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Sep 2, 2016

Dear diary,
I don't know where to start. This day was a nightmare. I can still hear the horrific scream from my mom. I
can't believe what happened. That Chinese man, that monster, stabbed my own father just out of hate for
Taiwanese people. Dad always told me that there are good and bad people in every nation and that we
shouldn't judge someone based on their race or nationality. But I can't help feeling hatred towards this
man for taking away someone's life and for taking away my faith in humanity.

I was walking home from school when I saw the commotion; my classmates were gathered to talk about
what was on the news. I was so curious at that time. I asked them what news they talked about, and they
showed me…then I saw dad. I saw the blood pooling around him…my father is covered by blood…his
own BLOOD. Can’t look at it anymore;, I ran as fast as possible home. The second I stepped into the
house, mom was screaming and crying right away when she saw me. I ran and hugged her , but then she
collapsed into my arms and sobbed uncontrollably. I held her tight and tried to comfort her, but I was
shaking too.

I heard later that the attacker was arrested, but what good is that when someone has lost their life? What
good is that when a family has lost their father? I feel numb and helpless. How can we live in a world
where hate and violence are so prevalent? How can we overcome such hatred and ignorance?

That man killed my dad, and also my family.

Rest in peace, my dear father. You will always be in my heart…

Sep 4, 2020

Dear diary,
That is it, first day of work at TSMC. Not bad, not incredibly good, but... I think I make a good
impression. Right? I love this job, and please, God, help me pass this internship. From the day dad died,
everything went bad. Mom has also been very sick recently too. She's the only one I have left. So please,
God, be on my side this time…please…

Oh, one more thing, I heard some tea today. It’s about the ex-employee who worked as an engineer too,
but he decided to quit at TSMC and move to China. How could he do that? Just imagine being employed
by a company that belongs to a nation that has intentions to invade your country, your homeland, and strip
you of your freedom. What can I say? That is f***ing messed up. Such a backstabber.

Dec 16, 2020

Dear diary,
I made it!!! Thank God of luck and dad's blessings. I have a full-time job now with a generous salary
increase. I can take better care of mom now! I must have been a superhero in my past life to be this lucky.
When they called my name for best employee of the month, I was ecstatic! But it's not just luck, I work
hard, and I'm proud of it. One day, hopefully, I'll be the manager, and they'll call me Manager Chih-weh.

Almost forgot, there are more and more of my colleagues who move to China because of their offer. I
can’t believe it. Why? How? Do they even think oftheir family members who stay in Taiwan?.Their eyes
and minds must be blinded by money or something.

Jun 28, 2022

Dear diary,
I never thought I would find myself in this situation. For years, I have been working hard, proud to call
myself a loyal employee of both my company and my country. When I see more and more of my
colleagues betraying TSMC and our country by leaving to work for China, in the beginning I was angry
and disappointed that they would choose money over loyalty, but now that I have also received an offer
like it, I find myself torn.

On one hand, I have a deep sense of loyalty to TSMC and Taiwan. Leaving TSMC for a competitor in
China would be a betrayal of everything I believe in. I also don't want to let my country down, as I feel a
duty to contribute to its growth and prosperity. Most importantly, one of them took my dad away.

On the other hand, the offer from the Chinese company is very tempting. It offers a much higher salary
and more opportunities for growth and career advancement. If I go there, I will be able to pay mom's
medical bill…her health is getting worse.

AHHH, I don’t know what to do now…

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