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EEX7340 – AI Techniques and Agent Technology

EEX6340 - AI Techniques and Agent Technology

Continuous Assessments

Both TMA3 and the Mini project is given in this document.

MINI Project Submission Date: 12th December 2023

For the mini project select one scenario from the given 03 scenarios. You need to implement the
selected scenario using a suitable programming language and demonstrate the implementation during
the viva.

Scenario 01: Intelligent Job Search Assistant

As an AI developer, you are tasked with creating an intelligent job search assistant that helps users find
relevant job opportunities based on their skills, experience, and preferences. The system should employ
advanced search methodologies to enhance the user's job-hunting experience.
Design and implement an AI-powered job search assistant that utilizes advanced search methodologies.
The system should consider user input, analyze job descriptions, and provide personalized
Explore and compare at least two different search methodologies (e.g., keyword matching, semantic
analysis) and evaluate their effectiveness in improving the accuracy of job recommendations.

Scenario 02: Personalized Travel Recommendation System

Imagine you are developing an AI-powered personalized travel recommendation system for a travel
agency. The goal is to assist users in finding the most suitable travel destinations based on their
preferences, budget, and interests. As a developer, you need to implement effective search
methodologies to ensure the system delivers personalized and relevant recommendations.
Create an AI-based Personalized Travel Recommendation System that employs diverse search
methodologies to enhance user satisfaction. Implement at least two different search algorithms or
methodologies, analyze user preferences and historical data. Evaluate the system's performance by
comparing the quality of recommendations and user satisfaction.
Scenario 03: AI-Powered Health Symptom Checker
Imagine you are developing an AI-based health symptom checker to assist individuals in identifying
potential health issues based on their reported symptoms. The goal is to provide accurate and reliable
health information while employing advanced search methodologies to enhance the diagnostic
capabilities of the system.
Design and implement an AI-powered Health Symptom Checker that utilizes search methodologies for
accurate symptom-to-condition mapping. Integrate at least two different search approaches, such as
rule-based systems and machine learning algorithms, to enhance the accuracy of symptom analysis.
Evaluate the system's performance by comparing its diagnostic precision with traditional symptom-
checking tools.

TMA3 Submission Date: 17th December 2023

Based on the mini project implementation write a research paper. The length of the research paper needs
to be 5-6 pages. The research paper should contain the following aspects.
1. Abstract -130-150 words
2. Introduction (specify the problem, aim and objectives as well)
3. Literature review (refer at least 3-5 papers and cite them appropriately)
4. Design/Methodology/Implementation
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. Conclusion

If you are not graduating this academic year then you can think of submitting an improved version
of this paper to the iours academic conference 2024.

1. You need to upload the mini project coding into the given folder in the LearnOUSL. Clearly
indicate your registration number and the name in all submissions.
2. Upload the research paper also to the given folder.
3. An online demonstration and a viva will be held starting from 18th December 2024 for both
TMA and the mini project. Schedule will be uploaded later.
4. To get eligibility you need to score more than 40% for the mini project and for that participation
in the demonstration/viva is a must.

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