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Gonzales Navarro

Rodrigo Amir G. Ayachi Pinedo

A: Hi! Bro what are you doing here?

F: Hi walking around the park and how have you been?

A: Very good, you don't remember when…

F: What bro?

A: When it was dismissal time at school and when I was

going down the stairs, my backpack broke because it got
stuck in the bag, and also when we went out to exhibit in
art and culture and I didn't know anything I said.

F: Yes I remembered, and you also don't remember me


A: Let's see what it's about

F: From when I was running races with Nestor and

Ángel, and I tripped and scraped my leg, and the other
thing was when I was drinking water and a friend from
5th grade said something funny to me, and made me spill
all that water on my uniform.

A: Hahaha that's funny, but well I didn't get very fa

F: Really yes, see you another day brother, take care of

yourself and I hope it goes well for you.

A: Yeah bro, see you later.

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