12-Reproduction in Vertebrates - Quiz - Life Sciences 12e Zoom 1 004 Mmoa

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Unanswered Question 1 0 / 2 pts

1.1. Multiple choice -A list of possible

answers is given, choose the most
correct option.

1.1.1 In the list of animals below,

chicken is the odd one.
Man, dog, chicken and cow

The reason why it is the odd

one: (2)

A. Internally fertilized

Correct Answer B. It is an oviparous animal

C. It is a viviparous animal

D. Externally fertilized

Unanswered Question 2 0 / 2 pts

1.1.2 Animals that exhibit external (2)
fertilization produce a large
of gametes. Choose the
appropriate reason for this from
the following possibilities

A. The animals are small and want to produce more


B. Food is abundantly available in the water.

Correct Answer C. To ensure a better chance of fertilization.

D. Water promotes the production of a large number of


Unanswered Question 3 0 / 2 pts

The cell that forms after

fertilization and gives rise to ʼn
1.1.3 (2)
new individual, is called the
A. Embryo

B. Ovum

C. Foetus

Correct Answer D. Zygote

Unanswered Question 4 0 / 2 pts

Viviparous animals are

1.1.4 (2)
organisms that ...

A. Produce eggs

Correct Answer B. Giving birth to living organisms

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

Unanswered Question 5 0 / 2 pts

1.1.5 Which of the following (2)

characteristics indicates precocial

A. Cannot move around just after birth.

B. Completely dependent on their parents.

Correct Answer
C. Bodies covered with down feathers or fur when

D. Eyes are still closed after birth.

Study the representation of an

2.1 amniotic egg in the image and
answer the questions that follow:


Unanswered Question 6 0 / 2 pts

What is meant by an extra-

2.1.1 (2)
embryonic membrane?

A. It is a membrane found inside the embryo.

B. It is an extra membrane that protects the embryo.

Correct Answer C. It is a membrane found outside the embryo.

D. It is a membrane from which the embryo developed.

Unanswered Question 7 0 / 12 pts

In the drop-down lists, select

the correct structure for the
2.1.2. parts numbered 1-7 and select (12)
the correct function of the

Number Structure Function

1 [ Select ] [ Select ]
2 [ Select ] [ Select ]

3 [ Select ] [ Select ]

4 [ Select ] [ Select ]

5 [ Select ] [ Select ]

6 [ Select ] [ Select ]

Answer 1:

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Correct Answer Amnion

Answer 2:

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Correct Answer Filled with amniotic fluid that protects the embryo from
shock, injury, temperature fluctuation and dehydration.

Answer 3:

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Correct Answer Allantois

Answer 4:

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Correct Answer Membranous bag that collects waste products and aids
in gas exchange.

Answer 5:

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Correct Answer Albumin layer

Answer 6:

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Correct Answer Serves as a reserve food (protein and water) for the
developing embryo.

Answer 7:

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Correct Answer Yolk

Answer 8:

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Correct Answer Energy-rich foods that nourish the developing embryo.

Answer 9:

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Correct Answer Chorion

Answer 10:

(You left this blank)

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Correct Answer Allow gas exchange and form placenta in mammals.

Answer 11:

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Correct Answer Allantois

Answer 12:

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Correct Answer Protection against physical damage and dehydration

and aids gas exchange trough pores.

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