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The file should include:

1.Cover page, with the title of the project, school details and details of the student.
2.Certificate of Completion under the guidance of the teacher.
3.Objectives of the topic.
4.Action Plan for the completion of assigned tasks (steps involved in doing the project)
5.The 800-1000 words essay/report
6.Student reflections (what new learning experience/outcome you have achieved after completing
the project)
7.If possible, photographs that capture positive learning experience of the students.
(collages/pictures from various online sources)
8.List of Resources/Bibliography (Last page of the project file)


Topics are distributed Roll-No Wise.

Roll no. 1 will get topic no. 1, Roll no. 2 will get topic no. 2 and so on…

1. Comparative Analysis of Dystopian Literature: Analyse and compare dystopian novels or

films and discuss their relevance to contemporary society.
2. Environmental Impact of Literature: Explore how literature can raise awareness about
environmental issues and inspire change.
3. Gender Representation in Literature: Investigate the portrayal of gender roles and
stereotypes in classic and modern literature.
4. The Influence of Technology on Language: Study the impact of technology, like social
media, on the English language and communication.
5. Literature and Social Change: Analyse how literature has contributed to social movements
and change throughout history.
6. Cultural Significance of Folktales: Investigate the cultural and societal values reflected in
traditional folktales and their relevance today.
7. Linguistic Diversity in India: Explore the linguistic diversity of India and its influence on
English as a second language.
8. Psychological Analysis of Literary Characters: Analyse the psychology of characters in a
specific novel or play, examining their motivations and development.
9. Literary Adaptations in Film: Compare a literary work to its film adaptation, discussing how
the medium affects the interpretation of the story.
10. Contemporary Issues in Literature: Examine how literature addresses issues such as
mental health, diversity, and identity.
11. Interdisciplinary Analysis of a Literary Work: Choose a literary work and analyse it from
multiple perspectives, incorporating elements of history, sociology, psychology, and literature to
provide a holistic view.
12. Media Literacy and the Influence of Mass Media: Investigate how mass media, including
news, social media, and advertising, shape public perception and critical thinking skills.
13. The Evolution of the English Language: Study the historical development of the English
language, considering its cultural and social impacts.
14. Literature and Cultural Diversity: Examine how literature reflects and promotes cultural
diversity, tolerance, and inclusivity.
15. Literature and Sustainable Development: Explore how literature can raise awareness
about environmental issues and contribute to sustainable development goals.
16. Impact of Literature on Mental Health: Investigate how reading literature can positively
influence mental health and well-being.
17. Literature and Social Change: Analyse the role of literature in driving social change and
addressing contemporary societal issues.
18. Comparative Study of Literary Genres: Compare different literary genres (e.g., poetry,
prose, drama) and their impact on readers and society.
19. The Psychology of Literary Characters: Conduct a psychological analysis of characters
from a specific novel or play to understand their motivations and behaviours.
20. Literature and Ethical Dilemmas: Explore how literature presents and addresses ethical
dilemmas, fostering moral reasoning skills.
21. The Influence of Social Media on Language and Communication: Explore how social
media influences language and communication.
22. An Analysis of Gender Stereotypes in Advertising: Investigate the portrayal of gender in
23. Impact of Literature on Social Change: Analyse the role of literature in driving social
change and addressing contemporary societal issues.
24. Environmental Awareness through Literature: A Study of Eco-poetry
25. Representation of Mental Health in Contemporary Literature: Investigate how reading
literature can positively influence mental health and well-being.
26. The Role of Folktales in Cultural Preservation: Examine how literature reflects and
promotes preservation of cultural.
27. Investigating the Evolution of Language in the Digital Age: Study the historical
development of the English language in Digital Age.
28. Humour in Literature: Analysing the Use of Humour in Literature as a Social Commentary.
29. Comparative Analysis of Dystopian Literature: Analyse and compare dystopian novels or
films and discuss their relevance to contemporary society.
30. Indian literature: Comparative Study of Literary Works from Different Regions of India.
31. The Influence of Mythology on Modern Literature: the use of Mythology in a novel of your
32. Exploring Science Fiction as a Genre for Social Commentary: Study and Analyse a novel
from science fiction genre.
33. A Study of Linguistic Diversity in Multilingual Literature: Examine how literature
reflects and promotes linguistic diversity.
34. The Impact of Poetry on Emotional Expression: Study and Examine poetry as an
expression of emotions by giving suitable example.
35. The Role of Literature in Promoting Environmental Sustainability: Explore how
literature can raise awareness about environmental issues and contribute to sustainable
development goals.
36. Impact of Literature on Mental Health: Investigate how reading literature can positively
influence mental health and well-being.
37. Literature and Social Change: Analyse the role of literature in driving social change and
addressing contemporary societal issues.
38. Comparative Study of Literary Genres: Compare different literary genres (e.g., poetry,
prose, drama) and their impact on readers and society.
39. The Psychology of Literary Characters: Conduct a psychological analysis of characters
from a specific novel or play to understand their motivations and behaviours.

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