AssessFinalProject Rebecca+Metzger

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Final Project Planning Template:

Assessment in 21st Century Classrooms

As a final project for this course, you will outline an assessment plan for one unit that you teach
in your own classroom. You will revisit this document in each module, adding relevant
information as you explore topics in the course. A completed final project will be due to your
facilitator by the end of Module Five.

MODULE ONE: 21st Century Learning

Step 1: Choose Your Focus Unit

Identify one unit that you teach for which you would like to build an assessment plan. Use the
space below to write a brief description of the unit, including the current methods you use for
student assessment.

Describe unit: Employment Portfolio: Focuses on developing interviewing skills

and writing a resume, cover letter, and thank you letter. I will only be working on
the interviewing skills portion for this final project.

Describe how you currently assess students’ performance during unit: Students begin
the module with a pre-test and take a post-test at the end of the module. Students
take a small timed test to demonstrate their ability to follow directions at the very
beginning of the module. Students create a resume, cover letter, and a thank you
letter. Instructors review the work products and return to students with
corrections. We are very much lacking on emphasizing interviewing skills as a
group lesson. We typically prepare students individually before they have an
interview with a mock interview with an instructor. Earlier instruction would help
increase their skills and decrease their anxiety with interviewing.

Step 2: 21st Century Skills

In Module One you learned about the necessity of integrating 21st Century Skills into classroom
instruction. Where are there opportunities for you to teach 21st Century Skills in the focus unit
you outlined above? In the space below, list at least three 21st Century Skills that you can
integrate into your unit, as well as the specific technology tools students will need in order to
learn those skills.

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21st Century Skill Technology Tool
Communication & Collaboration
Internet, Communication, & Technology Use a WebQuest for students to conduct
research on interview preparation
Productivity & Accountability checklists

Step 3: The Role of Formative Assessment

Teachers who use the information gathered from formative assessments can help students
grow as learners. Take a moment to think about the role of formative assessment in your focus
unit. What kinds of changes would you need to make in your assessment practices to include
more formative assessments?

I already observe students, but I am not looking for specific behaviors. I could create a
quick checklist to document observations about students. I am currently not using any
rubric in the class, and I am learning this is a great assessment tool to use before and
after a unit. Students can also journal their reflections on daily lessons and also the
interviewing section on edmodo. I recently made a WebQuest that may be able to be
used as a planning guide for interview preparation.

MODULE TWO: Assessment Strategies

Step 4: Assessing Projects Application

For Step 4, please select either Option A: Use an existing rubric or Option B: Build a new rubric.

Option A: Use an existing rubric

Explore the rubrics shown throughout Module 2 or in the Assessing Projects library. Select and
save at least one product or performance rubric and at least one 21st Century skill rubric.
Describe how and when you would use each assessment in your focus unit.

Product or Performance Rubric name:

How I will use the rubric in my focus unit:

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21st Century Skill Rubric:

How I will use the rubric in my focus unit:

Option B: Build a new rubric

Use the grid below to begin building a rubric for your focus unit. After building the rubric,
describe how and when you would use the assessment in your focus unit.

***This Mock Job Interview Rubric was modified from Rcampus

Poor Fair Good-Excellent

5 pts 10 pts 15 pts
First Impression -Shows up late -On time for interview -Early for interview
Promptness -Does not shake hand -Dressed in business -Professional
Appearance -Dirty/wrinkled clothing casual attire appearance/attire
-Too much make-up or -Clothes somewhat -Well groomed hair,
jewelry, cologne wrinkled make-up
-Chewing gum -Clothes clean &
-Distracting hair, make- pressed
up, visible tattoos, -No chewing gum
piercings, etc.
Greeting -No greeting -Acceptable behavior, -Professional behavior
Professionalism -No handshake lacking professionalism -Greets interviewer with
Eye Contact -Little or no eye contact -Weak handshake “Hello”, handshake,
Communication -Unacceptable behavior -Introduced self with “Hi” “thank you.”
-Does not bring copy of or other inappropriate -Excellent eye contact
resume greeting -Hands resume to
-Use of some eye interviewer
Preparation -Knows nothing about -Knows some general -Knowledgeable about
Knowledgeable the available position or information about the the available position
Prepared seems to make up available position and relates skills to the
information -Prepared for some job
-Did not prepare for any questions -Prepared and practiced
of the questions being interview questions
General Attitude -Lack of interest & -Seems interested, but -Interested &
Interest enthusiasm could be more informed enthusiastic about the
Responses -Answers “yes” or “no” on some topics interview
and fails to elaborate -Gives well constructed -Gives well constructed,
-Talks negatively about responses, but sounds confident responses
past employers rehearsed or unsure that are genuine
-Negative & pessimistic -Lacks enthusiasm, -Responses
attitude rarely smiles demonstrate “good fit”

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*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
-Doesn’t smile for position
-Smiles often
Poise & Delivery -Slouching -Brief slouching, but -Good posture
Posture -Distracted quickly corrects self -Nice tone of voice,
Communication -Looking at watch -Good tone of voice, but speaks clearly
Nervousness -Disinterested answers still hesitant -No nervous habits
Vocabulary -Uses slang, street talk, -Some nervous fidgeting -Minimal mistakes in
or swears sentence structure and


25 pts = Will not get the job! 50 pts = May get the job! 75 pts = Will get the job!

Your points earned = ______________pts. Discuss changes needed for the next job interview
on edmodo.

How I will use the rubric in my focus unit: I will provide the rubric to the students at the
beginning of the project as a guide for students to understand what is expected of them
during their mock interview. The rubric will then be used at the end of the unit as a type
of peer assessment. Students from another ABE classroom will use Skype to interview
my students using the rubric. They will discuss the rubrics and comments.

MODULE THREE: Assessment Methods

Step 5: Instructional Activities as Assessment

Describe how you might use each instructional activity as assessment in the classroom unit you
are planning for your Final Project.

Title of Assessment How Assessment Might be Integrated into Unit

Graphic Organizers I found one graphic organizer that is used to have

students identify a list of information they would like to
know about an employer and how they can turn those
ideas into questions to ask during an interview.

Journals and Learning Logs Students can use Edmodo to reflect on their interview

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Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
and examine questions they answered well and also
questions they could have answered better. Students
will share their action plan for future interviews.

Products and Performances Students can participate in mock interviewing and also
use Skype for mock interviewing. I thought about
students participating in an interview clothing fashion
show at the end of the unit.

Step 6: Conferences as Assessment

Informal discussions, observations, and conferencing can also be a vital part of your overall
assessment plan for a unit. Describe how you might include each type of assessment method
listed below into the focus unit you are developing.

Type of Assessment How Assessment Might be Integrated into Unit

Observation Develop an observation checklist of when students have

shared their work….their avatar on voki, mock interview,
participation in an interview clothes fashion show (make
a checklist of appropriateness of attire & hygiene)

Peer Assessment Students will use a rubric for mock interviewing peers.

Self-Assessment Students will use an interview checklist to identify what

they need to do to prepare for an interview.

Student-Teacher Conference Meet with students to identify progress made in

preparing for interviewing and identify problem areas or
obstacles. Develop goals or identify resources to
overcome external or internal barriers.

MODULE FOUR: Assessment Development

Step 7: Effective Assessment Timeline

Create an Assessment Timeline for your focus unit. Remember to plan assessments throughout
the project that meet all five purposes:

 Gauging Student Needs

 Encouraging Collaboration and Self-Direction
 Monitoring Progress
 Checking Understanding and Encouraging Metacognition
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 Demonstrating Understanding

Assessment Timeline

Before project After project work

work begins During project work is completed

Interviewing Rubric Interview Preparation Interviewing Rubric

(Introduced) Checklist

KWL Chart KWL Chart Revisited

Step 8: Assessment Methods and Purposes

To complete your Assessment Plan for your focus unit, develop a table of assessment
strategies that aligns to the Assessment Timeline you created above.

As you think through the purpose and process for each assessment, you may need to modify
your Assessment Timeline to best meet each of your goals and objectives.

You may want to review the Guiding Questions document as you write your Assessment Plan.

Assessment Process and Purpose of Assessment

Interviewing Rubric Students will be provided with the Interviewing Rubric at the
Introduced beginning of the unit to help guide them on what they need to
KWL Chart do to prepare for the mock interview. The Interviewing Rubric
will also aid them in utilizing the KWL chart to identify what
they already know about interviewing and what they want to
know before starting the unit.
Interview Preparation Students will utilize the interview preparation checklist to plan
Checklist on how to make a good impression with their physical
appearance. The checklist will also address practicing
interview questions, arranging transportation, etc.
Interviewing Rubric The Interviewing Rubric will be used by students in another
KWL Chart class to interview my students via Skype. They will share the
assessment with comments with students upon completion of
the mock interview. The students will then complete the “L”
section of the KWL Chart to identify what they need to work
on for the next job interview, citing resources, and how they
can effectively learn and practice this information and skills.

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*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
MODULE FIVE: Assessment in Action

Step 9: Assessment Management Strategies

Now that you have an assessment plan in place for your focus unit, you will need to think about
how to organize, track, and maintain the assessment data that you gather.

Describe how you will organize and track student assessment data.
Students will be provided with the rubrics and KWL chart at the beginning of the focus
unit. I will use an excel sheet to help track who has completed the unit. This is
important, as we have new students weekly, and students exit weekly. A student-teacher
conference will take place upon completion of the rubric and KWL Chart. A copy will be
placed in the student’s file.

Describe how you will help your students organize their assessment data.
Students will be provided with the rubric and KWL Chart. They will keep these
worksheets in their student three ring binder. Students schedule to meet with an
instructor when these are completed. They will keep the originals for future interview

Step 10: Reflection and Goal Setting

Review your ideas for tracking and organizing student assessment data from above. How will
you and your students use the information from the assessment data?

1. Consider how students can use the assessment information to:

 Reflect on their learning

 Modify their goals or actions
 Revise their work
 Build on their 21st century skills, and so on

Describe what you will have your students do with the assessment data they collect and
The bottom of the rubric instructs students to reflect on their learning and post it on
edmodo. Students will share how the experience went, what they learned from the
experience, which questions they answered the most effectively, which questions they
had the most difficulty in answering, and how to improve their effort for the next
interview. Students will share their plan for addressing these needs and possible

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*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
technological resources to meet these needs.

2. Determine how you will use the assessment data to:

 Modify instruction
 Determine proficiency
 Plan future units, and so on

Describe how you will use student assessment data that you organize and track.
If several students are doing poorly in one area, then this means that I need to spend
more time on that area and/or assess how to teach the information differently.
Proficiency will be determined by the rubric scores, the ability of the student to review
their own work, and to share their work with others in the class.

Step 11: Summing it up

As a final piece of your project, give a narrative description (1-3 paragraphs) of the focus unit
and assessment plan that you have developed. Write in enough detail that a fellow teacher can
understand your plan even if he/she is not familiar with the content area that you teach.

The unit of focus is on job interviewing skills. Students will initially be provided with a
rubric of a mock interview and a KWL chart to identify what they know about job
interviews and what they want to learn. These worksheets will be kept in the student’s
daily, white, three ring binder. It will be necessary to explain the use of a rubric for
students, as this is not a practice in our classroom.

Introduce students to the Interviewing WebQuest on weebly at This
WebQuest will provide students with the resources to identify different types of
interviews, typical interview questions and answers, illegal interview questions, and
how to dress appropriately for job interviews. These resources can assist students
with completing their KWL chart. A job interview checklist will be available on the
WebQuest for students to help them get ready for the mock interview.

The WebQuest will also ask students to create an avatar using to
answer the interview questions of “Tell me about yourself”. Students can share their
avatar on the class edmodo site for feedback from peers. The WebQuest also informs
students they will be participating in a mock interview via Skype. The Mock Interview
rubric will be used to evaluate them during the Skype session. After being evaluated
with a rubric, students will reflect on their interview experience on edmodo, specifically
identifying a plan of action for improving their interviewing skills. A teacher-student
conference at the end of the unit will help students finalize their plan for strengthening
interviewing skills.

Copyright © 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and Intel Education are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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