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Vivian Ramos

Professor Wess

English 220

30 November 2023


In the first body paragraph, I simply need to show the reader that Butler’s story
demonstrates how human beings tend to react when they feel like they are losing their
prominence in the world.

Here I only need to do a little summary of the story, making a close-reading of the story (I’ll just
use a revised BP from my close-reading paper)

In the second body paragraph, I would like to include the effect of humans’ actions on their
own species. So, I’ll talk about how inhuman human beings can be to their own species,
forcing the protagonist to give up important things in exchange for her protection.

Here, I also only need to do a close-reading of the story. (I’ll just use a revised BP from my close
reading paper)

In the third body paragraph, I want to really emphasize the fear that is present throughout
the story and influences the action of human beings against the unknown.

Here, I’m going to use work from Article #1 about Butler’s and the fear that abounds within the
story in different ways both for the protagonist and the humans within the story who were against
the Communities. I’ll use “Oddly, the fear displayed by Noah is not primarily a fear of the alien
Communities. It is not the fear of what is unknown, but a fear of what is known: the capacity of
humans purposefully to harm one another” (Curtis 417), also I would like to include a quote
from article #2 that could support article #1, “Butler makes both a blanket critique by
highlighting humanity’s ‘self-destructive’ tendencies at the same time as she calls attention to the
ways human have oppressed others, whether it be by trying to ‘conquer their neighbors or
exterminate their minorities’” (Humann 526).and maybe take parts of my initial body paragraph
to establish that although the Communities came to invade and conquer the earth, living inside
their Bubbles was much safer than being outside of them, since although the fear that the
protagonist felt was much greater towards her own species than towards the Communities.

In the fourth body paragraph, I want to emphasize Butler’s use of science fiction to
demonstrate certain issues that are still present in our society.

Here, I’m going to focus on the second article which presents a different argument that for me
was interesting to reflect on and add one more theme about social justice which is really related
to the situation that the protagonist lived with her own species when she was out of the Bubbles.

In my conclusion I think I’ll return to my intro.

I consider giving one last feedback on the main point of my essay regarding the responses of
human beings toward the unknown so that in this way the essay not only demonstrates the wrong
actions that humans have committed and will continue to commit against the unknown but to
leave a lesson that I consider significant in terms of allowing us to know the unknown without
fear of what we may encounter.

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