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BANISH BOREDOM: Every day in every way you become more and more excited about life.
You now stop observing and start eagerly participating in life. You now seek out challenges that
are worthy of you. You look into your heart for meaning. You greatly reduce the time you spend
watching T.V. You begin to do the things that you really like to do. You are always true to your
self. You now change your life in positive, life affirming ways. You establish goals that you
strive to accomplish. “New challenges” are your key words for conditioned response.

REINVENT YOURSELF: You now reinvent yourself. You decide what you really want in life.
You male joyous choices that bring you peace. You become committed to you values and goals.
You organize your time and energy to support your goals. You are connected to the important
people in your. You enjoy communications. You seek intimacy and sustain friendship. You
accept other as they are. You know yourself and love yourself. You are adaptive to change, you
flow with change. You make decisions with enthusiasm. You joy fully pursue your best options.

A ZEN ATTITUDE: You master external forces through adaptation. You adapt and keep pace
with the movements of change. You mind is like calm water. You are strong and patient. You
always consider your options and act in your best behalf. You are secure in knowing who are.
You rise above expectations and attachments. You flow with life the watercourse way. You
develop a detach mind, detaching from negativity. You enter into what you do with nothing held
back. You are entirely at one with any circumstances. “I am Zen” are your key words for
conditioned response.

CONFIDENCE AND POSITIVE THINKING: You are self - reliant, self confident, filled
with independence and determination. You have great inner courage. You project a very positive
self image. You can do whatever you set your mind to. You are sure of yourself. You see
positive opportunities in every thing you experience. Your positive thinking creates a positive
life. You are confident you can do whatever you want to do. You are optimistic and enthusiastic.
You look forward to challenge and know you’re a winner.

RELAX AND ELIMINATE STRESS: You are relaxed and at ease. You accept other people as
they are, without expectations. You peacefully accept the things you cannot change, and change
the thing you can. You are at peace with yourself the world and everyone in it. You experience
life peacefully, tranquilly. You are at peace, physically relaxed and emotionally at ease and
harmony. You now choose to experience your life as a tranquil oneness. Ultimate relaxation is
yours, relax.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
WEALTH AND SUCCESS: You project power and confidence at all times. You know exactly
what you want and you get it. You are enthusiastic and willing to act. You think of yourself as a
powerful winner. You are persistent, ambitious and determined. You make money; you make
large amounts of money. You create great wealth. You abundance. What you can imagine, you
can create.

WEIGHT LOSS: You now lose weight. You stick to your decision and your diet. The real you
is thin and healthy. You eat only healthy food and you eat only at meal times. The regulating
power of your brain now assists you in fulfilling your weight lose goals. You have the power and
ability to attain the perfect weight and body. You control your weight; every day you become
thinner. You eat healthy food and smaller portions at meals. You stick to your diet. You live a
healthy lifestyle.

STOP SMOKING: You now stop smoking. You now lose all desire to smoke. Cigarettes
disgust you. You are a nonsmoker. By quitting you feel better mentally and physically.
Cigarettes leave a bad taste in your mouth, they disgust you. You have the willpower to do
anything you decide. You do what you say you’ll do. You finish what you start. You fulfill your
commitments to others. You are strong-willed and you get the job done. You say yourself, “Do it
now. Do it now. Do it now”.

FIND LOVE AND PROJECT CHARISMA: You project an inner warmth and friendliness.
You project self-confidence to every one you meet. You are open and approachable. You are
sensitive and allow others to know it. You draw people to you. You now create the space in your
life for the perfect love relationship. You are now ready to meet the perfect lover. You are ready
to give and receive unconditional love. You now focus the power of your subconscious mind
upon drawing the perfect lover into your life.

HEALTH AND HEALING: Every day you become healthier and healthier. Radiant good
health in now your reality. Your immune system functions at optimum efficiency, your ever
strengthening immune system keeps you healthy. You have the power and energy to accelerate
you healing. You mind is all powerful and you use it to heal yourself. You consciously and
subconsciously choose perfect health. You are healing, you are healed. You focus the unlimited
power of your mind on healing your body.

ACCELERATED LEARNING: You focus your energy and concentration to accelerate

learning. You have the power and ability to learn fast, fast, fast. You now develop a
photographic memory and remember what you learn. You instantly comprehend complicated
data. High-speed learning is now your reality. You have the power and ability to focus your
concentration at will. Total concentration is yours when you want it. You remain alert and
focused. You totally focus your concentration and energy at will.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
SELF DISCIPLINE: You have the self discipline to accomplish your personal and professional
goals. You direct your time and energy to manifest your desires. You increase yourself-
discipline. You are clear on your values and willing to commit to your goals. You take control of
your life. You know what you want and you go after it. You can do anything you set your mind
to do. You have self -discipline to do what you need to do. You fill life with success, happiness
and peace of mind.

SELF ESTEEM: You take complete control of your life. You are complete and fulfilled by your
independence. Success becomes your way of life. You now increase your speed and productivity.
Your time is valuable and you use it efficiently. You finish your projects fully. You have the
power and ability to focus your concentration at will. Total concentration is yours when you
want it. You can do anything you want. You are a winner who accomplishes your goals.

ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOALS: You have the power and ability to do more in less time. You
divide big jobs into workable steps, and take them one step at a time. you now increase your
speed and productivity. Your time is valuable and you use it efficiently. You finish your projects
fully. You have the power and ability to focus your concentration at will. Total concentration is
yours when you want it. You can do anything you want. You are a winner who accomplishes
your goals.

HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS: You focus the powers of your subconscious mind upon
attaining health, wealth and happiness. What you believe, your mind can help you achieve. You
are open and receptive to good life. You are deserving of the best, life has to offer. You create
the space for satisfaction and happiness in your life. You do what you need to do to attain
satisfaction and happiness. You accept what you cannot change, and change what you can. You
now choose to view your life as happy and satisfying.

SENSATIONAL SEX: You now activate new sexual pleasure centers and you enjoy your body
more and more every day. You always make time for sex. The more sex you have, the more you
want the more you love it. Your body performs perfectly during sex without thinking about it.

OVERCOMING ADDICTIONS: You are powerful, independent and you take control of your
life. You have the willpower and discipline to do anything you desire. You ignore all carvings
and insecurities. You let go of the past and free yourself. You enjoy deep inner peace. You love

THE GOOD LIFE: Every day your life gets better and better. You focus the power of your
mind on attaining health, wealth and happiness. You now live up to your potential. You deserve
the best life has to offer. You have the self-discipline to accomplish your goals.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
PHYSICAL & MENTAL FITNESS: You are driven to become physically fit. You set positive
goals and accomplish them. Everything you do reflects a winning attitude. You mentally detach
so negative people don’t affect you. Every day, your mind becomes sharper and your body
becomes fitter.

ULTIMATE RELAXATION: Every day you become more and more relaxed. You are so
relaxed and so at ease. You now experience life peaceful and tranquilly. You are at peace, and
you feel in balance and harmony. You now choose to experience life as a tranquil oneness.

BOOST YOUR BRAIN POWER: Your mind becomes more limber and agile everyday. Your
learning abilities and performance increase everyday. There is no limit to what your mind can
do. Every day, you realize more and more your brains potential. You think more clearly and

PERFECT WEIGHT, PERFECT BODY: You have the power and ability to attain the perfect
weight and perfect body. You have the self-discipline to do what’s needed to attain the body you
desire. You stick to your diet. You live a healthy lifestyle and exercise daily. You attain your
weight goals and the body you desire.

MIND OVER MUSCLES: You are driven to work out and achieve peak condition. You now
develop the body you desire: the size, definition, fullness, separation, and hardness. You are
driven to build your body to perfection. You have the self-discipline to do anything you want to

GOLF: What your mind can envision, your body can master. Your swing is fluid, free and in
perfect balance. You visualize your shot, and then achieve it. Your concentration, coordination
and timing become better and better with every game. You put with confidence.

INCREDIBLE SELF-CONFIDENCE: You are self-reliant, self-confident. You are full of

independence and determination. You have great courage. Every day you become more self-
confident. You project a very positive self-image. You can do whatever you desire.

MASTER OF LIFE: You now let go of all fears. You give and receive unconditional love.
Negativity flows through you with out affecting you. You create your own reality. You draw
joyous experience into your life. You are independent and self responsible.

UN-STRESS: You are at peace with yourself and your circumstances. You feel very relaxed and
peaceful. You now view as a tranquil oneness. You are physically relaxed, emotionally at ease.
You now let go all turmoil in your life. You feel balanced and harmonious.

ULTRA MONETARY SUCCESS: You now take control of your life, creating unlimited
monetary abundance. Every day in every way you become more successful. Your creative

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
thinking opens the doors to monetary abundance. You are totally confident of your monetary

INCREDIBLE CONCENTRATION: You have the ability to focus your concentration at will.
Total concentration is yours when you want it. You totally focus your concentration and energy
at will. Every day, you increase your ability to concentrate. You can do anything you want to do.
You are a winner.

LOVE AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: You love and believe in yourself. You high self
esteem. You positive self-image generates success and happiness. You love and believe in
yourself more every day. You are at peace with yourself the world and everyone in it. You
deserve the best life has to offer.

ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOALS: You are a self-confident winner. Your life now becomes a
series of successes. You are clear about what you want, and you get it. You are a goal-oriented
winner. You feel an intense inner drive to accomplish your goals. You free yourself from all

POSITIVE THINKING: You see positive opportunities in every thing you experiences. You
experience inner peace. Every day, you feel better about yourself. You are optimistic. You are
enthusiastic and look forward to challenges. You experience the joy and detach from negativity.

GOOD HEALTH: Your immune system functions at optimum efficiency. Every day, your body’s
immune system becomes stronger. You love yourself, your body and your immune system. Your
continually immune system keeps you healthy.

WHAT DO I REALLY WANT? You have the power and ability to decide what you want. You
now develop clarity about desires and goals. You are clear about what you want. You are clear,
focused and have a strong direction.

CHAKRA BALANCE: You remain in balance and harmony at all times. Balanced and energized
chakras assure greater health and vitality. The prana life force regenerates your and mind.
Breathe deeply, breathe deeply. Your chakras open naturally as evolve spiritually.

ATTRACTING LOVE: You are ready to give and receive unconditional love. You are ready for
a warm primary relationship. You draw the lover who is right for you into your life now. A warm
fulfilling soul mate relationship now manifests in your life. You draw your lover to you.

HEALING ACCELERATION: Every cell in your body is filled with divine healing light. You
have the power and ability to accelerate healing. Your mind is all powerful, and you now use it
to heal yourself. You consciously and subconsciously choose perfect health. You are healed.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
INTENSIFY CREATIVE ABILITY: You now release the unlimited power of creative ability.
You now draw creative inspiration from the universe. You feel creative and you are creative.
Every day in every way, you become more creative, you easily generate creative solutions.

DEVELOP PSYCHIC ABILITY NOW: Every day you become more psychic. You now become
telepathic and clairvoyant. You now rapidly develop your extrasensory and precognitive
abilities. Your thoughts have psychic validity and you trust them. Your sixth sense now opens all
psychic channels.

CHANNEL FOR THE LIGHT: Let the divine white presence descend. You are a channel for the
light. You walk in the light and are harmonious and self-fulfilled. The light inside you inspires
you to be all you are capable of being. You invoke the blessing of the source of light.

CHARISMA: You project an inner warmth and friendliness. You are self - assured and
independent. You project self-confidence. You are sensitive and you allow others to know it.
You are confident enough to let your vulnerability show.

STOP PUSHING YOURSELF: You create reality of happiness and success. You are forgiven for
what you can and cannot remember. You are free to become all you are capable of being. You
now create the positive life you desire to live. You have the right to the good things in life.

SPORTS IMPROVEMENT: What your mind can envision, your body can master. Your body
can master. Your coordination gets better everyday. You have the ability to be the best .You are
driven to improve to peak ability. You maintain total focused concentration. You excel. The
winner within you now takes control.

QUICK THINKING: You get what you want with quick thinking. You instantly respond with
the best answer. You are mentally alert and focused at all times. You think quickly and react
quickly. You now release the full of your mind. Quick, creative thinking makes you a winner.

PAST-LIFE REGRESSION: You can now perceive your past lives. You now trust your
thoughts and fantasies. Past-life awareness can release you. Trust yourself and you can do it. Let
past impressions flow into your mind. You have the power and ability to receive.

INCREASE SELF-DISCIPLINE: You have the self-discipline to accomplish your personal

and professional goals. You direct your time and energy to manifest your desires. Everyday in
every way, you increase your self-discipline. You do what you need to do and stop doing what
doesn’t work.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
TENNIS PROGRAMMING: What your mind can envision, your body can master. You now
master your serve and return of serve. You are driven to improve to peak tennis ability. You
master your tennis concentration and timing. You master winning tennis strategy.

POWERFUL PERSON: Every day you become more aware of your inner strength. You
unleash your potential to direct and lead others. You have the power and ability to attain your
goals. You are a power negotiator and you get what you want. You are as forceful and dynamic
as you need to be. You look others straight in the eye and project a powerful image. “Power” is
your key for conditioned response.

ATTRACTING PERFECT LOVE: You now create the space in your life for the perfect love
relationship. You are now ready to meet the perfect lover. You project warmth and openness,
which attracts others. You are ready to give and receive unconditional love. You now focus the
power of the subconscious mind upon drawing the perfect lover into your life. “Goal Focus” are
your key words for conditioned response.

A CALM AND PEACEFUL MIND: You are at peace with yourself, the world and everyone in
it. A quietness of spirit permeates your body and mind. You accept the things you cannot change
in life. You mind is likely calm water, and you have all you need. You now feel peaceful,
balanced and harmonious, and you experience tranquility, love and joy. “Peace, balance and
harmony” are your 7 key words for conditioned response.

THE GOOD LIFE: You now focus the power of your subconscious mind upon attaining health,
wealth and happiness. What you believe, your mind can help you achieve. You are now open and
receptive to the good life has to offer. Happiness and success are self- bestowed. Every day in
every way you are more successful. “Good life” are your conditioned response key words.

DREAM SOLUTIONS: You have the power and ability to find your answer in your dreams.
Before going to sleep, you focus on what on what you desire to resolve. When seeking answers,
you ask to receive them in dreams. You receive solutions in vivid dreams and remember them
when you awaken. You dream of positive solutions. When you sleep. “Dream solutions” are
your conditioned response words.

SUCCESS AND EXCELLENCE: You can accomplish anything you set to do. Every day you
become more successful. You strive for excellence in everything you do. You now become ultra
-successful. You now accomplish your goals. There is no limit to your potential for success and
excellence. What you believe, you can achieve. “Success and excellence” are your conditioned
response key words.

TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE: You now take total control of your life. You take
command. You know exactly what you want and you go after it. You can do anything you set
your mind to do. You create a new plan and accomplish it one step at a time. You are the master
of your own life. You have the self- discipline to do what you need to do. “Control” is your key
word for conditioned response.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
SATISFACTION & HAPPINESS: You now create the space for satisfaction and happiness in
your life. You accept what you cannot change, and change what you can. You have the power
and ability to create any reality you desire to live. You know choose to view your life as happy
and satisfying. “Believe and achieve” are your key wards for conditioned response.

SLEEP LIKE A BABY: You now sleep peacefully through the night. Peaceful sleep now
becomes your reality. You fall asleep easily through the night. After a full night’s sleep, you
awaken relaxed and refreshed. Shortly after lying down, you go to your beach and relax your
body. You can go to sleep at will and sleep through the night “Peaceful sleep” is your key word
for conditioned response.

THE UPPER HAND: You instantly find suggestions that work for you,. You win the battles of
every day life. You have the self-confidence to challenge unjust authority. You take control of
your destiny and act accordingly. Freedom requires action and you are willing to act. Truth is
what you create. You demand justice for yourself and those close to you. “Upper hand” are your
key words for conditioned response.

BECOME A NEW PERSON: You now let go of all fears. You are self-assured and confident
about your future. Negativity flows through you without affecting you. You now create the life
you want to live. You draw joyous experiences into your life. You are independent and
responsible. You accept other without acceptation or judgment. “Master of life” are your key
words for conditioned response.

CREATE WEALTH: You make large amounts of money. You create great wealth. You desire
to become wealthy and you become wealthy. Your creative thinking opens the doors to monetary
abundance. You now focus your energy upon making great amounts of money. You are willing
to spend the time and energy necessary to create wealth. “Success opportunity” are your
conditioned response key words.

RADIANT HEALTH: Every day, you become healthier and healthier. Radiant good health is
your reality. Your immune system functions at optimum efficiency. You eat a healthy diet and
have adequate exercise and rest. Your ever strengthening immune system keeps your healthy.
You always think positively about your health. “Balance and harmony” are your key words for
conditioned response.

HEALING FORCE: You have the power and ability to accelerate your healing. Your body is
now filled with positive healing energy. Every breath you take contains powerful healing energy
and you use it to heal yourself. You consciously and subconsciously choose perfect health. You
are healing, you are healed. “Healed and healthy” are your key words for conditioned response.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
RIGHT BRAIN SOLUTIONS: You ask answer and release to await a flash of insight. The
awareness you seek will now come too you while you are quiet or in your dreams. Your right
brain generates creative solutions, which you now perceive. You have the power and ability to
find creative answer within. You are open and receptive to higher awareness. “Right brain
programming” are you conditioned response key words.

FEEL SECURE NOW: You feel safe, protected and secure. You are mentally fortified with
inner strength. Every day you feel more confident of your ability to handle anything. You are
strong, stable and secure. You feel peaceful and secure and you act peaceful and secure. You
allow fear to flow through you without affecting you. You feel good about yourself. “Successful
liberation” is your key words for conditioned response.

SUCCESSFUL INDEPENDENT LIFE STYLE: You take complete control of your life. You
are happy and fulfilled by your independence. Success now becomes your way of life. You are
self-directed and free. You are a self confident winner. You live a successful independent
lifestyle. You are an independent high-achiever. You feel good about yourself. “Successful
liberation” are your key words for conditioned response.

BANISH PAIN: You now relax and release the discomfort. You feel better and better. You
mentally control your physical reality and you feel good. You are healing, you are healed. You
feel better, you feel good. Every in breath heals, every out breath releases. You feel great. You
release and relax, and you feel good. “Relax and release” are your key words for conditioned

LOVE MYSELF: You love and believe in yourself. You have high self-esteem. Your positive
self-image generates success and happiness. Everyday you love yourself. You are at peace with
yourself, the world and everyone in it. You do things that make you proud of yourself. “Self-
love” is conditioned response key words.

SPEAK UP: You now speak up and say what you want to say. You find it easy what needs to be
said. You stand up for yourself and increase your self-esteem. You always act in manner your
respect. You are assertive about your human rights. You show consideration for the feelings and
rights of others. You will not tolerate manipulation “Speak up” are your key words for
conditioned response.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
HOW TO DECIDE EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT: You have the power and ability to
decide what you want. You now develop clarity about desires and goals. Everyday in every way,
you become clearer about what you want. You now evaluate the potentials and decide what you
want. You have clarity of intent. You now have the courage to make life changing decisions.
“Clarity” is your key word for conditioned response.

POWER PLUS: You have the power and ability to focus your concentration at will. Total
concentration is yours when you want it. You remain alert and focused upon what you are doing.
You totally focus your concentration and energy at will. You bloc all thoughts but those related
to what you are doing. You are a winner who accomplishes his goals. “Focus” is your key word
for conditioned response.

THE POWER OF PERSISTENCE: You are persistent, ambitious and determined. You strive
until you’ve accomplished your goals. Persistence is the power of winners. You have the will
power and ability to keep going. You are a success-oriented winner who persists until the task is
complete. You are relentless in the fulfillment of your desires. “Persistence power” are your key
words for conditioned response.

TENNIS: What your mind can envision your body can master. You always watch the ball during
play. You master your serve and return of serve. You master your forehand and backhand
strokes. You master your tennis concentration and timing. You master your lob and overhead
smash. You improve your hand- eye coordination. “Focus and win” are your conditioned
response key words.

A GREAT MEMORY: You have a great memory. Your memory gets better everyday. Your
memory is improving. You remember everything you want to remember. you have the power
and ability to remember everything you desire to remember. You create your own reality.”
Memory file” are your key words for conditioned response.

POWER AND SUCCESS: You project power and confidence. You know exactly what you
want and how to get it. Your lifestyle generates high energy. You are enthusiastic and willing to
act. You think of yourself as a powerful winner. You are persistent, determined and ambitious.
You recognize and grasp opportunities.” Success opportunity” is your key word for conditioned

SPEED READING: You are highly accomplished speed reader. You skim the page and retain
what you see. You read faster and faster through daily practice. You vertically eye-sweep a page
of a book. There is no limit to your reading speed and comprehension. You retain and recall
everything important you read. “Speed reading access” is your key word.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
DO MORE IN LESS TIME: You have the power and ability to do more in less time. You
divide big jobs into workable steps. Which you take one step at a time. You now use a time
schedule and you make it work for you, you now use a time schedule and you make it your time
is valuable and you use it efficiently. You finish you projects fully. “Acceleration time” are you
key words for conditioned response.

ULTIMATE RELAXATION: You are so relaxed and so at ease. You experience life
peacefully, tranquilly. You are physically relaxed and emotionally at ease. You are at peace, and
feel in balance and harmony. You now choose to experience you life as a tranquil to be more
relaxed in all situations. “Inner peace” are your key words for conditioned response.

FORGIVE AND RELEASE: You forgive and release you anger and expectations. you allow
negativity to flow through you without affecting you. Every day, you find it easier to forgive and
release. When you give up your expectations of others, you liberate yourself. You release and no
longer need to be right. Forgiveness is the acceptance of another person as the yare.

OVERCOME PROCRASTINATION: You do what you say you’ll do. You finish what you
start. You fulfill your commitments to yourself. You fulfill you commitment to others. You do it
today, not tomorrow. You are strong-willed and get the job done. You now say to yourself, “Do
it now, Do it now. Do it now”. You expedite what needs to be done.

ELIMINATE DEPRESSION: From this moment on, you feel more optimistic. You let go of
negativity and feel confident about your future. You alter your mood to feel self- assured,
peaceful and optimistic. An inner comfort now flows through your body and mind, and you feel
good all over in every way. You are full of hope and promise. Every day, you feel more and
more encouraged about your life and your future.

CREATIVE VISUALIZATION: You visualize your desire with no indecisiveness at all. You
clearly visualize what you want. You see it is in your mind and set it into manifestation.
Everyday you get better at visualizing. Manifestation begins with a clear visualization of what
you want. You can visualize your dreams into reality. You visualizations become your reality.
You hold a clear picture in your mind and combine it with emotional desire.

ACCELERATE MUSICAL SKILL: You now accelerate your musical skill and rapidly learn
better. Every day, you improve musically and develop a better ear. You have a superior sense of
rhythm and timing. you draw on your subconscious awareness to increase your skill. What you
hear, you can play. You have the power, ability and talent to be a superior musician. Your
musical desires now become your reality.

LETTING GO OF GUILT: You are at peace with yourself and your past. you forgive yourself.
You let go and let God. you learn from the past and you release it. Everyday in every way, you
are more at peace with yourself. You release the past to create a positive future. You can do
whatever you desire to go. Every day, you feel better and better, all over, in every way. “Peaceful
mind” are conditioned response key words.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
RISING ABIVE NEGATIVITY: You are positive and your life becomes positive. You
recognize the best in your self and others. You accept the things you cannot change, and change
the things you. You cannot change other people, so you accept them as they are. Negativity
flows through you without affecting you. You now see problems only as opportunities. Every
day, you become more positive and optimistic.

THE CONFIDENCE TO START OVER: You now draw upon great inner strength to start
over. You are open and receptive to a joyous new life. You have the power and ability to rebuild
your life. You create a happy, successful new reality. you ae self confident and self-reliant. You
are worthy and deserving of the best life has to offer. You let go of the past, are responsible to
the present, and create a positive new future.

STRESS CONTROL: You are relaxed and at ease. You detach from worldly pressures and
retreat to a claim in a space. You accept other people as they are. you handle you responsibilities
with harmonious ease. Negativity flows through you without affecting you. You peacefully
accept these things you cannot change and change the things you can. You are at peace with
yourself, the world and every one in it.

ELIMINATE WORRY & FEAR: You are confident and secure. you retain a calm, optimist
outlook. you feel powerful and in control. You feel peaceful, balanced and harmonious. You are
at pace with yourself, the world and everyone in it. you are in control of your life. You mind it
calm and you think positive thoughts. 0You accept the things you cannot change and change the
things you can.

WRITER’S PROGRAMMING: You easily create stimulating writing ideas. You find unique
angles and avoid clinches. You produce fresh, original and extremely creative writing. Everyday
in every way, you become a better writer. You innless time. “Creative writer” are you key words
for conditioned response.

THE FEEL GOOD TAPE: You feel glad to be alive. You take the time to enjoy your life and
many blessings. You are open to all the joy and fulfillment life has to offer. You take to
appreciate the pleasure in life, in creative expression, in natural beauty, in sharing with others.
You are balanced and harmonious, and you love unconditionally. You experience life as divine
tranquility. “Divine tranquility” are you key words.

MANIFEST A MIRACLE IN YOUR LIFE: Everything speaks to you when are open and
receptive. This week you will manifest a miracle in your life. You are open to any miracle, large
and small, that will change you life in productive ways. Miracles are yours for the asking, so ask
and you shall receive. When you look through spiritual eyes, you will see miracles all around
you. You live in a universe of abundance.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
ELIMINATE EATING DISORDERS: An average body weight is very desirable to you. You
have the self-discipline to accomplish you goals. You now eat a healthy diet in amounts required
to maintain an average an average body weight for your height and frame. You now eat a normal
diet and attain a normal weight. You resolve conflicts directly, not through the way your body
looks. You accept that you look great weight.

STOP SMOKING: You stop drinking and feel better mentally and physically. You have the
inner strength to turn your back on all alcohol. You stop drinking because you choose to stop
drinking and your health, your relationships and your thinking improves. Stop drinking “Inner
strength are your key words for conditioned response.”

STOP DRUGS: You’ve decided to live life drug free. You have the power and ability to do
anything you want to do. You want what you need to do and stop doing what doesn’t work.
Everyday it’s easier to live drug free. You now give up your dependencies and liberate yourself.
You stop drugs now and your health, relationships and thinking improve. “Liberation and
freedom” are conditioned response words.

COPING WITH YOUR KIDS: You are consistent in exercising discipline and expressing love.
You balance what is best for you. You maintain self-control by allowing negativity to flow
through you without affecting you. You are patient loving, nuturing and tolerant. You easily
cope with your child. You teach your children to be loving, caring and responsible. “Love and
Tolerance” are key words.

MALE VIRILITY: You easily achieve and maintain a penile erection. Your body performs
perfectly during sex without you thinking about it. A hard, firm erection is your natural response
to sexual stimuli. During sex you maintain an erection and delay ejaculation until you are ready
to release. You accept that you are sexually virile. You are, you do it. You can make love for a
long time before you ejaculate.

FEMALE SEXUALITY: Your sexual desire and intensity are increasing. You accept that you
easily achieve an intense orgasm during sex without your thinking about it. You enjoy sex and
you respond to your partner openly and joyously. You have intense orgasms. You come easily.
You desire intense sex and physical release.

BREATH OF LIFE: You now inhale and exhale evenly and harmoniously. You inhale and
exhale equally in a continuous circle of breathing. You breathe naturally and eliminate stress.
Breathing deeply relaxes your mind and energizes your body. You breathe deeply and increases
concentration. You exhale and inhale effortlessly. Your body and mind are rejuvenated by deep
breathing. Inhale energy and exhale stress.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
SELF CONFIDENCE: You are relaxed and at ease. you detach from world pressures and
experience in an inner calm. Negativity flows through you without affecting you. You
peacefull7y accept the things you cannot change, and change the things you can. you are at peace
with yourself, the world and every one in it. Your mind is like calm water.

BECOME SUCCESSFUL: You now focus your energy upon attaining success. you know
exactly what you can accomplish whatever you set out to do. Be ultra-successful and become
wealthy. Every day in every way you become more successful. Your creative thinking opens the
door to monetary abundance.

PSYCHIC ABILITY: Every in every way, you become more psychic. You now accept your
psychic abilities and to greater awareness. You now become telepathic, sensing the thoughts and
experiences of others. You rapidly develop your extrasensory and precognitive abilities. You are
psychic. You trust your senses. You use your abilities only for the greater good.

SMOKE NO MORE: You now quit smoking. You quit because it works for you. Let it go.
Quit, Quit, Quit. You quit. Yes, you do. You accept this. You never touch cigarettes. Never
again, you lose all desire to smoke. You do its better. You feel better physically. Your health
improves. Cigarettes disgust. They gag you. Yes, they do. Cigarettes leave a terrible taste in your

LEARNING ACCELERATION: No limits. Your mind has no limits. You can instantly
comprehend complicated data. Yes you can. You accept this. It works for you. You have the
power and ability to learn fast. Fast, fast, you do. Accelerate faster. you focus your energy and
concentration at will. You accelerate learning. Every day, you learn faster. Develop a
photographic memory, you can. You do. You believe. You achieve.

STRENGTHEN SELF CONFIDENCE: You are self- reliant. Self - confident. Yes, you are.
You accept this. You are independent determined, and it works for you. Every day, you become
more self - confident. You project a positive self- image. You do. you do it because you are very
sure of yourself. You are. You have inner courage. Yes. You know this you can do whatever you
set your mind to you can. You do. You’re self- confident.

MAXIMUM SUCCESS: You now focus you energy upon attaining great success, success,
success. Yes, you do. You accept this. Do it. Do it now. You know exactly what you want and
you go for it. It’s right for you. Yes, you can accomplish whatever you want to do it. Do it now.
Be ultra successful. You are. You do. You do it now. Ultra success is yours.

GOAL COMMITMENT: You take control of your life and commit to your goals. You accept
this. It works for you. You do it. You are self-disciplined. You are goal oriented. You know what
you want and you get it. You set and accomplish goals. Yes, success, You are successful. You
spend each moment doing the most productive thing you can. Yes, you do. You succeed. it’s
right Yes, You accomplish your goals, goals. Yes. do it now.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,
RELATIONSHIOP IMPROVEMENT: You relationship gets better and better. You openly
communicate and share yourself. Yes, you do. You totally commit to your relationship add
support you lover’s uniqueness without expectations. Does it let the little things go? You
experience relationship aliveness, excitement, joy, and pleasure. You communicate directly and

SEXUAL ALIVENESS: Sex gets better and better for you. You are open to this. You let go of
sexual expectation and enjoy. Let it happen. Let our body go wild. You openly discuss you
sexual needs. The more sex you have, the more sex you want and the more you love sex. You are
openly to new sexual experiences with your lover.

SUPER CONCENTRATION: Total concentration is yours when you want it. When you need
it. Yes, Yes, it is. You accept this. You have the power and ability to focus your concentration at
will. Focus, you do. You remain alert and focused. Yes you do it. It works for you. You block all
thoughts but those related to what you are doing. Block them yes; you are a winner who
accomplishes your goals. Your goals are a super level of concentration.

DETACH FROM YOUR EMOTIONS: You mentally detach from negative people. You
detach from everything that doesn’t work for you. Yes, You do. You accept this. It works for
you. Detach, Detach. Detach Let it go. You don’t care. You feel optimistic and confident about
your future. You do. Yes feel self- assured, peaceful. Negativity flows through you without
affecting you, it does. You draw joyous new experiences into your life.

Institute of Mind Control and Development, Sai Homes Apartment, Flat No.503, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad Lakdikapool, Hyderabad
500 004, INDIA. Phone: 040-66620294/ 95, Email:,,,,

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