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ot {ar!{er!

rz{ rfl -{a EFol=Elilq{! E1 tE

Preface q"tg

+4=+s tqe, gg^l*l=ol
"J+Hq^l ^ll4 10q ^l+E ^,41
**ql^l d+qE ulf a q+q4. ol;l* "Fq el6 gzlb +41
6J+E 9l^Jol kol
dq ulq Setr q+ *zl9-14 1eE d"JdJqq.

rei4E"r dtqEs+r+clq: €B ol4 zsEzJ 4oJ* qr#zl-E ql^Je-e diqe+ G +El

iilq4 *eq, ill4l4olr EgzJ.J r+ olHetr ^ll4l4e-e 4€ol + fl+qq. :1El-r f5
?l4oztgl trl= rqg €^16]] sH^J rloJ* 6J+q Izll= ,lg:"1 *+q4.

ol lxNi eFqEsli+C]q7i rF?l +ol e S+e+ i+el C4= u|$etr zll*'* a"Jqq.
ol rzN$ 7l* diq 7a4l 4+ ol"llel tlo}"J "5.lrl S+g ulrjetr e}+xl ^'^'+
= =49
E^l^F g€€ g + 9lE+ +cqRq= d'Jqq. ol rxN$ F6ll 4"zlt 4oJ* el^liF te}
ql^l C+4et ,fl+q gr1n5g g + 9l= b.qg zle.A1g a'Jqq.

ol rzNz| $t1lyz1+e-tr *g 859 ACr+ ]r.qol il*+q+. +9.ts-E}E **etr l"JaI

I s*atH^l 4rg lxllE 4B:"lg4 a^J6lc 4zFe4l e^F= Egqq. e* r44Erq
E= 6J+q d^JHE4lE 49 rJ^l-= EBq4. ol+Eg iqr+ €+q 4* gC4 €4i4'J Lq
ol $,S,+H ol ;ilxllel 4lgg Bzlbi{g aEqq. ol dCH59 r+ HIB+I+ 'ZJeloJ aluia$z|
ol Ixll$ 4B:"1= Ell.g++ zlazlttl q*+qq. ol e]qlE ol 4ol trtr}+g E+9
'/*e +
9lE+ Eel +41 Hq^l€ Hlt6ll €dxl, tElzl, tlil4tl4l A^L= EBqq. E"J dfq r+
ol+* g+"J l'xll= +rJ6ll +{ jlBEaqlE A^h= EBq4.
ql +dr+
"ilCg tfzlt- =

+q ol 4"1 €489 ++q oi+ql ESol gzl$ Hlelq, dfq jr+$ gdq 4sg
€ f glzl= HlElqq.

20108 59


W Introductory Remarks gq+rt
rFun! Fun! Korean 41 is a text that was devetoped for the learners with a completion of 600 hours of language
learning so that the intermediate learners can have fun white studying Korean with ease. The text is composed
of materials that focus on approaches to daity activities. This was made in order for the learners to famitiarize
themselves with the necessary themes and functions, especiatly to communicate one's thoughts effectivety in
reat tife situations. Additionatty, the text does not teach by the structure or the concept of grammar and mere
exptanation of vocabutary but through various speaking activities and by having fun. Through these types of
activities, the learners of Korean witt be able to communicate their thoughts in real life naturatty without even
recognizing it themsetves.

. Be abte to communicate when using the pubtic faciLity or maintaining sociaI retationships
. Understand and express on famitiar sociaUabstract topics such as personatity, publ.ic manners, days in
Korea, jobs and incidents'accidents
. Learn about vocabul.ary and expressions rel.ated to emotions. thoughts, communal [ife, basic works or
sociaI phenomena retated and use them appropriatety
. Learn the natural pronunciation in Korean and the different intonations in accordance with the meanings of
the sentences, and understand the spoken speech accurately and express the speaker's thought effectivety
. Understand comptex contents based on one's daily life or social phenomena
. Learn how to exptain, describe, compare and detiver hearsay and be abte to read and write simple
advertisements, notices and expository texts

Unit Structure
rFun! Fun! Korean 4s is made up of 15 units. The 15 units are composed of topics centering on the potential
real life situations that students may experience while Living in Korea. Each unit is composed as shown below.

Picture t1l Vocabutary Listening
121 Language Tip Speaking

t3) Pronunciation Reading

New Vocabutary Writing

We have thoroughty described the overatl lesson goats and contents {Topic,
Function, Activity, Vocabutary, Grammar, Pronunciation, cutturel in the unit
TI? so that the students can get acquainted with the lesson goats and contents
prior to the lesson.
fl'lll'ol= aTll
. People

k=+.a.4.r..a . r . o . . . . . lntfOdUCtiOn
E5r .td gl fvorkptace
We have suggested a picture retating to the unit's topic inctuding a few
questions betow. Through the picture and the questions, the students'are
abte to think about the unit's topic beforehand and therefore, are abte to
prepare for their studies.

I lfris section witt be used as a speech sampte, in which the students witt
uttimately use after the comptetion of this unit. We have suggested 2
diatogues and 1 story. The students can confirm the lesson goats of the
corresponding unit with further detaits through the exampte.

'' 'NewVocabulary
By exptaining the new words or the meaning of the expressions that appear
next to the exampte, we have made it easier for the students to understand
the content of the diatogue and story.

I tnis section introduces Korean cutture that is retated to the topic of each
I unit. With the comprehension of Korean cutture as a basis, the students
i witt gain a better understanding of Korean [anguage and witt be abte to'
use the [anguage more naturatl.y. When it comes to introducing Korean
cutture, the contents has been constructed in ways of understanding Korean
cutture during the process of mutuaI functioning with the students as they
comprehend other cultures as welt, rather than just conveying Korean
cutture alone.

.. ..Speaking Practice
. ln this section the students practice and review vocabutary, grammar,
I etc. in order to perform and achieve the skitl.s taid out in the topic of the
I corresponding unit. The practice questions are not in the form of ordinary
i dril.Ls but are in the form of speaking chances so that the students can
I famitiarize the vocabutary and grammar oratty.

. . 'Vocabutary
ln addition to the vocabutary practice, we suggest a group of vocabutary
categorized according to the meanings of the word [e.g., vocabutary for food/

New Vocabutary
When a new word appears, we exp[ain the meaning of the new words
immediately at the time in order to make it easier for the students to study.

ln this section, we have inctuded in the usage of particutar

n depth of th
expression and its meaning in case further exptanation is needed'

54.,?.'.,..'.." .

. r.
. . Pronunciation ,

*e I
6 r!2)!il oor4ltr
I pp"rrs,,** The fotl.owing unit presents pronunciations that must be famitiarized with. ln
.-'ii- | order for the students to acquire accurate pronunciation, the unit presents
$-|: f simple exptanation of pronunciation methods and provides words and
i :
sentences that the students coutd practice with.


l t""

.:qrlo.......: lnthissection, a reat-tife, communicativesituation is re-enacted sothe
students can perform practicat tasks of (Listening), (Speaking), (Reading)
-l-.:-- -* .
and (writing) by using vocabutary and expressions learned in the speaking
Practice stage. Each task is composed of pre-task. task and post-task stages
E deg wsqo I E! R src

--,- so that the students can achieve a strategic communicative abitity going
through each stage.

. . Listening
This section is to hetp perform listening tasks. The task is composed of
two tasks that are different in contents or functions. Atso conversation and
self-narration types of texts are evenly distributed so that the learners can
encounter the various types of texts. Through a wide variety of tistening
activities, the tearners witt be abte to understand Korean in reat-tife.

" +:.."."+. ., I i ri $+.,,ix,,q r 3, *a,{.

"*.1 ..4'
'.-.,,.,",,,-."".,.,",;-r, . . . .. . .. .Speaking
This section is to help perform speaking tasks. lt is constructed in regards
\'t? to contents and situation that the students witt tikety encounter in reat l.ife.
A variety of dialogues with different tevets of formatity are deatt with. Aside
from diatogues, the students wilt also practice giving narrative tatks including
a presentation.

This section is to hetp perform reading tasks. The setected reading texts
are the ones that the students wi[[ encounter in real Life and witt hetp the
students to perform effective reading practices based on the comprehension
of the contents and types of the text.

. Writing
This section is to hetp perform writing tasks. The students witl asked t3
!e !o
types of writing that they witt tikety to encounter in real tife, which witl. hetp
.llril *D the students to write effectivety according to the types and subjects of the

. Setf-Check
ln this section, a setf check chart is provided in order to evatuate whether
one's [earning has been successfulty accomptished or not. One woutd not
onty be abte to check how much learning has been accomptished and check
his/her weaknesses but one coutd atso find the main function of each unit
and coutd identify areas that he/she has to focus on.

. . Grammar
This section is to he[p the grammar comprehension of the students by
presenting grammar descriptions from each unit along with exemplary
sentences. This part, which dea[s with items retated to ctass session, is
organized and ptaced at the end of each unit making it easy for students to
find when studying alone and coutd also play a rote as a irammar dictionary.
As a chance to practice the grammar, the last two among exemptary
sentences are left with btanks for the [earner to comptete using the grammar
they have learned.

' ' ' ' '''ListeningTranscriPt

I rahsfra;scriptr''it ln this section atl the transcripts for listening activities are presented. By
:- ,|iqll:"":;;.: doing so, the tearners can make use of listening transcriptswhen studying by
:S!{:--I* re;;i;;;-.--- themsetves or practicing tistening tasks'
-r:a*t.::::: ffi
t This section provides exemplary answers to questions from listening and
reading activities.

I kryr,r. This section tists att the vocabutary presented in the textbook in an
I atphabeticaI order with it meanings and the page number where its
exptanation is given.

Contents ^yq1

qalg Preface 5

geiFTl lntroductory Remarks 6

a{l ?€ Syttabus 12

ril 1El ?!E *zl'l Peopl.e 16

Al 2al Hr lgl Sg Weather and Life 34

r{l 31t .Efl ' El= Exchange ' Refund 50

{l 4rl deJg gg Housekeeping 58

fl sal 4A 8E Workplace 84

r{l 6r} flolgl Language and Culture 102

xll ztt ,lt=fl1+ Stress 120

rll 8rJ +q Memory 138

d grf qgq 'zJ= Travel lmpressions 156

x.l[oal 4e Marriage 174

rth 1El AE #8 Enjoying Performances 192

rlll2El Eq Education 219

r{h311 fle Environment 226

r{H4Er {ltt' Ill6ll Catastrophes' Disasters 244

r{hsal 4#E{ ' ?!E'lLJ! ComPuter' !nternet 260

EllE Listening Transcript 276

€tJ Answers 284

Sll1zl Gtossary 288


---t rx11 74
Efl +fi1 7lE gE
L.:a . ?lE +zt|alzl .=71:5Eq dg Elfl0ll q-el 4+ +g d+elg ?lEl+
. oJ6[7]:=71
119 5eoil El|-d r}|6l Ll+71, u"J Elgoll tH-d 8H
OJE IZll gof L}|T|
, 9/'71: 9l7l
. 71: ^l7l47tl^1
7\lTl A7fl,\'l ,ut7;
.71+e]E8 . 'Jul0ll Etl-d r]|al "J7l
'Julet =71
HET olofTl6fTl . =71:
g617l: 'Jfilsl8g0il rfi6l| €E6l7l
2 o=
galet .'JulTlSgoll Elilb .gl7l: 7l+otl SE! 7l^t9l7l
Sg . ttzl:714 €E6l7l
g:d olotTl6fTl

leJll .gzj l,aJa?l . -iltrJrl. sE0ll rH?l 0l0t7l

Etl:32tr EeJ ' e.f=
atg .EZ AJE g7I =71, =a'Jel
.4tEel Eril ga . DJ6l7l:leJ $E =71q-g+61'71,l# SE Z-'Joll t}l6ll
Eg'fl+= €E6t7l "JEalzl, A'J d-*oll Etl6l| 5/.1617l
.9171: ?lElLJl aoJEel olE ?JLIIE 9l7l
.r*zl: ?.!ElLl! A'J=0ll ilgolLf ElE= 986l.ts L7l
^11= =
7l^l .EoJgoll rllsll , E'Joll Ell-et rl|sl alElg gz
.96[7]: =71, TlItE'Joll=71tl|6l| EE6l7l
o lotT ldtT l E?Jg0ll EH-d 84 "J6[7],
.dgJgofl rflpl EU .9171: Etg rtlg 7l^tgl7l
E?Jel gd olo[71617l ..r\71: E?Jgoll,\lel^lul^qls-d
'Jrlsl 9-*01 rflafl r'.zl
. Hg6t7l

IlIl . E+oll r|1.=l] .=71: g+ El|al=71, 48 8g0ll tH-d 0l0t7l

-o g+ T!="J.39 0l0t7ldl.7l, g+ Hn6f7l
. trJ6f7l: =71
o lo F7l6f7 |

'g+ HrdlTl .?l7l : g+ aJE olqlg glTl
-io o= . , ,*7l: g+ gal 0lDll"J ^^7l
o lotT l617 |

flolel . ul*4oe Efl6l7l . +'J ll€0ll tll"J tt|et E7l, +'Joll tll-d
. rJE =71: €j+olelEEt4 strE
.g617l: ee 0l0F7l5l7l,
Eel EE
6 . +g ^[€i6f7l rlTl Llele] EE . =atd+-d
st+trJ #E6l7l
flolet Est ^t€i6l7l . 9]71: 'Il^lEl ttlltrl'oll s-d 9l7l
. MTlt Ltafe.l rJE sE=.+g €E6l.7l
. fl?.! .=71: .^EaJl^0ll rH-d rHEl=71, 8q elr.
^Ea1l^el =71
. trJ6l.7l: 'r=all49 6fl4 HJHoll rlldtl 0l0t71617l,
o l0 F71617 |

rll6H IE6f7l
€E6l.7l =d
7 . gl7l: -.J+?lel gE0llrJa Tl^f 9l7l
/\ETII/\ ^Eall^ 6l|4
. 6[|4 . 71' +alEoll rH-d /"\71
oJH0ll rt|6ll
^ ^Eall^ =
o lo t71617 |

T- .olal ,^.ltroll E}|6l| .=71:+qg ge{oll t]|:d 0l0t7l 4b g*
olotT16lTl +d
. "J6l7l: =71, ^tgg =71
Ltel Ltl rl?ts olE +801fl=rl g0lH7l,
8 .:48 Etldtl gg ^ltroll
+ S.ts +qq Efl6t| 0l0t7l6t7l
*ot ^lEoll
olotTl6fTl .9171: *g + fits d8'Joll s€j 9l7l
.+qg ts01, letl . uzl: 9€ + g,= +qq S:d =&71
rl|6tl olofT16lTl =

EH{ El-e. EEI
ol+l 4ll

l+ . .-{o)d '6'el^ll 7l-^l gg -el+'Jdq Eq el+

. =Efl
a+/HJrH .-(e)Ll
I .-0Jqlq

. Hlrl . -qLl 'H+'et'H-F' xtE g^l

. H^rlet sEE sE . -^lr
. zl4 . -tr1al-E

61E . .-eall fl+ ESal a'JEE

8el?.! a440s
i+ =ll
. ^,'=n,E7l-^l? .-9t/fl/HrlLl olE6l= HJH
. 0l+l .
^1.5 ^IEiEE


. d9l9 t, z . -(e)e StrJ 0lLlal '-Elafr.e'q qs -d+ 'Jdel 7l,t.1 trtq

. +d3t +el . -Lalr
'-E 6' ufE E

. a^tel +11 .-(e)", -(g)= A 4^lilt g+el qg gb dg 3zlB

.EPt.z . -rlr/-LFrl-^lal ^FJ ^l?
-alr ilrfl.g
. -r g46ltl

. t!i.lle} saJEJ +E Efl .- I:i:E Et4elTiSolSol

rl. '+'J 1,2 . - =01
F6ltl 1 gq .+q ^l+
. 015 +€ =

. -ollrlTf -zl^l tr:E:EE 6114=

^Eall^ EE ^Eall^ qg-d 9l-d
. ,'.er1lA 58 .-of/ol/q 7Ef El+oJsl el^lEel
. 6l|4 HJH . _(o)L 46frf

7l --T-*ol .+g '-=es'e-l qg -d+ /.tBrEol olal

.gE rt+ 6lE ts01 ^l€oil
. -r.= dltl
. olal ltr, qt8/.ltrsl . -rrl
.-"1=4F. -71=7ye


trJfl +nl 7lE gE

qfl .q-del+4ul-g€ . qg e-d0il rH-d 4alE7l, aEe gf+el
=71: q-d
.trJ6f7l: 4,\1617l, q=d 0l0F7l6f7l^l"E =71
0l0F7ldl7 | eg 3c
9 .qg^lej €8"-1.71 .9171: 7l-dE 9l7l
Efo . qg 4a =^4
olotTlo-l7l . ,J.7l:71.;JE /J.7l

778 .e=q 4-d 84 . 3E^180il^l Lt+= E|.|6t=71, e=q 4-Lr E^l

0lo|71617l =71: I^lE Erl=71
.e= 4€ €g6t7l . "J"-l7l: egq q-d g4 0l0t7lo-l7l,,JE 5#0ll r|l6fl
10 .== gE
7tz €E6t7l
=- #g617l =41^lE .9171: d5 e=el EAg €Bdts 9l7l
= el^lg d861ts
. xzl: EAI rlR= 0lE6|| BEoil rfl-d

o L-.: . E9oll tH6l| . E7l: q= gE +l-doil Efl-d r|1sl=71, E6fzl 44
0l0t7l6t7l ^le
11 . aE a8 oloFTldfTl . trJ6f7l:=016f=
=71 gsl.oll Ell6l| 0l0F71617l, AE aJaJ
a-G. TIL|
OIJ EO gEdtTl ^rJ
.9171: 8E
+aJ +71 9l7l
..,"rzl:3E +aJ +71 /,\71
-O . I.E0ll Ell6|| 0l0t71617l . _ilqq EflE! E|ls+ Ezl, qtn L7H Eil
. aEzlSaJE cs oJ6l7l:f,qq Efloll 0l0t7lol7l, tr+= 0186l| gg617l
. =71:
12 €E6t7l . 9l7l: LJLI A+q Sil 7l^l g7l
-O .$il ?l86tl^1 . /"\71: tr+= dB6ln. E46lE L7l
0l0t7lo=l7l =

+e .Et3 E^iloil rt|6l| , Ezl: E4loil EH-d Eg

41zS gq Br
olotTldlTl .ltilTl: =7l,
sJZ HE= ?ldl| dlts g 0l0F7l6f7l,=71
e13 flrllotl
13 . eJ2J tllolltrel6l7l
E^ll0ll rllofl
fla trel6l-71 . 97l: TlgA Z+ grJoil aJil 9l7l
. u,tl::ilz] €4q rJ-.J y7l=
rflEfl . tll6ll 0l0F7l6f7l . E7l: rl|6l|01l EllEl rlltrl E7l, rH-d h4
^1lkt4 . ^116l|0ll
trl6|l 8g dB6t7l . trJ6l7l:If7l LlefqllJ gg6lE lt|6ll €E6l7l, =71
^l|6l|0ll Ill.-H= g-d
14 . rl|dllE .J"J ee 0l0l7l6t7l
du .1116'll ^|lU4
d3 olotT16lTl . 9.171: 11|6l{0ll gEr +71 glTl
. /^Tli \l7l qeM^l ggEl {luolLt r|]6110ll +-d r\71
z+Elet . z+Elel.oJEifl rJaJ , Et1: z14U E^llq rll-d E|laf flt€ grLfl
?.IEJLJ! E4l8goil EH6|] .trJ6l7l: a+ElLtoJElLl! Elloll=71, =71
rH6ll 0l0F7l5f7l, a+ElLf
0l0t71617l ?lEJLll /.l.r 2a:-J 0l0F7l6f7l
15 . A+Elcl ?lElLtl rJel .9171:E,\jrJq oJElfl Il.E $LHE BlTl
ETTEI i.lE gtflrl tr^l . a7l: a+q=
'Jg-d 3-d0il rJ-d r\7l
'5B6t7l ^l86lrl7f =
Eiu .A+Elel ?lElLJl n|]E0ll
dA Z_doil
tl|6l| =alft

ol+l Eg =E
E-l . qBlloil^'t 61.= g . -L Z0ll +7llggt -d+el EllnlaJrJ
- qBrlel '-oYol/q ELI
-qB4A =^4 . -rfl.ltrl

-o.!Hr+ . -^19 E8 'J= BA
- e= == . _= r{oil
=Hl .-(e)tr

- .38 AE '-ol/ol/0 grl EE'c'9 lr, uloss; Hlg -d+?l=01
x-7lL =aF=
-8s+E . gufLf -cJrl Hal =/lL

. -Ll olLf

'4E .-(e)a{E '-0laJ'ej qg rll?_t -41

vl -ils d* .-(0|)il -=/E "J6lrt
-=* +^11 .-Oil 4eE

.-(e)E^l '_ItnLo'ol
_t olot /\Ha[ aot ,\l^l
- eg+e!+ tEvl! _O. d=
-L.,l\H OO
rll0ll - $e 999 .-El^l
- ge ege-l rfl4 .-gt/fl/flqalE

.{E ll6ll '_rll to'ol olo! '^lse.l g4'el -d4eJE.=

' -ElLl9 ,t"t.[_t _o
''J:et .IFilE E:et trl6fl .-(c.)u uffixl Eal
.ulilot q-d Ce H -"JE '-^l
. EEl9! '-L 4e g8=J8 oJElLt! U^q
.EILI - a+q Eq . -=^l -=^l
. . -7|trJ 6lE
z+Elel,|.tE "f E^ll

El 1rl- ?lE47H
You will be able to introduce yourself to other people.

Topic People
Function lntroducing someone
Activity Listening : Listen to a conversation about new
members of a club,
Listen to a interview with the swimmer
Speaking: Talk about sharing personal information,
Find out inlormation of new members
Reading : Read a personal introduction
Writing l Fill out a personal data form
Vocabulary Military, Approval / Disapproval
Grammar -{e)q, -(e)Lt, -ollol/q
Pronunciation Three difierent pronunciaiions of 6
Culture Obligatory military service for Korean men

zf ?lE L7H People


iff1.' E


1. ol ,t.Ete +E= 5lr 9iE71l-e? 0l l ? ?t= olE LtlEoI E-stEzle?

^FJol =0ll=

2 qalE= 47H6f= *+E Glr! LHE= E-et^lTlr^Jlols?


18 r1llrl,EE A7l]
) tr
oJ+ : 9l€61^lle? 4: j/+ql4q +q= ol"J+4n Elqq.
getr e +qlEBqq. 56'€l associationlclub

t!€: zl4 r-71 FcFlql eC 4g €f€Elq4. 4= qt} qtS

year of admittance to school
EllCEqq. dql^l+elHol qgzl 4414? (usually to college)
E!+:06qlH"Jqq. classmate who graduate

E€ : 06qlHol,q? re
in the same year
46lr €r7lLJl,q-. HlrJ+q q.
+4= 4qsd+4rt?
"J*: 41, 27HH dql 4lql6l-z olH elzl"il 3qrHge +qgl
I!€: *4 Ssglq s4l a +€6}l, gC6l 9*16l^17l=

T! €: Elfl qElE4l t"J slg ol"Jf ,{l$ rzll;|a+q4.
r4l €+g6l] +^171HlB.q+. C9.'ils.rnew nlenjber
|zlE . i

"J * : "J€ ald ltt? nqErl o6alH ol

"Jf ? rJ 4.
roughly equivaient to
:,' ,,:r,,,.1,',

t 4xlb {a}21u3
4= ag 4+ +ot6Jq4. the western concept of
"mentor-prot€g6" in the
q;l$r+ =-3 d7, +g d+EH7l E)a {+qq. companyl organizatlon (a
contracted form of tull +ull)
qg=:4, €l€6Jul4. +^{t+4t-+
rl dl : oJ€ al.ql,q-, dHI H. ^l: tOelg olxl*dl'J q q. international Relations

"J +: 10+Hols? rH ^]B+ d* +ullrllg.

gal^: Q]$a|,tlle? zlb ul49lr-l g'J4^ Eql'Jq+. 4^l
r+cql^J +xil *41e19 d+6lr 9l+q+.

"J *: ol, "l+ql^J 9f.+,e-. HlrJ+qq.

T! d: "Jf rAl: c4ol 4+4ol4lz| u]e.
"J f : olule. d* xllzl € 4^J4ol4 xJ+ "J+ ^t*5 *q^J
*ol Fz4+j6i= €gq+. zl+E+r,^86l.n ilqe.
+b Iee2tr 79 15"J +a+E a+ql^J qq*4. i1F-+
_il. i^"J6l^l= +EH ^lolql^J ],ali 9e 4qt] Ll: €
l-+. 8H6'ttt
H.J ^dtl r+€g 4A+. +EH4]^J= {+ xlNro|f;L, i.
to be common/to be

4 Fg +dtr}. q$q +: Blr Ee}6lq 4-g^J r d86ttl to srow

=+6}] ,JEE +tI.
& zl4 olol_+. ^Jt}g + 9lHtrl. to make an impression
ql #e g++ zf,qzlzl q:
aol+. fqliil trl ^Jgql e+ u+ Ael
)1* o-
architectural engineering
63gB.9 g 4ol gl=rll, a7-ol +qlzll ,JEg +grl ul {xfrf to be overwhelrning
+oltrl. rq+q 4= 63gBr+ ae H1l aEg AE zJ+zl EJl.6ltrl
to be fixed/to be determined
zl 9
"lot?lrl= #g zl?zl ^l4li{+. bXl to seem
4zl zJ+ +q,}J+ql eRg ql +EH4I^J= Elql=
atd4. 4+ +qlol q47l d+6lzlql Ezttl= lol ol
+H4. A+ +E qr+ 94E ol4l +EH4]^J -"1+g 6ld
o r-| olzlE 44:= gol a|^li b^]tr}.
+= a+ +q}J+ql Tiq}"l] ++E e 6llB gd
^l4lol 9l+.
6l a"
Pdl Hd a+Eg tl: g++ 4+zlzl € aol4.

d+ BCq Bq E+ obtisarory mitirary service for Korean men

r {48 =!s{
++ql^J= +qlql zt: A"l 9+"Jqvn qel+e d+9 +riql 4ollrl 9"}4 "Jr gqs?
ls there a military service obligation in your country? How much do you know about Korea's military?

. r+€-e- f,+g +4e+ +dg + .JIl 6J+9 +rllql 46ll^l 016l]6ll H^lls-.
The following passage is about Korea's military. Flead carelully, and learn aboul Korea's military.

Excluding those with special cases such as health problems or specific family obligation, Korean men must
serve in the military for about 2 years. Although Korean men car serve in the military beginning from the
age of 18, most choose to serve when they are in their early 20s. Most male students in college leave for
military service after completing their first or second year. Some believe that it is a waste of time and human
capital for Korean men to serve in the military when they should be studying or actively partaking in the
work force. However, Korea is able to maintain its national security through the sacrifices and devotions
of these Korean men. Moreover, the saying, "one becomes a true man after military service" shows that
those men who completed their military service duty have displayed a change in their behavior and outlook.
In other words, the hardships experienced in the military brought fofth interpersonal growth and became
a driving force in achieving one's goals. Those who have completed their military service and go back to
college are called "44rJ". Majority of the "4418" show enthusiasm and dedication in their studies, and
lead a diligent student life.
Unless one has not served in the military due to special circumstances, it is hard to be active in Korean
society and work force. Many political candidates have evaded military service and were not able to receive
support from Korean citizens.

. *1E +q]"il rI6l^J q "Jn gl= 4o1 gleH ololzloll tr^lls. rqr. qq+ +4E +4ql.46ll^'lE ololzlfl Erlle.
ll you have additional inlormaiion about Korea's military talk about it with your classmates, and then, discuss the military cullure in your country,
ll (H7l)ef eol E+6|-2, 11.53 a7H6H H^lE.

a$Trq EgEl olol+

Olqtfl languaqe institute
'J€atdUzt? 8$ts sales department
zl= aqqr-4ql q q: olql+elj1 6Jq+.
*ee + +qlEBqq.

O €+4quql +q4, "Julo}

o Bqlg d+6lr 9lq, E+c
O qqigql^J ++6}+, q€+ Three difierent pronunciations
@ *Cdxlql qqq, 4Cs ol6

O €4xlF^lql^J oJ6l+, ,J44

@ g g+ql^J Ag+

Although number 6 is
pronounced as [$] in word-

E (H7l)sf eol oloFTl-H H^ile. initial, [+J aJter

a vowel or
after a consonant except

' 05 / 4tp 511

> E*611!il.^{s.
(1 ) oJ'd6l^Jls-. 06olH a+El
z[: qt{o1 q€41 g^]l,q? "Jq+.
+: orqrHEq4. (2)

4: :H xja|r F7lql,q. ^lldElHEE


o 0B I ^l6la- +71
O 06 I zlt;lt- gzl
o / z.l!-r| rjull

@ eB I ^lLq 6H dEl] When someone tells you that

O 11 / zJBr| $u| he I she has been admittgd {to

school or work) earlier than you
o oB I 4HLl +++Htl and therefore, is your senior, it is
O 86 I ^lHLl d+ dE]]
natural to, say, CEH.^I Lll
fl (H7l)el eol oloFTl6tl H^lle.
o,26jrJ3 EtrE c[1s]cl
e4oil 7lrl.
zl: *4b +qedqs? to go to the military
4: ull, 2+LJg ufnlr qq*qs. to enlist in the armed
O o, 4"Jql to be discharged from the
armed service
@ o,24H dq 4lq4l olHoll 3qlH-g.E +qL*4 (ilrtD Ex{= grl
to receive exernption
@ o, + g dq xil4aP 4* eizlql qEg 4ol4 +71-= Llgtt
to be on leave on vacation
@ x, qlHql zJ 4s14 i9 soldier

@ x, +qlql T]"ela +qg{q $f Army

8E Air Force
G) x, bol ?l +ol^j Ezll= Bgttrl
ollE Navy
allH4 Marines

E (H7l)ef eol oloFTl6H E.^ile.

trJol Ettrt
+A+g / 9101.5 the only son
Llt€4ottrh rl€- oJLJ gqH orct +rqgJttEt
zI: i6*9 gol {^lb d4.J 4 pole.
r-| : xllz| .ll^d 4 ol+ z.l* Elkl *ql^l gol
+rl;i+l6lb €ol"lle.

o +6+9 e*ol 44 /
4C4ol4, iJ+ "J+ ^l+Er+ "Jg + *6ltl
o +6+9 *ol 44 / ,-lld4ol4, "Jol 44
o gg614 /
4+4oltrl, iJ+ "J* ^leEr+E g qg?]rl
o ^lj/4o14 /
4+4o14, ^l+ "Jt ^i*E + +EJ 416ll^14
o a+61+ / 9ol-5o14, E-e
^lr4olxl {a}r}
@ olLl I
s B"l] 69 dallolEl, h+6lr+ g qgqq
tr (H7l)sf e0l Eadlr, d40il rH6|] olotTl"-H H lle.

HlEl deldlEl l{:-ilol A{aolE}

?.l rr oo t,r -l-l-lL o1 | |
ufllf (in) every matter
z[: z[4]el C4q] q6l] 9+6ll B^lflfrlz[f
4: xJb Hti €**iq 4+4?l ^J4gqq.

o i6gol grl, ,llc4ol4, a++ c4ol4

L** ^d4oltrl
Ql *,Jzlzl B:rl, +}g614,
O ilg6l4, #g6ltrt, {+f, C4ol4
@ +=.+9 E*ol 44, A+4o14, "Jol S= €ol+

O qA4olQ, uJl.r.|oll F4*ol Srl, Eeg +016lrl t-rt':


@ ee"lq, *C4ol4, i,:.rnS

qg4: 49 €olal4

E (H7l)ef ,Jol oloFTl6tl H^lle.

tggl, gt6lsJ56ltrl Il{{, contin,uously

zl: *4 Sagq 9.C A €l€61r, 9416l oll9.,l
gFal^l7l€ Hl+?l+qq. to build friendship

4: rll, A^lqlq+.

O Fot4, 4+4eE gfalrl

O Fol4, *g 49 Ell+rl
o F.cq, =4A' ^lLiltrl
@ FEq, gg ^lg.g ^1fltr1
rO eg, zlg{etr atz};}4
@ s"J, qg5rl +cg ++
E (H7l)el eol oloFT16ll H^11e.

1+ *6+!Hl rtEl / HJEIIE-


zl: zl4 +Eqql 7l4r+i1 *,€- aejoFl to consent

trll, +EH4l^l:
qH +*g Bold+q4? €E6ltrl to agree
Ildaltl to approve
+: 4l7t a+ +qf4ql 7l4lr+i1 t'lltl +EH4]^J rlflal"rl to support
Hlql= r*.1 atf.*.J4. +fl6ltl
to back up or offer

O ol€9 d+6]-4 / +4= e*ol at4 4a16pt to encou!.aEe

E!46ttl to oppose
O AgEr+ql ,lq I 4+4g-s +96ll +tl

$alr| io stop o. dissuade

o qlEg "J zl4 / d6lzl "Je+
g6ll6ftl to hinder or disrupt

@ +qlg TlLl I HIE -"]qg 6lzl= 9+4

O Eqlql 7]cl l4EJ= r*ol all i4 ,(Jel Eill social organization
o ^lq+4lq^i .J61t} / -=./\lolEH

Ed'JEeE zlg6ll +441 6lq both materials and morals

(H7l)sl e0l Ea6lr, qalEel 3+0ll rH6H 0l0F7l6H



zl: +sHAl^J +El AlTl +E 7l+ 4&

4: ;19q1= HiqloldsL'} * ol-Sg. Hl+11.+qq.

O Hl46t+ I xl]"& E"l 9"1 €4

o Hlql6lrl I zl?2 4+4ss zlg6ll =rl
O +ql4q / 9"t F 6l+l. 9I+
@ &C614 / tlC+ 4+ + +sleltl
O +^d6l-+ I zl].-9- * 7lAt "Jflti
O &C614 I zl].& q^l ^J46ll !_4r +q
El (E7l)sl eol E+6fr., zlef0ll tH6tl 0l0F7l6tl H^llg

E$l .l-q6t.t, gtt l+'tfrt qtrt

zl: 9tr 4lqg z$lt-Al4l4?

4 : € g a1 :.ei 6il HIE
g€'J 'Jq'l'l fl

o gd6l l-q6lr+, 3H +ql €g6lri

o g+ql e j!q, +e EEg 4+
O 4'J+ Aeg *4, 4rl€ ^lqq
@ tsqg 7ltr;l, E6l= rlgql Azloltrl
o +++ ioJg +rl, g,q+ .Jxllzl 94

l0 EoElotl
c"J alflol Elol 0l0F7l6H H^lls.

f,+qlqr- A€4r+ sqL'J

4Hql +qlql a qlc

@ olz
4dol aaJ
tl4 qs=
a+* C4

^Jg =41
zi+4, gg*
xl ?-l rqr+


#g +qlr ^lq d.^l

"JfqEr ql+gd
+Er+ 4^l !+c z'1^l
ol940t a4l
a+zl, +6€€ t*.1 4b €4
LLi-al 1}4
{ t Listening_Etl

E +ge EoJoll^iel rHsfgLlrl. E Er trEoil g6l^11e.

Listen to the people talk in the club. Listen carefully and answer the questions.

1) qH Eg.J lnl?
I gEl FEsrl X ol"t+q €+al+ Eg
2) o146 Al9 zlgg +9E qtt?
tr qL^J n sl^lg
3) ol4= 4= flzll qqlql flqil+:,izt?
fl 19B7LJ [ 2006'J

4) ol4= r l= eI ++g *#lr4?

f +'il n qqlg+

f| q8g +g c+el9 ?]El+ LHEgLlrl. E Er ole;1ol LHEoI "*oE o,

X oll E l6l-^Jle..
Listen to the interview with the swimmer. Listen carefully and mark the following statements
as either O or X.

1) ol d+= ^ll4l qlqq^J 1# *+. H a

2) ol d+E zl!$ EF +g cfol44 8714long term
+g d+ H tr
=4lol4. ^1lzl7l+g ^ll?El
to set a world record
3) ol d+: c4ol ,lic4?l €ol+. E X
4) ol di= 4 g +"il ^ll4l7l+g
^ll+= 4ol Bol4.
tr tr


f Sp".king-Salzl
b^ HJ r1{6t| golHlll9.
Find out about your classmates.

oJr. 4eE q€41 eE6llot *z\e?

o a+E r6J, CzJ r+C, ^J4g
How should you ask to the friends about their hometown, processing o{ their growth, and personality?

o a+Eq dl4l olotTl6ll H^ll,q-. ol4ql xll^l€ a elql € El dg 4ol glsH

Talk it with the class. Ask more questions if you have more questions than the below chart

a+ql 46l] ^ll+zll grll € 4*ol gleHabout4E a+ql4lE.

the friend.
"Jel +^ll,q
Talk with other friends if you to know new information

EEalq +lg Elflol EoleJ#Ll+. ,\lE 47|16|.| E^llq

A new member has joined a club. lntroduce each other.

o 4Bol * a= rrJE^ll,q-. 3€g Fs,qE zl€ glflolr, 1Bg d"J qg'Jqq.

Get into a group oi 4. 3 peolpe are existing members oi the club, and one person is a new member'

o 4lE slgg q€rll r4$zl ^J44 -H-^ll,q. r4a 7l= Elgg 4lE slg
q4l eEg,4+g 446I -B^]s.
questionnaires for the new
The new member thinks about how to introduce yourself. The existing members think about

. ^l7l? i7l]6tn t+6.J ag Er qlBoll -H-^ll.q. ololzlzl €4H qgg Hl+l

rl^l 6ll _H_^lle.
lntroduce yoursell, and then ask and answers the questons. when finished, exchange the roles and do
ffi Reading_B"lzl

$ qgp d"JE g^10il + E glz trEoil -J6l^jl-".

^1fl is lhe introduction
The following ^l7l47H^l =gLlrl.
by a person applying for a position in a company.
Read il carefully and answer the questions.

t zlzl|zll^J "J^lql zll^l€ 6}qgBr, qB 4.8-ol 4r{ glgul q=ql _H_^lls

Take a look at the format cf the written introduction and predict what it is about.

o uul=- 4se glefl^J ql^Jdull+$ ?J+^1+.J6ll _H-^-lls

Read it quickly and see if your prediclion was correct.


z]: +tql^J qiq4 €to,Lr€ u}{ rllz}xl +&ql^.1 zl.*+qq.

+EH4l^J {$g +g6lq *+A1vl^1 "Jaldzl r{Eql zlb ^}g
c* dol zJsl olol_tr. ctlg + glflG.qq. ra 'J€ + € ol49 F
^J9 =u-q 44+ 4"J+g ,*Al gil+qq. zl= nqg
olkeC +EH 'Jq aF+rql €qe+ ++q, slolr., 4flE F
9 ullgl rtoJ*5zl€ 7l^lAl qfi+qq.
qqlql .J46I.4 4gr+ +e zlxl 4199 'gc
^lb ^il ^1lfl,+qq.
al f;$:olz|', '4Sd AEg €zt', '€-^16l* d€ €zl'. 4b qlql

Cg+ ol 4lqg Cd6l ddgl+q+. dt"J agqlg gd6l +
+6l] d +H €# €dg 4.54 "Jdql 4.3dg g*+qq. rqa
^89 r€+E$ o F .++orl 4qsa, +qs4} +ql^J .JH g€€ 6rq
4"J* ?Eg €*+qr+. r4r q+.J +qI^J E+tr] F + +g
+^lg# *+qq.
flql ++q dqol Hq4 +^l€t"I^J gs€ g + 9lg cE
,el +e€ 7*+a *+qq. ralr e+q E^j zJ4 xl46sr f5
54 ull g+= Eg4ss zJ4'Jbqg ,*+tgl+qq.
+4E4le qlq lqlH "I+El $olzlE #+'J ,lE.Jrl4. zJ
oJ+ :6lE ggr+"ll^J "J4q +€g g+€ ^ExE tsll+r 4+q
4lg 4. :41 zli{zl-gg.H q}el ^l^}ql {z!,r}lE& ^l*g zfl{all !-
r d#q4.
. rl^l + H $r ol4E 48ol =r+ AeH O , r+qfl X ql s^l6l^ll,q-.
Read it again and mark the {ollowing statements as either O or X.

1) ol
^t*9 +EHgxiul
r.991 +dol r:-r
lol lxl @
rr -r xel independence
i IlaJd independer
2) ol
qlql'I +r]€&ql^l "J+
ll4. ua gA gE internship
g l48 officialmeeting
E^l -.lal
3) ol e+q E^l zl4 zl4a+=
zlzlr. !iu|. UX document processing
+l=6ttt to acquire
EE4 efficientiy
4) ol
qugall 914.
=+^ls trtr 6llE gg4
overseas business division
iEiE step by step
5) ol
^lEl= 4
#+ qlEql zl+19 El^l€
trtr Tlg:lTtgLl
to have an opportunity
7fl46ltl to pioneer

o +lql^J zlzlrzlltl4: $Cg + +Elql=

+elol+ g.dg 4-o|!-r, ^lAlq qloJ €BE
qBrll s€g f ll9zl ^J46ll -B^lls.
introduction and think
Take a look at the sentences and expressions of the
about how you can express yoursel{.
--:.- l - ---:
i - u::' ::: '
.-=---:4. -..-
:-l ::! : .::-l
ffi w*tns-ra7l
-: ,.., 'l.:':-
!:- -'t_,
:.-: -,.-.
;l_ ' j::l:::::
tr Write
glTlel ?Jol
a self
ul Hllle.
as in Reading activity.
:1i:i"'iri.i=: i
o Hzl qqql xll=g zlzl4;ll!$ € {qlxl= 46r^lle.
:+i:. 1,-ii:.:t'il, Decide where you will submit a self introduction.
f:.iir!:5i.:-::-t-:-l j
i;-ii-ii.ia:i,:==: ql) azl q"J q^1, 4lql q"J 4er, 3q; zlfl zl* F

i:,,i::-::i. ',.:.':=
i:::+.i::=..-.:-::::::, o 6}-qg Bn qH ql+g 3xl TrJal -H-^lls. rglr 9lg +qg zlqiBxl
ii::::-:,.S:,,::-i::, ^l-Elol
i{::i-=-:.]i::-=:: .::
46lH^l 4+g +^J6l^lle.
:::i::r:i:=::::::::::::: :
Take a look at the categories and think about how to write it. Organize the outline considering what contents might be
expected to the readers.
i:i:-. .:;.:i:,.::::

i:i=-==::-== r q se-^l4ot B 4so 4 rqiz r1a+ +Hg +ill4.J CBE qlE6ll _H-^.lls.
Take notes of detail information in order to include the contents.

:r.iSl:::-:iS =:
. i:-it-:!':== r qlE+'il+g ulBoe rl _H^-lle.
Based on notes, write a self introduction

+4q "*41 ^l4lg A ^z]]glbxl +oJ6Fr +€"ll

Read the selt introduction again and edit it, it necessary.

ql) +iJg 7Fe "J+ 4soeE +€qflbxl, mhl flHzl s,bxl, €€.aa1z1
dgzl H=zl F
r +lql^J +,li+g ulE*"E.4^14?l tr-+ql *zll xicg az]1o11 _E-^lle.
Based on lhe outline above, introduce yourself briefly in a formal selting.

Hl4^1491 rFlLf 4^14?! 47l|:g + ?l*Llzt?

^lalql^j ^ldg
Are you able to introduce yourself in a formal and informal setting?

det at€, d4 # s:Bt6ll

€E-g * 916r,lzl?
Excellent >.*s-.-r POOr
Are you able to explain yourself including your personal growth, and personality?

a^l4e 9lr € + ?l+Llzl? Excellent

Are you able^t7l47H^l=
to read and write an official self introduction?
a -(e)q
o -(g)q is a formal expression of -( o )S,t-1 and is often used in an expository writing,
an editorial column, an official document or an announcement. It expresses 1) two
simultaneous actions or 2) two equivalent facts.

4b ol4gl 41Eg gl-g-E^J ,lrl= ul^1,q.

4E otdql {#g gleq 44= ul l+.
KQI rlo1E^l axlg d^JHg
^l?l.J ^zlqlq4.
K4l l.;o1q azlg d^8Hg 4zlla}41r1.
o It takes two forms according to the stem ends.
a. If the stem ends in a vowel or =, -4 is used.
b. If the stem ends in a consonant except for =, - { is used'

(1) a+e+ q"d ololzl='littl.

(2) r= d.J €sol
qlEql Eg Hq qlqlql +k1+.
(3) += 4+401q gg+ c49 4$zlo1r1.
(4) L]] a6}g *olri.

A -(e)Ll
O -(9)+ is a formal expression of -xltrJ and is often used in an expository writing,
an editorial column, an official document or an announcement. It connects two
contrastive facts.

7l1l E+ $.xl"J 9"Jol ilq 6}+6ls-.

7ld s$ S.eLt q"Jol glq q+6l.4.

o It takes two forms according to the stem ends.

a. If the stem ends in a vowel or =, -4 is used.
b. If the stem ends in a consonant except for =, - t{ is used.

(1) d=qE gd6l ++61+ €4ol * 54 9+:4.

(2) zlg ql+tsol ?zl +larJ= B.e4 ,J rifl= 4zl *9t4.
(3) a+ dql *.luleq a+= "J+^l *e}.4.
@) d4e ela sl+al4.
E -ol/ojq
r -ot/{/{ is a formal expression of -o}/9/€..tJ and is often used in an expository
writing, an editorial column, an official document or an announcement. It expresses
1) the reason or 2) the order between two clauses

uJg uluu|,<J dCg * Eflq,q.

q+ drJg *
HldEl E Hrl.
efl+"Jql a+= "Jr+^J B-s- olotzl= ++flqs.
s4rJ"Jql {+= "J+ *e ololzl$ u}h$tr|..

o It takes three forms according to the final vowel of the stem end.
a. If the final vowel of the stem is | , -.'- (except for 6|r{;, -o} is used.

b. If the final vowel of the stem is a vowel except for l., -.,-, -9 is used.
c. If the stem ends in o[, it becomes o]{ after adding -{ but is usually contracted to ol].

(1) arlol oJ
€ol +qlql ztxl *iH4.
(2) f,f q^lql +lz16lr dq dfq= gC6l ++*4.
(3) ol +4e *r+ 6}0l ,J6ll E 7l7l6JEq.
(4) r= d: golH H rltolr zldql *ot r,i.iol $xl *+ 41+g 9l=tr1.
(5) g+.
(6) =tlol
a+ql4l dE-e +H4.




ffi _ _ l*:t-





# &"
:B:: #*

*.* #*
El zvt H}|lgl-€EF
Weatherand Life
You will be able to describe how weather and climate influence to daily
life. l

Topic Weather and Life

Function Explaining the relation between weather and life,
Describing weather conditions, Talking about the
influence weather has
Activity Listening : Listen to a conversation about the weather,
Lislen to a weather {orecast
Speaking: Talk about the weather and life,
Explain ihe climate
Reading : R-ead an article on the climate of a certain
Writing : Write about the climate
Vocabulary Weather, Weather related expressions, Climate
Grammar -tr1L|,-ilq-trlals.
Pronunciation 'Ll$' 6nfl 'Ll--$.'
Culture Features of seasonal foods
Ill2rf 'Jul9l 8=J Weather and Life






;e-: 1. olr- ZltroJ 4?Jole? q^l= et| 0l=Zl 6fr 9l=7le?

2. '_Julel 7l+0ll ,\FJ=el gg3 qEzl =Je:l4-tlle?




36 rllz4 g^,rlsl8g
: H4 q+1. qe &7lz\ul aNE o|{qJ= + Sd:q q
s5g ole+El ++ 4ql,q_. ++ nlq to be boiling hot

u13: ol"l, Al. olEq fl zldolqle? ,J7lA*gle? LlI H ILH

^lls to be sick with too much air
e qa q+ q9l^J qlqag Al+ 4 +i1 ^l*,=ql, conditioning
^ltE: tJ9l= Eltl to feel hot easily
nlfl: olfellE BEJBolz| Hr-lle. E4r qlqag Al+ 4
+eE ATtollE_.J €otg. rf-lr ol 4EE q+;(ln
trJ-$ {E olt-l*ole.

1116: xllzl-+lq q+lE *ol 4b xll€ol4^J q+ql: qlqa

fi'J * €zJ=,q.
rl3 : rqE. qg S + Ezll, +g E + +41 xlullolxle.


lq "J aj 4:{q*+q+. q, ol+trlq +i 6l^lle?

F ol+DlLl:+, sq? atl6lqr. fEJJ. trq gdl^= etr-6lb ,rg= dlrl
to prepare Kirnchi for the
: A 4+ H4l+Ll. winter

E g aj 4:ql. rflql ul+zi4 ol$4l t*ole? ola qerll tl LflLfl throughout

+f +-A- for a long time
E Eqs? 'H$6ltt t0 store
G ol+trlLl: ol4l +l7i t*ol?49'il4 Eg aql. 9ol +9lxlH Z^lU8!
4^l€ ^l+ +r7l I 4*,1zi ol$Tll '/J*& ql +r
Kimchl refrigerator
$ ground
Fn Fr E= 4ol. zJ + Kim€hi jar
g a4 4: ot, rfl{l e+ti txJlExl ;1lr€ A + 9lr gr^lE
gE +^l ?**ole..
ol+rl!: e6 49ol or+4 trl*6lflqr 6lq4E 4ge
4golot. &ul+ol gH Atle 6llolzl.
g aj ol E+e a qqql-tr+6lls?
^:r++q. =ql
ol+DlLl:zJxltstt-zql B+6lzl. r4r B+q ,JeSgEq
+7lE 61r..
4E ule glql glxl+'Jqlol^lolb d€4'J gq zl+ zl
qeE g€+ zlgol ztc? €ti. F+e+ xlolz| glzl dE4?l tYPicat
tr.g q6:hot
6l+, ng 4+* €€+ zlfeJol 2,500mm
zlAE ?1611
and humid

= 7l$ house
Ceol4. €6 zl39 Hplzl 4E $.r *r+ *9 zlolr ul 71fi support
i6ltrl. uJqlol^lol 7l+E E r+E 549 *zlzl glq: aol IIE geothermal heat

4. *z\ql= 6l+4E q zlql4 |tlzlzl 44 dzlql Hl6ll EqLltrl

to be increased (in amount)
€t zlgol lOcoltr-LilEj7l7lE +4.
EJqlol^lotql^J= lg 4ft 7l+E gE+ zl+ € oJ6ll

4zl Bgalgq. 'J +lql EIE d9 ]lzl 9*r 7l# Fq, a

zlql= dql zldziee dBgal 9+E+ 61r., +7lql
,J4L4H41 gq* Eol d o e Eolezl ?+E+ 61.94.

EE 4l€ *Al Features of seasonal foods

o 4l€9 q€ 969 u1{z}e? q€ ++q z}Z} 3 €t}9 T]lavle?

^lg.5el ^dgql
What kind o{ influence do seasons have on people and their lives? Which part do seasons have the most inlluence?

. ^l4l€ol
4€"t4 E= +^lqlE ilolTl il+qq. q-se d+el 4leE +4q +* ='JqEl.
+q6J 6J+e
+ 9li1d+9 4leB *^lql ql6l ol6llbl s^ile-.=
With four distinct seasons, end the food consumed during each season is different in Korea. Let's lind out the diflerent types of lood for
each season.

In the spring, wild greens such as 94 (wild rocambole), u$ o1

(shepherd's purse), El +fl (dropwort), and EElzl (balloon
flowers) commonly pleased the palate. Also, 3f (mugworts) were
easy to hnd and were often boiled for soup or used as an ingredient
for rice cakes. $Q (Mugwort rice cakes) and other wild greens
are still eaten as seasonal foods. Foods such as $!l$ (Ginseng
Chicken Soup) and q/lxJ (Spicy Beef Soup) that are rich in
nutrients and supplement the body are popular during the summer. Ginseng Chicken Soup has glutinous
rice, garlic, jujube, and other ingredients inside of the chicken and is boiled together with ginseng. Spicy
Beef Soup is cooked with peppery flavors and is popular throughout the year. Summer fruits such as the
peach are consumed as a punch while other fruits are used to make wine'
During the harvesting season of autumn, cooked rice from the freshly harvested crop is eaten as well as
other dishes made from radish such as !frzl (Dice Radish Kimchi). Chrysanthemums are also used to
make sld (flower rice cakes) and fffi (Chrysanthemums flower wine). Since winter is a cold season,
there is nothing that can be harvested. As a result, dried and picked wild greens that were preserved from the
spring are eaten. The early winter is also the time to prepare pickled kimchi and vegetables.

qq+ n.6}qlE 4leel Eq+= -o-^rol 9l s E ololzlaN -H-4lle.

Discuss your different types ol seasonal food {rom your hometown.

(H7l)ef e0l E+6|-r, e= H^lloll rt|6t| 0l0F7l6H

€t$ttrl / +q 49ixc1 LJ0l
Eal+ to thaw weather
zl: *4zl g€6|zl-P-? to De cozy

4:uJl. +4 +gnqs. 6Ej6ltl

to be bright and sunny
+EE[ to be sultry and muggy
1; gol r*ol EB,4 / E="lleq +'J r l=6 ttl / +-J l=-oltl
airlweather to be ^hot and
O 9-= + dd6l+ / El+E ^lg4dtl dense
ddalLt to be cool
0 Bol +6trl / "lxllB4 4FqlA+ ,tjEolrt to be chilly
@ Bol +Bzl=6l.4 I #szl ol+ ktrl €A6H
to be crispy/to be a bit
o ol*ol 'ldEl I g^l7l +^l 6tr1 chilly
o c"J++ 414 I eE 4l +'Jrt wind to be fierce/harsh
Eolcl to be warm/mild
++ filtf to be boiling hot

g (E7l)sf eol oloFTldH H lle.

/ 6lgol ntTrh Hl+ol ^{^.l6llfiEl 4alu| means to be warm but
the expregsiirn is not appropriate
z|: o141 C"J zl*q_l7i ts+s. for spring q summer buf for
4 : z4 zil,q-. q a d"J 4E qgol i'l'ZJq q winter wlen thg temperafine

sE+ ut*ol dd6lld.'ils. suddenly and :trnlikely gqqq :sp,

o + / €€6tr+, H.ol "*ol EHri

O q+ I +4^l=614, $$ dtl
o zl^9 I +HAl v4^1L1, dd6ltrl
@ zl& / e.ol €€ -c=c1, Hle.ol
O 49 / + ^J5+ Crol4, +tsol ^lqq
o ag I ErJ €€+ 4Eolr+, HlH.ol otf olld4
g (E7l)ef eol oloFTl6H H^ile.

^FJE *rEot rHgtfitrh + / or4l

*xlB way one is dressed . :,

7l:^lH'5*xfeol 7fq+141 agEq solzJ

4: :-4.q-? zJE s-* tSr lzl-r. otzl +* 4

O &z16l: ^l*5ol *tl, + / Hlg+ol "ldtl

' o qlq vf,+ 4 +g *ol *4, q+ / EE Exl ?*4
O 1l *g Tlzlr 4q: 5_4, zl9= I
olzl +E^l=6}.4

@ t}rJg 4r qqb rt*ol ELl, A& I

E-e +zl ?+tl

El (-erl)q eol E+6tu, qal=el e+q 4dH 0toF7t6tl


qEqt -tet
Tg * ffcr / 6Jf,E * lf.t
*g ri9 t *qs.
zl.: $qlol trIEql 6E€ f€ver
spring '

€71+7f gelq
4: :Ba? r4^J xle. ei*r * *q,q. to blow pollen in the air.
g€++l the last cold snap

qlEql 6l+ Eillrl+

o ==+ +g €9t4 I *+& + lkLl temperature-humidity index
{discomfort index)
O 44{1 z|447l++olEl I +4i;14 it+*tr} ptflOI tropical night

@ *zllzl gel^J xllxllzlzl H+zl9*=+ / EEEI+I

#xlE gr &+
weather to be sizzling hot
@ 4Fq+l ul+ql Enll^l+7t +trt / the season of "high sky and
plump horses"

^t+i= +4
6l+qlE H Hol4 A:d^IE
a cycle of three cold days
0 zls=rg C"J da"lHlg 4l€.J ArJLI I and four warm days

€9 9zl"J 6l: A e4 EIt=

freezing cold winter weather
@ bol B:ol er aol ulzBLl I q H'Jqe ueRrl (lit. winter general)
E (H7l)el ,Jol olotT l6tl H tle.

rFt /
+elEh 1l+ toJ
z|: s-r|3 q+ €eJ^J 4l+ ei"J
4: €44r-l:a :192il 4l+ alql xlxJ $l
4lxrolrlE" + 6l^11.a_.

O E4, 6l+ +'J qlqag 4 +4 I *zl3 ^l7l+

o GL}, *qlqi glLl I Tlqg +# 6l+
O €ill^l+zl +r+, al+EI .Itl / {4= .Jg *otu4
@ Bol €4, oll9 tszlq}614 / 49 9l+

(H7l)el e0l E+6|-_2, .r'gg 'Juloll rH6H 0l0t7l6H


fEf / x, Ecil€ rH, 6J+4H S^t ejrt

zt: 9-E C"J ;lqls-. tlloF r^l r6JE olg4l
-T-r1 " 1

u|: olrJg, 4l l.6}9 €rll^J 71+^lEql +611^J

dqzje '6:zl ?*ol,q.

O +rl / x, xl5o11C zl+, qgu-4 gt tr+*6ltl
O E+ / x, all*C zlg, ol{!-+: E 'J+
O +61+ I x,4v 7l+, ++ 9.1 49 S.4
@ aa6l+ / o, l.& 7l+, 4l z]zal4
O Ert / o, .$4C 7l+, flEt:J+ Htt
O +4 / o, 4Ed 7l+, 4gtl d+B+ q 6q
n (H7l)el eol E+61r, qalE Lfelol 7l+0tl rll6tl
0l0F7l6H H^119'

gE, .lt+t ]t+ / T+%'ot 4r E+e

*olrl to belong
z|: S€9 Etl$^d 71+ 4aizle? gg= gtlto be influenced
4: *o19. r4^J zJ,**ol 4:L Elg €"ol Eloi-sl 9lr1
daily range of temperature
o :41, zl€!6|]c 7l+ I annual range of temperature

q+4: 4v6la- 4gql: G* €ol4

O CTIe.=. gEI C zl+ I
ng 4+6rl' 4l€E Hslzl zle-l Sq
o 6Jl"Jc 71+
I 4gql EE +^l g+El
@ ol4E_, 44 7\+ I gj/xlel flLx1z1 €olrl
O -J+, eqlC 7\+ I ^lz{€9 54ol ol+ +q6lq

tr (E7l)el"eol oloFTl6tl E^lle.

'rl+, oJ]ile @M
TJ ^lrq E: El {Tg ^ El Il-91.N sun block
zl: fzlql^Jq ^Jg4 ulo| z'.1 r6Jql^JE ^Jge -tL# moisture
rlE dol + gl^le? TEiq if possible

u1: Hl. AzlY 6l'JiJ ,l+q +'* zl9ol4rJ trlofLf to avoid

?lzle q1*,,.|:.oll q 4la€ ab €olqls

o gqlc zl9, flHol ,J6ll^.1

zl+xll= I
O gqC zl+, ^l4l€ol f{aN.! 4l€E_e =Hlg
45ol *4
@ ,Jzzlg,2f,4q|- E4 ElH.g Eg + 9lb A *g
a3-1r zlxlr. 4qq
@ ql+^J zl+, -492} d="12121 ?+rll tr+ql dag
;:r!:.15:l ,4 tl

O zl+6]]C zl+, ,**q= gs$ 7lA4 sloltrl

fl (H7l)ef eol oloFT16ll H^tle.

rFtilt rF, r* la, .el^

z|: xlirll{ zl99 54e F!fltlz}?
u|: xl6o1r.3 7l f : q+ql= El aaqlrl4.
f_+^l"J ++ rEql ileH qEql
4qe4b E Hrll !4dqq. r4E 4Hol
ztt;lzl trll$ql 4Ed ;ltxll$ q ^J|oF
6Jq4. zl4 zlqql +61= qlEZl"J
+4= f?-l^.Jqq.

O €4C zlF, I..g r++, I]Jellol^lol

O 94C zl*, rl4l€ol +q,6}trt, EeJ^
o qlq^J 7l+, tl$zlzl doltrl, rE"+
@ 6lloJ^d 7l+, #uzl +tr1, €E
tr +ge'Jill0ll rH-d rHsloJLlrl. EEI o;-a11ol LHEoI "*eE o, X0ll *.r.1
6f^j19. =alE
Listen to the people talk about the weather. Listen carefully and mark the following statements
as either O or X.

(1) B^l: ollH

(2) ol
Bul4 4Eol€ 4lqeRq.
6lz1 916ll E.q
to think aboLrt
^l*=* =Hl= =al6ftl
Dlaloll +lTlLlEl
9lrl. one has a problem that
(3) q4€g E+ tszlg 4lqq 4+4eE weighs on one's mind (lit. to

+^J6lr 914. EX have a cramp in one's head)

E +ge "J7l
qlHgLlrl. E trEoil =Jdl^il-".
=rcarefully and answer the questions.
Listen to the wether forecast. Lislen

1) q4lvl^lE 9rAl= qRfrlzl? fi

to be unpredictable
AA$E[| state of lull
2) *oE9 gr^l: "l€4t#.lzt? tt|Hl6ltl
to preparelto get ready for
Efl6ltlto inspect
At6 E+
flooded areas
3) s+ eg g4ql= +Eg ollo| aJlz|f q-E6ltl to secure
IllE H I bacteria breeding
{$$ food poisoning
e Speaking*Halzl

'Jfilet ,g=Joll rH6H rl+el 0l0F7l6H -E. llg'.

Talk about weather and life with your friends.

1)f,op1} gAle+ dqdl= gal

(1) qE g4{= +ot6Jq 4? I dq6Jlnl?:z ol+= +9.J 4rt?
(2) rfl g4ql= +9.g *lnl?

2) la3e1 4l€E gr{e} ^Jg
(1) qL 4l€ol 9l+.lt4?:1rlr 4 A14E 54e *qflrlzl?
'+ 4€q 4= ^l+5E ^Jg E+g "l€+.'Jzt?

(B) r 4l€, ts4"J9 5E+ 4."1 9l#lzl?


4 7l+ tH-d r €EdH H^lle.

^lEoll ^lE= =Hl6H =8=
Explain charaeterislics of each climate area using data you have prepared.

. +^ll €ol t 44 Elq 71+ ^lEg 4Qol.,r.lle.

Get inlo groups of 2-3 people and choose a climate area.

. a_ 7l+9 549 rzllalzl 914 zlEE go| H.rlle.

Collect materials to present about typical characteristics on the climate.

9l) zl$g =.4, zl+zl Cgq Elxl= €6}(el^l+), 4ldol uiflzl d9l
. ^lE= cr-lql qH 4s" r+ +^iE gs+^l +t}6ll _H_^'lls.
=Hl+ the
Organize prepared information and think about how to present it.

. +tl+ 4+-q u|$e_tr. **a1 _H_^Jls.

Based on your notes, make a presentation.

. A+59 gEE 5eH^'l "J4l € ^llES Alzl gleH += a+SqlAlE 'JBl

What is the new information from classmates'presentation?
ffi Reading_9{zl

tlg= 718 +E E^loll rJ-d E 9lz trEoll g6f^ile.

^llzl0ll^l =gLltl.
The following passage is about the coldest city in the world. Read it carefully, and answer
the questions.

. ^ilzlq^-l ,l* i# E^l: "l4.Jzle? gL\71+g trl "lH gol tgz;nle?

Where is the coldest city in the world? How cold is the cily? What can happen when the weather is cold?

r zl+ql ++ "lH 4*ol 4q il€{ q+6ll -H-^lle.

Try to predict what contents are included in a passage about climate.

. E+-e. +Es g.leH^J qlr}+ ']l+r+ ,Je^l q?l6ll _H_^ll,q.

Read it quickly, and see if your prediction was correct.

gHJ4o-e 7|80l Edl 5be Eol^lE rl|+Eol ,^.l

aJEe Erpl Eralg 4tE'Elr-t. 96l.20'cE F+ 6
7l7l ga g7l IIllE0ll TlAg 6f1l Etl. 718
0l trl Eo.|r1 g61 35'c7l EIE L=E trl+71 7J?+E
9J=tr1. 86|.4s'czl"^l Lt|elTfE ?I3E H= gol "J-g
+ trts rEol Etrl. ?leE.|l7t gE iil+oll 4t EqE
7l n]|EolEf.
-r.eJLl 7l€l +8 -E^1, 0t+*3011
EtEg E6l 50"cel gnlE f7l= 6f^lu 0l'+ ^l
Z olLlelr "J-dtrl. E+ +l^lEt ol*g
1g EE 7l8ol ^l4lalololl
961 40'col7l ttHEoltl. 4E d u 18
0l g615ob77l^l Eq^l^l E^l E[|+EE UHJ
EElElfltrl. f"alLl oF+*3oll,\lb ^l€3
flEq * itl #atee Eq ga4?l ^lElEol
0l0F7l= +rg
b EAE CC^l Lrll E + 91fltr1.
g61 40C0ll-E 44= EJH6lr. Eol ss'czl EIE
oJ^l +flel= ol+e dol Ltb olol=. :1=3 +elel
g4"J= ++16l^l= ?JLl Htl.

. r+^l * H gln ol4E 4€!ol AsE O, risH X ql s^l6l^lle

Read it again and mark the following statements as either O or X.

(1) ot+Zrg €€+ zlee €614ocolr+. E tr

(2) ol*ql^J: ++lE .JAg 4l+61= r}*ol 4E S+.
"J6ll tr tr
(B) ot+^
=q^j: €'El ^lr.7l
xl# g$+rl. E tr
(4) ol*ql^J: €6l. 55'c7l9E oFol=e qlj/ql zlxl $olE €4. tr a
W tlYriting*$71
n r-d9 7l+= €E6l= H^lE.
==the^,qclimate of your hometown.
Write a composilion explaining

r trJ6lzl Aql^l ololzl+ 4+?Jol n6J9 7l+= €B6t= Al -H-^lls

Based on your discussion as in Speaking activity $, =g
write aboui explaining the climale of your hometown.

r zl+E €B6lzl +l"ll^J: qH 'il+g EgraloF *nls? 7H,q= 4}^d6ll !-^lls

What contenls should be included to describe the climate? Create an outline to explain the climate.

4lC+ 7l]s= A+e+ Ht+l 9-li1 q€ q E+6lH +g^l ololzlall -H-^lls

Exchange the outline with a lriend and dicuss about what contents should be added.

A+e+ ololzlaJ']]€€ Hl$6ll zl]s= +C6ll _H_^lls

Based on your discussion with the friend, revise the outline.

+C-J Zls= HlBoe gC6ll -E-^lls.

Based on the revised outline, complete a composition about the climaie of your hometown"

tr 7l+0ll tllofl r-43J4o+ €E-d "' ot#ulzll? Excellent

Are you able lo explain the climaie objectively?

tr gr lTl 8=J0il oltr g:ef= nlil=^l ol0F7l-Et + 9t#LlTl? r-.--r..":r...-r*

tr Are you able to talk about how the weather influences daily life?
Excelient POOr

tr ._J^tlsl€e|, 7l+= €E6t= EE 9]L g 4 g1ftt-lzrl?

Are you able to read and write a passage about explaining wbather and daily lile, Excellent Poor
and climate?
tr -tlLl
r -€.-] is attached to a verb, an adjective and a 'noun+ ol4' and it indicates that what the
speaker had felt and experienced in the past has now changed.

izll5 bol €'J {qrJq s=g + gAlzle s=61tr1.

o -tJ q cannot be used in the lst person singular, but its usage is acceptable if it is related
to the body.

gol olErJq ]r$g'JA +oFAq.

"lxllb "l4zl
(7) 7l: ol4l tJol g*ol
I ?ote.
rJ: uJo|.a. qa &Tlzlul dlE +E * + cEE Bqq qL4l ulH.ol dd6ll
(2) 7l: {zlb g^l7l dal. Hq^Hxle?
4: :24e. oleql= ++71€otxlQtl xl+3 6117l 'glg6ld:ol.9.
(3) 7l-: ol4l a.F r89ol g:ol ql4alld'i F+. zl+ql= dg +4g .JqE * qlqq
e+qlb dg +^l"J *til.
4: 4E d+ ^lg 4 9,21, +1.
(4) 7l: s= gr! gol €H.^le?

A -^lr
| -xlL is attached to a noun indicating that something is different from a typical
condition. -zl-tr-= can emphasizethe meaning and also can be changed to short form of

4-$ g{^la 4*6].4.

(1) zl: e-5* gr{z} q€4?
4: Ee Ezl ?*4. s=3 q+ilr
+ ^lg+ €olot.
(2) zl-: r]l_tr g s^llql r{= .Jg +6lls?
4 : tlfl ;}$zl-Lb "J z-l?-l€ ot+ g6l: 4, ?ol,q.
(3) zl: ful , l ot= 'Jol"ll3-. "lflotolzl+ ot+ rJ4ol ,]+ 4 ?ote-
u1:rll, a"Jrcq4r,q.
(4) zl: szl +! q+ HlrAl^le? rflql *e qql.q?
t , tl
a -q4E is attached to a verb, an adjective and a 'noun+ ol4' indicating a negative,
extreme situation or a chance that the contents of the latter sentence are not easily

, guaranteed'

a In a -ul {E sentence, the lrst part contains a simple supposition or a recognition of

the present situation.

rl+6lq4E qlTl Ee .Je €vl^l6lloF *4.

ol+El FrletE l: ^J+=zl ?+=r+.

' (I)7v:olttYLJ+q9l^j E"J+=3zl]qEHq.

I 4: f-elH .J Ell. H]]gol 4zl ?191. q+ql= ot+4 ErJ4s- relzl Et.
' (2) 7l : ol .Je tl6l alTi "ll +E + +g HlEll '... ..
, +: oF, ffl gg #E +zl lrt. qlrl H.*g-tr *ol7i +qg 6lq7+E =q+zl
9*g rll +86I.
8) 7l: 444. Altt *ol s,€4E E+ol E^ll,q.
,]. 4: ot+ *9lq solbQl9.
@) 7l: L]]oJol rl€.Jrll 42 A Aots.
3rl itE!.ElE
Exchange' Refund
You will be able to exchange or get a refund of a purchased item.

Topie Exchange, Refund

Function Exchanging an item, Getting a refund, Explaining
problems with a purchased item
Activity Listening : Listen to a conversation about exchanges
and refunds, Listen to an automatic response
service(ARS) of home shoPPing
Speaking: Do a role-play in regards to exchanges
and refunds, Make a presentation about
exchanges and refunds
Reading : Read a passage about how to use the lnternet
shoPPing mall
Writing : Write a composition on requesting an
exchange or a refund for a purchased item on
the lnternet shopping mall
Vocabulary Product defects, Reasons why products cannot be
returned, Causative vocabulary
Grammar -eefi, -?t/fl/HElt-1, Causative expression
Pronunciation Round Vowelization
Culture Effective online shopping tips
IJl3zf neJ' EJ= Exchange ' Refund

-. ..-. "


1. q7lts oltlg|-lul? q.N= +q= 6lz ?lEzle?


2. +"J-d -r.trJdfzll eJE HJoal= q'-ezll "-HgF -gzl9?



52 rll34 iil.sJ . sJE

L f:r : olxJ Al, ol4
.4Ll 4A dql ,J EE"Jql,q. d "ll zld €-4
*qq +ol + d-*trJ4r,e. p$ melon

#91: BES e=
Eqe zJ4 rH 4zl SS HlrJle. Solll food to gg bad
olrl + +j H^ldq,q? EGE4
to carry inltoimport
*.J:e? BEol ",t91+r 6l^l?4 4l aql....... r= alTlgtrl
there is no way (something
+?.! : ololr , ol4 Sd6l t*+,q_. xllz| uli.l +{g * 6ll^-l would happen)
4+6Jq+. ^J^J+ AE Hl+l Eg4ls. compietely/ wholly/fully
*'J: :H, gE "Jl4e 4.Je ul.fl ziE E}]g? 0lx.l (not) up to that

#?l: SEolxle. +l=^l gq E_^lle.

*.J : ut+J +^l^l9*9zl El 4CiR=ql. +^lElqq.

trfl: olrl s^]is.
*'J: ol 94+^,q , qa dql +.J+ aql, +^l +l€ gg + +g6ltl to puichaselto buy

?l9zls? $$ refund
x.ll$ body shape
Efl: {l$ol,9? *ql #3 Exll4E 9l o ^ll,q?
fdaltl to mend
*'J:*"ll E^ll7l gl= a olHqle. zll ill€q= *zl 9+= 4 FLI pattern/design
eot^Js_. olzlla|_z F *Eol q+ €€61lri Ee qllEzl $ffi receipt

,l 9+q {ls.
flfl : xllz| rt^l 4 Eg qlulzl *H .Jr +e+ E_^l4qe?
Efl:ol, +Hol fql q+€ol s.erl^J r;lql,q. olzla|_L
{zlE a+4 €olH g "*ed a eeql +d6l]^j oJ_e-
^l: a
*'J: 5 +EE +9zl5ol6|J^J +oJtiJ zJrll4zl€ €olfl
+471 g4^l d:ol,q. -z'J +lB"1l +^ll,q.
Efl: Hl, g4t+q+. €++ + Bq +^l4tq,q?
+= Se'il +'l dslzt d$tl. +=x]H rll€€ Qzl'J9l
4oJ* 7lt€ 4+ 4l4l€ +4 d:+zl zlt- d9rl. q + d zrlgg
lo= 7t=rl.
to be equipped with function
Eqq +4 d4€+ql B*+. :fl91 7l+E +^1, ^l] + AldE the latest model
ql dsl+ E4lFcol9trl. Fsl6qlb gliEl ag algol +oll Erl
= to acquire (something) in
Hr, E^| ql^l^l 4l^d +ql: dElTlTl 4^l7l "J+H+. d one's hands

slzlg +"JzJq 7l^J jilEt€.s+i{qq xl oliojol EdlF€01 farii oi problems ,

^t++ #3 external noise/static

H9 dslzl: r.+ol Ezlboltq. q€ + S,ol ASdElql 9$o:trt:to be commoR ,

dslzlE "Jdzl"J Exll: zHd9xl *9ttr].. 4E €*Eol E folxl purchased location

€+qlE r€lg z-l+61: +'il dgl B^ilE q1e.91 slzl *4. THdElEt iO q;t improveo l

r4n +€ol+= ol+s H4+ dslzlql d+g HH + ^l EiaJE defected item

4+dltl to refuse/to reject
Cql4lE slzl *4. g86ltl
to be in fair condition
#5 dislike

e4"J aggg E44e e 0l+6.|+ %}ts

Es{ Effective online shopping tips

qqEe g4"J a*€g zffi ol$oNe? g4.J aEEg E44 "e. ole" 6|z1 914^l= qeril 6llot z;3zle?
Do you use the online shopping malls often? What should we do use the online shopping mall effectively?

El.€+ ee+{ d€€g ar}4 e-e. olSB f 9lE %}H"l +6J "J'llEq4. g gla g4.J ol+ %}Hql ql4^l
ola]|aN !_rll-fl.
The lollowing passage is a guide on how to effectively use online shopping malls" Read carefully, and try to understand the methods lor
efficient shopping

Although there arb numerous consumers who surf the Internet for the cheapest bargains, spending time
mindlessly on Internet shopping malls is not a "wise shopping method." There is an "essence method" that
is convenient, can save you money, and can prevent you from exchange or refund disputes.
- It is necessary to check for 'security measures' such as Enterprise Registration Number and the Escrow
Service. With more consumers engaging in online purchases, cases of consumer complaints have been
increasing. Let's begin by checking the shopping mall's Enterprise Registration Number and ensuring that
security measures are implemented for electronic transactions.
- Rules for Exchanges and Refunds on Internet Shopping: It is wise to shop from a website that clearly
states the regulations on exchanges and refunds. Rules and regulations on exchanges and refunds
voluntarily posted are considered not valid according to the Electronic Transaction Law. Since disputing
an exchange or a refund from an online shopping mall can take up a lot of time and effort, it is better to
know the rules before making a purchase.
- Discount Coupons, Accumulating Points Leads to "Basis of Bargain Shopping": Keep your accumulated
discount coupons or points, because when used properly, you can receive a markdown or a price cut on the

+lql 4l^lg a olelql e4{ dgg olso6l* z}AloJE s44"J 4-Eo1 lleE olo}zl6ll tr^ll_s-.
ll you have additional tips {or online shopping, discuss them with your classmates.
o (E7l)el eol oloFTl6tl H^lle.

+H+ o/iltrE ttEt, ct

^ot tlltrl # /lPJ exptrarton oare
zl: zlzle, ol +qr-ols-. ",l9lqa 6lAq *=ql {Jr{l€ new product
*ol 4 ^Jg{q r-lrt,q.
4: :H 4z| S.9 flql,q.. 4l7l + Brlls.

O Bzl, *9lq -Hol+, ti+ ^lr *ol S,ul

o 7J*, r^l4l gr+, $$ zlaJol qa+q] 9l Bltrl
O +F, g.ol €al4r €9 fzl S4
614, olrl^J

@ zl"ll4, 4lzll+ol41 6I+, 4Hql 49 xllf;.ol4

(o ilot, += *ql sb qzr"Jolep 6].Q,
94q1,<-1e. S4

a (H7l)sf eol oloFTl6tl H^lle.

4; t, gE, 4ol ^t6tcl, -n!.J6tEl / tf+ ToE Ttrl +ct

zl: o14 a* dql €zl{lrJ +.J+ g$.Jtlls.
4ol rJ,i{rl4jrs. jl-{}g+ gla?
ui: Hl. q€ ase tt+ i=E.l4t*q'|. 4+6Jqq.

o 4+ 4,4^1, stlol ++qq 914, j/++61+ /

il€+6l +4
o qa d, Ht^I, +trlq 4 4.q4 ilE}, r+= zllE-e--+.
Hi+tr}I Ll= zll$gtr_ ,*Ll +tr+
o oltl, Q\2, 4zl Hlleol €*H,rl, ae. qzl.J
_o e. -u€talq / #"J *ol4 #4
@ ol7l, zlftzl, E€|ol r++qq 9lq, ;.ll xll$
i/+61+ / zll+-e-tr r.+4 ++
o 4+ 4., qlqE4olq, dgol 4zlxl 9*4,
4E zll+es i+6lr+ / EtE t{}all i4
El (!r7Del eol oloFTl6H H^ile-

44Er.ol ?+El sHqH stJ llt ctech trtc 4lEi

Round Vowelizalion
zl: /zloll.xl ++6J Eag a+ dql *9t=qls
al?ol 4+q slBql^i 5_H a4 +aHql
ae 4l+ee +^lls.
lTJlE n F l

+^l r+* xllgetr. _uil* f 9l9zle? lTJlF E = 1

4: 4^" *rlq. rfl a+: i+Lol .J Eq4. A vowel that comes behind
- r:r n, w; u
,is oftgnpronounced by{-r].
0 xll+ zzlzl

^J4Bq 4r4, 4E
zll€. This is because thg vowgf -r- .

O qa r ^J+
dql Hqvl4]{}+ol Lt*+, also uses lips making easier to
prorrcunce compared to
I zl'ililH 484 +Aol €q^lq, 4E zll* thelebialsoundr
@ zllzl +"J+ 4++q g.J q^F= 6l.4, +"J t}+ > 866fl'H,qE.
(1) 7l: ol€ 4l*.ee. FBzl
u|: Qzlgo1{l!B-Lgpo1

E (H7l)el eol oloFTl6H E^11e. +g 4l+e.e u-q

e) 7l:71+ +g glflq?
EHn iil H, oJq sEh EtEtrt
^pErl t+ 4:olul.:r.LJHI"sqzl
4lol s.ql.
zl.: $u| d"ll 4zlrJ El^la Hg ?EiR4=,q. (3) 7l: sdolTl+4g rJqq
-2fl91 gq *qq +€s4.
^pl=71d+ 4: ulE. r4. rezlEJ
r1--e rJ
zl.$ r|.$eE 5-LN

4: =l*6J,J+, rrlH. q?l +q q^l BL]] +rl.


O +FEl, dq trq, +E+ 4!-tl rll *+

o dxFtd, g€qB+, tsl= i4lzl ++qq gl+ EIE button
gtl to rip
o rLE+, ,ll+ ^Jzl-= 84, +c+ol H zl] mlri 9l+ HfEj the bottom

O E+ ^ll=, Ezl* EAg q"J6ll Htl, HZIltlto peel off

94 ol 9ltrt
o g+ols, *F { ^l-+6}tr},
s4ols u}qol =+4
H.4 zl4
@ dulzl, 6.J H ^llq}6tr+, uJ# €9^J "Jg + SA+
El (H7l)sl eol oloFTl6H E^11e.

trt^tt, € €utsch ujntJ r6o1 lel glEt /

ult!_ lEo{Et rlrt xilE
-Oe trAA " L ' "6 EIlg.
ro= lErl

zl: ol dxl^lCols. g €q*qq gs,* 7lb.ol to r.ip the package

zlE #,Hql 4E €e:r+sls-r ^{E€
to open the product
4 : 44. *q+. Etlg €* dxl- xll€€ :z{}ol oJ :

^ll€€ ^lt6'ttt
to use the product
4gE fll*oltt
to damage the label
o flult, dq^J Eq Hq, "l€4zl ?+: a ,JLl I to lose the receipt
4gg +ll+el+, 9+ r?-{ ++eltr E^llTlgTltl
to have problem due to the
dql^J gq Hq, trl*-q ?l5tr1/

@ customer's carelessness
^?llEl, EoJol il4, a+ rl^l?lo lLl 480il E"Jo I ?lrl
^qtlql to have a complaint on the
o +']] dsl, * H HtElql €qE;l+, dflol x|T design or the tolor

4zl4 I a?) ++9E E^ll7l-rJ4.4, xll*

o Hul, *{9 6J H ql++, Hlqq *4ol z|+ Eq Efl$tf to burn
Brl / rr-4 ++Etr EzllTl ^BAYI,4+ to stiek

E (H7l)el eot oloFTl6t1 H^1|e.

HFl, 61el+f,el u151ol €*sJol ?ltrl

zl: zlzl, ol Bf^l,q-. 614 +Sq HlL gol e-*

Ejq *Bql n++6ll +^laq,q?
4 : al4" *tJ4. xl#$ qee xllgol S:ql
;5all y{tte?
zI: :4e? r4E ++g6l] +^lls.

o dq, gleql 9Eol Eq il+

o zlHJ, ql+ xlulzl rAl + 9ltl
o El^l=, iEll +tsol 4qri 914
-dlqE4ol"l, dflol
@ ^l+ A^lLl
o 7l+71, EFol ,}]4 9ltl

o dztrld, ol ul=ol "J Efl^l+

a (H7l)ef eol oloFTl6H H Jls.

Hl^|, qeFl LJ+ rEl/ qel,


zl.: o1 ul-zl ujolo|,

44zl- qq- 3ql. =0lrl
to shorten/to decrease
4: z4H si;l€ €ql +q gol. EOlcl to attach/to paste
!0ltfi to melt

O zlol, zf,olzl q+4-4 l7Jol, oJq Eoltrl to feed

=4, 9.lolr[ to ripen/to cook
O 9zl, LJ+ +-+ / Fol, *r+, ^l+6I+ flalrl to dress/to put on
Hjoltf to
O olzl ,qzlql +Bol *4 / A, €-4, oJrl reveal

Eflrt to lengthen
@ tzl,4a 'J qflq I tzl, sltrl, E+ f;Elt[ to turn

O +, e "J g;-lrl / €tol, E+, "Jq tr4 "Jalrl to let it be known

to make someone cry
f,7lrf to hide
g (.H.7|)et eol oloFTl6tl H^lle. HTltl to leave
Zfl$Ef to wake someone up
Hl$cf to empty
Ht!- o.lEl
He ' {$tf to lower
F+tl t0 postpone

zl: ololzl {}* qq,q.

4: "l"lrlzl otolollzll gi$ $z"ll olle.

*g "Jtrl 4lgg 41rl
o o ,h\
g€g 44
o o
grl 49 glrl
tr (H7l)el eol oloFT16ll -E^lle.

Erqr, asftlEl / Htstol g*sH ?ltrt /

Tg r1l#eE -il'sJ6tl +El
zl: 4d dql +.J+ q^lz€:rSFt4l6kql,q.
r+: xil+ql ++ Ezil4E. glsdtJzt?
zl: dgl z]..{ $rJul up{o; **Eiq g,q4iI",q.
4: 4*aJrJq. eg. xllse_e ig6ll s4d+qq.
z|: H], ,J^Hlqq.

o dxFrld, :l{+6}4 / dflol zll y'zla- ul=E.

gtsBl^l^l 9*tr1 I ,J+ {l*9-s lFlal4
o +FEl, r.€+6l.+ / zll ,tlol=tr4 = ,ll stlqq
ilul I 4+ 4E *ol4 f4
o zlizl, +B *tl / {l{l+ol o}q{ 4}H t}+ol4
/ +l+g 6ll +4
@ *zlfl, €€ B+ / +5 zlrJol .J+g €E+ql
.J B9t4 / +l+g 6I +4
n +=p c^l rll= rH8oll^1o| 4afgLltf. E Er" tr=oll 'J6t^11e
Lislen to lhe people talk in the electronics store. Listen carefully and answer the questions.

1) olzlzi d^l^ldg +.J+ ol+= +tg ltl?

O 4C 4l*ol4rJ fl6ftl to recommend
dl+71H+ dfr.
@ zlbol Hqq^.1 almost daily

o ^ltlHol fl;N.{ llrflE proper way

Et biame
o g.J 63^l_= 6ll^J
2) qlslTl €+ +E tszt9 6J€'e-s 'J"*g ag n=^]ls.
O €z|9lzll Ea ,"k* <lol i4.
o {z}"llzll tlxll* dx}r}dg ,+Ll ?Ll.
O q4qlZl ^ldg Tlbql ql6ll^J €E+tr}.
@ {z}z} tlzla- g ^}d9 E4l= ra

rl== Egl ?JLHgLltl. g tr=oll 'J6f^ile.

Listen to=A=Jel
the automalic =r
responce service(ARS) of home shopping. Listen care{ully and answer
the queslions.

r)zJiol ,rl=El 6l++a€q dp+qR+44? @[@

?E €Il pound sign

HE star/asterick
ffl receiptlacceptance

2) rJ+tr1AlTl dF+E a +ql hE dslzlE ttlEg

zlell qltr ol olzl all -H-^]ls
Q Speaking-Halzl
E +rH^lel"trJnll^l7f Elol Ez9 EtrJ "4 ElEotl al-d E-g== 6H H^ll-e.
Become a merchandiser and a customer and do a role-play in regards to exchange and refund.

. rts +q59 i++ q +L3 ^l+: Fq.Jzts-? E -n+ "l €tBol Ezkt ^l+=
Fq.Jzlg? a+e+ 6LZl olotTl6ll H^.ll,q-.
What are some reasons that the products below might require an exchange or a refund? What are some reasons that
do not permit an exchange or a refund? Discuss with your classmales.

1)E++ 419
2) {z} z1g
3) r+"J gg il]a FE +4
I Eag i€+6laq €lB tsg.ElH *ollzlgl4l ++ ololzl$ q€4l aNo| $zief
*"llxtb Eag j7€+6lz'+ F+B *9-Bl= r.r-49 q€ril *ql6llot 6Jvl9-?
you lf you are the
lf you want to exchange a product or receive a relund, what should say to the merchandiser?
merchandiser, what should you say to the customer who wants to exchange a product or receive a -refund?

r guflxle] 1u\zlzl qq l.q+ "t +Bq ++ Eg+g 6ll E^ll,q-.

Find a partner ancl role play in regards to exchanges and refunds. One of you will be the merchandiser, and the other
will be the customer.

A reJ "J 6JErl ztaJE! qelEel a-d= "J*ag H^lle.

Make a presentation about your experiences related to exchange and refund.

. +.J,* ^J+g -n++6lr-lr+ +lE B= r+Cql^J rJzJ xll"lgl: 'Jol+ +'J-*'l g

g-g r.Elfl"J g=€-
^J46ll -H^lls.
Think about your interesting, striking, or grateful experiences when you exchanged and reiunded.

o a+5qlzl r aEg qH 'll+r+ +^JE gs6Jzl a46ll -H^lls.

Organlze your experience into the order and think about how to present it.

ql) ++ Ea"J^I, qqglrJ a-4+ 9l *bxl , a4& ri+6lzlLl

9"|91 ,
^l:^l n€+6l.4+ {}B += 44ql^J ^Ja
€]-+ Berjr aJ olSS +Eol9Ezl,
.Jg +g.ol*.:^1, :a4^-l qBrll 99=zl 5

o A4+'H+g a+= *ql^J gE6ll -H-^ll9-.

gased on your notes, make a presentation.
El HJ rl+=el *EJ d-doll rt|6l| I,tl6|] E^lle.
Take a survey of your classmates'shopping preferences, and present it to the class.

I €4+ol +E +.J6lb Eae Fge]zl c4* + =^lg ++g c6ll _H_^Jl.q.

Decide the survey items based on the products which you often purchase.

o aB C.Jg oJolHTl +l6ll^J qH 4Eg aNo| gz|e? ol4g gl= egap

€EzlE "J=q _H_^ll,q.
ln order to lind out people's shopping preferences, what kind of questions should you ask? Using the examples below,
create a questionaire.

q) +e ag6tb
*, j1+g
*+ ol+, +g 5ag rs: ^t4l+E
gag j/+]6l|'+ €fgg ts= tr-:+ol4 ol-'? F

a^lg ++g cqReE r +ql "*zll == 4il H^Jle. r4r 4 agEg "JEl+c
q]{lg c6ll H^lle.
Once you have chosen your survey items, get into groups. Each mernber chooses the interviewee.

4 ++EE +rl + +l+=g n€ C'Jql qi6li a^l6ll -H-^ll.q. ,+ ag=g

t +qq qlql +;l + a+ dxll= "Jq+qloF 6Jqq. ^4
Now survey your classmates'shopping preferences according to each item. Each member of the group must choose
an item and survey classmates.

c4"ll gs6ll _H_^lls. gs+ ?* rHolu| E.E # ol*all ctr=

ol allalzl d rll C ;-l6l^lle.
Based on your notes, make a presentation. Use any pictures and graphs to help listener's understanding if necessary.
'QG Reaoins-9-lzl

ft +=g ?lElLJl a=J=9 olE $LHgLlrl. € g]-r. trEoil 'J6l^lle.

The passage is a guide on how to use the lnlernet shopping mall. Read il carefully and answer
lhe questions.

r 4l+g Br qH 4+ol l€ ll9zl ql=6ll H^lls.

Read the title and try to predict what conlents will be included.

r nBl-q +Ej1 gl_q H^J qltr-+ ,ll+r+ 7J&^l q"J4 _H_^119.

Read it quickly and see if your prediction was correct.

Tfxl value
EIJ6I distinctively
> +E +14 g Hlg ?lltl ,,\.fP reasonlcause

/ "ssADAmall"0ll^l8Eg +nll-dr?-49 8EE Ee'J+El

79 oll|]oil +EE +l4g + ?lrl.
2 olgxt= 8EE Htl+ ge+ +39 olffE= HJE
"! atE
flEE e+--J + flrl.
.olE^islr4Bo+ E6li^J af=01 E4-ElTlLl +Jl+E 3+
.olE^lol^lE E= g+ AHl-+ E6ll4 at#el 7t^l7l d
. 23al+ oJdt|,tJ $Ee.l lt|trJlllTl=aJ-g €Etr AtEq
)fil7f d^1617J4aJ ,J+

3 ol8rf= TE-d 8E0l "ssADAmall"el gfr. LtlE4 tlE 3

+ r 3OOJ OILll
?J'J+EJ AEE #"J3 'J+
=P e8-g + 9lrl.
El Ar ^IdE TE +14 "; HiE€
7ilc olllloil
y' "ssRonmal"P +E +14 "l UE oJE 23+,
.eJ?itrtE olE^lE i
J:HI^l7l A4 g + ?tts *0ll B^ldf^l^1F71fl4EJ
49 ;14 "! HJE 989 -g + ?ltl.

sL + HeE X oll s^ldi^Jle.

Read it again. Mark an O {or the products can be canceied or refunded, or make X if neither is possible.

(1) +++
e+Hql^j -HH 44
Hlzl€ 39 dql *gtbLil 4l+E r4tol 4+E1
g*tl. utr
(2) 2"J "J"J 104415 +gil=Ell Cq Hq
dql +dol Li+
€qri t19 S,4. fzl tr K
(3) EH+ B9 xll+€ HJeE #zl'J + €qEq
v\ALl. u X
(4) 10gql e +== ugql Ceelr Hq zl+9
421il4 *4ol /1/E'JaE
4so 4 g*Ll E tr
w Writing_4A71
a ?.lElfl 4g=0il 8E EeJolLl EJE= 9+o-lE nj E_^Jle.
Write a composition about requesting an exchange or a refund the product to the lnternet
shopping mall.

o .JEl4 ABSq^"1 +"J,* Ea +q^J j/+1.3 6lr dZ+ f,rBg *r dg Eaol

9lHqe? r Eag +xolg.bxl rqn a-' & r+1614r+ *LB B_a dqr
ol+= Fiqlxl ael6li _H^lls.
Did you ever have a product that you purchasedthrough lnternet shopping rnall in which you wanted to exchange or
refund? Organize your experience, what was the product and why you want to exchange or refund it.

o ^J+ r{+ol+:il€g s+6}= 4€-oi eErgolot Bz}e? 7l]e=

4L^J6I -H_^.llg.
=ql= "l€ =E
What contents are inclued in requesting for an exchange or a refund? Based on your notes above, create an ouline.

9l) zll* Ctr, +oJ gxl, zll+g Ezll F

o 4r-^J+ zl]sE a+e+ Ht+J 9lr qH .ll+g H+6lH +gxl ralr olH +ae
zrzl ololzl6ll B^119.
Exchange the outline with a friend, discuss aboul the contents and structures of the outline.

. a+e+ ololzl{'il+g +g"ll zl.q= +C6ll _H_^lls.

Based on your discussion with the friend, revise the outline.

o +c,* 4lsE u}$g-tr /{l _H_^lls.

Based on the revised oulline, write a composition about requestlng for an exchange or a relund to the internet
shoppong mall.

r {4$ol + "JqH a$gql gzl E_^lle_.

Upload your composition to the lnternet shopping mall.

+gEl ExilE €E61| trlE 8#-e-e r.E-J + ?l+Llzt? Excellent

Are you able to exchange your purchase as explaining the problem?

+g:d EzE E^ll= €E61| El.= 'Jg + o^lauiln Excellent Poor

Are you able to get a reiund your purchasd as explaining the problem?

8E 7g fl4e1 El'E 5Aq *ft 9lr olaH-g + ?l#Llzl?

Are you able to undersland information on order cancellations and refund Excellent r.-.+....r-.+-..e Poor
It -zaH
r -tJ4 indicates a reason or a cause followed by a verb, an adjective and a 'noun+-ol4'.
-zlo]l is similarly used but it is a classic written expression whereas -zJ4 is a often used
in spoken discourse.

a -44 cannot be used after an imperative or a propositive sentence.

o -44 indicates the speaker's behavior that is caused by another behavior or state, so the
subject ofthe latter clause should be the lst person singular.

ulz| $r|_r.6la4 +&g zlzl:t- +*+.
gzltl *9lq -Holaq ^l *tl.
(r) 7l : ++ ++ag r+zll t*ol ltqe?
+ : zllE aE Edg +44 4zl4zl dE + 6l*lre.
(2) 7v ' ololz| +qls.
+ : 6lE "Jg ql Ea4 ot+g + A4=,q.
(3) 7l : iul Al=
+ : 30E€- zl4qE .J srJ4 f'J *q,q.
(4) 7l : flloJE €34€ + tr4 Ztq e+s?

A -?vfllgtlq
o -gt/fl/g.q q ir attached to a verb indicating that 1) the past behavior is the reason
of the latter sentence. At this moment, the subject of the former and the latter sentence
should be identical. It also indicates 2) a recognition or detection of what comes in the
latter sentence caused by the past behavior or 3) another person's behavior or reaction
on the past behavior.

il o 2) and 3), the subject of the former sentence should be the lst person singular but there
is no restriction in the latter sentence.

e4,J+ql eFg *qq 44zl HF ole4.

qlj/q ?,*qq jildql ol+E sHtrl.
^Hqql qllqq4.
"lzll dE *e*g dq
7l-^J 9"1 *uiq
4zl i.4*ql 7i^lt *qq rl*5ol E+ +lscg eHq.

,r .:iti-ir:lil:i:':,a,jt:,!:i
, :i., :.r"l|-:l-l::.t:.ii.'j:'i:rF,.
: , ,..,!.!, fr:i.:S]:i+ .
. : -r,, j..i,:j:a:i. J:ii ::l
:::ii,;j,!:i i
:-i.' .ar : i ; r:ilii.':'!:.!-i:;:::,,:
:::i .l':
] ..:l;:i]:lli!i.::.]
l'.r :i a:r::iji':;:il.;:'
:r 'l:r::al!:i::::i:
- :
:..: ai,:i.:
: :-: S,
:! ..
t -t. :

: '
: ..::',li{i:1:-..i1"
..: i .itr ,

:,i:-lJ: :::--r.,.-
!.i:ilt r:r,' F iii.:iffi
: : .::.i-,.:-rl i:ii:,
: : {'rl-:1:t;'+
.. :] .:] ]::i:j.:
. ., .,.i.:!];r!.];i:.:i +iitirlii++lfrs*+
: :t : : :iir:tiiti:r:.:i+:]]
: .,::..:,.i:tfiitll=l;.:l
: I :, :.: .::i;i :i::j::;i::r:ii+
---.-..----,1 : .
,l:::::::::::l':iiir:':t!'.::il:.,+: +tlel**e-tii=ii:
Ill4zf trgJel gg Housekeeping

1. 0l ,llzJ=3 +1 ttHEoll EaJ6H 6lr ?l=zl9?


2. qalEP d?Jg= EgLlzl, 1!016l= -"JALlt7l?


ZO Xia*.Aglgl.g
of=: ol.r-l 9+. d +e4r aJE-zlb ?*9txl?
ETI: #* **q. Scil olzll +14? a^+ zl H 9* € I d?JB household work

,Jt:I, Ezl+71

+ 4ot. rfl: qb aA
separate garbage collection
ol=: H Be ++ q g. zlti{l tffl! ironins

xt+ 6t+? +{I'lLl to get wrinkled

rld ,ll HIE EE rl= 4 Sq. += d"Jgql: +l"lE EII dust

EC: to roll around
S.i1€ qgzll 6llol6l=^lE- l.eflq. =a1+Lltl

0f3: 4 sol. 4s +5.H6lt ?ol € ull: + g*=ql,

a:r6lr, E46lr 4ell7l E4i44zl B 9ol
4tolol. "lzll= nt} ,J ^JrqlE +qqqq t4. 4zl
6Jfql d*gg 6lEl g aE olqr.
BTI: u qHedlTl dq^j *E:7'J +44 ilJE flirJl
r4E'J 6t7l: 6lr+ _H-LJ].

Ef=:o[, 9zl Hxl EB]qq: zl BolxJ?

uo :olot, rg4l +g gqlHlal"J_u_21 gr ArJol ai il@
6lE "J 9.4? s^l €r +eq4nl -d4zl4 ols+. $t[ to sweep

DfoF:+? p4? olt\

4*4421E**oi. $ftrf to wipe

dlLJ: dazl 6J H Efl+i14zl ol,J#ol. B4lHld g

34iE rnopping
^lrJ Gl€el grt to make a mess
gleH ,rqleol4E + 6ll. ullzl 944 *2 Attzl ilSrl
il+r il#ol.
4zl-4 to clean up/to put away
sJHJl4 to divide into half
E[of : o[ 4sr q qeqbql +g'Je alg 9xl, 9] 4l++
E'Jdttl to split up {a job)
4l. j14? Hrl
to not
d!'J: al€g 'll= 4l otq4 *4 Eol ?ol rlb *olqvl have interest
to be refined
4"J.JE HIHI4 +B6l^l= ololzlo|. DEL9 IH.L
=E= =Ll

rloF: 47i olfl "Jql +tr] $.= rJ qE "J*ot. +E 6lL4r. to be a clean freak

6l:ql + ol6116ll +E al FI?

dlLJ: 6lL.elr6}tl6l:€' "lb F at*oi.
rloF: LtE
"I* Hl6lH €g ollE 9l+, +1. 7l+^lxlr
ol CEE Altt +4 q+ A# €zl "J^1.
^l*59 trF d?l.Jg fl#ololzl"J +: Eqlolr|. aNr
6llE €ol s,r +zlfl6l 6lq4L El7l.J ++= d.Jg. r ElTl Lltl to be apparent
Bxl"J +: .J6l= +Aq 41"14 "Jg "lrl S9 al*Etg € E44 in earnest
sEZlrlrl to be untidy
a+. ++€. 94}gq €lzl5 .<lzla- uluu|,rJ Exl *gRH +
87lll kinds of garment
q}sa Eq +:4. :1ElH E449.E aa EEBltl 4 HJ=6ltl to be neat and tidy
SolLl *zlxl# xlgl, 4tL +lE EdSs HlF6lzil c4 =./\l::l/\l

t4. drzlE +4+4 f,$ HxlS EfoJfolr.4H, olggl every nook and corner
EolEolttto absorb
b a3ilE ol*4+g sol +rll +=rl. rllgzlS Eqr qq EOI Lftl to be shiny
Eol B4ztzl tsl 4H olxll: 4-4 ol+41 6lr +H ++ Erl
^lrJ. to shake off (all the dust)
doJol zll*614 +"J otq4 4 "t*zizl zN{oN4lr}. Llrf to hang

Esf d+ B€el 7l^l +q

Korean men partake in housekeeping

r 94*9 +4"il^l= *xl-e=li zl^Iql gol +q6l+ -$illzl? d"J"Jg {z}el golep ^J461+ g}x}zi gol glolgf
Do the men in your country partake in Modern Men partake in Housekeeping? Are there many men who believe that household work is
a woman's responsibility in your country?

o qs,q6J+ gcg 7l^l+qql+d=EqEl. € 9lr qqts ++e+ q€41 ulExl oJalolltr.rlle.

The lollowing passage is about modern men who participate in housekeeping. Read carefully. Compare and conlrast the men in Korea
to the men in your country.

Recently, the city of Seoul released a status report on "Male Contribution to Household Work," after
conducting a survey of 795 married men and women, all whom are Seoul residents. 73.4Vo of women stated
that household work is the responsibility of all those in the family. In conffast, 42.4Vo of men stated that
household work is mainly the wife's responsibility and that husbands should help. The actual percentage
of men who partake in household work came ofi to 30Vo. When asked what the ideal household work
contribution rate should be, 59Va of the men replied that it should range between "31-59Vo," which shows
that men understand the need for sharing household work responsibilities. Childcare, homecarg, and outside
of the home responsibilities ranked the highest in household contributions in modern men while laundry,
dishwashing, and grocery shopping ranked the lowest as these were seen as a woman's responsibility.
Younger men and those with a younger aged last child were found tb contribute the most in household work.
However, educational background and occupation shdwed little relation in the rate of male participation in
household work. According to the study, men in their 40-50s avoided household work while men in their
20-30s contribnted to 30Eo of the household work, This shows that there are changes in our understanding
of household responsibilities.

o hlCE zl^l+qql rtl* q4+E

^J4e "l€+q4? 4+E+
6J4] ololzl6llB^Jle_.
What are your thoughts abo(t men who partake in housekeeping work? Discuss wjth your classmates.
(H7l)ef e0l EG6|l, qa1g0l .FJol 61ts E$90il
tl|6l| 0l0F7ldl| EIj19.

,r i{4 e 6tEt
o-e I I
" gtl t0 sweep/i-frl to wipe
E^l d"J.Jol l*xls? xl$rf to clean up
ql, oJs" 6fiat 6}1 B .Jol
^J+i1 eAE eall€o-lrt to mop
YluJle. dEoltl to put in order
F7l^lE €aldtrl
to organize the clothes
O "Jg xl++, aell€g 6lrl T!E8^zl=
t0 vacilum
o Htqg +r ++, *zlzlE c46l+ urlE =Jtrf
to shake off the dust
O 'l]g Tl+aizl= 5qEl, AqlAg 4+ ol€ald rlg €aloftl
@ d ?lg cEoltrl, Htqlg +r hl4
to organized scattered
things in order

O qeeld 4& 446i+, +4+4 a^= 6lrl /"(4l7lE Ealdfrl

to separate the trash
@ irellTl€ Eq4+, Eq+.rrll7lE'il+ +rl sallTlE Lll+
to take out the=.rl

ELrg€ 6lrl
a (H7l)el ?Jol oloFT ldH H^jLa. to do household work
.to take care of the .

rJg rPct,
tlttEt household
zl: eG gB6l: zJlnlzl €€6r4qs? to wash the dishes

4: gr9 xl-? b 4+E1 Aaall= 4zlzl g .Jol Sellolcl tc do the taundry

44lol4rJ r€ 45s Sq,q_. cfaJpafLf to,iron

8.=-s-ery l
to go groqgryshopping
o d"J.Jg olr[, o[oJ5g E.Htr] €4€ I'Jdlqf ,,
to Prepare'food'
O tlg H+, +4g tL"J6l+ E4= LJEI/7|lrl
to hang/to fold the laundry
o 94= 6l.tr1, trlgeg 6l+ 0l0lF€ Ell.rl -

@ cg€Hg €46l.tr1, B€g'Jzl4 to keep an eye on the


O *g 6ll E+, €4zl€ al4 7l+€ 87lrf

to look alter one's family
o ^llqlTl= Eelr+, E4= tsl z}]4

rflE17f #*eFl
to be amusing
(H7Dq eol E#6tr, d?tgoll tH-d 84= oloFTlot|


6lsEt / tr flilEt
tre ', -4. "Lt ' lntonalion ot-rJall,8
zl: doJ"JBqzl quls? €5xl 9*ole?
a$e/ Gir+lE
4: €€4zlHqb € fl#q?+l,q.
The tone of the'final sllable I
gets dropped and raised slightly

O e$q I ^I7Jol t*ol 54 with the sentence which ends in

O q 4L+ I rb+ ^l+ "l+rll q+
> g*6ll Hdl9.
o Hrl+4 / q€rll 6lloh 6l:zl Es4.4 (1) 7l-: dq]"J 6ll -H-qrl
O B*ol 9l+ / +EHql4 +^l6t= I't+ol rdzl4 r-|:4€4e ul]ol?lE4
O flAq / ^J4Bq +61717l E=tl (2) 7l:
qttE qql?
@ xl"lgl: Hol glrl / *Hol ll4 4: drJHEol *=.* 4
=71Y ?q4n,
(3) 7l: g^l7lge.le EJol
4;.ae;.? zHzl !-* x
6lr* +eq4rs.
(H7l>el ,Jol fla'lr, dgfgOll rfl-sr g,42 0l0t7l6H

tJEtt / qE'rFltrl 6fEt

zl: doJ.J 6I= Z ^J4B+ a;$xle? t0. become refreshing

+olLrol 7ttrf
4: gl. 5J€ S"J olq4 olflzlzlxl a]]e to take up a lot of time and

O ?d'rt / zll ztCgls. dd "J *tl

o 617l dEl / gd 61 4E ElTl "J Li4
O dzl *4 / 6la +B *tr-61 tl+6ttl
@ xll"lllEl / €,lla 44 zl*tlzl tlrll6llzltl
O g qioitt / E+611^lq4 ^l€^B Al v/A^lrl
@ €ol e*ol zt4 I 44 + .JE *4
E (H7l)el eol oloFTl6H e.^ile.

E t+]t / t+s gcl

^llB BEt -L^ltrt to fix
zl: $]zl4zt\;]lE {o}of 6l.=ql q€zl 6l.^l? #elolrl to fix
4: :fl a +6Jql 'J4.4zl d5olq4. +daltrl to repair
zl: vl d+E * € "Jol? tl^l *t=ql. *€ -E.q to take care of
4.8= 6ltl to put together
E+* e+
o da4ql Eol ?l 442t4, +rldltl / to change the light bulb
Fg "Jtrl t0 drive a naii
^Jr4E rzl+ *EE 6lrlto na'l
o 44zlzlulzlzlQ, +g+ E-EI I 4}7lu- J.xl4 (EalolslE') Lf^lE 40lrf
to screw a nail (with a
o olzlzl €"lxl4, *g trl^l E4 / *4E 6l+ screwdriver)
B7l€ €trl
@ E4 a4ql= ^llE ^lr+, aBg 6lrl / to unblock the toilet i

olfl aE afl6l4 flnflr| to stitch

('golT!) E+E grt
o q^V7l Efl aol E*4, 4rl 3ol4 I aA 4E 614
to sew on a button

o e}$€ Hzlzl E614, ELI lrfl aE 6ltl

to have the light bulb go out
!=.tJl sink
E (H7l)sl eol oloFTl6tl E^lle. o-4ll (picture) frame ''
$fafl ftallll ,, , I

clothes hanger stand that

tA€:6tEt/EolsotolcL you hang after yoq have
zl: jtlzl Hl u}ol*4. ol, lflql ee + 6li1 washed them

E7l7t qr6,ltl ,

Ao14. Lhe toilet is clogged

q: {Lqr.atbqlE E ol EoJolol.
^ldg {r uftziz1o1.

o d"J {E-l + 6trl / 5 ol EoJolr+ sE@il@

o oJ+zl+4/E^l^J+61+
o irellTl € ts]44 / qL4 ol+rll Eltrl
@ d.J.Jql 44 E LLI I v\X6lAl +^161717l qB+
o €zJxl + xllqq 6lq / q6l{ "Jfltt
o * € *€olql Aq / +'J olezil +oltl
E (H7l)el eol oloFTldtl E^lle.

qll t46ttrh t^11t L#f ?lEt / ltll116t'tll 6ttrt

HUl4Zalq to squeak/creak
zl: qzl Aaql7-l *ole? otzls flzlz| $o1 E$6tttto be hard
gql,q. E0l llltf water t0 be leaked
6|i-.4l'ilbqlr fflql.q. g4*4614to be sticky
4: "1,

o "lz) €4^l6lrt, *4Eol Eq ilq I 7\*z;lAl*4

o olz-l ,rll!t;|4, 9€ol Bot 914 I 44 /l^-l 6ltl
o olz-l lxlQ, ml4AAr-+ / ++6l|1 4ol4
o ol ^l= qHe6l4, +A4 glrl I #+61414t.14
o olZ +g H4, Eol 4lr 9i+ / E4lSol r;<lEl
@ {zl ?41€6}t}, H}qol + 34346}4 /
+4+4 e ++

fl (H7l)el eol oloFTl6H H^lle.

6ttrt / 6ttrt
fJ.Je +: +trJ6ll^1
zl-: d.Jgg+e*ql^J qIgH +4q.
ol^ll+q to take full charEe of

4: xl#E rcrll al*o} * +6}: a aeql.

zl: $alzli. 6J^J 6li- F ul= F 6lE^J.

A4lzl= +"1+4614is
o d"J.J3 + Ll+l^J 6ltrl / 614 commonly used, however Se]
o 4 9I A^: Eeg LitJ^J 6l+ / a^€ 6l.4 is a more appropriate

o €zlzlE qlTl 4oJzll 6ltrl / r*g +tt

o 4ql7l +?-l+4= BCol dE}6ltl I ^l+E+
o qlrl d.J.Jq trJ 4+4 e E d.q6}q /
+j=zl 6ltrt
o d "J Hxl El= .Jg zll4E "lr+ / HxlS H4
fl +g9 ,tFJoI Elol Tf,tl E'Jotl rH6tl oloFTldll H^lls.

',_m _
e)r ffiw GFe
,qElE 6lb ag Ae uJ 4+71
$opprll r].$ s-4 eig d'J'Jg
d*.Je d4 el Ee++^l g*olrJ
614: Y*e "Jg 6l:
^l* ^l*
4*gg *Hs. 3H F"J extrJ 4}
;ll ts 4ol $.q^J 4ol il9rJ d?lg
++'Jg qgTll 6llol 6l= HlBg g gr
al=xl -q=E rle: 9lb

++'Jg;lExl d 9le +47J

dl= 5
"lE F, zN{a}r.l$i;lAl
qt+ql+ d*"Jg CEqq il"loF
6lei: bl€ q}4a
^8461.: +"J

r* [9
k r)V

ql 4l"J d "J.Jg d?lg 6lzl=
El zltlb HFujF dq6l^l"J
6J^J-gqlHldr* sol ,r.lzlzl ulEql
rJ r- dl
+Ld E^lE 6lb FC
{*} Listening_Ezl
E +g= 7l-^l E'Joil rH-d rflslgLlrl. E E-z trEoll .J6f^ile.
Listen to the people talk about diving up to the household work. Listen carefully and answer the

1) i.rlgol ,++r 9lE ol#b F9..J.lzl?

o Btlol d*'Jg g *6ll^l 6lg
of all occasion
@ H€ol d?l.Jg ag6l 6ll^J qplaccs, persons)

g 3l 1l4zt "l+ql Pzl glo|,<l *Z! moment

Ll:APl nagging
@ Fqlol trt+4E gellHl4& 4 rilq^J c.+6lEl . ,

to request/to demand
2) B€ql4l Hl4:49 +E"Jlt\?

O €4zlb B€ol "Jot^J ,*+.

o A'J"Jql 4+4es e''l*+'
o +"Jql= eqlHldg tr4 9+:+.
@ olxll*el dglge BSol d++tl.

E +Eg alqe rJ-r.gllrl. rl=g E Er trEotl =J6f^lls.

Listen to the radio commercial. Listen carefully and answer the questions.

1)+9.9 *-16lr, 9l#lt4? @

helping (from behind)
2) trl^l En ot4E 4€ol "*eH o, 5r-lH xqt aHlatrl
helping (someone) from
g,<lal.{]9. behind by providing

(1) ol 3rl^lb
(2) ol 4^lq^J= olB
+ot r-lHl^= zll*'J+. ntr him/ her with' (something)
general (house) cleaning

ql +^l
trX q+E$
to be flexible (in time)
.+B financial burden
6l+ €"J geeJfl 5"J gg
t4 UX ?lElfl 248
Internet:browser window
q $peaking-gol7l

tr$9011 rfl-sl rl{]ol 84= rl+=qlzl 0l0F7l6H Hllle.

lntroduce your thought and preference about the household work.

o qqtsg d?l.Jql ql6lq qH ^849 zlzlt- *#ltl? ot49 4*9 er

ololzlp ,ll+g C4"ll -H-^lls.
What do you think about the household work? Organize your thought based on the below queslions.

1) d"J.Jg +o16l= €flrlzt, dq6lb €flr-lzl?

2) +E 6l: d?l'J+ +tE 471?
3) 7l* €016l= d?1.J4 TltL dq6l= d$.Jg +tE lzl?
4) ad gg dq6}: ol+= +EE lt4?

c +lql^J C4+'ll+g ut=J"e. r1+= *ql^-l ololzl6ll H^ll,q_.

Based on your notes, make a presention.

. gs€ En d.J'Jg dq6l= d+=ql4l= d.J'Jg xllolglrll g + 9l:'JHg

.J4 +^Jls.
After listening the presentations, introduce the ways of doing the household work enjoyable to triends who do not like
to do household work.

A Tl l E'Joll rH6t| tr=6H .H^lle.

Discuss about the dividing the household work.

o zl^lql^j Hxlq €zl9 4.Jol ,JElt- iJ4'Julzi? El :1+rll Nzf.*Wl?

Do you lhink the responsibility of men and women are the same on the household work? Why?

n . zl^l-9 9gol +stlH +E olzl: qE .Jg 6lr H-zl= q€ .Jg 6llol glqzl?
ell r+ Al N?+tJt-lvl?
lf the role of household work is dif{erent, what kinds ol household work should do men and women

r r..luj €ol "} Hol 9"1 HtElzl+ zl^l ts+ql ql6ll EE4 -H-^lls. 7l^l€ E+d+H
ol4g .J=€ qB4l ++= 4ol +gzlE c6ll _H_^lls.
Discuss about the ideal dividing of the household work. lf the household work was divided, decide how to divide the list
of household work.
l,l A^ . ^llql z) *Hzl. +4 tL"J 3) +d
1) . +il] 4)
. $ol

. EE'il+g rl= 4l+Eql4lE azlloll _H_^lls.
lntroduce your discussion contents to the class.
ffi Reading*Eizl
E The
+gg dgfg rHg aJil 7l^lgLlrl. E glr €Eoil -J6l^lle.
passage is the news article about the household work agency. Read it carefully and answer
the questions.

o d?l.J q"J
+'J=ql: qH Lil+ol raq qlgzl ql+"ll !-^lle.
Try to predict what household work services are.

r HBI-= +Ee gl " H^-l qt}+ 4s" 4 ++^l +qldl _H_^lle.

Read it quickly and see if your prediction was correct.

H NEWS ffi
dsl -d
SolE E€oll,\J +alTrlrl 5+q
5C q€Eol tsq4E^"{ qxlEol g +d6H +b gztrl dal il EolE
olTlollb q^Jl4e-tr -d=ZLl 7l+ol oltrl= =JZ,17l Lt| d^1al ol
Ee-d dPjg= dtl'zjotl += OdZ!'J gilloll^l A-E Tl^lol =tl.
"J0ll ttl
el 7l^l*lHl+71. 5l= *gg gr glq. =+6lE
71.^lE+Elal.E HE d^Ll 'set| e u, e=0ll= d?Jg0ll de= €
€46k A fl= "*gol ++Ll ^lrJol
e trgl'gg tllg6tl
ol gHJ4olrl. al=oll= E^l,rl oHEdlr. ?lrlr' -dtr|. =rl ^lE Eol
qd=9 Etr-Btg 6tlA6H += 7l^l +E+ 6llot g^l
9l=EllE olEXl
E+El7l E86l| ++E gr ^t|.l.
?lq. ol _E =fltrlE ?!El'J.!oll'=EE+.q'oI+'a
a1-d E. gfllel 3+, 7l^t7l Ztrl el eg 8E= gaJ6H H
,\14614l= ^llg6l=HJol+4Ll 311
Eoll ae olTJltl?
b dert|r-l H7l==e
+al, d=014 Eqt =

1)'e4izl]H9 zl,<l dul;-'z| elul6|i 4-a- olotTl6ll (@

B^,llg. 8x114 physically
7l$ skill
2) +^l + H 9lr ot4E 4*ol A-qH o, l+ new principlel idea
=r+ {.!7Jl
4EH X ql s^l6l^lle. +.=€ Etrf to get attention
(1) qq *g *ol += FE ^t4+ d= wrnoow silt

.Je q"J6lxl ?+=+. u tr E4 door

(2) +4. +d eg ^JHl^-E. xll++r+. u X
business, company
0llE6ltl to use regularly
(B) +C €d5ol ol S;ll$ fe
l'_lol4. a E
IIIEE[| wash stand

8E a firm (business) name

(4) olBl+ ilqglg F6ll "Jor

g + 9lrl. u X

@ wrrtng-IA7l
E 7f,tlo1lll 'J^lel E-stotl rfl-d /,tl Elllg
Write a composition about the role==
of men in household work.

. olel+g 7l^lql^JE Hxls+ €zl9 g$ol +rJLla ^84oJLlvl? olqH zlolTl

ql of 6Jtrll t'g zJt;]lnll
Do you think the roles of men and women are the same on the household work? or different?

. qgol ?oto}6Jqr S4+trlB :1 ol+= F9,'Jr-lzl? E zlolTl ll"lol +r+r

d4.Jrt$ r ol+= F9fltJzl?
Why do you think that men and women should have the same roles? Or if you think that men and women should
dilferent roles, what are the reasons?

. qrl+ol ^d46lb 7l^lql^JE ul+46J Bzl9 Egql 46ll cr-16ll H^ll,e-

Take notes on the ideal role for men on the household work.

I qq+g ollE5 a+54 Hl+J 9lr qE 4+g q B+6lE €€zl ololzlaJl

a4a 4+el olofzl* rlleg frB6l/ qlg5 +4611_H4/e.
Exchange your note with your friends, discuss about what you need to add it. Fdit your note if necessary.

+cql qE€ ulr]g.E Al -H-^ll,q.

Sased on revised notes, write a composition about the ideal role for men on the household work.

dgf"Jg €E.:lr €0f61-ZLl #q61= dplgE

oloFTlg =+=
+ ilaqzt? ^l.Col
ExCellenl r*< Pggy
Are you able to explain the kinds of household work and talk about your
preference household work?

d?lgalgaJEJ E'JE E,\lolZLl EB= -=r + ?l+Llzt? ExCellent r.....+* Poor

Are you able to express your complaints and make excuses on housekeeping?

Egfgoll 4et 9-lr € + ?l*Llnt? Excellent r--i.-r...-.e......r p66y

Are you able to read and write about housekeeping?
tr -(e)= strJ ofLlaf
. -(9) a SoJ olrJ 4 is attached to a verb, an adjective, a 'noun+ olr|' indicating that
there is another situation in addition to a certain fact. -$uj olq 4 is used after a noun
or the part of postposition. Postposition E or ttlzl is often attached to -(9) = S"J ot
+'JolH "Jfl E4= 6llo} g +"J otq4 d qi AiE al]o| a|.! € Eol S,4.
€+ Al: aAgI'J otq4 eQzlzl4"Jzla ?14.
, It takes two forms.
a. If the stem ends in a vowel or E, _ = S"J olq q is used.
b. If the stem ends in a consonant (except for e), -g g"J olq + is used.

(1) 7l: ai= e ?l61'+ Els.

4: ^l= d.J"Jg + XB g"J olq4 ?"ls S.rJ=s.
(2) 7l: H€g d.J.J +6lq?
4: *, zlzl .Jg Sqolrll g g"J olq4 4zt B "JE *ol Ee++= €olo}.
$) 7l: ^VJ& glqt+l*4H^.le?
4: zl?s"J olqt+ +4 delzlzl glolril*qs.
(4) 7l: gTl {b trl'+ Al= ell :1e4 +oi6lle?

E| -reE -=rit
r --4tr -=tll is attached to a verb indicating that the effort was made but the result is
not satisfactory. Like --4-tr-, it is often used to give an excuse for a negative result.

4: gc6l d$.Jg 6194-r gRbrll gol: 4zl oJ 4l "l-€-91 5zl ?++ Htrl.
(I) 7l: olA 44^l+ 4 *ots?
4: 9ls-? 9, zll*alzll 6lLqr,g{=ql oll v'lflzlzl E{ 9lHl.
(2) 7l: gl#ot, qlTl d.J.Jg + q s.qfleH +Aq.
u].: uloJall, Ee++-47 Eq?Erll t*ol P49R+ trr+.
(3) 7l: rle. olzlL-ell olzlEtll ell olB4l Eol q! e.ol=u'1 E =4qe.
4: ?lzl* zl gut .J ql^J t4
Aql'q. + ^l+H +ot€ 4qls.
rI @)71: c4ol 9l olezll €qaq,q? e+ ++ "J "ll,q?

fl -=EEt=E
o -L F ut} f is attached to a verb indicating that the work is not being done eagerly
or the event seems to be haPPening.

aelleg 6l= F ut: F 6lzl EJr. + 4qtr 6ll E}4.

HITI 4;lH +4bEJl qa4l s: F I]t= F 6l-ql.
(I) 7V: H zl? 4 oHzl 4 *ot? 9l ol€zll E= + trl= F 6t+?
4: otr-lo|, xllulltr Er 9lflq.
(2) 7l: f;.{l ol e oJel d a}"J + TJol ;12}l al] .

r]: alell 6llE 6l= F ul: F 6ll^J 4zi alb Lo1 4ot.
(3) 7l: +^lol Eql ?l *otq? 9l rezll E= F El= F qle?
4: otils, ol-+ "i9iqs. rflql xllzl E dql € + Er el^1,q.
U) 7l: €11 Al= 6}tr-'Jg x'1fl rle-e "lls?
vl: zlzlTl +ol6t: g-s-
$sll'& *-
:: l

You.wilibd:ii.ble ,uhdbrstand,.of'tha,glivihE:w.o.ak#i€ eiu: d;ep..ortthC

!i:,.l:i.r,..tti..r -' :.. . :r: - :. :i:- .:l
current work situationi. . i.r: -il,r,i..:' .:.: i. rr: .i. i'i: r '
':t:,1r1:: ;j l:l:, 1.,1:' rr'l:.',:r:.jr' :l:::'
' .r: L, :.: r: :-..:.-,::::::.,:ii .i., ::._i..:,r1,,,
:Topif::ii.::. .WoikFlaoe
Funetlon Under€tanding the work directiOR$,i 1: . I
. .'1,
Reporting'the current work situailbn,and'the result' : .

Activity Listening :, Lislen to:a conVersatisn about the work,

: ' :- - ,.Listen,toonelsworklife :-,' , I'; ,-:::
Speaking: Talk about progress on the work,
. : . Reporl the work result ,., .' ,1

Readihg, Read,a wsrk-related email ,

: '
Writlng ,: Write.a work:related srnail.', . '.' ,
Vocabulary , Companlt and divisions, Business routinesl,, 2
Grammar -{e.)n, -(eJe 4, *r,];r'l-tla/-Ilrl-atl ilqe, -19?i6ttrt
Pronunciation lntonation of formal speech
Culture Three ways:for a new employee to be successful , . '
Ills7f rl8 8=J Workplace

t. d7l= oltlgLVtl? 0l +3= 611 9l= zlztole.?

^FJ=P ^l=

2. 6l= g+oil= +tol ?l=DlP,?




86 xllsrl-^la 8g
EI g: 'allg tl= d"J'ql ql,* 4+ _H__r.47199 5gE tlB,
+q4. 46 t-r..!: EEd Ale+ +qg /^lzl Cr-l6ll 6llelTl€ d"J
_u_HgEA#lt\? outlook for entering
overseas market

trlLlg: 91, 'J4tfqq. rflql q^l 4€ -u1..<J4b Ese H Ttg.l reporling conference

gs zl-EE $*F separately

=Hl6llot EBJ amount
=J $: -u-lr1E Er#ol g*9 qlt-lzt r+rll 6l: ,ll +4lqle. d1} strategy
.J4e c;llf.€,Jzt?
=l+ trrElg ^ll+

=J g: rll+ .Jcg +rl Hql^.] 4lE Eqq. :4r. tss

zlE: Tl= d+g +deE +C6i^lle.
=J 5l-: r=l_z al4zl q 4+ +Eol dzlE ,J al+al ^J96l.
E+ 6r^'119.

rlLl $:{tE€ rrl, !--Lfl9, +l+q
H+EE : * rl*3 -H-L.<15 "Jr, + ^lElg gs ^lE= "JolrJ q.E'qe separately

trlEtriE 6i:41 qq,q-? 'J36ltrt to be in charge af

tlLlg: gs xlE:4€ Hl,rj= ulB."e aNo| a|!z| pol E4E 6lEf to cooperate
Egjz'lilqaq '
6l= 41 $izl H9 44r tq have a heavy silenee
HJEE: +'&+^i*"J ^J+qE r.lxl $$z|e!
tlLlg : € B*9 al 4 H9 .Js glfleq t\ zlol
'il =Hl61|
H_IEE:=l 44H pol4q,e?
tlt-lg: +F Ee{E= "J*:ql .J;lb
'Jol ^l*$+ql
'+J+j e 4,' olfl 4"J"J ++ E.ll +J'

g+ e== 6i^l g:ol^.J 44zl ?l +gt4e.

HJEE: r4e? r4^J qBZl *ql,q?
rll-lg:*ttHol 41 4rlHBi1rfl alo_e "Jg 4H q^l
'lg ^d4g 6t^lE "J+n eRqle.
H+EE: r4^J s+ sl^l ++l7l7l+4s.+.q.
q^lql 'J^l* zJfrttlzl, += flxll4 H
=Eo4jt ^l€+El
59 +q+g + +ql ts= EHdolg+. ql+ ^l€9 c4E +e€€ PlEoil'Srt r :

to le tfre envy of (someqne) l

9q*r g^lg qE :1aql zltl ^Jge'4 #g 180tr+ Hl+l

lBOE-tr, Hi+l +9tEl. zltl 'iE ge "l'l+q trttzl
tl= to make (something/
^l someone) 180 degree

e:r+ E q6llot alb 4Eol9tl. tt= E}rll t+€ 6lrJ change

^iH.4 e+dFl to cooperate
.Jg 6ll ts 4ol $.= +el g+ C4E.= "J:1t}1E gFol
't Il^l6ltl to be dull and flat
94. ?ol -H-r^J= € tr]lE 4zL "J3 ++"J + 4!H gEl= i/ltl to join
S4q El= ^l+ol + qlg"g glq -H-^lE ?*911, 4zl zl4 $ttf loner/oqtcQs| 1:

u15eE4q +4E ,r.l.r.lalrlJ. ^J46ll 4-d ttlzl *9tEl. a for the first time (after

+ + oJE. *6lr ts+l7l rlqlE *6t= %trlzl qflq. *41

something has haPPened)

u]trt irl= rll: 9-4l^E?+^lH

allo[ '6J41'E Ell+= "J^8

+Ee olxll$Qz| rl4rol4.

€s{ ^t* E= 4I"J ^l-g 34lB

Three ways for a new employee to succeed

r 4toll 4+=q7lE 41'J qts aEol ge-gzl3-?

employees need when thoy tirst begin to work?
What are some things that new

. El-g+
*b 4loJ
9zl gldl zlTiol6J s4lEEqr+. + 9li1 'll€€ ololloll -Brilg-.

The {ollowing are three fecommendations by veterans on ways tor a new employee to succeed Read carefully and try to understand
the following passage.

- Stick to the basics : Using the company's product is a must, and the
new employee should show that he/she is economizing. It is especially
important for the employee to meet deadlines in order to receive
recognition. Also, a new employee must learn the terminology of the
work place and must be proactive in all areas.
- Learn miscellaneous business practices : Knowing the odds and ends of
the business is a basic foundation and can become the testing standard of
the employee's behavior in the work place' Therefore, a new employee
must show that he/she enjoys doing the miscellaneous work' One must
remember that responsible actions in the work duties will result in the
proper compensation.
- Listen carefully and ask good questions : It is more important for a new employee
to listen carefully than

questions. It is not wise to ask the nitty gritty details of a matter This can.cause one to think that
to ask
employee does not possess the basics such as common sense and fair
judgment' It is wiser to state
the new
advice when asking
that you are curious about a certain aspect of the company and that you are seeking

+lq ^l^l€ a olelql 44lol ^846}= 4lBq glElB ololzl;N !-.tlle.

l{ or ideas lor a new employee to succeed, discuss with youf classmates.
lhere are other methods
E (E7l)el.eol oloFTl6H E^tle-

oJr.tlt 9fl,1.| stock firrn

^il++ / .HE.f,l insu rance company
zi: oJ$ald ltt? xJb e==*q z|+r+q^-l €Eill publishing company

"J6lrll g rlF+"Jqq. 8r. el^l

adveftisement co.npany
tJ : zl$frilzl= ql^l$ql
^J =+6idr+re? +E EI^I
trading company
filqt el^l
pharmaceutical company

o gg+ / ^J&+ 5+q

general affairs division

@ zHBH lzl4# SHII

public relations division

@ 6l]q €g+ la4 gE+ ?.!^l3l

human resource division
o "J^tr+ l+++ H l,dJd secretary's office

@ r'l +el4 / +BH 7flHj7[ deveiopment division

,/ le]r+ pla nnlng Olvlslon
g4!+ ,'. l
adrninistrati0n division

a (H7l)sl eol olotTl6tl H^lle. 4+zl

financial :affairs division
37_4 Etelzl . .

t^t'J, tlE ^teJela+g trJ-%t6lEt cuslorner service divisign

zl. : ol gq1 +^J= #zld4H^J,q? (overseas) business. division

+: ql, "J^lHq^J 4lg ^lg r{"€-g %r'}6l"41


O xllf;' zlqE, zll$;|1, +46t4

o +e +4H, zll+E 'Jd^dg a^l6l+
0 l'-4 +rlH, El^l tl+q 4'J ++g e^l6ltl
O ++4, q^FE ^l€g +El6l-4
O qzloJfl. tl+E 4zl.J$ +'J6}4
O +tr+. sl^IE +qlolzl€ +il6l+
fl (E7l)ef eol oloFTl6tl -E^lle

uillEi tll rtgloJg

t€ttct / iutrt ttrsl.t 7tg?!€ 4td6fq- .

zl: 2144, olH aztz\ +lxll€ +B 7lg*g to make a project proposal

4^d6lEq 6l^lle. ^lE=

to print=+6l.tr1
out data
4: ql, +HI7l sEqb qls Hq EEl4+q4. ,l4E Eal+/grl
to submit for an approval/
to get an approval

0 zl9"J €xll€ gf-l+ / aqlol +srt ql{J-g

to make^il+trl
a budget
O tlxll* rJr ql4lg ^ll+tr|l ql+4'J Zlqol ^Jtl dslo-ltl .

o .Jrlt}i= de-l"l+ I +H^l7t c6llzltrl to arrange (place/person)

8EE -ertlrl
@ +e q^l E+g a+614 / E+ ++g 4C6ltrl torsend an official document
qqE "J46ltt
o ar+ Hrq =Hl= trtzl4 / Hlr.15 =Hl6ltl to input a list

O 6J^lHl g+" xlflE gLiltt I 44zl €Ll{ ==g

issue an invoice fclr the

Tlrl^ll= €^l6l'trf
to install equipment '

!l (E7l)sf eol oloFT16ll !r^11e. g+€iE 8el6!El

to file reimbursements

ltsloJ / ?T'J,'ltslrg TE6tr flq_o_l' erlg -H.!.6lti

Eril to report the result

€4l: qBrll 4l6}qa 9lql,q?

zl.: zlcJoJ 71all8 client/account

4: HtrHol ,J 4ElBr Tl oJg zde-al-l ?Itr|il HBtrl supervisor


o q^l Hl+ ^14 I

ol 4q, "€f+ C4€ tl €H.qs." fr-eS1r1 to be completed

o tLA del / r+tlH , "$Hzlzy c6Hd.q,q?" 89J first draft

rflaJ{ oililine
o TlgHql ea= +qr-'J "J / Zlgol ,llEf plan to be made
r+ Ht}H, "++g szll BE zqls?" 9-H.Il proposed site

@ q^l / +tlH, "E+ +++El 4}c6l4l.q."

o 6g^1 7lg?l / +tH, "aoJ+El r+^l ztc6l^]ls."
@ €4 -elel / ol 44, "Br..r1 Hzl ?ulql^lE|."
E (H7l)el eol oloFTldH E^lle.

te+q t+ E4 *tg llllltrt
dZaPlto refer
^tEE ttL6ll^1
:^Eg supplies '' ,

zl: t5-Soll g+'€a *59 E{ol6Prll, ol{ =+


e[91.$ conierenee records

EE'd ri z|;|,r.l19.
4: :H xlki$ zle€ ar-La1,t1 4C5|g 4t4e?

O l'-4 ar| x|tr$ 446}4 / g€Es €?-l"ltt

O AE+ €+g 5let6l+ / +++ g.5-"J 4^161r+
O EIE+$ 4C"ltt / zlt{ EIE+ €^lqls 6ltrl
@ zlgrJ$ 4l^J"ltt / 4+e e 4?-le+ ^J96ltrl

E (H7l)el eol oloFTl6H H^lls.

slgl^tE fHl,.fqg dFt+-H.^l€! 6lcl

49 xle tHl,q, €qE Biol 6la $^|r a1lo;

4=ql q€41 *rYe?

4: :H. €eJg ql +ql +^l€ 6l-* Zl qqls?

^tE +ul, 3qg 6Fl: r.^t€- 6ttrl

sl9 zl.a eqE 6llol6l-J $.rlr alop

6l+Ell q€Zl .!zle?
4: :H, xllzl a4€ *l-:r u|fl alTi +^l-="61"=
4l qqls?

o alElzl ^J+ cel,

5_*E 49 -'il+Es E+= 6l+
@ tlxll+ _H-rol 6u1,
t}i= de]dltrl - Ea *Eg B'.iltr}
o rr_4 €E a^t,
€Ezl= 4}c6l4 : 4rl q{}g Ed6l4
o 4ltr-+ +}LE ^ll4},
Bt+zlglzll EEE al4 : 44lzlE "JE6l+
E (H7l)ef eol oloFT16ll n^Jle.

r'.'4 €t a t / ol0llor9 s+tt.t gl'L!$ rFplc1 +FE dg6ltl
zl: nz4 €E a^l= q€41 4l"JElr 9\iltt? t0 pass on by word

4: ol4l99 olul g*q{-a zl+g q4lg 7l{el:l


o qq =Hl l^ltr= =q6l+, Bg5qrll +hq +q

o E+ a+ / qs_g oJq6l+, ulzluJe_e deg 6ltrl
o +^J cl^l =El I
Hg=g Eag =^1614, q&g ^ll+tr}
@ 8tr8 g+ /
44xlE +iE qoJ6l4, zle= Etl6l4
6 *E 4^11 I
*Eg {C"lrl, +*Hq €{E 7lq4Ll
o t^FH g+ ea /
++s= dg6l4. ^j+= 4}c6r+

tr (H7l)el eol oloFTl6tl H^lle.

IILJT riBE TEtttrh E-t6lEt,

^8T6ltrt +,li'{0ltl to be prior
+d olz+q ^l4}gzl,q_?
alCOltl to be core

latrq= zlklH
^le+El {ea};-211
11 +COltrlto be prior


o xll+9 5^Jg rlE6lrl, +e6l+, _H-r+

@ ar-|9l .9+= a^t6lr+, g,q6l+, ^B46ltl

O +4 7ib+ "Jg+= a^l6lr+, #614, Hq
0 Hol fl= qlAlgqql6lr+, +^Jol4, _H_r+

O +"]] Cqg ^]l+r+, -"ldol4, ^J46lrl

O 9,q* q+g C46lrl, +dol+, ^J46Itt
(H7l)el eol g+ LHE= al€l.J74l= Hr= 6|r,
SEqlzl= trllE='J71 E^lle.

tlt+ Eltst rdstlltrh 6J^t gtg

^tfl i,Ht, tAE ^ltttrt lntonation of lormal speech
ll,-J g+ ++g qroJ6ltor ttrt
zt: freq+"dZ3
zl: 4tH, rlfl ^11+ rfisl EHlql qdl +: 6]o{ ffi+qt
E+Et-l4l+q+. 1tr:€ dE*+q4.
4x1 zl: azqe.E$gd-t
r4r €xl]E i'$^l "J€g iJl+n il+q4. 4: M X€*'qg
!_L]] s{ €* q+g qoJ6I +^l7l H}*q+. The speakers terid io drop the
toneofthefirial syllable ofthe
pklqe or sentence in fonrial

> EA"1Hrllg.
4r Hl€+,t{: qq ,^i+
4: 24xlqil zJrl-z =;'
(2) 7l: qeZl
^l*d 'Je
o ctl+ Brq EF +il . 'El$tq4?
=Hl, ^lE: =Hli{trl,
El^lE 449= 6llot = 4:€"1$49fl+qE+.
^lE€ =q++, "}tl (3) zl-: .$4.'d Al$Llrl?
+ i1F9 slE +"ldq+.
@ 44\ ol$, 'JE .J€g ^il$l *r+, +716J 4*ol
gl*zl qe+{, iz|;.|alol gls$ 2^lvl^1 oJq
O +e= g+, zl4zl9 +A= 9"J 6o14, +HEg
sa}++, El4l Hg ?lqEg 4l^J6lloF d-+
@ ^lg 'iltl a+q j/+ 4lq, "Jcg qcilrt,
4lqqlg lC+rl, .I+g 4c,"11o; A'*
{_i Listening_Ezl
n +gg g+ rHtrlol g+gllrl. E Er trEoll 'Jdl^lle.
l-isten to the people talk about the work. Listen carefully and answer the questions.

1) +9.q1 ql6ll olotzlala lltrr-lz|! @m

8L6ltl to invitq' publicly

2) ol4l+El a]]oF B g+= F9..Jtlzi? *= ag EF Ealrf to be selected

:aqt "JE,$9rl
ae,rll9. t0 stay Lip ail night

n 7lq^-l zll= I ^J4lHr+ Fs+

f, zl]* ql& qfl X zll* 7lb Ha

+ge 4alol El/.l gg 0l0F7lgLlrl. E Er. trEofl -J6l^lle.

Listen to the Mr. Hong's work life. Listen carefully and answer the questions.

1) + ql4zl *atHqzl d+= d ol#L Fq'J,Jzl? @@

gtq^46ltl to be awkward
IIIE fake iilness
2) 4+r+ "*eH o , 5qH X ql s^l6l^lle. to get worKeo up
=3 =E6tLt
(1) + ql4= art ql+ql 4l+ a=g trlrl- /\t
r [-9.1-
=il n
a minor staff iri csrnpany

+tlHg + 4El9 ololzl€


"Jzl *E4.
(3) + qlr]= "Je g+= zl4dl^l
*6ll^J 4d6ln 9lq.
A Speakins-gal7l

g+sl Tlg agE oloFTl6|| H^11e.

Talk about progress on the work.

o +s-e- {4+ol zl^l Bg g+E 4+4 r d"g tr-s}"Jqq. gln +.J6ll H^lls.
The following passage is what you are given work directions and progresses. Read it and check the progress on
the work.


o + Hol o} Hol qq E+ Cq tl+g

Ej1 ql$oll
Get into groups of 2, ask and answer the progress on the work.

qgg El+q ++E ql+es ololzlall _H_^Jls

Change the role and talk to the following information chart.

qajEol +gEt g+= 8^l0llzl 4^lg'++Gl Hr6t| H^lle.

Report the perforrnance of your work with lormality to your superior.

o trJdlzln9 + Tlzl g+ +,* Tlzl€ dq6l^Jl,q-. r4r Hr= 617l gJ6ll^J=

q€ 4+g EsraNol B4 C49 A44 H^lls.
Choose performances
one of the work g.
among two performances in Speaking activity What contents should be
included? Organize your thought.

. arl* 4+g 444eE _H_-ralzl +16ll^-l= q€ E€g ^l+611, "l€ 4se gs

6llot gzle? sdr+ 4Eql +E6ll 5-n6ll _H_^lls.
What expressions and manners should have a presenter to report formally? Report your work performances with
formal expressions and manners.

. -H--L= zltv ++ ^l*g h+"J lzl? 4 r$zll $zf*ltl?

Who was the best reporter? why?
f,Q Readins_E{zl

ll +ge g+ ql"J"Jt-lrl. € EEql Hdf^lle.

The following is a work-relaled email. Read ii carefully and answer the questions.

c E+ "ll.Jql: "l€ 4*ol 4ol ll9zl ql+6ll _H.^Jls.

n Try to predicl what contents are included in a work-reiated email.

. uEl-q +EE gl_q E^J ql^J6J ']]+r+ ?J+^l q?l6l] _H^lls.

Read it ouickly and see if your preoiction lvas correct.

lJtsol ,_, Llo|l711 4+q ( ri+l E+4 I +xe


: r€€ - .10p! 1!.1 2l 2+ 4_,& ,,€ € * *:i: g = = = i= ;:,e ftr G F: A* € ;irEfilfil s'fieeE

trl^l g-+
=-H.EJel +r7l LredLltl. EEI:std g+0114* Eaat| +U E 'J0l #^lEgLItl.
olu Hl^lel il^loll^l "Je6|.q 0lBZl g4 4l9E ELHZI Elfl+Lltl.
olE g^l0ll^l g^letzl^l EE€ +*-.J + €xldl.= or'5 =J=JolZl qflALl+. olq sJaJdlG EB=
dr 7l^l €^l= Eel= ?lajol EsgLltl. "Je-d oJ+e 'J^i38, q^l2B"JLltl. HEs/.lfl^loJ ^1fl01 7l
5il "Jalej EEzIE+^l-e €al6H olU + =egzl^l gal +^lE e/.ldl4l+Lltf.
=d^f Ll]Ee E+-d E^l= at_z6l^l7l Hfgl_lrl. Eel 9le^lE flrllE^l E
+ +d^le. ^l-d0l ^lEl=-"Eo+
raJ, €3 dl+ Eld^19.

ol^l+ EaJ
ol a!/:j
Ar1ae. o
f I fj:" Slfi:::::l

renffin iqlelerl .g.iJr3*. , Ia^Ei4!r471 S'HdErls^lE

1) ol4o1 g++ olqlgol4= 49 "J + 9l= ++g *ofH^lle.

2) rl^l + H g]n ol4E 4*ol ee$ o, 4sH x ql s^l6l^]le.
(1) +++ql B4= oll9ol4. n t! c@t'--

(2) ol^l+: E+g ++6lr €xl6l=

n X ++
L transportaticn
g+= "J9t+. 9! request

qcg g uI= ulxl49 +4 q+=


'Jrl +E €tt.
3) .J"*g ag i1q^lle_.
n g+ zls ^F+ n "Je ^lg sA
n 4l+ E+ Fzl n 4l+ +d-6JE
Vq Writing_lA7l
n e+ qlg= r^1 H^lle.
Write a work-related email.

r "lH zll$etr 4"Jg €xl ol49l^J l.E^-lle

Choose one of the titles to write an email.

n qq Bal H4 n _H-1,.,.J zll+g 9_14 z1e ,rd

r xllq$ cgReE "ll.Jg 'il+g q€4 Tcgzl +rll4oJ olol4q€ "llE6ll _H_^lle.
Once you decide the title, take notes your practical ideas about how to organize the ernail.

. B+ 4.J9 5Ag neJ6lol qeril "ll.Jg^l4rop €'lgxl EllEdl _H_^lle

Take notes how to start and close the email considering characleristics of the work-related email.

. qlE*.I+g uluJt_q_E ql.Jg rl H^lle.

Based on your notes, write an email.

. a+Er+ Hl+l llq -H-^lls. 7l* 44zleE "l1"Jg + ^l*e ++"Jzl ololzlall
Exchange the email with classmates. Whose email is the most likely a work-related email?

El8 g=J011 EeEl s'flg 0l6lldll.

* 916t-lz[ ExCellent r<---r-...r.....r pggy
Are you. able to understand work related expressions and use thern?

g+ E-J6lr erF= !dr:g * 916t-lzt?

^l80ll^1sl ^lgtg Excellent
Are you able lo communicale work matters and report the results?

,J'J:sf e+ flgE 9{r € + flAqzt? Excellent Poor

Are you able to read and write a brief work+elated email?
tr -(s)o, -(e.)= zi
-(9) u is attached to a verb, an adjective and a 'noun+ol4' converting into a noun and
-(9) = 4 is attached to a verb converting into a noun.
It is often used in short memo or notice and -( o ) u indicates a simple description,
-(9)= { indicates a command.

ulolzl €g Ha*+. qflg 4.

0) 7l4zl oJ+ + HtE q=g Ag. #-J .Je +ql dslE gqg A.
(2) $+ - !-I^Jql "JCol mlA+. qe + +71aJ A.
(s) =Hl 4+ - €++ oJg z|-HE ol ql;lql4 sa6l7l Hl*.
^Jqlzl ^.14e 4.
(4) +tr+ sl^l 'JH - zll"lgl: +tle-s g 4. E++ A+ E+ 9l+.
(5) rJfq4 Et4^J - + 15€9 el^jol

^lg5g 4* At\zl
(6) "J^lH +^l - CE

A -Llal-LFal-^lal-afr ilile
r The indirect speech style -rlJ./-41-l-zla-l-qa *qlg is used to redeliver

a hearsay.

E ^l: +€e +9+q4. 'JEAS +q6l^l "Jr + +l^lls.
trlol=:LJl, oJ4,+q4.

€ 41: u1o1g- /il, +g + qql,q? +€g **qs?
trlol=: ql, +€g g*{e. :14E 'JErJg +El6l^l 'Jr + d4,q.
i"l : fl4 41, trtol= Al BE'J Ztq *qs? +€e +*ql,q?
fl4: xl= HIEBI^J olzl * 7l *q,q. gllolTl:1rl=ql E^l d^8Hol ulolpts-J.
+€e g*4r i{qls. :14E B+Z}e +46}^l gr + d+a qR4,q.
Depending on the sentence type, -r{-L glqg, -+f *qlg, -z}tr qRql,q, -+f
*rilg are used.

It takes different forms as follows.

-Ll:qr B,49-
-qr *4s -9t/s/94r i{4s
-(_e-)= Ar-la i{qs
-44r *qs
_(ol)41 lR'Ic-

-L+r *,qls-
-(9-)= 4+afl,qg-
-ekt e.ter+r iR4s -4,L+a
1:f1: 11: .. *4e-
-(ol)+r 9&4_s

-xlr 9lqls
-(.e-)42 *qs

I In principle, -r{-tr- i{ql9 follows the above rule, but -+i1 q{qlg is generally used for
all verbs and adjectives.

(7) 7l: +tlHol ell zltsol +e^l^l.q?

4: ^ltlH4l^J +tlHtrr +4 q^lqlrJ xlloJ Eg El'JEol+-ll 6td4e.
(2) 7l: +r] +^.lql^J zll=+ zlg*1: q€rll Sqls?
4: flzl E4lzl rgabxl +tlH4l^.1 r+tlH4l a?l+q r+^l ,^4jr. qlqls.
(3) 7l: +g 4l=.1 zlg 4: €g tsal€ t}*qs?
4: +g ,l7l zlg .4q7ll r.ll'J +ql: q dlzlr i{ql,q.
(4) 7l: Elg ztzlS
^lB-5ol B* *q^J
AlTl EH4s.
"tol= '{+ql ^}%}6}+r.
4: C"Js? Elol= ^171 a44l *zl7l 9lg €3 E*qls. +^l qot4l"l,q.
$) 7l: ,J d^JHol oJ=g /Alqlrll o]fq €4ol g*ol 5H4r }Iqls.
4: r4^J oleS.t'iz| a|$ +.J ^J=B=qI+,q.
(6) 7l: €4 u-r.q q€rll 9r glqle?
4: zlr 59 2c1=ul:
(7) 7l: +tlHol +lillil 6ldrlle?
ol Qlel_H.r
4: ol"ll.Jg 9$ 9gzlxl
(B) 7l:
4: "JE.J 4e. rd +Hn zl+ "Je4= z-lqls?
fl -r 846lrl
a --tr-
^J461r} is attached to a verb, an adjective and a 'noun+(ol)+' carefully showing
a speaker's thought or emotion. Excluding 446F+ other verbs such as
Hq, ql+q4, €4214 canbeused.

I c+g "J=zl +l6ll^J= rrl9 +i4= +E6l SqoF 6-Jr+j1 ^J46J+.

o It takes different forms as follows.

-'lE4r ^d46ltrl
-(-s-) -" AEa ^J4614
-+r -9t/9/H+r d46ltrl
^J46].4 -44r ^J46}4
-(ol)41^J46lEl {

(7) 7l: +4 sl^lel zl*H +"I d4ol z]at ol#zl s@il@ I
+J4r tr-44t4? EI[| #q selling record

4: lz]59 Hl+g +E6l a^ldl^l *iR7l ^J^dltl

to be poor (in number)
ull$ol4r ^J4Eqq.
Q) 7l: E +elHg ol{ 4ltF+ +trcl a4q qql
q erll Nr+6l4t4vl?
+: 4loJ ololqqTl4oJ4^J +
+44019qr Sqq.
e) 7l: ol gq^ ,q-= +6J6].= 4zl"J.JEl al4 *tt?
4: * rzll q6Jqlb tr-+ "J qgfl+n ^J461=ql,
q= aE + Hl.;.1-zJ :ell.
(4) 7l: olHql €^lg ql6ll q€Al
^J*ql ^J46l4l7l? :j

You will be able to express idiomatic expressions, proverbs, similes, and
metaphors and figurative speech embedded in Korean culture in order to
communicate with others.

Topic Language and culture

Function Expressing your thoughts using figurative speech,
Using idiomatic expressions, Using proverbs
Activity Listening : Listen to a conversation about the proverbs,
Listen to a lecture on proverbs
Speaking: Talk about you, of making speaking
errors because you""
did not know about Korean
cultural expressions well, lntroduce idiomatic
expressions and proverbs of your country
Reading : Read an article en ths /.lilnlg rqlrf
(to feign ignorance)
Writing : Write a composition about introducing the
proverbs or idiomatic expressions in your
Vocabulary ldiomatic expressions related to body parts, proverbs 1, 2
Grammar - -Folrl, Double negative
Pronunciation =ol,
Culture Jargon and slang commonly used by Korea's youth
Ill6il flol$ Eal Language and Culture

r. 'Jxlq oloFTl= F EJ8= oltt|]e? + ,\FJS HJ30l tl.= 0l+= +tgzlle?

== ^FJel

2. qzlEg Eolq qnl= -u.+ gzE r +-13 ol6Hdl^l =-d etrol 9t0ls?

104 11164 flGlel Etrl

I tr
8-.J: +4 €+4^J :flzl -qEzl 4
4+ Fol =+6lLll,q-.
ufof : f zl-4qs? qq,q? rH +4 $ rllE zie. fl mouse
$fl :'f 43 *ol'g aso d ^J4= Lt{'il= ++ +€ol ql9.
idiomatic expression
rfoF: ++, Sd 5*ql. :1flq] r "Jg g' olallz| "Jq]g. xl$ roof

4zl -t441 ^lzfl+ FEol olq#ol,q-. fl8 ceiling '

.$-d : :Z ulo|.r{z} Eg 6Ji dq +4= e g+^l r4s.

$$6ltl to be sturdy
Elsltfltl to squeak
9g de ^l+4 at} ^l-olE *rJol Hq^J 4zl4l 4zl
t*ol €*4s. faql ^l+!e dtlol +4aE€61^l=
?*9tg qlq4 fSot Eol4q: 44qt=
^4+ ^47t
9"14 z4l
=*.4,q,q? olfl "Jol rSzl 4+,q.
nf0f : o|, rell^J '4 ++Fol
rH 'fl.d ol^l zJ Fol'+l. {E q4lqle. e+ql:
9d ol ^lzfl+l^J *€4r+= rl*ol ge-q zte.
8-.J: r+zl= 6llE ra ++ Efloltlzl. rqE ^l *:e-H
'J 91,q.

aJ+: dd g Elt *qs? zlzl4"J ",t9ta? i@@
+rl: 7l-= 9ol tBo14L 4t +^l-= 6l-r. ?lzl +lqls. 7l_s.Jol 8.Jolrl
That's bad timing.
aJ+: qtl +^l? :a d (lit;. Going day'is the market
^]] "llhqle? dav)
+rl: otqe, TlAl= H6l= +^l^= 6111 9lq^J 4zl\ * q8 8^l
E g.rlLq
expanding construction
4H proverb
aJrf : o1, qtl +^l.. xlE 'zib 9ol ^Jg'ol4= "J"J Er um6F
+ +rll q +e 4.9'a*+ *q,q. 1lge +4+4 to speak figuratively

rl*=s B:]l, ol,.^14 Eg 4E *eqvl €3 9ol

15 t*.

f u|: 4-gol +g g-ol zJ 6Jrll. -r. +Elg 'F6Izl ?+9,

qltl61^l 9+g "J ol Ar+'= 9 ,-lzt +€ 4 fl tr-+g
^J "l
Hl+g qlql rle.
alfi: g.<1 +Be 9"lzt aCqq ileq4 ${,t}$$ol '';j',jj?-:.i::)

flxll ,rl.$alizl € .Jot +lo} *4qzl.

$ot dolfl4. 4zl olEulol-e=
6la ilE zl%r zlzll9l f,
qe dql
4*ol sl* g=tr +9 44'Z1q4 5q*4. ^t +€ &r41al+
to huff and Puff
7J 7lq'ig olzll 3ol #q4 ' €q^l=
El+q f- "Jql 5 eOlllcl to break/to snap
q 9iH 4+ElTl"}7lar+= 4,o14. €Hg q+ q^l+q : gTtilEt to break
trlqa olil+Ll7l gttl
7t s.q qg4l oNo| rJzlE E-ear+r 6tH^.1 tlAlzl to be taken aback bY
El^l= 3ol # someonelsomething(due to
;o| a*9 ulfltt. 4E: +H4l ^t46lq unexpected haPPening)
olxl= go1 $r€ .-6lrll +d6ll Eel4l4a *4qI'4' r aet€ nl++
to make a commotion
qr +de 7l+6].^lEJ q7l+q= fl4 zl*"ll tr.JElq
= q€41 g + 9l= 4ol ot4
9l= a,ol ot4rlzt *4 ztzll"ll^'l
olezll q7"l+q7l $'=
4a €BqU.r+. fq^l +He r+q]'/]]
4+ Eqq gr-l ^lxlg +e4e 4o1
rflql +H, f+7ll +'/J+ "J"J 4l+6txl u|/'11, f- qz]
a].,rlolzl 6ll E.4zle.
+q\flxl x1gq1 "J+9 ^.]4€

€:+el 5|-rolgol zlfr LY eq '+q

Jargon and slang commonly used by Korea's
6p e€g e 4o1 9iol9?
I €elsg 6.L+E dgolEol zffi .rl-eo

6l+ gq e+ +q e'l ql "J q =q

d gol
4' I € 9 ol "Jxl
trlls-' =ol ^t+ ^l-s:o
++6ll o{ slang
Have you heard slang lrequently used
by Korea's..youth? Th e following are examples
uu" What do you suppose they mean?
expressions that young Ko'"ans "ot'nonly

ffJ, gEJ, lE+Lltrl, otrl, B=, ?J6

. q-e-e- s qel- +qE qe+: 9"1"J'14. + gla 016116ll E^lls.

the foilowing passage'
and slang Read and try to understand
The {ollowing is an example oi iargon

rffA .c
'\"r) za +q ii'i. ql%,
'l,"/z)F\ 1O, O ot
s+44: Eq14 -rt'l
xl-& Ei+' 2' +"J61= a
i#4,8, rilq^J, 4+"J olz|: 1' olzJ
=iqb, AE: B3l E44
g g : -eH"=t^l',
qzi= B+ +vl"J: €451 zl+n
BE: B"J trgi.:*a+ +E,
qA?l lrdEJol : +gg rqle: a
el+ cL^JEe eqe+ +q9 ol;Ne| rl-$oll Qlrll'\
r 4qg9 eqe+ +q9 ^F8€ q€rl] 'gzJaNe? 6J+q€ Hi ? =
q€ ].J4g Tl4olr6Jvl9-?
jargon and slang?
the understanding and usage ot
ll (E7l)et eot otoFTt6H H^ile.

oJg 6E
+ot HtEtrt / +-Ert E_^t

'aol uufe,f,l'+='Joj f i 9"l9lg?

gg 6lb 4szl S^l 9"l9ls to have high standards
to become dispirited
o gEol +4L+ /+zq$gEE4 g0l Stl to be picky

g tsol H+ / oli,\|gol y*r 9€.6lb Hglzl H4 ?l7l gfrl

to easily believe things one
O q nilzl #44 I hears

+4+ 4"Jg zi^J EF+q BBol a4 g=0lF,4rl

to not care about what
@ "J
ol 614 / +!g
d6l4l zl4zl4 441 EEI others think
olitllTl +?Lt
O +lzl Srl / Bq "Jg drll gol-=ol+ to shoulder the
responsibilily burden
Gl azl B416ll^14 I +^l +sl='J6l.4't zlzl14 +ol rule+
to be quick to handle things
g0l Hrl
to know many people

a (H7l)ef eol olotTl6H H^ll-e.

gE tJut tr{tr|l Hl]lgtrh rgol getrt 3^lg Tfal+ ti:tfl:a,: .1:,

to be a picky eater ;,:!l;iiilL:ji,fj:J

8trlE gdltl
zl: e-b-g,t'] Szle! to be embarrassed

4:uJl, C"Jq+ls. Hl sFol Bol gele. Tlrl +Ll to be erestfallen

0 els='JHl7| d6lrt I E& 4rl, Eg 4+

@ i"Jol: # q-71qHq / Elg Erl, ,Jtt"Jg dl4
O fltrle+ iol} ol+ adl+ / r-JHl7f
HlSql dol zl4,
Eq +qq .

to be a big spender

@ zl-dl: + d€6].+ / Hfp needle

4 d .Jg 6t+, E= .Jql 4dg +6t+ d thread

EoJ tlLlt.lt0 go together

o e+ cul 93 B7l q4q I 7ffi droight

zF$ql tol +4, E.Jql qsq E:01 LfEl pea to grow
(E7l)sf e0l E#61-r, HJ rl+=0ll rl|dt|,\l 0l0f7l6H

trl+ttEl /
+iFt, rFl

€s. ,t{z} glol al*"Jzl- 4,e-. to be in great request

(lit. wings to grow)
ql, 5.g;ol z|-a glq,q. iil.€o1 rrlLlTlrl
to (scream) so much so
that the classroom will

{p af ol xNulglrl / *t\zl Ee4, grl4 collapse(lit. classroom to be

departed due to loud noise)

a ul zl { z} +4 911l s}zl- *ol *4 /

+4€ E=r+, zl4zl4
& +E 4= c"J €gol 6lr d9q /
H4lr+, zlEE6lr+
@ olol$ol ,Jqlg +^l ,l+fl+ /
rdol rl4zl4t4, 4El=

tr (H7l)el eol oloFTl6H H^ile.

/ tsJ6l lqe t LFf, qEl^1'rf s+Et
7lqol T|ETlEoltl
to have a dim memory
d+61 Tlqg ql4zl"J "lqczl E F6ll,q

@ f"l 4- q q ,,*Ll I
flxll 4Ztbzl * E--e4, a+E ql'+31 Llr^kLl
& f"\ A\tql *t "J'l '^l't /
gg ee4. sol € ols4
& tq&'\=q{R4\g€o\ t€t\ /

Cqq= s-qr+, luJol E*4

& fol {b -s?E {zl x}? s-4 / gtl
xlr zld e 4e F*zl t*4' ^I+
o fol {r ol +4 g Ett /
E= a zld e 49 Sr+, + E4ltrl
@ .r|fr ol$ol +E'lEl /
Tlqol \$tl$tl+, +olr84ol 'l4ttl
E (H7l)el eol oloFTl6H E^tle.

T6j*ol ot+el!Ef, 'tt59l E crl'tf

E+E Ell{I
z|:1lffiol *zlzl d+jdql,9. #Holtl
4: r4e? {tffio1 o}+al 6llE z]+ql= EIE qOI EllAI

akE g 47lqls-. t! 7il HlrlE

+E ?J 7H+el

& '^lg + E7l'

^J-*#ol HIILE=q=r+,
/\lo ^i ElTl
-L -zl

& f,iffio1 xl $ qlzl al- iL +rJEl , '++l ^-l 9 H zl ' +g^J E q7l
E #L ="119^17l
@ t++g B"J +r+, 'B 4iri qlgzlzl'
dl$ol H ttlTl
& el-++g *eeJr ol+il-l gd6l ++6ttl, "J HHlc
E +71

'e HBld qql E *71' Look at page 118 for detail


tr (H7l)sl eol olotTl6H H^lle.

'+J Ell'Ll st'

7k "Jol r.elot 9b trJol

+J rjl4l Elolelrlul xl;l-ol 9 rd a+ql,q. TTL


st= q=ri^l ,JrF.

rflrll "Jol9le. ^llg
g.= trJol zrl fl al=
& '41 Hq 4l' H-4^l8E
"JEE kttl
T7 "JE g=rl
I 'A+e ql4l' EIE
ETI gotolErl
€p '& zll Hl^lE' Tliftoll^l E LJrt
gr rA+
@ '+E gl z]]*4' ^'
EgolE g dfE eq
@ 'zlldglrJ + +tl' ^ll
Ttlat E0lE EcE
€! 'F+ oJol 984'

€ieql^l'S ";-r. -deql^l

@ 'c.elolr zll "J 6lE gEl' il=o1-eitl
,g ,JEl' Look at page 118 for detail
@ $.= "Jol 4=
A explanation

€D ',rj'J /l dr ulolH +gg *=r+'

{p '+Eql^J B} "*a +r}ql^J ffio1fl4'
(H7l)ef eol E6dlr, +g= rl+0llzl 6zat|

,ElE gol Ellt" qi cllg !!trh r.l+g 6lEt

zl: 4E Eoi ql&ol4bql rezil cl= 4e ^^zl
to make a deposit
g|gzelq to groan
4+g+ "114.
EZg ?47ltl
{: re4l a].4r 6i:ql + ?}qls.
x.le. to take care of one's

(} ',$ Zl HIZJE', r^F+rl Eag H zl4 rl4,

^llrlls € Eag ^14
0 '9-E. +r "JE Eb4', ^iEr-5+ql 4++ Lilrl,
tld6l4l 46ltl
@ 'u4zl^JE *i;H *4, gzlrJ ++A4+,
^lEl=g EaE =q glq'l4r
@) 'i gr el"J+ tr11r+" +q6lEl,
EAg I ^Jzl4

tr (Ezl)q eol oloFTl6H H^Jl-".

,El+ gol Ell^r" xj+-e_ 6Fl

zl: 4# Eol E}]&ol4il olxll+El+E zJ+g 6l^l

?+eH ?l qls.
+: 4l+ r+Zl "J+6F^lq zJ+3 6lzl g,g +zF

(} '& 7ll Hl^19" zll4E € Eag

@ '9e fl 9e B=q" ^lB}=qlzl
a€dlrll 46l.tr1

0 'u4zlttg "*=H Rr+"

^l*5rl Eqg
@ 'a 9Ji1 E"J+ 1a4" Eag € ^Jzl4
o ,g 6J Elqe a.J 4g- +=+,,
q*6141 "Jg 6l+
@ 'rll € tslF 4pt4zl7Jq',
+g {*g r.zl4r. r.q6l+
Gl (H7l)sl eol oloFTl6t.| H^jle.
+l+g Fol4+6tEf
zl: 9l olf * tl$E ? +e Fol a+6].+_7
=so *42 zfdz qdz
;<,.2, 4
uf : xJe- C+61: e=.flzJuJ E.t+qZ+ can be categorized
into ;< (slightly-aspirated), z
4444H f zl-+eH zlzlzl a+6llzlzl (aspirated), z (unaspirated)
rll$ol otH4,q_? according to the amount of
zl: 4! f H "14 +g+r g_e e+qlg 4 +^l breath aspiration. Also ;<,
z< can be.divided by pitch when
g**rlle. placed in word-initial position,

4: o1u1 B4lulds x|e" zlE sH ol+ s4 dql low tone for z and high tone for
2 and z'.
cz "Jol4d re zlql,q.

$ 'o* 4lJ.6llgil7l' ffiilry€

& '^JB7H 4l EolH +gg -s:4'
> E*6ll E^lls.
o ."J ml4l +ql E *zl.

(1) xlTf zl+ll+ L+^J

zi+ +s.
6 '& 4l Hl^lE' (2)+oliEil+q ++Eq
G) '*J 4C El' ilols.
(3) 7J1)^l7ll
'F+ Pol olE4' "JEzl* 4{LE}
6 tr61
dil dlgilrlqls.



t) Listening_Ezl

rfg rHtrlE E Ea +qq ilil 4of?l^l 7 =^lle.

Listen to the conversation and choose the answer^

1) [ 489 9"1
f 489 zlb 48155= 40tHallEdbrl
You will achieve your goal
after lhe proper preparation
{lit. A spider needs to spin a
2) n +*E ^l+ HIH web to catch an insect)
,tfl7f compenSation
n +Elg ^l+ ^J+ zJA.aEf to emphasize

E€€ }!tI
to make a facial expression

+=P Agg g+"JLlrl. E Ez trEoll .Jdfllle.

Listen to the lecture. Listen carefully and answer the questions.

1)rlEE 4+eE g*e ag r.E^ll.q-.

O +E}E +E]] Zall opinion/view
7flp conceptlidea
a +89 +€ fl?Il inventor/ developer
o +89 54 =Etaltl
to synthesize
Al;14 social

2) rt+^l7l r}g 4+g ql g+,* ag AIE product

r,s^Jl9. =Hl6t= =gE
to reflect a characteristic

cl +B ^l+ dslq 46J EsLl ^lE

@ 4E.ol ^l+q= +zll4 e t}+g ql
0 +Rql qlfl trl= ql^lpel g+ ,ll+

3) ol ,Jg9 *++r+ q+Eql= 44 qH 4*ol 9lB.Exl ololzl6ll H^Jl,q_.

r4I:a+41 ^J4'J =AE

ololzlaN -H^Jls.
g Speaking-Ealzl
-d+ol9 EEl4oJ +Eollf +e -dE EaF= E "J#+= 6lZLf edH= tt
,J--JOll r|l6H 0l0t7l6H HlJl_g.. =al^j
Have you ever made speaking errors or got misunderstood because you did not know about
Korean cultural expressions or Korean culture well? Talk with your friends.

o +sr+ ag ol+e "Jd+= 617.1+ e6ll€ 4} aeol 9l3xl ^J46ll -H-^Jls.

Remind your experiences when you had speaking €rrors or led io a misunderstanding because of the below reasons.

1) Hl+4 s€, ++ sd, ++9 9"14 4!'Jg 5+^J

2) eqLl +q :' ^l-s6lH "J
q= s€$aN.{

. ^lq Bol * Hol 9"1 "Jd+'t "J ql$ql .UA s6}]ql 46ll ololzlaN -H-^lls. rflr
rql qe4 6ll^J r ^J+g Hdbzl, e6llE €SbzlE- ololzlaN B!le.
Get into a group of 3-4, and discuss about your misunderstanding experiences due to a speaking errors. Talk about
how you dealt with the situations and resolved misunderstandings"

. a+ra=r+ ololzlal 4€€ uleJ-e-tr qqEE aEg €q611 B*.a11 -H-^lls.

Based on the conversalion with your friends, and make a presentation about your experiences.

qajg Lfalol ,JE EflolLl +'J= €E6tl H^1E.

Explain an idiornatic expressions and proverbs in your country.

o q tr ++ s€ol'+ +Bg q vl? :a4+ aTl]6lEJb olf+ F9 qlzl c r-l 6ll -H^lls.
Which idiomatic expressions or proverbs do you want to explain? Why do you want to introduce?

. ++ s€ol+ +Bg €Bg trI= qH 'll+g -+6J4oF .*tte? oF4q zll^l€ i

4+ elql q ge6J Aol gl9-B ollEol] -H-^il,q. necessary"

What contents should be included to explain the idiomatic expressions and proverbs? Take notes if

^l+ "JH, ^l-* tF+ 5

ql) r *8 sdol+ +89 9ol, #4, i

. glql^l 44+.ll+9 qH +^Jtr, qB7il ololzl$zl c46ll -H-^lls.

Organize your notes into the order and think about how to presenl it.

o cE,*,I+g ulrfetr qqB't4q *8 g.dol'l +Bg €H6l] _H-^lls.

Besed on your idiomatic expressions and
notes, explain country's the proverbs to class.
ffi Readins_B{zl
tr +83 3JE E.-d '^l^lrl= rrJlrl'= €861ts =g|_lrl. trt ?]r,l.lilsl=
The following passage is about explaining the idiomatic expression of
Read it carefully and answer the questions.

. ++ s€g €B6l= ol€ 4*ol aq gtgrl ql+6ll -H-^lls.

Try to predict what contents are included in explaining passage oJ the idiomatic expressions.

o uBl-= +EE gl-e H^J gltr-+ 4s"4 ,J+^l q9l4 -E-^ll,q.

Head it quickly and see ii your prediction was correct.

ElEolej +E s'E 60ll '^l^lrl= ttJlEl'al= ,iol ?itl.

0l "J3 6l^l gr3 46lzLl gr. ?leE,ll-E Efl hawk

-E== 461= ,J+E EE:g q l.lEElEl. '/.l^lrl= ttlltl'
/.lbf hunting

b rfl= ol8-d 84Ll "J?.!r1l +a|1= qg4 e f EaJllTltl to train

€d= devote
tl. El|= 0lE6ll ^|.H0il^..|
ll'JE 617l 916H^1b eal UE
^lrJ =E-d +6ltE grl
o+ U|lE Cal^140t ilrl. f.eJql €dg Efl to incur damage or losses
rllE gJqqelfl Ell +?.!e E +6llE =qrall^,i
^lrJal gZl EJtrt.
8Il tail feathers
+?lEe 4afts'ziE e.,\lalu I +l6ll,t1 rllol grl + B?le
Oil olEE= H01"ts?ttrl. falE E]|T| eg gq doll Eole
Pyeangan Province
(North Korea)
rl Fdl4 EltlelE r Et|= gZ:d +?lollXl tll4tl
E + ?l7l rrllEoltrl-. 8fl0il11 gof ge 0l 0l
EEE E?l-=. "Je ',ilxlnl'all -dtl. :1fl
qt eg g3 r]l= +Eoil4l Ea1+7lb4LJ
olal ,\l^lnl= Hlrlz trJ6t7l Il
4t-?tbEll 0l "Jol Eol^1,\l llfiel ejultr ,t.l

EElll E A0lq-.

o trl^l + H gr e$ql R6l^lle.

Read again and answer the questions.

1) ol se.qq il: ,ll+g -tr =t, -17.+++6lzll Cq6ll -H-^lls

I ++ Edq Etrl
I ++ Edg +4
I ++ s€g ^l+61= EIH

2) +l +Eql "J*g ql+g Al !_^,ll,q_

Vq Writing
lA7 |

IT qelg Llzlol rJE s-.Jolll +=Jg €E6l= == uJ HAJ|9.

Write a composition explaining idiomatic expressions or proverbs in your country"

o EJ6l7l
aq^J gs+ 4€€ itqH q€41 aNo| $zl.,q? *+a1z1str L7l=
qtr zlolzl 9l9xl ^J46ll =E
How do you write a composition based on the presentation of Speaking activity B? Think about what is the difierence
between presentation and writing.

r q+ltsol ^J4+ Lol € Eqr+E+ 39 zfle= 4l^J6li _H_^]ls. oltrll 9l= ^lElE
€.trlE g ++ 4*ol4 olBE c46ll _H-^,lls.
Create an outline. Consider the contents and the way of attracting readers attraction.

o 4LC,* zl],q= A+e+ Hl+l q€ ql€€ q B+6lH tr$zl ololzJall _H_^lle
r4r ololzl{ ,ll+g H}€"ll zfi,q= +4611 _H_^lls.
Exchange your outline with a friend and edit the outline il necessary"

. +C+ 7He= ul.6re-e. Al -H.^lls.

Based on the outline, write a composition.

. 4 itsH LH++ Egg + 9l= zllqg gol sc6ll _H_^ile

=g =E
When you are finished with your writing, complete a compo$ition to put a proper title on it.

o Hl+4 Efl, *E Efl, +.J # 0l6l|Er 4 91ft-l7f? ExCellent r..-.r.....r.+.-r Poor

Are you able'to understand figurative speech, idiomatic expressions. and

. Hlf,4 Efl, gE Etr. +H + ?laLl77t?

=g ^lEg
Are you able to use figurative speech, idiomatic expressions, and proverbs EXCellent P661

. +E gfl, +'J 5ol slnlel +4|= €E6k € +

glaLlTtl? =€
Excellent pqql
Are you able to read and write about the meaning of idiomatic expressions and

Il -=ot
r - Fol is attached to a verb, an adjective, a'noun+olr{'and - Fol is attached to
pre-noun endings t-(9) . /i./(9) = /Hl indicating that the former and latter clauses
are almost same in meaning. The former clause figuratively represents the latter clause.

6l+ +g +"J *qq Eol BolzJ Fol 7lq+14tr}.

(7) 7l: €+lol: * zl4xl?
r{: :.$flx1. LfOlEtl to kill and eat
z|: gol Al$.q? gdol€ 6l++E ?l "JqH 4= Elfl=rI
€ .J'J qlrl ell B9 "IzlalFol r4? to spring/jump/leap at
(a person)
(2) 7l: 4l d^JH4l^J= s+ q€41
^lLll^l=zl +^l +^l+l^J e+q
ol^,llg? to be scared to death

4: &+q^J ^141 ,ll * a$z| 9l*.bxl Bol

49 Fol +edqle. r4^J 9=s 6l^ln
4E ra4jqle.
8) 7l: g=ol cll rerll 6l"Hs?
4: ,q gql^.] qtr zllz| $o1Eg Fol
Bq54:otq. +^J+J^J g*qs.
(4) 7l: sE 71ts qq^lls?

A -
a - is attached to pre-noun forms of a verb, an adjective, a 'noun+ olr{' indicating
the speaker's estimation or conjecture on the preceding event or condition.

6l+ +"J a"J lttrjq +ol Ho|.e F6l+.

alflol9 s*ol 94d 49 _u-q trl+dql
"14 *q e F6l+.
(r) 7l: sEg €+ Alzt .J4 q=*+ Bqls.
wl: olTl E-lnl Bol €
+e Fe{+qq.
(2) 7l: da ,^1, zl + ++ +4lqnle?
{:o}Se}lE S.J.J F6]],q.
(3) zl : 4,t]-$ olfi;ol +l Hzl?
4: 4s olzl+q 4l+ ^J46ll .Jflbrll zlgol g F6lH^-lE oJ +LJl.
@) zl: ?4ol dql ilq,q?
4: *9lrJ olS aelE .J +: A Hq +q] +Zl *6lql. +^l !-sqzi Hlql
gl}xl q?l6fl ts}.
(5) 7l: €+ Al .Jole?
"14 ZtExl
4: *5 #ulr 4zIL a Hq
(6) 7l:

fl Double negative
r A double negative is an expression used for emphasis by negating something that
has already been negated, finally making it a positive expression.

-zl g+eH .J q+ -^l ?*g + s+ @E@

{xfcf to be near hand
gg e€9 46l]11 r4-E 4^l *eH ?} g+. to conserve and save money
(lit. tighten the belt)
z$ ololzl= r-= +^J6lzl *g + sH4. ol€€6lti
=eq to be'noncommittal

(1) 7l:
^JFExlolezl "J Eq+.
4: rgrl1 6Jvl4CEq4.
(2) 7l: eEE. FrJ 4xllall ++ 4oV?
4: gHrJ +qlg allr4 Ee++zl ?*9 fzl S4tq+r.
(3) 7l: olzllb EE qL cE_ t_91r., oloJ$_E asq E + 4!H^J {o}r slxl
4: *_q-E 9tr "Jol qdxl qgzll gol,q? olg++ q+ -dr-lq€
g+eH "J gls. =4"1lzl
(4) 7l: q rezll qC46t4l xlfrolalE +dSqr "ll. ,J Li+Ell q+
€l glErll. =ZE
4: Sdol s.zl= ?*ot. otzl ++= ^lg "J* {frz} sq ^J r4.
$) 7l: f€ {: ollL/z| g|g
c"J a *ol,9.
r{: uJo}e. r4^J +qr-g 6}H o}+4 qEJ+ oJol4s
=E ^l7l
(6) 7l:
l zlo!t;3ttl9?
a++ 4&
Something becomes even worse as time passes by (lit. Becoming a greater and greater mountain)

obstacle after obstacle (lit. Mountains after mountains)
q= Eol ql&
Every little makes large amounts (lit. The specks of dust makes a great mountain)

& 4l Hl^lE
cheaper it is, you pay the price (lit. A bean curd waste cake is cheap)

+E ?l ZH+EI
a man of narrow views (lit. Frog in the well)
+J 4C F''+

when you cannot find a right thing replace with something similar (lit. A chicken instead of a pheasant)

49 4 E7l
easy iob (lit. Eating cool porridge)
h9l^j 9 9zl
easy job (lit. Eating rice cake while lyiag down)

B 4l -dlgzlzl
easy job (lit. Swimming with two hands down on the bottom)
6l-=9 E rlzl
impossible job (lit. Picking a star in the sky)

"J nBt4l +ql E tzl

useless iob (lit. Pouring water into the broken jar)
zlE "Jol lqoF e='Jol ++
If you want to hear nice words, you should say nice words
(lit. Say lovely words and you will hear lovely words back)
g tsl* lillzl z1r4
Old habits continues lifetime. (lit. 3 years old toddler's habit continues up to 80 years old man)
g s= "Jol d 4= rJq
Bad news travels fast. (lit. words without feet ftavels a long way)

A soft answer turns away wrath. (1it. Paying debt with a phrase of word)
e4xlzls "*EH *+
Even though the easy work, two hands make lighter than one.
(lit. It is even better to hold a piece ofpaper together)
qE +r "Je *34
Careless behavior may bring serious result. (lit. Give 1lb for 10lbs back)

F4i Eol qE4

Something/ someone that is near you is the most difficult to recognize. (lit. Under the lamp is dark)
,laq1^J + t4
The great man is bom in the difficult situation. (lit. Adragon is bom in a stream)

i gr E.JA r.rl+
It is too late to regret after something has already happened. (lit. Fix a cow house after losing a cow)

s.*olE zll "J 6IH 94

If you talk about someone, he/she is sure to appear. (it. Talk of a tiger and he is sure to appear)
rJB z}] di HolH +gg-Sb4
Any inexperienced person may become knowledgeable after the years of experiences in the area.
(lit. A dog of the school would recite a poetry after three years)

+trql^.] Bt *r +rlql^.1 ffio1f,4

Aperson expresses his/her anger to a third person.
(lit. Get slapped at Jongno and take out the anger at Han River.)

,r-E rl l^
You will be able to explain the causes and signs of stress, and the ways
to release it,

Topic The causes, signs, and solutions of stress

Function Explaining the causes and signs,
Suggesting solutions to releasing stress
Activity Listening : Listen to a conversation about stress,
Listen to a public camPaign
Speaking: Talk about solutions for releasing stress,
Advice about stress
Reading : Read an afticle regarding Koreans'ways
to releasing stress
Writing : Write a composition about managing stress
Vocabulary Stress, Stress symptoms, Stress relief
Grammar -_1tl\1.-ol/ol/q 7Ft, -(o)L +6tEt
Culture Korean culture of a company outing to release stress
IllTrl .^ E e{lI Stress

1. Hxl= +q rr|lEoil C=ol dlr ?l=zle?

2. qel== cl,E g ull=0ll ,r=r1l4E g0lg? :4l r=J Ul|E ol'gzl 6H9?
EC: -dl"i rrl, ?l4ol sI :Bril oJ +ols? 94 olul9?
alrl: ols zJ olrJl gf; ;-=ql}7l E l*otrJ :18 7-lqlg. .^Etll-\ 5lrg55

EC: +-l trll+ql rezll :.edl^E g:qle?

Xlgdltt to apply for_
oltrJ^1$ol ofLltl
.J qt6lEl lt
oll n | : xll zt 4 elj'. 4zl4zl ^l 96l= zJ 9zl s? in no small degree

r4l Og a;=Hle. Y+a olH +q= 3€4 positively

=Ell =Hl6Je. ^l+E

4l l zl o l uJzl
uJo olL-l E?Jdftl'
rl E gl 4zl 44t\zl 9l q l to be nervous/anxious
^J ^
qls. Eg €^ltrt
t0 not get good sleeP
e qzt
EC: C"J.J54qls. :14E rt'eJ gd6l
€9.4r4t1 9lg 4qe.
-o1lEl: +a4_9-E s46ti1 4zl+ r4E + B"J6lls.
s qag d-E. 4l+ €zlilJ*E s,as.
EC: re4l Bxl oJr. 4+"J q eL]]^ll,q. El €+

sl,\l : "lgrll e$+ulvl?
eJIt :s+ql 4l+ ip+E .JElr FFE d+Lll, ++ ol^Jol T]€ medical examinalion
oldlol 9ltrl
gl= a olHxl -E=-6ll^-l,q_ to have something wrong
ol.,r.f : oJE {Ag all 4o} ztllnl ol4os h+l !-d^19. 'JBq=fl,kinds
of diseases
rost of ,a!f

(trr^l +) 95a1FEf to rely on '

olrl:*, +ql ol^Jol 9l= a olu a Agql +^l 3l=ql

}trq14= g='Jol gle.dqs?
eJxf : gul dq El^lql,tJ .\]tr, "J9 BFzi zll 4C9l *xl
?*otrJ ffl^l "-sellazi dal €olzli {rll9.
elrf : $x]. tse o1,t14zluJ IrJEE
,,.eelllz| 4l+ +ol{^tr41^= =ggq4.
|+ql Bol g +E glzJ=,q.
= q= oJol oltl4^J,q.
g^l"J -zzll ul€.4E
eJrl: :4ot
"l €
rll dl^l ,q-? Eg 9 "l of z;3t\9?
e]/.f : Eg xJtsJ6ll Eg +: 9lzl"J Eql E=6}71trtr}= trl+g
€6izl Er +E+ +4g A6l.= ,ll +9 4 ?uJl,e-.
ql H6l^Jl,q-, +qe
3E arJ'Jq+. Sol ^lb €
ql.J ol glgztq-? qflololE4zl ,^-eell:-E "J6lq e=q E+.8 migraine
6t= 9f;, reql^= 11617l= d^l s:219. :flrll Exll= il-E treatment
6l|4'6ttl to solve/to rbsolve
ol4ol 4+ ABg gqlol gEt= 49q4. 9r. Ezllql^J 4l
ZdE a{xlcl
elol4 ?B Ezllzizl ^Eql^= ts: ol+E gl, €+F"11 to harm one's health
C4 Hplzlxl -7 =olJ.E r+oJ6Jq4. r4rJ /.Eell-}.^J e keep in mind

^J 4 enemy
Bg zlE6l: Ag r"J+ dzl 9*9qls-. 6,q* ag 4Eql
,'-7].$olxl ?+E+ rull rql dliall += a.Jq4.
7l glqE s.: 4, E^ll7i c4E olH 4 6l= ae tr*g rJ
q Eql^lA g.Jqq. xEql^= arlg 6llAr+=
^ldg H
d6li1 r g.Jg *ol 4*4 o e allaatE APl zl* ++q
tl. 959 3E 47t, 'r--Eellr.= 47t4 4'ol9,frl4.

4iE +1* d+qIE +"Jql q^l Es+

ssf r.Eefl.^-
Korean culture of a company outinE to reiease stress

r €qs.+49 44|.J5.g.Eq14= ol€7ll oilj:aJqrl? qqsg 6J+ 4+9lEE ^Eql-\ "lla olHql qldl^'l oJJ.
How do people in your country relieve work slress? Do you know about Korean people's solutions 1o relieve work stress?

o 4€-g 6J+"JE 4Eql^ .lliB +E 6t+.J q^lq g;3 ololzloJrl+. t 9-lj1 El4l Eql"ll 46ll^.1 ol6]16ll tr^Jls.
The lollowing passage is about a company outing culture, one o{ solutions to the Korean people's relieving stress. Read care{ully
and try to understand the company oyling culturs.

Koreans, who love to meet with people and plan gathering events, often have company outings to release
stress. In the past, company outings began in the evening with drinks that continued into the late night.
However, the company outing culture has recently been changing to meet various tastes and preferences of
the employees. The following company outing culture has been gaining popularity recently.
- Watching a performance together in a group: Instead of drinking late into the night, how about watching a
musical on a Friday evening? After the musical, employees can grab dinner together at a family restaurant
and enjoy each other's company. Those in their 20s prefer this type of company outing.
- A trip outside of the city: The suffocating city itself is stress. Take a trip, outside of the city. Stop the
habitual beer drinking that happened every Saturday after work. Instead, enjoy the nature and delicacies that
you find away from the city.
- Sports event: Staying indoors all day at work makes one feel under the weather. How about going outdoors
and moving around for a bit? Gather your close friends and coworkers, and spend some time playing soccer
and other sports. This can strengthen friendships and release stress. This is a great solution for people
nowadays, who are constantly using their heads.

+lql 4l^l€ a olelql .^sql^ 6llaql Egg € + 9lb grgol 9leE ololzloll -E-41e.
Are lhere other ways lo release slress at company outings?
E (H7l)sl eol oloFT16|l H^lle.

sl^t oJol gF.l, ^

t EFt
oJ4ol ?l +e a Hq T i .Jol 9t'+ El,q to have a lot of slresses

9r]. €ol €5q^J nee11,r71€ T*.tq. ^=rll^7l9iri

to have stress

to get stress
& AB 6}a ?l+, ,<efl1,.-zl-+ 9l+
=Hl€ ^EEll^7l.g0lrf
& A+€ s-6|zl tzl4, + ggtEl to have stresses
^lolql ^Eqll= accumulated

0 ,e+ E+ +Rol 24. /\E:ll/\e

to receive stress

r. e fl1,r.7l.
"*ol ^Eail^7lqtf
@ q^lql +€ r]+61: t}^l7l 9t+,
to become stress
4Eall.^Oltl ta be stressful
r..trzll,,.= *ol p4
= all4E Etl /6tl46lrl.
$} €qzlr oleulole zlr-lE S,rt, t0 release stress
f.z.ll :-=qllzl
@ +EHol zl+ €sg 6141 6l^14,
:a4l + ^Eql/-olr+ ^.1.q"01
to lose one's appetite
4sl7lg g-tElLl'
to not digest well
.4.!Z0l qoJollrtr.l
El (E7l)el- eol oloFTldH H^Jl-e. to have one's nerves
become sensitive

,Jo/ot 58601871!t
t€- ^t+ €rtch tt{ 81cr to get insomnia

ef; :-uql^= gol B=+H^Je? €=zl.q? E-old6ttl

to have a serious migraine
ql, alg xff {xJl **ol C*"j Sq,q. Bl|^l.o{l qlgol gtrf
to not have motivation
rt{?l Bll€ ntdtrl
& zl9ol E9xl4, 4.e+71+ ?]qq to avoid.people
I daol {lulallzlE}, 4g .JqlE dZl slzl. 44 to have the=4Ef
neck ache
@ €E6ol ^8214, €F$ol ddtq gEq qTlLttl
@ "H^Hl 99ol H+, q.J +4lE Elolrll E]rl to have something on one's
face ,

@ olzllall +ol A;-l+, gEqlE +lrl '++ ,qalu^PtTl#rl

to be tired of everything in
s3 rllti"Jrtzl +l#4, q6FE al6ol 44 the world
E6lE nl€€ LllEl
to get annoyed easily
g (H7l)ef eol oloFTl6H -E. Jle.
Jl tr At6l O|EF
'or A/l'I

Exlrl to overlap

++'J qlEql re4 g'ol B=

zqs? ^trell^=
4zjl.ll4zl-,<l fl zlxJ ilq^J €"J 44qs.

o oleulole, gl-il. 6J^l =Hl, 6llot q+

@ r+tlHol
.J, g, Azlq
^lA +tlHol ^lA
o d5ol, ^l+EH ^Jt &zl,

o ^14+ ^le, "J^l

Hd^le, i;-fr.ol gltl
o qEE, rl= {+$, ggql $zl4
o El9zl 3Zl, q?al ot3, 444

E (H7l)ef eol oloFTl6H H^lls.

nF.ol trJol utrt / +14 fl1|, TT, ol^tol ^xrlEl

zl: e?F+.J ilq,q? 6JEq Hole.
l, * t ,r can be categorized
4: "Jr trt^119. ef; :-eql^E 6lE BotrJ into c (slightly-aspirated), e
al€ol *ol 4e. (aspirate-d), r (unaspirated)
according:to the amount of l',
7l: ell :4brJlg? breath aspiration. AIso c. e.
4: +lzl EzllqlqTi 47tvl^] ol^Jol ^d4^l c can be divided by pitch when

q+ eEqe. placod in word-initial position,

low tone for and high tone for

0 tl440l +r+ / d.+q ++, €q ++, 6llol q4

I 44o1 q1u3a1l{r} /
Ag Hl+ E4l, ol^l Hl+ E4l, rJzl4
o olz]la[_L qol aflE] / > E+6ll.H'r{e..
qqH. CEull=zlqiql
d+El 6[H g+, ^]]ee B+, E4

o FFol d6l+ / B-s
+^ll, €qlo}6l+ (2) #r{gFB'*41"}q+
o ol^lql 94ol S+ / Eo9#, 6l-+Hl, sq4 (3)97lzlprllglo1 qrlq
a+ Eol *+s.
o ^lllr-I1J^l-7i
rl +ld:+ / qEE, bH, Ll4
E (H7l)el eol oloFTl6H H^lle.

gg 6tT g++ ..1 rtoltrl,

toJ ol! 1 Tcl
dalal o + PsYchologicallY
zl: 9#;-5fl1r'-E e=q 'J4r S*brll € ffl income

qql,q? olE B-J Hol !d.rl

mind to feel uncomfortable
"Jg 6tH g+q q daily
zJoi,q. *l
to breathe a sigh of relief

0 g^J "lrJoJol q q+ I 44ol 44iol4

O eol --3 Eol 4 E"lzl4 / dEl4etr + E.J6ltl
o +.Je E € ge ^l+ ELt I
"l+ €g Bol S,4
o g g# a9 q4q / olzll= 6J+ SHrl
O 6J= EEslET}+ e+q / old + g "J6llfq

(H7l)sf eol E#6|z, ^Ea1l40ll tH611 0l0F7l6H


toJ or+fE 6trt fJEt /

L1+ oJLt ect
tqBJ ?]trt, tl+EolatE +
zl.: r-=4la ul+q d* ol#4E- 617l dq.
4: :€4L il+ dqlEl 9l.xl 'Jl al*5ol4s
u L I *H
-a. zlt_ -lell?

() zl-+ +!g q+ /6lrll

E= 4q"J E=6}4, gSolzlr olr-|

o 44ol + ql"J6J tr4ol4 /

Al+f- E4lql"J da}slrl, +l"l rJgol4E
o E= .Jol +lr*4 / gzl^] *zl"J al4,
^l+5ol4E el4l qlzl xl4qlE +46lrl
O 56lE 4l+ol 'lLl I
sl"J 44, g A qqE 4zl B4
zlts dQtol+E
0 EE?ol d6l4 / 7ltrJ6l 9lq, q4 zlrJ t}+ol4s
Bol B4
(H7l)el e0l E#61a, .^Erll40ll tH6H 0l0F7l6H

H^Jte. @
+ol +rl
Tot flol t Ejcl, Ll+ gErt /
^t: t+6|r olLlEl, to turn the blind eye/to let
Hot LJqrFt things slide
alelcl to be worthless
zl: zlol r,l*
^}b {l+61-i1 ^J4ol *o}4
t} 9611 misunderstanding

€€ol-s. ;ol Tlrf

4: :-€ ull €.J oi{ {al-::" H"lz}H $xlluJ rJ
to crack/to break apart
4zllzl :rf ol olzl 6ll tr^]l9_. t0 cover (to let it qo)
to have one's feelings upset
s Hzl Aazl zl+ 4= qxlE "Jqr+, +^Jql lALl al{qrJol r-flrlrf
I l.erl,4ot f4 tq feel guilty
$0ffi inner feeiing
g +4 r+tlHol r]t6lrl, r+tlH 9=i l-zls. olF-B^lgrl
dLl ls*4, +r 9l+ to be indiflerent

@ 6l*g a+ ^lolql *ol zl4l q+,

e6ll ql$ql
El+ol q+ olgq I 44 9] irr+, Hq +q
@ zllzl €q= +61= .Jr fl^f rjul]zl z]# Hqg
'Jzl4,4tl"J6lL+ eE4 / gq€ +6lrl,
^l*59 4ol4
6 rl*zl zl-* 4zl dq6l: E€g +q+,
zlEol + ^J6ltl / ol+€zlE g+trl., :a'J 'J"lzl4
@ A+E qzl a+= 4E €4 ^l=*617ll qq,
a+6Jq 44?ol y4^lLl I ol+ oJE $.r+,
4"199 fzl4
0 rlrl='Jql 4ldg 4lRrJq 4l+ +'Jql"J "Jg
+q, c-=q +4Il / ol+ezlE ?+r+, gd6l 6lrl
@ rlH.5ol 4zl € Hzl"J 6lE € dr+r r+ E e
+E614, ^l=dol tr-6ltl / tl{ol oJ lrolr+,
g (E7l)sl eol oloFTl6H Hde.

EBlla, g+q rt+ 9.11t Lttrt / a[E overwork
Eeil^^{ trl+Hol trHq +4]9 +trh
^ ^cH.t, EEO1 in one's spare time
zi: oJ€a}lll,q, q€41 s-^l#lr/n xlll gymnastics
q: ,q+ trllEtzl gg'il zl+ $zl uikrJl ,J:f4fltl to be sudden
aNo| gzl=4qe. E +E 80[| sleep disturbance
€gel alEol T|lol^lrl
zl: C*9 al 4oI "J4l,xl"J'J+.trtll^t to be broken biorhythm
q+q s^l€ +* gl€/.lTltt to stabilize
'l+Snl CA A+ql=
4.1 €#,J4. HlEltrJ vitamin

d+ldltlto ingest

{3 r+tr, qTlle+gol 5 ar-lq I a+EE oJ6ll^l Atl4zl

€fl+, 55ol zlq+ zll== 6ll +rl
& ^Eql,^., ^t+59 ql6l= 4l e5q ^lq I
rfl +417t Szl4, ^t+ HTI.E ol4l olazl uJl.
^t*=r+ Frtr-14=

,.E414, €FFol d6lr AplE .JElrl /
4Bol g^J9Lr+, goJg *olrJ 4+4
o E_ ileol4

€n€H+, 6t+ +"J el-e.6lr B+ql d+3 *61-4,

,J4L^B]+ fH g"Jg;!o| allpalQ
^J"llzl dA4,
@ E?l'J, xl+ +4g 6lal q4 /
€"J+ 6lla= +16ll +^lql"J el=6l/l Stl,
r Ezilqlq} d4l6l^l "Jr d4g 4= qle 54q
&} ,?lE elE €^ln E}",tE s4 /
=Hl, "J6ll ^jgel 4Fol v\ALl,
ul+g qlc zl I u1 4u3 tz ?A+ d +l6ltl
tB rle "JZl B+, alg Aq * zljl E+ql ^lg4tl
/ +H ^J"]lzl ^J44, *9 xlzl d"ll
€.J6J +qlg EALI trFE^+ Esi 6lr+
El (H7l)sl eol oloFTl6H H^j|e.

p flfl : qrt t+$ qHrlEt

F +t: oil^Ht

6114 HJH: El+L oJttEt

zl: oy, q g+ .Jrd ezl* rl* *ot. 4 :44?

4: "Js 44zl tr}. r+ €xl tl+e} =dlqri^J +g
++ EEq. 6}:z 4g "JE Sl. 6l+ 6'J zH
Elqql^J ulrlzlfi $o|.
zl: fizl A+= r+zll ull ut$-$
^l%l+{H oliexlr
+zlzl E'. El+'- "J6ll E+. :tf
*g zl6lfl s6lq H"J ri e5q4.

s.J: zl+ Eq zlb B+..

*3 ot3
=o tr. I
"lzlls+ 9ol €44,
q+dJrllE ++
;111 *H : zl4+ ill4= 6itrl

o $qi: ?zl #ul,

€q ^lE
6tl: is+zl .Jq4,
laol ql"J6llri^J d4l
+= rltrl
6114 HIH :7lE Ht*g 44

o gql: g+ql E +l7l +El

ao /J. I rl*
"J4zlzl d4,
al€"J 44
6114 ul$ : tl+q"J d416l^l
L6 "1
n +=3 .^Eall^oll 4-ei 4algl-lrl. E
trEoll 'J6f^lle.
Listen to the people talk about stress. Listen carefully and answer the questions.

1) 4lq 7v e+ H:n 9l= ol+b Fq.Jrlzl?

o Bxl 4+714= +dg Hq^.1 ttl^l+ ro call into question
.lLlIUlLIl lnqulsltlvelY
@ +ol6lb 9ull9 ^Jg dEg a-e7\.JEq^J
@ Bxl 4+71^lcel ^g"Jg 4lolrtrJg dE4^J
@ q^l +ullEol zltl fizl d+ql4l +dg ,14^l
z) Aazl ololzlal 6lla 'JBol olH Ag rellle.
& E-sb 461i1 zl4q Eq.
@ EE +4lq 46ll^l EqEq.
0 zlgol $.qE +4g Eq E+.
@ €zl6lrll Ei+ql *= "Jg eL4.

rl== E Er €Eoll H6f^lle.

Listen carefully and answer the questions.

1) Eg ololzl9 ++= _Le^lls.

o Bg9 "J'H "J+ i3 il.*. smile therapy
nlgg qe peace of rnind
g) 4qeE +sl J+r
ilrll?l campaisn
& zJrt tl$ d:l+ .Jt-ll g9l gtr. public campaign

o aolq EsrEJ qlr

2) ol4g 4sol "*-qH o, x 9l g,llal-;.119
(1) *: €+g 6l= *+ zltr7l
td fl
(2) +g E4
r^l= ql E+ol gr+.
"i*9 B9 NX
(3) y+ol *i1 +44 o tr ^J46lH
1_eflllzl. aNaE4.
g $peakins*Salzl

tl=3 .^-Eall^ tttlE0ll E=cldk 0l0F7lgLltl. 0l ,\FJollZl *= '^Eell^

6H4 HJH= E^lle.
He is having a^ll$6H
hard time clue to slress" Read it carefuily and suggest sr:rlutions lor releasing stress
to hirn.

@ ,rlgj*cF,

W J Ut3 " I )

1) ol ,(|Sol l-Eql^= *r 9l= ol+= +9.olq

I =o^J9 "l€*.lzt?
2) ol .r.|g-ol ol$g F$.fltJzl? -t-\e €9 *Hol?+r
^J4dt:6lla ^}4Elltt?
olq4H {4Bol 6ll€ u}Be Fq'JLJzt?

3) ol ol E^llg 6114'JBql qlql ololzl6ll tr^lle.

^t*E 4+71qq

E d+=71--st74l
^f.alel ^Er1l40ll
tH6H 0l0F716l-r.
Discuss abor-lt your stress with lriends and advice each other'
4.fldH -H^119.

r q+ql ql6ll a+54 olotTl6ll tr^ll,q-.

Discuss the below questions with friends.

1) q+l+g ,A._E ql,A.7l r*ol 9l+|'l vn qqEqlr-ll :-g4l^zl El: E4lb

+9.'J 14?

2) :a E^ll ullEql .lelEg ^Bge g"J+ 6J5qa+44? qE ExllSol

3) ,-Eql^E g.J4 +^J, rqil 6114 olHql ql6lq a+ 3Eql4l 'JEl+=
6ll B^]l,q_.

. +4 Hi a+5E 7l* {l^E +q"J wl? =o tr-eEL I E 4.ol 9\#14?

6114 HIH-q-e= +9ol ?l*tlzl? 'Jq+9 €+= gE6ll -E-^lle.
lhe biggest $tress in your class? Which syn"rptcri,s 4Ie ihe rnost cornmon?
What is are some solutions lo release
sitress? present ycur resi.rlts o1 the interview.
ffi Reading_9-lzl
4== El=?]el .\Er1l4 dH^ HJHoll Et-d 7l^fgLltl. S 9.ll €=0ll
The fcllowing is an article on Koreens' solutions for releasing stress. f?eaej carefully and enswer
tne qJestiorls.

. d+oJ=--a- +tr "l€41 +vls? r,EEll,'r.

"JHql 6lli +6J
4!q ^Eql^=
ql=6ll =ql=
9€ 4*ol il$zl -H-^lle.
l-iow Korean predict what ccnienls are incluCed in a passage of the solutions to relieve
relieve stress? Try to

. uul-q +EE 9l "H^J q]{l+.ll+t+ rJe^l q?l6l] -H-^lle.

Read it quickly and see if ycur preCiction was ccrrect.

aa * ge t $ses I {* i3 rg s€e&o 11 0 f s c l& G s a t aca * o t aaa G aaaaaaa r

* Er|l?lE= ol'g4l ,\Eill^= 6H^-gzl? 6"J Et+?l
* ,t=ajl* ^l=J€dz3{!El0ll^l= ^lu
6tl4 8H0ll tH-d €E 6Il-= AII=dtrl-. 0l 5,\l.= Ell-E,\loll
6 =ol
Z+6|.= 20tll0ll,(J 60rflz1r;o; d?l 'JL1 5008= Et|d|e_+, E7l .?l6t| 7l

8 6lb g0ll 4el tr== 6Cetr 0l+q*,+. 4al'Eie=al r
^-Eejl^=al^lg :dtr['71"
e 24.5o/o4- 19-1, 'E0ll,\.l 7l+Eal +lE,\l -Et7i1l -H.1,!tl'7|- 18.7/otr zfl. a1la'f
t ^l'2J=
* 'J etl:. g0l TlLlTlTl= TlElilLl'7111./"_+.3+lE il^ldlfirl. 4,\l=4€ -H.E -d
c +el fltt|?.!=3
.+e -tstzll ELt|q ,\Eall^= dH^-dtl= ,i
E g + 9,ltrl-. E ^laJ=zl
6tl^ gH g.0l =Zt
er.r H7l= rFJEs. "Jtl= g
=H-d ^laE
+ ?ltl. -dE 'rezll^E ?i=tl.'b 8H-a 83+ 9tflbEll 0l= 5dll
^lg+El 'J^l ,\|=JEE
t xjg+El g^l ?JEE lr.q6Fb .pJP ziee LFlHtf.
& ^Eell^=

1) 9lE €E a^l€ trr. 4+9 r4s= gC6l^ll,q-.

+l ,J+
4+ rs^lls.
=g 'il+4 qgrl$^J ^Eql^= 6lli6J4.
6& d.qfl=e +tr
& ql+eg d=.JEe ^J++q Exl ?*E €ol+.
&b ^eqll= *g ql }J a.l H7lb.J3?l=g EE "*zl

& .J+"JES r-E/ll^= 6lli6l7l +l6ll^J +E q4 ^Jgg e,JLl.

.^Ea1l4 rJalHoll rH6|.q u Hlllg.
Write about your method of slress managemenl.

o qqBg +E qH E4l-e oJ6ll ]Eqll€ ++qzll t-Eellt-E +eH

q€Zl 6l= €"Jltt? {+ql ql6ll ullE{l -H^lls.
What problems cause you stress usually? What do you do when you get stressed? Take notes on the lollowing

1) qel+ol al=ql +e .Je +EElll?


2) qqEe /-Eql^= g E= ^d4.J,Jzt, olB 44? gsH "lH

=otol 44.gltt?

3) qEl$ol dAat-u. r-E;llr- 6ll} HJB_qE: +Eol glftjzl? r HlBol

ar+4ol+r Nr+6Jt-lvl? r ol+= +E.Jltl?

4) qqEE
^Jgql +C4.J Egg 6l7lE .*lt\? qH A+.Jltt?

o 'r+E r-Eql^ *4H'ol4b-\Eell^

xll$e_tr_ il _H_^lls.
Write a composilion on the title of LIE $al$ =g
which is about your stress management

. ^Eeil^el
gglal 6|14 ugoll r|1s|q 0l0t7l-g * 916r-lu7l?
Are you able to talk about the causes and signs of stress and the way of roleasing Excellent Poor

. 4= rfaJol 't'=41^ EEl0ll tJ|du 6lle44g rllll-g + ?l#Llzt? Exceilenr r-.r-.r..-..r-...* poor
Are you able to oifer solutions lo anoiher person on how to release stress?.

. .^Eell^Oll EH-d 9lz € + ?l6Llzt? Exceilent ...--- poor

Are you able to read and write about the problems caused by stress?
E -olltlTl -ulrl
r -9l4zl -ttlzJ is attached to a noun indicating something more has been added
in addition to the previous noun. If combined with a verb and an adjective,
-=/(9)' 414zl form is used.
o In the case of the present tense, -t- El4zt is used for verbs or adjectives that end in
9l+, S,+. In the case of the present tense of an adjective or the past tense of a verb,
-(_q). 9l4zl is used.
old +q= B= qlqTl ol^lE zlo| aN,{ gr}.
^14+ ^leg
ol 6l-+dg *ol H9 rll4zl E]*Azlzl EBJ gtq^J 4+^e_ell:.2}
7l"J^leg * E ril4zlA4tlzl B:ol 6ll^J tri+ +eE &4zlzl qE?trl.
olH gql:9#9l4zl H\.tlzl gfol go|,rJ zlBol golzJF6l4.

(I) 7l: s+ql ql re4l *ol E-ol,q_?

r-|: €9 ul*gl4zl d^ll Hl+zlzl u|flalej lryl 44ol gl^je.
(2) 7l: gol
* € rlzls SAq,q.
4: H]. 94 6lH .Jgl4zl ^l]E ^Ja "Jvl^l gt"l ta €- ^]] $,ol HluEl-e.
8) 7l: zl$ol Eq{ rjl4zl-nl$Tlzl Eq^J .l+ ++ Zl o}qql,q.
r{: uJo}g. z}zlzl4€ol qq ,ilfl 4 zJo},q
@) 7l: fl71rezil HlnBl-e? Hi stlzl Egql,q.

g -ovoj/q 7Et
a -o|/q/q zfr| is attached to a verb or some adjectives indicating a continuation of
a certain work or a condition. It is mostly combined with a verb and it indicates that the
ongoing behavior is near to the end.

zl: ol4o|f r4ra|4H olzl gHq?

u| : of zll 4 4 zl4tl a++ 7ltrlq .

o It takes three forms according to the stem ending.

a. If the stem ends in a vowel | , _.,_ (except for olr), -ol zl4 is used.
b. If the stem ends in a vowel except for l , _-., -9 zlrJ is used.
c. If the final syllable of the stem is 6l., -ol zlr| is used but the contracted form
-"ll Tltl is more typically used.
(r) 7l: ,q-+qlE- /'Eql^ ullEql eE^ll,q-?
r-|: olr-]e, e= .J5ol ,lE €+ 7lq + Sd:qls.
(2) 7l: oJ4g -H-q o]u.ixluJol o]H7] ts+.q..
r-1: rl1, ^Eql4z[
B+: ^l+ !-q zlt .x1zi2 $,j1 4"J +Aql,q.
(B) zi: qE 4 49 z}E!l zle ofzl H9qs?
4: oltsrl4. olxll rl Ell Aqq. =El
(4) 7l: €{lot, olzlE dd Er 9l= Tlot?

E -(e). 46ttt.

xgi xllQltr ot= ae 6l+E S=ql +^ olo}zlEl LteH otb ]*tl.

a. For the verb stem and the adjective stem ending with gl4/S+, -= 46ltl is used.
b. If the adjective stem ends in a vowel or E, -. 46tq is used.

c. In the adjective stem ends in a consonant other than e, -g 4614 is used.

(I) 7l: olfl dEg rLj .rl4!ol xl4z}H sr+olzltl.^le?

4: r'J E.J otH 46l-i1 H"lziE s6l3j lErll^= 7l+Al q= 7-lql,q.
(2)7l: r-_Eql^€. ga Bg Hlql qg4l ot+e^lE *e 4e + giqs?
rJ: olf{zlE i+g 46tb Zl o}q4 xllz} € ?} *b C4ol9l,q.
e) 7l: Lj Htrl*ql E g*r+E^J?
4: *, ++6]-}- 46lH^J e+q zll'Jg alr !lfz-l$.
(4) 7l: al{l zl4q+.
4: "*ol. ell Es= 4albzl Eqlzll olallzl ?14.
6) 7l: ,J++ *<lzl o\zl Eol+ gfl ++Bol;|$r.-lef
4: C'Jol.q?
G) 7l: aC Al: *61= 41 6lqE S.r+H^Js?
4: 341e.






# d


# %

€@ ff--@*#ffi'%*#%.#.**#
Bzl +q
You will be able to talk about childhood and memories of school days'

Topic Memory
Function Talking about memories
Activity Listening : Listen to songs from the past memories,
Listen to a broadcast on finding a friend from
the school days
Speaking: Find out what types of student you and your
friend were during school daYs,
Talk about an unforgettable memories
Reading : Read a passage on the unforgettable teacher
Writing : Write a composition about a unforgettable
Vocabulary Memories, Nicknames, Memories of childhood and school
Grammar +aJ, -?= olct. -rrl, -?/=7lLE,-71=/Le
Pronuncialion lntonation of -tsEP
Culture Popular childhood games of Koreans
rll8zf +q Memory

1. 'J^lel q^h= +t= Hr glcle? F ++ 0l0F7l= 6lz 9l=ttl"e?

^l= ^FJe

2. qalEe qH= q +-e +9= 6lE^l


140 +q
# xllu: iol 4, zl otol=ol zl+ 6lj1 gl= Al+l^?
+El: ot, ^lz,e-? +Hlq€ol4l, €4zl € otolTl-+q fl= +Ht4€ hide and go seek

rl+=€ *ot']]= Eolql,q. $afl tagger

IllE: *rt, +Hl+A. t tl"lzl zl9 ol oJ + zl^lr.,q-.

rHLll those(person)

+rl: ^lls AIE +El+49 "Jol9?

xlls: ffls. trl+qlE qee 5ol7l 9lqe. qe ql
*ol 611$*q,q. rflull 9f, olol59 E-e xNulz|
s.bxl +Elqag e 91 6lrJ +i1s. ol+41 zld _H_: a
+.*dl s+"Jolqls.
+r |: relr Bq
td Aeql,q. ^Hql=€- -H-r. !] o r-]z|
$xl 919 {J4ol 4brll.q.

dltrrl:*s€ Al, +4 € ilS.4zYz'371e?
EE=: 9lH 4lll o)z)t\zlu] r+ 9li1s. EH€ autstanding student

6lerl: :4e. :fl€l +s€ ri, zlfrE olerll gd6l ++ ElllOlproblem child
SaJ about the time when
6lb a -HH qL,/ rlH '+l= 4l eHrJol94lq,q. Lfrl
EE=: olq,s, zllTl gtrt+ Exllot9tl-l,q-. 561 j1F+r-ql =ol
to have an openingl
to have a gap/crack
rtp +Hql= 6tE qliq a} ztrJ eg HI A+EE olnlrlTt
ol$g E= CE9=A9. once in a whilel
by chance (time)
6lerl: 9lol, "JE.J qlg. EolHJdltt

EE=:{uJolqle. rs €c+rJ5"l q4lqnE"J+H ge+€

to remain indoors
SilTtE E6ltl
-H-El rlH4=s.
q4l+rl dql il= BqE to laek flexibility
^lLlqs= E*gall bookworm

+qa EJ .Jql"J SqEdl glil= *q,q.

olenl: r4-E. A+=g rlE6lrJ+ +e 49 + zf, olt-laJ
xlb Ezll ol9tt-/ 6leq €41 atleR=q] " " ".
Eq=:E4lol+= Aqq 'JtL:d a HE aleul alo|trJ-e.
*+lzl q "+:d +*Hqlg4.brll,q.
g a +e 4= e+El + uul^l 91s4. e"Eol P4
,\A Ll +=
611El qL B ottsl^lE Eg +^la "J9t+. PC EE allowance
Hlql 9l= +"Jqlb g*=ql dq zlot B ollzt qul 'EzlH Ezlrt to get caught
7l€ol +ltf heart to beat
qE6lzl'6l: 4a.ll z\#ol +q+g}H94. rflEl olulxl At+gt+ boom boom
4l^J= Eol S,qTl 49 e-ebzl €^e+ 4+$,ol +€ +Efi.rl
to be not different from
}1rt. += olulzlzll,rJ b^lzll^l^l F+ ag r+6J^q9l6lq rflofrf to treat
+^l?-lql E*+. rf]r qe +, olulxlzll.{i'}q14 ?ol +} bxlilltt to take a hint

7l^la-61^l= 4l olHTl? q= 'Eq q g aol *++' 6l gxEloll Etlto set into bed
a|{ vll$ + +'J ill i+4'i^itr}. :flrll o}Bl^l k{}!rH fishing rod
4l^j: q€ er{Tl=rl€ olfl^]d olotTl= 6l^lq 9-alfl x]- to finger/to fumble with

t}614 46ll +^l= 4ol*.4. :fl41s'tb +*1R4: "Jg

f.Ct[ t0 miss./to long for

6l^l *6J +,lql"J "Jzlel44n 91H4. "Jol ile +

: +qq trt7ltt
to be trapped in memories
ol^ll F H 4
$_u| zlrJzl *olrJ^l7l olHl^l4l^J Eoi7ldtrl.
+4i| *^l= zJ f Sxl"J += olttlzlTl a4&
rllE olul
^l= aJ4.
zl9 *)14= +eq olulxlqg +qql d.zl*

f,+ ^tfl-$ol {fl ^lAql 4+ 6l+ Eol

Popular childhood games of Koreans

r 4€g glg 6J+ q {olEol --e. i} 5ol9 qt"Jq+. qq Eolgzl ^J46ll

-E 4ls.
^rut+ childrsn play. Gue$s whal kind of game is being described
The following shows the picture and the name ol the games that Korean

r rlee 4 Eolql
ffi nlTl^l7l

4* €BEqq. € ga 016116ll -B^lls.

87lEol r.+=5ol

The following is a description of the games. Read carefully and try lo

understand how 10 play the garnes mentioned above'

m or paper, cut the leftover
YV - Shuttlecock game: After covering a coin or something similar in a piece of cloth
paper to make a shuttlecock. Then, you kick the shuttlecock as many times as you can
parts of the cloth or
without having it fall to the floor. Children and adults both enjoy playing this

- Stick tossing game: Children line up in order and use a stick to hit their wooden block as far as they can'

The child with the wooden block that travels the furthest is the winner.
- Jackstone game: Using 5 jackstones, children lay out the stones on the
floor and play grab-and-catch
according to the rules'
you jump around the rope in
- Elastic jump rope game : This is a popular game with girls. Singing to a song,
touching the rope with your feet or having it get caught on a body part'
different steps without

. qelg 449
"1fl"1 5ol=
4116ll !-^i1e.
lntroduce any popular childhood games lrom your country'
n (H7l)el eol oloFTl6tl H^j|e.

olol-E-oll: 1g sEh qeJ

^l€oltqgeEl Tlqql 'Jrl
zl-: ololSol r."i Ag sq4 olfl rl€ol to remain in one's memorry
ot-g.,\ o.trl
qs*aqls" ^= T u-l
to be unforgettable
4: :+lzlle. ^lE ^l+ 9g ^J4g 6lt 9lHqe. +qqltrtTlrl
to be trapped in memorles
TlqOl Lftlto remember
& ol Hr+, +qol qaeq
qfl^l1lg qeer+ to come across one's mind
^l€9 +q5ol "lxll9 "JzlH €7+Lfrl
& ol 1.4€ Etl, t0.remernber one thing after
qe ql9 zlEEol rles4 qr^1leq"
to seem like yesterday
@ e d^JH4 Sg ^l*g Htrt, o{r1l^Jg L-firlr[

^l€9 +q=ol ^J4++

-+rL to feel like yesterday
olrll gilH ,886ltl
@ +e ^l€9 ololzl$ 6lr gl4, to feel fresh like yesterday
tqzl q 4l il e ^J ^J 614l v4^lLl tsolld6'l'tl
to be able to see it. clearly

A (H7l)el eol E+dlr, +qq il6H 0loF7l6H H^lle.

+d ,l.l€ school days

4f,-, +xt^l Tg ^t.t / r.F6jiql oJqttct

€xlxj Al€ rl Zl fl^ll9qe?
oln| 3$qil1"1l gqlg +B ol 9.'J a zJot q.

{} ,J+, +EH 4lA,r-"J& 6l+ / 6qrrq qqq

a zJ+, rl+=tl4"J qeg 7Fl I .:IlE7l
,l\ltt t0 get punished
r-F+i= €E6l-t|
@ xJ*, ol$g € "J4l qq / afqliq Sqrlr+
@ xl*, €q"Jg+016}2l qq I
Hg ^J+ / a5qlr=
@ trl^lE, ql./ql^-l
@ trF^lE, +EHg q4 +tlql 7F+ I rFqliql
E (H7l)el eol E#681, +qq 46H 0loF7l6H H lle.

Ltcl, q'lFirl sEfLlEl

^lltEl larlLlrl
zl: "l€ trll: +E € 6lr E*q,q? to run around/to wander
7||+801 mischievous child
4: riTEaE ^laql *4 6lH 4zl4z1
*rlqr"b q{qe.
zl : trl= 4l+ zl+4 ol 9Lt Ele.

o ^lrJ"J +rl, ++= 6lrl

@ Eolr+, e+q 4l"Jg 614
o E"J Llr+, g+= Hel qqq
@ "Jqq, &ol+ 5E Hqqq+
@ +^lr+, olxlolol5g- r.l+6lr qqq

E (H7l)el-eol oloFTldH E^lle.

f*' rttot11cl7 gql =Jr. gq.

l1l4,c1 fig t1r| ?jg gol6t+s tlEt to constantly eat something
+oll^l ts^l gr.l
471r-e4l zllulllfolef to not let something out of
:1tr}=:141 +llbzl ;ffi$1 6lxl sg gol one's hands

6l+E S,S.qs.

o 9*ol, "l9lrl /
:1€ ag +016lr+, 9*ol€ .Jql gr €q
& e+El zllfl, xllul,$.Ll I
5E g+, dq^JB4 PCElql^J rJ s4 914
o gd 9.HBl, +Ll I
bq +4lzlzl v.o1cy,6l+4E oJ HE +g * ^lr+
0 gcl tr= 4,, xllolgltl /
xlfixlE ?+rl, ?g gelE H H4 Bq
6 +s14, +L+ I
+)71 aeAl xil"l9l+, "Jp+49 +ql^J +.^l 9*+
E (H7l)el eol oloFTldH H^lle.

AtEolE 6Fl / qqLl"'f tTTg LllEt H'lelEt

/ AE=O1 playing house
zH,Jl5 atl$ol$ 6l.ql. game of slap-match

+E zJ"J g ql zl+ al* 9l,Erll.... .

€"Jole? xJs. a€*.olg alE gfol a}].!

"j{,Jzl tl*rJg 4tl '{g dE$.q,q.
olxl-ololzl;t a#gol= +016lzl g*3 oilzl
qq el4qs?

&& 4l7l7l7l= 6trl / q"lq zl4lz]|3 4+ ,]14+ I

:t gxlzlTl= 6l+ / q"l'lzl-qxl€ +A +tr| I E I+I

!rzfolol outstanding student

SFgall bookworm
& .J€g ^lul I *ol .J€gE q ^l.4 / olzlolol EIllOl problem child
& E-€ zl5'^l-= ^vq I HJql g 4 E *ol Htl / "J€+al7l
one who causes trouble
$zlolol qd80l greedy person

d€€01 grumpy person

7H+€01 mischievous child

g (H7l)el eol E#6l-r, EBoll tH6H oloFTldH H^lE. E-H. crybaby

{-H. glutton

6jT #+al7l sleepy head

^t€, E4l0l /
r_H^8oltrt €ttt.t 8u+el7l
qqlr {:
qr-6l^leql Sxllol*.$ X zJote. mischievous child
S4lol,q? xllz| $ulr-1 sHrJ ol glrli:.s-. zllzi ^14
one who is tardy all the time
!-71-H-rI c€6J Eol glzj=s. eJrrf loner/outcast

E€01 clever child

g+6lrl $f0l clever girl

*3 qL+ ^l€,
EH^J l"J4+471o14,

^14'Il* I ^l{g *
& +eL zlzl+, C€dltl
@ -+tL ^l€, elq / a+5ol $r], ^|:l4o1r4 H|lEol€rl
to have a lot of nerve
& qg ql, &H lullolol +tl, 4H6l+ t[|Edftl to be brave
@ qg u]L 7H+4"1 I +=4Oltl to be subrnissive
q"lqE gggEEl, ++4ol+ $flalct
to be well behaved/to be
@ q*g
qi, 'J4+el7l /
oll-d charmIattractiveness
q=5+Eil llq+g r*ol 84, "llrzl r*4
(H7l)sl e0l E+61r, olaJ ,\ltr0ll rH6l| 0l0t7l6t|
E llg

qxpH5g q+6F st+qrr/

HJ+e. aFf
oJpl orcl
t6ll +El, q^pH5tjeil to do the opposite

trtol= {= ol^lojl$$ q.$6lb €7ll+al

child who does not listen
SSTelzlHg 4 zJote- to what parents says (lit.
green tree frog)
olqqls. q*.6171*7j,€ q+ $all fl.! olzl.
oJ'l zl- *9t= €,q. ==€
to break out and cry
i::t: 3C8 strong hearted
iu-.'..j *lEEolcutie
o d^JHE "J+g + =: EHC /
6Jtl +qlE al4, rl*5ol 3zll744r +s+
o 6l+ +'J *+"J 6l: +RBql /
6lE 49 oJ 9]tr1, 4 + 9le4:1l4rl= xlf E4 lntonation ol -ts39

o ++ g"J gleH g€€ ElE4: gB / 7l: otilt= 4i. +H

tri EH^Jolflqs?
gl"J+.Jql: iE+4 ?l6l+, 'Jdalol4r +:++4rl.6l+E+
g;l4 xJl=.J gea Bol

o q=5el ^t*g + +ql g= +l€Fol / AP*s.$=p/

++ .J"J *+ 6lH ++g E+, +EHg q6tl -ba,q is used to inform any
fact that the recipient does not
4rJ zl"J know; It provides evideirce

o a+# 4 trll4r qq= gt+qrl / when criticizing the recipient's

idea. Therefore. although it
{+561I ^tol+7ll + q==41 x&€ zti is expressed in a declarative
=4, sentence, the intonation is

=rl realized in yes-no question

o "l.J q"lul4l +llr-l=ii 7H+4o1 I format by dropping the second

syllable and raising the final
+E-H "J+3 * Er+, *4 o|5 flr+= "J+ syllable.
> E+6ltH lle.
7l: qi-+qli. Ell+El
u|;$f ael. roi xJl"J
*9lgtof 9l*=4.
(2) 7l : d^JH.
q: q{a? ^Lrd'6lls_.
{ olul;.}e6t-
6l+^lgol il}'As.
(3) zl:HqleuttrBtEqEL
r+:zJbrul dql^J
fl (H7l)ef eol oloFTl6H H^lle.

8lj4.0 rtEEt 6t^l{

Lotr-'Eoe e tr " ''lo
ol4 ,'!.i diJHE "J*€ * 5b ali$ol*6? gg g Etl to be obedient
q€4l old.qs? oleJ "Jol Llseq 6l= 8€ gtl to be awarded
"Jolzl"J zJzle tSHE E+€ g Eg e$E
to be complimented
ol"l $,9.9 4qls.
^l*E flqE€ gtt
to receive affection
o ^Jg "*"1 E-4. -qr^8 =^lrldl"tl
to receive all the love

@ q=59 +zlzl6ltrl, olol EE€ xlxlerl'

^l;6r-9 something wronq

o a+= !$alr|, o101 HJeoEi to disobey

h *gdltl to wander around

o q==41 +++ r*ol E4, olrd +g= ilflEr Tfrl
to skip class and
Tl+E slEdltl
to bother a friend
qaEoilzl= olE +qol ?tcle? (H7l)el eol 0l0F7l
E^Jl= geTllf
6H HAll9.. to cause trouble
to run away from home
sjt +r bellE 6lEf
^t€ / +g +e=^' Erl
to get reprimanded
++ ^l€6lE 4l"J {zl ul-q-eb .Jol +lqe? EOl Lltlto get scolded

a& +a L4= el 'Jol9l,e- gE l]tlto get punished

q :-zl1 zll'J 71 9 "ll Bole? lllE *rl to get spanked

4: zllzl6qiiql +H +Bol$,=ql, rq qEaJg.Etdltl

to be outcasted
'F%rczl'4b rEol oJ7l7l E}9tzl5,q. +19^lrt
:1tr11= 4E a+Al 9J. dflbxl E+ LtE to repent/to feel remorseful

+9 +l ].4= qRq,q. S46ll HH rqlzl

+rJolR'J a ?ol,e-.
^ll.J "J+*H
zl: zllE-7\# aq ^J4"ll,q?
4: rH,q-. 'F%r4lzl'9 +qr-g 59 oll"l4

o qlrl ^l€ / 4l^l'J6lH a+ hq= +ol+qr+

qfl s+E:"] grl 5B^J7l
^l€ / "Jp+4ql TVXQ{Korean boy band}

o qfl
^t€9 +E I
rl+54ul4A€ qa qTl4zl3 a+q q
o aFqlr ^14 I
B=++ d+=4 gq4q4 ExJl€ 'Jezl4
O Listenins-E?
tl33 lrflef SJaJEJ +qql rH-d rHslgLlrl. € trEoll -Jdf^119.
l-isten to the people lalk about memories related io the songs. Listen carefully and answer
the questions.

1) otr.llg48ol "*eH o, E4E 1q1 s;.lalr.jl,9.

(1) ol r.4= 4=q qlzl€ 3zl rlztgl+. n x
(2) H€ol 4+4sE /.lEOl
^ls 4b qH+.
to have a story

NX Lll+8.grl
to be two-facedlto be
(3) rfl4fl {= ^l*g 7xfl-e * pretending to be innocent

E+"t€ +ot+r+. NX when different inside

to be awkward,/to be clumsy
21 zQz:fl Al9 dCg-E "J*g 49 i-E,tll,q-. LlTlTlLl to get closer

63 xlg 49 H€ol grdl6lr+i1^J46li1 9l+.

to be uncertain

& +qe 4.rl*ol 9l* xlg 4= +el+ldirl glrl. oll€ B^ll= "J^ltl
to show one's affection
@ a^l%r-g ri]+ldl= zlg Alg E+ql d"J6F1 9lrl. aggresslvely

A +ge alqe oJ*el g+glltl. € Ez trEql 'J6l^lle

Listen 1o the clip of radio broadcast. l-isten carefully anC aRswer the questiotis.

1)h+= *r glbzl ololzlaN _E_^lls. @t@

close friend / buddy/ chum
q€ +qol 9l=^l ololzloll
^l+ *iL 9lb ^lElt+
2) oFA +a
self-regulated studying after

to be respectable/ honorable
A a Speaking-S6tzl

IT U rl+Eg +8 EH€o|fl=zfe. ErllolH=tlle? tl=el €E^lE tl+=

oJEl+bH H^119.
Do yor; think thai our classrnates were outsianding studenis er problern ehildren during school
days? intervrew the frrends wiih the below questionnaire.

. 7l* EH^3 o19.€. 4 ,J+ r1+= h+oll, Ezllols.g 7) 'J+ a+: +-+?lzl
ololzl6ll B^]l,q_.
Disuees about who was the mo$t out$landing studen! and the rnc$t problen child with ftiends.

o 4+3 eH{ol*bxl, Exllolgbzl= qql6ll g + 9l= €+zl'Jq{. H^l

s.^l6ll -H--a -r A+= q.J6ll -H-^lls.
^l4lg "lHxl
is a questionnaire to check either an outstandinE student or a problem child. Firsi check yousell
the following
and JinC out the result.

r .r"luj Bol aJ 37l:qq "JEl+6ll -B^lls.

Get into Eroups of 3-4 and inierview with fiiends.

1 #,J rrt'tu;4 .,ll f,"t:t 't'ltet,rt l** =fl.t.

-"rrr.,t u n
2 ft rrl-,rl $r-rut cfg 'Ji ;tl g E,t Sct. -t t:
3 tgH3r tErt x.rt'J trl ctrcj;rt |l*. n n
4 -,{* r.r!,rt ++E ;rct'rr &zrt {.t ;f,et. il n
5 ,i,l+f.r ger;r-{ {rE tFlHsr irti €* q.t ilct. I n
6 -'la #'Jt wtlll 5.l lt {'t gJct. Ll' n
7 FrtJi + ar g{;}irt t
E"r [lcF. T-"'t
it L]
8 -,JT rr$,tt fl+f,rl"l srf,i uJi 4.t fi*. LJ n
4.,1,lt cFLj att t+:IF +A?13. "tii S {'t ;lct.
itil L_i
10 1l+31 t}t il+ E?H [r'!lui*l .1op-il=oJ {'t $ct. n n
11 ft *r-rLhLl'trr.rlF-l rrit {"t lJct.
r-r1!',rt ti
L_i tf
12 ry.Ji nrctrr rfgi cf?.171 ;l?rLl- i'J;
o"tt;"il q"l ilc! it tt

13 f 'J trxrLt- lJ'J urcri- Ei + q.t frJct.

'li n n
14 E{tH.tLF +gH3t $t,rl fia,Era;1'1 orfcng i!+rJ {,t fct. t: u
15 "J.,t,rt cFLj aH guHS ul+rlLl' ti ottl q.l il4.
tt l:
3*13 Sfl qr E_d sHg Etg!
AlErEol .Jurl E|]el-g nll Hlg 45lrlbgr?tLlg?
g?trlE .Jde
feJ LAg Cf, F 8g #4-d ,sE|lgLltrt.

€Dl Bde 890{l qal 4, C*e 46|"= EJ+l Etg?

Srlal"g*l€ rl40f elEfr $r-ral$,ilc rfge EE *0ll ?|ts Brl.
nl.30l 4e ,iE ?l8E gHgLlEl.
^l7lb ^h =7lE

'J^13 7E?g7l7l'J9-sf E^llof Etg!

+algoll E4l 6l-ZLl Z86lxl gj4l 6l-zlE +-d gol El=

. qlq+ ar+= B+a11 -H^lls. r4j1 +El Hlq^.1

TltL EHdol9H 41+e+ zl.f,t $xllotg'J rl+E s8s9t,
Slot !-^lls. Cheating (while taking exam)
Present the result ol the interview. Select the most outstanding student +altOll $t[ to be terrified
and the biggest problem child in our class.

A *= + fi.=
+q= 47H6t| H^ilq
lntroduce unforgettable memories 1o friends.

. ++ +q.J lnl?:1+qg azllalzl +l"l]^l= +Eg ololzlallo| Ezl C4all

What is the memory about? Organize your thought in order to introduce your memory io friends.

q]) +94 / ++e+ +€g i9 ?_lxl, ql qg i s,Ezl, r +q ol 941 qs--e=zl €

. +lql^J c;l+.I+g qtr +^.1s, q€ E€g ^l+6ll^'l ololzJ$zJ ^J44 _H-^lls.
oltrll E: g uJHE HIE^I Esl^lzl.lle.
^l*E +El= ++ 4*ol4
Organize your notes into the order and think about how to present it. lncluded the contents and the ways of attracting
the listeners lor your presentation.

o +E4 +€g Ea, ^F41, +E €.ol gleH

:1'{& ol+6ll azl6ll _H_^ll,q.
Use any thing, pictures or music related to ihe memory ii have.
ffi Readins_9{zl

tl=8 q= + H= d8'J0ll zJ-d E 9l-z trEoll .J6l^lle

=gLltl. teacher. Read it carefully and answer
The foliewing passaEe is abeut the unforgettable
the questions

o qg + S.: d^JHg az]ld}:- irq ilgxl ql+"ll

=q: "l€ 4*ol
Try to predict what content are incluCed in introducing passage of an untorgeltable teacher.

r EEI-= 4se gl
" H^-l qt}+ tll+r+
zJ*zl q.J4 _E_^Jl,q.
llead it quickly and see if your prediction was correct.

r5-+ir rrJgzlr.lHE g4e q! |l rle d ol$|l art circles

I'Jzl-el +qse -grtl.
olE€ LJalr.l
+lolu afEge Elgzl0lld 0lE3 'JalE tsajq 4 to have one's name be
+^l oLl 2:8 t17n701+4+4-d .JgHal, ? g0ll LJ Salq
EEfr= al"J E.olal qE rflEoll -+8Eqlzlts ?l7lE ^+^l
one who possesses skills/
s.Hr, ^^_tr5. **=qlzl E zJdol fifltrJ dg'J.
TfeEl pad in one's
raJql ol! g ott rl-E -+*E ffifiqr AIE hair

=^lel +4+46ltl
+g7!1l g0ll^1 A+E El^ltrJ Llsl Lll rl+E g0ll !'t to be crips, crumbly
gl0l LIE|LJ d8H3 EeJ gelEg 0lr- g -E-goltr[
r 7ftrEl. Lj -d Tl, dg'J Tt, o|flfl! dg'J
:d ^+g-otr
-d {1, td be not much to look at
+H7 l{l small shop/store
uJ -d Tlce "Jg +alqlfll trl^|ts +g Et^lrl L'i$.ol
"Jlll= "JOt '.! +0ll0tgalE Eq +d rl* d all of a sudden, without
HLI n0tice
,$gu4lll= +al7l "JIJIE dltl
-Lrfi to vow/to promise
grll*lEtcrl.o|l€oil +trJafolil to quench for
6lr ?tH=Il, +E tttlEoll
"Jgdlr ?]fl=rl olnl tl gt
_a fildt:J ,J3 olLlHgTtl?

. trl^l '* H 9]l AEq ql!i6l^ll,q_.

Read it again and answer the questions.

(1) ul+ CCH{ ql'J El€4le+ qL^J=E €zl} olH#LJzl?

(2) += trl€ CCHI+ qE +Eol 9)#4ry1?
(3) r+= El€ ccHg qH rl*" E gzla|_r. gl#14?
w Writing-4A71
E *= +ccmposition
g,= +q=
Wrile a ^7t|dl.ts
your ==
nJ H^lle.
on unforgettable rnernory"

o uJalzl aql^J gs+ 4€€ 3e lqg qg4l 6llot 6J4e? B+a1z1a+ a L7l=
ol€ ziolzl 9l9xl
^J46ll _H^Jls.
l-iow do you write a composition based on the presentatien of Speaking activity pl? Think about what is the Cifference
between piesentation and writing.

r €4tso1 ^J4'J 4,ol € E+lLiE+ 3el zlle= 4r-^J"ll _H_^lls. oltrll glb
*"1€ €- +,* 4*ol4 EIBE ltEI^Izl{le.
Create an outline. lnclurje contents and the way cf attracting reader'$ ellention.

o 4^J+ zi,q= {+e+Hl+l 9li1 qH'H+g rj tri;|S $$zl ololzlaN -H-^ll.q

r4roJolzlf, 4+g Hlgoll T]],qE +C6ll _H_^Jls.
Exchange youl outline wilh a friend. Afler reading the outline, revise it i{ necessary.

o +c+ zls= ulej_e__+ Al _H_^Jls

tsased on lhe cutline, write a ecmposition.

+qq 46|{ olo}Tl-=r + 9,I#Llzl? Ixcellenl

Are you able to talk about rnernories?

+qq q-.J 0l0t7l= 016ll:=l+ ?l+Llzt?

Are you able to listen about memories and understand it?

+q= 3E 9l:a € + ?l*Llzt? Excellent Foor'

Are you able ta read and write a pas$age aboi:t inkcdueing mernories?
A +aJ x*
a +B is combined with a certain type of noun and pre-noun endings F
t-(9) t/i. l,3) = l{l indicating the estimated time that lies within a certain period. E
+B ol 4 qq of d 9l Eol7l4. E
^.lq ^J
+zlgql qqfl +Bql += ^Jgtr ol^|= s|l qflq. F

(r) 7l: xlflolall= ,q+E. zt+ "J+^l? g

4 : xl€ol zl# f,=ql oJ €ol. IFqlr €Bg +B ql ul+ o e. ol"J *q.

(2) 7l: +t-l flzll uJ$z|ef
4 : 4.J trl= ^lZl +B ql El^l *^lE gr],q? r
(3) 7l' ulollalr. olotTl= *q{q? $',

4 : 4 zl ur ololzl$ 4ql4a g +B ql ;-,* cslzl e= ElElql *elq

. l,'
(4) 7l: rI* qlEq 4+-e-tr +g €4 E zl flxll#olHq,q?

A -r= 6frt.
a -I|- ;[Q is attached to a verb stem indicating a repetition of a certain situation or
an event. Like -* 6t4, -I= is often contracted to -*.
g4 s-uu1--. +EHol dg Hl+^lE'Jdl a+=r+ Hlqs= Br= 914.
H"}rJ4ol g trlE b$g +eq +Felg 94= 1R+.

r -I. alr| cannot be combined with verbs that cannot be occur repeatedly like 44,
(r) 7l: qg ql- +-E € 61i15*qs?
r+ : +1756ij1 ++= 6l.7-lLl a+q 4.e6|t[ to be premature
6lj1= g{q,q. U[ldS.0l thoroushly
(2) 7l: q"l, ol L4 4zl aF-*'lql rlH +eql
q{=ql. .

4: 4l+ =*
a+qR{ HuJl,q-.
(3) 7l: "lalH _1441€s}lil+g al4s HBldS.ol zl$alle!
4: ^ll7l ol+ +"161: gs+.4^J ^l+E E"J +H sg al7lge
(4) 7l: q*g "I
4: c'Jol,q? +*4q,q.
g -L^l
o. -r-zl is attached fo a'verb, an adjective, a'noun+olr{'indicating a vague reason or a

situation to the content of the latter sentence.

++ol= 4g uJffi +ot6|=zl "Js* zt4l"J 59zt$ +g ^J4g ?I fltr}

o It takes different forms as follows.


-(-e-)Lzl -9t/S./g=4


I Due to its semantic feature, - r- xl is rarely used in the future tense.

(1)7l: d€"1 zl# qq 9lqs?

4: B9l gl:rll g 6l=^l +4lE ?I *4. E4r5. oJ 6lrl
Q) 7l: aI]Jol El ++ i1"Jol4s 9lExl €:
to stay still and not move

*zl€ ?*'ll,q.
ef; ulolS /^l e
(3) 4 9lqs?
ulsxl g+gol HE+ €qlE $.qs.
@) 9l ol*41 €ols?
?zl "lEel^l 4l+ d.ol e+e.
(5) Egol= + "J*q,q?

Aol E*ol itslf.qqr-9.

(6) 7l:
4: zluzl# r€ ullzl 9lq,q
g -?l?71'3, -71=7lE
e 2 I E4$ is anached to a noun or an adverb and -zl!zl$
is attached to a verb and

to an adjective stem, a 'noun+ olr]' emphasizing the denial of the former content by
making a comparison between the former and the latter content. -g/=4€ , -7IYAtA
are used only in a negative situation.

BAE S.= 4 Aq.

^l^l*g =Ee4€
€rlolE sq€ g6|71=4€ 4tsr #oJ € Esq4.
(I) 7l: €s+ xNul!|$ole!
4: x11u19lzlb4€ H# zl$all,tl -HE 44 €zl"J *q,q.
(2) 7l: sEg du]] .J9 Ee++r *eq4 *91= a *ol eqE H4iqle?
4: ",t9tb ? 9"l4zl=4'3 sl+ +'J 5 * &s a u|.rlr. "J"J:"l4zt Sqs.
(3) 7l: olgT,ll gd6l ++*eq olH +4-e-E El46l= zl ol'lqlg-?
4: i494B gqxlzl4 ?*qH qeE,l4. zllzl d-"i ql^J6l^l *+
+4l="J qsq4rs.
(4) 7l: ulo| ,u]i d+"Jg + +6}6?
eal qgol 7lE
l?avel lmpressions
You will be able to explain travel itinerary and travel location, and describe
your feelings and travel experiences.

Topic lmpression of the travel

Function Explaining the purpose of your travel and itinerary
Explaining the features of the travel destination,
Talking about your feeling of the travel
Activity Listening : Listen to a conversation on the travel
Listen to a radio listener's story
Speaking : Survey travel experiences,
Talk about travel experiences
Reading : Read a travel log
Writing : Write a travel log
Vocabulary Things to do on a travel destination, Features of the
travel destination, Thought on travel
Grammar -r- Zoll, -ol/q/q HLl, -El^ltrl
Pronunciation Palatalization
Culture Korea's theme travel
rllglf qgq 4E Travel lmpressions


l= olrlgl-lzl? qalEP olal
# q:"J-d 401 9tole?
t. dz

# qal=e -d+ol oltl= q:"J:ilcle? rtoll,\l +t=:ilole?

sffiw 2.


158 rllgaf'qgsl 'JE

IjO : g-4 41, qI:14E gq6leli1 sRbrll € ql*uJle. xl'J
+ql €Etl7tr+ *qH^J,q? q*qs? +i qRq,q? ,J*cfl , r

g4:41'J Al, + zlzl4 EqB^lle. CCol 6l+E Sqs. (towei/outlook)

dlH: "l*1, ,+ + F+. 4 ^84"J *,r-Jle. €E41, €xlle zl Brl 4"* sokchotcitY)
qHq,q? ol"J Tlrl e- oloFTl +^119. how one feels/imperssions
gal: a+5 Hl BolrJ 2E 3.J 5?] 7t+ S=ql,q. agg 8+l mood/sentiment

z]qq Eal6ll^J }J asqlq1,r1 gru!4= +a4H^J

El€ Efr,re. Sxll 99lb €E4}q &+rl^l t+ +4
g i{q.q. :1eli1u}zlE gql= +a ql++t}ql 7}^J
a+=6tr arts 7la_ Er+71*qe.
5!l : +lal +9t44. dE +91^l e? i+ g' ololzlaN u|e.
gal: ql, s{"Jql +r,}q! zl+ dF}s 4l zl-9 C'71= +4
y-Ai ilq^l +qqr,q. Tlqql e4 Hg A 'Jols-.

4E: + rlq*qs? sd ol Elol+l a -E.q +*'+ -Bqls.
+El: ql, a"J z]]ol9l9,"l,q-. +.q'Jq g,q'J "Jilrf to be worthy
=g6H^J ^Hqql
Eolsbrll A'(l "JzlAl € Er sqs. BA attraction{place) :

{p: xJE. q+q \zl z;4lg'Jql gCg q$rll z+H +gzl Victoria Peak{outlook}'

_n=?lols. ++g r €E gcolB +ts+7ls?

+nl: tH a eote. 7l7Jql6'nFol +qq 9lq^J, c fllEli
€i=rl EelHll,J rJql ulz}eE +q*=as.
r-1f;:ful {E oJ{^ltl 4l7l Eb A $ig +olfl*ote.
++g daol4'Jql 4"J r4,q?
"lzlzl-59 ';;t:,!;lili'

4nl: 41. 44 tl -u-H 9l ++g r+Zl 'JatEzl €+614l e :l}:?ia;

r-1f;: {a} Tlqlqql,q. rdql olH qqql^l +17} xllg u}*91
+El : rl €gtzl"J 561 EE4ol.{re. €c}ql^J"J HqTl4
d zl trrl zllz| ulzl gpl + i"J*ol 4.4 rJLlqre.
rQ B olAg ^l+E bq C"l,q.
^lkl +gg L-]lz| agql^J B4: El^]"+ +golHr+. 5
tr6J+qg "J=j1 dq^J += o16}9 trlr+zlE *4. +4 *-dd story of Chunhyang

zl='=6Jd'E +qlE e "J441 tsflge Ca{4. i1+t}11 Elfl tlamr,von(city)

E'lIlLJ (bus) lerminal
ql E€ €e zl 3^l7J+ xl+q Bg EII'lEol bql $q*q. g-'J+
G w a n g h a II u (lr ad iti0n a I

1E 2'JE 6Fg q68olflzl ullEql +4= d6lzl g:r- Hle + building)

olg ,J* A *g "J++. "JE"J EH '=6JC'E + EElEtl to be peaceful

^l4lq{Q. SIf pavilion
rI: ^J4q{H aBq $o15.a 4++ !=4o]|H4. 4x} "J S flR pond

*ql^J -dlgzl= qlg 4?E .Jq5g Htl Sxl "l*ol €ql Bol carp
Plg E^l
allzl: 4 rJ9ktrl. "6ld+ql^J +
CE "l+ +ql, ++ + ffanok(Korean Traditional
housing style) complex
xle *rJ9 #4 s4= E*tr}.
^lgg *ol Ed *zl3 ++ ES tTlrl
to give out the scentl
E= ++q *q= 4"J Hlrg fzl $.H4. zlg 6ll smell of
7l rlHql^J= +E +gol €4xlzl r.l1t9!:r. +b 6J =.ol
-Ia-i oL-.:

^l5^l traditional Korean music

+g +^E 5q7i +g ae{4. rF?} dq6l.H ^jg performance
Ag qlE^lE E+ol d+?+r ^J4lqR=ql olHg tsg qqe (a performance) to begin/
to unfold
dfg AA= :-vlAlql
= ^++

trSf ffi9 4lu} ** Koreak theme travel

o 94S9 9l"l **o145 "Jg 5q g 4ol fl+qzl? "l€ 9"l4l..J45Julzl?

Have you ever heard ol a "theme travel"? What dc you th:nk it means?

r q-9* di9 4lol +"Jql 46J g 9li1 qlol +*"il olalloN !-;.lle.
="Jqq. '16I
The following is a passage on Korea's theme travel. Read and Jind out the popula,"theme lravel.

There has been an increase in the number of visitors traveling to Korea in the
past ten years. And recently, more and more visitors have opened their eyes to
"theme travel".
- Medical tourism: Many foreigners visit Korea for rehabilitation or
to get health services such as a medical check-up and treatments.
Visitors experience Korea's state-of-the-art medical technology and can
simultaneously enjoy other tourism.
- Taekwondo tourism: The city of Seoul began this type of tourism in 2007.
Since then, many come and visit Korea to get the taekwondo experience.
During their trip, visitors try on the taekwondo suit, learn the basic
taekwondo movements, and learn meditations.
- Special delicacy tourism: Foreigners who enjoy "special delicacy tourism"
do not come to Korea just to eat $-Lzl or HIHB. Instead, they come to
enjoy Sl$ +++,548 *tol4, t^l:' g+Br7l.

. qEl+3 +l"ll^J "JaJ 4l"l ** + qL t*q 7i"J +dol *eqvn r ol+: +9.EqzP
Out o{ the theme trevel rnentioned above, which one do you like the mosl? Why?
tr (E7l)el eol oloFTl6H H^tle.

4{$ tp1,
trJol 4lEt

olH ol6Jg r$g g4=
agg 6}l ^J.418 *ol zla C"J +*q,q. to lsok around an attraction
+4rloll 7l H+
to go see ruins,/relics

& +H+ #4zl9l 7l Hq, Esl xlleg =7lq €+E +e6Ft

to go see a fortress
& *ql= +xllql *zFl4, Elql= rlHel oHg e^J6l+ HfEzJE .ilJgdlrl
to go to a museum
& +"6+ BA= E-el 84, Alql g47t^J zlg+ "Jzl6l+ otZ= 'JAlsltl
to the look at the night view
s, BH cqg +4614, EE+E +*6lrl
^l4lql^J"J EJzlottl
@ A+E6lr *dg *ol.4,J4, Esl xlleg to enjoy the nature to the full
=7lrl +^,lloll g7l.6lrl
@ HFtql^J 6ll++9 6lr+, 6IHql ++l^.1 +4E +l5lrt to attend a festival
tr^tEg 4olrtLlrl
to find and visit a famous
eateriesi/ restaurants
TlLJEg /.ltf
A (H7l)ef eol oloFTl6H H^lle. to buy a souvenir

t+ / 6J+ trfgg +36ltt, 6J^l trJ51l4lHg 6lr Ll^'l

{4 utgge q.t, tE +qEg ^ta1 ElLlEl
zl: zl74l7l^.1 +i *q9-?
4: ]all gg,*+ trtgg +€6F1, E{l 99
elxl ElSzl zileg 6la q^J A+ HIH*g
EHq,q. "tzl"-l gql= d€ *ql+g ^tnJ

& €E4l / AEqlq z].! allf$$ 614, €qr-&ql^J @il

++ +ag + 4+ql +^ql f tl, BSIE craftworks
@ ^Jg/ a+t6lr. ?l^}# 5qBq, €Fql^l
a€g 6lr. q^l 4€s zlle 6}^|ql *zlat4,
rl+=g "J+^l 41+zll 5r|
& EIl+ luJ+ ^l.llql qdg €^ltrtzl ^14 +l}g 6].4,
ul4ote ol$;ll.! 6ll++9 614, ElaE-ql^-l 6l+
+g +14 stl
E (E7l)ef eol oloFTldtl E^lle.

€qt / .J*or €totEr, ,l!-!r HrtrrE -8.+ E] + ?l't

z|: $Pal €ql&g dq'J ol#zl glqs? 3^17f ol€Eirl
4: q|*ol €4oln 414 Hl'l-* E+ €a + scenery to be bearitiful

glqarll dH zl Hl ds.zl=,q. SIlol olq4olrf

natural landscape to be
o dlgql / Hlrt d"Jol olEEl+,
44zl r*4 to have a spectaiular view
@ 4+ ld9 "l9ol +H614, *! *ol 9$ol4 Fall foliage to be peak

@ 4+ I dF++= yzJ + 9)vl, 4^l7i otEB4 to feel the Korea's moqd/

@ ql+ / dfg a+l€ v4 + 914, eaE q+ sentiment

o olE4ol+, slnE +oJ^lolr+ to feel the traditional culture
^ll+E / ^lg a+ol g4 1!ol g#olrl
@ ?4 I n+71ol+Btr}, alloj rllE== €rJ + 9l+ food to taste exceilentl
e?J 71el7l wLl
there are many things to
6llg EtlE==
[l (H7l)ef eol oloFT16l] H^ll-e. =7[tl
to enjoy the sea leisi,rre
to be the best resting place
+E T+qH trtt6ltt' ilFfrl lFh 8A0l9lrl
+tqE- 6t+' ;lEt sEf to have hot springs

zl: €€ zl^l +l eRqe?

4: #e A+ql^J *%lg *,1q. zlzlnlzl TJ r]ql
+{iqlE bl-+ Tltt *"1,q.

0 rlgg +4lql glr+, 4 zlTlzl7i+, g&qlE 6l+

4'Js4 E{l Ulsan(city)
@ ?ol *Fq{H a+=g "J+4, zlzlt\zl zlQ, Disneyland

FIIzJ musical
*^]ql ^l: ^l= €E. I'Jqr+
o dz141* "Itlg €a +4614, E-aql zlr+,
q=q{EqlE qqs+
@ T + ^l'-il= Eol+q q, qilEl Eg + ,!A7lE 6l+,
6 4+zl-= gq^J dg * Hl+l Ert, zl-= g?-lrl,
+ Eq4l +*4qlE Ttrt s4
(H7l)ef eol E+6|.2, qziEol -d qgql 4dH
oloFTl6H H^11_".

+trj / la3o,Pl q+11+ ^8Htrh ril+.E /

taruqlH q{+trJg sEh ril+Enlrt 1Fl, Ba e krokd a m {crater la ke)
otil g4ltilEotg lr-r.gEt oHEOl sunrise

EE q$
zl:+gq .l€ {q$qfl^.le? traditional accommodation
4: rJl, s-Sqiql q+71* ^JAAs}l 4l+Eql trl-In [-q
ct Eul
q6Jg qqsqs. Ttangkkeut{villaqe)
zl: *, +Bqls. zll+Eq zl^J +J eRqs? [\ew Year's feslival in

4: ,*rlal{l zl-ri u4€.J€. !_jl zll+_E-ry121 z!

t[Eofl Dadohae{sea)
aq ole 94 {l$olE -H-_r, *q,E.

& +"J I 4Azl +4lq^J Ae-}lg *tr}r 614, +41

lq* ^l€ rl+59 *ol "J44, +&ql z|rl,
slE 1}q E+
& F"J / 4+7l EBl er+j1 6l-q, oJE /

dF q+ql^J gdg zlzlllzl zlfr,

g+ol =71q,
+gE +46l+
& zltlg / olH zlolzl olq H X ,J 4 7JEl, +4 I
Hzl s*^6El $.Jg Hr+, ole+,tl{ Lll,<-l z}r-},
ol$elolzlzl Ztrl strl
O 9"1 d /
+ qlH zl.F+ot ++i1 6lrl,
I g46lql^J Ltg CE {EH+, zllatlzl
zlfr, 9-^'e 4olE SsEJ_r. 9{:Ll1 z}x}zl olol
rJ4 Eole4
6 zltl +'J I B€"1-9ol4b *ol ql4:r 6t+, 6ll* /
B€al] "*ol +xll 9l elzlal4, *6ll ?lql rl+,
Qs-allr EflBtrl
@ +zl 7l7J E"J / rl+Eol 6lE old}g zlzlr 6lr+,
u / B4*EE. +A6laLA4^l 7lr+,
Azl f,4 7J 4+E "J4l gr+
E (H7l)el eol oloFTl6tl HIle.

1+E: tEt Eglll'tt ol+u{oltrt /

EEE Ulleungdo(Island)
o, t^1E rtch 4 eqq g 1 T.t trl=".\
-.i -ia -r

zl zl- ol{{ ol E}H^J,q? noodles (of Chuncheon City)

^ll+Eb d "J s9l
Hl, €x{e 7l Hq q Eqql g 4 e*q,q.

& C{Eb C"J +4 ",tol 'Jg.ol4 /

O, zld Er+, 4= ql +^161115 ull.z| .J El{
& g+E: C"J grl / x, H Aqa eltr-*=ql "+^J
,lvl I rJ4"J# Hzl3 9*4
& +&dlH ul4zi alaol4 / x, beE zJd Er+,
+&g utRzl LAB+= E^lE Y-Aol rJdltrl

@ re4l *tr} / x, "-ldl ^lr.llql

=Aq= "+E+dol q H:Ei
4214, E++dBq E}AHldol

E (E7l)sf eol oloFTldtl E^lle.

oJch Bilotle + s^totEt oJtot +T6l ul*6tEt

g€ol !Hl=6ltl
:471=. r 4E.JColH qa3alzlgl to have a busy itinerary
+H+6ltl to be pressing
?EJzle? qq6lc| to be enough
: "Jrt^lrl tsllol{g +lq E^l+^J
**61 m|*qq,q.

& 4 "Jjl 914, a+= g aol y*+, ^l,Jol + +ql6ltrl

@ CqlE ololzl4,4, flH"J 5-n e+,
4E s.JolE rfl4E +8614
& *4zl5 ololzl$ q}q, qqg 6ltt -BH $dol
Szl4, "J+"JE *Al YA^\LI
& oltlE E+EH4. e* 4 {4o14,
.JCol qq6lzl: ?+4

@ gqlHldql\ 4a _E_^lrl, En= c"J 4E^lol4,

2E 3gE= + ml*+ vAol+
@ "J+, h+e 9lq Eq, 4E 5gs: ++61+
(H7l)el eol E+61r, qgq 4-Lf 0loF7l6H
H^ll-9.. ^rJE

rE t+lE slEh +4lg +tg+ ?ji rrqE rtrtEt +El

zt: e-4ZltrJ4l H4ttzl q"Jg qqg ialoj 7lqqlgafi Errl
to remain in the memories
qqls? for a long time
q= + fl= +qol Elrl
4: zls d*s 5li1 +49 +lg + 9lb zlgs to become an unforgettable
Tlxj^-l +*q,q. memory
-H.gOl 9ltlto be worthwhite

& BBi{H tr}+ol + €Bl+, d+E "JCg v4 + to feel warm inside (from
9lr+, BElol 9l+ 'J'J-dtrJ rl-sol + Eel+
8 ffig {e+ E+g gA6Iq, Ezl z,*4 *qq pressures to be relieved
-d+"loJ€= r._zlrl
*zlE rJzl4, +=6l.+ to feel Korean people's
@ g3llEldq1,r1 _u_trJ €4= zld B+, +Hg Eel€ d"J6ltl to be disappointed
CE;11 g + 914, zlqql eq hlg 4 ?Jrl Oldrl to feel the lack of

@ a+s *ol H6l+, "J+ H.-ll+, qg + Tlrlioll El^l^l=dltf

q+ ^lzlg to not live up to the

S= +qol expectations

s} gCol q+ q*fl{, 4lge{H "J=E 6l^l *6lr+,

+ oldrl
{s ^J4q{'t 44 t*ol r+q+, zlqqE uJzJxl *6}+,
+ d"J6l+
@ 'JaJSol q+ *+, q"J 44 .JCql
S6l Zl 4 rJtrl =El+qq,
@ *ol zJ 4Azl zlzl 14u1nd6lrl, 4l+ FE4+,
dql 9l: 4l Ll.g U6lr+
0faHol q:d 3-d0ll rH6u (H7l)el e0l 0l0F7l6tl

HA{ tHt'tol H.S Soseong(city)

ol+4olr Httrl'rl otttll flq^1, xt$ tea farm/field

-r ,E
Atilt Helot

zl:_Bc9l qq*4H^Js?
4: Hl, eqlHldql*] Hqt zlBE C"J
ol+4ola ulrlE ?ld6ll 9l+44 +H +
?ol dl€ol -H_El 7ls_
zl Ha_ dHz=,q. 17f^ll l6|{E^ll
zl: -r*Je. HCg dzllE 7l Bq qRqs?
When the preceding syllable
4: eqlEldql^J e qltr c"J ol+4olq^J += endsinroreandthe
qqql e 4 e*qe. 2E s'J 9l*brll, 4all following syllable is followed
g+ zlgg &4dlr +^i ^J+E + *qs. by o] or al, it is pronounced by
[zl] or [i]1, not by [4] or [9].
€all B9 allfgz}9l 7l^J 6t+ +oJ l:, e arepronounced at the
+gE 6lr ql{ql^J + +lflq,q. 4"J BEr-ol gums but z., ;. are pronounced

at the same position as the vowel

I making much easier for
Koreans to pronounce.

--l-rJ 1HI ool
L--1 L e- ) EA.'ollE{l9.
Hl{e+&g rl + 9lq^J, (It71:
&qgol ilqc..
=rJ 4: xld &4pol oi.l4,
F&, 4E3ll:zl €4rl 4go1qs-.
(2) zi: $Pu]-$3 q*qe?
4l+E 3E 4.J 4:€€"ll,rJ e:dllEolTl
4*.4oJ +oJzl4^J, agHelflqs.
(3) zl : Sol B.Jqr+. gal'J
allEol *€, 'J"J4ol4 q4.
4: #ZI'Jg. ,Jol7le .

+€L 2ql 3.J

a€r+ g49 d;*ol4rJ,
o[{, oJxiL xl]ul9l4

qt'{..,ia{,: +B g+'J
5'F+:48 44zl Y-44\,
€zlxl Tl= +4. qltl4ol4
-: -.:
.l -: . . .: : ,l':':
:;!!:;:;:.;* :'t:r::,taaa::a:::,:l
a'/;i.t::i:.t:.;'t .:. ...t',.:::,,.. :::., :::.
:ta.tlitttl!.t,:1.:,.,,.:,:::..'-:....:,..', : :.'
::r:-:,a.;. a;.+,:::::ta:::t:.-l:t :,::..:.. .:

rlgp qgql 4et 4afgLltl. trt €E0ll =J6f^Jle.
Listen io the people talk about the travel. l-isten carefuily and answer the questions

1)gzlzy 4+E q6Jg r}qe ol+= +9.E lrt? @@

$!ft )'l I ul g u ksa(tem ple)

2) $zlzy ol
zl ql^l + .Jg E-F r.=.^lls. i-{ lrl.l

lI BEEzI= &4*tl. (Observatory place)

n a+9 oFAg rJtF*+. Bomun tourist Complex

I +* B^€ Eeltr9t4.
il'Jl 'J'J 41+E'J*+
I rl+9 Ae4ql +4eR4.

+=3 afqg. "J€ioll EL,-! E+lrfol ,\fggLltl. €E-L o;alol LHEoI "+eE o,
x oll E^l6l^lle.
Lislen to the radio listener's story. Listen carefully and rnark the following statements as either

1) BxlE olH ol6Jql

zi^lr. 914.
ql6ll +e +Eg
ntr THot€e{!t
to have your heart flutter
dlfle q68g 6l: +ql ^JE
2) "Jse+
UX +
^Ll+ of pine trees
$$:,t'llrf to count the.stars
3) q+ 9l= "J4 qBql *e ag +46J
+ 9lflrl.
utr 'JAolErl.
to have gqose bumps
Salrl to request
A Speaking-"J6lzl

u Tl+=el qg ?a-dOll rH6l| ?lEl#dH E^ll-g.

lnterview ihe classmaies about the travel experiences.

o q4 aEql qldl ololzlg q= qE €Eg Bzl rJ4al !.^Jls.

Think about questionnaires when you survey about travel experiences.

1) 7l* €gl'J q6Jg olH €Bol9+.,-lzl?:1 ol+: +lE14?

2) 7l* or+lflH q"Jg gH €BojH+'rJzt? r ol+: +9.J14?

3) 7l* d"J^elflH qqe q€ q"Jol*.+',-lzl? r ol+= +E"Jl7l?



. +19 4+ql ql6lq +q Hi d+5 3-4Bqlrll eq+4 H^Jl,q-.

Based on your queslionnaires, interview with 3-4 friends.

g qg ecql 46H "JsaH H^lle.

Make a presentation about your travel experience.

o z\ftitlz\ qRH qq +ql7lzi' rlqq H: q6Jg qH q6JolH:xl ^J44 .H-^Jls.

Think about what travel was the rnost memorable travel"

4l) r*€ dq+ ol+e+ r*9

54, q6Jzlql^J qRE g(^llyE +^Jql 44),
{€zlql^l LA dr+ q6Jq 4i'J ie F

o +lql^J cEl+ 4so qgrll +c6tE €gxl s46l] _E_^Jle.

Based on your notes, think about how you are going to organize the speech and then make a presentation.

r €4xlql^J 4g rt+lol4 r*ql^J rl s zlHE # ol*"ll qelBel

"lq aEg
gg.6]l !_^ll,q.
l\tlake a presenlation with pictures anC souvenirs frorn the travel destination.

. a+5E gs= dqa *g "l4.Jzl, sll rflxl ololzlaN Brlle.

Discuss about where you want tc go to the travel destination after listening friends' presentation.

ffi Reading_9{7|

tt +ge 7l-dEgLlrl. g g]r trEotl EJ6l^lle.

The lollowing is a travel log" Read it carefuliy and answer the questions.

o zlolgql: qH 4*ol 4q glgzl q+6}l _H-^lls,

Try to predict what contents are included in a travel log.

. nul=- +EE 9l _q-E^J ql^J'J 4s" 4 zJ&zl q"J6ll -H-^'lls.

Read it quickly and see if your prediction was correct.

?1fl Eg6l] 36^lrJ0l 'Jzl _EAtEl EelE I il@

=g0ll^1 gEl| =31
nl-g+. Hal-EP rlEoll 9l^161| glol +4 trlE Zelr I $tri€+ $ao Paulo(city)

,J-iIrlEJ, AIllE4l6t| H! Alifl6ltf to be refreshing

btnl= 845rq 84=dtl.
q8g Erl
qg= E^fElrlTlTtlE 7l"trilE rJEl. E lll4l €teJE 40o/o= to take a rest after travel
8tr1'=+ 7ltrlE ""tE +, 7-lalE Aq ELI -dtH^l (lit. t0 take off one's
^lIl-dtl= traveling outfit)
?= aEErt EeFe le-l rE^el8 zE=01 raJ^lg E 8t!al output
ol^l ?lfltl. Eol^l ?ltrl
Lt= g g 4e4r 7l-HJ ?J0il += g$trl. 7l to stand in a rowl
^lTt= ^1180il, to be lined up
g ?Joll EB6l gtoloF -st TlqlalTlHolrl gr?ttl. 0|fl q'dE
S.a|$$ hastily
EE6l 6ldB TlqlaloJEll. Glrl0ll^l golsl ge€ E4+ to walk away
=Hl6lE,\l "g:Lf
zJ,Jztl. rrrfl TltrilOll^l IITIE H I el3 zl0l $zJuJrl. +aF+ E.++gq Portuguese
eF +/.l geE 7ltrilE -BF-dtl. EeFgolE Eal +rj6fr. bgote+
=4 7fr'll
fl=ql bEol trg 39fl =?t Eol ol'gzl oJgt=^l Lt| 7l to have hard eyebrows

qlatE El Lle= riol olLJ7l. qB^|oil^lsl F6lrl Eg rlE :c"€01 Iltl

to have the red glow before
0ll Lt= #56tr "J?,ttrl. r.'Jtrlts "Jg g HE'J7ll 6lr^'l0F the sunset

Llts HelE aF-g + 9l*tr1..

olL 1| 6l=0ll= !c=ol rlr 9lfltl.

o +il * H 9]f e$q -r+A|,1]l9.neaditagainandanswerthequestions.

1) ol sElg ,i+€- E-F r._E^]le.

n q"JE .JC n q6BE +zl
I q"J^lel 54 I q5}q ql* ^+
n q"J^lq^l 'J .J n q"J^l= dq* ol+
2) ol4E ,-H+ol eeH o, r+qH x ql s^l6l-^Jl,q-.
(1) ol
^l*g trslg=t,^J
Tlqlr+E E€gI+. tg tr
(2) olq^lE gAlb qlt}*H 4e +4 +rJ*l+. u X
(3) EBrIH+gql^l +BoJ t}sl€+ ,l'l= eAq. tr tr
(4) {}'+€+
r+4e+ €ril= F^lql yzJ + 9lH+. u X
n qaiEet qg e-d= E-= u1 E^ite.
Write a composition about your travel experiences.

I ujalzJ aq^-l gg.+'il+g r^EJH q€41 6llot €-zl,e_? Bea1z1s4

j!/lb qH zlolTl 9l9zl ^84611 -H-^lls. =E
How do you write a composition based on the presentation of Speaking activityy pl? Think about what is the difference
between presentation and writing.

. TlqEg € ql qE +^Jq q+ 4= aol 7l* +24 ^J46tr zlls= 4}c6ll

Think about which order is the best way for writing a travel log and creale an outline.

4C+ Zls= rl+e+ Hl+l qE 4+g q tr+6lH +gzl ololzl6ll H^ll,e.
r4r ololzlf, lll+g Hl€6]] ZlsE +46l] -H-^ll,q.
Fxchange the oulline with a iriend and discuss about lvhat conlent$ need to be added. Based on the discussion,
revise the ouiline-

+€'J Z+s= utB"E 7l"d+g rl H^lle.

Based on the outline, write a travel log.

. q=dsl g€ g q=d^lel E^40il r|16u 0l0t7lg + flaqzl?

Are you able to talk about travel itinerar'es and the l€atures of the travel Excellent Poor

qgrloil,\lsl 3-Jat q-"J0ll r]|:er 0l0t7l-g + ?l*Llzl? Excellent Poor
Are you able to express your feelings of your travel experienees?

/\ Ol4.r llTLC
rl*HE-g Olf, .44 -f
/l6Ee E-lI = ,irl-l//ll Excellent Poor
Are you able to read and write a iravel log?
A -L eql
t -- is attached to a verb indicating the next action is being done taking the already
occuned situation as an opportunity. The already occurred situation then often
a good opportunity to achieve the next situation'

EJ ai= ^l4L+ Aql e d"Jg EF €i1 +9ttt.

4*llzl rJ rJql A+qE E*tr}.
*$ztlzl Tli. r|ql A+qlE 54 H= ae qql?
(1) 7l:4+E q"Bg qq*qH^.le?
q:ql, d+ql TJ'/JqlHEqE z,*4tl*qs.
(2) 7l: F6llql^J +€ €a 6lr. *q,q?
r-i: 41. r4r 7J,Jql4s "l*4 49zle.
(3) 7l: 4zlY eq €clE 6J € !-r &4?
4: tA +^1. gql l.a Hzl^l Sl e-x1.
(4) 7l: Eqe+dql +4r^kr'+ eqq,-l 4 ol+ril ts9q'q?

A -ol/ol/G Eul
o -oi/q/q _H-l is anached to a verb indicating that something has been tried before
and is often
or the result of an experience. It is typically used to evaluate the attempt
and the
followed by the admitting or negating expressions of whether the result
expectation conesPond or not.

4+Eql dzll zi Bq qls CE +tl4"J dol9.4.

h+ql E+6ll Hq qltlr+ ?4 xlata ol+ol d4 ?*914.
I o It takes three forms according to the final vowel of the stem.
a. If it ends in | , -- (except for 6l.4), -ol Hq is used'

b. If it ends in a vowel except for | , -'-, -o] -Ht-l is used'

c. If it ends in 61., -q -H-rl is used but the contracted form -6ll Bq is fpically used.
(7) 7l: F6llql^J qE E 9qr,q? ffl
4 dqi{r}o}e.
4: $tr Eq Bq EE ol^J6lzl $Qelae.
(2) 7l: qqq,q? 4srl+ + +a}6tzl g+*qs?
rJ: olr-]e, 7l Hq gt-l + +4*q,q.
(3) 7l:a +tlHg 4"Jzlttl"l6l7l7l qq+].q.
r]: xJE_ re|l ^J4i{bql .Jg Aol 6ll Hq =-* tsolq+rs.
(4) 7l: e+, dqqtr re4l qEJe 4E 9lg + 9lqs?

E -q^tq
o -tl.Alt] is attached to a verb indicating what the listeners already know or recognize.
It is often used with -H.+, oJr+, ololzlalr| type of verbs.
ol xltollr.j B+^lrl q+ Hfqq.
^Jgg aq^i +*6l7lql:
g o|,|,r.lsl zllfs: d+g 4s6i: ++^l"Jqq.
olnlE- "J+EH{^ltl $izl+ HlBlg +61717l d^l g:ole.
(7) 7l: olH +"Jql E q"Jg 4ule114ae?
4: Hl, o|,tlQ,tlyl xllzl qqg 9.4:ola|4|o|9.
(2) 7l: "JEql 44 zl Hqvl q Rq e?
4: xlt{ql q4HE ololzlalfq^lrl 6J+6lt Hli+ 4 a9-fl^.lE
(3) 7l: E+Bol "J qH l{lole}e 6ll +^lot^le.
4: {zlql ,t(] gl4^lEl xlq TlAlY +}BE i+E ?} Eq+.
@) 7l: H zl*H9l azll$S,t].lraP $44 zl?






ffi * - jf.-


,$ #



# # "'i+.w
10zf -/19 -j

^11 -fr
You will be able to explain rnarital structure and customs'

Topic Marriage
Function Talking about your opinions on marriage,
Explaining marital structure to others
Activity Listening : Listen to a conversation taking place at a
wedding hall,
Listen to a result of opinion on marriage
Speaking: Discuss your opinion on marriage,
Explain the marital customs
Reading : Read a passage about explaining the
traditional marriage customs
Writing : Write a composition about explaining
marriage customs using the statistical data
Vocabulary Meeting and wedding, Wedding ceremony, Marriage
Grammar -r19, -= Eflo{|, -(o.)e
Pronunciation Epenthesis phenomenon
Culture Korea's marriage culture
Illl0zl 4= Marriage




* rl=3 qE +^le
tr 1. GIEE +^l?] 4,J019? -dqol Tl:"J=Jzls?
=E49 ==43
2. -d+oll^l= EE cltl0ll^l lale? qalEg oltloll^1, olE-szl 6fr
H dole?
==^l= ==^l=

176 rJ=


dlErl: 4l* tlszl4"J + qgr-l^l *:ole?
all: ull, + e qgri-s-. dS€B?1 71zlole. CF bride
oltrrl:uJo|e. gEE *ol B9lle. rflql F rl*3 €"]] d8flE
match made in Heaven

Agolgle, 6ol€golql,q? EOll=e love marriage

dl:flr.|q1,<-1 "J*eq4
g"lAeol^1,q. 3€ g"l Eql 6[[|e= arranged marriage

^l ag6l= 4ql,q.
EOll passionate love

6lerl: +4+le. z.le- 94 €g611 4qe.

oll: t r+41 € z'l9le. rflrll alEul 4: qH ^l+g
^l trJqa {qs?
oltrrl:=41,9. x[]6[L, q56]i1, *rjzll, Sx]'J H^]?
+^l ++lql rfl H-^l gleH € lz11a1 +^ll.q.
rl fll::fl *zlzl gleE $ alEul Al"Jql tzla11 +l'q?
4zl "J4zl.

6l-erl : +, zl-dl al, €"1 /Al * g= B €"1 Al dql *$.qe? il@
Il oll: :H,q-. u3gqg 9U,^1.q.
chest of dowrY
Dj vi g o ro u s activity
6l-erl: EJgEol,q-? € glErll9? =j9f
oll: C'J A+Eg dsE 5qs-zll alE ull ^.ll71 to display (one's abilitY/
^l g+l*q,q.
=' skill)
nloJ4l badger game

slEn | : q €ril.q? 4tl\

€-a Sqsqs?
to set the standard low
6ll : olrJ9. trl"J4lE 4.^l,q. (when seeing someone)
6lEnl ; ulolflle? 4l=* a+5 bol tl4l *9t'+ +s. bBol to tease
,{B4l western style
dE4 traditiohal
fll: ;leul Al g $*.qe. +a ts+e. dlE wedding fabric
dltrrl: g rfl !\zl:t-. 12f, tQa-6J+ql^l: ag4g trilE
paying respect to the
,!oJzle-+. $ol aliull A-g ++ql= CF4ql aE bridegroom's familY.

4l H.ol gl= a zJole.

dl: rBxl,q-? 4.4 dq ql+4 Elg tr-lil- Au tHtL
^l ae4ol g\t +ql qlE4g E=l= 4s rBLq-.

d+"J9 ag €€ol d^l-+ol^lr lltrl. F4la ^ltrql
EE 199013"t1 Hzlts 27.8^ll. €xlE 24.8^llg'rj $f aE 6.€ one's first marriage

go1{Ql *4' fleJ age

€€ol 200BHql= 4?+ 3r.44L 28.3^lle E4l€
as €€g A? xlqql q4^JE ^lol= '+4ql= 4'o e v the National Statistical Office
el*q. 2008€ Et'l /fr219 €# ag €€ol Bzl= sz's

Bil average
rll, €zlb 2g.8^llqlql Hl6ll 7l+^lE a+= 30'1^lle+ z+
^1+ ^lq district
26.5^]ls eg4. the residential
^iol= to become known
.J€ ag xlzlzl*q^l$^l 2s^llqld 34^ll9 "l€ tstizl 14Il resident

{-r zl^16l= Hl€:E +o}ll te*tEl*tt. 20oBE, 2s^llql^l ol$ unmarried

B4^ll9 Elg B16=9 5H dql ulz;\ 12.47o ?zlal$.Etll'
5d Hl$ importancelweight

{c olsxie) Tzlzl FEelaq. ol= qcE ^}sl +q +

F TEellltlto be notable

,\tel gq social Pafticipation

71,4A\4 ^J+ F4 *flol
9l= 7-eg-*+€4' Il+l status/ Position/ ranking
*|: ^l+l
*ib 8* rise
'tt' trJ'JEltl to
,l be judged

f,+91 ag *+ Korea's marriage culture

. olel+ Li4E ag^le q€ 54ol ilqs? ^l+E dF4"Jpeople *4se ae6]F J+=o1 "go|e? ceremony?
wedding customs? Are there who get rnarrik in a kadilional wedding
What are the features of country's

ql6ll ol= 4-o- ololzloll !.^lls. ral1 tlg gl tJfg aS *+g ololoN -H-'\le'
o aJ+9 ag ++eil =9

bAda rveddings
place at the bride's house, but nowadays' most
WYY rraditionally in Korea. wedding ceremonies took the groom
place at u *"Jor* rra[, rrltel or a religious
iacility. The bride wears a 'wedding dress and
in these weddings'
wears a tuxedo, and it ii hard to find any bits of traditional touch
sent by the bridegroom'
a marriage letter
The chest of dowry 1r3-) refers a wooden box contining silks and
gifts that the bride and the groom
s family to trr" uio"t and the wedding fabric refers(qlB) the
people still send the chest of dowry
exchange. ,*ot"* ."r,"# are slightly Oif-ferent, but the majority of newly married bride paying
get married' qlul refers a ceremony of the
and the wedding fabric when they
pay the respect to the bride's parents'
As a reJult, many bridegrooms also

o q4B +4q ag ++ql 46ll ololzl;ll !-rlle'

Discuss rnarriage customs o{ your counlry'
l3:1:i:qr:::" .::!

n (H7l)ef #ol oloFT16l| H^lle.

l+rt 41il611 +trt

zl: a rlH.ol 4"J+ qg4ql.q. :flrJl qg41 E0li6frl r0 dare

d€ erl
"J*qls? l0 go on a formal date
4:4*zl A7]]61l *{41,q-. SB|{6lrf
io be arnanged on a date
E0tltJE love marrige
$ C€. E"
A7l6lJ +El 6rll==
arranged marriage
@ *zlzl a.bql Hl6ll^J trl++qq eE6[tl to get married

o Eilqli F+olr+ efEafi to be engaged

@ zl$ FEol+ to call off a marriage
@ dg Hr+ to divorce

@ 9"t al}zl +"ll€ 6l+

tlB bridegroom
a (H7l)ef eol oloFTlo-H H^Jle.
d,F bride

oJtdttrt officiating at a ceremony
,A.felIf moderator
++ +^.1= Hql,q? g86ltlt0 enter
4l*z| gtlg zl{lql,q. E?l dltl
^JqE marital vows
to exchange
dE dflg 6ftl
o e.J ^JEg 6l+ to declare marriage

@ ce dtg 6}4 fa{l/.f officiating a address

+zlE +ecl
O +rJl^l€ 6i4 to sing a nuptial song

@ o&71+EH4l ?l^l-= 6l+ ElSoltl to leave

qEq= cal+
@ +zl-= +s+ to pay respect to the

@ 41=614l+zl qtlg 6trl

bridegroom's family
(by the newly-wedding
dE qg= Tlrl
t0 Eo on a honeymoon .

d5 Ea{
traditional marriage
gti El (H7l)el eol olotTl6tl H^lle.

Eg 'JofE UEf / o, 5E IOoJE tttrt

=6L9. tlrl-
€g 9al-5 Al*qe? oH= .!el

to see marital compatibility

ql, 5E looJE e*q,q. 8ZzlE dttt
to have the forrnal meeting
between the families of the
bride and the bridegroom
& aatlg E4rl I o, zltl& ^lH.5q4l"J
544 7t€ LtnL_e xlrl
=- =,nl =
@ e+E tl"J6l+ I O, 7J+6lzll 6l+ to arrange a wedding date
-dg EL|lrI/Er.l
& fElg HLI I x, lfl 7-l g] "Jq^l gI ts.r+ to send/to receive a chest
of dowry
@ Eg4g di+ / x, ^J$a}zlE 614 z=/\l,(tg HLI
=--d= ^trl-
to reserve a wedding hall
@ qlEg I O, a+4 6r+4 614
=Hl6l+ Ets8E Eqq
6 4lgdg +6lrl / O, q^l 46lrt
to send wedding invitation
dg +dttl to find a house
to prepare home furnishings
0lE full dress

[t (E7l)ef eol olotTl6tl -H.^Jle. GIE wedding gifts

QIE wedding fabric

^{t E+^lq iltrt *tct / 4l'1f 4'1116ll
fol al Ag{ql *r+ Sq,q?
:1H9. Zlrl *zl,q. 7l)71az]l;11 fl:ql,q-

& asg eR4 / zl* zll 4olzl Pol4

@ r^l= asqlq / HAI ollz| $olr|

=a ol^J€oltl
@ B€-Jql abql Hl*{ / Sd6l zll

@ EtldiTl dql dqlrl / 9"t4 rl4=lH +aolH+

@ ag6lq vl +E+ / ^l;J6l: ^lH.r+
(E7l)q eol H^lle'
f| olotTl6H

Etg +Hltftrh g0l .FJolEtrt / toJ Epenthesis Phenornenon

agg aEldlb ulloll aJol gol $xlel 4lgd iEr

ql, 4g c€qqa,q. qflold r€l
E_+d rEl
q+ ulAltl
& dg 6I"J6t4, Eol t*ol 54 I A'/*ol ln Korean Language, the latter

@ ag ql+g "*+r+, Eol E+ol ELI I consonant in the wordboundarY

ofthe compound word gets

ul99l s= *9 ulaltt tensified which is called rloii4

phenomenon. This Phenomenon is

@ g+= tl"J6lEl,
rltol t*.1 ?44 / applied when the comPonents of
6J ,ll /d4Btt E+tr} the compound word, atleast one
^lot parl, is native Korean. However

& as4tlg tq, q4sol F*9ttl / the native Korean comPound

word sometimes cannot be
Cizl4 + CEEI applied in this mle and the rule
is sometimes aPPlicable to sino-
@ Algdg Tul4, CCg E+ol /
Korean compound word' It has
B€ol :d
gl"il *dol t*4 many exceptions as individual
differences also exist. Therefore, a

@ 4lgqq*214, Eol E+ol Etrl I careful attention to native Korean'

^B4BE}6lr. dg ,ll F*trt s pronunciation is necessary when

pronouncing a comPound word'

> 9+6l| Hltl9.

0) 7l:^lsde+q{qs?
4:91. PsH E
qg +$= 6l= SEgLVtn ol 8E= xl5
e z-16l.10.l O
o4 r*.

g=ol 0l+cl^l=^l 0loFTldt| E.^119. (2) 7l: €Hl ''^l:4lnel 4l*
zJ"J 4 zJole.
4:B44E3lr.E 4l*

. Etl6ltrl / q*4q (3)

,a: rll qu}g?
. +ql^l€ 6tr+ 4::H,x+gdlge4*
.cg dtg 614
. qltslg -Elr+
. 4lg€49 zl4
n (E7l)ef eol oloFTl6tl H^lle.

ttolfolrE_ orEh LtElLlEl

Eg Hl$ percentage

€s fl€ol golxln glb a-9-E +4*q. E$€ birth-rate

-Ae{6lrl to consider
$,l'ftrf worker
o +41^l ul€ol dzl5l 9l+, '}{'ttrl ult?}l#
o 4g ziC9 ul€ol f;zl frzlt;ln 9l+, LtEl't+ suitable person to get

o =41€ol {zi {o}zlr 9l+, +4++

,t:li o ol-a. Elgol 4l= 2q7J a-i6ln gl+, Eq++
o H]]+^l-= dqg ull zl^J +,q6l4l rrj6F= dg
d4ol4, srl+rl
o dEzl 6.^l^17l ull${zJo E oJ7l7l ++, Erl+r}

El (H7l)el-eol oloFT16ll E^llg-

q€q €i. Eg tt, 2e.u,1t,'J€el oct E+ tt, 3l.e^11

7 l.Sl{ttl older generation
qcE €# aE g€e 2e.6^ll?l rll ul;ll Hcq
€# €g €€e 31.e^lloJ asE +ElR4.

O €"IAg, 72To, €oll39-, 2gro

o b= "lcg €+ ag s€, 26.3^ll,

E^l €t ag
gB, 31.2^]l

o 1oH d €# €g ul*, 4,sooEJ g,

4'JE €+ ag ulg, 19 sA"J fl
G) 35^ll ol^Jg 54lzl ul$, 2004L341Y 7qo,

200eH9lE 137,

@ oJfqlol dAa15 Ag4t}, sg,

€xlls ag^lg E+ol 6l= tla, g+ ql^ltl
@ zlCrll4, *zlzl dql.Jg d-d 6l^l *=4,
dg ^llql. H.xlr d?l'Jq] 4+4ee alol-Jtl
+=3 -d+71€E+47l- E=oll 7l+61= 20-50tH
rH-d sl^l=
'Jr_i z.OooB= rHAie.e
goll^1 HHE Etr= tlE=^&-d

daa13 gqlAe 64l€g s+
as €ql 1}+ s+

304 aHl-+HI 204 +Hl-+Hl

26 -r
-=i: 6
zlslzl 9H
qcE 4t 6lb 4ol €€.
ali {ol $$

olgql ql'* Exllzl qzl zffa|$ alxl

t5-ttE 6l
.{ld'--l o-Lg ololoL
15 E


rlgg tH-d ilalgLltl. €El o;.a11ol LHEoI *eE O, x0ll

Listen to the people talk about marriage. Listen carefully and mark the following staiement
as either O cr X"

qlql duls+ agg +4. tdx
2) rll.J
g 4014.
41=6lE a+5ol c-g 7l^lr.
EX zJ4a1r1
to be modest and simple

3) zlgol9 qq} +^l7l €g4 +;jl=
E 4o14. trtr to b€ noisy and crowded
9IfH respected teacher
,\lfEH parents-in-law
^l€ol= As + ^l+Ee+ +41
g aolq UX

tl33 EoHel 'JEOll tH-d el^"| 6,,\f € EI olrHol LHEoI "JeE O,

x oll E^l6f^1|9.
Lislen to the results o{ opinions on dating and marriage. Listen carefuliy and mark lhe following
sletements as either C or X.

t) ol a.r15 30ql Tlgzl= ql^J-q-E

d^tqflq. NX 7.|+6l"tl to reside

2) agol q g.q6lqr *El* rl*ol

50EE Hzl ?*b4.
NX 9Il
Ejoftf to reach
'il+ ^J4e 5H dql
nEl lxlLl to cease
TlgJf majority
4) €4€g dcszl5ul {oll ulaN uliltf to reach

HXI ?lAl perception
=zll to be interesting
5) ae dB q^F= F6J asql
+44 ^l4g z|4l ;Pgol

*tt. NX =[lEtl
€€ €e ali.l
Wedding Consultati0n
{!FE preference

Ff1 as many/much as
7flHJT{ open-minded
A Speaking-"Jal7l

rH-d 84= oloFT16l| H^lle.

Discuss your opinion on dating and marriage.

. asql ql+ ^849 E9EIE qH aEg sEL6Jzl d46ll -H-^lls.

Think about what qr,lestions need to be included a$king about npinion of the marriage.

o a+e+ 617ll olotTl6ll !-^lle_. ol4E €+ elq 4 El dg aol gleB +71

Discuss with your classmates" lf you have more question$, add them.

r)+EflaeolLl Ag 4B sl^|= F+ Aeq ql6ll q€rll ^J46Jlrt?

2) €-sg ql ++= +qlE -E.^lr 4+.lt4? r ol+= *99qzl?

3) ae qlEe +99-E 611 4+q 4? t ol+= Ftgtlzt?

4) aeg +EHolq ++l rt*ol Hlql= +rlE q€41 t;l4i#lt\?

oJxl6llot *qr
5) a€.r+ €"lzt HIE^I ^n?+6J14vl?
6) Ell+^le+9 4ol zli $ulzl 4$dlr+il Eltt? r ol+: +!"Jlt:t?

7) z4o E z|1t i-galqr ^d46}= ae +E'J ltt?

8) q *lEe "1tr zl49 +4r 4€-lt4? r ol+b +E"J ltl?

. rl+E ololzlg 5g +ql agq 4aJ r84ol Hlfl 4o1 g|_g-H ololzlaN -H-^Jls.
Discuss your thought aboui marriage after listening friend's presentations.

g qalE Llelol
E#Oll rH6t| 0l0F7l6H E^ile.
Talk about your country's marriage customs with your friends.

o zlzl q+E .JHl4.J Ag^lol qH €xiE +l{!bzl $4fl -H-^lls.

Think about your country's wedding ceremony procedure.

. cF4"J Ag4ol 9lr+E q€ €zls qB4l ll"Jq=^l c?-1611 !-^lls. 7].b6l+H

^lE has a triditional
lf your country =Hl6llwedding, organize the traditional wedding procedure. Prepare any pictures if possible.

o Elq E+= 7l4l 6J v7lu|q 4 +9 'JEl4ql As^lri dF4"J

as4ql qldl olotTl6ll B^lle.
Get into groups from different cultures. lntroduce your country's wedding ceremony and traditional wedding,
and talk about it.
ffi Reading_9'lzl
tr The
+ge -d=el cE €E6t= g El-r tr=oil 'J6f^lte.
following passage =gLlrl.
explains Korean traditional wedding cerernony. Read it carefully
and answer the questions.

r :zHg trr dF sqlzl qqql^J qE €^le 4l6Jqfl9zl ++"ll -H;lls.

Take a look at the pictures. Try to predict where and how the tradltional wedding was carried out.

. 6JqE dF sel= €B6l= qts 4*ol 4q ilgxl q=61 _H^lls.

Try to predict what conients are included in explaining of the Korean traditional wedding ceremony.

. EHI-q +Ee g.l

" H^J qtl-J 4+r+ ++71q?l6ll _H-^lle.
Read it quickly and see if your prediction was correct.

dE Eell= t!+el Aql^l ^laltEf. "Jg Elr tl+el de-+ 7l-btll
olttll, EtTlolHlTl tlgol {J+oll1l ^lge
qlEol ?l= -BtE r +l= ttl
aJq. ^l+Erl$ = =cl ^lr
Eall= ilalfi=rll, E?]01 q^|.6del e.l^.lol0l^l rrjeE= rlqoil d+
^lEoll =01
7l -Jel T|EE -d,A1J.7l= 71fl=il7l rr]|EolEl. u+ doil E4r-d {lgP u+ olrlLloil
xl {!Bg sd6l= Ll+ 7lt17l -d rlalE d-dtl. r + d+71 aelltso.e LleE caJ
{!+= =all8E Fr El+ Eall= ^l=tl. Eell= Erl €=61 -dtl=
^l0l0ll ^1
e.lEloll^l +E l!= +^le+El dal {.1+ "Jtr, Etr Lli! E+qte-+ + rl^l
59 +,'.ltr TlgEJtl.
-r. Tl -st6l7l
EallTl.ELiE Ug tl+b t!+ Eoll^l 6|E'JE EL.! + deJ tretr 71, UBol +E.
'_Jrlg7lri4oll7.ll ++7t Elggg gal= ?],\E -Eal=Ell 0l= trilqOlelr. -drl.
ElEololl,\l '87l.7ftl'el '^ld7fq'alts g0l '=e6|.+'ol elrle &01=tjl, -dqol d
E EaE gE e|l rfl
slEl= ,*ts^l g aolq. daJol 8?.1 SEq doll 7l-b =d
=all 7lb g+l7lsaF eE trxl=sl dlLlolTl ttl|Eoltf. t
?lLl d+71
o rt^l + H 9lr ol4E 4Eql qlB-6r^Jle
Read it again and answer the questions.

1) dF s3il: qq^J zl4d(€'ltt?

2) +llolEl= +99 6l: ^l*.J 14?

3) dF gqlb qL ^l+q zlBlf9.q, f ^l+ql

xl+lzl} ol+: +EoJ 4zl?

4) dF geilql 4ol= ^l]: +Egltt?:elr:

9ulL +E"J ltt?

5) dF s?ilqld s+Eg qg4l ^l+qq, q€

9 "l fl.-lzl?

6) qlqe *t"J.lzi?

o olallt rll+g ulB"e. q^l rHg -BH^l dF geilE

€^l€ €€6ll -H-^lls.
Sased on your understanding, look at the picture and explain the procedure of
Korean traditional wedding ceremony.
n +ge -d=ol 2008LJel ,J= E71l €861ts u H.^ile
^feglltf. ^lE=
The foliowing is the 2008 statieal <jata on marriage. Wrile a cornpositicn about explaining the data. ==

a rgg EI r1l+g €i7t

a9 zJ+ 23trJ 7J, tLJHrl 23,OOOZ 'JA. rllg 'J+ 75,OOOZ, 7,OOO7J +71 .

o 2OEH oldl goJ #4., 3oEl{ ol/$ E-oJ €i7l

LJ^lel zJ$ 25-29^11 goJol 7tT ?J o Ll z;nrll . olrlol 73+E l OLJ tq:
2O-24x11EoJol tjgto t-t 2OOSLJq: 25-29t11SoJol ,l'tt "J+.
LJLI s+ 3o^ll ol^J goJol +7t6la 9l+.

t flt t6t 484 5'J e*el ++6J +7t

'JIl oJ^J'J+g
01^f oJN, tJgg 8.4% 11.9o/.

+'J',lgg 9.8% 14.7"/o

r HxJ z,l6JqEE .ll+g rlE6l^lle. r;l-'l qg4l E€g^l ^J46ll -H-^lls.

Fir3t, take a lock at the eontents in each eategory, anc then think aboui how 10 express ii.

. 4 6-J+E ,]l€€ Etlstr JLd4 _H_^lls. olull ^l7lE, 4+8tr Hq+ ;(lolTi
+ E+lB + glE+'-ql Hl6ll, -L HlE, -(s)E +Elr+tr}'F9oiF.E.dg,r.|s-a|.!le
Llr.ii-lll tc show
Write sentences to express each categcries" Use the expressions such as -*ll Hl6l]. -. -{c)g
changes and difierences in the time and the content.

| 6'J+oJg 4E +4l{q€qr ^Jr+'J i il#14? +19

E+ sgg +
9t= tll+eE EoJ E+g +716ll ECsl^lle.
What do you think about trends in Korean marriage? Add an inttocluctcry paragraph ineluding all of the inforrnation
above and complete a comPosition.

e=q q-d 84= 0l0F7lgr + "JaLlal? ExCellent o--r..*---r p66;

Are you able to express your thoushts on marriage?

E+oil rt|6ll €E-g + 9t*Llzl? EXCellent a;l....r+r p96;

Are you able to explain matital customs to others?

e= aJd 4^l L}lE= ?-43J40+ EE-d EE 9l-z €+ ?iaqzl.? €xCellent ra.....r.....a* Pggr
Are you able to read ancl write the passage about survey on marriage?
E -rle
-ol/q/o19, but
r -zlg is has a similar function to a declarative sentence-final ending
it has more of an explanatory effect. Also -xl9 is more often used in
fact with an
position than in conversation-initiative position to describe a certain
explanatory effect.

€xl4g h++ 6lq}4 +llQEfll^= "Ja dq5l^le.

(1) 7l: dF s?ilg As^lg Pz| a|3r11 9€zl,q?
4: dF gsiltr alH otf €xle.
(D 7l:
ae4 ^lq= ++ql4l "JzlH +gzl E--=4lql,e-.
4: ae4 ^lsl= +E ^l7l g -H-^le. =s ,^lql4l

(3) 7l: 4+El7l atl **bQl hzl n! +*ql.

4: +71 aAilqs? zllz| l-flzle.
(4) 7l: zJzl ull$"ll rflzl qol 4l+ olule.
4: ?zlqlE Hl4trJol 3lr.^19. trl*'* qlExl-= E/.1 !-^lle.
(5) 71. 4l+E= ol"Jtrll zls- s*3vle?
+a]]*ol +Ag 7.lqls

A -= qtqt

r -:. rlloll indicates -b gql, -= a+ql. -oll is often deleted and -L 9l is often used

g.J 4la= 6l: ql g,q+ zll +lqls?

(1) zt: ++4,A+=Hl=4"ld"le?
4: otqs, ag6l= qlql =ul6llo} g aol q+ *ol,q-.
(D 7l: "l$4l ol^|= *tt
4: ol,r.|ali eol *:ol Eq4 Edr ol,tl€ 5l^119.
(3) zl: z]$E€ o146l= rll Eol 9"t4 Eqe?
4: q€ qqg 6lL+ql q4 g4s.
(4) 7l: uf!-olL "Jtl€ 1l'119.
4: rll,
g -(e)tr
a -( o
)g is attached to a noun indicating outcomes after a change. It is often used with
Ll4+trt, Eq+4, -Bol4.

ag zlzlol €# 4 g cE"J aeE Ll4*tr}.

(1) zl : as S€ ol 4l+ tsol^ln 9lqle.
t-1: "Jol"lle. 10tr dql Hl6ll €+ 4.3^ll7l +otd aetr +4*ql,q
Q) 7l: 4rl 44zl q€4 qsqls?

4: ,f}+ EE+ql 4'J -c+:a7l d+q qL+ c+lEq €6J-g "l^l= aeE
(3) 7l: 4+ r^l7l +^l g# r+41 gol alr 9l4H^Js?
4: Hl, s-*5"J Hg4 +^l-= aN $ {etr Erl4 *g ^l.+5ol
(4) 7l: €&991 4'* zlrl€ Rq.q?







# #


\e;*; e @r #-"'.e'o# "€F-#-* *ff*t *,,r,%ffi #we *** g'ff;. * * *@
Il 11zf 4g
Enjoying PerfOrmances

You witl be able to describe distinct features of pedormances and give

peformance review.

Topic Enjoying Performances

Function Explaining performance types and features,
Giving a performance review and evaluating
Activity Listening : Listen to a conversation on different
preferences for performances,
Listen to a culture and entertainment news
Speaking: Talk about your favorite movie,
Make a presentation about a performance
Reading : Read a performance review
Writing : Write a performance review
\,lbcabulary Well-received perform ance, Badly received performance
Grammar -ovovq gEl, gull-l -trJal, _Lt rlLl
Pronunciation Change of code c {e [r, u]
Culture How do busy Korean people entertain themselves
;tii,l{'' ..liliiliiiFr,
-r't. .i;::ijriii::i:ii.

Ilh 1zl EE AE Enjoying Performances

t. dt l= oltlgL?il? 0l /.l-aJ== +1= 6lr ?l=zle?


2. qalE3 8Eg Hle? qalEol AE= dEjdl= 7l== +lqlg?


.:.:..,;..t:.., :l::,it:-:;:.:t ?:1:::i
, :: r ::::! :..::,: t,::a:.r'i'.
. .,::. :i:., .. ..', ;.':. ::.L.: .i. :
: :
:...;':;,,,:;; :,..., :,',,: ;,.,i
;,,,t' ,,1,..:,
, r rr. t ;. ;ii::i .:ai, .::;t :::t:. :j.;t. :. :.j :;1,
T!#: xllrJ , ol'-+ 5q 4. ol *9 dat €4.
IlLl : geq zl €41.7ls= olH 4 ar, €E+ €-qloloF? El8 spot
c# : otr-l , +zl a ql +e *elol ot. ol g 7ll E €xl "J ++6ltf to be innocent

+qlql^l trl= a"J €rj-tq. =q

# =7lel

IlLl: €tlql,<1 gf-qH :*4lHl. zflEl qH q+"Jql? to be influenced by nostalgia

C#: &* e'J4 E^lql^i g AqE ++"J ,r.l-rut oJolzlo|. OlTlxlTl;lLl to be cute
Ollnl+c anecdote
+stg +eql €A4Y +. B+ "l.4 zlFB \rJ+ql?
Ilz-{ audienee
Tl#: otulot. ^l+g Eol $.Hol. rflI qfl .J+€ T|$dltl to record
gBl.Jea I]Jd olTl^lzlfl ollulr=zl **ql +'9
4gs g"l4 +9tqr.
rllLl : of olzl= Hq s#g 1ErJ:Ll.
=ll ol,l4,Jzt.
Tl#: Sr*3 Aszl +r-4=9 Hl+ol +ol^j q
pall dE
"ldg zl+6ll sr 9l=4.

7l xf r e_59 €sl €EzF ol# H9 s_r.ll'qL g, s+'
ql ql6l ololzl$ +rl Btt+q+. qgrll /.11[el preview
u-Rt'lnl? "!r-lrt to shine
!$a;cp 1n be obvious
EET|:tsl]+EE q+b fl7l|71u+4+g€q H+n+ E7l aeting
z,;lle? 5q otE tsl]+5E bE €rlzl-9ol-4 d?ol a#ol Lfrl
to actually feel or
4'Jxl C oJ €zlxl *zl ?+*+q +. , expenience
7l ')4
ql, 94ol= 4471go1 5flzle.
4zlz-lzloll.! z-44 audience seat
^l: ElzlE €E0ltl to sniffle
tlfle {QdfrJzl? uJfl reverse
E=71:B4l E5g +a6l^l4lzl"J olilsol + 9l-f. intgntion
q€'gzi Hldol 9l4lzl'ela ^J4*g €lqs.
"++q+. HJgSttt to r:eflect

+r-l$E qltlg HqHzl *+ €olt A"Jol

olq9+ d+qq.
7l reTll €olt {^Jg Bq += aol e}qE qE+n
C46lzl= ?*ed,Jzl?
E=71: 341e. gclb gl^Jg ei€,*4xlrl €slzl .J^Jg
r4E Hq ol+E +tlg *+l ?*4lzle.
'ol+= ag Httr olfl 4!
. -d-

4E xltiql '9e21'ol4= *€9 =4fl9 dE +9trl. EfltT I percussion

:flrll +gg 4qlzl€ ol+6J ulfl9*olol,tJ

:1 5.L pE ulflol+
nonverbal performance
dxl ?*9t4. 9l+6iH '+. +^dol ;lujalr. Hll+=E flzJzl +d0lil"J6ftl
Hqq^.1 +rlg "l*9.<].e*g + 9t=,rfl g+g €olal
to have a detailed script
zl ullEol4. ^le$rl
to capture one's heart

qE +q^J qr4"Jol &47]| 4E0lEtl

rBol E-+ A^la-
^l+91 to get goose bumps
g trl]:'q^l'dl= zlteol rc^l"J rfl ^J4g s esolle^/.lolrl-
=Hrt. to be thrilled at
4 zlxl *9ttl. +gol 4l6JqH^J e+q a+ol Ezl ^l4L9U FlEEtl to shake
n += ge +€B + s.= ++q1 e/Al9ri. a|4zi qq g tr€oll tlrl=rl
to reach a clirnax
4: Erl=, Ell+$el Za +^El, +€tlg +leg: +r-4= H+^ln golLltl

E +^J. rlel deie 4d Fol g*4. to stand out {out of

€Cql q+*g +H, Ll= q!^1] xlfl= qlziil gq+ + -E-9.
E- l*l

rflql +g "JA ill itl= ^lq goldtr 9l9r+. ol{ol u} to commit oneself to
B'+'ols.4. to be enthusiastic about

ffiry u|$ ffiql5ol $ffi %LE

How do busy Knrean people entertain then'lselves

o d*oJ9 €€+ 2,316^lrJe-e 4lzl 19"Jq4. ol*4 dlg;J+"JEe q€r]l +6|= 3z3zls?
=tr ^l+g
The average Korean works 2,3 6 hours per year, ll"re longest
1 workinE hours in the world. Then how do they enjoy ihemselves
in spare time? nead caref*!ly and understand the lollowing passage.

r 4€€ 6J=9lEol +!+E *Hel q"JqEl. e glrl Lll€€ ol6llEl tr^Jls.

The fotlowing is the examples of how Kcteans enjoyed the cullure. Read it careJully and under$lanC il.

Many Koreans don't have enough time to entertain but there are some
ways about going about it. Some working individuals use their lunch
time to go watch a performance while others go watch a movie after
work with their friends. After sending off their husbands and children,
many housewives use the morning time to visit the local community
center to watch a performance. Then, there are college students who plan
gatherings for a concert or the movies instead of at a bar or a restaurant.
Busy commuters can even enjoy various exhibits and performances on the
subwiry. Finding time for entertainment in the midst of their busy lives-it
is a reflection of the Korean culture.

o qq+ +4ql^J uSgg ololzlaN !-rl]e.

-i-aik ^l*E"l Es+E =71:
abcut what other ways people your co'iiry e"ieria:i
(H7l)ef e0l EA6lr, AEql +dH 0l0F7l6t|

/ ^ttl, 61 E.t
goJf nrp nop
qE g"+g +ol"ll? -i.nlrl sorns6Y

* €.ql-ol;lE 4 +gql 561 4-€ 5"1.

Ll=L.l ( =4
+ tlsq t$Hol 4 €ol.

o +q / 6JEL. zl+ Er+

& g+ I i_ulq, Hq
@ +g l+^)?, €ol;t4
& d^lsl I ^14.4.. +016l= €ol4

(E7l)el.e0l E+51r, rH6H oloFTld|J

H^Jle. =01-51ts =Eoll

gsl / +s gslE 31 lltrt,

q+q ts tslE ltt rff,: ^-lnFl ^ludll^ltrt
zl : qE gc+€ +ol6lJ,e-?
+ : +s gs+€ E,q. .J€|ql f,a $ffi s13
zlS \tl\ =4gafixl z-l$ e_.

& gql / d^ +Eg Etrl, +^+g Etri trE

zl+ol xJ€E +otzl4
& gal I f_ulq €q+€ zl+ Htrl, ccsol *tr}BE
,.-eell:-z| q €4+
& +€ / +01614, €otalb ,l+= 44
-H--lr. r.4= tr14 6lE 7l+ol B gillrl

@ d^lsl I 44 d^l4ql 4A44,

^il-e+ ^ll4l€ "J+:
(H7l)ef eol E#6|l, €0f61ts Eq?lolLl 8E0ll
tH6ll oloFTl6tl H^119.

r|+ / xgfl, . /
^FJet EEtrJottrt
tLqol 1* +l.tE + *a19 Hl-rl
^lltg 'Jtrt ELI
to be well received
zl: SEal +ot6l+ zlizl llq? 4rE€01 +lolLlrt
4: HE .Jxl? zJ €flo]4r". 4 r ^iEr-g the work to be highly
ge$olol. +dol^l"J6ltl
zl: tfl, +E .Jzl. sirJol dg ql:ele q to have a detailed script
?dol H=l6ttt
*ol *d:ol. to have a good script
,Jg#01 LJ^lrl
to be full of tension
O €s+ul* I *zlfl, r ^l+E €€Sol4 / b€g+stl
9qt €zl4 "s 4+E edg +tr} to be unable to take eyes
off of

Q zli / olal4, r ^lE+g 9€Sol4 / ullqg S46tll4al6Fl

to play one's part well
^}"*g *+
,l+4ol +lq flq+^J fl7lalol+lolLltrl
o Bg= I Aie, -r ^lg.9 9€Sol4 / to have excellent acting
EI]ES SE6l4l isloJrl.b €zl-F B4 7l8e10l+{olLltl
= to have a powerful voice
o €+ / +gq J.E4, :141+g ^d"J €otat4 / 64+0lErl
ol+rl+ ololzle] *+6J iC-9--e .Jzl5 914 to be appealing
fl7loll H=+
0 Fzl4 I ++^-Eel, :141+g C"J €otat4 / to ring in one's ears

+'iE +94?l s*oe s4F'J +€g 4l+dltrl rL //\l=-9.9rlrl

zlEl EE=
to touch one's heart
o €slullg I ^l+4, I ^l*E €€sol4 / €€:#ol H^lrl
eEF?l'll+E 'Jzl€ + +ql *q to be full of life
+lr4g El€E /.le&r+
to capture audience's heart

to be thrilled at
to get goose burnps all over
the body
€Eol #dolElrl
to have shivers throughout
E (H7l)sl eol oloFT16ll H^lle.

o|+q€ + fl: olot'rl

^Ft ol+01€ + s.rl
zl:o14, zl4 ol^J"Jql,'J qerll *q? to be unable to be
HSlIl criminal
4: ol*ol€ + S: rl-=] ololzJr+: Zl 4 Azlt'l dll mental
\zl olt)oYt rg6ftf
r4E ull+=g €zl4s Hq+i1+CE l0 reportlto charge
someone with someihing
++6lHql. =-+dltl to overcome

to achieve a goal for marriage
O qL+ ^l€g al^J6l= ololzl
0 H=lzt9 dr-l= €: +-gE
g rg6l= ge+
^lq EzllE
@ alFzl.J zl4ol]E:1fl -4EF
@ qEJ+g ++6ir ^Jt6J ololzl
O a+^l*g al4zi 4+ agql ololzl

E (H7l)el"eol oloFTldH H^lle.

I T?l't
++olTtol EJ
ilflgol ffil^lrf
ol +g aE4e €4izl *ol,q? lo laugh oneself to death
(lit. io lall out a belly
ql. g*ol Adol € A A*q,q. C"J s++ql botton)

B= s*g +€olqls.

(} +4ql^J bg E + Hfltl
I zlB E+= il^l ?+g + HH4
@ B= 44 ull#ol n+e dEE **tt
@ "lzl"-l tlflql^J= e+ql r$ol Egttt
I ot4s Beqzl4zl9l "JEtl
@ ole4l gE6lrll Hl]E$ HH+= E 4ol 914
E (H7l)el eol oloFTld[l H^lle.

*ojsl/ t+,+€, sLfEl

++ *Eslzi olellef =.r{9 E"l
to be badly received
rel4ls. €+E g"J, +^JE gtrJ. zl+6ll^i Il+6ftl to be bored

e*qs. g'J6ftl" to be frustrating

zluzlE €tr}^lvl }{q,q. ^l86ltrt

to find something not
dl-E"+ollE Llgtl
$ =^'lE / Lql, +, rj.? t+^J g+r+ to do nothing but yawn
@ +^14 I fl+.:-4, Ezl #q^J 4++q 8Lfl E?l7t7l
The hall was unsettled

@ €+ / #4, €zl, ElElql^J g'14 E-d

facility/ lightening is
@ gsl / +d, 4+,
d-++ql ?l +stl awful
t= 0l6l0ltf
sglzl , 4l+ Ll^j g4+
@ +qr-q / +6J
^l€, +ga The play is below average

@ d^lq I 4+ ulzl, a$, E olzigl^j gq+ q--Jo I Hl|+oilZl clEalr | ?Jri

the role and the
actor/actress to be mismatch
(17171) 14= 9l= 4?JLl
(acting) to be horrible (lit.
seems to read a book)
+tr-!e.l clEg'J6ttrl
E (H7l)el eol oloFTl6tl H^lle.
to be disregarded by

$$ ec1, rllEl?lEf / TF4oE ^llol?lEf

z|: q.rl ol gE *q,q? {}a}
rJ : olzlE ?] *qe? 9oi4 ,J*4 olrr
xNulllflxl d F Holr+ Rq.q. +^l^l "Jr +

$ +S, €s+ l€Y;: AF4olr+ @@

a +^14, +Ll I p+EJ6lr €z.l4zl t*4 d{!a|tl
to be original
to be unpredictable
& d^14, S*4 / +4l6li14l+^dol Hq+q 7lgoltrl to be brilliant

@ €pl, xll"lgl+ / ,J+ olr d+g grlq

@ s+, *rl+ / gF6lj1 Tlg6lrl
& *€, oJzlrl g+ I +4ol xluj6|J. zllulgl4
tr (H7l)ef eol oloFTl-H E^ll-e.

$sl, rilol11c17 OIOIE

at{l+ Tsol oJEfl.h lrtrf, xt+tttrt idol(usu, refers to the
popular and yaung sing€$)
zl: €s| xllolglg ,J A*ql !-el zlxl ?+94,q?
E=6ltl to produce
4: -LA 6lT1+ z}gol ql$Hzls? HLI "l+ EilE incurable disease
zl+* Alqvl;l=A ts+e. ola!-4 zJzll


o =^JE, xllulgl4 / ololE rEg fl{Eolr}, -H-r+, Change of ccide c6 [r, u]

e-s} u4"J Ltgtt olaB4 xlril +4,qs
@ g+, g El6lr+ / [0ta$+] [+fllr4e]
olor4 alzi tr=* 4,o14, Hrl, ^l^J6lrt When the coda consonant L is

g €El, ,JEAolLl I followed by the labial sounds

s, s,..L
ispronouncedbl Iu].
ExlBq Afl ol+91+ ololzlolr+, 84, U6l+ ffthe coda consonant is followed
by the velarsounds.-r, r,
@ d^lq, s*4 / is pronounced by [ -r ].
=, i1

,J+ +4lol4, zl _H_4, -f+-r, r+q > E*611 !el1ls.
o gqr-cl, s#4 / (t) zl:ol s5]4g"Eta
+sol4, 84, €El7l"J 614 .El4 *a4H^ls?
=4^.1 4:oi4 **ole?
o +€, S#rl / ql€ €plol4, !-4, ol6llE *6}4 (z)zy: o1**qs_? qllca?
(3) 7l:gHJfE+016l+
4: xlLgEqAd+
, +o|6,llg.i
zl:24, sts
gAE+ Bs=zle?
(-H7l 1)0ll-l (H7l 2)el e0l E#6|-2, 4;q1 E 3E0ll
r]l6H oloFT[6t| HlE.
qlqfitrJ eopl^llsltlEl
tist, tEot $4rt gc1
zl: olzl C4lBEl Sdi+. t girl _H-= 4ql bEol
H+A ?*ri4.
4: "*ol, *ot. 4s g"i4 bEol Lt'J^l +
zl: -.lloldH €.Jol 4lq6l: r tlH, C"J
4: 14. r tlH, 4"J H= ^l*9 d+g
gelr'1{. * B^l +"J+E {^Pt otzlE
flzt"ll "JEot.

f4rt g;c1 qlqfitrJ coplrilsFlEl

?lst, tE-ot
zl: o14 ^j4Htrt SAq. * gpl 5.= L]lLll b5ol
H+4 *q4
+: 4'(1? r+: gTlE EEolr. +cE guJ-ole|.rj
Eol ol?Hql.
zl: -.llqdH €"Jol AlrJ+Aol^l
4: q+ U6l#ol. :1il-lr +6J
rl=J ololzlb
rl€s €€Hflq.

O €p+, Ell+ol uu|{ {E_tr. {rl,

g+6ll. 7lg6J zJgol "*4
o +9, g+ql dgol y4zl4, ^JFrJol H^lrt
o sql4, +qlql^J bg g + s,4,
7l+qol HqLl{
O Listening-E7l-

E +33 8g0ll rll-Lr tHEfgLltl. € Er trEoll 'J6f^ile.

Listen to the people talk aboul the performance. Listen carefully and answer the questions.

1)F^lElgqE+€g9rilt4? @@
2) ol +€q ql+ €B-q-E "*zl *: ag a=,rlle.

o ol +flql= +r-4ol +qg + 9lrl.

O Bxt= ol +€ql^J A# Bzl *9R4.
0 ol +€e 7l+E
t$t+= ^lECol 914.
O {z}b ol +gq "ll€ol P4a}4r ^d4'J4.
l) ultrol +€q 4f, 9zl9 ^J4e {€f.lzl?

A Ealzl +^lgLltl. E Er trEoll -J6f^lle

Listen to the culture and entertainment news. Listen it carefully and answer the questions.

1) zlzlzl azllalr. +€e qH tlsgltl? O@

os+ o €+El
o gEl o d^lEl
2) ol49 rll+ol *-9-H o, x 9l s^l6l^ll 9.
(1) '+ Bxl'* lH 4'il +682+olS.+. tr X
(2) 'rlolq r'-E'= dq€ ulB.o s
n a
(3) 'rlolq,^E'= 6lle.lql^-l +gqq
sl4l= E9t4. n tr
(4) +"J+ +€g +.16ll e.l+_e_E
7JEl. u tr
A $peakins-sofzl
qelEol TlE g610ll rflafl 0l0F7l6H H^119.
Talk about your {avorite rnovie.

o +016l= gp+ql rfloll EeqH qH €Eg EoJgxl ^d46ll -H-^lls.

Think about what questions could be included in order to ask about the {avorite rnovie.

ql) 61-9, a44. +'J+ F

t A+e+a;41 oJolzl6lJ !.^lle. ol49 eEEq tJ Erdgaol gleHTzlal.,t.lle

Discuss with your c,essmates. li you have rnore questions, add them"

1) €El-E zll$$ +X'J14? qtr tr-s'J14?

2) €slE€rl4+ 9€+}!zl?
3) HH+= h+olr r .rigrol "Jg Ege- +q"J 4zl?
=gql qi6J
4) r'gslql
"lel+E €zl, 4E ^iElE €zlb 4$#lzl?
s) zl* oJtl4olflH tlEg Fq.J,Jzl? 9l :BZl tgzlqlztll

. rl+E ololzf s +ql tsr dqd €oizl gleE ololzl6ll B^Jl,q-.

Discuss about which movies you want to watch alter lisiening friends'favorite movie.

E aEql qEl #at='J*4 H^lts.

Make a presentation about ihe irnpression of your favorite oultural performance to the class.

. +gql 4ql eltlg *_*a1e1g qH 4+9 Esrallop .*,le? 4+ 6}qql 46ll

c46l] _H_^Jls.
What contents will be included to pre{ient your impression of a cullural performance. Think about the list.

99 4+g A46lq q4EE aL^Jg B+a1 -H-^lls.

preseniation your
Organize the above information, and make a on impressicr.

a+E tss= 5e +ql +dol ^Ja +€q 46l] oloFTl6I B^ile.

Discuss about which cultural performances you may be interested after listening friends's presentation,
ffi Readins-B{7|

tr +=e F^l= #il +7lgLltl. E 9]z tr=oll =J6f^ils.

The folk:wing is a nrusical review. Read it earelully and answer the questions.

. 4+g Hr +€ zll+4 +€ tF^= 4-olH^ll.q-.

Look at the musical review and iind out title of the musical and name oJ the conced hall.

o +*Fzl9l: 9€ 4*ol 4q 9lg^l ql+6ll -H-^,lls.

Try to predict what contenl$ are included in a per{ormance i'eview.

HBIE +E_tr gl-qH^J q^J+ 4+r+,J+^l q.J6ll -H-^.lls

Read it quickly and see if ycur preCiciicn was correct.

http rl/www.dt Eundu gun, co. kg

0l^ll +^lZ 'F=+='g H-r. eJqg. :zl-E E! g^El0ll

'F=F='='^l=71^l€ gdol"J aHHfalTl eJ
?AEH7I 30tH7l ElolIlE gdol= Zl+ e0l-'Jzfaf=
trE-g.e '€+Fdol gdolsl 304 Ea8 ol
= ^l4rE-{o19.
,gzl" '^tg&gt6l.E r8 dg'J3 e=6W=7t1,
=4 ^|E=
'?l7lLl e6|.Lt, Lat| 6lLfe q+8E9 Dl€E Efitrl Af'Jo1,
+tl8ol €^l= C 6t-r.?,t=zl-', '-t^-lL1 6l^Hlel 'Jgd8'J
3 ol"IlE rl=oJ7ll' olal 7|flr +ifl-et dAtol ?al$q +q
6lLl6lLl ttlL|EAl "JEgol9.
= g0ll Hlfl_r. 9l= 5d= r4z fl
^lTl ^l8oJolLl30rH= zizJLl= 8401
EHTlol Z=olLt++7|--ct4l HE Et
=g =
flol_s.^^ gTlxl-J Bt8 EtZl 91710il 4=6tlC It=J=
0l EtlE €"J 7l*01 8-d ,JE€ L-4 + ?t= zqe.
EE 'J qalE, q= + fi= -"J=-d +q "J=ol +^l^l €
'zJ^t-Br-Lltt. He 8EE dgaloll
+ olcl 7l^l7l= Hl=Jzls.
6l^Elal .Jg d8'J, Eoll
. trl^l 4Eql B'61^lle-.
Read it again and answer the questions.

1)+€9 4+g €E+ +Er+ ?tol +4* +eg


z) r1-o-' ol
+€ql ?lE-Eg €EoJ s€
Eq4. ++= s€6l.= 4qlxl 4!-olH.tlle.

;pUol-6pUol- ilrtLl

fctail" t liTtl ur

3) ol
ol *99 HH +|tqr ^84'J ^l*€
!-F L=^]19.
O fl4 7l= 4a 9l= ++
o 3oql7l q: 4ol Fqe qc
o g+ sEql^ql ^lg?-l= zlt}.J
@ ql^J=g ;l$ zle
^l: i^d d^JH
@ writing_IA7l

n EE zJaJ
+71= ril H^Jl-e.
Wrile a composition about a perfnrmance review.

r ujalzl Aq^J ololzlal 4s ulgg_tr rles- ullE6l^.1J9

Based on Speaking activity pl, take notes the below questionnaires.

-" L laFfia I -^Lol.

o -l L 'o U.

9lE 4+g A46H^J *1'l gzl$ /ij H^Jl,9

Organize the iniormation above and write a review.

4= +l+54 Ht+J 9lq tr^ile. qH

+gq zl E_a_ 4#44? r ol+=
Flqlxl of olzJafl _H_^Jls.
Exchange your review with classmates and read. which performance
do you want to attend, and why?

. 8EE 0l6flo=|r. oloFTlEr + ?l+Llzl?

=FLl =dg
Are you able to understand and explain performance
types and features? ExCellent .-....-..-.-+-... pOOr

o $flOll !fl-Lf #Atg 0l0t7l-st + o")ALlnl?

Are you able to talk about impression of the performance? Excellent **-o--r...< poor

o EE Er=J +71= glz 5+ ?t+Llzl?

Are you able to read and write a performance review? Excellent r-..r-*r-...r poor
n -oyq/fr -e+
I -ol/{/q gq is attached to a verb indicating that a certain behavior has been
continued for a long time until now.

ol +€g 4zl s*Fql zl44 g +gol4.

r It takes three forms according to the verb stem.
a. If the stem ends in ]. , -.,-, with -ol 94 is combined'
b. If the stem ends in a vowel except for L -.r-, with -q
gq is combined.
c. If the stem ends in alr], with -{ 94 is combined making it 611 9t}.
f Because it has a continuing meaning, verbs that are usually used for one time such as

4=614, ?zl6ltl cannot be combined.

(r) 7v: olHqlE f- +€ El4lg +6lzl *i{qe.

4: 1OH F"JolLl "ldg 7l+6ll g +gol4lnl t4 rrJE 6lqls_
(2) 7l: SAol
"1tr 4€-ol*.q,q?
4: qg+El ol"l4 I "J4tsolq 4+ 49qs.
(3) 7l: i"l {b r-l€ "Jl r+= *q^J aot E 4ol 9lq,q?
4: S,qs. qlqq^J zlftt\zl4 ^Jgql^J"J €oI *qs.
(4) 7l: 4 eqf?l #+l g oltr-eg Eq q "Jt 4 aot.
4: oi, Hlzi:7e41 g+ ^l*ol zllztlzl E Be q44.
$) 7l: d;-q +++ xl 9"14 q$.qs?
(6) 7l: olfl "Jg z]+ 6l^l: 4 ql,q?
4: olq9.

e;rlr I -tri-l
I As for 9oi4 -Hzl, a verb, an adjective or a'noun+olQ' followed by -rlzl is
combined with gtriLi showing that the speaker's exclamatory remarks through his/her

€Elzi gul4 7J*+o)HzlHxl e+Eql^J bg E fzl SH4.

o In order to emphasize the condition, adverbs should be added when used with verbs.
In the case of noun, such as S-E-, 9"t4 -flxl should be combined with the noun
to sound natural.

B+ ^l ge glLl "J$+elrlolclzl e F'll +4*3 4 zHz 4444:ts-.

(1) 7l-: +^l€9 xll"l9i4l *qs?
r{: ull-fz} ir4= 9"}4 + +-eflzl e+q] a+ol Eliqs.
(2) 7l: €slzl6l+E .J +^l9,rlB^J,q?
4: 41. 9ot4 z'lfal-flzl zl+€9ttriltte.
(3) 7l: E +tlH d50l9l ztq sq,q?
4 : :H ,q-. ^lEH ol 9"14 ul ol ol 't'l :czl 44 =.*q s'
(4) 7l: -1. -crlu| g "J6llg?


E -Ll nlLl
r -rJ ulr{ is attached to a verb indicating a certain behavior is not a big concern whether
it is being done or not. ffi

r ^i+ol "J= gsl4H E+ olq ^l+g 4,o14. ffi

(r) 7l: qE +€g 4ot gzl E-=4].=rll ** +zl5 9.1"1 Ezi? ffi

4: tA i!:41 4T Eol4rl 9lq Bt+ ulu]. a€B'J

ol=tstol-ErJ€ol 4ot. #
(2) 7V: Altl "J= aql +H E^l -B^lle. "t9 xl4lol SLlls.
q: +g .r{z} u35 ,JqH Eq tr+ u}t-} u,fllflzle.
(il 7l: trlH /{7i q*ql g "Jol 9lql. q^l 71tr+.
4 : dq. trlq E tH"J "JLl 94= irJ'J Hlrl'I, +1.
(4) 7l' =gLl
ol l-EB l.^lH tt^l € i ?l€zls?
4l zl 5HE H fl4H^Je? rH ril+ "l'+ql.q.
$) 7l: E El4lg dE +9ttlq? 'J zf tlolJ
4: =^J
n 7l: L]]oJol rl€q-lrll ++ "J 6l-r. +l 6ll?

1221 Ig: r

You will be able to explain, analyze, and present on education systems
and its problems.

Topic Education
Function Reading a chart, Citing sources, Forecasting outlook
Activiiy Listening : Listen to a conversation about education,
Listen to introduction of a school
Speaking : Discuss about education,
Make a presentation using the graphs
Reading : Read a co-education related article
Writing : Write a composition about explaining the
graph and an analytical composition
Vocabulary School, Stating the current situation,
lncrease/Decrease trends
Grammar -(e)alE, -(01)aJ -ElE "J6lcl, -oil qeE
Pronunciation lntonation ol -oleJ
Culture Alternative school
Jlq Education

]ti t. dt l= oltlgLlal? ol ++01r, +t= 6lr ?l=zle?
^l=J=3 ^l=
2. qel5p -d= +g qalg Llzl"l r$q rHol.lAl 0l0F7lg + flqe?

aJ+: qq, qq^l 41 7-loI?
ol 9xl 4ur -eolol.-!. H.xl4.
*?: ot, tA. 4zl rfqlnl ull "J= z-lol. :oll 4zl zll EEZITE+it
liberal arts high school
trJ57lql + mtzl ?t$.zlE.
+il alternative school
aJ+ : +e+, ilfqlj/ ull? Srll d+el ilFqL^}Eg +B ql, 494 uniform
ot{zFg++q, el$ztxl 4tlot4r'l fl"1 ^JgAE .,$9f.,$ written oath

,J Aq * dlb € 'J*=ql.
A? -t zJurltl ottl l. rElr 'l= .J841 n=" ql:lz|
: 9l ol ,
olq;l q.J -qli= qq^J Lllz| ap 4e a 4 g +
aJ+: ql"J qljl? :1Al qH
6?: *, 491 qljl+ q.J4'J "1-q xllroilrl Eq+^-l -ql^Jol

6dol != -+r= "J6}].

alrf: o1, rd r]l= d+q^J: ql.J q]r4r 6]-++. :H
4zl4l Eq Tlq H gzl 44 ol gsql?
*?:olrl, "Jrl 9l+el -n+g tlzlzl *4.+:+EHE
CE"J *e E 4.
dl'J ; ol zl.rl- + !-^lls-. qll= :"JFb +i1^J=ol ol C4lt+
F*4q, +q r.77o4 4e. ol4 C"J3golulle. 7J+dftrlto resist

GE: 341,e-, c xl-gcol Eltulxl 9t= g^l 91+ -ngg dEjol+01 hitf
to have wide choice
4+6la -+j1= -1"JE 4ol4E r+rll olq4a €-il"8 public education
.J^dg'A'r-.8 dq6J 414e. o{lE! benefit
-B=Elle. ^1419
dlLJ : rezlql *tl ++'J 4ol9l qlgg s.7l6l: 4 ++
cqol+r g +: s.a.
CE: qr:l$:"JFE Z1 qlgE szl= ol{ a ?ole.
+-+g 44q "J4+El 4gg 4. aaLJ=E 9lr,
^1419 =71e+
4Cg gg + 915,l1]E€ -qrlr l*old
evlvl r"J+ CqE +ol HqC a ol.gvle?
dlts : :€zll g +E gt4lzl"J -r c4 " E ?16ll^.1 a+
+nl+g :dlqg Ezl alo; 6l#ol,q. ol+4 ^J 46llE
d Ee u}$zl;|zl s:e 4 ?ote.
aFqlc=E illqol xl44 "e Eolzlzl ol=€ ql^JeE @il@
^llq e^iql^-l
'100m 94zl'E'5Om $elzl'8, 'gqg xllal physical strength

4zl'E'eeN {zl'-e. +qg Ha6}z}= +t}ol '+er 914. E6lsltlto mitigate

et^JEol 6llp + 9l= +=eE rll{ fl,t1
olfl +tlq
=rli-r=ol 361 strengthening
7l++ sp+6ll^J caag ",tg + glzll 6lloF +q: a
rfl+ d$zl€9 aqlql qe{ aFql^J$el zlqol €
qd gflg ull$ol4b 4ol
^ll+ +EE +,q^dol +^1971
4. €x19 aFEr +g ^lzlg +'lBE ^llq +Bg g+.J
ql + 6l^l ?+= 4*zl t*4. olel+ ^J+ql^J zllq e
,xl zla$ Ss+6lzl: +tle ql4olrf;. l-zl qg
4. 'azJ* +rlql 7J7t* Cd'ol4b'Jol 9lFol, xl# rl;-
olr-14 illq +99 c
'J ae rllq 4^l 7l=& sp+6t:4ol
tld€ F6ll^J o,L^J=E ,llqg rls+6]..i 4,o14.

o 4"J 4n4E "Jg 5q E 4ol q+qzl?
ql"J Elf,

Alternative school

qiql 46ll gi1 9i= ag ololzl;ll !.,{le.

. Have you heard "alternative school"? What do you know aboui "allernatrve sthool"? Talk with the class.

. 4€-q 49$:roll++=.Jqq. qts ++E rll.Jcl-izi 9].=zl g]n oloNall-E4le.

The following passage is about alternative school. Read the fsllowing passage and learn what the alternative school is.

Alternative schools pursue those things that are difficult to address at

public schools. It respects the individual needs of students and utilizes
various atypical education methods to teach.
As its principal goal, alternative schools help realize the dreams of school
dropouts and those who have a difficult time adjusting to formal schools.
Students are able to enjoy its nature-friendly environment and learn group-
sharing life at alternative schools. They eat together and soak in nature
and learn about life. At alternative schools, class sizes are reduced so that
there is an open exchange between teachers and students. They are are
equals in this close-knit relationship and together, they plan the curriculum.
Alternative schools cut the red tape on competition among students.
Cunently, only a few alternative schools have been accredited, but there are not many alternative schools
to begin with as they are more specialized and not college entrance based. There is one middle school
and thirteen high schools that are categorized as altemative schools,. in all of Korea. The govemment has
announced that beginning 2003, it plans to increase the number of accreditations for alternative schooling

. "lqe L+"+qlb qH oliTl 9\il7l? ololzlaN H.rlle.

What kind of school do you have in your ccuntry? Talk aboul il.
t| (H7l)el eol oloFTl6H E^lle.

rnE t trt+trt
tE6Ji/ 4.lg
C"J *61.= 11 $.4 4e. zl4lE * 4+qle.
liberal arts high schooi

rer+r €_H rE+r

4l7l4g 4l€EiE qerJ *:ql information hiEh school
zl4l5 € 4+b d ol,J "il,e-. iltr}r5-Eit
science hiEh school
ql+ a=-qrr

0 a+q= 4'(l4J_ trl+rt lAilJ'Fqli arts high school

el+ol r.€-*r.
6 4ql Eotql 4all l*ol "Jn 9lq / r+ql nfqll. foreign language hiEh
7l€ EE-4il
technology high school
6 rull.Jq= ++alrll 6iEl / el+q '.F+r. 5lg 8E:*E
a"J +61t} / qEq
vocational high school
@ ++q= '.FqlJ. 'JL1 8+ co-education
LJ*L all-maie school

G-4iL a I l-fema le school

ttl?! alternative school

E (H7l)ef eol olotTl6H E^lle.

Eilt+qFt eEqE t*ttct, eqq rF6irqlE-qrFt th+tl to deal with

7t: el+q€ c*6|el€ qlE^l qqq

rl-qr-oll^J Siof field
*lll skill/deftness
r.EEaql €"lz|"t 6ll,q?
+: + :L4.4 olqql.q.

& 4qlql^J ul+g d+614, ql+ aF-+n=

@ ++ql +qlq rFqlj1.ql €q7lq
oJql6tr+, 4-+

@ l5qlr= +.ll ule Agg 6ltl,

zlg d$qlngl zt4
& Hqlql 4lql6lrl, "J+41 r.Fqljzql =qrlq
@ $fd+71 {Ll, zil+ I+qliql 'J-qi6ttl
$tl| cotlege of engineering
.Jq}6lrt, ql--+ "J^l= s.7l6ttl
@ ql.J q-r.ql
fl (E7l)el eol oloFTldfl H^11e.

EltoJ 6JJ.
/ lntonation of -olEl
sloJqfl -n.+ 4EqFl lqLF'l tj^8ol+tol EE 6Ja

z[: $u] dql 'Iq] qrl+= 'Jg $H:Ell, r4l /Qg|fl.r.}ge ujc -
qtr rlqls?
4: 4ri qlr* q 94 ?l iilq xllEql^J Hqq^J
When pronouncing the mid-
sentence placed phrase, the

el$ol +dol El- qii= "J6]]9. final syllable is often realized

in dropping (L), raising (H)
or raising and dropping (HL)

{} zlg dEqlr / intonation. As for (HL) type,

phrase such as -(ol)* or -9
+lgg gl6ll ole zlg _n+g ,r.lzli QL /b are most likely to appear.

a 'l'J eCul l4+ qli=€g6lzl *ots > g+6llH^il9'.

^leql +4q.H
€B += ^le zl-49 (t) oFzl+ ofzJ xf$ $ffi

ql+g €.J"J_e €+ +gol g*

& o!^l I ol4l (2) 4"JEr+5-5:qii"e.l+
^l-& qer.qgqg*8q4.
otrJqlE ++= 6l= a
^l3}ol+#e T= aol4.
s +E lqlig Collll i4r+d olelql Hl+^]4-e-tr felrl Agol*#fol zllzl
vl= -^-o-l
-r H =aolEl.

E (E7l)ef eol olotT16ll E^tle. EoJH abbreviation

dJi /t€ school curnculum
€E Ert, Elfl t]aq +rtq4

€E €rlql ,+sE ql* qliil.el #21414


& I++el HI, Bq *qiE e}^J5ol Hqljl+ qq}

-u.E -+C$trtr} olCg ri { olrNa}r} €E e4 survey results

@ CE zlrl, elE 4-+e-+ 4l-+6}zl= q"J6l: qld !t"Z report

SEfl form
zl+4 o s gl+
=ol =r j/+ ,lfaj private

& +^, 4 ++E E+ zlzf,ol aqzlr 914 TJ"E course/direction

@ oECDg Sx., o1,'.1o1 ql4=g +-+ bqol HqU decision

HIH +B ql^J5e flq +qol Hq'lq

@ C+9 !-r, 4"J* €EllE ^lB rF-+.:rr.zi $ol
^J44j1 914
@ F4la xle, d-a€ 'A'^'-E, AC6l: eL^J fzl
qlcql Hl6I +9.E +7l.1{r}
E (E7l)et eol oloFT16l] -H^lle.

+Eh s4LlEl
q6+^cEet sEq 6+f SoErt LJ6i^JE!.tr1 trl LlElLtrl
to show/to appear
€,8 a4ql qqH "ls",ls5g qqq 4*" *illE-7}
to come to light/to turn out
*E^JEH4 r1 kg 7-eLEq*#q4. H.0ltl to show

E €+ 3,r.|, ^|I$ulzl4iHgr1 z3liR4, EslLltl

8 r+ F41, +L]] +q^dE izl Gzl't+, Eq'+r+ $[lE level of interest

€} r+ xle., 44^8=ol zl4+g ?56t71 +1611

*: a+E 9lrl, +4'ttt

@ €+ ar+, € 4 rzl rqg g= qflol9 iz\
ql.dql ul;ll
=zll ?zly}4,
@ art 44, 4.J +rE dq4: +Ee+
4l+ 5q\iq, Br-:d^14

G} onco BS., o1,,.1o1ql^J5g +ql bqol +iqqa

+H q}^85e flq bqol Hq*+, Eldxl4

E (E7l)el eol oloFT16ll H^lle'

EOlLltl to increase
qloJ6E tllElEt
eq Eilq{g.Eet ${g 6+
8q +rt 61t6fct eTl6ltt to inc!'ease/to rise

slq 4-qls;lE tlEg q"J6l: *^B *zlalluitl
to inerease/ rise raPidlY

6zlal Aetr- -H"Jqq. 9=tl to increase/to rise

€ol€trlto decrease

*+.a;c; :

() rllgul xl=ol $'Jol eE++ 4q4r+ t0 decrease,/!o reduce

6t+6ttl to decrease
€) €q ^lr.qHlzl oH 4q-u1:lo]] €461 eeEl EolrlLl '
0 ell= f]]J+= qL^89 ul€ol 4lt 5H F"J ^l+4 to decreasellq dlop
Eiil^l *6lt['to fall short
-e -e +71614

@ qS EA 4zl dqol qlH +=q Hl6ll gq^14


O a5qla .J+^jel itl x)44oE 446lr+ dlr-l ++

normal yearfs level
@ A €ql d+g 9"J61= el^d izl o]]trtq +=61 ri€Eil continuouqly
tr (H7l)el eol oloFT16ll H^ll-e.

4t +g tt^t +rt 6it6ttrt /

+'tl +t80lgCIl,rtEt,, ,

8Eel !.+1t
lo be elevated in status
EfE grade(s) '
4?l 44 *9 C?x| *zT €tloJ g'Jol €,\lEJ quantity 0f reading
+9.ol4r rS4aldrJzi?
a7{Z al^J Ee-l s+71 4oJ;llf.zl ull+ol 4l

o a4r^l +^lx} |zl rtt$;lQ I

a€ qlqg "J€ Br 4q44
o d+q l;q ^le +^l^l |zl ftzlt;fQ I
dfE 9l^Jol +olaq
o ^liqHl z1? 4izl qrHol g4a++ zJ|tl4 I
sezl ^|qE qr'Jol *g++ r+oJ+ 4q g5€
O aFql^8 L7l 44ol €q ^lq I SdeJol €Htrl

g !6171 E# Z,el E= (H7l)el eol €E6tl H^lle.

(=71 4€ +g t!8rl +) Eq:EE

+71 44 +gg da6l+ qISEE izl #1o1

?zl.* ag-E ++*+qq. 2003Hql= 3I1J

Eol9,e-4 20oeHql= BEI €ql g*+qq.

olb ql^B$el ,q+zi 4oJalld.zl ull$.J {eE

o (ACa^l *^lzt +)
o (dfq bq ^lE s"rlzli)
o (^li+Hl ^l= E+)
@ (aFql^J 471 44>
O Listenins-E?
n +g= l8oll rH-d ilafoJLlrl. € EEoll 'Jdf^lle
Listen to the people talk abcul education. l-isten earefuily and answer lhe questions.

r)ot4g 4*ol *eH o, E4E x gl s,(la|.!le. t@

(1) k'.^l= qlqlql^J +qlg d+61i1 gl4. X u U,
(2) q^19 Fde 4e-lE 6ll e 4ol s,r+.
u tx
to be quite at a loss
EAi exaggerated pain
(3) H^lb €zl9 5.^Jqlrll +ql
all yI4. tu X E-ttrl7l cartoonist

2) ril-+ .Jqlq 4* Hzls+ {x}9 ^J4g "l€#.lzt?

:d -qrE=
tl== 47|ldl= LHEgLlrl. E El tr=oll .Jdl^119.
l-isten to the inlroduction of a sehcsl. Lislen carefully anC answerthe questions.

t ) ol -qlr,zl 4E+ j/+ 'JBg dq.J ol+:

+9'J 4tt? E^t?jH all sorts/various

& r+qt 4o3 rr|$E q4l qlgql EZI stage

lrle+ qL^J59 e+zl gls,zl qEql 7lrfl u 94 H_l

@ half hopeful and half
I ql^JEE
^ll4ol 4l+ Eqerl ul$ql concerned

& el$e-=ol ,/qql +dol E*zl ullE9l

2) ol +Jlql ql'J -+^J59 ^J4g 9€€.,Jzl?
{} +8H59 olall"ll +^1611 914.
g 4E= Botot 6lb tl+ql B"Jg 4r- 914.
@ +g rltol ^d4ol €944E. 4d6lir_
et+zl +=ql *= +gg c6J6l-q 914.
@ "J+^El+l6li1
A $peaking-Hatzl

qalEol tlu +Eoll rHat| 0loFzl6t| Hl1l9.

What was your school like? Talk about your school'

o q+lse qE qrlgl rlH.qe? €4Bol 4u qlr.ql 46ll s46ll -tr^'lls.

What kind of schooi <jid you attenc? llemind the school which you atlended,

el) -+jilel ++, 54, tldt+ tld, zHdB 4, 214

. a+e+6141 olo}Tl6ll -E-^]l,e-.

ol49 eE e.lq 4 El dg aol glsE Tzla|'lle
Talk with iriends. lf you have rnore questions, add them'

1) q€ ++9 qrn9f,lzt?
2) f. -+j/= q€ 9l$.f,tlzt?
3) r qlig 6ldr+ +de +Eol$.ilryl?
4) r qliql ql6J -ql$59 €zl} "lS,f'Jzt?

. d+84 ololzlg 6l{^l ^116rll .J4l € rldol 9tetr qE a+Eql4l 'Jzl

+^lls. {riends.
Talk to other {riencs il ycu get to know new information about the

++= €E6t| E^ll-". ffi

Lr:ok at the graphs, and explain the graph after analyzing it' ffi
o r++E E-E= Ba'il+g Elqr-61^ll.q- . :i+aq€4l €BBul S4611 !-^lls. ffi

fhink about hcw to explain the following graphs'


2OoOLJ 2003E 2005L3 2007LJ 2009E

fl qL+B qi^}+ d+ ql^J=ol ullg]l dq6l= r++

o F zl]9 tr + + 4q€ dq.J + tl+E tl+E s€g HIE^I

€H6l -H^lls.
the expressiotls
Chocse t:ne of lhe graphs, explain it using below

i3i.r: -( " )E c 2rul-cl-, LFeFLFCI-, !{;ratct

t.j: -.r/-rr'fli|:q 5l"lcl-1 -("t)rl cHE1 r1 'l- 9-'lcl-

. q3ltsol crl+']]+g gs6ll !-^lle.

Eased on your notes, make a pre$eniation
ffi Reading-9.lzl

rl3= 'JLl 8-+sl €4 E^ll0ll tH-d Tl^loJLltl. E 9]? EE0ll -J6l^lle.

The following is a news article about the poor performance on the co-education school.
Read it carefully and answer the questions.

o H^l ol4el -.llE4.Jg gl:l tE zl^}9 'il+g +=6ll -H-^lls.

Read the headline first and try to predict what the news article is about.

Htt 3q drl +d, boE EE

c nBl-e +E-tr. gl-" H^J +++ 'll+r+ ,J+^l q'J"ll -H^119.

Read it quickly and see if your prediction was correct'

H wEWs ffi
HLI g-+'r-t;'oll ElLlr ?l= qfgE9 ololue elE-Oll {J3E
€48 Hetnel q*noll r[!r ?lb t zll Elr.,^E6l-:]a+Etrl
-*ir. Eoll^J 01.8 r.rllTl- Hl
qtgEzt H lilolE :1'Jrl.ts olEzl? fl6]| qtgoll Eg:rE ultl ,i ';r1-z -d
a8+oll^j trtiilg 5Ex1 g rl. -dtr 'JLl rzE4o.E tl Hl=J
^ll =+
gA d^19 Hlir.6H E Ual 'JLl 8qt i1 =+ol
E4= Lt|ts= -ilq dETlE=E
Ezlkttrl. ^l6ltrl=
EE40+ calLlb d4"J
9lrl. ol=g
r'el d4ol
=nle =61
6ilsl d413 ''JL1 E+9 Etol H*n ^lu o.Ets -il.Eol arlE E7t6l7l olel+q
Hq +4 10€ olc| '*g aetr EaJ'J 'JLl Bqrol gl€ r.€oil El^its
rF. olfl trse olt El 61|el gl.E a oJ ErlE =l84
+ lg + g.+r +€=drl.
.801 ofLlaf 2005trf8E+81 2009+E flrH Etri -+f, +ts noTH+'J:qtE
Enl^l guJElll LhElu a0lq. 3627l|Eel q-EE 2997l|f,8 AFd aE
I.ilEoll IEIEE ol€ollEcol ",gg LF E-l Eitrl.

1) 4jE 7l^19 zlEtr 4l^l€ ag EF -I.s^ll,q.

o el+el o rq+el ge
O dEzlg 9d @ Ei^8=r+9 'Jq+
trl^l ot49 4*ol AeE o , 4sH x ql s^l6t^ll,q-.
'J H =r+
(1) Hq +qlel eL^JEol
^d4ol +1]fl ag'J^l4el dtol4. E X
(2) Hrl +qlq^J= ql^8 tq ?zJol tsqlj/+ qqitr4 xlgditrl. n a
(3) ql+Eel r9 d$zl-E=g Bq +qlq +E {lflalzlr +tl*r+. U X

A EsE €E6l= i,q E^lls.

Look at the graph ancl write a composition about explaining
the graph after analyzing'

r ujalzl Aql^J ololzlfl ag Htts-q--tr, Es.= €B6l= =g al -H-^lle.


45 2)

20008 20o3Ll 20055 2007LJ 2009L1

+ ql+B ql^d + 6J+ ql^J5ol ull$I dq6t= r++

olull E.E€ €B6l= qlql

F zllg Es 6 6tq= dqql ol4ql ollE"ll -H-^lls.
gg.J EdE g*llzl,r]19. .onsroexprainrhesraph.
lhe necessary expressl'
choose one of the graphs anc take notes in the chart. Include

+19 q]€€ Cflalq E.E€ €E6l= Al -B^lls

about explaining the graph$'
Organize the chart above, write a composition

. ge l.qq Ell6ll 0lot7l-'J ^ gl*Llrl? Excellent r-+-..*..e Poor

Are you able to talk about how you edtrcated in your country?

. Eq4 aJflE 7l^l.= 9lz o1;1:* r'' flaLlzl? Excellent Poor

Are you able to read the educational news articles and
understand it?

. ,nq4 lJalEJ EE= Era- r7i= €E6t7lLt E46l-= €+

== Excellent r-.r-.r-.-r-.< POOr
related graPhs?
n -(e)elE
o -(g)qfl is attached to a verb indicating a future intention. Following sentences often
express suggestion, command, etc.

qlr^dgql + 4+6lElE a+E€ e*ol rl+l9ot t4.

o It takes two forms.
a. If it ends in a vowel or =, -4 H is used.
b. If it ends in a consonant(except for =), -94 H is used.

1) 7V: E€ ^leql ^lCol S:ql 96l= qlj/ql "Jql* f 9lgztq?

4 : : qlr.q E-+6lq H jzr++ ^J 4 ol ri fea|l zl zlzl4l
q Alag 4E+ al..rlle.
(D 7l: 'JE d+e+ +H=ql, q+dl= 6lr. dqe.
4: plall€ "lejH Tldg RotrJ €^l= +H rl -H-^lle.
(3) zi: zlei qH +xlgql Bg 4q,q?
4: ;119 q}+ol E+g +zlgql -Hrlla d+ql rerll 6lqH
rj zlQeJot +qls.
(4) 7l: dfq dqg rJ Eflr {qs

A -(ot)al-E/= g6frt
. -(ol)* -g/E "Ja[4/9ol6ltrt is used to defined a certain concept.
E.s+ qH €t9 H+='Jzl dzll str +4d ag g*rt.
r+ol+ oJoloF'J ag 7i=^l= 4€.
"JrJr+g #g +16ll HIE^I "J++.
c It is often used in a formal written situation.
(1) 7l: *+^l fBol* q^J=$ ++ql *zil Hlg q+q tlEzly ztrg
"JEtq 4.
4: :H +6lb ql^Jr+ *6lb ElSg {EtriE 7ie{q: 4qls?
(2) 7l: €ul E$ulz| +lqls?
rJ: €ul E+tr]+ u"J59 ^Jgg Ee++= x|fl$.rlzf$ E6lls.
(3) 7l: agol+ tsxl4 4zlzl 11c+ 7l++ ol+= ag trJ6l^le?
4: :€a. f-flrll zlzlzl ell rA e+g "lls?
zl: 4\ €e ^J9ol ei"" '.
(4) 7l: zll 4"J Htt?

E -ql rtEE
r -"ll utg$/gdl$ is used when citing an original source. It is used in formal situation
which requires data citation.

c+el gsql qeH 4H trtlzl+q r+^ll7l aAl s€ aol4r aJ4.

e) 7l: qli'el g+ql trlsE oldqlE a€qlr+ql ^lg* r}*ol gqFJqq.
4: :H {^JEol ol+ +4+'q.
(2) 7l: Hxls+ {x} 6ql izl4 ?J+ql +dol ggz}e?
+: €+ a^lql uleH €xl-=ol +4-=ql a\i;\ 207o cE q +dol
(3) 7l: E+q= qe++ 4 € ull€4Hql +El o]lr olxll ',<l4ralloi Elb 4
4: €7 ar+ql E6lH + rezlE ?+r+Hql.
(4) 7l: i+ql "J+61= rl*ol 9"t4 Evle?
^ldol Bg
You will able to discuss about environmental problems.

Topic' '' Environment

Function lRtroducinE a problem, proposing intervention,
measures, Discussing the plans,
Activity Listening r Listen to a discussion about environment,

Speaking: Talk about things you do to protect the

environment, ,

Discuss curent environmental problerns

Reading : Head a passage about environmental
,,. ,
friendly residence areas
: Write a composition about the
environmental policy
\locabulary Enviionrnent and polfution,-Effects of environmental
pollution, Measure for environmental pollution
Grammar :
-(e)E^J, - E lrl, -9t/H/HtrJ elE
Pronunciation lntonation of -€otg.
Culture Green growth in daily lile
Iill 3lJ. aJA Environment


'- r,i*
;,,, '*.#



1. q7l= olrlgzle? ol=el olEzl 0l0F7l7l-g + "Jzale?
z. -!4 trlll= E7l +16H, aJ4= HEdfTl +l6H ?rl7l -g + ?t= g0ll= +l7l o*=ttle?


EILF : e+, ol + 41 EttlE- .a 4l d ol ol c 4l +g
g*qs. =
^lql =e
-EC downlown

E7:sd *zl€.9l"ll olfl +4 +tol gleqzl+zl-q? -E=dltl to preserve

gflattl to restore
qLFrql. rA aEqlrJ H ?9"J aq qeE olfl *ol
SeHZl ecosystem

flqq. dfe ol+al #++ 4zll cat9 o]fl=ql €g sJe livinE environment

q B 4l *At*zl + -H-=g i 9l *.Exl , C "J 5*qls. Tflddltl t0 improv€

+Cdltrl'to push forward
5T: 44 {, zllz} ulg 6l.4 "J4 €tle? ^}dg -H=g ,ll
olq4 +g€ 4qls. H E dztzl"J 6llE qzl: r*
EfLf : ol4l +g€ Aelag?
57: EdE ^JEil4lE gtlll ^I"JEE r8g S]?s zl]d
6teln {+ql^J +g
^lgg +{+
t)zle. l

r;-r-f ::.$fLl. rt^l olgTll "JE= 4l dzlE e+*4l.zl"J

'JEql +Aol ar €old.flql,q.

rllul : "Jf 4, gEol ell r4s? +l +* E9qe?
oJ#:+J +* Eg 9*9'll, €"1d+q olzlzlzlzl 4€ol87lrf
to have dead skin cell
zl4zl e qe d+El= "1El44421 r8zl
'-7J^lY o[Etrl atopy
q 4i1e. sJZ €trJ

.?a.:q.r1 r4 olEtl olrJollg? t)lzl Hzltl rfl a egql.

environmental disease
91,\FlE 9Al instant fooci
nff : olEul 9? tzl olol$aJrll4 ^8zlE B ol,J qs?
sz : olrl4,a. :41 ++a e++9 6l++^-l qol6lilb rl$ol
rllLl: ol., "*rl. .J^H=. *49 t*ol 9E ^le.EqlqlE s'ZJ
+ 9l4lr EHq,q.
oJ#: rH olzll $olali *zl"lxJ
"l+ +il Eg + $.=
: IrJ+ / l= oJlH-= +4ol oJ
€g a uq 'JE^JE
"Jq gjlAri!.
"J#i T, f-H
olzll .ll
4Ht+= "lH.Jzl? * EL 'J Ell.
ullzl {H+q {zlEuJ 4}56}= Blr-E E+
g.& ++l
rzll€ qlcol4. dxlol4n e.+ 9l= ts&9 *zl 4t$6ttl to operate
zl n\tanolzll + glrll g a Aol HlA{. olfl {+A d
-'?zl€ HflS$ quantity of emissions
dll=6'ltlto emit
zl vlt-zl trJ .J4 +6Jg9q4H +9tfl^lql xl!-olelr ol elTl{ groundbreakinE
fl C4ol otflq${= ae +q^fl+ goltrt. ^Jg^l= + Bd8+dltl
d4es dzl ell 15q€ ^lH +q* Fl 4H '<]$zlllzl E- t0 be true to the name/
be up to its reputation

*& ++ ts14= dzl cl^E Hlg 4lgol4. €z]] hr-4lql

edJ ?.J d€zl^ tsl^E Ell€ Ell€eJE gHl qlql Hl6ll
EZ-l+ ulzlz|^e] i+9-s 4l46lb
^J: €zl6l *zl"J ^l
"J=ql4l €€g +n 91fltr1. E"Jq= {zl cl:-i ullzl
7l^= d-"1 H]]=61^l *g ++ olq4 A+E $zlf-q-tr €
q^J Bd^J+'* rl+la q^4j19 + 914+.

ffi! *rr ,{!+4-91 J--zU I'i^L Green growth in daily life

[5*t c)- a-1 a-1 00

o 4elE3 +-4 C+ol4: "Jg ts 4o1 glole? +^l Cx} 6lH qe-E= ag +9..Jzl ololzlall $.rlQ.
Have you ever heard of "Green Growth"?

o 4*36J+ 4+zl ^168b'lr.9l='Cg+9 +^q C*'C4E g+Eq4. + 9lI 016116llH^lls.

The following is a passage on "Green growlh in daily life" poliey that the Korean government enjorces. Read carefully and learn about it.

Due to global warming and energy exhaustion, the environment continues to be a serious danger. As a result,
developed countries are leading the way for intervention, increasing interest in "green growth," thereby
becoming more energy efficient and reducing economic burden. In order to join the global environmental
movement, more Koreans are riding bicycles and using public transportation. In an effort to deal with the
global climate problems and to become a "green" developing country, Korea has presented the following 7

1. Development of Green technology and industry

2. Promoting Green industrialization
3. Advancement of Industrial Structure
4. Development of basis for the Green Economy
5. Development of Green Land and Transportation
6. Green Revolutionary Life
7. Global Green Growth, Setting an example to others

. qel+ol .Jj1 9l: +a d4q ql6ll ololTl6ll E^lle.

Discuss dbout environmenlal policy that you know.
tr (H7l)ef eol oloFTl6H H^jlg

6t!.ot +gtrt Eltlt 9g

ol€41 a}'}"ol S$zl,q?
4 EJ?e 9g
environmental pollution
rBlTils. 4lzl sHol olezlzlzl d4i6llc tllTl 9g air pollution
4zle? So|l pollution
trS 9g soil erosion

& bol trl++ / *611 +tr 9g water pollution

E Bql^J H^ilzl qq lE.Jsg

@Eazlzl6l+E 9l Hol+ / fd eg +Ec.l to be foggy

@ + 4zlzl EE+ / +lA eg ltafcf ro be muddy

@ 5 r4?ol ql6lq / f€ eg

A (H7l)sl ?Jol oloFT l"-H H^Jl_e.

9.{:+ trtrl

+la sgoi ddllzlE c"J E4lSol gEilIltrlr.l

dzldql,q. =
ecosystem destruction

Erl ^l4L€ 4 oftzfe? s"='+,lqE rfl Il+ E'J€l gtobat warming

q +E 6l'+4:/ C4"1ls. 8€ e.I| greenhouse effect
{f{Hl acid rain
e=6 q4
& ^JE1l41 rlrl destruction of the ozone
TlAf 0lH changes in climate
@ 6H+H tF+
"-ll+E 8* rise of sea levet
& zlt olH
@ Hl

@ 4+ espl
E| (E7l)ef eol oloFTldll H^ile.

4l1lE tj+e 4alc1/ EoJg 9$rp1c1
!9f pesticides

xJB4l Aullzl$ E|+e ,{;-lE q$rll el-qt HIE chemical fertilizer

6l^l? ?E$altrlto be imprudent

f+lrll oJolol. 4l E"Jgeg^l7lb tr{l* sewage

g"Jol € Hlrll.
^]fl +e Adllmercury battery

& bEg ^l{xl4l *ol ^l-S"lrl / EoJg eg^l7l+

a q-q- ul-+E ++E6l4l ^F+614 /
E"Jg eg^l7lr+
a allzlzlt-zl t*ol 4g: 7E 7l^la qqL+ I
4zlE eg^l7lr+
@ ql+= ol+ rll4 tslil+ I +4+ eg^l7lrl
@ 44lzl€ ++E 4++ I +4+ eg^l7lrl
@ i ? 44zl$ "l* tsl4tl I +4& eg^l7l+

tr (H7l)el eol oloFTl-H H^ile.

W .#"";,"=
,.p-f tct, 1T3 / oJEt
€slo'ltrlto purify
,v: zl+ril .Jq€+g *ol <l-solE *ag

i og^te + 9l+:495.-Eb 4t4e?

to flush out
oJ^l6ltt to recognize
I +: E-=+71!-+: gE^"18" €AqzlzlqEl+l^J recycling

O ql+= €s+6lzl *r gEi-B,-114, +eg eg^1714
I xla EH+
& plql HIEE ++E6lzll EoJg eg^l7l+
/ "J^l6lr gl+
S 4lg*9 6lzl g:-r. f'J tslrlr+, EoJg 9g^l7lti
lzl# Efl+
G! xlfl zll€€ *ol s=+g rlrl"lrt
/ g "Jr 9lq
fl (H7l)el- eol oloFTl6H -E^11e.

ot^E LJol gcl / oJJ_ ot^ltrt

E* ^t^t E,
€.71d.€J1air purifier
q d H dEl6llE ol+zll €g "irlb nl43 mask
9ol I €e ^JtlE *i{qs. .S7|ts 4l# organic food

"*ol.q_. €"lxj Hl
oiC + $,= e+ EElLlZlgel+
^ll{r-ol to sell like mad
E+l7l T.!56itl
t0 smell bad/stink

o +7\ 44zlzl g++ol qq / +71, "Jrt

@ ul^a= irr. e]€4ot 6l= Bol e4 /
+71, oJd6l4
o 4"J d+,rllxllz| 9ea1lz13 Bol 9.4 /
J+"J, :1'J E+
@ ul& #zlb al€.ol €El+rll 944 /
Eg4 4, .Jd6lr+
o €zlglrJ *4zl1156lrll qq / ol*, egg vl6}4

Gl (H7l)ef eol olotT16ll H^11-e.

.: :

4$oll egsl ^8$J e sEr qflEl'tt +gq

65fl't ffi51( ro'be poisoned
zl: *4 eH oe. "J+ trl6ll7l rJ++ d46llzl: A"l* drir-rktng water

4 zJot9. EJ3 €eM

to suffei from disease
4: r€xle? +eql eeg dCe € s-er affec-ted by envi r:o n ment

$$,r-lzt +gql +q€ ^l*E E+4n all,Etrf ts be harmful

ge{-q7l6d€ Holtrl
to show, all€rgic symptoms
HE" lair !99s. ',, .

O sgg ^l+.J E=I rl**4zi +lA A+ql Q$7 | respiratory. organs

a +Hql alle€Eeol r*olzlE^J otEq ag eB
o e. lcoJ4
o =+^q rtg ^l+6lH^JB:ol 47lql^J Ltg..b
4e+ €a qlEql "J4lezl +tlg -H-'Jtl
@ &c alzl \rt 44H^J BEs r^J+tr}
0 4zl 9-gol d6H^lH^J s€-71 e++ql ^19fl4
n (H7l)el eol oloFTl6H H.^11e.

nlE 6Jtt THI+LI€- 'rl^E rFl

^ttoil E 8Ht+Ll
+la egg u_|zl 9Jo11.r.1 rl*5s B:e rlqg shQpping basket/bag
Ell6ltl to be thorouEh
0l$Il scratch paper
ql. zJE HzJ oltlzl"J ,J ,ill*-
^l*oil 'J"^J trllllEf;. used cooking oil

tlzlt tl9-.

$ El. tsg *! +Eg q EltF€ Hzl"ll qrl+

@ {l+l+ol zl.b+ 49 e^.l6l|l g46ll^J t+l4tl
@ ol$^]tr.g+tlg "J=q 4q
@ ql4++E Hl+= "J=q 44
& zlzt& 7-lEl= aq 4qn H zlr.l= zl&zl=
@ d4zl4 qqae qE+ sxl g*9.4i1 6l+

El (H7l)el eol oloFTl6H H^lle.

EoJ gg, gsl+E,el xFll6lEf

4= FoJ sgol q d44^l= 49 "-lzl
r|l^1| oilq^|E 7flg6lrl
to develop alternalive
9l6ll^J= grFl*.s_.el xl-xilalloi 6Jtli1 energy
^l--*9 0 l{lElEJ^el HllE€ ltl
^J46]],q. =0
to reduce carbon dioxide
xlrf.B4l ^J44s. € q g4+El gsl€+ emission

zl{l*qel$ +9tg ,Jqls. 0llLl^lE €qi6El

^l€€ to save energy
121 asE Eol tsrl
to unplug
& 4zl eH, 4$olrt 4+E ^t+g €ol4 u{l+el €€l E4tl
@ +e sg, Eg ol\xt ^.llzll ^l€€
^l€E disposal
to expand sewage
& +a se, 4gg zl$$alr .|qlTlE Er|4^J T!sJ3
to develop environment-
Hll=614 friendly products

ol&3tlfll9 ull=€ llElEdltl

@ zl+ g+e+, Cg +ql^J ^lgg
to recycle resources
€olr+ ,qallTl€ E46ltl
t0 separate the recyclable
@ +A 9-g, q+el 43rl ^l€g waste

=fl{ ql xll 9l "JAAE
@ ql q zl ++ Ezll , ql q A E6lr H xl to restrict^hE= =olrl
the use of .

disposabie product
/]gql e4r+
tl (H7l)el eol olotTl6tl H^lle.

oErE ^ tr|l t+lT xfE-rt]ilg
l-ll4€ E:rl to wearthermal
7l: +6n71q d6lle + ilg.qzl olzll$Qals. Hl'J$Il plastic bag

^t€ ,^. 'l,g ^Jge+6llol +r+r ef.€. expansron

4: xll s4e q=qls. :1H+b aela xFFr|
zl94 ee "J
q4g +qr
lntonation ol -€019

zl: Ll 94 Lll+

1p zl* gt3s+ Erql, d']] gEE *+r ,ll+g .Jrt / ffiaqt

4: 49 oJstr EB-EI
4l++a glHzl zlls zlE€dets..
O qlqzl Y 4 E!l, dzl iE= Bol F4 /
{ill qqxl zllts -f+"tg- is used to remind

something that the other person

@ e"J eg, HIH+^lBrlb tlHl+q= ^l+6lrl / already knows. When it is used

.J4++ +zl
to confirm about something,

^l+ the tone of the sentence ending

O +e 9.g, Eg #€ "trl4 / ql+ Csl ^l€ q+ is dropped like the usual

declarative sentence, but when
it is used to.explqirlthe reason
or to request, dropping and
the raising intonation are often
lg (H7t)el eol oloFTl6H e.^lle. rqalized.

qtLlrt > EA6n E{le.

++ E4l :'j ojFl$ {z}$-e-tr

zl: ollHzl +48^llzl-dd rJ d4dlzll , Bxl. .

+: .Jq++^"E"Jq#
g}rlle. ol$ aNp;|zl 91o11.t.13 +qE o1.9. , ,

zJ+4?l r.qol $.q-;l.Q-r. d46l,q. \D zl: t-1o'lzll €:4 B4z|

ql= 4^l ?+}. dzl zll$9 iE$ $o| €.tq.
=q 4: zl4.g-.4zl4"ls4
+rl,+ €4 9s= 4B6lrll +^16l= 4 oes r. ilefols.
€g + 9l*ole. (3) 7l: 471+4?e4n
"llrJzl ^l-8€ g!*of.
4: :€zll I
+E 9lzl"J, :atr4= rllxll olluixl 4: "lql4. 4ztd"J6ol
zllgr+ ae ql4g *r+i1 d6l#ol.
=84.J ^il+lol

r|:zle.r^J4ql FE6lls. 4;ll "llHxl 4lgql

€ E aJ{lrJ4H xl;'4 Ae t}F}e q^l
?+etg 4qle.

l) EoJ sg 0 4zl e€ o+€sg

fi Listening*&71

$ +ge eJzoil rl|-Lr EelgLlrl. E tr=oll -J6l^Jle.

=z Listen carefully and answer the questions.
Listen to the discussion about the environrnenl.

l)+Eql q6ll^.1 tr.961r, 9li.4ryl? @

Ilg BHI waste of r€sources
r.|s5o1 g.Jg a=.tll,e.
^J4q.= Ezllg
O +Bzl ++61^1
@ E;lglol Hlsg4olq^-l
@ Er-l El]€E ge^dg * Y4^1
@ ql^JEol zll$}$-*9 Et-l6ll ul4xl |*olrJ

"llA4g +9.J lrt?

3) xlloJ+

A +=e Bq Brel g+gLlrl. E Er ol trJe Ea= 96t| €d6l.r ?i=

x= rellle.
Listen to the part of public announcement. Lislen care{ully and choose whal he does to protect
the enviroment.

O glujxl aul sgol tg aJ:7lE tL"JqI+.

I 9r He +4 +Eg sttld Hzlgl '+l*tl.
0 3^zl 4C e + ileH glzl+= ^l+e14.
@ *zl*. xll+ dEdq^J tlg _Hr. elfl o e 7lE9I+.
A $peaking-"J6l7l

A aJa eE= E7l Pldt| 6lr. ?t= g== "JsaH H^lls.

Make presentation ^lcol
about what you are doing to protect environmental pollution.

o ot4E o.lqg Br +{ql ql6ll gsgzl ^d46ll -H-^lls.

Look al the below list, and think about what you are going io do present it.

- sgg €ol7l +16ll(+€, 4zl, e%t) - ^l+ etq€ 4zl 9l"ll

_ r^;ll7lE€ol7l +16ll - qqzl= €E6lzl +16]]

o qH Lil+str ololzlpzl 44611 -H-^lle.

Organize your thought about what you are Eoing to talk.

q) q4tsol 6lr gl= .J=e #q"Jxl, 9l :-49 441 qg,bxl, rae q€

c.47l 9lbzl, *eE + q dA {o} aJr}r ^J4q: Ag +9olr ell
re4l t41{Ezl F

. C4+'il+g ulBoE gs-6ll 5-^lls.

Based on your notes, make a presentation.

A e1g sxlloil rt|6t| -treloH Hlile.

Discuss with friends about the environmental problems'

4l$zle *olg F Cs+ ^l€g ,*= €4^-gse *€ 69le Rl€H.,ut+:

€Zzl€ 6}l. Hzloll gq.BU + E *zlzl * 4xl € *ol ullzil gol,l€1,
+lExlb itqlTlFql €zlzlE 6J4. *ol E"Jol 9-gg 4 e.$o1, d6t€ +
E]fl4. + *-o'q +olE ,
gl o ! €e}_-€gs
oJs=tr xn*. *4.

. 9lE E^llql 46ll qqBe q€rll tgzJt;]t-ltlJ relr re4l ^J4* ol+€ Ctl"ll
Take a position about the prcblems. Organize your thought why you think like that

o Hi a+=g + rEee +hq E94 -H^ll,q-.

Divide classmates into two groups and discuss about the environmental problems.

I 94$ol illfl 6lla "J"Jg gE6ll -H^,ll,9.

Ba6ed on your discussion, make a presentation about your solutions of the environment problems.
ffi Kead*nag_S7!

ffi +=g asJe /+ E?Jz a7l|6l.=

E Blr trEoll 'Jdl^lle
The foilowing passage is about intrcducing the environrnental friendly residences. Read it crefuily
anC answer the queslions.

e HE^J ololzl6ll H^lle.

Lookal the picture and talk about it"

1) ol4E F *e qH ^lol7l glf,lzl?

2) + *9 549 +9.o14i1 tgz+t;;t)tll

3) ol elEol €r 4e xe q € *.J lt\?

tr -(e)E^l olrf indicating a certain behavior
o -(g-)HiJ is attached to a verb, an adjective, a 'noun+
latter clause.
or a condition lies in a contrastive relationship between the former and the
-(g)H,rl can emphasizethemeaning by using -(-9-)H^JE

€14 Exll"ll 46I^l= + "J^lE *6lH^l flzll4 ol= 4*+.

r This takes two fotms.
a. If the stem ends in a vowel or =, -HrJ is combined.
b. If the stem ends in a consonant(except for a), - EIJ is combined.

(r) 7l: Hr*41 4ql7l= *+E tslElE 4? 4lgl*q= aE 9l= a zJgrll?

4: q= + qI6lH^J e.l ++qlEl rq+?
(2) 7l: +a 9-g-9-tr .J6J €BEol 4d "*olxl]l 9lr+]1 6lle.
4: zl€E 4a= ES. " H^JE +^lqt +f-lE gaolzle.
(3) 7t: otplxlb qB tsol^lle?
4: ^lq= +4 ^la}6l;.1S.{E 4]trl]tr sd +H *61= tsol^ll,q-.
(4) 7l'. E"J gH +44oI.
4: "*ot.

A -rl^1
a -rrlzl is attached to a noun and is used to include something else in addition to the

certain face. It indicates 'everything including the very last one'.

(1) 7l: ^J+ aEl*ol +46141 59.qls.

r{: gu1z1 tr}^lot 6}: 9l tslB.ql,q.
^}^J ^]1{.ol
(2) 7l: qlzl r€ €g C"J g*q. + re4lzlxl aNo; qRq?
4: HE C"J 4zl:1*,r+7 ^J4"11? Hotx] q= "J^l **48 ti olxll
qB4l 6ll.
(3) 7l: ,q+ rl*ol 9l&tte?
^ll^Jq ^Eql^ql^J ^t+-e+
4: *oie. ololpulz'l 914s.
(4) 7l: ,q-+ E5a?^Eql^ql ^lgelll
El -et/fl/Hqaru
I -9t/9/9q+H is attached to a verb, an adjective, a'noun+olr{' when one guesses
that an outcome would have turned out differently from reality while flashing back to
the past.

94+ Exl ?*91448 *4zl old€ dql.

r It takes three forms according to the final vowel of the stem.

a. If the stem ends in l , --(except for 6ltrl), -llri 4H is used.
b. If the stem ends in a vowel except for ]. , --, - *.E]4H is used.
c. If the stem ends in o]., -9q4H is used, but typically i{ri4H is used.

(I) 7l: 4-eHgl I'l+4e *'*ql.

^lbq ^l+=g ++llE
4: 4zl egql 'J4 +dg 7lAq4H +*ga.
(2) 7l: 4lg+g + 9l:qlE lJ q4zlb Lavlrl gaqqls.
4: z11ggq 4'J i+g 4 *ol e{q4E rrl^l *9tg zlqe.
G) 7l; olE{-E ole4 r^dg € "JitrJ4H + q 'J4 ^Jg ++g ut3,9 H]cll.
u|: zlfrE *zl g+9tet-lz| olx1l944s Lq6lH qol{ ZoF.
(4) 7l: +;-l 016} 7l^J {la} xllulglflq. LJE ztol zlz]1.






fit 14zf IHTJ.IH6H

Catastrophes' Disasters

You will be able to talk about catastrophes and disasters,
their psychological effects, and the resulting damages.

Topic Catastrophes and disasters

Function Talking about different types of catastrophes and
disasters, Explaining the damages,
Discussing the psychological effects
Activity Listening : Listen to a conversation on disasters,
Listen to the news of catastrophes
Speaking: Talk about disasters in your country,
Talk about disasters you can recall more
Reading : Read a memoir on someone who
experienced a disaster
Writing : Write a composition about catastrophe or
disaster that occurred in your country
Vocabulary Natural disastel Disaster-related losses,
Feelings and behaviors on the loss
Grammar -ElLlg, -(o)L Ltnlrl, -It
Pronunciation lntonation of _ElLlg.
Culture 'The fruits of love'and Korea's fund-raising culture
I1l1 4l:l rllU ' rll6Jl Catastrophes' Disasters

1. clEE gol g8=iHole? 0lal g= zleE clE dzgryle?

2. ?tl7l €E^l Zt= + 9l= +H01 91Szle?


. .:.:)::a:. ,::.; ' " : '.:: i. :':J:.:i:t. :.:,.. :,.1

.tt.t,:a.L1, .,i.....,:)::a::a:':iti,
'...,:,::ta' .:: ::
t:ia:::.1:..r.. :j..:::it1:..a.:
:' l l,: :...': t a :...'.: a.,:, ; :a:'.i:a;: :: :a:l::..:.
,::. i..;,1
, t....:: :
:\ t :
:::;,,:. | :; : ::: : t ;
;.,:):;;:a::, :.. ;.. 1.....:4 -. :,
tl; :
dl'J : l].$$ol 6l: "Jg $flErll BF zl*r9l ++ zll6llzl
*4ErJ,qz I|ofl disaster
ETI: h^ $u olzlE * *qs? ts* zl*"ll ++71+^.1 {-H. breaking news

^l# tflE otqql,q. E+TlLlrl

to have a flood
dl'J: C"Jole? *"t€e_ oJ-HrJl *fzl ++q,q. eylzlzlzl Elofl damaqe

++7t *&4e? e0l LJ^lEl

gtl: olzl qd,* g?lol BF-dd 43 olHrll zl/i- oiE"J 4 to have the river flood
?ql.q. the roads are swept away

tl!!: ulaflzl € gldq,q. =0llafTlrl

to be submerged

8T!:€ ll:. Cszl olq+ ol+ d46lrje+re. zlol Sxl:Z ++6ltl to restore

E_+zl #olxll, +.Elol Eq aL4^J b^l-=

"JTl ^lElE
E ga+jre.
dl!: 9+, Elollzl oluJxJuJololq+s. ++ $Eol
g*g Hlrll, +dol g:o1 geal.?t"l,q_.
+rl: I1ll .t{, la3q1 xl+lol *+r SHbcjl no} dg yl6ll
Hq.q? Il{.! earthquake
0f3: uJJ, xlq dg zlEq^J + Eq4 glq^J sd: trloll= gtl
^ldoj 'J to incur a damage
9l:ql +4 olEzl $16fl= "Jed4s. 0f+afeleE Edltl
+rl:r4.q_? 4cg4qle. h^= Hq4 qo1 7r7|^JB,J to turn into a mess
+LJIltl to coilapse
4 €Hrlls.
Ef=.:ulJ, E^l dr,llzt+4Zlq ol++619E Hgljl zl+E
*48 gtf to be shocked
ddaFl to faint
rl6fl7l4l+ g^J6Ir glql,q. 94 oJEE dol FuJtl € ol€g 71.+Erl
.Ji1+49 gg +"lzl E$rtzl aldH4.q. to gather yourself

-"lgdl'tl to be despaired
snl: 441ols? zl+=ol E*ol E*4luJls. Erl
"l*g zl4 -4\-9 -+.rL
E= €Ll

EqoF a}{ QlrlJe. to put one's work aside

+qot aE+
Ef=:r+l4l "Jolgle. g"l4 -,l"J6ldbzl olzlE ol+ gE to have memories
*6tr +g +r 4l4lq,q. dla a+'J +qol Zl= dol
++rJql re7il *eq 4 oJ:+1.(1Aq,q.
+rl : rgllE olEH ol .f;.|a|{ a 46} e _E ^J46lloF^ls_.
doloF r1,t1 xleH qxloJ, q+'-a- rezl ?**olg.
q4Hr-, ,J{+ql glzl+ + 4€ g"Jdql s}xllz} g^Bql a
Eol gd6l zlg "t +H d{ €ol +zlA+ r+zl=
Eqr Eelrl to have the fire burn
l.zi'Jq*+u]4. zlt* erl4, €B 6olH ol *qldil zJ ESol fl^lEl
to have the fire spread
4^Bzll €?ol Hzlzl ^l4iu,r 4ln= E3 au3xlzl 3E€ ur= HJrf
to receive reports
"Jql E4LqRe4 E?ol
q+ zlrll+l 4"lzl 11+ 49ql qel
ZAllxltlto become wild

#g 4g+q4. ,J4 +4 4l1+4^J ?C4 4b Elzl]Tl-gC T]El extinguish

6I^l zlgSol rr-49 4l+6141 4rl^14 plzll 7L91 Hl6ll to be quick
^l- ^l+6'ltl
$zltl49.+r diR+q+. aAe ^tnq geg hdge. ffnlllTltl"to evacuate
.,\f{ftri casualties
+c6r7 9l-9-+ Hq cq,* g'Jg a^l6i:6J€, gqol # tsd electric leakage
zl d*{-pql 4'J +4 4gE HolI 9l4r gsq{+qEl. +86frl to presurne
+4q ltg searching job


i-1- e;- I
'^le}el $o]|'ei d+9 E-+ +s+
'The fruits of love' and Korea's fund-raisinE culture

r €4$g'^l"d.E g'I'q= "Jg Eq g 4ol *+qzl? '^l*Jg g"ll'4= "Jg En qe=e= ag olotTldll -H-^]ls.
Have you ever heard ol the expression 'the fruits of love'? Dtscuss about lhe symbol ot 'the fruits ol love'.

. 4e--s-'^l=Je.l g'll'el d+E E-+ Es+ql ++ =Eqq. + glrl 016116ll -E-^lls-.

The following is a passage on the 'the fruils 0f iove' and Korea's fund-raising cultilre. Read care'fully and lsarn what'lho {ruits ol love' is.

When walking around the streets or watching TV, you can occasionally see people wearing a shirt with the
above symbol. People seeing it for the first time might wonder if it's a new, trendy image but in reality, the
symbol is that of "The fruits of love." The members of the Social Welfare Public Fund Association have
created this symbol and have produced and promoted it as a badge to be worn on clothes.
- What do we do?: We help children, teenagers, seniors, and to solve the local community's problems
through welfare work. We not only provide financial support, but we volunteer our time as well.
- In the time of a disaster or crisis?: Aside from the social welfare work that we do, in the case of a national
disaster, we hold national fund-raising events to help those in need. In Korea, there is a typhoon every
summer. As a result, many people incur damages. By raising funds while collaborating with the mass
media and volunteering at the disaster site, we help the victims.
- What else do we do?: Aside from providing support through fund-raising and volunteer work, we
communicate our love to the disaster victims through "good distribution" and "cultural sharing" among
others. The Social Welfare Public Fund Association accepts donations from businesses and organizations.
The donations are passed on to the victims as goods and food, or in the form of entertainment such as

movie tickets, musical tickets, art exhibits.

. 7l+= 6l4Ll E+ 95,

4 E A€q] qlql a+e+ 6.t4 oloiTl6ll Edl,q.
your classmates on your experiences oJ making a donation, raising lunds lor a good cause, or volunteering lor olhers.
Discuss wilh
Il (H7l)ef eol oloFTl6H H^llg

otgeF|q| rtE_ol5trl of^p]ql LtEt

zl: ,q-€9lb 7l^J olHql +'J i.,zl *4 r*ol+I lo have a typho0n
4 ?ole. ^ldol
to have an earthquake
u|: uJo|e. qa dqlE olgalTJ-ql zffiol -pr_ 6llgol trJe1g+
to have a tsunami
ol^loioll E izl *rlb 7l^|= *qe. sl.llol+gdltl
to have a volcano erupt
.lt/.lEllTl LfEl
& +qLl4ql aql€ 4*ol E+, 'Jeql xltlol r-}4 to have a landslide

0 t H:ot^lol"ll all.Jol "JElgrl, .bllEllTl Llr.l

to have an avalanche
ul+ql Al$ol +rl Tl"EolErl
I +Eql {rt4zl44, H"l9l s}&ol +96}ri
to have a drought
@ ++Hil brl4zl ++, the typhoon will hit/strike
d4+ zl-Eol 5+ to have a flood
@ ++ ^l'Jql ^l4lol g^86lrl, +871.#of^lrl
to have heavy rain
HF xl*"ll 4*ol ^J+6i+ +€01 Lilelq
e ^igq= ++71€olzl4, +&q: +Eol €olxl4 to have a snowstorml
heavy snowfall
to have hail fall

(-H.zl)q eol oloFTldH H^il-q

t4sltq sFllll LlEl

ff:s! oil tanker
zl: r43 T + olo}Tlatn 9l= 4 ql.q? E+6itl to ovedurn

4: otfl.ll +^ * *q,q? Esldql E{zl LIC +E6ltl

to rear-end/ts collide
'JqE otq4e.

o 56ll?lql^J +adol a56ir| @m

a a+dql^J zlzlzl d+q4 Origina[y'65' refers the
vehicle crashing agahst the
6 o%l^g zlrl ulolzlzl- +4a14 another car driving from the

0 ol =zJ +tF ^lqlql aql€ slxllzl g^J6lr| opposite direction
refers the vehicle crashing against

o xl{e_tr g*€ d$ol +rlq+ the anottrer car driving tle same
direction. However, both cases

a r.+-Etr.ql,rj 106 7$ \azt Llrl are often referred as '?5'.

fl (H7l)el eol oloFTl-H H^lle.

EFllEil6raql cilt sl^]|rt HJ^8otEt

lntonation of -clul9
zl tgl91 rl !l rll oltjr""ll'l € c}xll zl g^J'*ql s.
zl: oJ4EgEn6}e-e
slxil zl- g^B 6l-tlq,q . :.Al 4 9ol "lls? Eol? zlot.
+: z6F{l.Es}ztsLi,A.
,J471 qle_?
{} +'J&ql 4l$ol +tl zl: +E-H4l^l
= ,Jzl7l EolTldql.
& Edl.Jql 6lloJol "Jqsr+ +: 4rJ9l.
@ ula { I'Jql xl+lol 44 z€ff-Bt++Jg
@ ts6ll?iql^l € z-4
dol egoltl . 4.1g is an expression that
displays one's surprise about
6 zjge-qlrl +€E "J+ b^lEllzl g^J6ltl something. When the speaker
asks about truth/false gg requests

@ +r_l 50089 4e zlzlzl ed ++9e C494 further information, th.e second

syllable from the sentence
ending is dropped and the final
syllable is raised. When the
speaker expresses a simple

Il (H7l)ef eol oloFTld]l H^lls. surprise, however, the sentence

ending is dropped like a typical
declarative sentence.
sl^ll'rl 1l^86ftrt / +t
) E',aall Hlll.g'.
glxllzl g$d goJol +14,q? (1) 7l:+E Cljlzl Sq4l4
ol4 CqoJ goJol Eled 43 olHql 'S-,
hCee +4€qls. rzl^fdolqls?
(2) zf:
4: d^dH, xlr H4 a*
@ {l$ol rlr+ I ololS Etlt ol2
u d+.a
(s) 7|:qlzl*44qq. "Jg
@ 6ll.Jol "Jqsq / zltr olH rzl olrJ
-rl I EI-t.

@ +$ ,xltzf'lLl- I 4: H9izl S+q. ++

=++d *olot?
@ aE {a7l'lLl I TlAl41g'
@ g^l d+ ^ll7i'tti I zl*tlq *d "14
EBLJ playing with fire
@ 4}^lE}l7l g^8614 / +EE'* E+ 7l l,JaJ machine defect
B (ezDq eol oloFTl"-H H^lle.

*4 7 upl L1+ gEh EEdtr. rp.ol El {4stct

zl: t €E ++€ elollE gAg a eol,q. dAEltL ,

to be completely destroyed
4: Hl, Hl/l q+ gol g 4"lxl Es6fj1 zl4ol Aol H^lrl
4 e+q*']]s. !o have the river fl00d
bgol€oil etTlrl
the fieid tc be flooded l

o I |]Ht^l7l q+ ts41 E+6t+,

glzli d ?leE €o-lEole"tl
wateit is coming into the
aEol Sd6l d^g+ house
o ++ / ululsol q5 zj;llxJr|, the house floods

bgol Eq bzlEol + 4rElzl+ 54tE0l$aJ^14

the crops fall
O xl+l / tsol d6t4l g$r_lr+, q,el7l GolrFl
44zl #qzlr aEol +q^l+ the bridge breaks
EeTl €oJxlrf
@ ++ qA zlzlzl .Jq++,
^la / ^la7l the roads are sweBt away
?lH ul6llzt +d HE Hrll g^J6l.4 zEol +11^lrll5rlElrl
the building eollapses
o 4l+ I ErJol +^lrJql 4rllxl4, oJB:El"-ll7l g€alq l
g^J6[r o]C FEol rlligg B6]tr] Japualties to occur :
^[rx[E s8apl
o ++ / 4a 5.J ++71€olzl4, ^l+trpt lo occur
zlol oFd 5Eol q|C€€
'Jilr a+€ zl+g € +E Srl wild animais to die in herds
7J01 Dlert
the river runs dry
(71-EeE.) SHlEfol calLF-l
fl (H7l)el eol olotTl6H H^lle. the river bed ha6,revealedl
(by drought)
.54t50 I trJE| qEl.,:,i r:,;
rpfl9l f-E, trl8ll! cllEltlEl
^1Et /
^tpJ5ol ^t.^61
the crops dry up . , .,''

z|:x1l;N$ +sq Hl6ll 516ll.} 4+AAqls.

u|: ,rl-g-5ol 41+6j qrl6ll^l rfl a ?ol,q_.

o 4lBE +-E-, irl6ll: EE. =zl grl /

AHJ^l7l zllull ezfalu|
O zltlg +E, ?lB ul"ll= 4Ll I
Etr.J^lq s€g t*ol al4
O 6H.JE +E, rJ6]l tr-+g d46lzl g}tr|l
ulizl4 +o}rlol EE H+
@ tE-H--E., ul6]l +E7l gA+Zl yr44q I
€tlq^J zld H+
n (H7l)el eol oloFT16ll H^lle.

2*o E Hrltrt,
^FJ5ol lEqN
E-ol {FlqlflelEt
E+E-E. at high speed

44421 rCrll vl 6llTi 4 d qle? +^.Lfl rescue team

26.e-e$-ol r$zlzl-
e€44 tfl^l6ltl to respond
trlddftrl to evacuat€
0f$z-{ camper
rtlnlol.rl to evacuate
o 4IBol ++Es {214,
+aqlE q€zll qlzlg + S+
@ qlr.E Sol xl+lol BrJal4,
'&+{ 4"lzl rl*5ol +g *ee tl6l4
& uJf zJ{aH4l b^}E]]r} gq+q, & 4^}ql^J
.7lE 4H qg stl
^lel'}5ol ^lrJ=71
{E 'J HE g^8+ 4ol S.'J "lloJol "Jqs+, =olgf6l"tl to be despaired

rl*5ol qe4l 6110} g^l -E-s4 -olS6ltl t0 be empty

717l Eal+
@ zlzlzl zl$ol Eqq+, to be hard to believe
olgrl=ol rlrlg 4=E S.4 €.Jq0l+ to feel hopeless

+gs lF4*ol 'Jq+q,
to be in shock
@ sl4l
?.tEl,Atl to be unfortunate
s-s. zis- *6l.tr1
^t*=.ol ^ld6ltl
to be miserable
to break one's heaft
gtlto be shocked
El (H7l)ef eol oloFTl6H E^lle. =48
d+l6ltlto faint

€dg gtl
4o;t1c1/ iE4rl eJtrf to lose consciousness
gat "Jg'J6lH C"J 6l"Jdl-ttqe. =g0l
to feel hopeless
^,]fl grJol E{E6trl
q+-61"J6ll^J b€azl-t |9.zl
"+ols. ^l4H to feel hopeless about the
*g 4 ?ol,e-. future
-d+HJoil Ltg^lgtl
to be able to do nothing

a €"J4olrl / d{g 6ltl except sigh

g +44"1q I €4lg 9lzl4 H,g +r 9lq to lay awake at ^H+tl
u= 6-4
i Olrl-

a zl++ zl$ol EtcI lbgol +?6ltl to lose oneself

g+g Cti/got
s -"1+614 / +++ql Llezl ?+4 8611lo,-Jtl.

o zlz| qralr| I o*rJol "+E6ir "JE- +ql aldzl ?+r+ to put one's work aside/
to not be able to get
anything done
@ +4+ tsrl / Ebee Elg ^I++

n q=g rH6tl0il rH-d rHalgLlrl. E trEoll 'J6f^lle.

Listen to the people talk about disaster. Listen carelully and answer the questions.

1) A 4 4zl +zl! 4lA6l= ol+= +q-J 4tl?

O a'J zl9ol 6ll.J tl6ll= Eq^J Er6'F.l
to undergo a misfortune
o +EHel b^t.Jg E-e+ E?-lEJr, g€a{ 7Ft
o +EHol 4l4l *ql 4*ol gq^J to be washed away

tll4 zl 9rJ* +EH E d a 4 +tlH ol ql^J6J

+EHE dAql: qH xlolTi 9)#lnl?

A +g= rH-?t hlg|+. € Ea EEoll 'J6f^11e.

^HU ^lrotl
Listen to the news ol the ctastrophe. Listen carefully and answer the questions.

1) qqql^J qH rldol tsrJiRtrlzl-? @

oJtrl surge of people

2) or49 4*ol "*eE o, EqH Xql g;.la|,rll9. BB deafening,,l-.Qar " ''

tsd ridge,(ti1e)' r:r:

(1) b^lqlE oJ6ll looq Bol 116ll=
ol ol
rJ A"1
rL . UX E ton
lbqll pi,le of snow
(2) €"Jg *ol
qdlE aq. =q^l
NK q.l€a1c1to be buried

E!* observati0n lthought

(s) .Jzl q-H.= -7rlalr.471€ E
rl*5ol +sl
rl6ll +E-E ololzl;ll _H^lls.
^lael agle+
A $peaking-"J6lzl

n rl+=el Lfalqlll g8dlts rH6H ?.!El+6H H^lle.

^l+ whal cataslrophes
lnterview your lriends aboui ^tl6H0llor disasters frequently occurrence in their countries.

I z|6llql ql6ll^J .Jq+6lzl 9l6ll^J= qE e$g $xl rJ4"ll -H-^lls.

Belore interviewing about c'tastrophes or disasters, think about the queslionnaires.

o rl+e+ e-41 olotTl6ll B^lle. ol4E 4E elq 4 +_z 4g 4ol gieH Tzla[!]e.
Discuss wiht friends. lf you have mcre questions, add them.

1) qqE +4ql^j zt+ g^J6l= "lH 4ol


2) rrl+ ^la7l ^l+ g^J6l= 4l€ol *il4? 9l+H +s txllfl ltl?

3) rel+ .xl:Lzl g^861= g"Jg Ft.J!zl? qtr 146ll= gEl,Jzl?
4) rq+ ^lr€ €ol7lq rl"ll= 4l4F+6t71 916ll c++
qH rlqg

o qlEl+*,I+g 4E A+5q4E "JEl +^lle.

Make a presentation about what you interviewed.

A qalEol
^1tr =aabout
Make a presentation
ztr4se e-d-d tt|6t| gtr6H H^lle.
^tl6H0tl you have experienced directly or indirectly.
a disaster or cataslrophe

o zlla|= €B6lzl +l+ Ctr= C46ll B^,ll,q.

Organize the necessary information to explain the catstrophes or disaster.

{l) xll;ll9 ++, g-rj ^lzle+t}4, g^J g.Jr+tl6ll {l%}, tl6ll +E, z116ll=8,*
E-d =o

o E: ^l%lE d+g $=.a121 +l6ll^J: qB4l +C6lb {ol f,$zl ^84d1 -H-^lls.
Think about how to organize your experience to concentrate listeners' attention.

. +lE 4s"E9 €;-16ll B+411 -H^lls.

Based on ycur notes, make a presentation.
ffi Reading-9{zl

tr +ge rH6tl= e-dEt

The following is a memoir^l=Jel
on someone
+7lgLltf. E 9]-z trE011 'Jdf^lle.
who experienced a disaster. Read it carefully and answer
the questions.

. +7lql= qH 4*ol ll€ 9l9xl ql+"ll -H-^lls.

Try to pridict what contents are included in this memoir.

o uEl-q +EE qltr-'J .ll+4 ?J+^l q.J"ll

9l " H^J
Read it quickly and see if your prediction was correct"

Ll0llfllb qE + s.= 8s"l +z0l ?lEf. fa8 LHT| gE € IItl Scel 'Zi
oltl. r'J Llb Egal etd rl-Joll^l F8'Jg ol4 E-z glfitl. ^lcg
'Jxl7l'8'61= Aal
:st77ll .gol
C6lll Ll+ EaJ Lltrl^l Llel Egg C"J-= {^l ?il- tr?Ig
e qq =E*1tr1-.
+g0ll^.| gE 611 ll^lE olBlLl= e+q E€0il4 a8 "Jee
q7l gqt gr. 9l-e.alr. 6lftl. €^l 586t|^1ts eqU +^l oPifHtrl tri =
'zi = E
7l btr I d?tol d6lll SEsl +al80l l)|lr|r ESal 4q8 flOll ?tE^4
z=01 -EF Hl+etr *ol^{ LHaleJrl. Ll= Ll+ +^J?l^l +l= F +ee flb ea
Er. €*itr|.. 8E.0ll €a1^l tsOll^1= EE flo1 rgll H E
ol ^al= El^l of+ gE $.fl,trl= =E0l =elLHadEl.
5E6t|fi,tl. Llet 58.3 gEl Ltol
^lHtl. ^ll8g
EOlr-l = ^l^{
= ,/\^-t.
trlE'J ola € *lE nll, +al ELllollb Eq
+LJT.! dal+^lT! EZ# gIfltr|.. 74rfle1 39,
f"alr. Eajrl 5fl6li Tlel= il?a
gtfl,El.. ^ggEa =At7l=
utb olrjl9 8s= qq4P! il :1 E+01 t-lPul ,/
{l7l6H 6l+ €g
tlE+= ?3=iltl.
g46lE f. E.+. qal Llololl ,J-d-d xl
^l= ^-lEtilE
TlolflTl rri|E0ll olnlE f. 'J =iIE^lE EEtlts

1) xllallE ++e+ tlql tl+g ololzloN -H-^lle. r@

*8L! playinq with earth

"Jtt to stay still

2) q"llzl e4 eol * ol+= #q.J,lzl? =E
be severe
9l= e,i with best effort

3) ol
da9.B "J*e ag EF r.s^lle. to be struck with fear

{} +49 *trt @ €419 614 l4f7l excavator

53al+ to mobilize
@ -d+6Jg !=vlLl @ +g= YvlLl
w Writing l!71
tr qalEel Lfefoll^l "J8:iI.J ^l|6H= €Bdlts == rfi E^jle.
Write a composition about explaining of a disaster or a catastrophe that occurred in your country.

. all6ll= €B6l: EEI^la 4€+ 9E 45ol glbxl ^J46ll _H-^lls.

Think about what contents are included in explaining about catastrophs or disasters.

1) qq+E +4ql^J g6JllH zl]6ll= +901A#14?

2) r zl]6llE ++e+ g^J gql, ulall rlgr, rl6ll +s: "lR+:.lzl? B,aa14g
^lE= +r.6HE ++q4.

3) z116ll= BoJ
^lElEg dAe {*frlzt?

q+l+E +4q^J g^}ilfl rl+4es €€61:

"lle= ulB"-e 416ll€
nl Hrll9.
Based on your notes, write a cornposition about explaining ihe catastrophe or disaster which was occurred in your

5+ "J nl61| 8g0ll ttl6tl 0l0t7l:g 4 91ffr-lzrf?

Are you able to describe lhe circumstances sunounding the disaster and ExCellent r-.+,-.r-e-r POOr

7..{e dAE EE-=F + ?l+Lllll.?

Are you able to exp.e$si your thoughts on the psychological effects of disasters and Excellent Poor

EH-d g 4 glfrLlzf?

Are you able to read =g
and write a composition on describing a disasler or a Excellent Poor
U -+Lle
r -4r]g is attached to a verb or an adjective indicating a surprise, an exclamation or a
feeling ofdisbeliefto a certain fact that the speaker actually heard or observed.

++ 4gol HrJ €L+r+qe. 6Jol?+:41 d"J $*ql,q.

t It takes different forms as follows.

-(.9-)= rl+qs
-qqe -el/9/94qs

(r) 7l: au;^Jql Eol *+= h^

4: aoJ^-lgl Bol +qq,q. rg +E 9l'+,q?
(2) 7l: 96ll= 4€ z|Fol d46l4e.
4: A&u otqr zffiole|le . -fAl c"Jol9le?
(3) 7l: s g gl= 5+4trl aEol plzll-E sd6l 4'ilfl z.l gotg?
4: "lzll"J 6llE g{*H a$ol 6l+ "Jql dAql qn-l{q,q.
(4) 7l: ,f,+q= Ell+H EHg++ C"J da?

El -(g)' LlDl^l
a -(9) t qrr]zl It is attached to a verb or an adjective indicating a cause and an outcome

of an action or reaching a certain condition'

+E l.llLil ++7i +olTl '+q4 g Fqlrl Eql +aq.

€aol q+ 4^lhl 4"lzl plxll C"J{l qegg 4fltrt.
o It takes two forms.
a. If the stem ends in a vowel or E, - L 4"]xl is combined.
b. If the stem ends in a consonant(except for e ), g LiE]Zl is combined.
(r) 7l: 1+ql^l Eol HbHl ql 5+
^l*ol +flql,q?
4: HF t.* Llrll^l aE +leE HqqHEI,q.
(2) 7l: C4trtrl ?lB El6llTF €+61 =r-Jle.
4: uJl, .Jq*
4qxl ul+ 4=ol Sq^.1 r+41 *qls.
8) 7l: H"l dql E + HH+qq r Eg g,l Ll + Aql,q?
4: uil. a$g q+ s|ol 6J +"lzl olF olAql "JAzlzl4 ui*a.
(4) El4 44g Er Li+ zls 4ulxl g
Fql= ololz]fl flq'}H4.
$) 7l: g4l .r!zl €xl- 4l+q4l ilol+q . +4oJ aflole

Cl -^t
o -xl is attached to a verb indicating the latter behavior has immediately
started as soon as
the former behavior has been completed.

++71{.oJ-zlz} 30EE "J Ell d oJee Eoj "JBj Sgszl

g;<t d+ ,xl:l.zl +^l +4#4,?lxfl+lEof ^l4il+.
fldreE gEJ*4.
7l: g4+El ol
"l€qlE rl*ol 4H+e?
tl: olrJ.9. 6llzl A++ zl-Fol d6llzl^l Etgg q+= rl*ol *.ldols.
@ 4Z Eq dll.J *tol Hlflo]]zlzl qHlE glt 44ol €,aap1g +Aelzl-
Azlt- 9l+q+.
(3) d ?Ies Sqzlzl ++'J €^Jalz1
H^llzl 45 zl44r 9lgtrl.
(4) 7l: zls aJz| Erlq 4f,ql rEg gR4ErJ,q?
4: "Js El^Jl,q_. xfg .r{z} "Jg 44^} ^ll€ Al7} 4Bs H,ol 4z} r{Hql,q.
(5) 6lr+84 zlr]=
IrTl ^FElSol
$) 7l:
u|: zJ$ole? aH € $*EcJl d"J {+dlLJle.
Illl5rl A+El ' ?lEjLI Computer' lnternet

I ;il

1. q^l= e|T ol=0ll ? 4?Jola? F lhaJS ^l= ++ 0l0t7l= 6lr o^)=nl?-?

2. qalE= Z+Elel ?lE1H!g ErllTl gTlE ol'gXl 6He?

$01: xJzle, 4zlql^J= FC S€o1 9l q+e?
4fl: s.<J+ql^.1= qq^J+ +C eEl'Jl d4ol z}}q}rlJe.
+d E,J
Fol: o1, rqs. xlJz[ e!-E^j+g iJg olgap 4+^i + wireless connection
EE4l=qle. gbxl + E+ +drll,q?
ell .J connect to the Internet

4fl: Hl. LEq {zlgl Ll]rj+g^ll,q. €., *4"J,q. ol^}d}+. L-€$ lap top

€Cg + *rll gq 9t=rJl. ell ololrl_tr d4al4l z.l !$ properiles

0f0lcl idenrificarion (rD)
*zls? ,tlsl server
Fol: -+r. ofolQef 9d glEJH! dial-up Internet

Ilfl: uJl, ililqC += fC fl€ol .J gle.

Fol: o1, rB+.q. rBlE qB4l 6llol6lzl.q?
zl3: qr:z gqloJxJ_+ orolq= ca4^l=zl s53
.Jrl x]491 gl= qli/
?+q€.^l+6].^l=zl dl^jle.

E+?l' ofofi, xl# ol4 E qqBlHrll.
^lzl € s#+? 4
0l0F?: ql, gotr+lxl. JrJl ol4 +lqle7,r.l.{olr-J19.
S llne
d+?l: *, plAgl gt= g*Ell H4 fl
dgrJl, 6l='JHg elE screen
qqqel zlzlt-. cqE H H _u_u 4ol glbrll tsoloF. ',{fl $' 'new window'

0l0Fi: olz]e. He q4ralzl gfol,q. xlJz[ gf,=4: qE $rl fotder

Ill9 mouse
+H +d ol dg ztql44r e+Elql ga
6ll H^il,q-.
+eq to push
dl^1J9. rBiH e+q slHql ,rlJ
tl'ol gej,q. =+dftl
to click on
EIH' 'deskrop'
E+?l:*'zl. r+Zl 9IHzl. 'HIEJ

0l0F-= : olxJl E ^J4+^la? Fzl 7l"ll+ +qql^.1 e+ElE
#zl4b^Fdq oJ
fl{EEA+qrE}+^E s=+
r]l=g +E^ll,q_. q4 +)71y*oJ 4 gl4:ol,q. ol
'+^l'= rr]r slH'ql a€- zlge
'ts{Bzl'E d}E gls.
d+?l: olol+, HLlryl ^J4+ril.
0l0Fi: eL, ol"ll.Jg a€ € oi^lzl,q_?
"ll.Jg BB ull,
ol e+61^lH gis.
eEg 4zll€ xll€ali g. .J+"Jolq +r-g r]]fl zl
q 4Lg,* q^l"J rl.Jg 4+"J q +C6l]^j 4l€E 4lqol EfHcf the unexpected

9.4. :1flq] ol4l ++ gqqoJTl? ul'Jol zlzlzl 94xl ?*

#g6ttl to carry out
4olB.4. ol+4 allE "ol slgg €6Jg + fi+q to have the sky turn Yellow
= =49 olHzl. 6l€0l ]L*,r+. 4= u=-
r+."+: rrll.rlz,luj *= xl*xl€
the whole story (all the
+g 5r, astl4E Hq*q. tlBgql4l xlzzlrtE €E6l details)
Etlllj1nl without notice
xl ?*r Qxlt,(l "zl, olA+ qB4l 6ll +^llg. ol sl'Jol €
u.tg0l LJOPftf to lose a file
4E .J gEis. ^l ol4 gorTtH +qs. zllts z'l + €El + ejdll filename extension

Hl+1Rr+. ot+fl ql+E $ol 4 4*4"J a EEA€.9tr1

^lls."+s "J"J
tlElgg "ol4 4*xlzl zlgi4rJ r4= a
to overly exaggerate
+d et# sigh of relief
+.J olg +l9l qtl4-= -Jzl"J 6lH gls."4a "J9L guSzrfolrl

A+ olvl* gE ole4l sEAg €qq . qrle

to be scared to death
4. rll^J9l I

Eole+ 4xll€ zll6a}:l 4'l -zx1ot "JeE ++g € + 91fl

4. sE.g 4"J trllEql dHa+eRtt.

qlq"i daq
trsf "J+g+
Puzzling Internet new coined words

. q elEg d+q "JEl'Jl ^lol

E= zl-+ o.l+61+ S"J q zl? d+E AlgolSol $ol 't'f$-o
ali eq 9l +q= "Jjl 9lqs?
you came across? Do you
Do you use the lntenet often in Korea? While using the lnternet in Korea, what were some unlamiliar wolds
know any popular words used on internet lhese days?

r 4€9 s+ E*ol ^F+q= .Jq"X +q"il EI+='J!4. g g-z 'J49! 4laqql ql6ll^l 016116ll tr^lls.
The lollowinq is about cornmonly used lnlernet words. Read carefully and try to !nderstand the new lnternet

q .t, OTL,9q.{, xlful are words that cannot be found in dictionaries. People in their 40s and older
are probably unfamiliar with these words, but for young people, who are computer and Internet sawy,

are words used daily. The young prefer to use these short abbreviations or symbols to communicate more

quickly with others. The following are most common examples of Intemet-cleated words:
o q :1 t, aao, OTL: a 1 n, 6 6 6 are abbreviations for -a-?? or 6|a|6|. Meant to depict a person
kneeling on all fours and describe a person in despair, OTL uses the English alphabet and is called
. When trying to type the words Sd, +l q , flq quickly, one might incur a typing error and input instead -
9_+d, +JEl, o {Q. Many Intemet users have found it to be funny and now, intentionally use it freely.
. xl{u1,914: For people of the young generation who don't like to write at length, acronyms are often
used. For example, zl*El is the shorlened abbreviation ot *6ll El'J6ll. It is often used to refer
to ugly celebrity photos. €li is ar abbreviation for ${ol A+6}tr} (absolutely precious)

. glqlill^lg a olelql 4eltsol gr 9l='J44 tl=qzl gloE ololTl6llE^]le-.

Discuss with your classmalas, lnlernet languageiwords that are not menlioned above.
tr (HzDq ?Jol oloti ldt| E^Jle.

+tr ?ElLl tE6ri'JHg oJr ftrr

?lLojdF^ile, dtdgq4. Fig ss+ +d ?lEJLl! wiretess Inrerner
Egzf,q_? ?lEjLtl0ll tr+dtrf
to get on the Internet
+d oJEJgl
fl€6lb,JUg "JJ 41q,r1 oJEl'l!€
dslilbrlle. t0 conn€ct to the Internet
?JEj? fleolETlrl
to be disconnected from tlre
o ?lElgl €€ol z:'t Ezl4 Internet

g ol-olq€ dadFr d+
?JEJH! tr+01 Egldlrl
to have bad Inlernet
^l-4 connection
O flEl'Jl d+ol gr+dl+ ?JEJfl +5.71Lelq
to have siow Internet
@ oioljrl= gj1 d+ connecti0n
0f0lEl-E {.lddlrl
O "JElg! 4szl LJ+ LBI+ to request an ID

@ ofol45 HA6lr d+ 0l0lqE HZaFt

to change (log-in) ID
'Jtl to receive tp

A (ezl)q ?Jol oloti ld|l H^11e.

oFal .n:ql rJTt +qt reEt

zl: fizl'Hl%I E+E'ql g"l +e +gE qB4l OI.E*J tl.\q USB flash drive

*tle? 918 6l= external hard drive

'l: olfzl q^rql zJCqtS"ll zlfj +^ll.q. 'Hig 6fE' 'deskrop'

lL[] gtr1' 'my folder'

8+ EtrJ shared fotder

O eltl dlEql +^l* +ql xl++ al4Ftct to detete

O + +"J "J^li'* ggl zlxllal4 xl€E'lrl ro save

o cn-+ ++j +gteuf zl-Nrxllafrf to install a flle

0 '4 €q'E g4^J zJtl6l+ trlg€ rl++ ro detere a fite

-E,|.ldfrl to copy
o ++ gqe #zl4 CDIDVDE ETI

o .J++ +ql ol"ilge to burn something onto

3ga1^J H4+ CD/DVD
S*5ltl to compress
EP;frl to attach
g (H7l)sl"eol oloFTl6tl H^11-e.

+t oJElflql
tEot tt tsttt / 9te101 ttl4 1,1c1
{!E7f E6ttl
zl: "l€41 e$f-lzt? to have a weak signal
9* rllrlrlu I rr4
4: +d .Jclglql €eol g *s{^J,q. to get an error message
€xlEltlto be installed

e+qq. z+El
the search window/
& "JEl"l €€ol ^l+ #q ^lLl I Cszt E6lrt the search browser

E .JEl4ql s+ y4 I ?.!ElHl Eld Internet line

^l+ "ll^lzlzl
e.:H tr7|7lxllqlE "Jq+ e:srol fltl
to have a problem
@ "Jq9l 4szt q+ !4tl I 4+El rlSol *4
@ .JElgl e4rlql d=.Jqol .J ElLl I
€.Jq ,'sr+ol +4lqq

^l']] "Jqgl
sldql Ezllzl ^Jzl4 #q+ #qq
[E#Lltrl] lr*Lltrf]
@ qlEl9l ^Jol z|:f z.l{E E6l+ /
qlE"Jlol olq4 a+q9l €Er.l 914 When the coda consonant
c is followed by ,(, r is
pronounced as [r].
> E+6ll!r^i|9'.
[t (H7l)el eol oloFTl-H H^lle.. (1) tEl'Ji +Ezl -fl a
ol sqplrHl l9 Eat.t / Llllt oJttEt (2) *4eol++qq.
(:) zlul* +ol$ +^]l,s.
zl: o1€Elol^lql 39 94el$ q$4l 6llot ql.q?
4: ol, aTls? x.llz| uiali 4E 6ll -H-^]ls.

& ol ^lolEql +qlol^l= 4l€6lrl I 4zl.Jrl +rl

@ ol 7l'llr+q 9l= ^1119 e+Elql ^lt}6tr+ / Ctrllol^l=
to create a homepage

^l+€H6lr+ El--g.

eql B=g gLl I 4zl rlTlq

to write a reply/to post a
E ol comment
=EEreg EaJElollEgTf
@ ol €^16lrl / ^l+ €B^Jql Al 9l'l to have a paper jam in the

@ tl$ EIE'ql 9l: tt.Jpg ''ll €q's &zl4 I printer

qlEdl Aq E^l= fltflrl

^ttBq to remove a paper

O sflElql afl *zlE nilltl / 4z}d"ll ololzlfl4

E (Ezl)q eol olotTl-H H^lle.

cDq ++J +trl, olt4l El^3q LJol+ct

zl: olztl qg Bg ulg$g q$4l z,!zle?
Many loanwords areoften

^ldnl5rl abbreviaied in Korea-

+: cDql ++J iFrl q^3ql Bol f:zl

€* qE 4^jle. Homepage * guJ
HardDisk - 619
USBflashDrive -
o :zLJ zlzilal4 I += gqE &zl4 MP3player - MP3

0 cnql zJtlall^J +El /olol.Jq A+6ll^j +4 Download - +eg$q

O +tr+ l€qlolzlql grl ++
@ .34-q dltrl / +rl €:qlolxloll zll,r.lalr|
O qtl dlEql +^16ll +tr+ /D\D_tr E+
@ 'ul=J EIH'ql ?ot F4 / ,q €q'ql 4tl6ltrl

E (ezl)q eol oloFTldH H^Jle.

oJElLl ololtg
3el6Fh tot 4€e ?rq qetEt / oEggg
to piay a ^llgdlEl
video clip
oJEj.l€. Et^lEEt
eldf 6tEE S=6tLl
?lq H opltg *-lolzlqt alfl ztol x,j €_e to connect to an external
hard drive
96l BjeJ.q. Hgr E+rHE 3rll
qlEl'lg 4^l a"L 5_^Jls. €ildltrl .

to,install a computer "l'

protection program

$ffi ftolrf
O $€tlg zll{6}+, A+Elrl H+j ts1Atr+ I to reduce memory
e+q€ Aq ALl Hlolal.^E iJli6l4
to check for virus
o ol gEJ= g+, ^l^Hol ++gl Blrl+ / a+EJ= Aq 4tr1
€rJ ol€9 Hl+tr} to restart the computer
a+q7t E+rt
O d+q5 4q, H?lq ol^Jol 9l+r Llg:+ / to have the computer fr-eeze

B?l oer+g €xl6l4 ^14fl

oI rll rf3El
(for) the system to ... ,
E f

@ EtF 6lE= g€61tr1, an +ol E+ I

*+q7l-r-.q^lc.l r

HlolEl,\-q xllr6}r+ the computer to slow down

tlEzl g ?-t8"1rl "
O ^ldg d+61+, olql.Jol Hl+q+ / signal to [o pos;:,

^lTl +elg €ol+ 3r 6l'o; cc11

to receive an aleft messaqe
O +d .JElglg d+61+, ?*Hzl lElzl+ / olqlgol:Ejl*Elcf
dc.z1+ Ald: *eE o156l+ email to ietum to:sender
a (H7l)el eol oloFTl6H H^11e.

?+Elll trts^liE1l 4+tdt'J utoJol LJoniEt / eJdottlto finish

rlEo-g.g 41tE^lEh trtoJol orE{
EtrjE gtrl oJ,UE temporary

q, q$4l 6lz]? A*rltlQ$Hbql 4gd}H 'EIJ +7l"Find a document'

rl9ol Bol*"]e. slfl version

c'Jole? xffie-tr" ^J*qfl* +E gleqzt
be infected

ul$ol 9iH €qg gq !-^lle.

o ^l .Hol ++s=ql ,lE s€+ +^J7l *olz*4 I

"J^lE 'E^j 6l+ +71'=
g olqlg_e *e +^J7l gEl^l *+ /
+e t+ldql^J 4LE6ll^J :1*,+, *g EldeE
6ll^J tl^l _H-Lll gqr.6ltl
S olTlTlzl +qH *ql ul"Jol 4lrJol "Jq+ /
4*zlzl zl+-ld+, sl"J ol$$ q.J6ltl
@ qa F?] 4Lg,* s+"Jol ulolel^oll elg*+ /
ASclElq^J= ++^lzl4, s4 zi4

tr (H7l)ef eol oloFT16ll E^lle.

ril 1+El'rt usBE 14,l6frl ft1c1, r-ltol lttrl

5!ill body of the computer
zl.: AS+ *eq *brlle. €-*e'111
to shut down/to crash
'+: ++ E^llzl 91o 4lulle? gfrjl0lE upgrade
zl: 4) vi+El7l USB€ "J^l6lzl *614"=,q-. +^l
lzlol li d olHzl _E_eAqs.

o e+q dgol Aurlxl *+ / d4.J €fl:ol ^JAq

o "JEl"t Tol xl-T z]€E E6lrl /
Hlol+l l-ql ,Jg*tl
o a+qql^l ^l-+ ol^JoJ ^471'lLl I
eiilql ol{lol ^JAq
@ *3 gE.r+ol +E7l
.J q+ / poloi alQ
o A+El= qr| lnE lutl zlzlzl LEJzltl /
ErqlolE= allo| alr|
g (H7l)el ?Jol olo|T l"-H H^jle.

?+qq fli *.++ MP3q rryotr fl* n|.

: zlzle, 4lzl4#4S € *"]]^J :4*41
+l E
EqE+E q,q?
: €rjle?
*:Eil e+qq fl= gEg gzle
qg4 #4oF 6J-=zl g E=4ol.q-.
LJl, lz-1.q. zllz| uJdli qiE 6ll H^]19. +d
d+Eldlr MP3= EA6IE ?+Eiql aul at4
5 Zqls. relH e+Eiql +Eol xJ*g"l
9i= gq= $1, $zJr dg r+gg dq6il^J
'+^16171,E. _2fl
=q6Fll,q. o|fl
4*gl:- Mps
+sE e+^J '€qgzJ'uJ !Je.
o| -r.eli,g-? aolgje. al4zl Ee= z,ll rJzlH
E Eqgzl,q.

E zl"ll4gl gl= ^l1lg ,HJ.=J plE,ql zJa-6br dg ql

& e+qql 9t: ^l4tg olqlgql a+6lr dg qt
& usBq fl= +^i +gg Eflqe €qqr dg ril
€} alsql 9l= *ql5g gl+6ll^J cD_e. Er dg ql

O Listeninr-=*rl
E +ge e+El rH-d qalgLlrl. E €Eoil gdt^lte.
Listen ^tEoil
to the people talk aboul =r carefully and answer the questions.
using a computer. Listen

1) olzlz| ++611 6la 9l: ol+: +9.'J lnl?

2) #4171g^8'J g.Jg ne^Jls. t@
0 zJtlg 6lzl ?+g 4lg€
611^l '+xlE g7l'
to open Recycle Bin
o +ql rl.Jg zlzllall Blq^l '+^lE Hl87l'
=q* to empty Recycle Bin
O €+s'+zl€. ul*zl'€ Eel BIEJ^J to recover (a file)
@ 'zlxllalTl'= hE +ql ++= 6lxl g:ol^J

rl=3 7l+^l Ctl€el $LH g*gLltl. E €Eoll 'J6l^lle.

Listen to the annouacement at the dormitory computer lap. Lislen carefully and answer
the queslions.

1) ol 7l+^lql^J ?lEl4 qd jlxll 4}gg ali ol$z| {tE@@il

+9"J 4tt? faTl
EE d,\l
disconnection phenomenon
-t+ outworn
2) ot49 4€:ol *eH o, E4H xql s^l6i^ll,q-. nflil patch
(1) 4"J sdql: zl+^lql^J e+El5

^l+e + Hq.
(2) pld rrll +ql= q ml= 4ss
flEl9lg g + 914. trX
(3) 4.J+Elb /l]_e€ ololqe+
+4. trX
Q sp"^kins_gfzl

Z+EJLI ?lEi'Jl= Exllzi "Jg=ilg rr'= cl'gzl dl=^l H^.lls. oloFTlo-H

Diseuss about what you can do when problems
come up with the compltter or the lnternet.

t e+q+ 9lq9lg ql, zl+ g^J:"r= Erll=

Fgelxl olofzJ;Jf H^lle.
Dicuss about the most eornmon probrens
when you are using rhe computer and
the rnternet.
gl) xl^J SH ExJl,
^l^H s+, dg *€ Ezil, ?lErgr €e Exll 5
' #,t#*H3,,:J:,Ff"1":tfJ*.:l*fl,#" etql q Er ds aot stge ;zfaf.rle
1) g$6l= Ezilq= gH 7lol
^l+ "A-;{rl?
2) ffl Ezllzl gd6t= gglg +gol4r ^g41i'!ryl?
3) qEi+g:fl gxJlzl czlE q€ril all€,*r4zt?
r qqEol "Jj1 gl= 6ile ,JBq qlq
"e+q Ezll
Dicus$ about the solutions ol the conrputer problems
you may known.
olotzld]] H^lle.

Z+ElLl ?lEJHJg "Jguf /.lz0ll rt|dl| gg"=|l _H.^11g.

filake a presentation about experiences with the computer and the lnternet.

r ?+qel flEl9lg gql qdl Cel.ll _H_^tls.

^l+6lE^J B+*H
organize your skiking experienee related to flru
**put.l. and the rnternet"

q) qH .J"Jzl, ell r+41 SExl, r4^J qBZl

*bzl, :z gE gol4
tt+lRbxl rFJr qE4l
"}|€flbzl F
o +lql^-l CFI* .ll+Eg u|gr_qE S*.a]] H^Jl,q.
Based on your notes, rnake a presentation about your striking experience.

. +Tl zltl'JFJflgxf :zel_:2. rBZl C4,J ol+= Fg.Jzl ololzf alf H^lJ,q
Talk about who had the most striking experien.*
,.uiut.o to the computer and the rnternet.
ffi Reading*Elzl

+=e E,t.JuJel ?.!EJLJI olE pill|EoJLlrl. g g-|:z EEoll =J6f^lle.

E The following is a notice about using the lnternet in the library. Read it carefully and answer
the questions.

r ErJ*9 qlEl'I ol+ ql'-ilEq: qH 4*ol l€ 9l9xl q+ql _H-^lle.

Try to predict what contents are included in a notice of using the lnternet in the library.

o Hul-e- +Es g+gH^-l qlt}.J 4+r+ ,J+^l q9l4 _H-^lls.

Read it quickly and see if your prediciions was correct.

EAlg 9lElLJ! /J-E 9lLH

LaIEl|+Eol E.= E,t'lgoll^l= cltl^1E .?'+C eq9lg 0186l+l + flAq+.

ala tr+^loll= ole]|oll ?l= 8sl6H 0lE6l^l7l Hl#Lltrf.
r f,d ?lElLJ! J.l.E HJH
- E^-l3J 4€ ?l dflrl EldE +g + 9l= 'J^10il vJ+El Eflzt f,deJ 1l0l=g E'J:drl.
- A+Ejel dg= fl +, ,\lAF nllhe-l 'LllE+lr'= =al61l,(J 'tre gq fl'zj6f7l'= EEl.
-'Il.Eo-e.lP +q g7l'sl fll=. E/.l= 6H^ll-dtl.
- 'trtg tp +4 il3-d + +gat eol "Jq:dq.
tP *A: 1T/.1n. U. 01
^l€'0ll ,\ltrLJ! Elas:1n. fi7.1T/. 01
7lE 4loltrfllol: 255. 255.1Tt.02

- ?]ElH! fle s+raJE A#Eioll €^l-dtrt.
?t= +d
x+t ilerLl! ,3rj
=nilol^loll sErz33 E-r.r{l ri ,Jutt crl^rcrlF-t tJ$$orl nlfiTH c?"tutct.
- A+E'loll+d Ee 8^l7lZ^l ?l=^l Ctflol.r =nilol^ld ololElq HI"JHA= ge-dq.
- -4.a sloll trl= ?1E19,l 0lE6l4E €^l:el +d ?lE1'l! E-=.reJE g=d,\14
:qrr =Eilol^l
ololrlel HISEE= galEf^folE= +

r.alEtlEff. E,rlg ?_trfl r{lra


1)eql "J*e 4l+€ { Brlle

c$f terminal

2) rl^l + d gln ol4el 4+ol +-9-H o, ol|lJl6lrl to remove

rteH x ql .s^l6l^lls. =4
(1) q,lnel E-=aEq^l= +.+d
qlElgl d4ol 7k6|.4. X
(2) E^J+q,rJi xffietr rp5 +q
*ol-,?d "JEl9lq d+++. X
(3) E^J+ 1+ ?14 EJI^rql^J=
€e sEreg +^l"ll tr
W Writing_lA7l
tr a+EJLI ?IEJLJ!= ,\l€o=lE,\j BgiIE goil rlJ"-|J [J H^Jl-e.
write a composition aboui striking experience with the computer
and the rnrernet.

o gdlzl Aq^J gs+ 4+g u|ge-e. qBIEE Aeg.Rl H^Jle.

Bosed on $peaking activity Q, write a composition
about your striking episode reiated io the computer
recently. and the lnternet

1) tYzi g^JE H11AI+

fl.Jg +q"J i4?

2) t'yzjE er+E CA 146ll+ Exll: +qg 4zl?

3) rqE qq+E 7l+rl ece 4HGl4?

4) r Ezll$ q€41 t'H$s\G4tl?

qlE+ 4+g u|gie=+ Al H^ll,q_.

Based on your notes above, wrile a composition=gJout your striking episode related to the computer and the lnternet.

. A+Ei H ?lEJfl 46fq 0l0F7lEr + ?l+Llzt?

Are you abte to tatk about the .orpui", *j r",J*.r rJi, '"' ' Excellenl r-.+.-+-r..< poor

. gdo-t-r Edoil
t HLlt/f! ^tEo-trt7t
Eflo-ti oloF7t-=, +
Are you abre to tark about the probrems
thar arise from computer and rnternet Excellent r-.r-*.<-.< poor

. ?A+EJ
H elEJ.ll /.lEE grLHo-lE
E€ gj! 0l6llEl + o^tALI|l?
Are you able to underslantl instructions
on .o*pr* unC lnternet usage? Excellent e*.<..+ pcor
n -L 4-+
r - u QIE is attached to a verb indicating as that the action or the behavior is the same.
-(o )Lq]-tr. is used to indicate a post event.

qlzi ot= ql-e €B6ll +1. qlTi €H6t= 4E €zl6ll g4l.

4E rl*ol oJ qltr q4 6lH E qEl+e sg 4qs.
Il= 4ol 4zl {ltrq},H 4eol4.
a -q]E is used after a noun.

4 "l*48 tt.Jg xltr-6]] FolrJ uloJall9.

(1) 7l: ol +qlolzlql 94BJH qBZl 6llot gl?
qltr ts+.
4: 4zl xl# "J6l: "ll
(2) 7l: e+Elql oflQ= q€41 gp6l=^l Eqflql.
4: dB^J Sq? 471 L"J qltr 6ll _H-H q4^1.
(3) 7i: e+, *9t4lrt. ol4 zld "J= 7lql,q?
4: EIE:4tr "J5flbull e59 *ol $,b 4 zJotq.
7l: =
olqg. Eq Bqzl*gl'lle. zl]\zl Eq g a +ql 4aoJae
(4) 7l: olHql: 4zl6l^l!. qlE ts}.
4: q FJ'J614. €4ztzl LJI *qltr. .J 6J 4l +lrl 9lq?
$) 7l: d^JH. qezl 6lE €I+q g+ol +ote ilgzl.q? i
n 7l: *4 xl'J EeEl qq-+ 4lle?

E -=^t -=rl
r -Exl -5xl is attached to a verb, an adjective and a 'noun+ ol4' indicating a selection

of either one or all between two (or more) different things.

'ul=J e+E'ql ?ot FExl USBqI 6l=z1 6l^ll,q-.

6J5E d"ll
zl-Exl :+i/ql 7l=zl 6ll.
€zlollrl 4196171
(I) 7l: +d .JEl"Jlol
#q^l=ql qgrll 6l^l?
4: 3rll, xl4=. *.zlSzl +dg.t|$a[-$x] "ll ts+.
(2) 7l: ?*4 7l
lxlol +^J q+ affiol rJe.
4: :Bzll 4160l LtH ^il e+q= ^l=^l rA^J ir=^l 6ll.
Q) 7l: "lzl4zl d"l. 4zltl ",t91= 4 rl $xI
4: ll el^lg "t* S.erJ vl H 4E4 "JExl u|$QlE oN.
(4) 7l: ql.J q^l= ulz| elE *ulr4?

El -71trJ dlE
. -71"J 6tH is attached to a verd, an adjective and a 'noun+ol4' indicating that
the same result would appear under a certain condition.

. -zl"J alS can be replaced with -trJ -(9)8.

e+El= Azl"J 6IH e+zl g^Jel4.

?+q"J 4H g+zl g4+tl.
f"l al= 7ltsol €zlr} 6lE ]L4€ +=+.
ful 4b zl+"J +eE r.4= +Ert.
(r) 7l: qg4l g&#ltt?
4: 9^J 6lE€ e+Elq gA6l7l"J 6lH A+Elrl4€ol gl^Js.
(2) 7l: oltril.Jql a+471"J alH d*ol .J 5I.
4: oJoll.J +-$g ar+,* 4 olrJo}?
$) 7l: zHql E3 "J4zl"J 6lH ,Al+H^-l ell Att?
,f : 4*HrJ Col E+='Js g16}ol. ^l+l=
(4) 7l: ++*+q! s zlE 4qls?
ffi Listening Transcript Ezl qte

44+qr+. ltzl{ o-ei rllzlzl*9 4l*E aol

CD1. track 5-6 goln9.
zi: aoJc d+, q rgzll 9zl€ zlgald€'rJ4.
zl: ets9 4l.J slfl 6J +g azll6lE.+ 4A+q4. 4:zJaf6*t-14.
ol46 al. oJ^l6l^lzl9.
L+: .+€6idqt4? 4E F"JElol4 4q3 o146olap
*i-tq. *ee + +qErl4l+qq.
4:t}**r14. +rl SEE] plgol E 6J B ts*qls. *g
CD1. track 10-11
fflql q€ €q€i +ol6f^lls?
z|: o;op, El. H*+41+4. C'Je:4+ti.
4: ^l+ .JCol +E.J^l aEl6|4 6l: ql€ ge+E ^171+
rl] zin dEl. +4 ,Jol *+4 TJvl?
L+' +e}. LtE
€+Elq4. ^]fl
cl: gqlEldo e. il-lzl qlg z^1. 4 d+zl rel:ql
4: xJaE f6J:ol Eli6f^lqls. dell^l"J 4ol7l qg7il
4zl tlg eE. Edln, *7]-+.E ga Bqr., ^lH-E.
4: 8ZtrdgLl+ o6q-Holn a. '*r. *+aol olq4 ^f* +a"J 6lj1 elot €4.
zl: r4E., +qlql 6lE qql? +ts]= 47|
7l: gzl.r.lrlle-. HlrJ+q+. rdEJl ?l7ll €oJ ^lg +4 +
^l6fj1 trl "Jol^l g qlq4*4 'Jol 4qe4.
trl: LLJq]E olq# r?ql Evl r,IqTl *c+9 ullEql
4:€ z€"ll *+qq. +ql= bol LFut E^il€ *9lj1, Ll? gE
1H Ei *lql qqtg+6lq ul{oll r}ul q u4I +q}g
j1^J6J Z
^J4 ?} il"E ++=
s]]oF^l, E. tsJi a *E+?
7l::l*l^lls? fH ol4=,l€ ++€dl= gol.llrl oJi 4: E.E 6Hl: r^ltrl e+^l 6]]E q#.1. 9 ^lrJ4l *ol^J
4l+ "lqr *sqzl ul49l fzl tl* Bolot. *4
+H il^ls.
El4E 4 rlr+ 9^1.
zl-: zr.ll. ,^itrl gzl.
ffi 4: gdq, 'Jdq. rH ^l+'&tt 7lb 4141t4
7l: .J€aldlzl? aoJc d+, H^l ol^lol +€d+? olaEJ €LHr. 7l^1, +?
qlsl 2o0ElElql^l 1F 6it ag +4EBqEl. q:
71, C"Jol<l? re gE gE 614:
4: ,J^l6Jq4.
7l:xlf, Lf,$n tetHse .Jil ilbq txll+el *€ g
d+e g56td #l7l?
d'J^Ee gr^l Rq t+g q+6|71 qqs s=
4: f€€ 6].zl .'.14t* a 4€ q+qns-, aFq}r 4
qH r{+El Ejl d+e 4qql +7}71 "Jq+. q44zl= c.*i9ts-zl 4rl^l= F d+4
^14}*+qq. s.s F+g HlTf +ola^l"J etse 4,^l thlTl AA
^lgg E*.1 ql +Alr+ii E**4e.
r]: ol"lqTf +tL d+ tl4.Jqr+. 'JE+g AFqgrl o1qx14lirlle. flx]
iJl, olulzJzt +g d+
={oln Qrl .$$7| j!=ot4xl FEq olB trl.J+q "lq rlldl€
€dol4 ++trtrt-E eF6L= € t oluil6l +dq{. 6ll F: Aol +4+q4. BxJ ulz| ets gql=
:raln6qli.qlqq: H+tol 6iLl flbql, 5^JE ^l7l
ulz=lxli a+E *9.q sE eg g, 4olqE +
+€ d+tr gF6lr gl+qr+.
zl: 'J€ ol+ *6l.=ql, d4e gg* €gQzf?
B€' dAol^l!.e. {?all 4l+S Ble h+61111 d 9]
u|: :gz1 *+qq. +e s^l +.# 614 trq A+€ **g 4ls^l 5€ ols-o-oll t'71€ rll46ltr ^Jl+ H4g
+ ot€g zlr4zl4.:1. r4l^] + 4C4q1 €.Jqq. "+l 46E 9l€E €'J + "Jd+t14. ^J+ 4+
zlqql ?.1+6f^l: +"JE4ll^J: ++ ="1.
rl6llTt g^dg
7l: *e.e. q€ 4lqg 4zl; *+;471?
Sle *g $.bzl ol4 nlr,l $elB.rlzl ut*.14. ol1l
4: €d;l g+dl^] ^l g +ql ^lEqql^J gqb ^ll4l
d+A4sl zoool4 +€q^J + ++g alE+

276 LHE
CDt. track 15_15 7l-:+l+j1?qb ololE "Jzl4, dqI"J 6l+ ola+E.l
ffi zl$nlzl6lrl g
zl: o14 q7l^J +g6J 4xlri{olrJlg jt+g 6fjr. ^l+E flol A"J +g 4A"Jq]
,(l, E_ o tr4l* +7zl bql Eqe+?
Jtrl l-.e,
ul oyny 94 Efl#ol. +E 6lL.+z aflrll g,i1g
4: trE E*g EeH r+ol "J g*rJls.
oJol-g. :flrl] 4'J eE 6J^6l*64oF.
L,-71-: Lll, :aA {z} 6i4l€g B+r *=ql
olA A4-f.t+ol,q. olz6.ljr. 4lxllgolL
7l:€ 6l?+n 6lB 5 6l= €' u|.i fa|lz, +oJolH
^l*H4l^J gtllHld .Jq"J Eq 91j1. C"J 6llE 6llE q+ -Jq.
7l:+ qrJxlql 714 ol gt xJ fl alr|_r. dl^l E^Js.
q: r*a. 4: ol,-,1 +z16l d"J.J +"J* ".*ol Ee+++ Bxl glsE
rdEJl f.+ E4lElE 9lq.c?
"*ol 6l: €ol4jz.
Lle+ H+:z 6ll. + CEE
zl: dgl 7l^i ol4dl-iz tl^ll+g Hlr/6ll *rJrl olzll 7l:Eel+Ef= zla.llTf E4jq: 4oF. Aol 6lloFxl,
z]fo] go1 polxl{e}ae. r4j1 7l4E? 7lol7l ^J4
rffi2.1 € Eel+.]? d"JoJol Lll "Jol4r cql4 glb
u( ,' n.
aE olqn. .JEl4q. olxjl+EJ +=+"Jgl +EvyE
4::€ 4zt S€ HIql. e+ql= +1, 6l+71 grt 6tr oJ 6J
4lrlzl Btlol olgl d"J.Jg dEr6il^J 6ll.
tlzll+ol +eqvl.
z|: xJ{QJe 4l4s go}trzl ?*g R.l glzJI]J
Cq'J €Bg dl +^l ?*e_dsq4 ol
^f.dg 6l+ +.J ofolg Slxlrf4tslql g€ HHl4^1, d9]
4::.9.r.1r1. L]lz| u];l q.Jg *qRsr-]zl olHqli
gezixl. -"14 g flo^ltrlrs? oi4l d"J.Jg
,.4 7l^l E+ulqirll^ltE
trJ7J^lr oJ^Jg
+gq alt€ee n+lElEgzlle. 441 ge_+ olfl TlBzlql
4 g "J .JeH + +EldeE e+ot qls. d"J"J+Tl olq4 EilAA, €.^l *EJql^J=71^J]9.
ol€ E?ll,
s+ol^J= 444tlzl flEzl 44. +!#6,}J a#6J
+4e+ gg + 9l:].<g *tE q+srll
ffi ^lrJg
aB9 Bzt, ;l-Ll E-dBoJqq. ol+ "JEq EBqq. 3.r.lzJ 3uJ g. s^lrJ 5"J g. €:.J s+g
+ +coiLl d gog q €H+q+.
ol€+ +E 7"J a^ilzl +BE <l-^ll.J cHb
Et4l +d^ls.
Czl_= tsEl
gi d q6l^jls.
7l E+olE
azlHg C6Jol ,J+ElolH 1H, olqE EE€. EBI "JEi
^4+ql ^El ^l E

+d^ls. +se 1H, +E ?^: 2H, 714 +EE

3{g ts.el +d^ls. 24^}rJ ol4q ++61-41 ^}€el
+l^b 1H, r old ^}*g +S+l^b 2H, +B6i4l CDl. track 25_26
tl+g +1i "l Hl*.J4b sH.Jq4. +Bd|41 ^JEE effi
+{^ "i H}+ "J4"Jq+. 7l:4ltt* ololqol +E"J 1, =clol g*z| ggrl1
*Elgg fladin il+q4. *rlq} zl44 fd
€Zil +4 Hq zt*\zlgH+q+.
6i+ €.dgg cc€. +6ll j1'4Hg s^ljrzl 4:rH _7+zl. zjb ^Jq Hol € aElr ^J4*qs.
^ls. ^.lsl ololqqTl +lq +t'Jqlq4 Ag 4dg rl
lLq6lr 9l+q+.
*r+ols. olll"+ oJ+"Jg r1E sg
^l]*lg cE
7l:+E C"J +r*q,s_. rflEjl _z,rjg xlf,gezf
CD1. track 20_21
^lzloJq+. flzJ ^JtlHql +Fl qzloJg E4^J
g€ 4l+ zl,Jol gtrl+ ABzl EE6|.r Blq,J Eel
zf: {_H., u} xl+ + ts}grJl ++ rEJ _u_-L g.ilol {zlul
E 6l-z119
ECIt "JEq Br+j1sa6'l^Jls.
ell 6.19 xJ;o1o17 ,l+ 4A4.J trzJol* 4: H:JH. "J# 6q al+6Jqls. z1l+rl
'+: ^l*? Ee4"l olfl .flt* ,ilg ql4lol + €qE +E

*4n slqqE-c. ql.$+q q'Jdl ts+ot 6lzl r+41 "tg* scg zlHH 4*s.
zt: *ols.. 45. :1 .Hzl €*,*:4 :1H'34+q ,4'Jull
HA. xlfr,lxl qdl +xlEE d6t€ 6dse+gol
4: 4l{F1 4g € eH q}4i"il *+-l^l zl* qi5 zlxl
+q.'Jxl gq*bEjls, q^l +Bq ,nHql ql6i 4E
.i- qb a q€4-s? nS.Aqvl? sEe eEol SHl. re olxll: +H:E
z|::4o1 g +E 9l4,qis.. +{14'J 4* 4€ql 54"il Ei6x ololzJoN BEq 6la. ololl 4dl^]b
i8zi4 !-a xl3 6lot7l* a+q +oJdtl 4^l + €+zl'EElEl =+gl 4sll €€6}a: qxlcl t*dl
slE€ 6lE+ 6|4. +n! Btr aZl F Tlxle C?]g + 914#qq. a4, +gol
^l+€ +"ll
4lEol4b 4,J4. +Be Tl]dJol orq4 ^l5lql
H $all E4tr +++ "J+, 4+4i1
z1: 'o*! 9^1. eg *cl. sts'5 44olEt ol+ F+ 4 olzlali {o1 4 d4r.lle. :1 44el EE}4 5{*
'olsQn dFl€.6}r. a*g 4 BlgzP :41""". Hlg+4= 4qle. qEB* 45 el+o1 *F zll*
o14q xl+ 45. A{^l7Jg Eilot ia4,* qlq4.' ul+j *g qq4 +ee €*9 Sqol4 4q rle4l
4:+*H, dqs. ^l? go1 Sxlzl... Eal6.i"' :€+-3 se6J4b a€'.J4e? rEl^J :14Etel EE+=-tretr
*grl.'Aol^1. +*g "14617l olBj9ldq4. ol4l 4B.el F d'll
4: €iol oles +lolot4 q44Lt. :fl41 oldxl zld €48q4. +B9 e{ql qqAl: +l ge "lejS
$q7l g q^q*a. ololzl! 6lxl ?*9leq4 e$"l Sg qll gul
7l: 'qHt a otd.Li?'^'i, xl! 4l4l'ia+qzts-l H.xl ggl-s-qzh ufe 4B:9 zl$-e-E
rl: $s;|r4zf q.q46pJl. oleril +i4l g rl €^8 +lb
z|:ffiH {#ga,J+114. da}s#id*qq. +"1
€{ z}H€:44. Fid€. 6}6t. 'f*4, 4 + ql;-I. $

4*,qlE g* Aql4r olzl! olzt!' zl: 414, s-€ ++ g gq? 7l+ol 4l+ ql +o| 5-{4.
4:$, *eq1^ Eb "Jol# 9iq^1.
zi:Yt .Jol flbql:1;{?
4: €* s6 4 Bxl A+71lrj4b qx,l€ol + flb a
UX +oL 4rl gsb:1LJ oli {z}e}l qe,q "t4lb
qB +ull
1)zi: ililol-s-. 4olE 4oI HqE tbEtb +B
+g ^$gol4n 4oleoilrtzl dgltxl ^lqqr.
" ols. r +Bg fl41 4b aqla? zy:
=AlC*olot? *'J614.
4: ++ gg 6Pl 9liil*lb euls+ r.qg 4"F.*4+ u|::9^17 "JE * qxl? s5g 6l+ +g r- ^J4"J
9"lzl€.e. relq+ +dle+kq $,ol 4zl€ ?,g Lti/ gE +q ql *6lEl+4. 4lqol Sq4 :1dzl
+ fi48 A*3id,la4g El r4s... * Eb aE *olqRq.
zt: *.B'g olotTlg unb gH"il 4C €€ zl::€4r. :.ell 9]x1 Br. +l4E € Hol. zl*ol
^lg€ol ol*7l6lq4 o161161714 a"J a olqot"
glolot trlxl7l4E EJ

u|: oleln 9leEq4 4zl HF 4l€trt. :1B' E e=

2)4: q4 n*olE 41t'3a|$ e|9. 46}J. Hoi'/J/t?
4::g q* ard'olE g 6'lH gqqq, ole4l 7l: q ills4lolrJ? .Jolzlzl:. € H.lzL €ol ++ ^lol
^ll ol oJe Qlz| rl-$oll {il$
gEIoF 4s. +*g € ullb'S4qq', 'gq+ql ?lal :/ilEal €ole.!.,
{g €44 *4ee olotTl€ a}xl gog o3 g"t4 ts?lb;q q€61 o|Tldllot rll. :1EJ. ss-a
qs. 4e q^lE "JLtn
ElqB zlr:Jgiz.l sd4I. ql.
7l: :1El^J rllz| $S$ ololzl$ r{r:}c} ffi ^}g:5ol

278 LHE
a *61n, g4El 'lflH Sxilolfl,.lql a++ d^JH
iulqfl +c^,rgq4. s€iql y*ol
9l'dai^Jls., 4l^i: rl*6trll 44 +d+q4. 561 4l7l
*r ^t^ils-? "ll.J'lt"J *g EE Slo^l+ng?
4e1-u{l €ol4^i e5qg ql *g *rl€ +f=
"Jq4s. lSql-\7l drJe] qol+b 4, :1qr rJle. oln| d^JHol .J Zldq4E zl+E xlb
.)'Eql,\ q^qlb *gol 3ln4*
4 + ol^leFls. SgxlE s.e{+qq. d^JH, zj olsaqe. qgql
-g-+dllb *g zlE4= ffzfxl ufgc|-r. 6}bqls, Hltr otg+ +a7lEe_l qq gd6l €r1
,\EElr. qle"il iJrJ Fq Et$e.l ^l+e. ^t"J"l
Bg **"e :.;19 *6q4. dcH, q+ En dols.
*H"Jq+. "*ol *i1 *€4e-e .gzlala u|gE 2) 4sldol4n 6.r.=qls, aq qrql^J zJ6lr
{f€ z}xlE ^trql^7} z}gdl Hol4lrl* Aqlqle. ^J:
eol aH F.J ,Je HlolH€ FAF, oltrl€g
qBi+, r.E4lr.7l +q 7lj1 .J4E 6l+ql g H4l
*+q4. +4 Ee +4tolol^i u11"J Aol
srll*q s.^lls.. zJE qqe"l EJ y*ol *g + 9lE+ €ot rlklrlEe. ^EB
:ldql n3 7l€oil r )J+71.|l471
r.qdld+rlEl. *Sol all1. ArJ+ ^lEl ol^l€- 7lB^l gqol €.6llxl7l
^sql4qlb ^J€e ^lzlql+q+.
r a+6liz otJ ^l€: q++€ wllEr:.4*gl z*4zl
g"J d^dH4l €4^.1 * g Fgi ja! da€.6i7lE
fl7a. olfl^Jfl +qol # nlgolz| olp
Ei1+^l "Jl-+rll 5lE €d+qtr}.
s CD1. track 40-41

zl: 4€4. 344H. 4zl +ld* jtrqzl Hfe ol4qls.

u|; ol]L*lf9! gril -e.elslilllrJ*ql.
zJ-: nJo|g. o}+ E9 r.4qls. "^l*+ +c CD2. track 4-5
+qlql, +01617l zlb H"l "J gol.e,. 7l: +El r{, g€ol +6lldLJls. f* =.9 .J ilflqs?
4: ol4 olzl rfl;.]lzl. Ll.=qls? rLill4 +ol^171olqr+ 4::4 trq.c? +'Jq
. $z]-;.|gol il+ gqls, ]t4 4qE:1+r.. zlg ^l,Jol + CZ^J 4q
4, :1e41 4+ €ri *;q ga o.frJ oflzl{l w_l's_. zl: Ai ? TluHqlE A+ql S:*q-e-?
z[: o15E bxl atqE m]eqq4. x.il7] 4c}r qg Ll: rd4 rullb, dofs olopzlqE+^lrl
";r.fez] A+ e€4
+Eql a+4i1 6pl.llb B7l €g6ln 4$ql,J 44^J +€g 49 *i{qe.
6t7lql= a* q€*. :?fl *xf rl*zl.J g 9tX zl::*flt-e-. rl^l + e trqrl :1q A+71 EF€_oil
ole. +rl E + g"lt€ dl B 4ol Sqrlgbxl
€flfl+ Hls.
xJ,eoilil +g *dol gq,b A .JH^IE 4tltl{ :rrt *B a+rl Ll+ "Jt4olHq_s-.:il.+^Ele
4: 41,

**6. :$zl] otfrlla|4| xlqjl gtgb,l.
d+El €9lzls €91i1 +4xlra tr*ol^J + trl^l zl E-a
Lle ul4r+qfl duflTl q+ 4+4s.e 4flqs.
"lld +^jlE

€4b Hlg"ll €94 F^l"ll :a dtslle+ Aeg + zl: zlEAi C"J€ol6lls. a+q^Jb +J ilols?
494=s, ul.: 9q/.14 Adril Ae B^EE *r.s_, _H.++^l H+
4: olz,l Sd E4Elq. ^l%iql € €*H E a+zf ,Jql^J 4l4E il:qlrgol Irle
j,846t Bq
4^l*olS.qq...:*. olg4l :1rJ+lg 7l: H* olotzlea Eelvlt+E 47171ilb A Aoie.
a^l*s gln zlg rd +AE}. *rll,:
xl€ 41. o}4}
,i eg* 4l^q^17]- ol L4 E9H^J a^|*g
6lr. glqE +qls_. .

u|: r-JJ, 9€ 6tr gl* "Jol + oJgl^J trl*.ol BBdbql

+Ee+b € xl$ ri] B€E gj1 ilqe? :1fl El€.olq€Hqs.

& *
1)4* 95€"1] *"J rFqlr BqB g*g *,961.fl'J 'q], 4g* ATIE ?l*o|^l Eq +{ A{i gE
e*+.d^sHg *n gltqq. _1q xl= ++E

'4aol, +ilE 4t +g q4e xJg 5H*4? agol q 9s_a1up5 a+ql :1€4i1 -a-og-d
€ol^l qt a q*olq^J 7l+ol Eiol €flq. gxl€
** E}b dl*ql q+ F4 E44^J gCol mlFqR^lql r+H]+qlEulilzl g$ ao-e =4*+qq.
Eol^J + q *I a4+ +5' 4lzq6lr Btslqql^l s6J olgql qt* "J^lE Trll H6ll olulal d$ef=.
6l+E EE El4l ]1x1. qls+E Y*ol 5lr. rF?lE e6ll7l olp$ afxl goloi *4r. +B+ 5LJ dqlb
4 €q^l qb dg 6Jq*q. q= q+ ^l=J6l4l € a 47%9.e+ ol{ a }ql^J* 19%ql ra+qq.
,J.l.. +4 Sg6lxl, bilflol. qqlE qls7l.' 6J€ €.llsl+Ell, r?]l Ag CE El.tlgeoa3 4gq1
Lil, ol gsq4 *€ol * a aqs. aazl 14* .J^l a^lql^lE gul-trS €4zl- 4**44.
q4$g qqlle? :r.fl7ls-? :-og:o1;r s, :;jE €"il4g4 +4€gq rll6'J dsE+ 5LJ dr+ ilolTl
Aqla 441^l a4 +41'6llH Elsa&'5q sBq4. F s9€ ElB, a€ atr q^i= €B ae daEb
S rlol r*ol qq6ldls. +A nE"+ boi4 eszug das,g trS.+q+. olb
dql.JEol zl41q4 *= tsl+zlE += qlql ts-4
4+4"171 rllg"J a.9.e B.Jq4.

CD2. track 9-10

7l:xlg .4, ag^lol 9ol oJ H9t6? Ae E|
CD2. track 14-15
=Hl: tt
€q 7ts?
4: 49 €*ols. Lil"J +sl5qsB qs. tl:44 +b € .J9t4, ot. Ll ^ld +rJql €
z|::E* +El6lL4L "ildAqle. raql ** 4le& q+H+?
4: ^t:EJl+^l gel$ $sH{ € +
aTEol zlzla9-uig.! "l€zll ^]*4 d?€ 94=
{: o}r-1g., r"JAlB.ol EZt5i1g.TlE *q-e-. zJaa}z'll alo]t
slir.4q^-le-. zl: *l * oJxlE *614r.,
4+ql^] ^l++El
6J €qsb aE a}lElglbEJl. d4n flr+.}.
6lrJ, s+ql* fe4 6l: ^lg:EE E*q4j1-s.. u|: zl$lxlzl. r+e+^l ql€ztzl 6ll A=ql :1;llE 016117l

aE4 +4: +716t^lls? "J*q?

4: 3q ql6l +^lHol 6l,(lle. 4:€Bg 6ll +lE'Jl7t:19ril L.4zl *6lH a+fl=
z|: p 5o1 4q€zlzl-s-? :1+ +q^ 4€ol9qs? 4 ofr_J4? ^lH.€.ol "l+4 g+614n 6llE. rllTi
'ul: olr-.loile; qlq+
B r'& a+S,re, €gs +ql a€€ *zl **.lH 4*elb =-9 *slnl olH 4xl.
+g6l-Ei^l tl*bql, H.zltr !-olq+n-*. :14^'l 4::gz1q1 ^l+44E e44 €l-94+ +d6l ilgol
417l flzl_e_.
qe&ol. gB4 *r Sql+ €g4ql^J €A +
zi: :4e? 4€ 46Jql rfl HE 9is4q Ee-lq-e-. 9lg gsi olLl4 +r4ol *4 4lqg + 9lr+b ,11 ol
'+, €€6lg olqql*lt 4qle? de+*ole? *s9 4qqlql.
q41 q, EHqIE Lie* Hltrol
4: il+d ^l+sH Eql€q7l^J € ^J4olH*q BS zl: zell.:7.BEla
q^tql^] q+ eol^l El^l 4e olElE€ +S rJol7lb4q.
=4ql Lt:tr4 uJ.Q 4lul$g HiE{. ++ 471ld.b 4zlH
tl: e# d +6171 AEq€EJl dzlzlTl{4tl ol^I Ae a3Jga o|$o|$oll,rl d+ golot. :aa ql+ol
+Hl: 4oJ 4+ trt+TlzlLlls. olq4n:
zl: Esl9 trt"JC! uJs o141 ?l45llol^1.

d+q 4+6;= ol*d q olg Bq L000*oil4l ffi
€.llpi €€"ll 'lt* g4g 4^l'* €4, 5€ d"ll dl6l 7l: old + gsl4l i4.Jqq. *E ggt'F gxl'71
+BaJ Hslzl flb aee +4*+qtr1. €tl6l mlE +Ee *rjg Fg6In glbqs.

280 LllE
H&l+E ++ gp+
gtfl+E S+zlzl +ejz ^l*, =lIE +d4ol gxl tr
il#qEl. 4e +ql= oJLjdl^lls-. zJ=
gzlsE 416l 2alH ac+"JL.lEl.
€+g + *si gq.,EolLl^e,zl +S Hol$q4. ?d€ Tlzle+ .*41a.1^]6.
oll+ tr-e-oJ ole
+4= q{ 471"J E.H71 6}+"J
5j1 FIilq4. ql+ns? Esgg jt €ol olq4
4:dzll ulofr]/-e ,{'g +Lg€. fJ6ll olE4o}e rJ4.
r*ql^J 10H d eEAlql^J+gg:"1+ HolzlEs. djt^Jol €t1Fql
"ilqfi'J a^l*$ "J4z{ EbrJ}. s.q sFE 6ln oldTj{ 4.JE E4 o}€g
g-E+ g+ql 46J +8,J, zlqtr+q =7lq
tleE,lq .JqE+.
z}+e+Jilr. dflts .ql'g,^f*€E xl4l.el gg e+
:1qle€ TlEdll +.= d'g F6i e{"JE €flg *4 clae-i 4g de +BqlE 9l+q+. +eol
dil"JE.J oi^d# +l"ll d^JHE.g + ff+^JE +4
Yvl4l qa-. rBlLl'd'ql/ilb d+oe EolrJ +
8tr41 +=ee Llhq^J +iltr ++"il
Sfl€ Bl'Jol gtbEl. €pl ^ru al4 xil4Hl€ €ol '*Zl Tlsa
+dqq. 4el Ae ag 6tzl *olE dqol ++61
+g'iqoiq^_E,5 4e+6lb gTlEi ull+sE
i+^Jq q +-eg go; E6l "J+6ll6ld q 4.
+3t, olg4oi e^l€.€ Fce r14l +4lql^J+El ^J
p+4lE e.ol S+q+. r+4e+ +q clitzl old iilqg ^lzl6J 4g slrJ5ol
€xll. ^J^Jq €dg
qzlH4l ezlb 48 dzl|el bECg al+sl+ €44 *+6llot cl+ Er+E 441+b d^JHEg
+41 qlEolH+q+. zJgqlb 7lq HJ +q +olH.'J
iilol]. dgE +,+g ++Elq4. olH +"JqlE
gpls + tFee +rl==E +El-S $*ol gq gd6l *+dlr il+q4.
^4q€ +si qB *H trl+

TT CD2.tnck2I+-25

CD2. track 19-20 z|: o1g g7l+^l^J Czl eg9 trizlE $Ae 4ql7l
zl: ot. 4 €H4.
Eel +zilEqr+, qqEE ol.^l+^lsl olEl q4 H
Ertlzl-9flb41 olzls +
4: +l? LJ -1 E^Jl H,l + S 4oF? H q^l +qlg ^l4^l^l ?tjr "J6q+.
^lE #x]l7l iltr tdol AHbqls. g4E
+: :z
A5]!-}i+. t "lzll Eo ^Jol gqrl*q qgrll goloF
l|qlzl%l dB cqlzlE trl rJol Hlr_lqzl o+fE rr*ol
Elzl g4^j tJ*bql.
ull xll$$s oJql^J zlg *ElE d+ a aols.
7l: H olrll +l7l olE+ll rB4l ggolLp _r.Eln
Q: zJs r+4] ^J4"lle.. ol7.ll zlg +4 ,JxlEi dg
+4^Jflql 64:Z;;EE4IE F €E 'J gX].
+4..e€S gozlb 4dz1"J gtol*ols. fflEll
4:€*4, 4lal! ol+ FJq qe ,Jql q+ ....
^l*Eg ffl C4g er 6l^l S.= 1 Aols. + q
q +^J +eI rlel € q A+. t4L+El +ql
6lqi *H45. ^id 4+4s.g +H6lltrH q€zle?
zl: 9l F^J gq $elE E*+r 6tzl g:*q? LJlzl 4: S€9 ^J46lzlb ololzlollb zlE FeldF=qls_.
gElE ol{ql€ r+;il t4€lqt +B7l H gl^J rfl a t^lb g:ots. aElTltlql
71 -ts-H Srolaln B, +qlqql Selol-rll g"l
rt: 4 F^Jtlcjl Bgol tA r4r zH rlq}
TldlH ol€ + Sol. olrfle zplzp =-g qqlg4'd ",j.e4vl4l+^l+ 6ol txf, olH;q€ + +ql"il
Blg +*ql s4=e. qli +ql^l zltg€+ Bele-g
zl: 4qi € ?! 7lE olql? El, +4 €.+ xlgol oJx]? € s€zJ "e Elsol +lol alzl g:g4s_?
4: ofzlb ulxJ r$lr-alzl *dbqlElj/
zHb+E.+ "Je+"J :zqqq rl;g qlElz|-tr xllg€++ElE q
+ql,q,:1+41 6Il
+$ &gzl*6ldlJls. :1Eg^l
c+4^l &a1914o1.
+rJE +lA e*q eqs + 9lJs.
4: 4 FS€ tfl )zlzl Hqqzl +E+ ++6floF gl.
q. r+el dll+b 4+, +?
zl-::elE xJb ole qag qE *"il dE€. Eil4zl
qel+* q zJ+4ss +qq]l +eoilE erl
+^lzl Hffl-qEl.

a a} €l a4€Etd &%l?-4=io1 +^ltoll b 4ee
zl.: ffi{z}o}!}4la'k,S€ u.s' +Eltl ^lela+qEi.
€*'il^Jts+aqlq +4 zlBol d4gi
i+: €+4 ++E *A s.E.dA *BEqq. il: 7l+q €48+ ol+'4ol "*oi oJE nl6ll€
4: S4. ^l+ A {]lollb q *tsl-+qE *7lnp, 4#
7lflq* s+ol Lte-n 9+1i4. 4*B 4aeql.rj
tsI*$^lEJ A+€ 4l#5* :cq6.Jll4. KBC+^ dlg+H+qq
' , 5. {=r1't1474b ^f+614l.:
^ldol s4b a *4} €
r+*+q*s-, qn. H* *4E E€* q rltr-€
, : .szloll qiqs", :En. B* 4l47lb *. Tlr*;. rlrlol
; 4qx1q1€zl€ $dal gEJ^i 4+ns.. ol, *4. It CD2.track34-35
,'AAzl qtg + gl-9-B glxl+€rl=Stfis. ql+s*xl
zl: ol, "1941. "lE6lt. Ei"J.l BotA A rJol.
H Sol:}.b eqls, ola :.q€ol +E olol€9ll4l L+:4^l7l rrll ++ cr.lo|. s|$ol Hol'2l.44?
+* +49 €el€ + fl4n ^d4611^i gddl a}I zl:o121 4zl 941+q 4E+ -H-a^loJEil. €+s
:l*ig..t . €q*4€.
4: 4* €A61 4+€ -g.g'-lrl-. zl+b +3171 9+E. 4: '+4Eo'E *ol*q? 7t7l"ilE Hq?
,, ., oll4l €E{?Jot g i+.* zll&"Jq4.
7l: -&, g^l€.ollE'g^l €El''ilE S"l.
4: oial4zl g**.q. ad*qotxl.
Eqg El €4n €qg 6tqn 6lEl-7l. 'ql4l
7l: otr-],
6pl'E +g+b aol :r-El'4txll6t7l'€ E*.4 +lot.
n CB?"track?9*30
4::4?:1ElE +xl5qlBol9lg del, e]l S.xl?
qql+7|F rll4 tff.r't 4+qlqq-.
zl-: .$z619, ol*41 Htg rl: xld* El Lll €*61ot '+xl€. €71€ €q*qot
4;'4+6t7}.b, eul * ztb +r.l7t uJoJ61z|.'e1q€ *bq q+ B'** 4t'lxl'+xl€r Hl+71'€ €ei{oi.
:$vlzl red egg*44 ul-*oldfs4+. 4+E qEdl.,Jgel.
, olqr +El4F+ql 6lloJol4q +4 rJ4ot+
*dq? 4: r{* 4da}xl tr}. dE4€3 4 Fe + *sq4.
4:4+6"1 +sH"l4 d4e€* 4xl{l 4l* H:a AS{Eloll z} lix}.
'.,4,4i'EEllE! a E o.d4n,6lqls. :qlE {ol{
I '7'F+q'E+ dl*€"11'*44 Sgol'Bol €€61{
EoJoloflg. .J€aldq4. d4}€.iliJ .J4 Bl+sgq4. ol'l
+xlql 5q Elel gol 49 j-d g^l+El 3.+ 1^lrlxl
i+ otols: 3q1: €SFl{l,, € E zt olul {xJ, +eH4}
. .,

'.g.#*,,91',6.1.4xi sgxl xlf,$ $uli* 7lf,ol 7l+^t 4 qlEl4 sld jr4l zlgol gldtqq. :Fai
+qzl^ldLl. ,J EllPl+ +L+ *.^l-= .J xl{ *e'l 7l+^l 4 qfq{ qtol r+q{ ?lq{ {€ 4sz}
,, .4,a1E,*614r1. d::dll'*"^Pl-dl*€"ll4 g€q + golal!' #a d-,!'E xl+ g^8dl^l 7l+^ti8 qelBel
, .&g Hd, #ag.'of+€ slr.F 9* 4'd. $'a z1x1 g€ d37l 4l+.Elol *+q4. "lql alg 7l+^lol^l:.
, ' s4 +su oJd^l7q l]]'slb aE' q4 giil,
Ejl d*gsl Ea5 Eoi,t1 "JE"i sldg iil416|al
5ls+!-1l}, 4d n41 +qlb "J^]4ee .Jq91 d+ol
gr'''"" ""'" " ,, l'
ql 5l7l4 oldlqr+ HlgHs€ ql4l6lxl *;l-b 4*zl
sE s+ 4+€ql gil6J'r,4€ -A7l al-atr'ql^l 9lg + gl*qq.riil4l 4g +. 3la d+ Alql* tta
goJg.J + S= b^fql7l g$6il 471€ €?l"J ++r-q €4lolrl4' ?lb g3;IolE qzl€ El+Bol dil*
Eq Bol d€8144 #xl: ,tlrzl Stfl.+q+. q*"oll
ul*44. +^ltrLq+.
esl*E}}€'*of €ABtrl Y*g qlll7f g{ sE
e.$'-,+{41,: '+e.+ Sr6^}b s*q.'*al:+ eql
a1e,g, gcl u14 sol4,-rll 4,*#4 4: o|"!,fl .,{f !.E
S.1.g,olq'A b^tqe {g Hls"ll
45^ll. A-E-

I Answers cB

r ,: {gl7l) ,,
n:t)'{xt€q d}7lql: qzll4ee !l$;zlt} zlfol
{€71} ,,.:,, ::',':: g.e-fl gg 6ll +:71-^f E+El /
' ' ^lHl^
O 1),M €4,Fcsl..r,.1 :, U, :dtr}?ol : € **€ I s- oJ
€zi, qdgE €S*g'dlaa}l f$ zlr.i

: 2)rn.$,aJi ,.;;;,, '1,1,,, M El^l-g E$ul .{u1x

3),f] 198?€ ]'r::i:,,:',,. u 2oo6LJ : z)(1)x (2)o (3)o (4)o
I q'n- t*.
'Elr 0:r,x::: ,,2)::X:,, ,,3), o 4)x

r,., :5) :x (=71)
.dtllrl O,r) d^}* olel4q *e Ar+e+ C= 414
EH6ll ololzlaijr. oJ{. ^lt+
2)I7lq^J z]€ M ^JtlE4 F+
M zl]S q& q"J n 4l* zlb €a
a=6ldEl= ololzl$ alal-r.
:, .,.,.1,r.,;1,,1:; .,,111.,,
A 1) ol-ul^J
:..]:'g:(i)..x:.:.12l.'o:l:,.(e).x.].:., 2) (t) x (2) o (3) x
, ,,,pf,1r)1:'g*?9:.H-zl rtlqxli F dE4se t*e HlTl

€oldtrt. (el7D
, ;,.,,' :,,, ::r: .ii 2) : d*q 4,,
S€zJ*:,€.F4,?, P], 9l ol €- 1 I
n 1) +trHE olzl4EqEl. q^l"Je rE:z7i *e-dq+.
::,,::.:.',::t:::,9),4alql''.AA;,,€91:1, €zl zllz1, tL+ a+ 4 EE s* 6}tr 4q +^JE E+ql 4+ Badl] +41
... r zn, E o ?:slql4 ESB
-r*rlE-i- "
=- "J* *g Sbzl A ,Jol ,J^lEgq4. olH zld ui^fsl 68^iql^l
44 6T Ye.l e€.ol ge6lq olH4l €4 "ll.Jg BLIril
z) (t) o (2)
' o (3)
,:rr.r::,:,.ll[:(1),ix,(l).,,rX:::::{B):.o.1t,l(4 o,,., 3) n B+ ^19 ^ln+ M "Jq zlg sa
:,:i,::'.r..:,',., '.1.. a '
[ 4l* E+ Fzl f z]l+ +* 6]9

n t) M 489 9ol
tr 489 zlb
M +B9t ^l+ %l* n +BE ^f-& ^J*
a) r}elet g++:
, , 489 zlt-H -'4+tYzl qJl qal€.el aEil=
6dss +Bol +9.oJz1 €fl*=qle.
4B9,7lt, - ^l*E Bot Bzl g:9leq4 ul-E
+Bq 71ts"e Hq7l6.

294 E=J
,' ,, ,,
(8{20., ,,: , , :,, ,
(gl7|) l
O 1) M *8 *6q Eo1
6la5. 6lxl ?+g 4dlzj+ g.r oJ o E^JE
6 (t)
"l €4 qll,ri * :Tlol * b_q,s e,,o1gg .,gfl xl "J
:g*. 95 q-s: A€ail',,OO,,
1C5."il 4lb
EeE zJ6l: €s= *g'j4. SflEl.

M **
s€el +4 (2) 9VrJzlg::Egg ronqz a+gal,+#€ 4xl
, '^l{"lE Ejl+: ull€ q+*4.6}oil4 ^J4U . 47l al€ .S^Jg-41,€4^JrFl^l*,€'€.,:.Ef^I4
"Jtr ,Jg gg
"|]€ +.Jql7ll EeJ+zl g+r "lE t*44+ "J,HIE :"Fa 4{oF,.dqil €,f, g 94..:'
ol-esoJ ,<lzlnlg qz zl^lE ,
aiiH BFdl= (3) d^JH4l,rJ!. ofulE -flqEol
^lg5ql4l ^F8-o1.,1 ^lztfl+EJl "1 "J;l iqa^f "Hdql +"J4ola llflixl, +i qlEql %l+,
zlf,g elultr af-a flfr$xi, oftil {, oJn.4l4l g,€l g€e,
n ++ E€g ^l-8-61= %lH ql 4fit"J +di5 +A. gor4'r$,
2) Dlig qlq H4l :aol z|{el n}fafl iJ4*E+, . '-,'' :, ^ts3.,6l4l, ,,'t,- i.-':;,,;''.,
+E ^l*g +ol= ^ltsE "Jg.+.

2) (l) o (zl o (3t o


O t) e F+94 q4g d.q, ; ,' , ,

o dql^i ,1.+E7t +1fl^.] El,il tru+,

r* #z:
O go1 zl\zlzlg ^lrJg
2)@ , '

Or)(1) \ (2)o (B)x
El tl * - :ilFoljl 3.+LJ trllej +.J c^JH
I - l5E-r. ^l€ql Bqrolfl'J nl+ ,€70
2) ts - qlq"r.ll
Bqd^J eEq'J Ell Er."J ,8 Ot,x 3):0
tiCH4l^-l ".** gzlE +dtr|, 12)i:,x

q - rFcli E,0.." ,,2),:o 3l b_

ql4 B"l +ur, q=
^l€ 3LJ
93 oFzJ zl_.& sl+g mtHl u4*dll
:.. z*4zl Bg,d^JH,4l'84^1A€
pol alzfr {{4.

El€tgf gX!*ef .&9..!,4..i,&f+glstlt$gK:ll::::i::::i::l:ll:lii:i" "'
,ry,$iWg;lr:i'SL3;i;..,,.{4}i!0:'::i.::.''i,ii:.iiiirit':.,::iii..--..;q.{g{g..: i:::iiii::i::::r::.::::l
:i:ii: ::::ii:ii:9)igt: :st€.r!:tfi g{ut:: gs]::tgAlKliXslg6l: g$a}&.i *rQl slt.
fi s}:: ::.:::
s:.. €u}:a*q!*tt!i,X].:*l*xlg:'ii:ii:::i:,.iii::::::i
&: €u} :a*qiq*tt!i,X].: *l*xl g:'ii:ii:::i :,.iii:::::l
' 'a"lLf.

286 8'J

Glossar] *otnzl

Vocabulary Page No.

z|fr{ if possible.,'...
zl= Hol zlgol4
That's bad timing (lit. Going day is market day)""'105

7le lll parl in one's hair .'.'............'......'..."'.'.'......'....... 151

zlu.laf gfc| to leave as it is....................."'.....'.........'..127

7ffi drought.. ."":""""""':"""""""'""'107

(zffi-s.-e.) ?JElqol Eel44
the river bed has revealed (by drought) """""""""'251
Z-Bol EEI to have a drought....'........'..'.... ......'.......... 249
7l+ 1 4+& gq q to touch one's heart"""""""""" 198
7t+ol Hq heart to beat............'.'...........'..'........'......'142
zlf,of $rJ xlr| to break one's heart.."... -.'.........".....252
7l+ol €qq to have your heart flutter...........;.."""" 167
7l+71 hurnidifier.'......-..'..... ...-'.............55

7|$ house .'....;,.*......'.....,.

zl$ol 4 -r q r| the house floods'............'.................25 I
/l+€ 4zl4 to look after one's family....,..... """"""'73
4+q ol H q +q to have a powerful voice ,...'........ 198
7l-+614 to run away from home "................'........ "" "' 147

7|xl'value..'...'.-,...i.'...'...'.",..' """"""":"63
4g€ E4 toUeinthelimelight '"."239
44ol rJzlrl to have dead skin cell'......*......-....'......229
,Je6lq to be modest and simple..."'.'""'."""""""""184
A€ g ?4 to make an impression """"" """'," """""'20
,JAoltrl to decrease / to reduce......, "" """"""""" "' " " 217
Agq4 tobeinfected... ,""""""""""'268
,Jzl4BEl tobesudden.'.. .....'....'.....'.129

$rong heartsd" """""""""""""146

zlof u3 zlu| ro have the river flood....." .'-.....--.....'.......247

*ol ule 4 the river runs dry'..;.;.'.....'..........'i .,........-.:25 |

z}ari+ toemphasize... """""""""""112
4l-Fl strengthening""""""""""""""r"""""""" """"" "'2L4

4l+zJ ol mischievous child ...'.....'.-:,....'.......'. -..". "" "144

:' 112
fl $ concept/ idea """""""" """"'"""" """"""' - " "' - "

288 +ofH7l
+l€Fol cutie....'.'.......'.' .""......"""""'146

4 zl9l oJ
EEI to ring in one's ears...................',......... 1 98

r€ q7i S.trl
there is no way (something would happen) """""""'53
fB4 tomiss/tolongfor....'-..... """"'142
fil4 to cease............ """""""""""""184
++6ltl to overcome .""""""""""""'199

+o l 714 to crack / to break apart.'....'. ".........'.. """" "' I 28

++Etr athigh speed... """""""""""252

+?61tr1 to increase / rise rapidly...'.'..... """""""""" "'21'7

+C 4 positively""" " """"":" "" "" " "' " ", " " " " " " " " " "' 123

71 7t qq q to be hard to believe """ "" "" "" "' t

"""" "'252

7l7l +q to be crestfallen """""""" "107

?14 4* machine defect """"""" """250
7lH*g,tlu| tobuyasouvenir' """"161

Tlbg ?*+Ll to be equipped with function -..........""..54

7l ql EI +e * half hopeful and half concemed """'220

zlQloll ulzlzl *61+

to.not live up to the expectations """"""""""':"'-" 165

7li support'.. "" """"",38

7l+614 torecord.......... """""""""""195
7lg6ltrl to be brilliant..' """""""""""200
7l$ C*g 6|r| torefresh """""""'12'l
7l€ol tl6l+ to have one's feelings upset """"""""128
7l ol H unusual changes in climate...........""" " """" 23 I
Tl d AJl ql older generation .'..."......"""""""""""""""" 1 82

zl$ ski11........ "'-"""""''80

7l+ d+olf, technology high school""" """""""""215 4F zl e]zl wooden goose""""""""""""""""""":'""187
7l Eoll B4 b remain in one's memory """""""""""143 +El{ti to show / to appear.... "'....... ".. "'...........'....... 217

,lqq e4 HEI *414 nsnine rod...'............... ...""'.'."'142

to remain in the memories for a long time"""""""'165 *A6l+ to be quite at a loss.....................'......""""""'220
TlEal 7lffi7l-E6lql to have a dim memory...........'.108 *4lzl Eilr+
Tlqol +4 toremember... """"""""'143 ' to be in great request (lit. wings to grow) """"""""108
7:lSspirit...........i................... ...'........".187 gqq unexpected...... ....""""',""""""264
7l96l+ towish...'...."... """""""""""187 9ol €4 4 to thaw weather....."'..............'.'......."......"39
7l zllll € € il 6ltrt to install equipment ....'. "......'........ 90 Bzl4 to leave'.....'...'. .."""""""""""""58

290 +ofH7l
BBE}EI to be in charge of ............'.....'.............'.. " " " - " 87 Fldq 4+ tocoverwith """"""""""'46
B-= 9 94 to write a reply / to post a commen t """" "266 ilxlrl{4 helping (from behind).....'.......................'.."78
BB614 frustrating
to be """"""""""'200 9g=4 to shake........... ..".....'......'.....196
BBfl,H Et*ol trl €4 4 pressures to be relieved.. 165 qHl4zl
!]z| compensation.......'........ """"""""112 helping (someone) from behind by providing him/

4zl g€ airpollution'... """"""""""'231 (something).'...

her with "":"""""""'78
(_-4olEltr) Ll^l-= eolq
444o14 outline............. ....................90
to screw a nail (with a screwdriver) """"""""""""'75
4S^d continenral................'. .......'.........41

qH6l4 tobebrave.....'. """""""""""145 Eq +r+ to become known.........'...'........'...."""""""" 178

q] Hl 6ltrl to prepare / to get ready for.................... " " " " "' 44 SqgEl import....
to carry in/to ...'.......53

ql qI. alternative school ............'..'............... " " " " " 2 3

.J 1 Ez14 to get caught.'.. .........................'142

qt oJ +4lE sl614 to avoid people...........'...............12s

q zloJol 4 4tr-ql E'Jg'*4

qA6lEi to respond........ ......'...............252 to have a complaint on the design or the color """""57

q Ad general (house) cleaning..................................'...78 4=qflg Disneyland...... ..'...............162

qlzJl qlLJzl$ 4g6ltrl ElSgg *6|+ tobeoutcasted ........147

to develop alternative energy """"""" """"""""""'234

qgqg separately'.'..... """"""""""""87
'qq,\l7ltrl to evacuate...'.. .....""""""'248 rlxl4 b call into question........'.' ..'.....131
qq614 to evacuate...-.. """""""""""252 $zlZ]zl game of slap-match..'.............................:....... 145

ql 44 to treat,...-...'......""""""'r"""" """""""""""" " 142 Bg gq+ tosweat""""" """"""""'127

q+l= 44 to feel hot easily " """""""37 $ ground............-........'.. """"""""""""37

ts€ul-$ Ttangkke ut (place) .......'..'...... "... " " " " " " " " "' 1 63
Hol F4 to cover (to let it go)............."'.""""""""""128
E17l #q44q the roads are swept away""""""'247 $€6|*ol+xll New Year's festival inTtangl<keut -.'1.63
E{ downtown...........'.'......... " "': """ """ " "" """""" "'229 € q 4 4 to decrease / to drop " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 217

+,\Jet reading.."....
quantlty of """"""219 (€qd) *+€ €4 to sew on abutton""""""":"""75
€E]trl to turn.........'.... ............"..""""""58 ++ol clevergirl'....... """""""""""""145

$71 chssmate.who graduate in the same year """"""""19 5€ol cleverchild...... """" """"""""'145

€o.l+l zl TVXQ(Korean boy band) ........ ".. "........... -.... | 47 Bg 4l+q to lay awake at night"""""""252
:p€$g 4l^Jblq to play a video clip ..-........-"""""267 €4 torip... .........'. """"""""""""""'56

Fg6ttrl to mobilize """"""""""""""256

FE6ltrt to agree............ ...".....'..'.........'24
?+B g +614 to damage the label...........................' 57
E{l+ fteezing cold winter weather (lit. winter general)"4O +ll

$s| to be frozen to burst (due to cold weather) """""""46

f,EEl association/club"""' tr
Elr.= mask................ '."'.....................233
+A +n for a long time " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 3'1

El+^ mouse.............. '.""...'......'...'.....263

+Eq114 tobenorable ....'."""""""'178

terrified"""' Elg S.J Bol S4

+4+ql €4 to be """"1s0

292 *0lH7l
mind to feel uncomfortable daily..,.,..... ................... l2j
El+g zlq$+ ro gather yourself .................... .........247

trl-Sg ,(lE.*+ to capture one,s hearr..,.................. + I 96

trr+91 {$ peace of mind........................................... l3l
E++ noodles (of ChuncheonCity)..-............ ............. 164

9i root of all kinds of diseases.... ..................t23
*zlzl4 44 to finger/to fumble with..... ...................142
"J9+7t cartoonist......... ..........................220

"J+ ,\lg minor staffin company .........95

"Jq 4 to stop or dissuade................... .........,...................24

"Jt + Bl rl one who causes trouble....................,......... I 45
"Jg + E4 to be obedient ................14j

",tdg *ol+q4
to find and visit a famous eateries /restaurants ........161

"Jzlzl+ to break........... ...................,.,106

{{ mutual bowing............. .............:....187

ulf hawk.......... ...............1r4
"*+ to ger spanked. ...............-....147
uJi,t| (in) everymatter.... ..........................23
ul],tlofJ $$ol
S4 to trave no motivation ................125
E olr-| to vow / ro promise ................................. - I 5
oJ ,{Jl

tJgE vigorous activiry............ .......,...17j

"144 32F44
one has a problem that weighs on one's mind

(lit' to have a cramp in one,s head)............... .............44


Eb 4q E=dltrl to rely on eating.............. ...........127

$-H. glutton -.......................... ...............145
H ol 4 to feed .:........... ....................,.......58
gxf dust........ .................71

Hxl€ €4 to shake offthe dusr................. ....-............j3

H 4 6I+ ro be in fair condition.......................................54

BE melon...'. .................53

$A amraction(place) ............. ............... 159

to be ffue to the name/to be up to its reputation .....230

E C6lEl to keep in mind...............:,.............................124

ulzl (not)uptothat......'.. """"",""""""'53
Elil4 toreach.........'.. """""""""""""184
Elilzl *61tr1 to fall short...... """"""217
ul $ unmarried'..""""""""""""""""""r"""""""""""' 178

ulr-4lol +X El+ to be stitched in the wrong way...55

u|!-needle.l'. """""""'107
u|$ fiebottom """""""56
ulSo I ull lj r] wind to be fierce / harsh..'................. " " " 39
Etole] r.-=- illf.6ltrl to check for virus.'......""""""'26'l
'El=J 'desktop'.......... ...............'..263
E€+g +*614 to go to a museum ""","""""""" 161
E4f tJ q Llq to stand out (out of excitement) " ""' 96 1

qlqle olc| todotheopposite """"""146

Hlq16i4 tooppose'........ """"""""""""24
.qlF6l4 to be neat and tidy.......""""""" """""""""""'"12
Hl*A to divide into half
Hlg 614 to reflect.."""";"""""""'r"""""""""""""""' 195
Hld reverse... """""""'195
HitLl6l4 disobey"-""
to """""""""""147
grJg Eq{ towalkaway..' """"""169
*ol H4 to know many people"' """'107
g91o14 to display (one's ability / skill) "" "'' """""" "' l7 7

gld xl 4 to come to light/ to tum out "" "" "" """""" "'217

B16ltrt toreveal"""""'
%ldll6l+ to hinder or disrupt""""""""" """"""""""""'24

Bl-qlblQ to wander around """""""""""""""""""" "' 47


ull+rol uutT.lEl
to laugh oneselfto death (it. to fall out a belly botton)" 199

tsll E€ gqolrll AF+614 to play one's part well "' 1e8

tsll+ttrJ suitable person to get married"""";"""""""'I82

ull€lol +4 to have a lot of nelTe........" " ""' "" "" " ""' 45 1

{+eJ emissions""
quantitydf """"""230
Ell=dlrl ro emit........'.'.. ....',................230

E ++ Baekrokda m(crater lake; " " "' " "" " "" " " " " "" " "' 163

294 *olH7l

roughly equivalent to the western concept of "mentor-
prot6g6" in the company I organization (a contracted

formof {ull+Hll)............'.'. ..."....""'19

€4 xl 614 to wash the dishes'.'...........'.......... " " "'. " " "' 73

€+ €+ surveyresults.. """"""""""'216
{{ properties....."'....'........'. """"""""263
€zlqq tobeinstalled.. ....."""...........266

d 9.1 6tq to arange (place / person) .....'......... " " " " " " " "' 90

dA6l4 to ingest..'........ ............"'.......129

Cqg +a6lq to go see a fortress """""""""""""'161

dtlottri ro grow............ ........................20

C g d $g olQ to declare marriage profession """' 179

C +rl ql Et+El 6|El to successfully finish...'...........206

41 7l +g ^ll
+El to set a world record ........,...'.....'...26

'All+ H^] bacteria breeding....'...................'.........'......."44

wash stand....... ......'.....................80

to be tired of everything in the world""" """"""""'125
4.zJ how one feels / impressions """""""""""""""""" 1 59

ArJ^Jq 1u11......
state of ..".............:......44

}'#$ol playing house..'....".""' """"'145

iq+ f, forest of pine trees " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " | 6'l
4++ t]++ to make a commotion"""""""""""""'106
E4 to get goose bumps"""""""""""""""""'196
AE+ supplies .:...'.................""""":""""""""'""""""'91
AE*g *t614 to provide supplies"" " """"" " """' 89
4.$6ll xl trl to become neg1ectful.......'.......'... """""" "' 206

L*71g .J 5ltrt to not digest well........'.................125

{S proverb. """"' """""""""""""'105
4"19 innerfeeling.... """""""""""""128
$-H breaking news..'.....'.."" """"""""24'l
+oi +r+ to tum the blind eye / to let things slide """" 128

!4 sokcholcity) ....."'..............'.',""""""""""""""""' 159

+dttl to belong """""'42
+q '-]+ to acquire (something) in one's hands""""""54
+ql^l +zl 9+4

296 *ofH7 |
Cacll sint<.'....'-.:.....,'....'.,.:..:"""""""""""""""""" :'tt robeuncertain

€€ 6ltrt to be crispy/to be a bit chilly""':""""""""""'39 {]+61+ to use regularly """"""""""'-'80

&qq 4 to run arounil / to wander' ;
"""" "' """""""" "' 144 .ll4 t^jlE €iltr|
]!4 7l € to show one's affection aggressively """""""""""'148
ql + +Et to rake out the trash....'...""" """" 73

4ellTlE E46lr+ 1 to separate the trash" """" """"'73 elx| frame............... ....'.""""""75
jlql7l€ +Eoltrl 2
olzJ z|$ Elf self-regulated studying after school "' 148
. to separate thb recyclable waste"""""""" """""""'234 olAg ,J^J6ltrl to the look at the night view ............161
€4 to sweep..'......-..... """"""""""""""71 o|,tj ffiol E{++g'}6}tr}
wild animals to die in herds """"""251
otg camper............. ."'.....'..........'."..252

otTlzlzlo}+ ro be cure
oYA^ Z Yakutsk(the capital city of Yakutia Republic) "'46
ol+94 ?*4 to be indifferent... Egdl{ tobeengaged.. """""""""""179
oldtrl to feel the 1ack of .." """" """ to be well behaved/to be gentle """""""""" 145
" 165 "Jd6l4
off$trle-e H6lq to tum into a mess':r""""" """247 4tA l EI EI to have the shoulder / neck ache ." 1 25

=o1 A
olfof$AlQ tobethrilling'. """""";'203 qr47l +A q to shoulder the respon sibility / burden" 107

oiolE q€gq to be awkward/to be clumsy """""" """""" 148

idol (usu. Refers to the popular and young singers) "201

q q6l4 to be respectable/honorable """"" """""""'I48
olol$ Etr+ to keep an eye on the children """""'73 q A 4 614 to be noncommittal'.'' " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " I 7 1

.olol q identilication (ID)''""""""""""""""""':""';""263 xll 9 3 H 6ltl to feel fresh like yesterday "... 143
"l ^J ^8
ololq€ HAofr| to change (log-in) ID.....'.'..""""'265 9zllil H y4^1tr+ to feel like yesterday..........'.'..""'143
.lo] q e. dA 6|r-| to request an ID ...,............'....'..... ZbS q e *l +tl to make a mess "......."""""""""" """"""'71
ololsl$ *4 to receive IP..'..'.. ...'."'265 q4qa ag 4461tr1
olEE] atopy', "",":""""""""' """"-"""22g to organized scattered things in order """"" "" """"'73
once in a while/by chance(time)"""""""""'141
*f zl 4lF6l+ to smell bad/stink"""""""""'""""'233 "]4rlzl
*4 tiningltimtg material';";""""""''""""" """' " " " " "'57 q4+qrl s.trl
to be taken aback by something/someone

,rl Tl El to itabilize....'.'.... "'.... """ "' i

""""""""" "' l2g (due to unexpected happening) ""-"""""""""-""" 106
qqg language institute"""""' """"""'21
*E+*+ to be unfortunate " " " " "' i " " " " " "' "' : " " " " "' - " 252
g={l +lrl ul4 to have something on one's face..,.125
S4lF'zl +tg Hol4
' : to show allergic symptoms"'i""""""""'-'t"""""""233
gtol +fiti to not care about what others think"""107
944 to let it be knows "":""'""""";""""""""""""""58 9€ol 9I4 to have a stain.'........"..........."""""""""""55
g;tcl o be worthy -""""':"""""""""""""""""'"""" 159 $$ exaggerated pain """" ""' """"""'220
g+61+ tocompress""' """""""""""26-5 gf4olt upgrade........... ..........,.......268

i'*4ol $xll business company """""""""""''"'80

"+E6lq to feel hopeless about the tutrire"""252
g *dltl to be unpredictabIe. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "' 200
s+l4 E E6.ltl- to lack flexibility'""':':"""""" ""-'141
of|f,. charm/attrac1ivsns5s""*'*"""';"'r"""' j:""" "" " " "145 qf 4 A4 to seem like yesterday ",""" """""" """"' I43

298 *0lH7l
.ll xl E
€ Edt+ ro save energy . .........,................... 23 4 9.+ql il zl zl E r| to get an enor message................266
qls]4.E anecdote................:........................:............... 195 gg+ to increase/to rise-..........,......... .........................217
q++4 to be flexible (in time) .............t8 g=+ slJ] destruction of the ozone. ..........................231
qrlg €4 9olf misunderstanding......................:.....................,...... 128
to take a rest after travel (it. to take off one's traveling gEIC temperate........, ............................41
outfit).............. ........169
e+ql a#ol E+
al-female schoo1.............. .........21s
to get goose bumps all over the body..................,....l9g
4tsol nH*914 qg4zl S+ gEol ,Jdol q+
the role and the actor/actress to be mismatch .........200
to have shivers throughout body .............................. I9g annual range of temperature ................................42
3€ Aq greenhouse effect ............... ..........;...............23I
€7zl- inventor/developer ............................................ I l2 ga ol ?14 to have hot springr ............ ....................... rg2
$zl acting..... ...............195
*7171 kinds of garment ..................... ...........-.................72
(flzlzl) 49 9l= A,Jtrl
*zlxlE Cel614 to organize the clothes....... ............j3

. to reduce carbon dioxide emission.......'.. ................. 234
o gltrl to have somerhing wrong ........ ................. lZ3

ol.$oltrt to get divorced ......................179

.J6lEl to ripen/to cook................ ..........58

qI€ 4 zl gC 614 casuatties to occur........... ....... 251

ql$Zl J.FEjn. Hberal arts high school...'.. -.............213 -

.JlFl human resource division ...................................... 89

ql^H E *! instant food ......"'......"'........ -...............229

Ql4] perception.'........."'........ ................184

qll16t4 recognize.....
to ......................232

ol{ people's wannth......".'.. ....'..'.......'160

eq 9l e 4 + Internet browser window ........"' ...... " "'.7 I

.J4"J! 4szt !-q+
to have slow Intemet connection .......'.........'........ ". 265
.Jrl9l €€ol #zl4
to be disconnected from the Intemet............'...........265

eq 4 d4 connect to the Intemet.........".......'...........263

"Jrl9! d4ol B*6iEl
to have bad Internet comection'...'..................'....... 265

.JEl9l sld Internetline.... .................266

"Jq {ql d+6}E} to get on the Interner....................265

qg €AdlEl to connect to the Internet.............265
.JH gF internship.'...... .....'...'..-.-...'....29
oJvl surge of people...'...'. '....................254

9zld4 family's matemal and patemal relatives......:.187

"J.ilZl dailyrangeof temperature.


.J+g ts4 to put one's work aside......'............---.-....252

.J#ol4 to be common .......'.............'...54

.Jol +ql s6lal 9++

not to be able to get anything done........"...... ..........252
gA ol uBlt6lr-| to have a busy itinerary....................164
^l+g €ol4
to restrict the use of disposable product............ ..'....234

9J q6l+ to lease....'....... ......................239

"J,\l +jl to close a school temporarily..........'....'-...'."..46

gJilE temporary..."'.. ....'........'............268

300 +o lH7l
E q6lq to enlist in the aimed seryice............. ..............22

Eql BJ. €4 to consrantly ear something.. ..............144

?ol #4 to be picky about food....... ...........................107
gtl6l+ ro enter............ ......................17s
"14 b dress/to put on.............................,...................58
9lE El a with best effort ............... ..............................256
"Ji "utp........ ...............160
qg + H: +qol q+
to become an unforgettable......................................
I 65
qg + S.4 to be unforgettable...................... ............143

zlE€ roprintourdata .........90
xlfl C =q6f+
independence ..............................2g

4g a+ol olq4ol+
natural landscape to be exotic... ...............................
zlgg "J461+ ro enjoy the narure to the fu11...........161
zlg tJHl waste of resources ................... .....................236
zlgg zll 9+6r+ to recycle resources .....................
zlizf {: whole story(all rhe details)....... ......................264
zlFol+ to operare ..............................23r
zl+dol flq++ the work ro be highly acclaimed..198
zl*ol += ol dlol + the play is betow average.......200
4lAel nagging............ ............................78

+Xg xJ zl -E r| to do something wrong .................... 147

++4?l sleepy head...... ......................14s

al-g€il+ to not get good sleep................. ................123

*zl4.ll 54 to ger into bed .............,.... .................... 142
*.1H4 to kill and eat.......................,.....,...................116

$$ extemal noise/static..... 1

*zlzl4 (male) to ger manied ............t 87


*zl4long rerm.................................. ............................26

eF*+Elri mischievous child................ ...................... r45
44 E?lzlzl q+d6l-+ rhe hail was unsented....200
al-E bride's mother (from groom,s perspective)............
1 g 7
302 40lH7l
4qloJ campaign...............................:...........r..:....*..:...1.J1

e +q il* computer specification ............ .................,266

4 +E] ?l L q zl + the computer to slow down ......

d*ejzl H++ ro have rhe compurerfrcez e......:......267
A+q= AE+ 4E+ to restarr rhe computer... .......,..:,267
?71 Hl4L4 zl r-| to become dispirited.....
=.......:... ;...... 107
7uf rJ comedy..........................................:.... ................197
*EltEl boom boom......, " "' 1' : ". "' y....'.,.......,......,. -..
;. 142
*ol 4E+ pea to grow.....

$61+ ro undergo a misfortune.... ...............:..254

3q6l+ to click on .....1...............,......,2.63

e|$lzf percussion ...........,

qq € + ro shake r; ;"
"" ;;,.i.,.,...........,........ ',:;
qlo.lq to be muddy.........:..:............ ..,, . .. . . .., 23;
$E- hair loss. ...............??1

ft blame.............................,....,:..........:.,.......:.,......,......-.

4++ to burn.........,...

4 *o I €4 to have a typhoon .................... ................. _ 24g

4*ol tlSol4 the typhoon wilt hittstrike.. . , ,|o*
Q uJ $ 6u9 terminal...........,-..................!...r...:.... . .
H gg tJ++ ro tend a vegetable /kitchen gwden .....239.

3CI? ?
E"J gg soilerosion..... ',""""""":""231
E ton....'...'....

F4la National Statistical Office " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 17 8
qtioltl to leave."""""' """""""""""179
q6l$ (without any reason) frequently " " " " " " " " " " " " "' 75
56lH at+ol 44 to get annoyed easily..............'..' I 25
€4 g Hl€ 6ttrl to reflect a characteristic " " " " " " " " " I 2 1

$$61tr1 tobe sturdy .......".............-.'.'105

F.l6l tl to remain indoors " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "' 14 1

E{ ++ to have an openingi to have a gaplcrack ""'141
EEol in one's spare time....... """"""'l2g
4zl 44 to be appafent. '................"....'72

Yl€6]El buried.'...
to be """""""""""254
it|+qq 914 tobedamaged..... '-"""'ss
vlg g 4ol ts4 to install a file. "............. .' :..... " " " "265
t+.J€ al+q to delete a file"'..'......'... ....'......-.'.."""'265
sloj ol got7lu| to lose a fiIe......,............... ..... ".......'. 264

**514 tobe judged..... ".."""""""""178

Stll A4 sellingrecord.. """"""""""'101
r{xJ patch..... '..'.!.-...:.;........... ....".......'..270

{F$.migrair€...'....""""':" """"""':"124 tr
.'....""""'125 6l-501 }.*E} to have the sky tum yellow"""""""""264
.€+Fol d614 to have a serious migraine
6iq6lEl to decrease / to reduce" "" " " " "' ; " " " " " " " " " "'Ztl
€4 xl 4 (a performance) to begin / to unfold " " " " " " "' 1 60

$f average"
alFzl gti 6lr almost daiIy.......""...'........."......'.'...60
€H614 to be common/to be featureless """""-"""""20
6l*El to be worthless ......'."'.'..""'-""t2g
6l^*Elql .J q9.4 to do nothing but yawn.......'....'.200
€ qlE fu e ongan ?rovince(North Korea) " " " "" " " " " "' I 4 1

peacetul.' """""""""160 a|$ of all occasion(places / persons) ...........' """ """""78

€$.HL} to be

family"'-"""'' clS grade(s). '...."......'..219

$E{ paying respect to the bridegroomns 177

qlEqg =4El 6]S year of admittance to school (usually to college) "" 19

to pay respect to the bridegroom's family (by the
q+ Al€ school days..... """"""""""'143
couple)"""""" """'l.lg oJ+el yvltrl
newly-wedding "JCg
"' I 65
Slf sewaee... to feel Korean people's warmth': """""""""""""

ql+E 4sl d+ej caE yvltr+

^l€g 5t-ltl

304 *oE17l

lBOE-tr Hl+l +4
to make {something/someone) 180 degree change -'88

cD/DVD-e fr4
to burn something onto CDi DVD """""""""""""'265

306 *0lH7l

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