ( 111 ), (B) -
(d ( \ )and (C) on l) (,/) { \ ). (B) nnd (CJ onl y (o) Cu( If) conph:xc,• ore generally colourfes~
(Al - orrect c
Cu(I) co• . ly oxid1 /cd J) . thC C
u,,_, u,,_,
20.) \larch Ille ( , 1 ,s
I r dens
\I llh Lis i- II /25 J UIJ, 2022 (Shlfl- l ) I s cOSI
(c) Cu(IJ '· 1 uon, the acti ve reagent has C:4(1) w11aect 10 t' < Fe < C
List-II F hllng so u ,4· ,esP .., 11 < Cr .
(A ) N,(g) JH2(g) ➔ 2NH (g) (ti) In c .2 • V'' and Cr' ions, one if
(I) Cu C , (t'l ,., < C u < Co
Among o ,. , Ti liberate fi d'! ~scd
(B) CO(g) ..- JH,(g) ➔ CH.(g) H , ro m , Ute ITlinc Ii, 'Z,ll < Co < 1
( II) Cu/ZnO Cr,O, 28, agent cann~t ly magneti c moment in &aso~I ¾, (b ) cr <fe
+ H,O(g)
re ·rs sprn-on
1 J "'Its 1t,, (c) Zn < Co
solution, (Nearest intcger)(2 5 u 1Y, 2022 (Slit. ~ er <
(C) CO(g) + H,(g) ➔ HCOH(g) (TU) Fe, O, + K,O + . B.M. I ft.I, (ti) trade pot~
rs _ netic moment va ue of ~1'• ,
Al, O, 29. )The spin-only:O~gthe pairs Cr'' / <?r'•, Mn'' I Mn~~o (i1 )11e e1ecositive va1
(D) CO(g) + 2H,(g) ➔ CH,OH(g) (IV) Ni gaseous slate;. Col· that has negat~ve standard etc•~~ 3S· 11ows p
2 s cu
I Fe • and ~o I B.M [Nearest mteger) Cit~
Choose lhe correct answer from the options given below: potential, rs - (25 July, 2022 (S•· I Z,n
(a) (A) - (11), (B) - (IV), (C) - (1), (D ) - (JU) 11\ft,i
etic moment value of the coll\ li be Io ware
(b) (A) - (II). (B) - (I), (C) - (IV), (D) - (HI) 30. The spio-onl~ ::r;;;zing ability among MnF,, Mnru'" c,iven ent- 1: Co
(c) (A) - (ITT), (B) - (IV), (C) - (I), (D) - (II) with s~on~es B.M. [nearest integer] ~
36, 5t11telll rnetabo
1 rous
(d) (A) - (Ill), (B) - (I), (C) - (IV), (D) - (II) MnF, IS ~ ~ - (26 July, 2022 (Shir cuP ent-11: C
5t11telll dride
2i The reaction of zinc wilh excess ofaqueous alkali, evolves t-i11 ric anhY
, /Th spin only ma gnetic momentMof(N
""\ . pre~~
the complex
bOn the light of
hydrogen gas and gives: {29 July, 2022 (Shift-I)J 3 I. e . , gent is 8 . . earest integer)
-- (27 July, 2022 (Shir I
approp riate ans
(a) Zn(OH)2 (b) ZnO in Fehling s rea
(c) [Zn(OH)4] 2- (d) [Zn02]2- t-111 / Statement
'M t h List I w ith List II: [26 July, 2022 (Shift-I)\ la) h Stat
22. In 3d series, the metal having the highest M2+ I M standard
!2. ac List-I List- II (b) Bot
[27 June, 2022 (Shift-JI)J (c ) Both
electrode potential is (Processes/ Reactions) (Catalyst)
(a) Cr (b) Fe (d) Statemcn
(A) 2S02(g) + 0 /g) -+ 2S0 i(g) (I) Fe(s)
---; (c) Cu (d) Zn The spin onl
(B) 4NHi(g) + 50 /g) (Ii) Pt(s) !\hii\ 37. T.,. V'' and
I ,
23. Among the following, which is the strongest oxidizing agent? -+ 4NO(g) + 6Hp(g) (lll) V 0 Ti: 22; V: 23)
/25 June, 2022 (Shift-I)J (C) Ni(g) + 3H2(g) -+ 2NH3(g) (IV) Ni(S) (a) \ .73,0,3
(a) Mn -' (c) 3.87,1.7
(b) Fe 3• (D) Vegetable oil (I) + H~
Cc) Ti 1 • -+Vegetable ghee (s) (38, The incmrc
(d) cr-1-
24. In following pairs, the one in which both transition metal Choose the correct answer from the o ptions givenbelow·
ions are colourless is: {29 July, 2022 (Shift-I)) (a) (A) - (III), (B) - (I), (C) - (II),(D) - (IV) (a) V OSO
1 2
(a) Sc · , Zn • (b) Ti 4-, Cu 2• (b) (A) - (III), (B) - (II), (C) - (I), (D) - (IV) (h) Ru0 4 i

I (c) v2-, Ti '• (d) zni., Mn:, (c) (A) - (IV), (B)- (III), (C) - ()), (D) - (II) (c) C r}J1
(d) Red c
i is) Which of the following bas least tendency to liberate~ (d) (A) - (IV), (B) - (II), (C) - (III), <D) - (1)
I l from mineral acids? [28 July, 2022 (Shift-I)) 33. Match List-I with List-II
128 July, 2022 (Shift-I)\
39. The ha
(a) Cu both is:
(b) Mn
(c) Ni
(d) Zn (A) 41'-,TH/g) +50 (g) ➔ 4NO(g)
List-II (a) Ni 2 ,

26. Which of the following 3d- metal ion 1will give the
2 (I) NO(gJ (b) Cu ,
lowest enthalpy of hydration (~bvdH) when dissolved (B) k) Sc1
N/g) ~ 3H!(g) ➔ 2NH,(g)
in water? (29 July, 2022 (Shift-Il)J (C) m) H2sop, (d) Cu
(a) Cr- (b) Mn~- C12H 2!0 , (aq) + H 0 (/) ➔ /'
(l[I) Pt(s)
C6H p 6 ~ C6H 20 6
(c) F~-
4<!:i Cu 2 sal
(di Co-- Glueose f ructose
(D) 2SOi(g) + Oi(g) ➔ 2S0 (g) (a) ( u
354 · • (IV) Fe(sJ
(q (
1,,,."". 1hC ,:()JICll a11,wcr
• on, the .
t ,,> - (11\.cHl (111).(()-(l OJ)llons g ,vc n
1'1) - (Ill). (B) (II) . ), {I))· (IV hclow 4 I . ldc11111y lhc elem
t, l('\ l .f<)-(J).(D ) + l o~id,llinn c_nt l(lf which clcclron1c configurnllnn in
( (\) - (1111 . (B) (IV) (C' ) I )-(IV)
v' , . -c I), (D
(t1) llu &lltlc IS (Arl)cl . I I Scpl, 2021 (~hifl-11 )\
/l ("1) - (111).(Bl - (II).(C) (IV )-()) (<) le !hJ Mn
, the correct order of the~ ?-
(~)·(I) 42· Wh1 t fd1 c 0
~ent has
.iJ. r,:,r·
11 ., 10 their dcnstty·,
° lowing clcn, cnts WIii
12 4 Feb 20
l 1 nnc nt the i II
ccilnurcd s.. '' owmg when d1 ~lvcd m wnter gives
C\1( 1111111111 In rntrogcn ntrrnsphcrc'l
one if l) (,;) /n "- Cr '- Fe "- Co"- Cu ' 21 (Shirt-II);
(u) Cu C'I 126 Au~ 2021 (Shirt-I)\
t in
I le Ill . Used
"f'aJ .....
M 711 ._ Cu "- Co < Fe < Cr
kl/\ ~1' Ch) 1/.n<.lz
g~eo <l.t:1 ( l Cr "- Fc <- Co , Cu <Zn g (Jt Cu<.1 2
, 202 2 Ui. -,~ d (C
I he nnture
43. •y•
(Sbi ''<lie er<- Zn ' Co < Cu < Fe c r <' I o~u Ies ViJ, and CrO 1s indexed u 'X' and
1 of l\,fJ ft,f}J (•{) 1Yfl c~pechvely, lhe correct IC\ of X and y ,,
lfn3 ♦ I ion , ie electrode potential of l\,P 1M f .
.c fl
.. I o 3d-sc 117 A ug, 1021 (Shift-I)\
h M0 i, (ill _, ,, 5 pos1t1,·e va ue for:
~1• 0 12 ., F nci, clement
eb 2021 (a) X -= ac1d1c
[~dard eJ • J;-el .. s Y ac1d1c
J Cctr~ (,i) Cu (b) Co ' (Shift- I)[
(hJ X • basic Y basic
022 (Sbi ~ (cl Zn (d) Fe (c) X = basic Y amphotenc
th ft-.2)J ,,en below are two statements: (24 Feb 20 (d) X = amphotcric y . basic
ecorn 0
F 11,,. Pou... d .~ statement-I: Colourless cupric metab ' .21 (Shift-I))
◄' •v1np .. . orate ts red d 44. ;oh: c~rrec.t or~er of following 3d metal oxides, according
,¾d cuprous me tab orate m a luminous flame. uce to hetr oxidatton nwnbers is: 125 July, 2021 (Shift-\)\
12 2 (Shift-2 sr-tement-11: Cuprous metaborate is b . (A) Cr0 3 (B) Fe20 3
(Jorie anhydride and copper sulphate in °
tame~ by heating
a non-lummous fl (C) Mn02
~lex Pre )I
In the light
• of the above statements , choose the arne.
~nteger) sent appropnate answ~r from the option given below most
(E) Cu20
(Sbift-l)J J:.dJ (A)> (D) > (C) > (B) > (E)
(a) Statement-I 1s false but Statement-II is true
2 (Sb· (b) (C) >(A)>(D)>(E)>(B)
. lft-J)J
L ISt-lJ (b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are true
(c) (D) >(A)> (B) > (C) > (E)
(c) Both Statem~nt-I and Statement-II are false
ataJ}'St) (d) (A)> (C) > (D) > (B) > (E)
(d) Statement-I 1s true but Statement-II is false
J7. The spin only magnetic moments (in BM) £ f @ Sodium stearate CH/CH 2) 16COO-Na· is an anionic
T1·1·, y •'+ an d s cJ+ tons
· . surfactant which forms micelles in oil. Choose the correct
t(s)-Rh(s) respectively are (At. No.or
Sc: ree
21 .
statement for it from _the following:
Ti: 22; V: 23) [25 July, 2021 (Shift-Il)] \25 July, 2021 (Sbift-l)\
2°s (a) I.73,0,3.87 (b) 0,3.87,1.73
i(S) (a) It forms non-spherical micelles with CH l (CH...)
- 16 -
~(c) 3.87,1.73,0 JtJ( 1.73, 3.87,0 •
group pomting towards the centre.
j. The incorrect statement among the following is: (b) It forms
• •
spherical micelles with CH3(C}\) 16- group
(24 Feb, 2021 (Shift-II)] pomtmg outwards on the surface of sphere.
n below: (a) VOS04 is a reducing agent (c) It forms non-spherical micelles with -COC>9 group
(b) Ru04 is an oxidizing agent pointing outwards on the surface.
(c) Crp3 is an amphoteric oxide (d) It forms spherical micelles with CHJCH 2) 16- group
(d') Red colour of ruby is due to the presence of Co + Y.'1 pointing towards the centre of sphere.
~~6. Given below are two statements:\25 Feb, 2011 (Shift-I)\
39. The set having ions which are coloured and paramagnetic - Statement-I: CeO 2 can be used for oxidation of a\deb-ydes
both is: (22 July, 2021 (Shift-m]
and ketones.
(a) Ni2♦• Mn 7+, Hg2'" Statement-II: Aqueous solution of EuSO 4 is strong a
(b) Cu'", Zn 2+, Mn • reducing agent.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct
(c) Sc3·, V 5+, Ti 4
answer from the options given below :
-{tlf Cu2\ Cr3+, sc• (a) Statement-I is true but Statement-U is false
~ .
, Cu 2+ salt reacts with potasSiWD iodide to give: (b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are true
(28 Jtdf, 2021 (Sbift-ll)l
(c) Statement-I is false but Statement-U is true
(a) C'½l (b) Cui'2 (d) Both Statement-I and Statement-U are false
(c) Cu(l )
{dJ 0d
·1n: k110v. n v. hen x and y are:
and I cy,' 116 March, 20
•,, ,,. f ex 21 (S•1
-' 7· ~J.,rdi ll<'l11' nf' J ,~, l "11h rho,<' of I"' II ""
·t llr aI ,,cl
y I , Cl, Br ''lt,1
f27 \ug, 21121 (Shlfl •l>I (a) x I·, < ' , I y f· Cl Br I
' I Br, I an, • . •
I l~f I LM II (h) x C ' I ·ind y F, Cl, Br, I
F Cl, Br, '
(l'ropN1)) ("u1111plc) (c) X • nd y f , Cl, Br, I
( \) D1amagm:ti.,m f Cl Br a
(I) MnO
(d) " ' 'd'us of Ag is closest to
(8) FcmmagncllMn (II) O, 57. The atomic ra ' . 17 Jan, 2020 (S
(C) Paramagnetism (Ill) NuCI (h) Cu hl1Lj
(D) Antifc!T(lmagnctism (IV) FcJO◄ (a) Ni (d) Hg
r,pf Au . . .
Choose the mosr appropriate answer from the options . . ·7..ation enthalpy is mmrn.un f0r:
given below: SS. The third ioltl (8 Jan, 2020 (Sh·
(a) (A) - (ll). (B) - (I), (C) - (fll), (D) - (IV) (b) Co 11~
(a) Ni
(h) (A) - (l\'), (B) - (II), (C) - (I), (D) - (lll)
(c) (A) - (I), (B) (Ill), (C) - (IV), (D) - (II) (c) Mn
(d) Fe
. g assertion and reason, the correct
(a) srn::
(c) LU
..f.d> (A) - (IIT I) - (N), (C) - (Il), (D) - (I) 59; For the followm [8 Jan, 2020 (Shi~
'fhe ele
48 The addition of dilute NaOH to Cr3+saltsolution will give ~ . . % 66· ·datio
(A): For hydrogenation reactions, the ca
. 00 0,C.l
" [27 Aug, 2021 (Shift-II)}
Asserti . ses from Group 5 to Group 11 llleta1~
(a) A solution of[(' ctivity mcrea 79 s (a) ;?'1
a .
maxtmum ac tivity shown by Group - elements· _j!i'[Sc
(b) Precipitate ofCr/JJlh 2 J)n
(c) Precipitate of[Cr(OH) ] 3• Reason (R) ·. The reactants are most strongly adsor1..,
·vqi\ 'The pai
group 7-9 elements. 67•
(d) Precipitate ofCr(OH), momen
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and the (R) is the COtrui,
49. In which of the following r11i·s, the outer most electronic explanation for the (A).
configuration will be the s.. ic:'? (25 Feb, 2021 (Shift-I)J
(b) Both (A) and (R) are false. .(o) V
Ja) er·
and Mn 2• (b) Nil+ anrl Cu+
(c) fr'· and Co· (d) V (c) (A) is not true, but (R) is true. ,. (c) C
50. In the ground state of atomic Fe(Z = 26), the spin- only (d) Both (A) and (R) are true but the (R) is not the collli:t 6g, The
explanation for the (A). is
magnetic moment is ~x 10- 1 BM. (Round off to the
nearest integer). [11 March, 2021 (Shift-II)) 60) The correct order of the calculate~ spin-only magneit (a)
[Given Ji= 1.73, ,Ji= 1.41] moments of complexes (A) to (D) 1s: (c)
51. Number of electrons that Vanadium (Z = 23) has i!l (8 Jan, 2020 (Shift-Di 69. The
p-orbitals is equal to I '2.. . A. Ni(C0)4 B. [Ni(H 20\)Cl
[22 July, 2021 (Shift-lI)J C. Na2[Ni(CN) 4] D. PdCl 2(PPh 3) 2 (a)
$Z. The value ofmagnetic quantum number of the outermost (a) (A):::: (C) < (B) ~ (D) (b)
electron ofZn+ion is
(b) (A):::: (C):::: (D) < (B) (c)
(31 Aug, 2021 (Shift-II)] (c) (C):::: (D) < (B) < (A)
~ The spin-only magnetic moment value of B; species is
(d) (C)<(D)<(B)<(A)
--- 2
x 10- BM. (Nearest integer)
[Given: .jj = l. 73] 11 Sept, 2021 (Shift-D}) @The oxidation states oftransition metal atoms in K,Cr,O.
The number of hydrogen bonded water molecule(s) KMn04 and ~FeO4 , respectively, are x, y and z. TheSUII
iated witb stoichiometry CuS0 .5Hp is _ __ of x, y and z is_ _ _. (2 Sept, 2020 (Shift-In

fJJ Aug, 2021 (Shift-I)]

62J The statement that is INCORRECT about the interstita
compound is: (8 April, 2019 (Sbift•IU
~'iDIDIUmaumberfurlhevaleooeek,ctron, (a) they have metallic conductivity
~ is -.-..............,. 120 July, 2021 (Shift-I)] (b) -lltey have high melting points
{c) dieyaredlemicanyreactive
(d) . , . _ , . . .
n \ and '
,ra,-~, - <l.te-
or th,C CU/c:u /
1. Br
lr. /
' l, 20,2 .
l (S1.. .,,,,t,,, P·'·
. /Jlfhc,1 , a hie·
,ncnl (111 H/\1) n111011g a/I 11 ' Utcd \ p111 •
ic tran\J1101111,~nly n111g11c1,
l/ ,, 19 ctut co t

. :; <J2 ,l11n, 2019 n1p/c,c\
Br./ 1t1l • (/,) 6. 93 (Shift-1)1
r. I . , .87
I' l · (d) 4.9o
Compounds of
the h) drat es ions of T
(/l 11 ,;d.:r ansitlonal Elements
~- ,-reel Nder of their spin 'y, 'f1
c'<' , -on 1y lllagnc~ic and Sc• ihc
71. I lcincnt not
. ., ., I 10 A n10111c111s is prc~cnl 11 1 Ncs~lcr'K reagent 1 •
) sc· > T1 T1· > y2, Pril, 2019 (Shif 1<1 April, 2023 (Shift-II)\
(" " ., 1-1)1 (a) Ilg
{I) Ti' <- T1· "'- 'k' <- y2 (/,) I
((Cl Sc , < T"' 2 {c) K
1 "- V <- Ti'
~f'or- 72 · <liven bel '"' 'N
an,2020 (Jl V2 > Ti~ ' > _Ti 3 ' > sc.1 ow arc lwo statements
Statement-1 . A .
(SJii1; ,,,,, ~ ,/le lanthano1de 1011 that would a prima . . que'.,u~ solution of K2Cr ,0 is preferred as

~(. show colour is sta nd8rd in volumetric analysis over Na Cr ()
IS April 201 9 • so 1ut1on. 1 ,
(t1) Sm (b) LaJ+ ' (Shift-I)( Statement-II . K C O .
the corr, than Na C · 2 rz 1 has a higher solubility in \l.atcr
(C) Lu '• 2 r 2O 1
(d) Gd 3
, 2020 (;~1_0,>tio11
. '"ft' ,he element that usually do an the light of th c ab ove statements, choose the correct
ions, th • f)/ flt- o:..idation states is: e(slNOT show variable swer from the options given below.
eca1a1 I Jan, 2019 (Sh' 110 April, 2023 (Shift-I)\
P 11 meta I Yl1c (a) C).l (b) Ti ift-1)]
element s \\ itJi (a) Bo th Sta tement-1 and Statement-II are true
s. (b) Bo th statement-l and Statement-II are false
- (d Sc (d) V
gly adsorb ...-(c)Both Statement-I is true but Statement-II is false
Cdo11 The pair of metal ions that can gi .
67• ve a spm-onl · (d) Both Statement-I is false but Statement-II is true
moment of3.9 BM for the comple [M( Ymagnetic
) is the x Hp)6]Cl 2 is 73 · Which element is not present in Nessler's reagent?
col'l'ecr [12 Jan, 2019 (Shift-I)]
2 [1 Feb, 2023 (Shift-II)\
1()) y:i+ and Co + (b) V 2+and Fe2+
(a) Mercury (b) Potassium
(c) Co2+and Fe2+ (d) cr2+and M 2+
I .. I n (c) Iodine _M- Oxygen
not the co 68- _The transition e ement that has lowest enthalpy of atomisation
Itect 74. During the reaction of permanganate with thiosu\phate.
15 f9 Jan, 2019 (Shift-II)] the change in oxidation of manganese occurs by value
(a) Fe (b) Cu of3. Identify which oftbe below medium will favour the
ly magnetic reaction. [6 April, 2023 (Shift-II)\
(c) V (d) Zn
(a) aqueous acidic
0 (Shift.fl)/ 69, The option(s) with only amphoteric oxides is (are)
~queous neutral
,2 [JEE Adv 2020)
(c) both aqueous acidic and neutral
(a) NO. Bp3, PbO, SnO2
(d) both aqueous acidic and faintly alkaline.
(b) Crpl' CrO. SnO, PbO
75. A solution ofCrO 5 in amyl alcohol has a\our
(c) Crp,. BeO, SnO, SnO 2 [29 Jan, 2023 (Shift-II)\
. , PbO, PoO,.
itfYZnO, Al,O,. (a) Green (b) Orange-Red
iU Coosioo- the following reactioos (unoolanced) (c) Yellow JgYBlue
[JEE Adv 2019) 76. KMn0 4 oxidises 1- in acidic and neutraVfaint\y alkaline
K,Crp, Zn +hot cone. H:SO4 ~ G + R+ X soluti~espectively to \30 Jan, 2023 (Shift-ll)\
Theswn _JaY12 & 10-3 (b) 10 3 & 12
Zn + cone. NaOH ~ T + Q
G+ H:S +NH.PH~ Z (a precipitate) +X +Y / ' (c) 103- & IO· 3 (d) 12 & 12
-11)1 Choose the correct options( s) f11. -Potassium dichromate acts as a strong oxidizing agent in
(a) The oxidation state of Zn in T is + I '-.../ acidic solution. During this process, the oxidation state
changes from \25 Jan, 2023 (Shift-ll)\
(b) Bond order of Q is l in its ground state
(a) +3to+l (b) +6to+3
(c) Z is dirty white in colour
(c) +2to+l (d) +6 to+2
(d) Risa V- shaped molecule
.. --•

re of th
1.•11hn\L 111 c.:hno\clh
111<.:111 ... i,c
, /1!-!il' .,1 11,_ ''""' ,1, ""''"" v•vcn he/owe r-,,. tr' l 1· ,car unsyr
111 ''" . ,~ .,n,"'' 127 .July, 202 · ..J./ - 11
,-,ori linear sy m:
"'H flu n rhc '-lunl,r ,rr,, nr. h ~, of
... , )' "~"'IZ ,fiflth'
r > -it,l11futf1 ,,r,I""""''
(tf) 11 on- mmetn
1 ,nd sr.,1cr11< 111 II arc tru /J) ar sY
II .., l ,o gn• ,. " h ,1 """ h 111rr,. ,-,; r <,hfft IJI c:,r1c11f I
c A
( ,,,1,,,..._,,,."' 1/1 d1h11,
II <,pl I rn ·'""• 11111 ( (ti)
11,,,h <;l;ol
tc1ncnt I
uncl sr.1/cmcnt-1/ ,ire fa/,b
( ) 1ine unsyrnrnc
(C -,.,ear
(ol llln,1 (hi lfrrl I) /JCJlh ',Ill uc bul Statement-I I i~ fal•- n 1' heroic:
( I , t• f f5 Ir "-. ("' ·ven c . ,
( J ( ,recn (,/) 11111,• ( ) swtcmcn . ~ lsc bul Statement-fl is tru tl'le g1 espective
' l I ",u .
fMn o bon<ls in Mn,()
e. !ti are r
10. r-om111/ac for ,c..-/cr s reag.111 ',·• ' •11• I (~ hffl JI)/ ( /) s1111cmcn • •
q6• ,oris, -r \\J\n04 + 8H
,. (I.·"· ...... ' •
HIJ, fh C ,owl nun
iber o • ' 1•
127 July, 2022 (Shir ~fc· w Qreeil
Kllgl, ., yell 0 '
(t1) KIIA;l (b)
(h) 5 i., (p) en Orang
~ ) I\ llgl, (,f) llgl
(Cl} 4 (cl) 3 ore '
• d \\111I d"I I H •SO, rums· greenI (C) alkaline
1>'0 KCtO papaac·1d1lrc 1uc .. A" -
-~ ro
• "hen c.\P<'"'-" /l4 Jan • 2023 (Shift-ff) (c) 6 f terminal oxygen atom 8 Pre
90_) The numbe~oobtained from the following r~ 91• :YtJli\dlY
{'.'tnO~ to .
(o) C.arf>.m d,m.,d(' (h) Sulphur tnox1dc ~ the product . (29 June, 2022 (Sh~
}+ 0 2 --➔ A+ Fep}
( ) HJ dmgcn sulphide (d) Su lphur d1ox1de _ is + CO 1\
81 In alkalrn" medium. the reduction ofpennanganate amon FeCr2
o + NazCO
+ H O + Na•
2 pic\'lr~ tbe prod
98· ofcr 1n
unol\'CS a garn of electrons. A+ H• - B z 2---. • •
------,U,April, 2023 (Shift-II)/
8.Z. '-cc the folio \\ mg chemical reaction:
. ortionation of MnO• ID ac1d1c rnCd·
91. The dis~rop fjOrmation of two manganese con, l~
th r cons•.der the fo
resulted m he idation state of Mn in B is s111a ~ 9'J•
A dB Ift e ox . 1er"
G:0 2 + XH ' + 6Fe 1 • ➔ YCrJ• + 6Fe 3• +ZH20 an · h the spin-only magnetic moment(µ)
that ~f A, t ~n VI . (Nearest integer) v~ t-JaC1+~Cr2
The sum ofX, Yand Z is (13 Ap ril, 2023 (Shift-II)J
ofB m BM IS _ _c-- [28 July, 2022 (Sb'if
8..l. The total change in the oxidation state of manganese t-Jg +NaOH
1m ohed in the reaction o~n0 4 and potassium i_odide J
,/9ZIOn treatmg . •• gas "~
a compound with warm dil. .J\SO
../ evolved which turns ~Cr201 paper acidified With d,
I\• (A}
(B) + ~S0 4
in the acidic medium is ~< J (15 April, 2023 (Sh1ft-I)J
84. KMnO, is titrated with ferro us ammonium sulphate u SO4 to a green compound Y. X and y respectively ille- (dilute)
,i [26_Feb, 2021 (Shift.yij
bexahydrate in presence of dilute H2S04 • Number of ' '2
The sum oft
produced for 2 molecules ofKMn04 is
\4ater molecules (a) X= soz, Y = Cr/ S04Mb) X - s02, Y==crA each of (A),
(13 April, 2023 (Shift-I)J (c) X = SO3, Y = Crp3 (d) X = S03, y "" Cr (S0J
The sum oft
85. The number of electrons in volved in the reduction of 93 Given below are two statements:

10.91 and oxygen

permanganate to manganese dioxide in acidic medium is
[30 Jan, 2023 (Shift-I)J
7 Statement-I: Potassium permanganate on heating at 5 ~
forms potassium manganate.
86. The dark purple colour of K.Mn04 disappears in the 101 ~umb
titralion with oxalic acid in acidic medium. The overall Statement-II: Both potassium permanganate and / copper ion
change in the oxidation number of manganese in the potassium manganate are tetrahedral and paramagnetic
reaction is: [26 July, 2022 (Shift-I)J in nature. [17 March, 2021 (Shift-I)\
(a) 4
M5 (b) 1 In the light of the above statements, choose the most •
(C) l
(c) 7 (cl) 2 appropriate answer from the options given below

87. In neutral or alkalinesolution, Mn04- oxidizes thiosulphate (a) Statement-I is true but statement-II is false. 102) Thermal
(b) Statement-I is false but statement-II is true. results in
to: f27 July, 2022 (Shift-II)J
(a) sp; (b) s 0 2 (c) Both statement-I and statement-II are false.
Mn0 2 re
(c) SOJ 1'doz' 4 ~ o t h state~ent-I and statement-II are true.
88. Given below are two statements.
ta ( ~Potassium ~e~anganate on heating at 513 K gives a (a)
S taJoat-l: Iron (III) catalyst, acidified ~Cr o product which 1s: (2 7 Aug, (Shift-ll)l (b)
~d neutml KMno4 have the ability to oxidize J t~
l2 (a) Paramagnetic and colourless
Statement-II: lfanmin..te ion is pamm ...... .; · (h) diamagnetic and colourless
and mvolves -
P1f1m bonding --~euc m nature
(c) diamagnetic and green
(d) Panutlagnetic and green
tructure of the dichrornat •.
Ir, th"~ (3c ion, there .
' ) ,\ IS a;
'" rinear unsymmetrical,-, ug, 2021 (Sh·
) non·
linear svmmctrical Cr '- r O c b
r ond •ft •l)j (a) I
~i no 11 . . . O Cr b . (b) 10
(I' . •ar svrnmctncal C'r o C °nd. Cc) 2
·) rrrw . . r 6Ond (dl 5
(i 1• icar unsymmetrical Cr O-c b · I 04, ) A 41<011,'!.i_ ..
1.fl rr . I r 0nd.
"'"en chcm1ca reaction col ., 28 +2H 2O 111 Jan, 2019 (Shift-II)!
r thC,:, . I . orsof1h r2 lll'fflll
fb- n. :ire n:spcl'11Yc y: (1 S' c e • lllld, 1B 411(
1rn~- cpt, 2021 (Sl
• -1- MnO4 + 8H' -➔ Mni• f.. 11ft-II >I
~f~·· . 41\0 ~ 5Fcl•
) fellow. Green (b) Grrcn v II
(,1 , IC ow 2l' l!,iO,KI ➔ 2,\ + 2KOJI + D
arccn. Orange (d) Yell
le) . O\\, Orange
In the obovc !ieq11encc of reaction , 6 and D , respectively
l ildh alkaline medium, thiosulplv t . . lite·
rn n • • .. Th
11, ~fn0 to· A .
. .
e oxidation state f.
,l C 1011 IS . t'
~1XI( 1zcd
b.1 ~ o su 1phur in "A'' is (u) Kl and KMn(\ (h) MnO and KIO
_.)-- . . . 126 Feb, 2021 (Shift-II 2
. hromate 10n 1s treated with base th, .d .
v,c , e ox, atton nu b
)I fc) KIO, and MnO2 (d) Kl and K MnO•
f5. of Cr in the product formed is _ 6 m er 2
IOS. {1 2s (5 moles) reacts completely with acidified aqueous
[26 Feb, 2021 (Shift-I)) potassium permanganate solution. In thls reaction, the
consider the following reactions: number of moles of water produced is x, and the number
of 111oles of electrons involved is y. The value of (x + y)
9'. [7 Jan, 2020 (Shift-II)] is __. (JEE Ad, 20231
:\aCI ~ ~CrP1 + H2S04 ➔ (A)+ side products
. (cone.)
106. 4n the chemical reaction between stoichiometric quantities
hift-l)J of KMnO 4 and KI in weakly basic solution, what is the
(A) + NaOH ➔ (B) + Side products
gas Xis number of moles of 12 released for 4 moles of KMnO,
ith dif. (B) + H2SO4 + H2 0 2 ➔ (C) + Side products consumed? [JEE Adv 20201
ely are: (dilute)
, ~An acidified solution of potassium chromate \\ as layered
hift-f)J The sum of the total number of atoms in one moelcule with an equal volume of amyl alcohol. When it was shaken
03 each of(A), (B) and (C) is _ __ after the addition of l mL of3% H,O,. a blue alcohol layer
(S04)3 was obtained. The blue color is du; to the formation of
,a. The sum of the total number of bonds between chromium
and oxygen atoms in chromate and dichromate ions is a chromium (VI) compound 'X' . What is the number of
oxygen atoms bonded to chromium through only single
573K [9 Jan, 2020 (Shift-II)]
101 The number of water moelcules not coordinated to bonds in a molecule ofX? {JEE Adv 2020)
copper ion directly in CuSO4 .5H2O, is:

[9 April, 2019 (Shift-I)]
(b) 3
(d) 2
I Lanthanoids and Actinoids

(1@Which one amongst the following are good oxi~izing

P.. Thennal decomposition of a Mn compound (X) at 513 K - agents? 124 Jan, 2023 (Shift-ml
results in compound Y, MnO2 and a gaseous prod~ct. A. Sm2+ B. Ce2+
\fnO2 reacts with NaCl and concentrated H2SO4 to give C. Ce4+ D. To4+
z x, y and z, respectively are Choose the most appropriate answer from the options
aptmgent gas fl2 April, 2019 (Shift-II))
given below:
(a) K,MnO , KMnO4 and SO2
- 4
(a) Conly (b) D only
J (b) ~Mn04 , KMnO4 and C1i
(c) A and B only (d) C and D only
(c) ~Mn04 , ~MnO4 and C1i
109. Nd2+ = _ _ __ [31 Jan, 2023 (Sllift-1)\
(d) KMn04, ~Mn04 and C1i . acidic
J~J •th .-rmanganate tit
..) In the reaction of oxalate WI .,..,.. in producing -lved (a) 4f26s2 _fa)4r4
(c) 4f3 (d) 4f46s2
' .
liledium the number of electrons invo ...~a t&Ht-Il)J
0ne molecule of CO2 1s:
r,;11111!,cr ,;!< l
,., \(111111<- '--r t,2)
, I() ( (ti
) I"' \((lf11I C
(1,1 <.m ' Nt11ntx·, r,
f 11 (
/I 1r11111c .. , ,nhcr 1<1
lrl ,c ,.,, u 1

., t, I \Will
following •11
r r 1 1101 rsoe lcctr ,c
011 'Ptt
Wf11ch nf rhc r 6H Yb, 711 I u, 7 I 1· u, 63 l
he ,orrccl 117. ( c,m. 61, I ' J2H .July, 2022 (Shb
Al No If&.
Jrn. <,9) d Ir (h) Yh1 and I u
pril, 21121 (ShiO 1)1
n, Arc uu hur (RI ,~ 11,j()l t ,c con"CLt (ti f!m un I rtt (d) fh and Trrr<

(c) ' u on< on ox• daru,n stale ofLanthal'l()jdc

t A) rrecl Ik I
(10 re rru, and (R) ,~ ihc co I he mml comm the following rs r e y to dey'ate
(AJ 118, J Whu.:h of ,, (26 .June, 2022 (Sti
19 t '.l ox1da1mn stn 1c.
CRJ ,~ !rue from +, SH)
I"• (Al No,
R) t fali;c (a) \..e . S7)
(h) r_,a (At. No.
,ng and ox1d1?mg agents amo ng lfl the
1)1 (c) Lu(At.No.71)
ctn<cl.}, arc 16 A11rll, 2023 (Sh •
Gd (At. No. 64)
u (b) Cc• and Tb 4
(d) h lfandcompletelyfilled,re-.._.
<~ 8 d Cc• (d) F,t1 and Ce" 'f' bitalsare a . E 63 .:_">"q;
I I 9. The or. 100 . s [Given : Atom re no. u, ; Srn.62
112 in lanthanide 0 _Dy 66] 127 June, 2022 (SbJt,.
lo" ng elements have half-filled f-orbitals ,.
69; Th , 65·• Yb ' 7 •2+ '
~'? fJJ Jan, 2023 (Shift-ll)J
(a) Eu2+ and Tm 3+
'fbe Ourob .
number) p6. coofigurat
63. Tb 65;Gd 64, Pm = 61 (b) Sm2/+ and Tm+
Sm B. Eu --Jc} Tb 4+ and Yb23+ • lbe numb
C Tb D. Gd (d) ny3+and Yb . 2.
f. Pm 120 Which one oftb e following lanthano1ds does not fonn »r
( se the correct ans" er from the options given below: · [M is. !anthano1.d metal] (26 Feb, 2021 (Sbift-1 ,,....
H nd Donl} (h) A and E only (b) Dy 128: ..\rf3D
(a)~ (d) Nd incre
A and B onl) (d) C and D only
113. ~yYb . l all th
The pa r oflanthamdes in "hich both e!ements hav~ high 121 Given
. be 1ow are two statement: one 1s abelled
trd. omz.ation energy is: /13 ~rd, 2023 (Sruft-I)J · Asserti on (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R (Ato
(a) Eu. Gd JJ>r Eu, Yb 1
[16 March, 2021 (Shift.(
< J Lu Yb (d) Dy, Gd
Assertion (A): Size of Bk3+ ion is less than Np3- ioa C.
I 14. The electronic configuration of Pt (atomic number 78) is: Reason (R): The above is a consequence of the lanthillll\: Answer
129 June, 2022 (Shift-l)J contraction.
o) [Xe} 41' 4 5d 9 6s. (a) (A
(h) [Kr] 4f 4 Sd 10 In the light of the above statements, choose the COfW'
(c) [Xe} 41' 5d4
(c) (C
(d) [Xe] 4f 4 5d 8 6s 2 answer from the options given below:
~ u m (IV) ha$ a noble gas configuration. Which of the (a) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the corra.~ 129. Them
following JS COtTeCt statement about it? ~Ianation of (A) actinoi
(25 June, 2022 (Shift-1)1 {h} (A) is true but (R) is false (a) b
(a) It will not prefer to undergo redox reactions. (c) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A)
(b) n
(b) ltwill p,eferto gain eb:uo,i and acts asan oxidizing agent
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true (c) a
(c) It will prefer to give away an electron and behave as
reducing agent. 2
122. The Eu + ion is a strong reducing agent in spite of i~
(d) It acts as both, oxidizin, and reducing agent.
ground state electronic configuration (outermost):
lVbich one of the lanthanoid, given below is the most [At~umber of Eu== 63] [31 Aug, 2021 (Shift-ml
stable in divalent fonn? (%1 June, 2022 {ShJft-l)J ~ 4f'7 2 (b) 4f66s2
(c) 4f 6s (d) f6
\'-·11 J,l· l,1" itrl~ r,, n "' 11c..~ ,nl~rlls
"' I I<, .
r,•rrt<'rtf - 1: I he• I ' , tli1l· lnr ( • •• l, 202 I (Shift I
,,~ C ( l'1 • )I (q 1Xc)4r I~ nnl(X J4f ~
r111••r1f - 1l: ( c· is 1111,1l' st11h1 • • I~ i I 74y
,r,f <.: I II ( c' St ' (rf1 (Xe) H nnd [Xe) If
1,11•· Ric tha11 < c'
I h1.1 cnrrct r I
' I. 11i:hl ,,1 tlw nh1nc ~lui~ magnetic c cctro1111. Configurnli{Jn and p,n only
, 11' • . cmcnts .
Ir , ,rwl.: .111s\\ c r frnrn lhc 111, 1 • lhoo~c th, hr1.1 l'Tkltncnt CBM) of Od ( / 64) r pc I vcly.
,rr" 1 11ll1S gi\
en hclnw.
C lno~t
(5 Sc,-p1, 1010 {Shift-I)\
..,,a1c•111c•n1 I '' llll'nrrcct h t S
~l · "-~lcmm . !ti) [Xe] 4f ■nd 7 ••• (111 (X )4f'11 8 I
~13 1.:111.:nt I 1, c·1,rrcc1 but St , HI 1s q,rrcci
,rJ . ntc111cnt-ll.1 • r,1 IXc\51 an<1g•J (J) lX )'if'11nd1r1
!J,,lh ~latc'llll'llt-1 and Stat. 8 lflcorrcct
(• J • cn1cnt-ll a I Jl, JI he lanthnno,d that doe11 ?-.Ol 11how 4 ox1da ton
Jt 0,,1h Statement-I and Stat, re c.·nnci.:t
t'" . . • cmcnt-11 a
~i,h one l'f the follo,, inu la . re •ncorrcct 16 ~pt , 1010 {~hlft-1ti
1\ ,, . "' nt 11a111 d . (,1) lh
~"· ,,,, JatiClll state\\ 1th dtamagneti'c nature? (G cs cx hr h its +2 (b1 IJy
· ·
t,!l. Yb"' 70. La - 57. Cc"" 58)13 1Au rvc n Z for Nd .. k) Cc (cl' I u
2 2 1133 \ ' fh
(, ) La
(b) Yb g, 0 t (Shift-I)) ~ · c elements with atomic numbcn l01 and 104 be
(() Nd (cf) Ce lo, respecti vely: 14 Sqrt, 1020 (~hift-1>1
,umber of electrons present in 4f orb'taI (a) Actinoids and Group 6
ed,re.sp . ,.; •
,.. · .,) _ (G.1ven atomic numb f• ofHol•.ion is
63· s Cct,,e ___,.....--- er o Ho= 67) (b) Actinoids and Group 4
• lll,62-.., (c) Group 11 and Group 4
022 (Sfi , I (25 July, 2021· (Shift-II))
ift-2 I -"'r,ie number off electrons in the grou d (d) Group 6 and Actinoids
ll"' t-rruration of Np (Z = 93) . n state electronic
134. The correct order of atomic radii 1s.
~~ IS~---- • CN earest
) 127 Aug, 2021 (Shift-I)] I12 Jan, 2019 (Shift-II)\
,- fhe number of 4f electrons in the ground tat 1 . (a) Nd > Ce> Eu > Ho (b) Ho> Nd> Eu> Ce
.. . fGd2+ . rJ s e e ectromc
configuration o is -<::L__· [ Atomic number of Gd= 64] . (c) Ce > Eu > Ho>Nd (d) Eu>Ce>Ho > Nd
. (26 Aug, 2021 (Shift-I)) 135'. The effect of lanthanoid contraction in the \anthanoid
J (Shift-I)] d . h
-;' AJT3I1ge• the following• metal complex/compo unsmte series of elements by the large means
;ncreasmg order of spm only magnetic moment. Presume [10 Jan. 2019 (Sbift-1)\
all the three. high spin system. (a) Increase in both atomic and ionic radii
abelled as (Atomic numbers Ce= 58, Gd= 64 and Eu= 63.) (b) Decrease in atomic radii and increase in ioruc radii
son (R): ___..(c) Decrease in both atomic and ionic radii
A. (NH4 )JCe(N0 3 ) 6 ] B. Gd(NOJ 3 and
(Shift-l)J (d) Increase in atomic radii and decrease in ionic radii
C. Eu(N03) 3
J+ ion.
Answer is: (16 March, 2021 (Shift-II)) 136. The highest possible oxidation states of uranium and
anthanoid plutonium, respectively, are \10 April. 2019 (Shift-11)\
(a) (A) < (C) < (B) (b) (B) <(A)< (C)
(a) 6 and 4 (b) 7 and 6
e correcr (c) (C) <(A)< (B) (d) (A) < (B) < (C)
(c) 4 and 6 _J.Jy 6 and 7
'!9. The maxim um number of possible oxidation states of
137. The maximum number of possible oxidation states of
actinoids are shown by (9 April, 2020 (Shift-I)]
actinoid~ are shown by \9 April, 2019 (Shift-ll)\
(a) berkelium (Bk) and californium (Cf)
(a) berkelium (Bk) and californium (Ct)
(b) nobelium (No) and lawrencium (Lr)
(b) nobelium (No) and lawrencium (Lr)
(c) actinium (Ac) and thorium (Th) (c) actinium (Ac) and thorium (Th)
{dr neptunium (Np) and plutonium (Pu) ~tunium (Np) and plutonium (Pu)
of ilS 130. The electronic configurations of bivalent europium and {Js.')fhe coordination number of Th in K4(Th(C 2OJ 4 (H2O)21
st): trhalent cerium are (9 Jan, 2828 (Shift-I)) is: O~2oxalato)(c \11 Jan, 2019 (Shift-II)\
-Il)J (atomic number : Xe = 54, Ce= 58, Eu= 63 )
(a) 14 (b) 6
(a) [Xe] 4f4 and [Xe] 4f (C) 8 (d) \0
'" 1o) [Xe] 4£ and [Xe] 4f 7
r;:;;;; Appllcat,ons of d · And
( _ _ . f -81ock Elements
j 11•
( I
( I I
fi I

d ltf
ad n,ua
I (, r id ntifi
I ti<: wcl IC • h iron 111 nt a ••• cir
1-4, In piratmn. wh•
P, , rvm q ht I v morgani a 1
I"' d 8 ~ th t:PIAly41 for 1,cklffl! tel plJ\IP 130 Jan, 2023 ( '

1h I Iron r, h nnd "'' /n-

(11) f (Ji .....
cnh, Lhom,c lhc "' ,,1 ( ) Cd Ii (!c:tc:ct1on of varioui ca
tctl!I or d
s gl\ en be.low 146, In th wet Ba cations are eter1ctlc~~
9 ,Ian, 20.?3 (Shirt lfll prcc1p1wt1()fl, IJ3 Ap , -~ c
I, h lh S1a1m1cn1~ I nnd II arc corre<.I pl"C'ip1Ulle of m oxaJa1c
(a) Ba(ox) B
... I I I ·~ IIIOOITCCI bul SIBtcmcnt II IS correct
B h the Slalcmcn• -1 and II arc incorrect (b) BaCO,
I I !,
? s t m t-1 rs OOITC(.I but S1.11emcn1-ll 1s meorreel (c) Ba(OAc:)1
140. ~1 tal cncrall) mell ar very h1gh temperalurc · Amongsl
_ . (dJ easo.
c ?
lo" mg, the mclBI "1th the highest meltmg JX>1 1~• 111 147. Match List- I wt th List-II.
h.: 124 June, 2022 (Shift- )
List-I List-II
a/ Hg (b) Ag
Ga (Anion) (Gas iD~olved oa
(d) Cs
with dil H~J
141. The ma;or components in " Gun Metal" are: .
124 Feb, 2021 (Shaft-[))
(A) CO/ (I) Colouless gas ,i;hicb
al C.u, N, and Fe (h) Al, Cu, Mg and Mn lead acetate paper blatl_
) Cu. Sn and Zn (d) Cu, Zn and Ni
(B) s2- (II) Colourless gas which
142. The ncorrect statement(s) among (A)· (C) is (are)
turns acidified~
/4 Sept, 2020 (Shift-II)] di chromate solution~
A \\(\,I) 1s more stable than Cr (VI).
B In the presence of HCI, permanganate titrations (C) so,2- (III) Brown fumes wluch nins
provide satisfactory results. acidified KI solution -
containing starch blue
C Some Janthanoid oxides can be used as phosphors.
(aJ (AJ and (B) only (b) (A) only (D) (IV) Colourless gas e•.ohed
(c) (B) and (CJ only (d) (B) only with brisk effer. escenct,
which turns lime \\ater
J milky.

~alitative Analysis of
Inorganic Salts
Choose the correct answer from the options g1, en be
(27 June, 2022 lShift.l!
(a) (A) - (IV), (B) - (l). (C) - (II). (D) - (IV)
r4J. When Cu ion is treated with KI, a white precipitate, X
(b) (A) - (ll). (B) - (I). (C) - (IV). (D) - (lll)
appears in solution. ·1 he solution is titrated with sodium
thiosulphate, the compound Y is formed. X and Y (c) (A) - (IV). (B) - (l), (C) - (Ill). (D) - (Il)
respectheJy arc f3I Jan, 2023 (Shift-I))
(d) (A) - (IV), (B) - (I), (C) - (II), (D) - (Ill)
(a) X Cu111 Y Na Sp
2 5
(b) X - Cu_ 11 Y Na S O 148. White precipitate ofAgCl dissolves in aqueous ammm:::
2 4 6
(c) X Cul2 Y Na Sp solution due to fonnation of: l25 June, 2022 (Shift-I
2 1
(d) X := Cull Y - Na,sp6 (a) [Ag(NH 1\]Cl 2 (b) [Ag(Cl\(NH \1
(c) [Ag(NH 1) 2]Cl (d) [Ag(NH,)Cl)Cl
111011 g lh• .
• ~ C fo lJ
• in!,! ihc qualilall\ e ana lysis of
,f6 A.prif .., 0 o'lvih
lead iod.
, 4 -·~-i
(Sti - s ~
4, p11~1ioJ1 llr :t reagent (X) to a lka l ~a lt ~ llh ca t1 0
,, .,ddc' ii t,nght rL-d rrcc1pnatc T inc so lu1 ion o f n (Yl•),
'de 1ft tlt II SO Al
~,, .n (\ ' ) pre,ent respect!\ I h e reagen t (X ) lhc ~a h
lead su1 h 'llJ/ , 1111<1 e Y are: und the 11 ~ ~ni~t so compo und 'x: ~1vcs prcc 1p1t.1lc •y·. "'hen
P a te . ion 111 d1l111c 11< I 1~ treated w nh H 2S g,1s, The
Jn ofva • 124 Jun 2 11rcc 1111tntc •y • .
nn 1rcatm c111 with con centrated II NO ,
il ()111icth) lglyo'\11nc and N 1' e, 022 (Shift- I)/ ~
11ous 11
elernent cati <~ v,methylglyo-x1111e a n d Co· c~I owed hy Cllccu of N ff />11 further gives deep blue
. cati 0 on 1 ourcd solul!on , Compound ' X ' 1s
: morga • 11 <l \ b ( ) Ncssler·s reagent and Hg'
Ille <in C)~ 1
[JO J an 2 arYs '11• (( . (20 ,Jul} , 2021 (~hift-1)\
• 023 I\ I {l
Nessler s reagent and N il (a) C.u(NO), lhJ Ph(l'-OJ
?:n2+ (Sb;,-
e t1a111e test of a mix ture of . 1 k) Cn(N0 1J2 (dJ l'b(NO )
>[ j2• ''f)1 Jn th sa ts a g
1~ 1 e centre was obsen ed Which ' reen n ame Wllh l 54, -1·0•
·in u
qucou s solullon conlllmmg mns such a.1 Al l.n' ,
• It \ns may be present? · Jone of the fo llowing
➔f variou .:all 124 une, 2022 (S . Cai, , Fe' , Ni 1' . Ba and C. u1 was added cone• 1K \,
Ietec ted S Cat · <al cu= Cb) sr2· hltt-2)1
b •oil fo ll?wcd by 11 2S. 'I he total number of cation prec ipitated
y Ob Sb 127 July, 2021 (Shift-II)\
lpriJ, 2023 la1ll }' (cl Ba: (d) Cal• during th1 \ react ion i!l/arc:
(S1:lifi1 •~ (a) I (b) 3
·ff)J A white precipitate ~vas fo rmed when Bact w
1,.l· . ter extract of an morganic salt Furth 2 as added to , (c) 4 (d) 2
,,a . d . er a gas 'X' . h
characteristic o ~ur was released when the ti w1_t l ~ Consider the sulphides HgS, PbS, CuS. Sb;r5,, As 1S 1 and
recipitate was dissolved in dilute RC! Th ':lTled white CdS. Number of these sul.,nides soluble m 50% HN0 1
~ the inorganic sa lt is: [29 Ju~ e anton present is
10 e, 2022 (Shift-2)] - -- ·
(a) 1- (b) SO;- {31 Aug, 2021 (Shift-I)\
(c} S (d) N02- 156, On heating, lead (II) nitrate gives a brown gas (A)
(;\fatch column-I with column-II: The gas (A) on cooling changes to a colourles!". solid/
lved on r t.•· Column-I Column-II liquid (B). (B) on heating with NO changes to a blue solid
SO) ~Ction (C). The oxidation number ofnitrogen in solid (C) 1s:
2 ◄ (Metal Ion) (Group in Qualitative Analysis)
l4 Sept, 2020 (Shift-I)\
gas Which tu (A) Mn 2+ (I) Group - III
(a) + 3 (b) + 4
e paper black_ 111s (B) As 3+ (TI) Group - IIA
(C) Cu 2+ (III) Group - IV (c) + S (d) +2
gas which 157. In the scheme given below, X and Y. respectively. are
(D) A1 3+ (IV) Group - JIB
ied potassiuni
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options Metal halide White precipitate (P) -
solution ween. !riven below: [31 Aug, 2021 (Shift-II)] Filtrate (Q)
aq.NaoH )

l.JEE Adv 2023\

es which turns "(a) (A)-(I), (B)-(II), (C)-(Ill), (D)-(IV) aq.H 2SO.a

solution (b) {A)-(III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(II), (D)-(I) p PbO,(m=J

) x (a coloured species in solution)
tarch blue. (c) (A)-(I), (B)-(IV), (C)-(11), (D)-(111) \lnO(OHl,, •

Q conc~:so, ) y (gives blue-coloration with Kl-starch

as evolved (d) (A)-(IV), (B)-(Il), (C)-(III), (D)-(I) paper)
.r ...., . h inorganic compound 'X' on treatment ~1t (a) CrOt and Br 2 (b) MnO!~and Cl 2
concentrated H2SO4 produces brown fumes and gives (d) MnSO 4 and HOCl
(c) MnO; and C\ 2
dark brown ring with FeSO4 in presence of concentrated

s given belO\\.
022 (Shirt-ml

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