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In many places, women face lots of problems because the world is set

up in a way where men often have more power than women. This kind
of world is called a "patriarchal society. In these places, women have a
lot of problems that make it hard for them to grow and succeed. In
many places, girls and women might not get the same chances for
education as boys. This makes it hard for them to follow their dreams
and do all the things they want to do. the society is designed in a way
where people often think that women are fit to do household chores
whereas boys are meant to gain education and pursue their dreams. At
work, women might not be treated the same as men. They might get
paid less, and it could be tough for them to get promotions. This is
because people sometimes think men are better leaders. Womens
sometimes are not even accepted for jobs just because the society
views them as weak humans and not capable enough to do the work.
This issue can be often faced by many womens in the present scenario.
Women might feel scared in public or even at home because of how
some people treat them. This can include things like harassment or
violence. they are not free to dress the way they want because of the
fear of looks from the society and how they would treat them. Going
out in public places without experiencing any harassment or violence is
a rare case for women in present days. In fields like science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM), women often face stereotypes
that discourage them from pursuing careers in these areas. Society
views these careers only for men and not women. Even some women
who are interested to pursue their dreams related to such careers are
often demotivated because of the views and opinions received from
the society. One of the issues of Societal pressures related to
appearance and beauty standards can affect women's self-esteem and
mental well-being. Women are often expected to dress a certain way
and to look decent in front of others , this is also one of the most
common issues faced by women in these days. Women are not free to
dress how they want or look how they want as they get pressured by
the society. The issue of "pink colorization" refers to the cultural
phenomenon where certain colors, particularly pink, are associated
with specific gender norms, often reinforcing traditional stereotypes.
This practice has been particularly noticeable in how society assigns
colors to boys and girls, with pink traditionally associated with
femininity. The societal expectation and pressure on women to learn
basic skills, such as cooking, can be considered a significant issue. While
acquiring practical life skills is valuable for everyone, the specific
emphasis placed on women can be challenging for them. This is
because women fail to achieve their dreams by being pressured to
learn basic skills , they feel demotivated , unhappy and disheartened. In
certain societies, girls are forced into marriage at a very young age,
denying them the chance to complete their education and make
choices about their lives. This issue is not much experienced these days
but it has a great impact as women are restricted to live their life and
make decisions about themselves. Women working long hours can lead
to various challenges, including heightened stress levels and burnout,
impacting both physical and mental well-being. The pressure to balance
work and family responsibilities may contribute to strained personal
relationships. Persistent long hours might also hinder career
progression, creating barriers to professional development and
advancement. Women often have fewer opportunities in sports, with
limited access to training facilities, competitions, and resources
compared to men. Society usually are against women who have dreams
to pursue their career in the fields of sports this is because the society
views women to be physically weak and not fit for such physical
activities which is why they have to face a lot of negligence from others.
Even after all these issues , women who have achieved something in
their life is often discounted by the society because of male dominance.
This is also one of the issues that women has to face in their life. To
sum it up, some of these issues can be still seen to be faced by women
in the present world so we need to fix the problems that women face in
a patriarchal society. This means giving them equal chances in school
and at work, making sure they are healthy, and letting them make
choices about their lives. Everyone, no matter if they are a man or a
woman, should be treated fairly and with respect. By doing this, we can
build a society where every woman has the chance to reach her full
potential and contribute to making the world a better place for

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