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(A202) GROUP L








Organizational Method: Topical Order

Topic : Childhood Sexual Abuse

General Purpose Specific
: ToPurpose
Central Idea : To inform my audience about three effects on childhood sexual abuse.
: Three effects on children sexual abuse are interpersonal relationships, mental health

I. Have you ever imagined what would happen to a child if he or she was subjected to
childhood sexual abuse? Do you know that why the number of cases of childhood sexual
abuse continues to rise year after year? This is because the violent individual lacks
empathy and has never considered the children’s feelings, so they would commit such
atrocities to please themselves.
II. There are millions of girls and boys all over the world who are sexually abused or
exploited every year. Sexual abuse can occur in every country and at any level of society.
A child can be sexually abused or exploited at home, school, or in their community
(Sexual violence against children | UNICEF, 2020).
III. In Adult Manifestations of Childhood Sexual Abuse, they discovered that 12% of girls
aged 9-12 and 7% of girls aged 5-8 reported being sexually abused. Out of the girls who
had experienced sexual abuse, 65% said it happened more than once, 57% said the abuser
was a family member, and 53% said it happened at home (Manifestations & Abuse,
IV. Good afternoon I bid to Miss Lydiawani and all fellow audiences. The thing that I want
to share here is not the causes that led to children being victims of childhood sexual
abuse, but rather the effects of what happened to them. Today, I would like to talk about
three effects on children who have undergone childhood sexual abuse which is on
interpersonal relationships, mental health and, religion and faith.


I. The first effect is on interpersonal relationships.

A. Problems with intimate relationships involving parents and siblings.

1. A child who has been sexually abused will have strained relationships and will
struggle to develop trustworthy with his or her parents and siblings.
a. They will become depressed and believe that no one in the world understands or
supports them, so they will remain silent and say nothing, even family members
and siblings who live together.
b. The reasons they do not express their feelings are because they can see, feel,
hear, and taste it as they talk about their encounters with others. They even get a
dirty feeling on the inside because they are suffering.
c. According to a survivor in the Truth Project, her mother would slap her from
one room to the next and refused to accept that her daughter had been sexually
abused as a child. As a result, it can affect the relationship between a mother
and her daughter.
d. We can see that, despite the children's honesty and forthrightness in telling their
families about their experiences, their parents tend to disregard the facts and are
unable to resolve the problems, so the children prefer to stay silent because their
closest people did not help them as well.

B. Problems with intimate relationships involving children and grandchildren.

1. Some victims are orphans or were raised by their grandparents since they were
children, making their grandparents the closest people to them besides their parents.
a. Unfortunately, some of them may not have a close relationship with their
grandparents. This is because they are pessimistic and they believe that they are
different from others since they were not raised by their parents.
b. As a result, if they are sexually abused, they will not tell anything to their
grandparents but keep silent.

2. Some victims have had a close relationship with their grandparents. Therefore,
children would prefer not to tell their grandparents this heartbreaking news for the
sake of their well-being and happiness.

a. When their grandparents learn the truth, some will be shocked and blame
themselves for failing to protect their grandchildren. They would then become
excessively protective of their grandchildren.
b. Thus, it will cause them to become neurotic at times and are constantly anxious.

(Transition: That is the first effect of a child who has been sexually abused. Now, let’s move on to
the second effect which is on their mental health.)

II. The second effect is mental health.

A. Childhood sexual abuse has emotional and psychological impacts on the victims'
mental health (What Is Mental Health? |, 2020).

1. A person's mental health is often influenced by a combination of social,

psychological, and biological influences. Abuse is one of the well-known threats to
one's mental health. (Mental health: strengthening our response, 2018).

a. A child who has been sexually abused will feel helpless and hopeless because
they will be unable to tell anyone of their experience and no one will believe
b. Since adults frequently feel good about themselves and believe that their
children will not be subjected to such cruel things, adults will assume that
children are lying when they tell them the truth.

2. Anxiety, depression, frustration, shame, self-blame, and confusion may all be

experienced by a victim. They might lack the awareness or capacity to explain what
occurred, especially if their parents did not believe their words.

a. According to the evidence presented to the Inquiry, childhood sexual abuse may
have a long-term psychological effect that extends far into adulthood. The most
common mental problems reported were depression, lack of trust in authority,

suicidal thoughts, anxiety, self-harming and suicide attempt (Independent
Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (Great Britain) et al., 2018)
b. We can assume that if you were a victim of childhood sexual abuse, you are
likely to be depressed.
c. To prevent such victims from committing suicide as a result of depression,
family members have an important role to give their support and let them know
that they are not alone.

B. Childhood sexual abuse affects victims' social well-being.

1. Since the children will always believe they are dirty, so they will avoid making
friends with other children.

a. Many victims or survivors of sexual abuse may have dissociated in order to

protect themselves from further abuse. As a result of their fear of being abused,
they will have trouble making friends.
b. Children will not tell someone about their experiences due to emotional
barriers, because they will never trust anyone again, they will believe that
being alone is the best option.
c. They may have difficulty externalizing the trauma, resulting in a negative self-
perception. They may have low self-esteem and avoid communicating with
others from a young age as a result of years of negative thinking (Hall & Hall,

(Transition: Then, we will look at the third effect, which is on children’s religion and faith.)

III. The third effect is religion and faith.

A. It could have an effect on the religion they currently follow.

1. Every child has a religion, and their parents would undoubtedly take them to
religious sites to worship and pray.

a. Everybody believes that religious places are pure, but in fact, they are
perfect locations for religious denominations to engage in illegal activity.

b. Many religious denominations in religious rituals are actually unruly, but
everyone will believe they are good people and take it easy hand over their
children to them when they are praying.
c. According to a survey conducted by University of Alberta students, there are
many cases of sexual abuse that may have occurred among children, parents,
and institutional staff in the religious places (Geoff Mcmaster, 2020).
d. When children were sexually abused, they were still naive and had not
identified the grooming method, and they might not be able to distinguish
whether it is right or wrong, because they may always follow the
instructions of religious denominations.

2. A religious denomination will engage in immoral acts, starting with non-sexual

touching and progressing to sexual activity over time, when the child does not
even realize the coercive and inappropriate nature of the behavior.

a. This is because the child lacks the ability to differentiate the nature of
religion and will continue to believe that this is their true nature and
perpetuate these ideas in the future.
b. Thus, the number of cases of childhood sexual abuse will continue to increase.

B. Children may be unable to believe in their faith.

1. Many religions teach their followers to always do good deeds and to avoid doing
bad things because doing bad things will result in retribution.

a. Since they were young, so many children have known the fact that they
should not do bad things because bad people don't end well. So, they
always believe in their faith and always do good things.
b. Sexual abuse victims and survivors are more likely to become disillusioned
with religion and moral beliefs. They may feel abandoned or punished by a
god, which causes them to doubt their worldview and faith.
c. They will also be confused about why offenders will not be punished by God.

(Transition: All of the above are the three effects that children who have been sexually abused will


I. In conclusion, we can see that childhood sexual abuse disrupts children's interpersonal
relationships with their parents and grandparents, as well as affecting their mental health
and religion and faith. I believe most of you are well aware of the implications that the
children will face in the future if they go through these experiences.
II. Every child has the right to have a good life. Their parents put in a lot of effort to bring
them into the world. But, are you willing to bring your child into this world if they will
see such atrocities in the future? Assume you have a child, and the number of cases of
childhood sexual abuse continues to rise year after year. Would you be worried that your
child will be one of the victims? I’m sure that everyone will say yes.
III. “Children are a gift from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” (Shutterfly
Community, 2019) They deserve to be well-treated, not violated. They are still young,
and they deserve a better future, not the cruelty of the world. So, begin protecting
children right now!
IV. As Og Mandino had said, “the greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy


1. Geoff Mcmaster. (2020, August 5). Researchers reveal patterns of sexual abuse in
religious settings | Folio. University Of Alberta. reveal-patterns-of-sexual-abuse-in-
2. Hall, M., & Hall, J. (2011). Long-term effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse_counselling
3. Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (Great Britain), Jay, A., Evans, M. D.
(Malcolm D., Frank, I., & Sharpling, D. (2018). Interim report of the Independent Inquiry
into Child Sexual Abuse : a report of the Inquiry Panel (Issue April).
4. Manifestations, A., & Abuse, C. S. (2014). Committee Opinion. Female Pelvic Medicine
& Reconstructive Surgery, 20(5), 248–251.
5. Mental health: strengthening our response. (2018, March 30). World Health
strengthening-our- response
6. Sexual violence against children | UNICEF. (2020, September 3).
7. Shutterfly Community. (2019, April 24). 50+ Children Quotes Perfect for Any Child |
8. What Is Mental Health? | (2020, May 28). U.S. Department of Health
& Human Services.




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