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The new arrivals

Lilian Courtel, Louis Linares


• Diffi culti es new arrivals meet and who they can ask for

• Informati on about éducati on.

• Informati on about charitable associati on.

• The possible job off ers or language course.

Difficulties new arrivals
meet and who they can ask
for help

Immigrants face several problems to come

to the United States, first of all the USA
has limited visas to 20,000 per country,
they have also installed many video
cameras, detectors and the American
administration has set up agents borders
to monitor unequal immigration.
Difficulties new arrivals meet and who they can
ask for help

Immigrants are also victims of racism because of their country of

origin which is not easy for them, for example Donald Trump
wants to eliminate the DACA program which aims to grant
residence and work permits to more than 750,000 migrants in the
united states.
Difficulties new arrivals
meet and who they can ask
for help

Immigrants can, however, ask for advice or

assistance such as applying for asylum or
simply the National Immigrant Justice Center
if these people are afraid of returning to
their country of origin, but for immigrants
wishing to live in the United States it there is
the Immigrant Legal Resource Center which
allows you to obtain a red card to help
people assert their rights and defend
themselves against constitutional violations.
Information about

Access to education for migrants is

essential because it can allow them to
better integrate into the country and have
the same culture or just speak the
language of the country. This will allow
them to get a job and therefore be able to
stay in the United States more easily.
Information about charitable

In the United States there are many associations

to help immigrants such as the California Human
Development Society (CHD) which aims to develop
employment and training programs, care and legal
assistance for migrants and even knights of
colombus (KOFC) mainly aimed at helping
i m m i g r a n t C a t h o l i c f a m i l i e s b y o ff e r i n g t h e m
academic and spiritual education, financial aid
a n d c a r e a r e a l s o o ff e r e d . T h e s e d i ff e r e n t
associations therefore allow migrants to come to
the United States with a chance of being well
The possible job offers
or language course.

Immigrants make up about 17% of the

U.S. workforce and are employed in all
industries, in all types of occupations.
Although some industries employ a
higher proportion of immigrants, such
as administrative services,
construction, hospitality, agriculture
and cooking.
The possible job offers or language course.

Immigrants tend to work in jobs such as beauticians, agricultural

product sorters, plasterers, sewing machine operators and
domestic helpers. The trades don't require a degree because
most newcomers don't have one
The possible job offers or language course.

Many English courses are available to help migrants learn or improve

their English, which can be useful for finding a job. The Education USA
site, for example, offers students or migrants the opportunity to study
English in the United States.

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