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QUESTIONS |\Ac The proposal forms include a declaration by the proposer that a Lie stent and dehraton sole th ba of ie cont. ibn ane seat the ie of mai ‘Assman [Reompany hasineurble intrest ints key persons — ‘Ge ofthe four Bsc carers of ie insurance contracts — Long Term insurance - Whol fe insurance : [Decreasing Term insurance mediate Annuities [he folowing are diferent pes of Tem insane [Decreasing Terminerance Both and ‘aonites asm ‘The folowing oe afereniypes of Term nsuance Tres erm surance a Convertible Term Instone Al the Above | | wie ie arnt gn geo ober pep} Mot moderate salary when the plan is frst purchased (Fear fe cover over afong period 22 ay wis ec oa sivings plan w Se pow mwre sd [lithe above “2 Anendownent pla provides Tor the payment ofthe sim assured atthe endof & | Spectied Term y Death 2 Both aand me Anytime \& Following are the variation of annuities Siinmedateannuty—— —— \cDefered snauity 6 “Botha and. ee ‘A None of the above {{ACThe pote benefit of tern insurance payeble The insured pereon dies during the specified erm — oe “The palcy eval atthe time of death Both ‘3 The dismemberment accident rider has prowsion Tor cover Eine insured ses two limbs. ‘3.1 he fcideota death beneitncude death vide Tolowing [Death caused by accident War related injuries Buiation jules “The medial benefit der covers "NDS or Hi related condi Private nursing - ‘Congenital abnormalities ‘Pregnancy and chidbith ‘Under the guaranteed insurabiliy option the proposer has he igh Wo purcase additonal iaurance on specfied dates ‘with having to Supply evidence of insur ‘Without having to supply evidence of nsurabilty Sacniennaneee thers oF — None ofthe above incase the renewal prem Fait Geen pal bythe pole Rader wine gate perbae ‘apse without a Lapse with a aie (apse with or ou Tae None ofthe above The ole ofthe under wo are te or [ithe company ould approoch the store ihe company should accep deine he ak ofthe GORE The ae of premium the company shuld charge they dono Aept ne = Bothbande Te standard ates are applied bad on the age and he sx hector when Te Underwer decides to accept the We sured toes pose an above average isk Does pose aigh is Does pose an average ‘Does pose an above average oust average Fk the life insured is thought tobe abowe average Fk he underwriter may decide onthe Yoowing ‘Charge a lower premium to cover the risk ‘Appr @ debt to the policy Defer te decision by at least yeare None ofthe above. = [The factors that do nat have Bearing on he tothe Me ofthe poly alger oe Weoest YF seroBen veo o one smal Bene Moria stats Ocupation reste fecrestoral PORTE “The various ways by which he underwriter could aba information about he dant Reports rom clr doctor Gaiden! eport ofthe sg eT SEVER sald indi Both aandb = None ofthe above The coneatua elation ‘Group policyholder Individual employes otha and Tone of he above “Some ofthe groups, which ave genealy Gnaidered elgibe Yor group surance are [imployer= Employee Grou Geto = Debtor pow = — Frofesional rus lth above The contacting partyin group nsrance the ter poey holder : — indi _ Empovees one of the above Tras ofthe group surance de prem pido he insurance company bye Empoye inset Empiyerutee roupassoaton —— Bath bande = = Uhr Escher cover proved othe employee's eat “Ti ane nis PE cou sbjc to the maximum of 600000 al Te bali nfs acct subject othe maximum of SO Tr bionce nfs PF account subject to the maximum of 8500/ Hone af he above “The fotowingrequenens at make the surance a poTeston ae Wis noble age nae no have te working noe 7 Folow cose ofetics. . LogdoreplonsylZ oo on \e x0 6 ‘ inaand - Benefits of the Insurance agency a ‘Ris an independent jo. Tea result oriented job. Terequies investment or capital yous None ofthe above. The pevensisies ofniccen fanapengyare——— Hard and systematic efforts. Tnowingge of insurance and @mtedmaters Professional attude. lf the above. [The designated person i'an offcor ss specified by an insure and rmaly in charge ofthe finance. Ts authorized bythe IRDA to issue or renew Neen Both ab None ofthe above. The varios ctrl for becoming an agent ore The person should have passed 12" standard iD o-n sp on sp lon wel Ea > aM on ‘ie nsrance cam ast be ated by he sret—— ‘Within 30 days of eceipt of al eewot papers and carieaons equ Xe [wits dye of rest fal eevane papers and clricotons equed << | Within 60 dos of eit of al revo paper and dlarcstons required G [iuthin a days of ect of al relevant papers and daricaons require <1) [he agent can ont represent [To le insranes companies at anytime (Tarr number oie insurance companies atone ine € [lone if surance Company a ny one tne. & [hone ofthe above <7 The tal comission rewards the ages ~2 | oralthe work done m busines. — = For the ongoirg service he proves to te dant — ia efforts i obtaining te busines. i he erewal commision willbe pad to the agent even afer he agency fad ban Terminated who have ulna leas 10 years continuous see wth the insurer. a Burin a ear 15 years continuous serve wth he srr. Putint leat 20 years continuous service with the nse. ‘Alot the above. The ces of Hea Cheating ad forgery Renewal of ense al ‘Any violation ofthe code of conduct aande "The bree pets whe ‘an recommend products of any isrance company Ts bound under UC Act Gan recommend produit fone ie and one generatinurer——— None of the above The essentas of simple contract are [offer oracze ‘Offer and acceptance Consideration Both and — “The eotat nce of poly onthe eo Te mr ed Teentered bythe parent. ~ ‘setered bythe chi himself - isentered by anyone nominated by he cid see — Wot the above. url sector meray plage ape he oes census which Ras ‘A population oss then S000. ‘density of population of not mare than 007persa Em Botha and Either aor jiget terminated inthe event of sr FATA eplbon ep\e [ae Soroka rihiones Ks Renate oe iit rede whl ars ie’ Tins ROWE oy ng Fa aera ues ts eanen psc dso ema crSan wened a enn ns yet tom maa eine, ami or eB Ce ee in mrt ar neta eee en Ce Se are Safar aan DUR A [No rebate or deduction Fee aad Tamar dar rr a Pea DOT CaN 90 send - % “yest eas : es a a = (js he git oh been deleted wih la om AR sao ocobe = ‘b 1996, oF Janvary 3099, 07" may, 1997, 03 October nn "GT giver has to pay tax on the gilts ven {Einether the giver, aor the receiver has to py any taxon the same C Tithe the giver or the receiver hast pay toxon the same (None of the above Basie prindpie of Fraaclponaingare ting Finacial goals —_ Sa © “Thinking shor term 7d pothaand One ofthe eal actor afecing anyinvestmentGecwionie Liu a PD tock "Setting Fnandial goal 4 None ofthe above 4S einer noroachanibe ‘Conservative - enterprising — Speculative se 2 Aa the above = Some personal factors on which investments dependent are “Age ae fami ¥ a postions € “Botha and eS None ofthe above — s{ovestnenis in shares inp ¢ nvexneninomestip of coneii Investments giving hgh returns. aaa C Taxtree returns [aitthe stove Alon assignment ofa ie poi, the nomination [alo assigned {Cs eanceted autonatialy = Tis valid Beyond the amount signed a Teva afer the assignments over a \ yf osimum commision given to broker in cae of fe insurance bymawrersis ac eae eee emneoeemers : 6 a rms CECE ea aes ox = — 7 Contact of fe nsrance based onthe prneie f 7 ‘Uimost Good Faith fewest emptor x [pies —_— 4 acceptance =| \tien one rm he tna equed for maturity “| Poof of Age ‘o[ Proof of ite Ae (vestigation repo — | NB) Non ovenure cause tae poley = eenio he pokeyhaer ‘Concession ‘i aiege 7" ¢ [Discretion Option at Aeration fe pois a gone con bee byway of [issuance of new poly 'y [Endorsement on the soy [issuance of acceptance letter ‘bf warranty attached \69[Resinment of ite insurance polos governed by “Z [ raster of Property Act {5 [ite insurance Corporation A Z 6 [Contac et dF ineurance ac — 1\G) Asignment off poy cangss the under the policy automaticaly ‘a [title Siemes omination Alec “caf Alte pot can be morignged by way of endorsed onthe pot Morgage deed : Watra minimum oF ‘broking eegory (2D) esapoy or cian oe 8 “Onur of roof of occurence oflss ies pons ieee = > ios — | ©) Bete CA) Arbitrator Lf Aim under ie insranes poy aso be eid By he soe wr 15 days ofthe receipt ofall the required documents zl \b ) Smonths ofthe date ofthe daim arising in care of death Cais Ge> 30 days ofeceipt of allie relevant papers and darcations required (A Socays ofthe date of arcing of claim AS which ofthe following not a role ofthe broker incase of Gaim made ByRECient —| a) Te var any nfrmation eeved om he let regarding he cm ete sure | (©) ‘Give prompt advice tothe dent of any requirement concerning the cain (©) Bobi te cen het obligations edo al fe mater as nd TOBA fomation required by the insurer. {qh onduct an investention regarding the eenineness “tepor tothe insurer : the insurers measured by The Gaim made andsibmit@ £9 “eHficiency (BY Earned prem el Qo) Bette enuty rt p> Ce) Expenses rato eee) CA) Hane of te above (8) Conca on any buses a0 Sig, Ye hen min require ob pepe nthe noma ore ress pei demanded yer (QD "Gosh flow Stotement BAe gt —— “Fund fw statement — 20 6) Revenue Recut (G) Statement of sohengmaris —— Ue (ilar notre (Uo) “1H (i) are not required fhe eroegtes — S i) & (vy) ae not eared $38. Desc a proins inde rhs Ga ag ————— @) Seduce tees ad ye mao Oe ee ane Siar (©) tease the oa othe ee — (Sy ow otme = @a following fea meth & deseo ‘Restricvon tothe benefit ©) Postponement AY Alot the above Gab Pure rskmeans = — .G) Ask de to factors eral tothe organisation Disk sists stone CG) Arisk wits possbty of es but no pos ofgan ~~ Ask witha possibilty of ain as wells oss a eet ee eb voles specubtve ah —_—¥$ — CB ater enone a & hase of equly shares by offre nthe factory ee eae eeea| ‘Possibility ofa person fling sick pan aan epeRaeinareeay Which ine of insurance cveily oF ndleeey meets with socal con of aba? eC) fire insurance CCS Ute htucanee sien (tn ee | abit insurance ——— eee eee a Pure Ri Samer : ) Fundamental ra ry CQ yPanieuark Za Wisk management in orgaiaton ofr am in ‘I eles on past date uses tatitial forecast CC) A considers al forms of rik handing ~ (done of theatre Ai Compost ater A Rentane bates {Cn Shehing adequacy of sum iar No ect wet tec ss For a © one eieneyon te eer (ay fetnses nr res it nating Todo wk ieaaraNcnoes but pur due envaneon conn 3g ntrence const escaing ie and mane aura ae SSH TOUR ‘ey eae oi re pan { Ssue ofthe poy on 2 (CO) Asta te tine of sue af poly and aie of occurance (a | Hone ofthe stove nse nt ext atari [Te important legal dctin that stipulates that Ue person shaulThovea Tanda 7 iterest inte subject matter ofan ofa = Sega Ps dies ee 1 ect answers tothe questions asked =a {umith allinformation about the risk that he ows | & Sy Forish l informaton of matters rte t the sij20 mar o aeoonee Gi Remstari meesne ates elo ‘38 [nhsrans eater smodeby tetsu ne eee’ | frig amen Spat ieee — (8 yet = + Imran regia ad deme abo cTH wapToaTwe 34] eective om: FIs april 1999 sent 2000 — a toss organ - ~ recanbes rm | Canelsusten the ene (0 [rete ie sce = SY fit acton wer suns Reia97 Oni ae ence ic kel oat oT functions at inched in broker retain ing detailed norman ofthe cents Business ad ak Tanagemea— led knowledge of aia arts 2: maybe apphcabie | 64 VB of insurance het 1398 ‘Material information means he infomation sought nthe propa “The information that the interne The information a rhe information about the vk tobe ured hat wil oosce infloence praent underwriter in assessing the rat a Govinsurence refers to Faring of surance of aby wo orton Raw —— sre at ek ande thes sans Gia Sony hat an insurance compaty gets rom another ieee ike loo or earthquake) faced by ne by more thet person undera—] Single contract SX [snes a ——————__"" Se 1) | Bisk pooling and ention ay QESssttere—— Wlatermesnee’ - S| twee year " ren [compensate CA) None of te above — ‘6.1 the ris ope naw oagenegT — The iti ofthe cal tp Hagen a dongs Cn (Segoe agen tops pina liom domes eta Toy (CC The ince hat he rina bored By ang See by ns Sent STO {he pinpal ed the hed party to eleve sent she sthary fo detan (A) The rnc atte aget Bound yo tne done by hs psp ot Saar ‘heagent led there pay to eee prin she autor estes 68" company can ise debertre egn ee Ro &) Sremium Ca amotio sine on banking finsiecompane ar governed By SA Banking Readaton at 1989 CS) Reserve Bank of india Act 1938 Sy Campane At 56, (A) one afte stove a 3) 2 of aad ap are aa Cb) 42afautnrsed capa 0) kkotsiberbed ep CA) Stor paid up stare cata invespe of df 1,007 oars bt eran oT RTH omens | en 1), Felting 0 cai settled inctuing copies of any survey or lss adjustment port), shouldbe maintained by the insure for -oumber years, ses ube sn ——+ say Sa Payment of premium arrears & Payment otbermareat day fe insurance business na sum ined ak Rar um sre when estar ane im oe rane ona of surance Act, 1938 er how many yews ibe HooT SF pretdon of atrial fact, bythe poeyoiers nat required — » 0 Iyer WD Byes CO) yeas CH ome BS ([niconeedisvedto. OR, [nevear [wovear CO Pine esr G@) [rive Year So FE sre owing cor ome nko Premio ate ofpokies ot (By [Management expenses Cer [Rates of morta GAY baer te above ‘Se [ compulsory surance of tor venice tor Veh Act, 191 = Motor Vehice Act, 1939 Insurance Road Transport Authority At {Te tied ary Motor insurance pools managed By 1c oan ‘Mac None ofthe above ‘Underwriting in insane fers to ee ora information Rat the insorance policy furishes after the Signature of the ising company oficial, Fe ar ging the Us of pels covered and the cxcsion Unger ay surance prac atthe end of he poy documest ee sing he Hk tha proporea tobe msured, section of FakTor Trance nd determining the prem tobe colt | dr wring te spedal conor inte cove noe an authored ‘representative under hissigntare 936 [ne WOK rte of polyols nee pts te awe Faso ae ralrformation about the lasurance cove offered tothe prospect ee te prospect undestend he nee or prowdng infomation wh reco the kev hough is not asked by sured ee a on and answers inthe documents eading the correc are Fly byte proposer $s ern goal vance io eterna bse “a ta pan clans experience of sure under sia ses Sais ture of is posed by the person/propery to be msured [ite terms conditions re the scope of covert be oer Gi Laotne above sp Lae Buss rt iter Does an nares company ees 12 a Pg sRongreRravh oP © 9Ta DLs 27 oF sree) an ve ‘Alo the above if frm decided not to put up Tactory ina country wath policTinstabliyn as example of ick reduction Rik avoidance Riskretention isk transfer ~ Inf Insurance, insurable terest to insure should ext which othe lowing reationship Sais 5 [Husband and Wife ployer and employees sl Brother and Sisters = ‘Contracts that provide Tor payment af cost of supervision benefits are asieds under Miscelaeous insurance Business Lie surance Business ‘General Insurance business one ofthe above Prosimate couse in nsurance refers ‘which ae exuded Tom the polcycontact The dre, immediate cauze, that has ested inthe bss, which is nsued “he original cause, which has ested nto certain conetion that hae reed ta the insured toss due tothe intervention f Some other force ‘ne ofthe causes which has resulted ino the loss which i closes inte ve the actual loss, st Cention ngeerainsrance means Therightof he nsurene compan to eject dam tates Deen made — “The causes tht have contbuted the sued os at covered by the RUTTER contrat The ht of ie hsurace company to aloe we ae lable to he redo sae the cos of indemnity None of the above — a The pracice of days of race Yor ent of premium 5 aveaDI eT Motor insurance —_— Life insurance Fe neurence = Miselaneous insurance ‘Wich of the basc principles of insurance apy he case, Tasured's unce’s watch ie stolen. Hs uncle has no insurance but he claims rom he incurance onthe Beal ef his ‘urna good faith a Indemnity Insurabe eres and utmost good th Indemnity ond utmost good fth ‘mar chs Computory Paprioag ‘imakaoil conmalsiatrmkegbor orc messngnP a0 Farameter ‘Guanttative Sates stands for Bil of wang > Blof lading Baiofoading—— ‘I Bales ofloading Which of the wing i not covered he Fe surance? lectial fre ‘Storm, earthquake, Toe, gh peson Transporation eather pce = In Burglary insurance the partial nsrance arrangement, the insurer response Tl foray Toss op to secied amount and balances borne by paleyolder Excess of se Coinsrance Fst loss None of tie above ia 38 ec 32 (0) refersto) Non payment of premium Titsnd Run cases, Indemnity i incase ron dare of teal Behe Harris ene Tow Iabity under the policy “To send the insured tail To sue the agent who brought the busines are “osue the broker who Brought the business Sing ssn Marne Insurance refers to Totallosof entire package during lading, Wansehiment and dschoge Paral os from the package/packages during loading transshipment and Gcarge Deck ato lost on board Or Leakage from laud cargo i ‘Genera Average los i covered under which KE Cause ‘On = ‘Oni i a) ICE alte clases, ic A), BICETE) ‘nly (8) 1 Ch 38 isthe on metal which remains gud state at ordinary room Komperaure? Soom agnesiom ‘Under the WATS cere sal Tamer ges the abay 20% 0 o na ipatype of bole ‘ilo the above Insured Standing charges arable Charges Tet Profit = a What mate Fight container ie mada of? ‘lumina Steel ‘SothaBb Oniy Es ‘Afandonment of cargo ype of cI} Fartcolar average ous (General average ios ‘Atul toa se Constructive total ose ‘What the clam settement period a case of General Nan-Ufe)swrance? as cays 30ay5 eo.days - 7 eays : ‘Under the Hire Tani the Guldings are daseied a industri Bung & godown . 6ass3, be uta constuction & other contractions None ofthe above. 3 ‘Wich ofthe docomenis rom te Tslven below neednot be submited byte gired the Insurance company for settlement of a mote helt ein? cae istration Cortfcate Book of R.0 Fist information report of Plce autres Fal vestigation Report of Paice Authorities rung cence of Person Oring vehicle w ‘One ofthe most ingredients in deining “ie” “Aca gntion™ which means presence OF ‘mote isa prerequisite a0 eat sa prerequisite ‘Charing i preequista 35 Ini insurance the risk aleday een ia Wo manufacturing Horage aay i cared oR or continuous peried of isd 30d > es 45.65 eo aye In fie insartice i possible cease the som rawred during the carency athe poly by COTECINE _adaitionl premium on ®. e [a5 yeas fe ates ee 2A 3. "AY has ake Fie insrance Poe wh "ABC vurance ane “DEF surance company, covering Te same propery for sum sured Rs as and Bes espectve here ws eau ad thos {5.6 aes. How the clan wl be sted. 3] AB pays Ra cs & DE pays. 2 cs "ABC pa. 3 as & OEF pays Rc 4 (I ABC pays. cs 8 DEF paye Rs. dacs > OFF pay fs aes | a In Marne insurance ste Ego aus Kave Been formed Oy =| [international Union of Warne insurers inst of ondon Underwriters = | | section of Bich surers E | Uoyds Underwriters ae a Dicharge of cago at po of dates ss covered [Only a) 3 Tonic a) RICE] —— 4 ‘Altres causes, Ke CET) BES) [ony ace fo a Salvage charges under marine hsorancéreterto | charges deduced by insurers from cain mouns towards ve ofsahage marine oes [| Charges pid to person for preventing an irsured marine loss independent of any contac Ff charges incurred ty ship-owner/ charterer in saaging 3 manne avert [None ofthe above 3 in Matin insurance Sve apd Labour hares ae 3 nerd by assured for preventing or minimising oss recoverable underpoly 2. Payable even in exces of sum assured in eae ofa toaloss fi 3. |Onyistue “| on is tse Te) | woth a2 ares 3. [Nether rve Es Main surance a provided al he eared mun Rae anos ret [Atte time of taking insurance Yi [Trsuphout te erency ofthe GRE fe.) [atthe tine oFoss o [Ano int of tne 3 Selec the correct optontn respect oF tay daca a burglary mwa | towers the isk of abstraction of cash fom the safe olowing the we of key Si_(O camer celeted evnon payment of eta premium (fe Tooke 2 [None ofthe abate a Comercial Guranieg wd Cour ond fer mth Toloning ape meri GuarantesDrescribes ime it tin which he insured Yas oma dese Ge NY nrererecour Bong are nt subject to such retrcions i | Cour B6rt af spl contracts whereas Commercial Guaraniees ae exacted onder ar . QMESTIOL) z we Stock storedinopen S| Susceniie to spontaneous combustion — lings | Net suscentibe wo spontaneous combustion Susceptible to spontaneous combustion onl when Gonlaninated wi OTe “te contaminated with ol et suseptle to auto gntion “Uittion as fo use ause under Private Cor Poly rests the use ofthe vehicle cove avaliable nly ifthe vehi usd fo the flowing Sova domestic, personal nd professional =~ Rekabity rails 8 Social, domestic personal and peslonal use ‘Organised racing & Soci, domestic, personal and professional wa Relabity als & Organed racing Which of the documents rom the ft Gen below need not Be Submited bythe Fsuved tae Insurance company for settement of motor thet lin? RegistiationCeifeate Book of T.O Fistinformation fepor of Police Authories Final investigation Report of Police Authorities Diving cence of Person Driving vile Section 4 of asuranceAet 1938 as amended) deal wih Defniton of metrinsurance Proposal Form rohbivon of bates None ofthe above Ininaia Workmen Compensation AC was pseed dung The year 1913 [seo [fe fess ae apa 7 “hes psa Logutu? mea 3M Party Property mage 3. Own damage af the vehice The thing spats sat [None ofthe above Te ‘Under Habilty surance retroactive date mein 3. [ Commencement date of poisy Tyler aate of poiey Inedentdate (@5_[ovkgnal date of commencement of the fet pokey > a "Marine Insurance Ag provides thatthe marie poly is atsgnable wes cela tems OER prohibiting assignment. may be asgned | Gore the loss ac] Aer the los () | Ether before oraRerthe oss Pa [None ofthe above 7 India’s postion neg production 4 B) [and . [3a th 7% Freight insurance sblet to 1 Valued poi ndemnfy3. Undevnaarance ow gi profit ave a Consequeial ies re) poies Bol turaover | Turn -over— Receipt [ES | Net profit + insured Standing Charges a ‘ross Profit nsured standing charges In motor poly the isud shaving 25% NOB apd nce he wants to ange the sure. Con he be lige for NCB incase he unable o provide the renewal notice? 2 i ‘An insured has avaled# motor poly fam naurer A However the office alzoaranged for he save ‘vehi fom another insurer afer 30 day. There was alam on theca bere the same ws found ‘On Boy Aw a ‘nly poe Bw pay Both the poy willeontibae None ofthe stove Incase ofa re poly where the kina ated ae para, what ate wil Fave tbe charged? 2 S80 Wis foe TAC aes Non pig competition i Brand equty, Promotion campaign Product iferentation ea ‘Al ofthe above 3 abit fr the goods cred byte alway covered / Ted “The Carrie At, 1865 “The Ralways Clams Wibunal A, 1965 Indian Railways Bet, 1899 orrage by Raway At, 3972 oa {Which othe folowing statement regarding sal iosss i corec? Low severity Low frequency Senficent impact = alrlate Minimal preditabity 3 Adverse selection fr Increases cont of ingurance Inefeasein premium due toh ri ‘May ot be accepted for insurance This the way surance decision dane 3 ‘Agreement in elation to mariage i Contingent Contract. ‘Wagering Contract "void Contract Void-ble contac cs sjrity of pure rik faced by an Organisation fal under Tllowing cea Tow equency low severity Low requency high sever ene as ‘Which ane nat pest ak? [fe [oamage oom vee eat ‘Aecdent 405_| cue ofan vero package notes mst beanie he avay |=)" | wakin months ome dete of GUCN—Gqet Lowi eb R= 1. Within months onthe dt of knows aon | Win 3 rons om fede oT GRO + | Within 6 eons om the at of knowedp Tok ae_| | Ved polices Fs Department ay be ed a a [set - 5 [ck 2 | Workofa ong O7_| | rem up os 0, 007 quniies or Tx an a Ta SCT croup din Poi ro [densa FA Poy ean Aon Bina ob | Gomi Hospaatin Bane 308. |] Deterortion of stock surance ira arm of orsequenal as cover. Calm ander Te pO eterioration af tok payable ‘Concurrent machinery beatdown pola There SS oe ey eae 7 Value of privat aris Rs.2.30 acs Los experiance af 1000 car Tor lot 10 yer shows hat ono verge 5 cars is totals due to theft ever yea. Suggest the rate of contution payable by cach of the private car owner to make ashare ofthe sbove ls. oH 558 r asi a osm * a0, ‘Under a Money Poli estimated anual craing RCW 5 Tas andthe single avving WIRE RAO, 000/- nd rate of premium 5% (per mil), and then the provssonal premium eRe 50 ie e250 Rs 75 e125 Incerdsm meds ie et up dT Malou Act Esiosin ape) el Short creat i, ‘How evil kab i caused [Bw of Tor & Statutory Law ‘Statutory tw & Ci Law iultaw & Law of Tort Alf the sbove laws a, [How an insures clan Yor loss of is expensive wath willbe se Fine ine and impound Exothermie action nde eacton Epidemicreacion é a = [Fine and imprisoamen é x @ ‘onder Sec 163 Ht & Ron Aecident abies covers ‘ery High Fed ow Unpreditab iz in Maine insutanee fallform of PSO. ae pale soon otherwise Tat person see ofits own oye poi signing Ofc ‘ois Prevention society of nda Enension under Ra ajshwat Mais Watan Vora “TD = Rs 500/- per month Toe fe Legal divore = up ts. 20007 a a ‘os / Damage to the fut contents de tore = up vo i 2007 ‘Af the above a. ‘What s Cumulative Boner under Persona Agent Poi 5 up to 50% 3036 up 1 50% 15% up 10.60% 35 upto 100% 3b, ‘What s AM. nea insranceterinoony Hull tarine Only He Me Only = s Health Maintenance Oganaton EEE Baggage accompanied wih Bapaage not accompanied with ‘gage sent by vansporrsin None of sbove a ‘Chose which acne Gevation from wor enforced, lene, slenee neh French ‘alan Greek Ts “The underriing of money nsurane® I Made of carriage of money None of he above Wa. 7500) Paley sede. HBG07 oun otis. belo eck vale of | 1. 7500 ndcate the option aataieomneed = [TRS Te eee Sg —— a ON eae | Rs. 1 ln es poi clause = consul oss area a Single canyng hint of Kloney Poy ss | Rs 45,000 lss amet parable willbe [ns 1300 E> | ns. 250007 Fs dlues 3s a Fa estos Te openaaion payable Tc Peano Tau Desbeme Rs 250007 unde Section Tal | a i. 25000 wer Seton tag ea Si S000 unde Sein 349 Rs 30000)" unde Section 3a as, The nature of contract under a ely Guarantee Poly 3 Personal Contract | Property Contact Pies ree aes SC eee ee 6, Unde JPA Poly which ks covered = Toeath ‘bLPTD [Loss of ye Libs ‘Alife above, : a7, Ta Fe nd Secale aoc woo a le an amma RSC 35s. 20,0007 Rs 0.007 cs. 5.0007 a) Re 4.0007 a, A Consesuetia Poly re) coves nse lier whch ate bag SSIS ~ [af nsured Standing charges [Net Prof Fi | Variable Charges [oan 3a iu Petra Resident pay (GPA) poly pays 100% of sum iauved wiih lS? 3. | to8 of wo limbs orn limb and one ye ‘2 [Permanent otal deablement [Both the atement | Neither ofthe sa, Bil fo importers is guranteed tveugh [spor ai [sl of xchange (EY [ener ot ereut [Te ait oftsing Tenney my Tsyenoe tenement tain oe Any ine dng de conte» 2 2A cece put ne cody fro le hei two. th Si Nowefte stone 4 Kew sandd ve och rings oh a ine. The der in = et cen Pee 6 Cu aity may iene: Ont andr Eamon em © ony ander Stary La Only aner Eto arg recone yo @veceratasore Ba ae cea amg Hurl ola Tunel Prockie ih of bok ast te ser are Givi i the RDA Inman Drohereplon Act 2002)» Smeg osname Cs 107 iy ons Santina ned none soar with vance natument ie comman sock 4 alovexmon in specialined rsp of ee “eon who aso eat omter wen hip isa pat of aon SPB oe oe Aeblnddpnet Mb 2s of te lowing tse ceed fre of ses J Teer of share tequte spec slain Ss apc opener an snout xn alo at aed open th seth alr mn contenant ea of mene, 2 Tocase of pe ik edo pil an 2 clit eet iaprt fe ii @henc ore stove jae 3 NOS SoeetseySeortogee propia ten Wick aoectoey winelovel oon ., “K.saon seks Region pnt shut Gntons ofa Stoker Fado wich he lovin ‘Stinson eles tala an i 7 cei oon icles ules and sk manage ogy Oe, enc osama ay tte Os aang pmo one seton 0 VB 1038 {1 yi oft lin tema ont 1 fulteplacement vale Natio fr wear and ter @oiorscstore Sos of proof of occurrence of tosses won @ kee Dect (5h pon wh ns paral ners some propery dese incre th exe flav oe aoe ef ieacal nett be prope Your nino im hol ra em nance one cvcghs et an toe coving te er of ee Pty Oem cuz sae erect ot po is inert 00 He ette to teh xet and vente vate the ce were ‘onpieme Pe EC Frectpries of acy wh mt ele by ea pecs of itt ae (ip Fs whith nce ne Oe a cr cich me the ia reser hn would ely be expected Soniye in iar Sonne mae me oat ai ee ~ 5 oi hn rit ne ee orig ems 0 Natt ure hich res epsereb awitestie Qn Tlon frm ncn cred ity = ied eth os aC ich of be ong is am cx of Merl rd ue eamenon Ya pig cane seven Be tein its SMM the ty pele ‘sateen ee since 11raing tn oF 0 HE fasta aimee a Sanat vee 80 Ramet atone Salone ‘Sonesta Cnet ing sree Fretoncaes! a eet, food aha ‘eros eon oe set 1 mal nding rans ifm esis weoS seroma ast 1 Eimoed ome secount ane verona ene wcmaon wine nee ty Wk he OI remofrensae tafe! eye acs erloson kas veep nce angen aero na 20) ve sectid amount a ine pater ‘ever ‘eeninsemes Ghent estore 1K, What does NRT (dendweiaht t page) mean? serene weteNel Tonnage: eet ed Sarees Lb Tonoag econ ofan overlies fan insurer i clled és" eee cee Piste ns aay YE wie which system ofthe human body wil ypertension be asoeaed Bento" vasctar scm (ena and rey em Eiisetbne £3CKeen win acs on etal one when tips ina por ofl s kaon ss Bshapng ase ® spear Prt ker {CRS omaring get in nae pty warn et Pret ee dinamo pte Grantor non Ernending © Inde bond 1 Samet dectraon Hv ae ial ote ny sia 2: ane Stiga ca Eatane Sveti inagotrens? / sacra te je foetus econ agree ft eset = eet 4) paetictios sc vai ei wee Siesta eSpecimet restore ig, sea togintrmed Oi ee osteo prec oe squatting atest 0? Penge omen ‘amg Gatarestone rece maion Segre aon eer ica mat 0 so aden St ns verse nor tees rea wan aonentateh Sato «eek ati Ganeteesioe reutnea 0 00 Sent Fie ne ea el Sart Insts omen NN ea oo ‘roses Tomy —™ an =Comston ea 1 Gree of Cede f Conds the ROA Irae Beskers Regions. 2007 poe te RDA to {i Cael Sept hans of be takers ng or mote {th Canct/upand tees he rote won wc (i) Fv ne eer opt {i} te ain use nce Ae 1938 «eg atervens Sos SSiehion "Tv of ollowing ats mathe si of ra as or iene polices 5 teens sme Garston ‘hapectROA nsrne Brokers) Regul, 200,08 nace oer Cerny or isn raking G Gancmy one ees apse interes “Can cary on any basics fer ior prov om he IRDA 4. The iene ical th ft ne rit. This means 1 Mee wo euchily sath tomas prove yee be ined 5 BENS tm be eure norm or bad soa the ancl onions he pron propsing itt ols th ie ure made in sch way a ese wleep einay Gehan eke enue tind oti cdo tan fhe aera pron inom Swine asa 3 eke woul ete islam shor decane which tan he ‘ler The dose ele Sale he inne ens Therese of pon mri ccaonsn thee over sce Bee cist ets rae be pty fos bce oni ere Ee nrense i te probability of shat has thing to do wit acs oe insure ut purely oe to armen ereimaareese rl hac in anc ter I theese of people wh rou repens the Screed he nsracce & etl este rin teosne ne pay aos bonnileaie Bice at ne rn iy tn to enna ovens wutntnus tones Simcha theme maine he prop see Ren rangee Author Ast reser Inuanc of Mae Veber i $C ra eeting seulement of cls in espent f monar vehicle accidents in xin ate mma me pte Byte nos Orton Xa paogaip indole wih be 2 Oaetaranee hi fs Poa eres Fe snl te son ere et ree bem adie op covro weed vp. wnchot ne oiosing mt ato rece e ihe Rik namin ses? Secmingenypoaig 5 INS lan connec ahs 237i fee feng a rates arog sos om the does cer oe mp i tho rm pred poo ticles Oe re ping ep gos ain cone on ea fe ens Pema rancinp ne . SRN a etd re ban tenon 2 Sein ea(oportion e999 2 niece achentwseyrereareeee Fa ee eee tein One at eer eston Deo 12s nani om at eae re 1 Geese of ple td pie sector Soul owmeshig and cen boing Greig ine “mina of expenses of mantgemen nn comin hat may te need bya nares im 1 Soideton ten ending rere pein i: etfs dani resus ed and ace Grou poser premio in aa “i Toesigntion ino ancl consion fhe ie bis td ihe vation of Haiti QS vise ac 99 Aree YC tn ep expen the sent eins ia eset moto wei asides isa of ara 2 Aiton Commies © Conmaricstonet te cepane empete “Si Rpramenc Cat bis @Dimorcese byw a anil gro Ookeet S74 um aan uti when: G Masse rote less pono Sato rot forenoon by ae peri son whan? © Baer er (a. wif ne allowing i naa senon of Geel Insrnce Business? G Prcpming anon parang surance 6 Tn meres dl: AG merci pine 3 regen ies mama 51. an wurnce company bef szeting hee it Inspection he prospec ty, Subsea aoa a Aerts nsred sare one ars cess ain wr i etn sae The marae company Sines contin te PCS Sy oan hs cme tech coat othe sured 6c Suc afr ging rename tine 0 be re "ecanotbe coco cring te conianon PE? $5.Rrsbond hs aninsurable interes onthe Heo rt ten en 00.00 fer six mon fe ok ut sing a os. The Saeed een anh ne os Yale of Th es a comes os a ob onthe af oso wees meen Ronin er acon eater ae e eee ereere Si. The meat vale of eat ny pin oie rei of eos ater ee sarang vided yh mon fe tet seit Be tng mig te moun he penal x nc ss 1 vogue Sw Gj ik rez or ‘cheer inthe cme anger inte ice vet Changes inthe ecto Grin beeen oe paca Dhicraesbore Sepak mre pele tan ste sk DeSean wt ion ae det aaa area aston whe te postion Only pcr so eee eo OA On cores lish cane ft Se ce nein inance st nyo Fos abana Tongans Fat Dias {6 In ni eam ont isa ieee nits 10 10D) inca Ta At. 1961 Pi Sittinon ener secson a0 orlnmme Tax Ac 1961 Fechner sc 48 of come Ta At. 8 GPE pon der ncn 89 ene Ta At 1961 “cope of dim amaumt ore hn Rs 1000 nd nt re an 2500 he dunes ein 2 Sic cpr oiy etar o ma e «Wie oft lowing apple a publi comoeny? ‘Tone sch nr pra deed ‘one wich me atin ur ppesiohe ends and aves ny fr subson One Gch es want 0 es REA meer of seven people fom comes “UC Gonter fing tenet son py ipecons a skideitonon ol and ons iN eae tense you sete at Your ae eprint sop tse el 1 Mien occa tes ine consi sd hope oy ay aie ‘ly we Contin ony anda 2 eo cere es of in na of tr ver te Coie ms onc sndep 0 Rs $0 ke i EE go ulh Damen ei _ Wakil 3 Above veo lakle ee 20 end wo RYO hs str une selon 10100) afTcome Tax Ad, 1961 Pe crionunr etn 40 Lf tee Tax AS 1961 2 TE Sapo de sen 48 tcome Tos At 19 {Fras Seng ener Secon 89 Gof To A 1961 She en te pls, kes ‘ Once? One Ganga ase and Reins is 0.4- 4-4 ‘Sa Sahn bende Se wesboeb) rchee ah Oe te anor ce 1. neo te must ines in ring eit gsi” wich meas presen [pe errm @ Sere ion tne see Srinig nil he a mimi scon oat 1. Caring ston Sib eton & Smet soe « ‘ie i ommanutacrig/ rage ated ot or «4ST ee insurance the is ical ‘imnous perio a Sane © wate Saibopeodsale ¥ ee ce ‘1 Osman as = eae ue : Ses 8 eee ne 3 Tmposion occurs wen Peete met mir pene Eee reece ce ee gn en ETE ee tov ani ee 'S Fordanap ins of cigs, mney cin nae sole wih he nays i (dp a tee aa of gs = ‘Sioonhe fo ceo ooking © Sant tn ef ling Cor eet aa atsetpeey Thao fsie e i Geren Agence fo part Ta & Gol Apeoneston Tats 8 Trade Gore Agrenet on Tis & Treg 2. tn ine insrnc insta arg aes hate een fouls Trnral Uno f ware Ise 5 Cle Unaerortar Bieta cargo a pot of Sissi corere by + Once ta Guy teeta) arc fits clases FECEA. ICCB), 8 CO @ Onytecteyaicc 12 Savage charges under ree nsec er Saham Gt Oy ances fom eS rout awards wala of savage aera egos. a oe en fr preening on nr morn es inspendet fc. © Chas nced by sane! rrr suvapings marine vestry 4 Noneot the stove 4a maine Insurance Sue and Labour charges a iy aac y sone fs evening or mniings ss eoverele ner ai. 2), aye oven oxen of sm sre neo a a ony 2itrve her 2k“ he1c”Lompany has ken ce iaarance policy and here was fire loss. The following ware he os: It pet te bag damage by re 2 Sects drapes by Cre 3, pt te big cata ae eet aterm by th cad Iranc company widely Die 25 Marne nen At provi thatthe sured ms ve an nua eet 1 Atthetineof king terns 8 Thee te recy ae pcy OBS parine 2 hetace meng eng ons Tecra XOL wen nbs on Eason Nene save 17 whats Patient irae pains? ‘pms ype fener sane a a pl ese es sur © Migs nel ye ater sci 5 ‘1 Become aie pve “HCAs per tsa Moto Tai he pogrepin! aren ender 2 moor poiey a conn etndedw Bangash 1 etme ended Pasa 2 Shr etme Re ends sneacl a bes eine © ininnwanowe enn te vary rae fe ei eae outed oe own 2 el ponte peso Pepa Fy Sone malt eso EA Seen ooo et ten SRE et omen cee “Is Tse docs or i ive ew et aie by hein shes Regma Coens Book of R.O BBtrcaion ep of Pot Abort & inl esiton Rep of Paice Aurich Gbrng ice ot Paso Diving wen “teton a sree As 1938 (samen es wi ‘orton of ator nian Epon For Prion bats None ofthe bore LG indn Waren Compensation Actas ase ring te yO Se3 8 th a6) onsciectoceaes he ig sea el 2 ect heave ak Geri nance reontv de mens commen 2 eine tt ormecemen of es ag — Site ete etn ce Th ono a ha eee een tin Fev prtecion sunt eras 16 prion pi ge a 2 comands Gp enn Ae Policy? & Conmlsve Bones see jmuameros, Shee Revecen eer 1 Caeiten oes Insane octane “Nava ae Enger i finan cone added gh aoe tse he above Gone pity piconet Tog and chrig crt re cometn vwn as emer 2 Simeees @sweive Xe hanes sto te Ese pode arene othe & Selag pee cg B Selig ice wih pro os conison @ewiolrav ints ihr me eee, uy ‘TNs ‘Acomdng te Inn eaulston fo reintanse f nolie basins te sie cedmaance 8) Decopsicqmecapny 9) Sexi the at ose roteton eure costs ined CO Miohaed= 1 tpl ey the ds nsec, 6 repli etn ini Sop ave Provides potion agit vc isk 9) ovis tion at erat Reet ne aap JES 1) Conon eres d Insries of encase — None ofthe sbove 15. Tete Alert Rik Tans ART rk 1) Ping rinse evog er 2 Pacing innunnseio rina por Taneng tocar” Alotne tre 1: Boing cs a reine ofaan ping incase 1) Catstophe sve Me XOL verte ie ofchins cme Shed ah ©) Ast af emia 8) Netware shoe "8 tn XOL cover volving more tas tw cures lic shuld be covered ay Ont fntion of conract, ofeach = ‘ "3 None othesbove 19, The insurer woe XO ised on terete Lose Gers tees st at as Senet ahve 7 oA) 4.Cold Branding 7 6. Cooling ft period means a. Couling of just mae gods Cooling af hot wood ce: Weekly cooling farratt (Byron sant iy ovens SIC Acteqpoted for the benefit oF tps 4. tat estore 4 Uneenpai! gg seb Noa ots oly ores conn Or c IRDA, 1 yatsiiah ewig process 09" 3 sitcoms Cenbston= 2 En Vii ey 20 enn, rn compu niet avian ene ssttbe wows “hone ee above vente in sae anes Ques saat cn be gst Green Rel ace = qua of erin ce of Vig Cer a 0 ‘Sree Vale be ee dope serene ae yas Fc ens eset on Sowing pty po eee ape i yea fret as bene jt ete anove 19 whch oti nines ely yb? sea Qrscarinecr as eis tia Kaen Yona a 1 cme do Se = upto RS 200 cS os ‘neon er aes OFee 45 Chrage wich means cession fom moked lene silent sé: oes 12 ett fea tat nha assume ha ei nfo yen Daye ove ‘ners at reset prepare othe allowing par tsa At 1938 fw ig nace Sey inet ett Sco Cot of Aton? tycre rnc 79 Rik eapane wih soles mining ofa ren sce Digan Dy betecon ete erwhing fone so SS noe eoring of me pin emp nthe money nose st500220) Siena A (Ae Ne the wtemet fo eh Sate? Fai re sper ile pers haven pan the resid ck xan See Sit can os ompany. os it Este aso poh epee examination Steen 8 ty Bath Satenens ther of estan ‘Stuer Sabogatin api ony unr nna of dey Sutemen 8 Conon pecan ade cnt of inematy 2 Bash St ‘Staten Sto ytog re ae carasd when te pid Furnes ls han 2. ‘Sutement Str god rae se hago whe he ley aes yh sued soniye 1a Which aes? ‘Shomet Endres ar sued sp of he ple pi er aeatons Sem! 8 Enormous ese fhe ply a eine fe Oly snemens sty stmt esa of te ttre 14. Which ois et a Noch cine pi mdr viable oly inca pute a eeu oi ay _setibar testo ate Stent Nn is es ‘nly stone 8 ‘Near fe sees ith, wits materia oes nt Stunna Asoo py eves mean bean aly some ‘Semen A The dein stogoton apie to Perna dentine ‘Sinennt Maing Pte conan cndton sites {Reiner ot esteem Geni satome 8 ‘inomen a incur o Ms les pts of unt nar cn exec gh and op ton Stan tins lin tity te elm he sed co opr wen. ony samament A ea. 7 dh ofthe loving sakes ein aon W Mar Py? Enet sles bsjyng 0 NER, al Base alba per on pte SSSR NCD nwt poate aeay eying 0% NCO ears hice aie a Beth satements Neti of i sttemente Dr Only saiement Only samen SrPeanre man ot peste itl res oat evry and musta all spo peserve nai Sumer A ie enh ne “om semen 4 & case aren nsrance ects ute vedo Mater (OD) Pes ©) Only tsemen Oy netemen ‘Sat AU Unde Fe Poli, sober sould eet th a he ie ing Ian et etme ots. ‘Shonen 8 Under Morn Policy, uae nos snl pete bata the ine of king irc at 2) atest 1) On tant Saas ‘Start A Te rare te fleece te na ps ey ase ESSENCES aceimpe rence eo eeaeees Snes {Suen A: For egg plies hcl edd by nse of London Under Cura Forint sence Ser ae afd the Ti Ary Commitee 1) Onyssienen 1) Only tronen 8 41, Sener A: Ud land Trt RilRon) ase) insurances om te inet oo eve ‘hewmen ote start he pace named inte poy forthe ommencent rast, ‘Susur Unser th ound Tan (eae) @) & () eases rnc tacts wth he ling of Geren 6) Ony stones A {3 Only aaement Nama nsec tyler sia welght and vue 1) ayer er Notconed ved Ic (0) & (€)Ts nme are covered ude (CC (A) whch provides cove ol is neo damage the stent mat sed 2, Wie te? Se yn vice or ate he eet mater i) cama became ier under CC) ‘Eenan ppc expe oder 10C (8) (0 onsr recovered under OC (4) 00 payment of xr prem, ‘Dah dans ae ot avered under CC (8) (0) ty eimbe coven exe premiom ner (8) (C) Cues. {Uni (CC(A) classe rks avons cove. ‘aed SCE vc be covered ander IC (4) (8) (on een of x preie ‘Bp SRO scat vere una anRaondelases en pyc ox pena, Graco 1) ute i ast te Rly within 3 yeas om ct Ws Knee es wi ees ‘ein dys mt dr Satin 80 CPC (Cin Poca Cae) Seam Ecc Eugen paicy cones tcl or mean eon of he ei Sinether testtemee ‘ies ety armgesmsaance Brough else BEE Tioeven "3k Wich ae owing ae swe aout te ders estas? ‘A Mies remaane tana tnstered wongh sumption resornee ict sur ever natedin he aspen nee 2 A fetply wag taf ra ares geographic ean SRE tnt einuace co ete hy cr he solveny replat, pot anpaitin fetingcapa Tinea de babe 57. wih ofthe towing sina ST utp tne mina eel of emi as onthe volun of sans 2 feces rake reaswer iy ane ib atin fn 5. Whish ofthe flowing tenet ue south pres nsans? ShytEStc ie proce whh nrc compan res se 1 favo prem eccve by he inure is ante eens osetia ety Gpaiioe 2 mayne ao oo ote eng company Reuse rows asuming oan cs afar he erable ret mayor my wo snes eta an twee See ra psc vo behave ol ine a ough be was uid 2) lwed mast teusee heh afimarsinvepwdtorecovry and om ke ll eps oreo es one a igh on Viewsat core Garena rom enter pte 13 Peerhemi plant belt Shale NCa cae ee eae to prod ie ecval atis? oe 2 sm ner ec a Seeats Gee eles Ki uct sper wi hat ee wil ae te are” Kine fp where th is nt 8 Orme * 1 Mat or TaCadees i Romain como Ora Bias oo" 4k aplng med i wi an eny peeing a has WB te hana me a Qicmsee * Bg i Peeters : Fe a urn 20 frrenic hasan tsa(PML) © Sr rh in i ears ahi ‘Eien stp 25. nha is cov wiht any ao! renin ute be 1 Fie bslanton Fey 1 Greapntdeat ase Spal Coningenc Poly 6 Ghvatenrmes 2 Ste adenine aie ~~ a Fn ing ns eyo 250-9 eral aig yy nd na iy pristine Gwent we Sen 8 Be Ss 189g puncte 2, ti et spoue lo fom sag ene Hage iy Rs 1K Gir Geeta A) 53 The Siar ie md Speci Pols Ply cover was a a sant exci Semon “ 35 Comer Pky (Fe) os i's whieh of een pele oy, | eye ‘h go i : yt policyholders? Interests Protection Regulations, (iy Bective from 1% October 2007. (@). Regulations apply to insurers, insurance agents, igerance intermediaries, surveyors and policyholders. ». elated oF critical jliness Gyre shall ot exceed. 100% of prémiuny all’ ther v's “qiders put together shall be subject,to a ceiling of 30% fhe premium of the basi¢ product: (4) Except. marine, ‘proposal form. is: Insurer to famish copy of the prs 205 fo the i within ation Jptained orally or in writing. ane wea i withi ; © ‘Decisions thereof shall be communicated within perioll fot exceeding 15 days from receipt of ‘proposals. {while acting wader regulation 6(1), the insurer shall inform by the letter forwarding the policy that & period i 5 SEE i ‘to review the 'S- ‘col policy ast: where the insured disagress, refund of the premium: paid, subject to deduction of proportionate Fike prémitim for the petiod on cover and the expenses Inourved by the insurer on medical examination of the proposer and stamp: duty charges. |) Tife. Insurance Company, Ghali process clair, within a'period of 15 days of the receipt of the claim. The, suEveree nature; an: extension © from the insurer for submission of his report. Tn_no case shall a surveyor sist won aoe opointment to furnish his reper: 3) If an insurer, finds that survey report, is incomplete. ‘The insures mBY-t make such a request vi within 15 days of receibt o! sury' wrt. AT additional ort ndt is resored ‘to, more thane onee. 1 receipt of. comission shall -withi 1S PS i etn 'e the survey report OF the adti nal (5) On receipt of, ©) voy report, on insurer shall ‘within @ period of 30 f in Bia: e claim to the i " (6 Upon aogeptanes of an offér of settlement as stated in sub-reg i (sb te ns insured, th nT

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