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ENG10130: Contemporary Irish Writing – Essay 3, December 2023

Student’s Name:

Student’s Number:

Module Co-ordinator: Professor Margaret Kelleher

Workshop Leader:

Required Word Count: 1,250 words

Actual word count:

Due date:

Question chosen (number):

Declaration of Academic Integrity

As a student registered to this UCD module, I declare that I have read and understand the

following statements:

1. Academic Integrity is the practice of honesty and ethics in scholarship. All students of UCD are
expected to engage in their studies with honesty at all times.

2. Academic misconduct includes any action or attempted action that may result in creating

an unfair academic advantage. This includes plagiarism, copying, possession of anything

other than permitted resources during an assessment and collusion with others in a piece of

assessed work.

3. The UCD Student Code sets out the University's regulations and expectations in respect of student
behaviour and conduct during examinations and the University's disciplinary

procedures for dealing with academic misconduct.

4. Content generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies should not be presented as

your own work in assessments submitted towards a degree in the UCD School of English,

Drama and Film. AI-generated content is often factually inaccurate, out-of-date, and includes

false or fabricated sources/citations. If you include factually inaccurate material and/or

fabricated citations in your assessments, you will be marked down for inaccurate content,

which may result in fail grades. In addition, some content generated by AI tools makes use of
authors’ ideas without referencing them, which is a form of plagiarism. If you submit AI-

generated content that includes unreferenced material you may be in breach of the UCD

Student Plagiarism Policy.

5. Please confirm that you have upheld the honesty code in relation to this assessment:

I confirm that I have acknowledged all my sources and that I have not given or received

unpermitted aid in completion of this assignment/assessment

SIGNED: [Type your name to sign or use an electronic signature]

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