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In august 2023, India successfully lands its rocket on the moon, becoming the fourth

country to do so. India, officially known as the Republic of India, is a country located in South

Asia. Over the centuries, the country has seen a series of kingdoms and empires and has

been influenced by foreign powers. India gained independence from British rule in 1947.

Unfortunately, the colonial period represented a sharp economic decline for India. We then

come to wonder: Can India come back to the international scene by being a knowledge

society? The term knowledge society refers to a society in which the creation, dissemination,

and utilization of information and knowledge have become the most critical factor of

production. First, let's talk about the fact that India has a Soft Power and Cultural Influence.

Then, we will focus on the fact that it is a country of Education and futuristic project. Finally,

we're going to discuss the fact that this country has social challenges and urbanization.

Document 1:"Emerging powers in the global battle of attraction: Bollywood, vector of India's

soft power?" This article explores India's economic growth and its influence on international

affairs, focusing on the soft power aspect. Bollywood, as a cultural export and international

phenomenon, highlighting India's role as a knowledge society.

Document 2:"India has more women STEM grads than US, UK or France" This article

showcases India's strength in producing female graduates in STEM fields, emphasizing the

country's progress as a knowledge society. It demonstrates India's commitment to gender

and its ability to global knowledge and innovation.

Document 3:"The Caste System in Indian Villages - Ants Among Elephants, Sujatha Gilda,

2017" This personal account sheds light on the deeply rooted caste system in India,

highlighting social challenges. While it doesn't directly relate to knowledge society, it

underscores the societal issues that India must address to fully realize its potential as a

knowledge-driven nation. Document 4:"Indian Cities and their Challenges, Rahu Goel, The

Conversation, August 30, 2018" This article discusses gender inequality in Indian cities,

particularly in the workforce and public spaces. It points to the need for social change to

create an inclusive knowledge society.

Document 5:"The government of India plans to build new smart cities on land currently

being used for farming." This video addresses India's urbanization plans and the challenges

they pose. It touches on issues related to displacement and surveillance, which are relevant

to the discussion of India balances for becoming a knowledge society.

First, India is a Soft Power and Cultural Influence. Bollywood, as highlighted in the

article "Emerging powers in the global battle of attraction»(line 8 “the media see bollyxodd a

part of India’s soft poxer”), has emerged as a significant component of India's soft power. It

has transcended borders to become a global cinematic phenomenon, rivalling even

Hollywood (line 10 “that only Hollywood can compete”). Bollywood's influence extends

beyond entertainment; it showcases India's diverse culture, traditions, and values.

Furthermore, it is a vibrant and dynamic society ready to engage with the global community.

Moreover in document 2, with the table we can see that india has Forty two percent of

women graduate in STEM. Through Bollywood and institution, India can captivate

international audiences and enhance its global image.

Secondly, it is a country of education and futuristic projects. In Document 2, India's

emphasis on STEM education, as shown in the article "Indian female STEM grads", presents a
compelling facet of its knowledge society. With a higher percentage of female STEM

graduates than in developed countries, and of males too (line 4: “while the number of mal in

stem is gradaulliy declining in the last 3 years, there is increase for woment) ), India is

positioning itself as a hub for scientific and technological talent. This skilled workforce can

stimulate innovation, attract foreign investment and contribute to India's global position in

research and development.

Also in document 5, the government's ambitious plan to build smart cities, mentioned in the

"New Smart Cities" video, reflects India's drive for modernization. However, the

displacement of farmers and the potential surveillance in these cities. Balancing

development with social justice is crucial for India's global reputation. We can see in the

photo a lot of futuristic project.

Finally, this country has social challenges and urbanization. Despite these

advancements, India still grapples with deep-seated issues like the caste system, as

illustrated in the excerpt from "Ants Among Elephants." Caste discrimination persists,

affecting the lives and opportunities of millions (line nineteen: in your own village or town,

everyon one already know your caste; there is no escaping). Addressing this social inequality

is critical for India to present itself as an inclusive and progressive knowledge society on the

international stage. Also in document 4, gender disparity, particularly in urban areas, is

another hurdle, as noted in "Indian Cities and their Challenges." Women's limited presence

in public spaces and the workforce ( line six and elevent) ; "What's more, just 27% of Indian

women participate in the workforce, compared with 79% of men"

" "According to India's 2011 census, only 17% of all people commuting to work in urban

areas are women"

Empowering women and ensuring their equal participation is essential for India to be

recognized as a knowledge society that values gender equity. But also whith the drivers

licence, india has a lot of late comapred to England and US: line twenty: ""This means that

the vast majority of people travel on foot, cycle or take public transport - so 83% of those

women who commute to work in Indian cities will take only one of these options. In England,

only 27% of women travel to work by one of these three modes of transport, and in the US,

fewer still.""

In conclusion, India's aspiration to establish itself on the international stage as a

knowledge society is a multifaceted journey with distinct dimensions. Through an

examination of Bollywood's soft power, the rise of female STEM graduates and futuristic

project, and the challenges posed by the caste system and urbanization, it becomes evident

that India's path to global recognition hinges on various factors.

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