Working Paper

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Committee: United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Submitted by : Russian Federation, Japan, Sweden, United States of America


1) Designation of Drug Cartels providing aid to terrorist organizations in any capacity as a ‘terrorist

2) Recommending a 4-step approach on the ‘War on Drugs’ :

a) Identification of sources of counterfeit drug production.

b) Reinforcement of Border Security.

c) Investigations conducted by Government agencies.

d) Keeping Military Intervention as the pen-ultimate option in-case, the above steps fail to be

3) Approving Reparations and support for people affected by drug-related violence.

4) Authorizing the Analysis the nature and extent of counterfeit drugs present in the nation along with
rectifying the sources.

5) Calling for the establishment of Mark labs with state-of-the-art technology in drug prone nations.

6) Suggesting the international and continental organizations like INTERPOL, EUROPOL to conduct
drills, joint operations with local law enforcement units for a more flexible crackdown on organized crime

7) Urging the member states to become a part of the ‘Global Initiative to Combat Narco-Terrorism’.

8) Urging member states to ratify all the three treaties that are: Single Convention on Narcotic
Drugs, 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol; the Convention on Psychotropic Substances,
1971, and the Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances,
1988 and re-evaluate their loopholes resulting in exploitation by member states.

9) Encourages methods to improve the emotional quotient of the citizens ,which embraces them to
respond to situations,instead of refuging to drugs.

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