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EEE-2109: Signals and Systems

Shekh Md Mahmudul Islam, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Dhaka
Course Outline

Faculty Instructor: Dr. Shekh Md Mahmudul Islam (SMMI)

Tel: 01818402137
Office: 216
Office Hours (Only by Prior Appointments through E-mail): Monday & Wednesday
Join the Google Classroom with your DU E-mail ID using the code:

Recommended Textbooks:

1. Signals and Systems: Theory and Applications—Fawwaz T. Ulaby and Andrew E. Yagle
2. Signals and Systems—Allan V. Oppenheim
Course Objective

This course will cover principles, applications and fundamentals of signal processing

• Signals
• Systems
• Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems
• Fourier Analysis of Signals and Systems
• Application of Fourier Analysis
• Laplace Transform

• Matlab will also be used to provide basic idea of signal processing

Evaluation Process

Tests and Evaluation:

1. Class Attendance: 5%
2. Project Presentation: 5%
3. Mid Term: 20% (after week 6)
4. Term Final: 70%

Total: 100%

Grading: DU standard

Signals & Systems, by Ulaby & Yagle


A system transforms input signals (excitations)

into output signals (responses)
to perform a certain operation.
Examples of Systems
Types of Signals

▪ Continuous vs Discrete

▪Causal: x(t) = 0 for t<0

vs Noncausal: x(t) =/ 0 for t<0

▪ Analog vs Digital
Analog vs Digital


Discrete Signal

Digital Signal
Signal Transformations
Signal Transformations

1-2.2 Time-Scaling Transformation

Signal Transformations
Signal Transformation Procedure

Even/Odd Synthesis
Periodic Signals
Ideal Step Function
Step Function
Realistic Step Function

Time-Shifted Step Function

Ramp Function
Waveform Synthesis

Rectangular Function
( Pulse)
Impulse Function

Relationship to u(t)
For a signal x(t),
Average Power: Total Energy:
Average Power of Periodic Signal

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