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1. I think it means that we describe the people around us with what we see and know about them.

assume things about each other without really knowing if they are true. We tell stories about other
people even if we only know some parts of these stories. That’s why we are unreliable narrators of each
other stories.

2. That we never really know someone completely. Especially if they don’t share their emotions/ feelings
and if they don’t show you the real them. I think he means that if the person hasn’t described her story
to you, you can’t assume you know them because you don’t.

3. I think he picked these two because they have the same silhouette and from afar you wouldn’t be able
to difference them. But their personality is very different. One is calm, kind and friendly. The other is
strong and agressive. I think it represents the two sides of his personality perfectly.

4. That you can be anything you want to be. It just depends on the story you tell people. But that also
means your perception of someone can change very fast when they tell you their story. It’s the same
with objects. Sometimes you can think a person is basic, that she’s like everyone else. But then you learn
the story behind that person or her identity and your opinion about them change. You don’t see her as
the same person after learning more about them.

5. That we never know someone entirely. Even if you think so, there will always be some parts that the
person won’t show you or that he doesn’t even know about himself. Most of the time, we don’t show
ourselves completely to someone. Identity is something very hard to find and to identify. In my opinion,
we never completely know our whole identity.

6. I picked the word traveller. I selected this word because it represents how I feel inside and who I want
to become. If you’d ask my mom to describe me with one word, she probably wouldn’t have picked this
one first. She knows I like travelling but maybe not at this point. I want to explore and see the world. I
want to experience new things in other countries and I’m scared I’m never going to be able to settle
down. But she don’t know it because I don’t really share these feelings with anyone. And no I don’t feel
differently after having watched this movie. I think it just confirmed my answer.

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