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● SAP, an acronym for Simple-As-Possible Computer, is specifically crafted for academic

purposes and not intended for commercial use. Its architecture is 8 bits, consisting of a 16

X 8 memory, meaning 16 memory locations each containing 8 bits. This configuration

requires 4 address lines, which are supplied either by the Program Counter (PC) during

the computer run phase or by the 4 address switches during the program phase. The

memory can store only 5 instructions, limiting SAP to programs with a maximum of 16


● SAP's functionality is limited to addition and subtraction, with no capability for logical

operations. An adder/subtractor unit performs these arithmetic operations. The SAP-1

comprises a general-purpose register (B register) to hold one operand of the arithmetic

operation, while the accumulator register handles the other.

● The output unit of SAP-1 consists of 8 LEDs connected to the 8-bit output register. All

timed data and activities are orchestrated by the controller/sequencer component of


● The SAP-1 computer is the first stage in this evolution, and it contains the fundamental

components of a working computer. Its primary goal is to provide a fundamental

understanding of how a computer works and interacts with memory and other system

components such as input and output. The SAP-1 instruction set is relatively limited and


● The SAP-1 computer is a bus-organized computer and makes use of Von-Neumann

architecture. It makes use of an 8-bit central bus and has ten main components. A
pictorial representation of its architecture is shown below. Each of the individual

components that make up this computer are described right after.



The SAP (Simple-As-Possible) computer has been designed for beginners. The main purpose of

SAP is to introduce all the crucial ideas behind computer operation without burying you in unnecessary

detail. SAP-1 is the first stage in the evolution toward modern computers. SAP-1 is a big step for


1. Program Counter

a. It counts from 0000 to 1111.

b. It signals the memory address of the next instruction to be fetched and executed.

2. Inputs and MAR (Memory Address Register)

a. During a computer run, the address in the PC is latched into the Memory Address

Register (MAR).

3. The RAM

a. The program code to be executed and data for SAP-1 computer is stored here.

b. During a computer run, the RAM receives 4-bit addresses from MAR and a read

operation is performed. Hence, the instruction or data word stored in RAM is placed on

the W bus for use by some other part of the computer.

c. It is asynchronous RAM, which means that the output data is available as soon as a valid

address and control signal are applied.

4. Instruction Register

a. IR contains the instruction (composed of OPCODE+ADDRESS) to be executed by SAP1


5. Controller-Sequencer

a. It generates the control signals for each block so that actions occur in the desired

sequence. CLK signal is used to synchronize the overall operation of the SAP1 computer.

b. A 12-bit word comes out of the Controller-Sequencer block. This control word

determines how the registers will react to the next positive CLK edge.

6. Accumulator

a. It is a 8-bit buffer register that stores intermediate results during a computer run.

b. It is always one of the operands of ADD, SUB and OUT instructions.

7. Adder/Subtractor
a. It is a 2's complement adder-subtractor.

b. This module is asynchronous (unblocked), which means that its contents can change as

soon as the input words change.

8. B-register

a. It is an 8-bit buffer register which is primarily used to hold the other operand (one

operand is always an accumulator) of mathematical operations

9. Output Register

a. These registers hold the output of OUT instruction.

10. Binary Display

a. It is a row of eight LEDs to show the contents of the output register.

b. Binary display unit is the output device for the SAP-1 microprocessor.


● Advantages

1. Simplicity: SAP-1 architecture is relatively simple, making it easy to understand and


2. Basic Operations: Supports fundamental operations like addition and subtraction.

● Disadvantages

1. Limited Functionality: SAP-1 is limited in terms of instruction set and lacks features

found in more modern architectures.

2. Low Speed: The architecture may not be optimized for high-speed processing due to its



Operation Description

Load Load data from memory to the accumulator

Add Add data from memory to value in the accumulator

Subtract Subtract data from memory from value in the accumulator

Output Load data from accumulator to the output register

Halt Stop processing



It has 8-bit bus. It has 16-bit bus.

PC is 4-bit. PC is 16-bit.

It does not have hexadecimal keyboard encoder. It has hexadecimal keyboard encoder.

It has single input. It has two input ports.

MAR receives 4-bit address from PC. MAR receives 16-bit address from PC.

It does not have ROM. It has 2 KB ROM.

It has 16 Byte memory. It has 62 KB memory.

It does not have MDR. It has MDR.

It has only adder/subtractor. It has ALU.

It does not have flag. It has 2 flags.

It does not have temporary register. It has temporary register.

It has single register (B). It has 2 registers (B and C).

It has single output port. It has 2 output ports.

It has 5 instruction sets. It has 42 instruction sets.

Okonkwo, K. (2020, December 7). Designing and implementing a SAP-1 Computer.

Bhujel, D. R. (n.d.). SAP-1 Architecture.
Describe SAP-1 architecture. (n.d.).
Bhujel, D. R. (n.d.-a). Differences between SAP-1 and SAP-2 Architecture.

Designing and implementing a SAP-1 computer. (n.d.). SAP-1-Computer.

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