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Physics Laboratory Report Instructions Sheet

Introduction to Physics

Physics Fundamentals 1 (PHF1)

International Foundation Year - Engineering

International Study Centre (ISC)

University of Sussex

I. Introduction
This laboratory report assessment forms one of your exercises this semester and will be used as a
summative assessment for your academic progress in addition to assessing your measurement
recording skills, your practical and theoretical progress on this module. This assessment counts 20% of
your total PHF1 module grade.

II. Assessment Brief

This assessment is based on laboratory experiments during the Physics Fundamentals 1 module. The
engineering experiments are:
1. Determination of the Young Modulus of copper wire by a simple method.
2. Investigation of Boyle’s (constant temperature) Law.
3. Determination of the Planck Constant using LEDs.

III. Learning Objectives

The learning objectives in this activity are:

• Writing and structuring an Engineering Laboratory Report

• Following instructions to complete experiment in Physics
• Taking measurement using a program
• Recording, explaining, and presenting data academically

IV. Procedure
You need to follow the instruction sheet for each experiment and produce results/readings as per
specified format. This instruction sheet is available on Canvas under the Assignment link.

V. Analyses and Submission

For each experiment you need to describe the pattern in your results (with respect experiment
quantities). Describe how the data should be used to reach a conclusion, including details of derived
quantities and graphs to be drawn where appropriate (include a title and axes which are labelled with
scales and units). Discuss any source of error along with any method to minimize the error. Give a
conclusion based upon your experimental measured data. Your analysis should reflect theoretical

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concept of respective experiment. Suggest modifications to the experimental arrangement that will
improve the accuracy of the experiment or to extend the investigation to answer a new question.

VI. Assignment Submission

The report should be Word processed, A4 paper size. Your written report must be submitted to the
Canvas site of the module before the specified deadline on Canvas.

VII. Report Length and Contents

The word limit for the report is 2000 words (±10%), excluding figure and table captions, equations, and
reference list. Write the word count on the title page. The report must include:

• Title page – with module name, report title, candidate number and word count.
• Contents list – with page numbers to include introduction, setup, testing, error source,
discussion, conclusions, and reference list.
• Test and measurement methods – with explanations of what you did and why, support your
answer with diagrams and plots. Analysis and discussion of results - with answer to each
question that is in the Instructions Section with diagram or plot.
• Conclusions – containing no new material but summarizing what has been achieved.
• Reference list – numbered source details corresponding to the cross-reference numbers in the

VIII. Assessment Criteria

The following criteria apply:

Mark Range Criteria

An exceptionally well written and presented report which covers all the criteria below
and is indicative of individual initiative and originality.
A very well written and presented report, which covers all the aspects below and
discusses the background and objectives of the experiments and shows good
understanding of the experiment construction, testing and analyzing the
resulted responses.
A well written and presented report which covers all the aspects below. In
addition, the candidate presents the source errors with explanation.
A complete record of the work undertaken with an evaluation of the outcomes. The
account demonstrates that the experiment was correctly built and specified according
50-59 to the instruction sheet, that it could be constructed, that the experiment was tested
correctly and that its performance was appropriately
A clear record of the work undertaken and an evaluation of the outcomes. The
account demonstrates that the experiment was built according to the instructions
sheet (although there may be some errors in calculation and simulating the
outputs) and that it could be constructed and tested appropriately.
An adequate record of the work undertaken. The account demonstrates that the circuit
30-39 was built according to the instructions sheet and that some progress was
made towards testing the circuit.
There will have been no submission or a seriously inadequate report which indicate
that the lab objectives were not addressed.

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