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Received 2 October 2023, accepted 17 November 2023, date of publication 20 November 2023,

date of current version 28 November 2023.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3335191

Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the

Buildings-to-Grid Integrated System Framework:
A Systematic Text-Mining-Assisted Literature
Review and Trend Analysis
1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Patras, Rio Campus, 26504 Patras, Greece
2 Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 15780 Zografou, Greece

Corresponding author: A. Bachoumis (

This work was supported in part by the European Union’s (EU) Horizon 2020 Projects under Grant 864537 (FEVER) and
Grant 958478 (ENERMAN).

ABSTRACT Data-driven machine learning-based methods have provided immense capabilities, revolution-
izing sectors like the Buildings-to-grid (B2G) integrated system. Since the penetration rate of distributed
energy resources increases towards a net-zero emissions power system, so does the need for advanced
services that ensure B2G-integrated system reliability. The convergence of advancements in machine
learning, computational resources at the entire cloud-edge continuum, and large datasets from sensing
devices enable the development of these data-driven energy analytics services. This work conducts a
systematic text-mining-based literature review to examine the diverse range and trends of machine learning
methods used to enhance reliability in B2G-integrated systems. While traditional manual sampling and
analysis approaches have limited the effectiveness of previous literature review papers in this field, this
systematic literature review work aims to synthesize and summarize the existing body of research more
efficiently and effectively. To achieve this, this study collected almost 10,500 papers from Scholar and Scopus
databases. It employed text-mining-assisted BERTopic-based topic modelling and statistical trend analysis
techniques to uncover semantic patterns and explore the temporal evolution of research themes. A two-
dimensional taxonomy was derived to analyze the technical papers from a business and machine learning-
related perspective. By quantifying the temporal trends within these topics, the study unveiled insights about
the state-of-the-art analytics that ensure reliability in the B2G-integrated system domain while proposing
future research directions.

INDEX TERMS Building-to-grid, data-driven, machine learning, systematic review, topic modeling, trend

I. INTRODUCTION lower to higher voltage levels) to active (i.e., decentral-

To tackle climate change, directives around the globe boost ized with bidirectional power flows). The advancements
the electrification of sectors and the high penetration of in sensors, meters, and control systems have enabled the
Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). The proliferation of real-time monitoring and control of energy consumption,
DERs at the edge of the distribution grids, such as rooftop generation, and storage in buildings, thus creating the
photovoltaics (PVs), Electric Vehicles (EVs), or battery Buildings-to-grid (B2G) integrated system paradigm [1];
storage systems (BSSs), has transformed the grids from an integrated distribution grid/microgrid with buildings that
passive (i.e., centralized with unidirectional power flow enable bidirectional energy flow and their active participation
in managing energy supply and demand, while actively
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and participating in implicit and explicit Demand Response (DR)
approving it for publication was R. K. Saket . schemes.

2023 The Authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
VOLUME 11, 2023 For more information, see 130763
A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

FIGURE 1. Left: Histogram of the review papers per publication year, Right: Histogram of the review papers per amount of included references.

Grid reliability, i.e., the ability of the grid infrastructure A. PREVIOUS REVIEW PAPERS
to consistently deliver electricity with minimal disruptions Many literature review papers have been published to capture
or outages, is the primary operating principle of grid oper- the research convergence between data-driven and energy-
ators. However, the high-DER penetrated B2G-integrated related analytics services in the high-DER penetrated B2G-
systems experience several operational issues that threaten integrated systems. Each review paper investigates that
the security of the supply of active end-consumers. These convergence from a different perspective, such as data-driven
issues are: violation of thermal limits and line congestions, applications for smart grids, big data analytics in energy,
bus overvoltages, frequent short-circuit faults, deterioration building-level analytics, demand-side management analytics,
of power quality due to harmonic emissions of power analytics for grid operation, electricity market-based services,
electronic interfaces, unbalanced phases, and reverse flows EV charging, and DER scheduling. Regardless of the focus of
that lead to degradation of voltage control and protection the main topic, all of them include aspects of the data-driven
schemes [2]. Flexibility, i.e., the capability of both DERs and ML energy services contributing to the reliability in the B2G-
flexible load assets to deliberately adjust their production and integrated systems, thus being relevant to be considered in
consumption patterns after receiving a response signal from our analysis. In total, 402 review papers were retrieved and
grid operators or any other market-related actor, has been analyzed, with the oldest dated back to 2013. The left plot in
introduced to overcome those issues. Grid operators procure Fig. 1 illustrates the number of papers published each year
flexibility, mainly as a short-term reliability solution, through from 2013 onwards. From the beginning of 2022 until April
bilateral contracts with consumers or liberalized flexibility 2023, an unprecedentedly large number of 182 review papers
markets, with other parties acting as market operators and were published. This is a strong indicator of the impact that
intermediates in the flexibility procurement process. data-driven methods have on B2G-integrated systems and the
To ensure reliability in the B2G-integrated system by attention that the research community has paid. In addition,
realizing flexibility procurement from the edge of the distri- we can consider that each review paper’s references are a
bution grids, the stakeholders in the flexibility procurement good indicator of the actual number of papers used for the
pipeline, i.e., Distribution System Operators (DSOs), local literature review process since, from those review papers,
aggregators, building operators, retailers, and local markets only 2 used text-mining techniques for analyzing the papers
operators, should develop advanced services harvesting data (only for word frequency analysis) [5], [6].
from the sub-metering sensing devices in buildings, as well The right plot in Fig. 1 illustrates the histogram of
as the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) of the grid. the review papers grouped by the number of refer-
In addition, the accelerated progress in Machine Learning ences (mean=142, median=128). Furthermore, besides the
(ML) and especially in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) author’s intuition about trends, no review paper proves the
[3], acts as a catalyst for deploying data-driven energy trend’s existence statistically rigorously (significance or not).
analytics services; model-free approaches that exploit the We notice several limitations in the current review papers.
enormous amount of data and computational resources Firstly, they utilize research-wise limited papers, thus missing
existing in heterogeneous devices at the entire cloud-edge out on valuable research. Secondly, they might be biased as
continuum (see [4] for a related architecture and application) they mainly focus on specific subsets of the literature, leading
without relying on the physical models of the systems thus to a potential lack of diversity. Additionally, conducting a
surpassing limitations that model-driven techniques exhibit thorough go-through-of-all-papers review process is time-
(i.e., modelling complexity, computationally intensive, and consuming, impeding the timely dissemination of knowledge.
problem intractability). As aforementioned, review papers often have limitations

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A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

regarding the temporal trends analysis, as they may not where each analytics service is examined based on the
capture the evolving nature of research topics over time while used ML methods (RQ2.2),
failing to provide a comprehensive overview of the field • Employing Mann-Kendall Test [9] for nonparametric
and propose actionable outcomes. Lastly, the replicability trend analysis to extract statistically significant trends
of review papers’ results can be challenging due to the and provide quantifiable analysis of the state-of-the-art
lack of transparency and a systematic approach in the techniques in the domain (RQ3).
selection and analysis process. These limitations highlight
the need for more innovative and inclusive approaches to C. PAPER OUTLINE
literature reviews, addressing these concerns to ensure the The paper is structured as follows: Section I describes
dissemination of comprehensive and unbiased knowledge the need for a systematic literature review in the B2G-
within academia. integrated system domain, leading to detailed research
questions and work contributions. Section II will thoroughly
present the text-mining-assisted methodology followed for
B. RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND WORK CONTRIBUTION the systematic literature review. Section III will derive
By highlighting the limitations and gaps in the existing a two-dimensional taxonomy for analyzing the technical
literature review papers and aiming to create a roadmap for papers. Section IV will present the results for the business-
future research activities, three (3) Research Questions (RQ) related dimension. Section V will introduce the results
are formulated as the foundations for this literature review regarding the ML-based dimension for the B2G-integrated
paper. Specifically: system analytics services. Finally, section V will summarize
RQ1: How can we conduct a transparent, reliable, faster, the main findings of this work and propose future research
and reproducible literature review? (section II-A & .B) directions based on the conducted analysis.
RQ2: Could we derive a taxonomy of the applications
and services while also considering different dimensions of II. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW APPROACH
analysis? (section II-A.3) This section includes the methodological approach for the
RQ2.1 Which applications and services are used for systematic literature review process and the text-mining
reliability in B2G-integrated distribution grids? (section III) technical tool used for topic modelling.
RQ2.2: Which are the state-of-the-art ML techniques for
data-driven analytics? (section IV) A. METHODOLOGY
RQ3: Are there any temporal trends in the research, and As depicted in Fig. 2, the systematic literature review follows
could we predict the future research direction? (sections III, five distinct steps:
IV, and V)
To thoroughly reply to the above RQ, this paper contributes 1) CORPUS CREATION
by: Two databases were used for corpus creation: Google Scholar
and Scopus. We retrieved abstracts, titles, DOIs, publishers,
• Defining an in-depth quantifiable text-mining-assisted journals’ names, and the year of publication from journals,
methodology for conducting a systematic literature conferences, books, and review papers. Many combinations
review (RQ1), were examined for both databases to understand their search-
• Conducting topic modelling analysis based on BERTopic ing sensitivity to mining the correct papers. Based on this
[7] topic modelling approach. It leverages semantic empirical process and by screening the papers retrieved, the
embeddings to create more meaningful and coherent following combinations in their titles, keywords, or abstracts,
topics to assist in the construction of the proposed depending on the sensitivity of each database, are used: For
taxonomy (RQ1), Google Scholar: We conduct six different search rounds
• Enhancing research reproducibility and transparency to digest the maximum amount of related papers using
in academia by providing the source code, in [8], different combinations of keywords. Specifically: a) (‘behind
for the proposed methodology and the bibliographic the meter’ AND ‘demand side management’ AND ‘machine
database used in the review. Sharing the source code learning’, b) ‘machine learning’ AND ‘distribution grids’,
enables replication and verification of results, fostering c) ‘energy flexibility’ AND ‘machine learning’, d) ‘review’
a culture of transparency and facilitating collaborations. AND ‘data driven’ AND ‘distribution grids’, e) ‘optimal
Providing access to the bibliographic database empow- power flow’ AND ‘machine learning’, f) ‘machine learning
ers researchers to leverage the comprehensive dataset, for distribution electricity grids’. For Scopus: We conduct
saving time and effort in future investigations (RQ1). an integrated search to digest the maximum amount of
• Proposing taxonomy of data-driven energy analytics related papers using the following combination of keywords:
services for reliability in the B2G-integrated system ’({machine learning} OR {deep learning} OR {federated
domain based on two dimensions: (i) the business- learning} OR {data-driven} OR {reinforcement learning}
related, where the analytics are classified based on their OR {end-to-end learning} OR {supervised learning} OR
business objectives (RQ2.1), and (ii) the ML-related, {unsupervised learning} OR {learning-based} OR {neural

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A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

FIGURE 2. The methodology for conducting a systematic literature review and the technical details of the BERTopic topic modelling approach.

networks})’ AND ’({distribution grids} OR {distributed topics, unveiling secret patterns that could not be seen in T0-
energy resources} OR {energy management system} OR topics.
{energy flexibility of buildings} OR {flexible buildings} OR
{energy flexibility} OR {buildings flexibility} OR {flexi-
bility markets} OR {multi-energy systems} OR {integrated
energy system} OR {demand response} OR {demand side
management} OR {demand-side management} OR {local
energy} OR {energy communities} OR {load management}
OR {distribution system} OR {smart buildings} OR {local
energy market} OR {smart meter} OR {power flow})’ AND
NOT ’({water} OR {powertrain})’, where ‘AND’, ‘OR’, and
‘AND NOT’ operators are used similarly to the Boolean logic.
In total, 10,528 papers were retrieved, from which 10,126
were technical papers (6,624 were journal papers) and
402 were review papers (Fig. 3). Two different corpora FIGURE 3. Type and percentage of retrieved papers used in the analysis.
are created from the extracted abstracts: the literature
review papers corpus and the technical papers corpus.
Each corpus is preprocessed to be ready for use by the 3) TAXONOMY CREATION
topic modelling approach (see subsection II-B). Specifically, By digesting the information created in the previous step
stopword removal, word tokenization, and lemmatization (list of R0-, T0-, and T1-topics), human experts derive a
activities take place. taxonomy to provide a systematic framework for categorizing
and organizing the analytics services for reliability in B2G-
integrated systems. It helps researchers create a hierarchical
2) TOPICS EXTRACTION & INTERPRETATION structure that classifies papers based on relevant attributes on
This step conducts topic modelling to extract meaningful, the topics of data-driven energy analytics regarding reliability
semantically coherent latent topics. Both the literature review in B2G-integrated systems. Significant trends and gaps in the
and technical papers corpora are ingested into the text-mining research topics of interest are identified by employing the
topic modelling method (see subsection II-B). Human experts taxonomy.
interpret the results for both corpora, thus giving labels to the We consider two distinct taxonomy dimensions in our
different lists of key latent factors (see appendix for indicative analysis. The first concerns the business objectives and the
examples). For the literature review papers corpus, R0-topics functionalities of B2G-related analytics. For that reason,
are generated, which mainly illustrate the high-level business we employ the two upper levels of the Smart Grid Archi-
areas that the literature review papers deal with. T0-topics tecture Model (SGAM) [10], i.e., business and function
are generated for the technical papers corpus, unveiling topics layers (application and service layers in Fig. 4). SGAM is
regarding research areas and techniques employed. To further a conceptual framework that provides a structured repre-
investigate intrinsic trends for each T0-topic, the technical sentation of the smart grid’s various components, domains,
papers’ abstract corpus can be split into subgroups, each with and interactions. It enables stakeholders to understand and
abstracts with the same dominant T0-topic. At each subgroup, analyze the architecture of a smart grid deployment, including
topic modelling can also be conducted, hereafter called T1- the integration of different functionalities, communication

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protocols, and technology layers. The business layer rep- 5) TREND ANALYSIS
resents the business view on the information, while the We detect the temporal patterns in research trends using
function one describes system use cases, functions and statistical trend analysis for the categories of interest
services, including their relationships from an architectural defined in the two-dimensional taxonomy. Particularly, the
viewpoint. We define three zones (vertical axis in Fig. 4), Mann-Kendall Trend Test is used to determine whether or
i.e., market, enterprise, and operation, and three domains not a trend exists in the timeseries data of the selected latent
(horizontal axis in Fig. 4), i.e., distribution grid, front-of-the- topic. It is a rank nonparametric test, meaning there is no
meter (FTM) DERs, and buildings. The zones and domains underlying assumption about the data normality [9], [13].
categorize the analytics based on the concept of functional In this test, the null (H0 ) and alternative hypotheses (H1 )
separation (in which area of operation the services refer are equal to the non-existence and existence of a trend in
to) and the physically related areas to the electrical grid, the timeseries of the observational data, respectively. The
respectively. equations for computing the Mann-Kendall statistics S and
The second dimension analyzes each energy analytics the standardized test statistic ZMK are given by the following
service from an ML standpoint. We analyze those services equations:
based on the following: (i) type of analytics: ‘‘What n−1 X
happened’’, ‘‘What will happen’’, and ‘‘How to handle
S= sign(Xj − Xi ) (1)
it’’ are respectively the questions answered by descriptive, i=1 j=i+1
predictive, and prescriptive analytics, (ii) ML area and 
algorithms: the area of ML, such as supervised learning,  +1, if
 (Xj − Xi ) > 0
transfer, and reinforcement learning & control, and the type of sign(Xj − Xi ) = 0, if (Xj − Xi ) = 0 (2)
(Xj − Xi ) < 0

ML algorithm used for each analytics services, such as Deep 
−1, if
learning (DL), regression models etc., and (iii) algorithm Var(S) = 1/18[n(n − 1)(2n + 5)
execution place: the place where training and inference q
take place in the cloud-edge continuum, as classified in −
tp (tp − 1)(2tp + 5)] (3)
six and one levels by [11]; Level 0 - cloud intelligence, p
Level 1-cloud–edge co-inference and cloud training, Level 
S −1
2-in-edge co-inference and cloud training, Level 3-on-device 
 √ , if S < 0
 Var(S)

inference and cloud training, Level 4-cloud–edge co-training
ZMK = 0, if S = 0 (4)
and inference, Level 5-all in-edge, and Level 6-all on-device.  S − 1
, if S > 0

Levels 0 to 3 indicate that the training takes place on the √

cloud, while in the rest, the training is also present on Var(S)
the edge. where Xi and Xj are the aggregated number of papers in
two sequential years i and j, n is the length of timeseries;
tp is a number of ties for the pth value, and q are the
tied values. The positive values of ZMK indicate increasing
We employ the method defined in [12] to evaluate the derived
trends, and negative ZMK indicate decreasing trends in a
taxonomy. It defines a three-step approach to assessing
particular timeseries. Given a confidence level α, for |ZMK | >
the quality of the taxonomy based on structure suitability,
Z1−α/2 , the null hypothesis is rejected, and there exists a
applicability, and purpose. Specifically:
significant trend. Z1−α/2 is the critical Z values from the
• Structure suitability consists of three elements: (i) standard normal distribution table. Our analysis uses a 95%
Generality measures a taxonomy’s generality, i.e., how confidence interval where Z1−0.05/2 equals 1.96. We conduct
much the taxonomy is general and specific at the the Mann-Kendall trend test by using the functionalities of
same time, (ii) Appropriateness is measured by the the pyMannKendall python library [14].
taxonomy’s soundness (covers the papers correctly) and
completeness (covers the maximum amount of papers B. TOPIC MODELLING - BERTOPIC
existing in the corpus), and (iii) Orthogonality, i.e., Two approaches were tested for the topic modelling process
no overlapping between any two classes in taxonomy. to find the most suitable one: Latent Dirichlet Allocation
• Applicability is determined by its reliability (consis- (LDA) and Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
tency of results), correctness of results, and ease of use Transformers (BERTopic). The former is a three-level
for the end-users. hierarchical Bayesian model in which each collection item is
• Purpose is determined by the taxonomy’s relevance modelled as a finite mixture over an underlying set of topics.
(whether its classes and categories provide a value for It requires more preprocessing, with the number of topics
the taxonomy’s purpose), novelty (whether it offers to be known beforehand, using bag-of-words disregarding
added value compared to existing taxonomies), and semantics while considering that each document is composed
significance (taxonomy to be more significant than of a mixture of topics [15]. On the other side, the latter utilizes
others existing in the literature). BERT semantic embeddings to extract and cluster topics

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A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

from a corpus of text by automatically finding the number one side, topic coherence metrics measure the score of a
of topics without requiring exhaustive pre-processing and single topic by measuring the degree of semantic similarity
assigning each document to solely one topic [7]. Considering between high-scoring words in the topic, while evaluating
those characteristics and the authors’ experimentally-gained topic modelling interpretability. Cuci measure is based on a
knowledge that the BERTopic-generated latent topics had sliding window and the point-wise mutual information (PMI)
a more coherent representation, BERTopic was selected for of all word pairs of the given top words [21]. The topic
the topic modelling process. The steps followed for the coherence measure takes the set of N top words of a topic
BERTopic modelling are: and sums a confirmation measure over all the word pairs.
Probabilities P are estimated based on word co-occurrence
1) EMBEDDINGS counts in the different topics w. Cuci coherence is calculated
BERT embeddings are generated for each document in by:
the corpus using a pre-trained BERT model. BERT is a N −1 X
transformer-based neural network architecture that captures 2 X
Cuci = PMI (wi , wj ) (6)
contextualized word representations. We utilized the ‘‘all- N (N − 1)
i=1 j=i+1
mpnet-base-v2’’ [16]; a sentence-transformers model that P(wi , wj ) + ϵ
maps sentences and paragraphs onto a 768-dimensional dense PMI (wi , wj ) = log (7)
P(wi )P(wj )
vector space.
where ϵ is added to avoid a logarithm of zero. [22] proposed
2) DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION an asymmetrical confirmation measure between top word
To reduce the dimensionality of the BERT embeddings, pairs (smoothed conditions probability). The summation of
BERTopic applies Uniform Manifold Approximation and CUMass coherence accounts for the ordering among the top
Projection (UMAP) initialized with rescaled Principal words of a topic, as such:
Components Analysis (PCA) embeddings. UMAP reduces N i−1
the high-dimensional embeddings into a lower-dimensional 2 XX P(wi , wj ) + ϵ
CUMass = log (8)
space while preserving the underlying structure and relation- N (N − 1) P(wj )
i=2 j=1
ships [17].
For both metrics, higher values dictate more interpretable and
3) CLUSTERING coherent topics. Conversely, similarity metrics measure the
It is employed in the BERTopic topic model process to group similarity or overlap between different topics. Cosine similar-
similar documents based on their semantic similarity. K- ity is a metric that assesses the similarity between topics by
means algorithm is applied [18], dictating the amount of comparing the angles between their word distribution vectors.
desired clusters by forcing every single point to be in a cluster. A higher cosine similarity value indicates a higher degree of
We prefer K-means to HDBSCAN [19] to avoid outliers. similarity or overlap between the topics [23]. The equation
that calculates the cosine similarity of two topic word vectors
Each topic is represented by a set of key latent fac- wi wTj
tors (keywords), which are the most representative words k(wi , wj ) = (9)
||wi || ||wj ||
within that topic. These keywords are determined based
on the words with the highest c-TF-IDF (class-based Term which is called cosine similarity because Euclidean (L2)
Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) scores within the normalization projects the vectors onto the unit sphere, and
topic. c-TF-IDF is a variant of TF-IDF that considers the class their dot product is then the cosine of the angle between the
information of documents as such: points denoted by the vectors. The optimal sizing of the topics
is a trade-off between the model’s coherence, in-between
W (x, c) = tfx,c · log(1 + Afx ) (5)
topics similarity, and computational resources.
where tfx,c is the frequency of word x in class c, fx is the
frequency of word x across all classes, and A is the average III. BUSINESS-RELATED DIMENSION
number of words per class. Then, we calculate the Maximal To fill up with content the first dimension of the taxonomy,
Marginal Relevance (MMR) between candidate keywords we conduct BERTopic-based topic generation in both the
and the document [20]; it considers the cosine similarity of literature and technical corpora. After several experiments,
keywords with the document and the similarity of already we conclude that 20 R0-topics are adequate to provide
selected keywords. This results in a selection of keywords that coherent topics (CUCI : −10.22, CUMass : −0.942) with low
maximize their diversity concerning the document. in-between topics similarity (Fig. 5). Table 3 in the Appendix
presents the BERtopic-generated 20 R0-topics and their
5) EVALUATION METRICS labels as human experts interpret them. Regarding the T0-
To select the optimal number of latent topics, different topics, we conducted several experiments. Fig. 6 illustrates
evaluation metrics are used for the assessment. On the the coherence metrics results for several experiments. As can

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A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

FIGURE 4. Taxonomy dimension that classifies the analytic application and services from a business-related perspective.

FIGURE 5. Metrics regarding the BERTopic-generated 20 R0-topics. Left:

In-between topics similarity matrix, Right: Distance map of topics based
on cosine similarity projected onto 2-dimensional space.

FIGURE 6. Coherence metrics for several experiments for the

BERTopic-generated T0-topics: CUCI (upper) and CUMass (lower).

be seen, there is no significant reduction in the CUCI metric

after the number of topics surpasses 12 (with a slight increase
after 52). In addition, the CUMass steadily reduces as long the classification of applications and services based on
as the number of topics increases. Considering these metrics the SGAM architecture. Those services are grouped into
and consulting the produced similarity matrices for each six business-level applications: optimal trading, building
experiment, we conclude that a size of T0-topics equal to management, planning and stability analysis, protection, dis-
52 is adequate for our analysis. From those 52 T0-topics, tribution/microgrid operation, and Local Energy Community
we reduce their number from 52 to 40 (results included in (LEC)/Virtual Power Plant (VPP) operation. Each service
Table 4 of Appendix) by excluding those irrelevant in the may belong to more than one application, as the multiple
context and merging those with a similarity index higher colours show in each service. To further decompose the ser-
than 80% (as can be seen in the left plot of Fig. 7). The vices and extract more semantics from the technical corpus,
generated topics are leveraged to disclose the hidden semantic we conduct the T1-topic modelling (the results are excluded
structure of the technical papers. They are inserted into due to size limitations). Fig. 8 and 9 contain the detailed
the different layers of the first dimension based on the taxonomy of the services as well as their decomposition
conceptual interpretation by human experts. Fig. 4 presents and indicative references. The below taxonomy is a result

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A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

[46], [47], short-circuits [52], [53], [54], [55], and

power quality disturbances [56], [57], [58], [59] meth-
ods. Finally, post-fault data-driven protection methods
[48], [49], [50], [51] are also classified under this
• Non-technical losses: Data-driven methods dealing with
electricity losses caused by reasons other than technical
factors. We decompose those methods into remote
meter reading (i.e., vision techniques to reduce errors
in the meter reading process), automatic calibration
to decrease meter errors, and health index estimation
FIGURE 7. Metrics regarding the BERTopic-generated 52 T0-topics. Left:
In-between topics similarity matrix, Right: Distance map of topics based methods [68], [69], [70], [71]. In addition, data-driven
on cosine similarity projected onto 2-dimensional space. methods that detect data abnormalities (i.e., missing
values imputation, outliers detection) [72], [73], [74],
[75], as well as meter-tampering detection methods [76],
that emerged through many iterations between the experts [77], [78], [79].
to derive a high-quality outcome. It contains 14 categories • Restoration: The process of returning power to buildings
with 55 classes (leaves), trying to have an adequate level of after a power outage or disruption in the distribution
generality, soundness, and completeness without at the same grid/microgrid. The data-driven methods across the
time increasing the taxonomy’s complexity at an untractable literature are decomposed into grid reconfiguration [80],
level. Orthogonality was a main priority for the taxonomy’s [81], [82], [83], self-healing plan methods [84], [85],
derivation, meaning that no overlapping exists between any [86], [87], and methods for islanding detection [88],
two classes. Regarding applicability, the taxonomy offers [89], [90], [91].
high reliability and correctness, and it is quite easy to use by • Energy and flexibility trading: Data-driven techniques
end-users due to its high interpretability and explainability. that optimize energy and flexibility trading in the
In addition, the categories and classes were derived to have DER-connected assets and loads. These services are
the maximum coherence, as well as novelty and significance categorized based on the assets and goal of trading
compared to existing taxonomies presented in previous into Peer-to-peer (P2P) (decentralized trading between
works, such as in [3], grasping more aspects while also peers) [92], [93], [94], [95], demand-side (trading
focusing more thoroughly on the analytics services in the considering only BTM assets) [96], [97], [98], [99],
B2G integrated system domain. Specifically, these services and VPP trading (trading including both DERs and
are: flexible loads) [100], [101], [102], [103]. In addition,
• Load visibility: Data-driven methods that provide we also include the baseline estimation methods;
analytics offering better visibility to aggregators and data-driven methods that estimate a baseline level of
DSOs about load. We decompose those methods into: energy consumption for a building/asset/community
(i) Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) of BTM before offering demand-response/flexibility services
electricity-consuming appliances not equipped with sub- [43], [104], [105], [106], thus enabling accurate billing.
metering BTM devices. We further categorize the NILM • Forecasting: Predicting several variables in the B2G-
services into two categories based on the resolution integrated systems domain in different time-frames
of the input data: low-frequency (< 2kHz) [24], [25], serving as an input for most of the other services.
[26], [27] and high-frequency (≥ 2kHz) [28], [29], [30], We decompose the forecasting service into consumption
[31], (ii) Load profiling by clustering the customers (i.e., appliances [107], [108], [109], [110], buildings
into clusters regarding their consumption patterns [32], [111], [112], [113], [114], and net-load [115], [116],
[33], [34], [35], (iii) Load modelling and synthetic data [117], [118]), price [119], [120], [121], [122], and local
generation methods for further analytical studies [36], production either through forecasting variables (i.e.,
[37], [38], [39], (iv) DER generation estimation to unveil irradiance [123], [124], [125], [126] or wind speed
net load consumption in households and distribution [127], [128], [129], [130]) or directly the power (i.e.,
feeders [40], [41], [42], [43]. wind [135], [136], [137], [138] and PV [131], [132],
• Fault prevention, diagnosis and protection: Data-driven [133], [134]).
services that prevent, diagnose, and protect the distri- • Storage and EV analytics: Data-driven methods that
bution grids from faults, exceeding the limitations of assist decision-making processes regarding energy stor-
the model-driven methods [247]. The services regarding age and EV battery charging/discharging. We categorize
fault prevention are divided into predictive maintenance the identified services into EV scheduling [139], [140],
[60], [61], [62], [63] and proactive resilient scheduling [141], [142], Energy storage scheduling [143], [144],
[64], [65], [66], [67] methods. The fault diagnosis [145], [146], and data-driven battery physics modelling
services are decomposed into arc fault [44], [45], [147], [148], [149], [150].
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A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

FIGURE 8. Further decomposition of analytics services (I). Four indicative references are given for each analytics category.

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FIGURE 9. Further decomposition of analytics services (II). Four indicative references are given for each analytics category.

• Grid planning: Data-driven activities that ensure the and Integrity (consistency, accuracy and trustworthiness
efficient and reliable planning of the grid. We decom- of data over its entire lifecycle [171], [172], [173],
pose the literature into three distinct data-driven ser- [174]).
vices: technical losses estimation [151], [152], [153], • Stability analysis: Data-driven methods that assess the
[154], ML-based probabilistic planning [155], [156], ability of the distribution grid to maintain steady-state
[157], [158] and reliability assessment [159], [160], operation under various operating conditions. We split
[161], [162]. the literature into three services: voltage stability under
• Cybersecurity: Data-driven methods that provide a various operating conditions [175], [176], [177], [178],
shield to the IT systems of the digitalized B2G- security and cascading failure assessment under fault
integrated system. We cluster the services based on the conditions [179], [180], [181], [182], and stability under
CIA triad; Confidentiality (prevent sensitive information transient conditions [183], [184], [185], [186].
from unauthorized access attempts) [163], [164], [165], • Building-level event detection: Data-driven methods to
[166], Availability (information consistency and acces- detect and identify significant events or anomalies in
sibility for authorized parties) [167], [168], [169], [170], the energy consumption patterns of individual buildings.

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These methods are classified into occupancy & activity the trend’s rate of change (steepness). A time series can
detection methods [187], [188], [189], [190] and fault have a high Z-score but a relatively moderate slope, if the
diagnosis in appliances [191], [192], [193], [194] to act departure from the null hypothesis is large in magnitude
proactively and fast to failures. but occurs gradually over time. Outliers, trend direction,
• Optimal power flow (OPF): Data-driven methods to and sample variability can explain the discrepancies between
determine the most efficient and cost-effective way Z-score and slope values. Therefore, we extract conclusions
to orchestrate DERs, while satisfying various opera- about the growth of increasing services trend using the slope
tional constraints, such as DER capability, distribution values as an indicator. The most dominant ascending trends
lines thermal limits, voltage limits, and line losses. (↑∗ ) exist in Forecasting (slope = 5.4), Energy management
We decompose these methods into two categories: (i) & control (slope = 4.25), Fault prevention, diagnosis, and
end-to-end learning methods that replace the optimiza- protection (slope = 3), and Storage and EV analytics (slope =
tion methods mapping input data directly to decisions 2.58) services. The least increasing trends are observed, even
[195], [196], [197], [198] and (ii) learning-augmented though they are still significant, in Restoration (slope = 0.57),
methods that act supplementary to the classical opti- OPF (slope = 0.31), and Non-technical losses (slope = 0.2)
mization methods boosting performance (mainly in services.
terms of execution time) [199], [200], [201], [202]. Table 2 presents the average number of citations (showing
• Energy management & control: Data-driven methods the impact of the papers on the community) and the
that directly manage and control DER, grid assets, and mean impact factor of the journals (showing the journal’s
BTM appliances to manage local energy production importance and impact on the community) per analytics
and provide flexibility services to the grid. We divide service category. Forecasting service has the maximum mean
those services into the following categories: demand- citation number (14.43), followed by Energy and flexibility
side management (i.e., heating/cooling loads control trading (12.87) and Load visibility (12.15). Regarding the
[203], [204], [205], [206], demand response [207], mean impact factor, the Energy and flexibility trading
[208], [209], [210]), building-level energy management analytics service contains papers published in journals with
[211], [212], [213], [214], community-level energy the highest impact factor (7.59), with the majority being
management [215], [216], [217], [218], microgrid published in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
control [219], [220], [221], [222], load frequency control
services [223], [224], [225], [226], and voltage control
services [227], [228], [229], [230] through reactive
power management.
• Grid variables estimation: Data-driven methods that
leverage the deployment of AMI to calculate grid
variables/parameters in conditions of partial or no
awareness of grid topology-related information without
using model-based techniques. In the literature, four
distinct services are identified: phase estimation (iden-
tify the phase of grid-connected loads) [231], [232],
FIGURE 10. Amount of technical papers per T0-topic published between
[233], [234], topology and lines parameters estimation 2010 and 2023. All the articles published before 2010 are aggregated to
(estimate grid parameters when missing) [235], [236], that year. For 2023, we included articles published up to the first quarter.
[237], [238], state estimation of the partial observable
grid (estimation of branch currents and bus voltages)
[239], [240], [241], [242], and calculation of voltages IV. ML-RELATED DIMENSION
(where no information about grid topology exists) [243], The second taxonomy dimension analyzes each analytics
[244], [245], [246]. service from an ML standpoint. Table 3 presents the results
of that analysis. A list of categories regarding the ML area
We conducted the Mann-Kendall statistical test to examine and algorithms has been defined to facilitate the investigation
the trend for each analytics service. As shown in the second of trends in each service. Regarding the quality of the
column of Table 1, each service is related to one or more derived taxonomy, the main priority was to achieve a high
T0-topics. Fig. 10 illustrates the distribution over time of the level of generality, appropriateness, and applicability. On the
technical papers per T0-topic. In the analysis, we considered other side, the ML categories defined were not mutually
only the papers published up to 2022 (the last fully considered exclusive, i.e., some algorithms can fall into multiple
year), with a start date of 2000. The results show that all categories depending on their usage or variations, meaning
the services have a statistically significant increasing trend that overlapping among the classes existed, thus a low degree
in the literature (p-values ≤ 0.05 for a 95% confidence of orthogonality. The main novelty was observed in the
interval). The Z-score captures the overall magnitude of the presentation of the algorithm’s execution level since it is the
departure from the null hypothesis, while the slope represents first time, to the authors’ knowledge, that a taxonomy

VOLUME 11, 2023 130773

TABLE 1. Mann-Kendall statistical test results for trend analysis of the identified services. Related topics ID refers to the T0-topics that are semantically linked to the respective service, Trend denotes the
trend (increasing, decreasing or no trend), p is the p-value of the significance test, Z is normalized test statistics, Tau is the Kendall Tau, s is Mann Kendal’s score, vars is Variance S, slope is the Theil-Sen
estimator/slope, and intercept is the intercept of Kendall-Theil Robust Line.

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A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

of analytics services in the energy domain includes that possible. The algorithm actively seeks input from the
information. user to improve the learning process and reduce the
The ML areas and algorithms upon which the analysis is annotation effort required by selecting the most relevant
conducted are: data points to label. AL is mostly used in Building-level
event detection services; however, the trend’s rate of
• Supervised Learning (SL): The algorithm is trained change is equal to 0.
using labelled data, where input samples are paired with • Transfer Learning (TL): It involves utilizing knowledge
their corresponding target labels. The model learns to learned from one domain or task and applying it to
make predictions or classify new unseen data based on another related domain or task. The pre-trained model’s
the patterns and relationships learned during training. knowledge is transferred or fine-tuned to the new
SL has the highest increasing utilization trend in Fault task, saving computation resources and training time,
prevention, diagnosis, and protection service (slope = especially when the new task has limited labelled data.
2.25), followed by Load visibility and Energy man- TL has a statistically significant uptrend in the B2G-
agement & control services (slope = 1.67). Regarding integrated system analytics service ecosystem with zero
the used algorithms, Feedforward Neural Networks are slopes in Load visibility, Forecasting, and Building-level
the most employed ones, and Support Vector Machine event detection.
(SVM) demonstrates the highest increasing rate of • Explainable Learning (EX): It refers to developing
change (slope = 2) among the methods. AI algorithms and systems prioritizing explainability,
• Unsupervised Learning (UL): The algorithms work with interpretability, and transparency principles. It aims to
unlabeled data, aiming to discover underlying patterns, build reliable and accountable AI systems that can be
structures, or relationships within the data. It involves trusted by users and stakeholders, taking into account
techniques such as clustering, dimensionality reduction, ethical considerations and societal impact. EX has been
and anomaly detection to extract meaningful insights used in the last years mainly in Forecasting analytics
and discover hidden patterns without explicit target services (↑∗ , slope = 0).
labels. Forecasting (slope = 0.83) and Load visibility • Deep Learning methods (DL): Algorithms that are
(slope = 0.7) services showcase the most remarkable based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), such
ascending trend in the literature. as Multilayer perceptrons or Feedforward Neural Net-
• Semi-supervised Learning (SSL): A combination of the works (↑∗ , slope = 0.87), Recurrent Neural Networks
SL and UL, where the algorithm is trained on a mixture (RNN) (↑∗ , slope = 0.5), including Long Short-Term
of labelled and unlabeled data. It leverages the limited Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs),
labelled and unlabeled data to improve learning accuracy Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) (↑∗ , slope =
and generalization in cases where labelled data is scarce 0), Autoencoders (↑∗ , slope = 0.2), Graph neural
or expensive. SSL is not widely used in B2G-integrated networks (↑∗ , slope = 0), attention-based transformers
system analytics services, with a slightly increasing (↑∗ , slope = 0.45), and deep RL algorithms (e.g.,
trend detected only in Load visibility service (slope deep deterministic policy gradient) (↑∗ , slope = 0).
0.05). Regarding the utilization of DL in services, Forecasting
• Reinforcement Learning (RL): Training agents make has the highest increasing trend (slope = 3.5), Fault
sequential decisions in an environment to maximize prevention, diagnosis and protection (slope = 2.22), and
cumulative rewards, where the agent learns through trial Energy Management & control (slope = 1.7).
and error by interacting with the environment and receiv- • Signal Processing (SP): Methods commonly used in the
ing feedback through rewards or penalties. The most ML pipeline preprocessing stage. It involves manipulat-
used algorithms are Deep Q-learning, deep deterministic ing, analyzing, and extracting useful information from
policy gradient, actor-critic, proximal policy optimiza- signals or data. Techniques like wavelet transformation,
tion, policy gradient, and Monte Carlo tree search. All filtering, and feature extraction are applied to enhance
employed RL categories, i.e., value-based, policy-based, the quality and relevance of data for subsequent learning
and actor-critic-based, have a statistically significant algorithms. SP methods utilization has the greatest
increasing trend, regardless of the service category, with ascending trend in Fault prevention, diagnosis and
value-based RL being used more frequently and demon- protection (slope = 0.687), Forecasting (slope = 0.29),
strating the greatest ascending trend (slope=0.67), fol- and Load visibility (slope = 0.21) analytics services.
lowed by actor-critic-based RL (slope= 0.5). Regarding • Tree-based methods (TR): Tree-based methods involve
the utilization of RL in analytics services, the greatest decision trees and ensemble methods such as random
ascending trend is observed in Energy and Management forests and gradient boosting. These methods use
& Control (slope=1.33), Storage and EV (slope = 0.5), a hierarchical structure of decision rules to make
and Energy and flexibility trading services (slope = 0.5). predictions or classifications. TR methods are employed
• Active learning (AL): It attempts to maximize a model’s mainly in Forecasting (↑∗ , slope= 0.17) and Fault
performance gain while annotating the fewest samples prevention, diagnosis and protection services (↑∗ ,

VOLUME 11, 2023 130775

A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

TABLE 2. Average number of citations and impact factor for journal publications per analytics service.

slope = 0.1). Random forest exhibits the highest employed algorithm and SVM showing a high rate of change.
ascending trend (slope = 0.44), regardless of the UL exhibited ascending trends in forecasting, Load visibility,
analytics service category. and load profiling services, while SSL had a slight upward
• Clustering methods (CL): Techniques like k-means, trend in Load visibility. At the same time, value-based and
hierarchical, and density-based clustering identify actor-critic-based RL categories demonstrated the greatest
clusters or subgroups within datasets without prior ascending trends across various service domains, with the
knowledge of the class labels. Their utilization is mainly Energy and management service leading the way. AL is
observed in the Forecasting service, demonstrating an predominantly used in Building-level event detection ser-
ascending trend with a slightly increased rate of change vices, while TL exhibits an upward trend in B2G-integrated
(slope = 0.06). system analytics services. DL methods encompassing various
• Ensemble learning methods (EN): It combines multiple neural network architectures showcased increasing trends in
individual models to make predictions or classifica- Forecasting, Fault prevention, diagnosis and protection, and
tions, often resulting in improved performance and Energy management & control services. SP methods are
generalization (↑∗ , slope = 0.25). Techniques such leveraged in the preprocessing stage of the ML pipeline and
as bagging (e.g., Random Forest), boosting (e.g., exhibit ascending trends in Fault prevention, diagnosis, and
AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting), and stacking are used protection, as well as Forecasting and Load visibility services.
to aggregate the predictions of multiple models and Tree-based methods are employed mainly in Forecasting and
leverage their collective knowledge. Fault prevention, diagnosis, and protection services, with the
• Bayesian-based methods (BY): Methods using Bayesian random forest exhibiting the highest increasing utilization
principles to make inferences and predictions, such trend. Finally, FL, which focuses on decentralized training
as Bayesian networks and Gaussian processes. These and data privacy preservation, demonstrated upward trends
methods are mainly applied in Forecasting (slope = in Cybersecurity and Forecasting analytics services.
0.29) and Load visibility services.
• Federated Learning (FL): The area of ML where decen- V. FUTURE DIRECTION AND CONCLUSION
tralized training is conducted; a global shared model is In our two-dimensional taxonomy proposal of the data-driven
trained using decentralized data sources on edge nodes services for reliability in the B2G system, a broad spectrum
while preserving data privacy. The most commonly used of research areas, methodologies, and practical applications
method is Federated Averaging (FedAvg) [248]. Using used all over the industry are presented. This method-
FL in services is an important indicator defining the ologically rigorous taxonomy has significant implications
algorithm execution level, where training is executed in for real-world scenarios in research and industry. From
edge devices. FL has a statistically significant upward a research standpoint, the comprehensive framework can
trend, especially in Cybersecurity (slope = 0.4) and guide researchers toward novel areas of study while also
Forecasting (slope = 0.2) analytics services. highlighting gaps that the community can delve into. The
text-mining-based approach can provide a methodological
Summing up, the analysis revealed increasing trends in SL framework for researchers to investigate other areas of
utilization for fault prevention, diagnosis, and protection interest by harvesting emerging topics in the literature.
services, with feedforward neural networks being the most Moreover, other researchers can utilize the taxonomy to

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A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

TABLE 3. ML dimension results. {N [↑∗ /→, slope]} denotes the number of papers, a statistically significant increasing trend (p-value ≤0.05)/no-trend
present, and the slope value in case of trend existence, respectively.

VOLUME 11, 2023 130777

A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

TABLE 3. (Continued.) ML dimension results. {N [↑∗ /→, slope]} denotes the number of papers, a statistically significant increasing trend (p-value
≤0.05)/no-trend present, and the slope value in case of trend existence, respectively.

organize and categorize their findings, fostering a more edge about the new era of data-driven services, thus
coherent and systematic research environment. From an upgrading the capabilities of existing applications when the
industry standpoint, involved stakeholders can gain knowl- functionalities of model-driven techniques are inadequate

130778 VOLUME 11, 2023

A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

TABLE 4. Top-20 R0-topics (key latent factors) as generated by BERTopic and their interpretation (labels) by experts.

TABLE 5. Top-40 T0-topics (key latent factors) as generated by BERTopic and their interpretation (labels) by experts.

to provide high-quality insight into the decision-making companies to be at the forefront of innovation, capitalizing
processes and strategic planning. The application areas and on the latest insights and methodologies in the B2G domain.
underlying services defined in the upper levels of the first Hence, these data-driven services and enabled applications
taxonomy dimension can be a roadmap for the energy sector could be integrated into the Distributed Energy Resources

VOLUME 11, 2023 130779

A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

Management System (DERMS), VPP management system, tions by learning patterns and relationships directly from data.
Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS), and This enables faster computations and improved scalability,
Building Management System (BMS) based on their scope particularly for high-dimensional problems. However, most
and functionalities. developed methods and applications concern the execution
Regarding the first taxonomy dimension, the most dom- of training and inference on cloud-based resources without
inant ascending trends (↑∗ ) exist in Forecasting (slope = exploring any edge device implementation. Developing
5.4), Energy management & control (slope = 4.25), Fault services for real-time applications running at the edge
prevention, diagnosis, and protection (slope = 3), and Storage while satisfying low-latency requirements and operational
and EV analytics (slope = 2.58) services. The least increasing standards without performance deterioration is still not a hot
trends are observed, even though they are still significant, research topic in B2G analytics services. Real-time ML could
in Restoration (slope = 0.57), OPF (slope = 0.31), and be used in fault diagnosis and restoration services, signif-
Non-technical losses (slope = 0.2) services. From an ML icantly decreasing the application latency while increasing
perspective, DL methods have an immense ascending trend the reliability index. On top of that, there is not much work
in the literature (↑∗ , slope = 14.42), as well as SL compared investigating the deployment of ML models on resource-
to the other learning approaches concerning the existence of constrained devices, except for those concerning the control
labelled data. and fault detection of IoT-enabled appliances [254], [255].
By crystallizing the services’ analysis knowledge, most Future research could emphasize developing data-driven
applications include standalone services for each energy applications for grid operation, protection and maintenance,
domain, i.e., electricity, gas, and heating networks. A limited prioritizing energy efficiency, low latency, and reduced
number of works develop data-driven multi-energy-related data transfer to the cloud. Moreover, due to the latency-
services and applications [249], [250]. Therefore, to realize constrained, real-time applications and emerging learning
a Power-to-X integrated electricity system, it is necessary frameworks, such as FL, the migration of computational
to develop ML-based applications that optimally manage resources from the cloud to the devices near the network
it in different time horizons while strengthening grid edge will increase the need for AI-accelerated computa-
reliability. tional resources, e.g., neuromorphic Field Programmable
One of the main issues in developing ML applications is Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Application-specific integrated
the lack of data for optimal hyperparameter configuration and circuit (ASICs). Dedicated research must be conducted to
training. To deal with that, several methods, such as SSL, configure these resources based on the specific application
AL, and TL, have been employed, each of them using a requirements optimally.
different approach. TL has been used most widely compared
to the other two, while SSL has demonstrated the most APPENDIX
remarkable ascending trend lately. We strongly believe that BERTOPIC-BASED GENERATED TOPICS
the research community has to turn its attention to developing See Tables 4 and 5.
more ML-based applications considering the data scarcity
issue because, in real-life applications, there are limitations REFERENCES
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130786 VOLUME 11, 2023

A. Bachoumis et al.: Data-Driven Analytics for Reliability in the B2G Integrated System Framework

A. BACHOUMIS received the Diploma degree M. BIRBAS received the Diploma and Ph.D.
from the School of Electrical and Computer degrees in electrical and computer engineering
Engineering, University of Patras, Greece, in 2015, from the University of Patras, Greece, in 1985 and
and the M.Sc. degree in industrial engineering and 1991, respectively. From 1992 to 1999, he was
management from the University of Groningen, the Research and Development Manager and
The Netherlands, in 2018. He is currently pursuing the Co-Founder of Synergy Systems, a high-
the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering with tech start-up microelectronics-related company.
the University of Patras in the research area From 1999 to 2002, he was a Research and
of data-driven applications for active distribu- Development Manager with GIGA Hellas S.A-
tion grids, transactive energy systems, and edge an Intel Company, where he was involved with
intelligence. Previously, he was an Energy Research Associate with the design of 10–40-Gbit/s Ser/Des components and system solution
the Greek Independent Power Transmission System Operator (IPTO) demonstrators for optical transport networks. From 2002 to 2006, he was
and an ICT company, Ubitech Energy, Brussels, participating in energy with the Applied Electronics Laboratory Team, University of Patras, working
digitalization-related research and commercial projects. in high-speed mixed integrated circuits for communication applications and
in VLSI implementations of FEC algorithms. From 2006 to 2014, he was the
Research and Development Manager and the Co-Founder of Analogies S.A.,
a high-tech start-up company focusing on the design of high-performance,
multi gigabit, mixed signal/RF, and digital DSP silicon IP. He is currently
C. MYLONAS was born in Athens, Greece. an Associate Professor with the University of Patras, where he has been
He received the Diploma degree in electrical with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, since 2014,
and computer engineering from the University of with his research activities focusing in smart grid applications, AI algorithms
Patras, Greece, in 2016, and the M.Sc. degree in and accelerators, digital twins, and advanced embedded designs. He is
energy science and technology from the Swiss the author/coauthor of several publications in international journals and
Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzer- conferences (more than 100) and the co-inventor of a number of patents (five
land, in 2020. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. of them registered at USPTO).
degree in electrical engineering with the National
Technical University of Athens in the areas of
multi-agent systems, deep reinforcement learning,
and distributed AI applied to smart grids. In parallel, since 2020, he has been
a Research and Development Software Engineer with UBITECH. During the A. BIRBAS received the M.S.E.E. and Ph.D.
M.Sc. degree, he was with the ABB Corporate Research Center, Switzerland. degrees from the University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN, USA, in 1986 and 1988, respec-
tively. He has also held faculty positions with the
Assistant Professor level with the University of
Minnesota and INPG, Grenoble, France. He has
also co-founded two microelectronics-related
spinoff companies and has supervised 20 Ph.D.
K. PLAKAS received the B.Sc. degree in electrical theses. He is currently a Professor in electronics
and computer engineering from the National with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Engineering, University of Patras, and the Director of the Applied
Greece, and the M.Sc. degree in wind energy Electronics Laboratory, Patras Greece. He has also served as a Consultant to
from Danish Technical University (DTU), Kon- the industry and has held industrial managerial positions. He has published
gens Lyngby, Denmark, in 2019. He is currently over 150 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings. His
pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the field of bidding research interests include device electronics, optoelectronics, noise and
strategies in the real-time electricity markets with fluctuation problems in electronics, RF and mixed-signal high-speed circuit
the University of Patras, Patras, Greece. He is design and implementation of sensor read-out circuits, smart grid electronics
also a Research Engineer with the Department of and transactive energy systems, smart metering, the 5G enabled IoT and
Research Technology and Development (DRTD), Greek TSO (IPTO). His industry 4.0 real-time applications, edge computing accelerators, and cyber-
research interests include energy forecasting, the optimization of bidding physical systems.
strategies, and electricity markets.

VOLUME 11, 2023 130787

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