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C. K. Pithawala College of Engineering & Technology, Surat.

B.E 2nd Year 3rd Semester

Effective Technical Communication (3130004)

Important Questions Based on GTU Papers

Chapter 3: Technical Communication

Public Speaking
Q. What is Public Speaking? Write a note on the tips for effective public
speaking skills. (07)
Q. Define Public Speaking. Discuss the important tips for effective public
speaking skills. (07)
Q. Enlist the types of public speaking and exemplify the general qualities of an
effective public speaker. (03)

Group Discussion
Q. What is group discussion as part of the recruitment process? Which key
skills are essential for successful participation in group discussion? (04)
Q. Explain the dos and don’ts of group discussion in detail. (07)
Q. Write a brief note on the tips for success in Group Discussion. (03)
Q. Discuss some important tips for success in Group Discussion. (03)
Q. Explain group discussion as part of the recruitment process mentioning key
skills. which are essential for successful participation in group discussion? (04)

Creative and Critical Thinking:

Q. For effective communication, one must develop critical and creative thinking
process. Discuss. (03)
Q. Explain critical thinking and creative thinking. (03)
Q. Differentiate between Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking. (04)
Q. What is the importance of critical and creative thinking process for effective
communication? (03)

Presentation Strategies
Q. Explain the strategies for an effective presentation. (07)
Q. What are the presentation strategies? Define in detail. (07)
Q. Explain the strategies for an effective presentation (07)

Interview Skills
Q. Explain the importance of body language in for a successful interview. (03)
Q. How does the body language play an important role in an interview? (05)
Q. “You can tell a lot by someone's body language.” Elaborate the use of body
language during interviews. (04)
Q. Write a note on preparations required before job interview. (03)

Negotiation Skills
Q. Define negotiation skills. What are various stages of negotiation process?
Q. Enlist the negotiation skills with suitable illustrations. (04)
Q. Explain the types of Negotiation. (03)
Q. Write the types of Negotiation. (03)
Chapter 4: Ethics in Engineering

Scope of Engineering ethics

Q. Define Engineering ethics. Explain significance of its study with reference to
an individual and an organization. (07)
Q. What do you mean by engineering ethics? Explain. (03)
Q. Define the term – Ethics. (03)
Q. Explain the scope of the engineering ethics. (07)
Q. Define the term – Engineering Ethics. (03)
Q. Illustrate the term – Ethics. (03)
Q. Explain the scope of the Engineering Ethics. (07)
Q. What is Engineering Ethics? (03)
Q. Discuss Engineering ethics with reference to its scope and purpose. (07)

Accepting and sharing responsibility

Q. What do you mean by sharing and accepting responsibility? (04)
Q. What are the values required for accepting and sharing responsibility as
engineer? (07)
Q. Explain the values required for accepting and sharing responsibility as an
engineer. (07)

Responsible professionals and ethical corporations

Q. Explain importance of the study of engineering ethics with reference to an
individual and an organization. (07)

Resolving ethical dilemmas

Q. Write a brief note on ethical dilemma and steps to resolve it. (03)

Making moral choices

Q. Explain various approaches for making moral choices. (03)
Q. Why making moral choices are difficult? (03)
Chapter 5: Etiquettes

Telephone etiquettes
Q. Write a brief note on the effective telephone etiquettes. (04)
Q. Write a note on etiquette that one should follow while receiving or placing a
call for business purpose. (04)
Q. Discuss telephonic etiquettes in detail. (07)
Q. Enlist the etiquette that one should follow while making and receiving a call.
Q. What are the effective telephone etiquettes? (04)

Etiquettes for foreign business trips

Q. Write a note on the etiquettes for foreign business trips. (04)
Q. How will you prepare for a business trip abroad? What manners and
etiquettes will you follow? (07)
Q. How does a successful businessman follow the business etiquettes on a
foreign trip? (04)

Etiquettes for small talks

Q. What are the etiquettes for small talks? (04)

Respecting privacy
Q. What is respecting privacy? Explain. (03)

Learning to say NO
Q. Why is it important to learn to say NO? How can it be expressed politely?
Q. How can one say ‘NO’ politely with regards to time management? (03)
Q. “It's only by saying NO that you can concentrate on the things that are really
important.” Illustrate the statement in the light of when and how to say NO. (07)
Q. “Saying NO is a stepping stone in the life of a professional.” Illustrate the
statement in the light of when and how to say NO. (07)
Q. Write detailed note on: 1. Learning to say no 2. Respecting privacy (07)

Time management
Q. Illustrate the importance of Time Management for a successful professional.
Q. “The advantages of time management are enormous”- Discuss various
strategies and advantages of time management. (04)
Q. Why effective time management is necessary for becoming a successful
engineer? Discuss with suitable examples. (07)
Q. “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst”. Illustrate the
importance of Time Management for a successful professional. (07)
Q. What are the techniques of effective time management? Explain advantages
of time management. (07)

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