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ENGL439 - Reflective 2

Name: ______________________________________
Class: _____________________
Total words: _______________
Question: How have you improved your knowledge/skills of teaching a skill lesson? You must base
writing on your own reflection after your/ your group’s microteaching and observation. You should write
about 300 words.
Topic sentence

Appendix 1
Assessment rubrics
4 (Exemplary) 3 (Proficient) 2 (Developing) 1 (Novice)

Task fulfilment Completed every line of Most lines were Some lines were Few or no lines
the template competed, but not all. completed. were completed.
(30 points)
30 20 15 5

Depth of Metacognitive: Student Analytical: Student Empathic: Student Descriptive:

reflection examines the learning applies learning to a demonstrates Student
process, showing broader context of thoughts about or demonstrates
(30 points) what/how learning teaching practice. challenges to beliefs, acquisition of new
occurred, and how values, and attitudes content from
newly acquired of self and others. significant learning
knowledge or learning experiences but
altered existing does not apply new
knowledge. content to self.

30 5


Synthesis and Uses specific and Uses relevant Uses general or vague Uses
integration convincing examples examples from examples from unconvincing,
from the teaching teaching practice and teaching practice and poorly specified
(20 points) practice and follow-up follow-up discussion follow-up discussion examples or does
discussion in the course in the course as well in the course as well not include
as well as the reading to as the reading to as the reading to examples at all;.
reflect your reflect your reflect your
teaching/learning and teaching/learning and teaching/learning and
shape future action. shape future action. shape future action.
20 15 10

Language use Word choice, ELT terms Appropriate word Occasional use of Frequent use of
and tone appropriate to choice, ELT terms slang or inappropriate slang or
(10 points) academic writing; and tone; some or inaccurate inappropriate or
sentences vary in length attention to sentence language, ELT terms; inaccurate
and complexity. structure and variety. minimal discernible language, ELT
attention to sentence terms; no explicit
length and variety. attention to
sentence length
and variety.

10 8

Writing Demonstrates control of Demonstrates control Demonstrates partial Demonstrate little

conventions academic writing of academic writing control of academic or no control of
conventions with conventions, writing conventions, academic writing
(10 points) essentially no or 1-4 exhibiting 5-8 errors. exhibiting 8-12 conventions,
errors, errors do not Errors do not impede errors. Errors impede exhibiting more
impede readability. readability. readability in a few than 12 errors.
places. Errors impede

10 8

Appendix 2
Reflective model
Describe: What did you see, hear, do, or read? Be as brief and objective as possible.

Starting phrases:

The most interesting insight is ...

A significant issue I had not realised until now is ...

I now realise (understand ...) that ...

Interpret: Interpret what happened. What new insights have you gained? How does this experience connect with
other things you’ve learned (ELT methods/procedures/techniques, etc.) or experienced before? How did
the experience make you feel?
Starting phrases:

This experience idea is relevant to me because…

This reminded me of the idea that…

A possible implication could be…

Evaluate: Make a judgement. How useful was this experience? What is your opinion? Why do you think this might

Starting phrases:

Having realised the importance of ..., I can now understand…

This experience will change the way I view ...

Being able to see… in this way is extremely valuable for me because…

Plan: Comment on how this experience might inform your future thoughts or actions. How could you
apply what you’ve learned from the experience in the future? How might the experience relate to your

Starting phrases:

This is beneficial to me as my teaching requires…

In order to further develop this skill…I will…

Next time…I will…by…

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