Opinion Essay Full Outline

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The recent popularity (sự phổ biến) of online shopping will result in the end
of high street shops. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There can be no doubt that the topic of shopping methods / styles is one
which deserves some analysis. It is the opinion of this writer that the weight
of evidence tips the scales towards those who online shopping will be more
convenient than purchasing at street stores.

Central to this issue is the point that it is cheaper to buy things on the

The idea that many items are only available on e-commerce platforms is also
of decisive importance.

A final consideration is that elderly people can particularly benefit from

online services.

Thus (Tổng kết lại), it can be seen that (có thể thấy rằng) there are several
merits (~ many benefits) for internet-based business. Therefore (Do đó),
there is ample evidence to conclude that (có nhiều lý do để kết luận rằng)
brick-and-mortar stores will be replaced completely by e-commerce. (lặp lại
thesis statement NHƯNG viết khác từ).  2.5-2.75
The recent popularity (sự phổ biến) of online shopping will result in the end
of high street shops. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There can be no doubt that the topic of … is one which deserves some
analysis. It is the opinion of this writer that the weight of evidence tips the
scales towards those who believe …, despite some reservations.

Central to this issue is the point that …

The idea that … is also of decisive importance.

However, there is another point of view which holds that buyers can try on
things they want to buy.

Thus (Tổng kết lại), it can be seen that (có thể thấy rằng) the flaw (mặt hại,
mặt xấu) is outweighed by (lấn áp bởi) several merits of internet-based
business. Therefore (Do đó), there is ample evidence to conclude that (có
nhiều lý do để kết luận rằng) brick-and-mortar stores will be replaced
completely by e-commerce. (lặp lại thesis statement NHƯNG viết khác từ).
 2.5-2.75

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