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Q1: PHP scripts are enclosed within _______?

a <?php . . . ?>

b <? .... ?>

c <php> . . . </php>

d <?php

e <p> . . . </p>

f ?php . . . ?php

Q2: What is a Child Theme??

a The child theme is an extension of the super parent theme

b None

c None

d The child theme is an extension of the parent theme

e The child theme is an extension of the sub-child theme

f None

Q3: HTML are web pages read and rendered by?

a None

b Server

c None

d Compiler

e Interpreter

f Web Browser

Q4: Which of the following are true for routes in Laravel??

a None

b None

c Routes can point to a method on a controller and also dictate which HTTP methods
are able to hit that URI.

d You can not pass any arguments to your routes.

e A route is an endpoint specified by a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).

f Routes can only handle GET requests

Q5: What is the output of the command ‘umask –S’??

a None

b Shows mask value using symbolic notion.

c Shows mask value using octal values.

d Removes the current mask value.

e Sets new mask value.

f None

Q6: Which command is used to print the directory stack??

a dir

b ls -d

c None

d popd

e None

f dirs

Q7: All elements are identified by their __________ and are marked up using either start tags
and end tags or self-closing tags?

a None
b None of the mentioned

c Class Names

d Tag Names

e Attribute Names

f None

Q8: What Are Kubernetes Controllers??

a Kubernetes controllers are Replicaset, Deployment controller.

The correct Answer is: None

c Kubernetes controllers are Surverless, Deployment capacitor.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q9: At its core, Kubernetes is a platform for:?

a Provisioning machines (similar to Puppet, Ansible)

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e Packaging software in containers

f Running and scheduling container applications on a cluster

Q10: One of the early proponents of a Relational Database who laid down many of the
principles we use to this day was:?

a Mahatma Coate

b Edgar Codd

c None
d None

e Xigang Koi

f William Crawford

Q11: <b> tag makes the enclosed text bold. What is other tag to make text bold??

a <dar>

b <strong>

c None

d <black>

e None

f <emp>

Q12: Which of the following adds a checkmark Icon inside an Input??

a Has-success

b Has-warning

c None

d Has-feedback

e Help-block

f None

Q13: How do you list all the running Docker containers??

The correct Answer is: None

b $ docker ps

c $ docker --ps

d $ -docker ps

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

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