A231 - BKAM3023 Guidelines For Project 2-Service Learning

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For Project 2 (service learning), students are required to do the following tasks:

1. Students are expected to conduct a service learning project in a group of 5


2. Each group must select one SME company. Please get a consent letter from the
company and submit it to the lecturer BEFORE Week 4. Each group must select a
different SME company – “first come, first serve basis” applied.

3. Each group is required to submit a written portfolio for the project.

4. Steps in developing portfolio:

a. Brainstorming:
Understand the task requirement (i.e., the learning objectives, the
implementation of the task/projects, the impacts, etc.)

b. Recording:
Students must record all activities involved in the process of completing the
tasks. Meaning that, each discussion, meeting, data collection process,
and the journey of doing this Project 2 must be recorded and documented,
for evidence in a specific LOGBOOK (kindly refer to further explanation at
sub-section 3.3 of the portfolio contents).

c. Selecting:
Identify criteria for selecting evidence related to the purpose of the portfolio.
Which item from the evidence is the best example of the intended

d. Writing:
Students are required to prepare a WRITTEN PORTFOLIO of this service
learning project according to the outline below (next page):


1.1 Introduction
The introduction part is critically important which will help the readers to
understand the topic’s background. This sub-section should quickly review
what the students’ intent to cover in the following sections of the project

1.2 Selected company

Explain the background of the company and a brief history of the company –
including the name, business type, location, the company organization
structure, and other related information to the selected company.

1.3 Problem statement

Since the aim of Project 2 is to achieve the objective of CLO 2, students are
required to identify the current issues faced by the company related to the
BUDGETARY aspect (Topic 2). You may want to find out whether the
company has budgets, to what extend the company practices budgeting, the
problems or challenges experienced by the company in budgeting and any
other related issues. List down and explain each issue in detail.

1.4 Project learning objectives

From the problem statement and issues discussed in sub-section 1.3 above,
students are required to list down and explain each objective to be achieved
by this Project 2.


Students are required to explain in detail the EXPECTED impacts of Project 2 to both
parties (students and the company), i.e.: explanation on what are the expectations to
both parties before the project starts. The expectations can be both form the tangible
and intangible aspects, and should be explained in two separate sub-sections, as

2.1 Impact to the students

2.2 Impact to the company


3.1 Phases:

This Project 2 involves several phases, as follows:

3.1.1 Initiation:
This phase involves defining the project’s purpose, scope, and
objectives. It often includes creating a document to formally authorize
the project (example: letter of consent).

3.1.2 Planning:
In this phase, detailed plans are developed to guide the project. This
includes creating a project plan, schedule, budget, and resource

3.1.3 Execution:
This is the phase where the project work actually begins. Resources
are mobilized, and tasks are performed according to the project plan.
Team members must monitor progress closely and address any issues
that arise.

3.1.4 Monitoring and controlling:

Throughout the execution phase, project performance is monitored
against the project plan. Changes are managed through a formal
change control process.

3.1.5 Communication:
Effective communication with the owner of the company is crucial
throughout the project. This includes getting the information from the
company via interview and discussing any issue relating to the project.

3.1.6 Closure:
Once all project activities are completed, the project is formally closed.
This includes obtaining approvals from the owner of the company,
conducting a final review, and documenting lessons learned.

3.2 Evidence (photos, videos, documents)

Students are required to include any evidence of the project

progress/implementation as to show flow of the project process, such as
photos taken by the students with the company’s owner during the interview
visit sessions, questionnaires or questions lists which were used during
interview sessions, and any other related documents. In this context, it is
advisable for students to provide as many photos as possible to support the
portfolio report writing. This will also involve the brainstorming stage in
completing the report. These evidence should be included in the APPENDIX
section of the written portfolio.

3.3 Students are required to record all of the activities involved (for each phases)
during this project implementation stage (such as: details of the group
meetings/discussions, group visit to the company, details of interview sessions
done with the company’s owner, and all of other related activities as to record
the progress of this Project 2).
All of these activities are required to be recorded in a specific LOGBOOK for
Project 2. The Logbook records all activities involved in the process of
completing the tasks; starting from the beginning until to the end of the
project, i.e., starting from the first discussion/day held to implement this
project (project plan), until to the end of the project (project submission). The
attendance and the commitment given by each group member along these
processes should also be recorded for every activity/meeting/discussion held.


Students are required to explain in detail the REAL/ACTUAL impacts of Project 2 to

both parties (students and the company), i.e.: explanation on the actual reflections
that the students and the company get from the project tasks.

Reflections can focus on tangible and intangible outcomes. It is a space for students
(and the company) to explore how their attitudes, beliefs and behaviors may have
changed. By reflecting on the service learning process, students (and company) can
focus on what they have accomplished, what they have learned and what may have
surprised them about the project. These impacts should be explained in two separate
sub-sections, as follows:

4.1 Impact to the students

You may write reflective entries for each stage or activity. Reflect on what you
learned, and how it impacted you. You can also describe how your service
learning experience has influenced your personal and professional or
academic growth. Discuss any changes in your skills, values, or perspectives.
You can use the S.T.A.R. (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to
structure your reflections.

4.2 Impact to the company

Discuss the impact of your service learning on the organization and how your
service benefited the company and its staff. You may describe them using
quantitative and qualitative data, such as statistics, testimonials, or before-
and-after comparisons.



- End of Appendix 2 -

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